Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1904, p. 5

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to the Share- al Meeting dank on 904, he Shareholders ling 31st May, tory, amoun! Profit and 'Loss ear, have been { » $100,000 00 75,000 00 ' 22,613 96 his year, now , all of which » exception of . as been made uties with geal F. COWAN, President. . .. 183,007 17 $197,513 9% --e-- $50,000 00 50,000 00 75,000 00 22,513 9¢ $197,513 96 mm ---- 8 908,600 00 - 11,450917 39 . 20513 8q 815,782,314 14 ET------ $227,543 82 772,472 00 549,096 88 50,000 00 202,014 63 239,240 04 2,733,945 22 334,307 27 $5,108,625 80 10,425,906 13 123.364 S1 BUT THERE IS . ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING T-- W---------- Be Pur otesems and Bosnomical POWDER LAND WEDDING, -- dike of which has [J bY the most imaginative of noveli 'took place a fow days ago in 4 lit market town near the north-east hoy dary of county Tyrone, Ireland, It was a wedding of romance surrounded not 'only bride and bridegroom, but the "be man" as weil. '| he bridegroom the most popular and wealphiest g, perhaps, but a fine, straight Lacke broad sl The bride was a real daughter Erin, with a pretty, sunny face, pair of large, brown, roguish and a wealth of w She was much Younger than 1 bridegroom, and her face h only fortune. These latter circumstances fed to ¢ eve was duties of "best man." are merely quarry for Jat and bring down. arrived, and so did the "best man. The wedding was the talk of th country for miles around" and dawn folk began to flock into little town on foot and in carts. before the de Long Sr ---- BORROWED MAN] UNUSUAL NORTH OF jpg. Friends Deserted The Groom, Whe Rever been depicted in which a hale in the district; not in his first youth, houldered man for al that. avy chestnut hair. But difficulties Cupid to nim The happy day hy the farmers' orations were finished and the church bells be. Exceptional Skill. * Terre Haute, vear-old Mary Hendricks, set, Ky., who passed Haute, Was Compelled To Resog: To ed by her half brother, caused consid- a Departmental Store For a Sable . oanent at the depot where Man To Act 4s she was on account of her beautiful Best Man. face and slight graceful figure, de London, July 2j. A wedding | the | formed, however, hy the absence of to town, accompanied by her sister, who like her, out arms, giving Sts the an- s Hendricks' sister for several weeks = he er Both of he SISTERS WITHOUT ARMS. : -- Though Deformed Are Musicians of July 21. -- Thirteen- of Summer " through Terre Friday afternoon, accompani- arms. Miss Hendricks goes from town | was born with- exhibitions demon- has been ill and has not heen able to accompany them on this trip. the girls are talented musi cians, playing on the mandolin, guitar WHAT IS GOING ON IN ¢ LFE. -- A Galt Reporter Man Here--T. Mary's. Architect W. L. is in the eity. twin sell, Deseronto, terday. Miss Lezlia Hoselton, Bath, ing her sister, Mrs, bot Lake. her ath. is spending holidays with h parents at of the Reporter, Galt, was in city on Wednesday. Rev. James, Roy, Roy, Niagars Falls, MENTION, Marquis is in Western States-- Next Sunday's Preacher At St. Symons, Toronto, Thomas J. Naylon and W. J. Rus. were in the city yes. is visit- Frank Richards, Edward J. Swift and Fred. Maund are spending their vacation at Shar- Miss Millie E. Hoselton, Kingston, A. G. Donaldson, husiness manager the LLD.; and Mrs. SE i ry strating their wonderful powers. She rs. Barwick. Montre i isiti is now on her way to St. Louis, where ee 1 city. Real, is iting the | she will stay during the remainder of Mr. Galbraith, of the Gananoque | & st | the exposition. High School, is in town, 5c. to 50c. was The girl is very pretty, with clear Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Menzies, Co. | bushel, rye, Soe. an | beautiful skin and deep expressive bourg, were in the city yesterday. Meat. --Beef, 5c. to Se. eyes. Her head is covered with a William MeGall is spending a week | 5¢- to Sc. a Ib; spring od, | wealth of rich, golden hair, and the at Garrett's Rest near Smith's Falls, | $1.25 quarter; mutton, Je. fact that she is armless rather more Nir. and Mrs. Ernest Ely and child, | Ib: yearling Lamb, Se. a lb; of | adds to the prominence of her beauty | New York, are ¥isiting friends in the lamb, 9c. to 10c. a Ib; pork, by a | than detracts from it. itv. quarter, 7c. to Sc. a lb; live hogs, M [ $4.75, a cwt.; dressed hogs, $6 50 a ewt. Fruit.--Lemons, bananas, 15c. to 2c. a dozen; es, 15¢. to 80c. a dozen; a box; Vogetablos---New potatoes 30c. a peck; turnips, Se. rots, 5c. a hunch; "" | tomatoes, 10. a Ib; new cabbage, Sc, a head; green onions, Se. a bunch. Poultry--Chickens, 70c. to £1 pai broilers, 75¢. to $1.25; fowl, T0c. $1 _a pair; turkeys, 12. to 15cu 1b: ec. to We. a dozen; peaches, 20c. to 30c. a dozen. be. to a bunch; car beets, Bo. a bunch; to » to E are doi MEN'S i an | and banjo. They play excellently also | Kingston. 124c. quart; cherries, 70c. a basket; After his sixteen estrangement between the bridegroour | on the piano, performing everything Miss M. Mackay came to the city, watermelons, . B0c. each; cantaloups, bo i th birthday og his relatives, ter bs unroman- { with their feet. Not only in that way | yesterday, from MNontreal, to visit 30; Salilarsia plus, 10e. to seu h y oO he is a young man, and ic mae Iriends deserted him, and} gre the girls talented, but have ex. | ho ozen; apricots, 200. a dozen; is clothin catered not one of them would discharge {he a minl ge well, ox her mother. currants, 60. a box; raspberries, 10. 15 g wants must be those of any man. must be just right, must fashion. r; A : an immense : LOTHES, is what all young men want and Clothes must be selected es The NEW SUITS are ready and a new idea in cut and style of our suits, ! s wi have the latest gan to clash out, the narrow, .old- Av Sng f were mn Fish--White fish, salmon trout, and Youn en fashi 3 the city yesterday. : a fashioned streets were packed with Princival Gordon will conduct oh pickerel, 124c. a Ib; Saguenay sal. people--so thronged, indeed, that go oe AReIpa in St. A TE Bo p, jmon, 30c. a lb; butter fish, 12jc. a . : body of the bridegroom's retainers 8 Service Sund ig W 2 cure, 11h; pike, Se. a Ib; lobsters, 30c. a Suits, $7, $8.50, $10, $12, $14 and $15. v had to force a way through for the anos H Or od Master Jack ib. Panttle mon, yw le Extra T) $ $ ; $: ] : ; : h Ee Ss. J. . S A . , ish. Te . . i « 2 ¥ Private jaunting car containing the ls bE os codfish, 7c. to 15c. Ib; halibut, 20c. a xtra rousers, 2, 2.50, $3 5s and : "best man," who, breathless and tra- left yesterday far Watertown, N.Y. to Ib.: haddock, cod and bullheads, 10c. $4 0 *3 -50 vel-weary had arrived just in time at spend a Couple res 8. Kinston. is} Ib.; Yluetish, 15¢. a Ib.; oysters, 50c. +50. i a0 ¥ Lime the railway station. aS rE "P meston, a qt.; perch, 0c. and 0c. a dozen; : uk OFF o-1S Meat Here lo Was. vt: -scciotly by thy 3h iting bee others . at Carleton frogs' legs, 40c. a lb. madkerel, 124c. y New Soft Bosom Shirts in newest and neatest brideg . as strange "te fe Aller a your = shsence, . ja lb. gns. ' ' 71 p hr ricegroom It was a strange meet Miva Flora Dunbar, Toronto. is Hides--These prices: are Ziv by des: S. >: al remium 00 SA m : "» . spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Joh McKay, Brock st. t: Beef : * i Are you my best man ? enquired «John - 1 ay. 0 reet : So pec See ou jwindow the bridigio. nn when that function Ww. H Medley, Albert Street, hides, 6c. a lb; kips, No. 1, Te. a mething s ial at $1. r . ary alighted from the train. The Fv re 4 al anagnn and Dr. Jb.; dekin skins, No. 1, 70c.; veal -- visitor presented certain credentials : DY Lea fames ¥. J alivan. wore visiting ekins. 106, Ib.; lamb skins, 40c. to B0e, ; : y : FOR SALE which Bim on that port. Rbutiic FRED M. WARNER, friends at Portsmouth vesterday. : tallow, rendered, 4je. a lb; tallow, sms i : Tow ROT fo pay paint. publican wandidate for governor of Ww. J. Paul was in Ottawa on Wed rough, 2c. a lb.; fleece wool, washed, Nn Franc 2D BRICK Hous knows everybody else, the crowded . nesday, with a deputation to see Hon. 17c. & Ib.; unwashed, 10c. a Ib, Q ° 4 . Tr * ' " * x ) , & » Street, 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet ig congregation at the church--not the CALL FOR WORKERS, Mr. Brodeur on a tobacco monopoly ---- 2 ; ' " in Jooy decp. Lots of room to | church at which the bridegroom had matter. Ethel J K . utter. The Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. large poultry Bouse." Ri theds and been a worshipper since boyhood, but | A Registered Letter Has Been | i oe Ee rs Heston, = 1 wholsale--Gatunery. 19¢. to 20c. o | 4 SN ig office. Zh 1 the church Stewie I ye bride i Stolen. pene mp ae : Ee} : I ts Ih; farmers' Awrints, 15c. to 18c. a | P08000000000000000 0000000 000000000000 were naturally surprised that the Special to the Whig ai Vey : . Ib.: i ls, 13c. -- - . --- - -- EN JAM: IRS IBS " rr " i p ig avenue, Gananoque. b.; in rolls, . . -----_-- TEAM: HORS iS BOTH An WE 14 best man was a stranger - to oronto, July © 21 --The Canadian A yaa Aanan amy Kingston Retail--Creamery, 2lc. to 2%. a Ib; Big Clear- 5 =. >t, 2 " 1€ » . » &* » 3 - . . - . . » . : in Wagon made by Laturney Ria them. No one: could recognize x that Manufacturers Association claims 10 | spendi few days with his brother, | farmers' prints, 16c. to 19%. a Ib.; in Sale : 3 Stan. new Set Harness, made het] smart, immaculately dressed indivi | have work for 6,716 workmen women He ns bo ays Br is ile. has | rolls, 13c. a Ib. ance Dolan: Pair Blankets. bar, dual with the tawny moustache curl- } and Children, In Ontario th- ' Siuand ance Srammy, in Brockville, has : SATURDAY AL. Sheldrick, Piano Store, 213 Prin. ed upwards a la Kaiser Wilhelm. Even | in a few of the lines is sot d left by mail boat for Montreal. Ques Street, the bride did not know him follows : Beet ug > Tal seid 200 Martin Loveit, a forme Fesidont of a - TRE Ee Tien meantime ome x S: Beet sugar ors, 2 Clings ied in Watertown, N.Y : 3 . THE SHOP, DWELLING AND Puen When the ceremony was over and | men; canners, 190 a Be re 4 Kingston, died jn Natertown, N.Y., Wholesale--Fresh, 16c. a dozen. ises, No. 210 Princess street, occupi- | the "best man's" duties were com- § 100 women: woodenware workers "166 He y Sau; 1 ey tre. -- Retnil- Frosh, JSc. » doses, ay Maker Bros. Apply to John pleted, he departed as suddenly and men, 330 boys. Two hundred men are 3 NE bok rma is atte; NM ¥ 4 ._Selicitor, as mysteriously as he came, only the | wanted as canners in British Colum. 2 Be Hum} ton, os hter of rs. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE | bridegroom being aware of his iden- bia; 80 wale and female boot and ng ee th a tats fe ueen street, een p i | tity. shoe w ors i vhee a= mou x q Hy 3 : Bagot. APBlY 45 Cauaonireal and When the bride groom discovered sho workers in Quebor and 350 ment Pr. Hamilton, of Clinton. He was | The Prices Prevailing at Many ---- . : that oo rand o wi in i are eduliad a= Shautymen in Nova | horn in 1848. Pl : Pr a v to at no B of ce] © posi- | Scotia. anitoba, according to the y A ni 0 . . X . BILIARD TAILLE, Sano, Lak tion he wrote to the London firm, reports, shows the least ot of he Fs yr po) L Flanagan, pastor Montreal, July 19.--About 800 $180. Apply through Whig Office. | pointing out that he understood they people, there being only six men of St. Mary's church, Mon gomery, ,' {head of butchers' cattle, 150 calves Saturday we start one ot STEAM YACHT. feet Office. MONEY AND BUSINESS. Ty LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available | to possess those qualifications: but THER he' Soli otin "11008 10 | nally un antitant in the SK de security the = unlimited liability of | partment was chosen for the mission. all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing eld or giving mew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agcnts. MONEY TO LOAN small sums, at low rates of interest om city and farm property. Logns granted on city and couptv deben- tures. Apply te S. C. Gill, man- ager of Frontenac Loan 'and Invest- ment Society, Office! opposite the Post Office. IN LARGE OR COVER MORE ON oth Examine thet ut Emporium, Maik. OUR POLICIES buildings and contents than any er company oflers. Godwin's Insurance ot Square. DW Real Estate pte ar Agen- | pointed time in vans and other vehi cy, 51 Brock street. : cles. A fine programme of sports and R a VII A Case ry | games followed by the presentation of Suse ROT TAGE, SENT FOV. prizes, a plentiful repast spread upon 298 Princess street! ae SUT the green, a beautiful day, and a mest - == enjoyable experience hy everyone, will ARCHITECTS. cause the Sunday school picnic : of = RE =| July, 1901, as well as all the previous WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITE 'T, OF-| ones, to be pleasantly remembered mor omer incon "aots aca | The thanks of the school were. tom eS. ne trance on Bagot street. | ed Mr. and Mrs. Hora for their kind Telephone 608. ness and consideration, and a happy WRTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT. OF dav was terminated by a pleasant fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor. | (ive home mer of Queen and Montreal Streets SHE RETURNED. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. HEENRY ©». SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete, Anchor Building, Market Ka . 'Phsna 45 EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE SCHOOL, Miss Alice King, assisted by Miss Grace Clark, M.A., and Miss Margaret King will re-open school early in Sep- tember, 215 William street. Classes both morning and afternoon. Pupils prepared for Entrance, Civil Servite wna Matriculation Examina- tions. Junior Classes for Boys and Girls. Apply Alice Street. KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequalled facilities for securing posi- Rios. Largest and best equipment in Canada. 821 Queen SEND Ton XR ineston. R CATALOGUE. Confederation Life Building, Toronto ee CAPILLI FORMA A' clean, healthy tonic, produces Rrowth of at any age, HEADACRS, i 18 a positive cure for NEURALGIA, DAND- DRUFF AND CZEMA, excellent for Mustaches and other tonsori. DH Ghmktoan uli NE. I. I th ug lors, 2351 Princess street, Kingston, . al purposes. ABOUT THIRTY long. Enquire through Whig were "prepared to meet any demands upon their resources." Would they, therefore, send to Ireland the smart. est and most gentlemanly man in their employ to act as his "best man ?"' A number of young fellows claimed He had only a little over an hour in which to dress and fortify himself for the journey, and he was back again before the bride and bridegroom had arrived in England on their honey- moon. . ---- ST. MARK'S S.S. PICNIC. Everything Combined To Make it a Success. The Sunday school picnic of Saint Mark's church, Barriefield was held on the spacious and beautiful grounds of A. R. Hora, on the Front Road, Pitts burg, on Wednesday, July 20th. A goodly gathtring of teachers, pupils, parents and friends arrived at the ap Simcoe Woman Ran Away From Hubby. Hamilton, Ont., July 21 nie Winegardner, a Simcos away from her husband some time last week and coming to this city obtain ed employment at the Hotel Belmont Her husband, who, it is said, has been similarly deserted before this, placed the matter in the hands of the author ities, and a burly constable, visited Mrs. Jen woman, ran the city and induced the wife to re turn to her home. She was a very capable worker, and F. B. Hubert, proprietor of the hotel, says that his only regret is that she is a runaway. ------ KILL GRASSHOPPERS BY TON. One Cent a Pound For Ex- terminating Pests. Salt Lake v, Utah. July 21. Farmers of Central Utah have or ganized to rid hoppers and are insects by' the ton. are particularly namerous in San Pete county and have become great a menace to the agricultural in > terests that that state has placed 4 hounty of one cent a pound on them. The county clerk of San Pete county has, during the last week, paid boun ties on over 5,000 pounds of grass hoppers. their fields of grass exterminating the The grasshoppers s0 ------ We make a specialty of corsets and know the style that will suit. New York Dress Reform. wanted, no boys, but 135 women. It has leaked out that a registere package ronto to the bank, International Fal and addressed. to the Fort post oifice, has miscarried. The vice lett last, package ¥2,000. case. The provincial secretary ed a charter to the d Laurentian Clul of Ottawa, are the leading financial bustess men F. W. Gleeson, Ottawa: Rev, Ww. Ww. sheep sell at about 3je, and the of the city, who do not desire to join Burton, Madoc; 3 Maat, we and others at from 3¢. to Jie. per Ib. any other club at the capital. The child, § Toronto; \ IRIN * wrion Lambs sold at $2.25 to $4 each. Fat promoters;'say the club is to be for | and wife , and Fred Knox, Detroit; hogs sold at from 4c. to Bie. per purely social functions. Mrs. B. Sutter and children, Bran- Ib. . An order-in-council has been passed don. Man.; Charles V. Wilkins, St. Chicago, July 19.--Cattle--Receipts, incorporating the bury, in the district a town, to take cfiect on August 1st The election of municipal officers will take place on tions being held on July 30th. The Blenheim case came Judge Anglin this morning. Affidavit were put in by W. J. O'Brien, of th Sheldon House, A. B. Vester, of th Vester House, the Erie House, that though the loca option. by-law was carried there were fifty illegal votes; inspector and chairman of board were a license, other two members of the board, whe thereby instituted logal option their own: they bad been in business without complaint since, "1876; they, therefore. asked that the license hoard be com pelled to and consider them on their merits. The case was adjourned for a week. B. E appears and Attorney-General Cartwright the hoard Jones SET MADMEN UPON THEM. How Official Punished Prisoners Who Complained. London, July 21.--An astounding incident is reported to have occurred at Kaliseh, in Russia Poland. a remonstrance against bad treatment a hunger strike had been decided upon by political prisoners in the local prisons. The governor there upon made certain concessions, which, however, he afterward repented of, and partially withdrew. The prisoners protested, the gover. nor had one oi them flogged, and a tumult ensued. Two squadrons of sol. diers were immediately sent for, and with their seventeen officers were well. primed with spirits. When the men were mad with drink the governor set them loose among 'the refractory political prisoners. On the departure of the soldiers their victims were found lving 'on the ground with * broken ribs, legs and arms: many were run through with the bavonet; thev had been trodden on, spat on, bound to posts and then beaten with knouts, and manv were so disfigured as to be unrecognizable. As Ordered or ready-made corsets of Hand scrubs only 3c, Cross drag store, Gib=on's Red | every 4 description, shoulder New York Dress Reform. braces, He, of money forwarded from To- Frances ad- er arrived on Saturday .even- but no money was on hand. The contained between $1,200 and The police are working on the has grant- The members of the club village of Raley- of Nipissing, as August 6th, nomina- before and R. B. Buzzard, of by threw, that the license in favor of granting them but were over-ruled by the of that it seemed to be the desire of \the? license department that they should not have a license: that recive their applications for the hotelkeopers for Va. it a guest at the palace. He will d Jin St. Mary's next Sunday. Is ington, on Julv 17th. He was form erly of Lansdowne and Gananoque Carleton Place Canadian. hh ly get . the crown. John, N.B.. are in the city. Miss Adda Stewart, trained nurse from New York City, has returned to { | Kingston and vicinity to spend: the summer months. She will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. M. An glev, Clergy street, and Mrs. C. N. Trotter, Cushendall. 5 John Barr, Kilmarnock, Scotland; ®]S. H. Stanton, Buffalo; B. H. Hall, ©] Peterboro; Mr. and ~ Mrs. Harold A. Richardson and Miss Angier, Now 1 { York: R. G. Thwaites and i. Mad N son. Wis; Dr. J on, Stella, were in the city vesterday and .to-dav. . G. Marqui 3.A.. once English master at the collegiate institute here, formerly with Bradley-Garretson company, and lately with the Morang company, of Toronto, has rejoined the staff of the Brantford company He is in the western states at pre- sent. the ) . WILL REFORM THE PARTY. *| Bryan Will Seek Purification Of : Democrats. 21. William J. Bry an in this week's issue of his paper, fulfils the promi he made last week in "outlining a plan of continuing the fight for economical reform within the democratic party." Mr. Bryan said : "The election of Judge Parker, in stead of interfering with thesg re forms, will open the way for a success ful fight by ridding the country of im perialism, by r ving the race issue and by substituting the spirit. of peaceful progress for the military and warlike syirit engendered by the ac tions and utterances of President Roosevelt. My statement is intended to encourage the reform \ement in the democratic party hy showing that the fight, instead of being over, has in reality just begun." Chicago, Jul Col Taylor In Trouble. Watertown, N.Y, July 21.--Col. W W. Taylor, of Washington, is under arrest at Alexandria Bay, charged with running a roulette wheel. The complainant is Mrs. Aaron S. I. Sha. piro, wife of a New York lawyer, who claims that her husband lost four hundred dollars at the gam®. Two oth. ers, Judge .J. E. Gentry, of Indian Territory, and Sam. Harris, of Phila- delphia, for whom warrants are issu- ed, escaped to Candda. ---------- Remember Brock street C.E. excur- sion to Jones Falls, Friday, leaves arch . deliver Sehishot's Mrs. W. A. Cornett, Kingston, is ad- vised of the death of her father, Wil liam Cornett at North Yakima, Wash. Abraham Shaw, of the customs, is among the number running for the of- fice of deputy grand master, savs the If wit and worth can count, Mr. Shaw will sure- and 700 sheep and lambs were offered for sale at the East End Abattoir t day. About 100 of these cattle were held over from last week's markots, and owing to the very warps weather, and the large supplies, a good many of the cattle will not be sold to-day. Prime beeves sold at Se. to Sfe. per Ib., but they wero not extra, pretty good cattle were very plentiful and lower in price, selling at from 3§c. to 4c. per Ib; the common stock sold at 2c. to 3ic. per Ib. Calves sold at from $250 to $10 each. Shipping 1,000; market steady. Good to piime steers, $5.60 to £6.30; poor to mu dium, $4.50 to 85.25; stockers and feeders, $2.25 to $4.50, heifers, $2 to 85.50; canners, £1.50 to $2.40; bulls, 82, to $4; calves, $2.50 to $5.75; Tex as-fed steers, £3 to 85. Hogs Rutuipte 1,000; market 10c. to 150. Figher. ix- ed and butchers, 85.25 to $5.90; good to choice heavy, £5.60 to 85.85; rough heavy, $5 to 85.40; Nght, $5.40 to 85.85; bulk of sales, £5.10 to $5.75. Sheep--Receipts, 3,000; slow, Good to choice wethers, #4 to $4.50; fair to choice mixed, $2.25 to $4; Dpative lambs, $1 to 85.25, East Buffalo, July 19.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, 650 head; market steady at yesterday's close. Prime atevrs, 86 to 86.40; shipping butchers, 85.25 to $5. 85; heifers, £3.50 to to 85.25; cowr, $3.25 to $1.50; hulls, 83 to $4.25 ; stockers and feeders, 83 to $4.15; stock heifers, $2.25 to $4.95, Voals-- Reevipts 200 head; 25c. lowers $4.50 to 26.75. Hogs- Receipts, 1,700 head : fairly active; Be. lower. Heavy mixed Yorkers and pigs, 86 to $0.20; rough, 25.25 to 85.40; stags, £4.50 to $4.75; dairies, 85.75 to 8. Sheep and lambs, Receipts 2,000 head; slow, wethers, 25¢c. lower. Lambs, 25 to $6.75; ver] ings, 85.50 to 85.75. wethers, $4.75 to 85; ewes, 83.75 to 81; sheep, utixed, £2 to $1.25. ---- One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent. of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living exuenses for every dollar saved. That being the case he cannot be too care iful about unnecessary expenses, V often a few cents properly invested, like buying sceds for his garden, will save dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Sale commences Saturda Here is a partial list of Saturday : bargains which we will a Crockery and China De. ent Porclean Cream Pitchers, Special, for 10c. Dest Ironstong China Covered ble Dishes, regular 50¢., for #bc. Bost Semi regular 15¢. Vegeta Large assortment of White Bowls, reg- ular 10¢. and 1c, Saturday, Se. Big variety of China Cups and Sau cers, floral and gilt decorations, should sell for 25c. Special, for 15¢c. Fancy edgew aod China in Vases, Pijchers, Bowls, etc., an elegant variety, for 13c A large assortment of Medallion Ware, for 15c Large Fancy China Oatmeal Dishes, fn Royal Blue is one of our specials Floral and Gilt decorations, not more than 8 to a customer, Rogular 105¢., for ' Be. The very latest novelty Pig Ornaments, 10c. and 15¢c., Fancy Chinn Nread and Butter Plates, in Floral and Gilt decorations, one of our specials, at 10c. Dainty China Cream Pitchers, Decorat- ed, worth 10c. Special, for dc, Larger sizes in China Pitcher, worth 10¢c. China Decorated Tea Pot Stands, | be, best waren porantt special, for 80c, we Bly : 300. Tor Sail Cake Tine, Merulag Granite White Pudding Jar and 20¢., to go Best Rotinned Culienders, Regular for Sc, - > at Sc. each, 25¢c. and 85c. for 10c. and Gents' Fancy China Shaving Mugs, worth 25¢., for 10c, A swell line of China Cake Plates, worth 25¢. and 35¢., for 15¢c.; only one to a customer. Larger sizes. Regular 85c., and S0c., for 25c. One of our specinls~a Fancy China Decorated Cream Set, 3 pieces. Regular 25c., for 16c.; ono set to customer. Some Specials in Leather Ladies' large nize Wrist Bags, com- plete, with smaller purse inside, jewellod top fasteners, latest style, should well for $1. Saturday, O0c, Hest Leather Chatelaine Bags, Regular 85¢c., for 85¢c. 15¢c. Shawl Straps, 124e. Stationary Department costs but a few cents, and a bottle of i} iin te hot Den saves a doctor's Children's Covered Slates. Special, 8c, | Hundreds of other Bargains, too mis ; 5 y a 100 m. is ollars. For sale by all | an merous to mentiom. |. 5 Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has this year, without doubt, the finest assortment of Scotch and English tweeds, serges and cheviots, and all other class of goods suitable for order work to Swift's wharf 7.30 a.m. Tickets 50¢, | {Lunch eounter on board, : choose from. His prices for suits made to order are from $15. A first Hoe fit and workmanship guaran- Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. received at fo Regular 20c, Special for lar 5¢. Special, 2 packages for Se. Regular 45¢c. box, to clear Jarne size Slates, Regular 10c, special ir Largest size Tablets, Tiled or plais. Large size Business Envelopes. Best English Note Paper, 5c. quire, Roval Irish Vellum papetrie Boxes, at 19. . ST Ete. WN sen 8b¢c. Clearing, ; 25¢., for Fr eg Re A E Ham, . hd wo Tan Lace Hope: ceasing ep Gents" All 25. Purses clearing at 19¢. ey a Sumnude Collars, all Ex) 2%c. Shawl Straps, 176. 16e, 8 Views, mounted on Ladies' Fancy 1 fa Black, and White, worth Son Boe. Tor The. ; Not Biden * PE HN Or wert ma All of 35 Ladies' Wrappers clearing. it a n ink VE All 90c. Wrappers for 79¢. ? Children's 8 " 1o8 bfidren's uspenders, Beguiag Tey Children's Bonnets, worth 28, Saturday, 15. HH Of all kinds. swell line of Kingston! Scribblers, special, 8 for Sec. MeAuley's book store Princess street, Pay water rates and save discount. 15¢.. for Se. WOODS' FAI i

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