desirable that will was a spe- | at these 12}., 15¢c. ! d 20¢. ecial. eet, 25c., tockings 25¢, ockings, ockings, gs, fine r of the I sizes, gs. famous from 1 180 double 24 SE new Fall Hats. We give you your ch 2 § AT 90°CLOCK FOR $1 3 ALL SHAPES. i 3 BUOD QUALITIES, § : The fase :--We need 2 the space { ! 5 Or loss yoseee ; 8Y JENKINS Yi § "114 PRINCESS ST. iF Ada J. Batos, assisted by Miss Mary" 1. Williams, B.A, Mrs. Alida 11. Telgmann, B.G., and others, will re- open her school for Rirls and boys on Septémber Gh. Arfangements made for all grades. French, German, ete. Physical Culture, Elocution, Sewing and Drawing. tin connection. Magners and Morals carefully attended to Applications received at 5 MALES' COTIACES, KINC ST, W, T0 CONTRACTORS, TENDER FOR THE SEVERAL trades works required in making cer- tain mddern improvements to the Muni- cipul Offices in the City Buildings will be. received at the office of the under- signed (Where plans and specifications may be sen), up to 4 o'clock, p.m. Thursday, 28th inst. ~ . Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. NEWLANDS ~ Architect Office, 258 Bagot street, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. FALED TENDERS WILL RE RE- ceived _ at the office of the undersigned (where plans and specifications may be Seenl) up to 5 p.m. of Thursday, July 28th, for. the Painting, Decorating, Car- penter and Joiners works, required in waking certain improvements to Brock street Methodist church. No tender necessarily 'accepted, . M. STORRY, Architect. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO 16 SYD. enham street. TO BUY TWO Goon DRAUGHT Horses. A. Maclean, Ontario street, -- GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO Mrs. Murch, gt 216 Johnston street. A"GIRL TO WORK IN BAKE-SHOP, fages $8 perweek. T. H. Ferguson IMMEDIATELY, AN EXPERIENCED Millinery Trimmer, Apply to Spence Co A BOY, IN THE BAKE-SHOP, AT once. Steady work. Apply to Toye's bakery. ---- A GOOD COOK IMMEDIATELY. HIGH ges paid.' Apply to Mrs. Carson, 196_Johnston street. CIRCULAT "AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- fors, everywhere. No canvassing. Rope Pay. Cooperative Adv. Co.. ee --------------------etsttt A SMART MAN,"TO TAKE CHARGE of shipping room A steady situas tion to the right man. Apply Box A., Whig i A HANDY MAN WITH CARPENTER'S tools, to make himself useful at other Work. A steady situation to a good may. Apply Bex A, Whig. -- --- TO RUY, OR RENT, A SMALL welling. in suburbs, with three or four acres of land. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock street. THACHER (PROTESTANT), FOR .Scheol, Section No. 2, Bedford. Aj ply, stating salary. and experience, to James McNeil, Secretary-Treasur- Eer, Fermoy, Ont. SALESMAN: For ESTABLISHED lite on new plens, great taker, per- m, % kly pay, frce new sam- ples, < ouSe. Write now. Capi- tal Nursery Co., Ottawa. BRICKLAYERS, AT ONCE, GOOD mon for bath pressed and stock brick; # ly work until Christmas; highest teagy Address Dancy Bros Co., 171 Spadina road. Toronto. TWO FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN, from. 19 to. 28 years ae, of appearance, to take charge of 8 0; Stands. Apply with refer- @ . ta Nash Bros., Clayton, N.Y.. AGEN TS TO SELL. THE .HAND- jest kitchen utensil on earth. King- ston and surrounding country places clusi rritory; also boys, to : abagers. "Call 276 Ontario L FS a and * Clean, turn. Can he nade to have appearance of new roods, NeW work guaranteed to My T, Galloway, tailor, 131 for " stréet GENT, RELIABLE PEO- le seekin, advantageous Charge, oF ONoM Who are Hite and want work will ahcomblish their 3 waiting Marsha 0. "jos 'Losden, Ont.: Outi OVERCOATS, zo REPAIR, PRESS the LET US START YOU WORKING FOR us ati Th Ww cards and dis triveting advertising matter, $840 a oar , expenses '83 50 per dav Wait one @00d wan in each lo- cality. local or travelling. Write at once for pafticulars. Salus Medicinal .., n Friday Morning } publishes a dispatch from Taurus, Ootehkilissa. Twenty-five persons were DAILY MEMORANDA. - Frontenac cheese board 30 iy ard, 1 pm. Most men kick more from habit than from necessity, The sun rises Thursday at 444 am. and sets at 7:28 poy. What is the use of a girl being pretty » if you don't tell her so Triplets are three things in life = for which no man is prepared The stage-struck Youth should think twice before attempting to act Picnic in Fair's Rrove. Glenburn vo ie, July 28th. ¥ wet, next evening Tenders received 'till 3 Pom. to-mor- Tow for work at Brock street church, St. James' Church garden party i » + at Alwington Thursday afternoon and even- ing. Tenders for City Building Offices re- foived by Architect Newlands 1 pm, Thursday. When a girl is not afraid to have her hair knocked down it is a sign she has plenty of it This day in history : French Revolu- tion, 1830: Parnell born, 1844: Atlan- tic cable completed, 1866; Dank of Eng- land incorporated, 1694 See our window display of "Royal Doulton : We are showing some very handsome pieces of Doulton's Old Lambeth Stoneware, "quaint shapes" odd designs, all very rea- sonable in price. ROBERTSON BROS.. 900000000000000000000@ ; Always : :On Time wins respect for a womans. It bas gained a reputation for our | Watches and Clocks We consider the movement the most important part of a Watch or Clock, beauty, too, should be considered. Our selection of Time Pieces are marvels of artistic skill in design and finish, TO BE APPRECIATED. (We are leadérs ia our Tig). . wm P. B. CREWS, Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., 8 KINGSTON. TAKE NOTICE 3 Refrigerators, 20 Cooking Stoves, 80 Wood and Coal Heaters, Bedroom Sets, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, and Carpets, at TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. NEW POTATO DISCOVERED, Outrivalling Irish Variety On Market. Washington, July 27. --Rivalling the Irish potato in flavor, exceeding it in production and furnishing at the same time from its blossoms an exnuisite perfume, a new white potato is being exploited in France. Tornwell Haynes, United States consul at Rouen, has reported it to the state dpartment. Haynes says that this wild aguatic vegetable was introduced from the IN RETREAT) Russians Withdraw and Jap- anese Fill Fortified Places TOCUTRAILWAY JAPANESE ARE ADVANCING SEVEN DIVISIONS STRONG. London Military Critics Wonder At Japan's Apparent Idleness -- Kourppatkin With Marshall Macmahon's Fate--Jap = Squadron Special to the Whig. 3 St. Petersburg, July 27.--Jt is offi- forces retreated from Tashichao Sunday evening, and that the fortified been occupied by the Zearou Bariefi, com- manding the fourth army corps, who as the Japanese were turning the flank. The to include the whole of the armies of Gens. Oku and Nodzu: more than seven divisions of The rear guard ae heau and Tashichao elevin o'clock at night, till thé Japanese were in sight of the entrenchments. The Russians perfect order favored hy timn between Dato Gen. Kouropatkin reports that the Bimastsa, which is believed to he two is marching along Tatitse, with the divisions strong, above liao Yang. The evacuation of Tashichao is not situation. The Russians had strongly fortified Haicheng in view of this con- Japanese Government Silent. government has issued nothing in re reported capture of Tashichao, and the unopposed occupa- tion of New Chwang. The Russian of- ficial despatches are also silent on the subject, except Gen. Kouropatiin's un- precise statement, that of Tashichao are The whole position, inferentially known. at Tashichao and neighborhood, could scarcely have ex- ceeded 30,000, while the Japanese pos- retiring northward. and it can only he surmised why the latter did not annihilate their oppom- ents davs ago. Nothing, according to the critic, cgn explain their want enterprise. except the conclusion that all is not yt ripe for a decisive tack in the extreme north. and other Russian reports regarded as showing that the movements of the in the narth are daily breoming more threatening, menacing Gen, kin with Marshall MacMaho Sedan. There is a report from Tien- ghting hag occurred Tsin that sovere fi which if it came from a more reliable centre might indicate that the threatened cutting off operations have nd, At Point Of The Bayonet. cident, went in thousands to day to pray before and kiss the relic of St. asserts that the steamer Formosa will Anne which rests on altar in the CrYP Ihe released this morning. of the Church of St. John the Baptist, in East Seventy sixth street. It was rumored that Ja the end of the nine days' pilgrimage arrived in the R here that heavy fighting has occurred between Liao Yang and Mukden, It is reported here that the Japanese lost wounded in the took place outside of during Monday and further reported that "Lourdes of America" because of the bank of the River Mercedes, Uruguay, and distributed in France bv Prof. Heckel, dittetor of the ( nial' Insti tute of Marseilles. In its original state the tuber is ygrv bitter, but Dr. Hee kel pronounces marvelous the results of four years of experiments with it. In the same soil the vield is greatly superior to that of the ordinary po tato. The Early Rose in one instance gave 2,000 pounds to the acre. the American Marvel, 3,000 pounds and this new species. 8,500, -------- CHIEF DESTROYS VILLAGE. Cruelties Mark Raid Of Cheikh Salan. Londen, Julv 27% The Daily Mail Asia Minor, saving that on July 13th the well-known chief, Cheikh Salan, attacked and destroyed the village of killed. including a priest and servants, attached to a convent. Women were violated and taken into slavery. The dispatch savs that MASSACTos are ex- pected in the Sandjak. of Bayvazid, and immediate help is urgently called for. v -- Her Body Found. Special to the Whig, St. Hilare, Que., July 27. The body of Mr. MeCafirey, drowned here list Sunday. afternoon, was found, this morning, a few vards from the spot of the fatality. It will be taken to Montreal where Mr. McCaffrey resides. -- The Vessel Is Off. Special to the Whig. Halifax, N.S. July 27 --The steam- er Lunenburg, before reported ashore {by the steamer Amelia, apparently | little damaged. She proeceds to Pie | tou. near North Svdney, has been floated Two signal | companies have heen merged in a 85,000,000 corporation in Rochester, NOY. the Japanese took the Russian posi- tion at Tashichao last night, at the relic point of the bayonet. : -- Squadron Off Liao River. St. Petersburg, July 27.---A despatch that a Japanese squadron; escorting twenty transports, is cruising off the entrance to the Liao sight of Yinkow, ' the port of New Chwang. ELOPED WITH BEST MAN. Groom Sues For $25,000--Then 27.--Asserting that his bride of ten days eloped with the best map at his wedding, Morris Loel has brought suit for divorce against demands $25,000 from Meyer Petchaft as a balm to his injured feelings. Just after the honey- moon Mr. Losh went away on a busi . On his return he discovered is bride had removid all the furniture and wedding presents. After two days" hunt he found his wife i tho Catskill mountains visiting friends. His best man, Petchalt, was visiting the same family. Switchman Killed. Special to the Whig, New York, July R. Switthman McNulty, of Port Ar thur. was killed, yesterday afternoon, « R. dacks, west of whils working on a coal Jey, K.C., and Harvey Hall will re Want A Bureau Special to the Whig. : W July 27.--At the opening of the Dominion Fducational Associa- tion: resolutions were adopted recom- mending the establishment of a dom- inion bureau of education. . ------------ In a freight wreek on the Southern railway at Patton's mill, four wiles west of Joneshoro, Tenn., five persons EO ee Lath FARIO, WEDNESDAY, | op STaxtumyy yer. Russia Not Made Good Her Prom. ises. Special to the Whig. London, July 27. Russia has not vet made go her promises regard- ing her ater fleet and the ex- Statement regarding the steamer M a has not been issued. This, actupding to the Daily Mail's St. Pe rg correspondent, is dwi to an acrimonious dispute betwoen the Russibn ministers of marine and for- eign affairs which threatens to open the whole issue. According to St. Petersburg télegrams no convtinica- tions have been exchanged yet regard- ing the sinking of {he Knight Com- mander A despateh to the Daily 'Mail, from Suez, says it is learned, from a source worthy of consideration, although iy authenticity cannot he guaranteed, that Japanese warships have arrived in the Red Sea. -- To Show Respect. Yokohama, July 27. An officer from the Russian cruiser Rossia, who boarded the steamship Teinan, when the Knight Commander people were transferred to her by the Viadivostok squadron, said that the squadron had revived ® instructions 10 treat the British flag with ereat respect. Ho adite 3 that the Knight Commander, would not heave to until fone shots had been fired by the Russian squad- ron. The Russians were get reported at the mouth of Tokio Bay. Further de- velcp ments are momentarily expected. -- ACTION THE CABINET IS IN FULL AC. TAKES Officials Believe Outrage Excuse Under International Law--Ship Owners Are Up In Arms, Loudon, July 27. ~The British gov- 1 information received ernment tends to establish cial mind a belief that an been committed, for whi exists in international Those aware of the feelings try said last night that al members of the cabinet are in principle of the invio- cent neutral shipping pon the principle that t be destroyed even which will be made ; : if carrying contral The d i yy HON. LAWRENCE B. STRINGUR, Democratic candidate for governor of Hlinois ---- Political Prisoners In Poland. Special to the Whig, Berlin, July 3 Most revolting re- ports are of blithe here of the ill treatment pofucal Finaners ry in Ka: lisch, Russian Poland, during dis- turbances caused by the prisoners complaiding of insufficient food. After being fortified by drink, 270 soldiers, headed by a dozen officers, entered the cells and attacked the prisoners. Some of them had their ribs broken by the soldiers, and others their arms and legs. One soldier eracked a prisoner's arm over his knee as though it were a piece of wood; other, prisohers lay on the ground pierced. with bayonets, Some had their eyes knocked out, and Some were string up to beams, bound hand and oot, and cudgelled. Seventy prisoners were conveyed to the hospi tal, where they tore off their bandag es and refused to permit the doctors Flock To Relic Of St. Anne. and deformed by disease or ac to what has become known as the healing power said to reside in the Baseball On Tuesday. Eastern League. --At Buffalo, 9: Bal- timore, 3. At Montreal, 0; Jursey City - Ottawa, July 21.--Huge crowds were last might to Lord Dundonall. On his was carried to his hotel on the shoul Are To Be Members. Special to the Whig, : ; Ottawa, July 27.--George F. Shep- present the company and the men re- etry on the board 'of concilia tion to settle the differences between the G.T.R. and its telegraphers. Mace No Request. Special to the Whig. " ondon, uly. 17.--~The colonial sec- retary said in the British parliament that the Canadian government had not asked for more extensive treaty- making powers Thomas Taggart of Indisna, has ben elected chairman of the United States Democratic National couimit- A corn salve that cures cornd, 10e. Gibson's Red Cross Deng Store. were injured, {wo seriously. government will incl compensation to the and to the owners board the Knight Cx logy for the act Commander by the Russian Viadivos | ok uy presentation Rovernment, the great. S nod regard. to's contents, bus is t Promior Balfour and his have decided to, and made by Russia inmander, an apo- ion of the Russian structions be given which will Prevent a repetition of suck British ship owners are over the danger which shi running and are hom ernment with re thorough protection of their in The Garette on March 3rd published municqted to the Bri usslan government, set- ulations on the subject captured vessels and. {| various exeeptional cases u {a commander would be entitled to burn or captured vessel after taking of or measares will i the diplom. : -------------------- LARD REFINERY ON FIRE, -------- In Chicago--Suggestion of Incen- diarism, Social to the Whi at the stockyards lant is filled with h ard, and is a statement com Swift's lard re deo 2, fiercely, gulations had been in exintence stove, but there. are Lansdowne did them on this occasion. this morning, therefore, ave much to contend oY papers, release of the Nate! says: "We do not with. ---------- D. BR. A. EXEQUTIVE. ------------ Col. Macdonald, Toren Of Moet wish to embarrass the delicate negotigtions, isters should realize that the temper of rising. Where is the Me China sqpad- ut of kéeping a rrancan fleet and t ron? What is the navy if we are to such indignities »* Special to the Whi tid the D.R.A, mest, " een t. Street, Holla: Liout, Col. ent, Clifton, 5 ne iout..Col, White, CRB. Goanml go Lieut.-Col. Finlayson, Tat P.W.F., Mon. | ACROBATS treal, and Lieut, G. A. Bell. Ot Pigs I -------- MRS. NW KEE RELEASED, ---- Will Come From Belfast to Her Children, Ont uly 27.~Mre, Ellen McK ho made a wensational es: cape from Sandwich jail about a year ago while waiting to hie taken haek fo iimpeisgn cal, both for is not always. preserved aid of war, which is the English of being afraid = of com, According to the Daily Telegraph, the delay in reaching to. treat them. settlement with Russia js due to the sinking of the r, which it has rea caused by a tor- has raised questions rent from those regarding the sta- tus of the volunteer fleet. The Daily Mail's Suez ¢ tragic Knight Commande Special to the Whig. son to beliove was New York, July 27.--~Men, women pedo and which and children, lame and halt, crippled | diffe. » tawa, says it is |Special to panese warships have Taken By Czar's Fleet. Liverpool, July 27.~The owners ighted by hundreds of lamps | 4 = British steamer Calchas, and tapers borne by the worshippers, the crypt presented a strange sight. ceived a telegram fr Behind the altar were tables laden { vo orting that the Cald with crutches, braces and other ap seized by the Viadivostok "d ~ pliantes said to have been left there ' uadro by persons cured through the virtues of the relic of St. Anne, who was the mother of the Virgin Mary. ; | Was Rendered By Toronto's Police ix the bound | completed her si ont Bellant, 1 last Saturday. She has lands lant Windsor, from Puget Sound to Japan, have re- and will come' tely, sccompanied by her | Jellied Clarke, t y ------ SAYS SHE IS CURED. Made Well At St. Atine De Beau | jon ------ HOT WEATEER DECISION. Special to the Wh olice Magistrate 8 Denison, this morning, 9. At Toronto, 2 Providence, 5. At; interest to poor prople in, hot wea- | "nee Rochester, 7; Newark, 4. . . |ther. American League. --At Philadelphia, {hen made shout people I; Detroit, 2. At Boston, 3; Chicago, parks and on 4. petty thefts were put t National * League. -- At Boston, 7; Jof these people. Philadelphia, & At Chicago, 3: Cin constable arvested five cinnati, 1. At Tittsburg, 1; Bt. Lots, 0 | women slo 4 at te foo! ; Me : considering the time of Had A Big Time. marked the magistrate, Special to the Whie. oners and wince then there has | no return of the ailment. IN JAPANESE HANDS, wn Dade. Brom Rus. A Fine Capture Made ping peacefully on the pi ? m g present at the farewell demonstration heaithier for the people fo sleep there than in their . x03 : ho Whi arrival at Montreal, the xG.0.C, are close and he Soko hh 0.3 -- S of Gen. Ok, combined ry Farts on Sunday si. Eo and t nt topographical losses are ders of admirers from the residents in this di jeted the. constable, "Well, these people are discharged," said the magistrate, without . further comment. wod all the | Eg hid z x mane. Asked To Act. mi i, Quite-A-Record.. Mich., July 27.--] commission now tween the Grand Teu telegraphers of the com- consented 19 act, Steamship Arrived. ial to the Wi PE Pnthet Point: ue, "July 2. The S8. Etglishman, Dominion fine, from tee. Bristol. passed nw, terday. atie de: fire,' of At a mesting off Macdonald, 48th . w, Toronto, was / The range officers will GG. FG. Ottawa; 63 Ri Sucnachion, 14th to, Chief AN last t, .| High Is | Cooks, Shrie well as ¥ #7. Miss Flor: Ji as. mints have Jaa had Jufisred with an om ; pletely cured at t. Anne J 1 Quebec, be vas when es Before 12, P ment of Cax