ar-- Vests of plain or Jace Sc., with or Guage Cot- leeves, SOc, Undervests. Inshrinkable vn front and | safety pin. --40 guage Others at | e : e 3 | hel on sate e ® S eo to $2, ac- e ® ® $ N ) $12. 'URSES. cee tore. Hoes TO TRUST. nies Will Em. own Out, The threat made bacco company, law against the into force they rs of their fac- their employees n met with an the independent were done they meelves to give men laid off hy Lin answer to v J. Goldstein, inion Tobacco that the new in opportunity th good chanc- ld always al- ald do this by le trust to in- h dealers that sell any oth- 1 tobacco or d foreign to- ~ trust. a dis- 1 be all A # The gun has fired and our b $1 Hat sale has crossed 'the fine and is speeding along at ¥ a winning elip: 3 our marine glasses ¥ this y and see which of ow $3 Hats (now 4 reduced to $1), will interest As you before the home buoy is reached. 248 Dozen to be Sold. SALL SHAPES. : GUOD QUALITIES, We need the space they oc- cupy. 3S JENKINS CROROR 8% 114 PRINCESS ST. Watches from $1 t0$100 See "Our Special" Guaranteed Watch, stem wind and stem set, in Gun Metal and Nickle Cases, at $2.50 each. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. S MITH BROS. DAILY MEMORANDA. -- 78c. Hat sale, Tosmorrow, at Camphell Bros Sale of mare, Saturday, 11 am Special values, Saturday, at Steacy" Excursion to Watertown to-morrow Special sale 9 a.m. Roney night, , Down the river trip on Pm. to-morrow According to g is voluntary illness, Don't think because a jail that he is honest. The sun ris aturday at and sets at 7:26 pam at Laidigw's & Co's, specials for America at man isn't j Humber Poland of Italy dissolved, Sinated, 1900 i; Wilberforce dow See our win display of "Royal Doulton's Old Lambeth odd designs, all very rea- sonable in price, ROBERTSON BROS. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, July 30 Steel Grey hands, sound, or double. Sale at 11 a.m. Terms cash WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Mare, 5 years old, 15% city broken, kind, TAKE NOTICE. | 8 Refrigerators, 20 Cooking Stoves, RO Wood and Coal Heaters, Bedroom Sets, 0 3 Always : single Q c On Time : Wins respect for a woman. Tt $ bas gained a reputation for our Watches and Clocks: most important part of a Watch Clock, beauty, too, should be Our selection of Time Pieces are marvels of artistic skill the movement i : 8 That we feel proud of. While we 1 Tables, Chairs, Sofas, and Carpets, at TURK"S SECOND-HAND SHOP, Princess Street. TET -- WANTED, or AT ONCE, AN OFFICE GIRL. APPLY fonsidered. to Dr. Third. in design and finish. A CHAMBER MAID. APPLY AT Iroyuois Hotel. FIRST-CLASS SCRL B-WOMAN AF- ply to the British-American Hotel.® GENERAL SERVANT APPLY TO Mrs. Murch, at 216 Johnston street IMMEDIATELY, AN EXPERIENCED Millinery Trimmer, Apply to Spence & Co. eee A GOOD COOK IMMEDIATELY. HIGH wages paid Apply to Mrs. Carson, 196 Johnston street. 8 THEY MUST BE SEEN ~~ § TO BE APPRECIATED, © (We are loaders in our line). KINGSTON, ) @0000000000000 00000009 CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- rs, everywhere. No canvassing, Good pay. Cooperative Adv. Co., NY. . TO BUY, OR RENT, A SMALL dwelling; in suburbs, with three or four acres of land. McCunn's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock strect. SALESMAN: For CABLISHED line on now plans, © Lt taker, per- Inanent, weekly pay, free new' sams Ples, best house. Write now. tal Nursery Co., Ottawa UNFURNISHED Capi- BY A LADY, . TWO rooms, double parlour preferred sun- hy and welbheated in winter, and in good locality. ~ Address R. E., Whig - Office, at onee, stating rent ---- - AGENTS, TO SELL THE HAND- fest kitchen utomsil on earth. King- ton 'and surrounding Exclusive territory; distribute dodgers. street. country places. also boys, to Call 276 Ontario ----------------e eee OVERCOATS, TO REPAIE, PRESS ahd Clean, or turn; Can -be made the to have Appearance of new goods. New work guaranteed to tailor 131 please, « T. Galloway, ot Street. ALLE INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE PEO- who are seeking an advantageous ehange, or those who idle and Want work will accomplish their urposg by writing Mar-hall & Co. ten inthorlers, London, Ont; Outfit furmished. are ---------- ee LET US START YOU WORKING FoR us, tacking up show cards and dis tributing advertising matter, $840 a Year and 'expenses '$2.50 per day We want ofc good man in each lo= cality, local or travelling. Write at once for particulars. Salus Medicinal Co., London, Ont. BY A COMPANY NOW IN COU RSE of organization and incorpora- tion, applications from young man or woman of husiness ability for position of 'secretary- treasurer, must he capable persor ard able to invest at least $300 iy stock . of the company Address '* Secretary." Whig Office. LOST. A BOLD. CHAIN BRACELET, YES- terday. on Princess Wellington, Brock Clergy or 'Division streets, or | some of the stores Finder please Tenve at Whig ©fMice. FOR SALE. E. B.PURDY, REAL ESTATE AGENT of Kingston, has 20 farms for § call and see. 42% strept. A Drowned At Cornwall. sale Princes« Pure Maple Syrup, quart Cut Loaf Sugur, 4 Ihs Apricots, 2 hs . Evaporated Cre per can, Olives, per bott Sauk. Lime Juice, quart hottle, 25¢ Campbell's Salad Iiressing, Lotties., 10x Camplell's Soups, cans, 140 Green Vegetables, Garden Fruits, ct at market F. W. VANLUVEN, 245 PRINCESS STREET. "PHONE 417, DUNDONALD SHOULD EXPLAIN What Was Meant By ' Hold Fast To Union Jack." Montreal, July 29.- Canada, in its issue, aske Lord Dundonald to ex plain what he mennt when he made the statement "Hold fast to the Union Jack." It says: "The statement could only hast one meaning. It is that some on a conservative chief, has the right to ask him who is in his mind, the per group, or party, that is trying to snatch the Union Jack from the hands of Canadians 7 "While he may be the hero of Lady son, he knows the word that will characterize his conduct." ---------- I Cheap summer sale of agateware. I titnvare screen doors and ns, chicken wire, lawn mowers at t * & LHamilton's, 89 and 01 Prin- } 4 treet. r Brazilian contract for harbor involving ahout 30, Coss The Cagawall, | Ont., July 99. crossing the old locks at the of the Cornwall canal, Arthur Lally, ie | thirteen-vear-old son of John Lally, lock master, missed his fodMng, fell in and was drowned. Pi: cap, floating op | While | foot the water, was the first warning of the wizhap. The body was recovered, but all efforts to rescue him failed, I Tdoren. W. J), improvements, ros has been awarded to an Eng M. Havs expects to leave for the ish i oi Pacific Coast within the next two i N am to date shirts, fast: colors, | weeks. It is generally understood : and. 51, for 59c., Satur- | that Mr. Hays' visit to British a ot Roney & Co. Columbia has to do with the selee- o hoice California pears only 30c. per | t Crothers. seventy-five ernts huys a I phell Bros lonz as Aber 1 fine hat No shoes nethy's, ar Lo-morrow, Saturday physician dr unkenness 1.46 a.m, Doulton "|: We are showing some very handsome pieces of Stoneware, "quaint shapes" from Tokio savs that the police at Shimonda, Province of Idizu, reported ATURDAY at. midday, on Thursdy» that heavy S cannonading had been heard at sca PEGIALS San since ten o'daock the night before. -- Force, 2 packages, .. " 5 Japanese Moved Thinedded Whent, 2 puckges, Tokio, July 29.--The Russians ab Roilcd Wheat, 5 ibs, andoned Tashchichao, at noon on Fancy Mixed Biscuits, 2 bs. and 3 Monday, July 25th, retiring before the js , 4 io ste Bos rw advancing army, under Gen. Okun. Special to the fourth anniversary of the tragie death is trying to snatch it frots the hand of King Humbert, who aves dssavsina oan dt Af : ry . : onzg July 20 900 of Canadians. Otherwise the words ted at Mon 3 uy th, ] by would be without any meaning, 1 he | (Pactano Dresci, an anarchist. In ac- liberal party #4 oh on val & now | Cordance with custom, the anniver- ¥. since the pene $ not the capital there was a pilgrimage of many tomb of the smith, he should not leave Canada i with an insinnation of this kind. It |, belongs to his honor as a gentleman The and soldier to make a frank state ment instead of insiguating. If he without exglaiving what he est and speculation in the fate of the assassin, Bresei, concerning which pu window | ruily credited Wilson, agent at Brockville, KINGSTON, s. The Russians During Fogs. a n STOESSEL SANGUINE THA Love at first sight is a case of getting SUUCK 0ir the spur of the moment HE CAN HOLD OUT. Even the unsuccessful author ts his returns, provided he encloses postage . 3 Saturday specials at Anderson Bros | Yinkow Is Open To Neutral Ships and Vanluven's groceries. See advis --Infantry Look Like School Many a man who rides in 4 parlor ; ; car' would be sadly out of place 'a Boys--War Ships Said to Have drawing room. Left Port Arthur--Chinese Can Half the fun of being rich must he in i not. having to spend money you can't Tell Nothing. afford," to make people think vou are Special to the Whig This day in history : ° King t | London, July 29. 1 | Daily Mail, from Yokohoma, !that a general attack on Port began on Tuesday. Tokio despatch, state thur save that there are fogs, except in tho middle of the day under: cover of which Russian boats steal out of the harbor harass the Japanese troops that besieging the fortress, destroyers, the de spatch the gunboats back. ¢ Chronicle's correspondent gn says that the try, who have "taki Russian barracks, look like a school battalion, themselves admirably, oughly military in shops are ar, adds, driv n possession of th but bea aspec appearance. re-opening and the of the town is normgl ed that the port of open to neutral ships, Yinkow Can Hold Out. Chefoo, July 29.-A Russian officer, | had knowledge of the vents Luding ---- Birtle, Man., July 20.--Jokn Smith who has arrived here, come thereto, through © his political friend Has Reached Port. and Frank Houphes lost their lives, | by Gen. Stoessel, the commander gt | and agent, Kroushtvan, known as the Fokio, July 29. The Pacific mail | yestarday, while bathing. Neither of Port Arthur, to buy steel to bo used | most extreme anti-Semite in Russia, company's steamer Corea, which, it the young wen could swim, Smith at the Pore Arthur dockyard, declares | and proprietor of the Bessarabetz, gu | was rumored, had been capturad by came from wear Dundee, Sentland, and that the defenders are 'sanguine of | newspaper wof Kishineff, the Russian Vladivostok squadron, Humphrey came from London. holding the fortress, Chinese refugees from Port Arthur | tions against M. Von Plehve have say that three large 1 arships have | Dever been proved. It is only ust to left that port. The Chinese cannot | assume that the charges were un- give the names or the type of the founded. . vessels. It is impossible to confirm The last great public work of Von this story from the for Igners, What They Held. Fokio, July 20. The position Tashichao, trenches und fortifications. Ordered To Harbin, St. Petershurg, July 29. A despatch received from Gen, Kouropatkin, day, announced that the position the front had not changed, It erally believed here velopmonts ar to at is gen that startling de imminent. All the war correspondents have been ordered to Harbin Story Not Confirmed. London, July 20 >The report that Gen. Kouropatkin is to have originated at it is not confirmed. A despatch to the wounded seems Tien Tsin, but Dailv Telegraph They applied the torch to and the surrounding towns and when the Japanese arrived they found the flames were still raging. The Japanese pursuit ended beyond Taschichao Taschichao and the Japanese left wing oecunied Yinkow The position held by the Russians last Sunday, south of 1 aschichao, consisted of nine miles of trenches and fortifications: Under Jap Control. New July 29. Takayama, the Japanese Iministrator of New Chwang, has arrived herd and has is sued notification the population that New Chwang and Yinkow are now under Japanese control and thats lives and property will be protected, ---------- Chwang, to Honor King Humbert's Memory. Whig Rowe, July 29 To-day was the ary was observed by commemorative 'werei throughout the kingdom, In of visitors to the dead king in the Pan- King Victor Emmanuel, ac ompaniod by Queen Helena and mem- ers of the roval family, visited the ombh and spent an hour in prayer, tomb was almost hidden hencath mass of magnificent floral offerings, The aniversary has renewed inter thousands beon nerous contradictory stories are told, t has been reported at intervals that Iresei is dead, but this is not gene- The probabilities are hat he is still confined in prion and hat he is totally mad as has been eported ion of the terminus of the G.T.P. P. Kingston has been appointed (7 *R. agent at Prescott. and T. A Try maplé walnut sundae, only at HARASS FOF Can Act ATTACK BEGUN. A despatch to the | that of the emperor, Several plots t 1 according to re the past Youths of Arthur dated yesterday, says there is no news from Port Ar continual gun The Japanese Japanese infan are very: small, They They are thor It is announce is now held by the Russians, Inst Sunday, #outh of consisted .of nine miles of ONTA The Nihilists Are Work, Special to the Whig. a panie in high official circles, 1 merely the individual crime peals; but the knowledge of what forbodes, The police a cardully proparad plot gad that new Nihghst reign of terror has be T | inaugurated. April 16th, 1902, Balmashofl, He had director of the police, ed the prosecution of the Alexander IL in time his came only second formatly bec in importance t assassinate him have, ports, heen discovered during few years. The educated Russia are said to have opposed to been claimed, to his turning on hi own people and fo the 28 bea: bitter] e | mon people as cither dangerous crimi nals to be repressed or as innednt e | to be ignored. Von Plehve ly of Polish t| In many ways throne, o He was dreaded blood. He was regardex on account of hi r| police, and also that he controlled the press of Russig eo | through the eensars, who it has bee t | understood, did MN. without question. What part, if jany. M. Vou Plehve actually played #8 the Kishinefi mas sacres will OLY never he known but his enemies have clainged that he Plehve, so far as known, was the drafting of the peasant codi, early this year. This is a scheme for Peas ant reform, ordered hy the emperor in his recent manifesto. On June 13th, of this year it was announced from St. Petersburg that the council of the empire had approv- td M. Von Plehves 0 re- veal of the law, - 3 forbidden' to reside within thirty-two miles of the frontier, This measure has not been approved by the cmperor so far as known Stones Thrown At Muravief. St. Petorsburg. July 29--~As Minis- ter of Justice Muraviefl was driving to the Peterhol palace yesterday af- lernoon to report to Emperor Nicho- las the assassination of Minister of the Interior Von Plehve, stones were thrown at him and his carriage win dows were broken. The identity of the minister's assailants has not yet been discovered CAUSED BY FRICTION. A Disastrous Fire In Eby, Blain & Co's Block, Special to the Whig. Toronto, July 29K serious fire started this worning, about 10.30 o'clock, in the four storey 'building, corner Front amd Scott streets, own ed and by Eby, Blain & Co., wholesale grocers. It walbedirst noticed by one of the Junior clerks, about the tackle of the elevator op the top floor, and it is subposed to have been caused by friction. The fire brigade was slow in res ponding, and wags hampered by the wires on<the street whwn it did or rive. In the meantime the fire spread rapidly through the top floor and broke out through the roof, Fortun- ately, the firemen were able to attack from three sides, and also ascended to the roof of H. P. Bekardt & Co., wholesale grocers, an the opposite side of Scott. street, and poured seve- ral streams on the flames. By hard work the firemen had the flames ander control within an hour, ' The damage by fire was confined to the top floor and roof, hut tons of water poured down through the other floors into the basement. The total loss, therefore, ix hard to extimate but probably will reach 850,000, There was insurance of $125,000 on the stock and £40,000 on the building. -------- To Visit Game Preserves. Quebec, July 20. <Lord and Lady Minto apd the vice repal party and staff, who have been fn the city for the past few days, left by special train vesterday for the preserves of the Tourilliay Fish and Game club. The party consists of cleven members, and the trip will be one for fishing and rest, Several days will be spent on the preserves, occupied -------------- Baseball On Thursday. Eastern league At Montreal, 6; Jersey City, 1 National leagne--Ag Chicago. «; Cincinnati, 2. At Boston, 1.45 I'hil. adelphia, 7-0 American league--At Philadelphia, i; Detroit, 0. ---------------- In China a mile ix anything from a quarter of a wile nnd three-quarters, according to the provimee in which it may happen to be, ihe Australian commonwealth gov ernment proposes 10 class consump- tives among prohibited immigrants, Five large rolls toilet paper, 25c. Gibson's Red Cross drag store, Best trunks and valises at Aber. Again At St. Petersburg. July 20. The assas: sination of M. Von Plehve has created completely overshadows the disastrous events of the war. It is not which ap- possess clues which leads to the conclusion that M. Von Plehve's murder was the result of Von Plehve was appointed minister of interior, April Ist), 1902, suceved- ing M. Sipiag, who was assassinated, by a student named Plehve conduet- assassins of ASSL, and from that power increased until it be M. Plohve owing, it has drastic chang es which he inaugurated or advocated, and | He is said 10 have regarded the com was larev the power behind the control of the third tsccret) section of owing to the fact Plehve's bidding It should be added that the allega- ULY -- he be Given it --- n TO RULES. n Cruiser--The Ste, Has Safely Reached 0 § Special to the Whig o London, Lansdowne irom the y | Britain in . The owners of the der have received « | the Vladivostok squadron, Berlin, July 290. an official source, s | government disapproves of of Russian officers sirking neutral ships, which way done ing accident occurred, yesterday, a | without instructions, English and | at Long Lake, Five young men of this 1 | German complaints have been treated | town wire out on the lake in a canoe, with equal good will. No conse ven [ when it upset, and Robert Kolly and | ces are expected, Germany and Eng. Ernest Peart were drowned. Both of » | land recognizing the desire of the Rus: | the drowned men wore well-known and sian governmont to avoid \ | law. has arrived at for Yokohama and Ho July 12th, with a gener fear of the W¥ tame upon James drove him mad as he vale main 300: feet from in a darkness so his fear-tortured be buried alive, His mental agony will known, for when he Hnagination, Barrett was the Constru fret of Lake lon company 24-inch main pipe to the and Ansonia. himself forwgrd succeeded 150 foet from the o ning, w o | result was as follows: alten to ruet. RE eT ay follows: 1,52 What fearful thoughts crowded his] W. C. Bridgeman, Con, ... « 1,167 imagination then ean only be conjec- ---- tured. Perhaps he wondered what | Liberal majority - - 3° would happen should anything block At the last election Mr, Irmshy- the opening, or if he should find him- | Gore deleated Mr, Bright by 1,088 self unable to crawl out. The sur. | votes. roundings were his nerve. He was and the pipe, conted moisture was cold, the street above reached him. Ee Called Out. These were the gloomy surroundings i Sei Pa. 29. There i" that in some unaccountable manner, Scranton, Pa, July 2 , save it be inherent the foraman's brain him insane, return, his Fearing through the shoes of the unfortunate Bareott, his clothing twisted lay unconscious, By a rope attached was hauled to the street, Fiv later, with Dr. Downes bending over him, Barrett became conse ious, only his fect and attempt to to those men to leap throttle dghteen nearest him to restrain man Overy ---------------- Both Sides Counrt¥y. Ottawa, July That Full Satisfaction Will IS RECOGNIZED. RUSSIA'S P-- ADHERE And Not Violate Any Internation- al Law--The Ship's Crew Are Held On Board a Russian amer Corea Port, July 29 Foreign Secretary has received assurances Russian government full satisfaction will be given the matter of the of the stoamer Knight Comm Knight Comman- the Furopean members of the Crew are prisoners on board the cruiser Gromohoi, one of the ships 1 No Desire To Offend. It is learned, from that the any viola tion of the fixed rules of international } her destination safc) he Corea sailed from San Franei Kong ¢ cargo. -------------- IMAGINATION CRAZED HIM, Fear Came On Worirman in Water Main, Derby, Conn., July 20.~The terrible unseen inherent in humani- Barrett nnd lay in a Hvinch mouth, : and silent tg, sonal never be was taken from the pipe by. a fellow worksan he wag A raving maniac. At no time bad he been in any danger save from his own head foreman of o gang of pipr-layers employed by the Osgood i to lay 1,000 from Beaver Beaver Reservoir, | course of construction between Derby Barrett, though tired mentally and physically, decided t, inspect in the pipe from the inwide, the Joint dismal enough to take in inkv darkness, with a clammy Not a sound from fear, wo tortured that they drove For an hour his workmen waited for somethine had happened to him, one of them started pipe. Three hundred feet in the pipe the workman touched the » It took the mad- There is little hope of his mental re. ELECTIONS THIS FALL. Expect Appeal To ° 29. The common im- pression on both sides of the house is that the government will appeal the country this fall or win certain haye the opposition this subject that Mr, are already planning his tour, whilst tory campaign Russian Russian the action in capturing a $20 Working on his stomach, he in reaching a point about of nd ly. od He tiv I the strike is ordered obably it nd tort {will affect the whole anthracite' ro. and torn, gion, as the companies seem to be : combined in resisting the demand, to his feet ho claiming it is tantamount to a re ©" minutes > ha dustrial circles here, inasmuch as it develops the fact that there is in abundance Birmingham distriet Mountain. The ore runs 46 to cent about the same as the Birmingham district, except that to ter, So jore felt on Borden's friends fortheoming literature is being rushed through the mails un- der the franking privilege at the rate of thirty thousand pamphlets day. On the other hand, the liberals have not sent out any literature, This is taken as strong evidence that another session will he held tion. -------- Now is the before dissoly. time to have your fur- nace or stoves overhauled before the busy time. Get Taylor They will do it at reasonable you a chance to buy a fine low price, We have just the suit Yon w fourth ithson's Red Cross drug store, nethy's. Co. & Hamilton, prices, Campbell Bros. 75¢. hat sale gives hat at a ant. One h off the price now. Romy & 6 per cent. of carbonate of lime, 1 are more, in a six-foot seam. which has been Special to the Whig, : Montreal, July 29.-At a meeting of the ing, an professor. bytery gave its consent to the I ------------ His assistants for and for the discussion of Patan cure separate eanvasses iin various sections coutitry, Upward of 15,000,000 that | nents were sent out in the Cleveland Great | 1884 ad, and these same sinking | ods will bo uplicated this year, In or ander, der to do this effectually along the old lines, it has been arranged tha that R. Trainor, who had charge work under Bemator Gorman in 1884, shall be in charge for the national Drowned In Long Lake, Near Re. gina, Soecial to the Whig, Re popular, especially in 'lacrosse circ, ---- I ------ CHILD UNDER THE MOWER. St. Thomas, Ont., Jul 20. What may prove to be a fa took place at the farm of J Laren, Howard, on, Dougal, hoes Jeux ly g in Ron ei tathor 'with ad ng machine went Sato the to. swow, © Not until the under the cutting bar of the machine did he know that, he the house. The unfortunate child had a Inrge piece of flesh cut from the thigh, one of his arms almost severed, a nasty gash cut in the side of his LIBERALS CAPTURE A SEAT. Win At Oswestsy Fight On Tari Issue. London, July 20.-The liberals gain shire), in s | peoessitated by the succession of the was mainly on the Seventy-Five Thousand Men May grave fear that i " of district No. 1, United Mine Work- ers, will order a wirike, involving proximately. 75,000 men, when be meets bere next the question of the r coal companies to deduct men's w cognition of the umon, 4 Good Find Of Alabama Ore. Special to the Whig, 3 Tirmingham. Ala; July 29,~A dis covery of a large dwporit of grey or magnetic gre Prexbyteriute rk , a . Pro, Sous, Abo Cobol Ryde At Belfast the Canadian Sowle score 90 agai ho pian oles fo te -t 16 1 vistors. "Captain: Grab; totaly ~ ede camp to Lord Minto, is resigning his commission in the Coldstream Garde, as rooms foree of the ea tion to these rooms Juve bot gaged in onse, which will be used by the chairman of the business, It is ing t John of this |, of the same work committee this year. POPULAR LACROSSE MEN, na, Assa.; July 20.7 fatal Another Drowning Accident. ad Been Sleeping In The Long Grass of the eleventh co near. Ridgetown, Ho ---------------- a seat at Oswestry (West Shrop. the bye-election yesterday, mn. George Ormaby-Gore (conserva ©) to the Harlech barony, The fight tarifl question. The ------------ BIG MINERS' STRIKE. the executive board Mond, to eaonsider ohusal of the check weigh- near Sycamore, Ala, cated considerable interost in in- | steaks, ore in other places besides io thos imedinde or on Lookout ot shi « metallic iron with ot rod ore in the the has fluxing clement equivalent te . 'here the mountains. in probably 10,000,000 tons, if not tapped. time Presbytery Gave Consent, "a hl terysi this mom Collage, cas apd ; having .aceepted, the pes-| | change, PIRES mayor afterwards. AMERICAN eadque 1 For Olives ote 10 er fot 1 # gt oulders, a 3 Pusat Cured Bacon, ure to the provincial ish Collmibla 8