rs lous lates Kingston. fectly fresh. ive Away nths of this year, 5 [ON COLLAR pat- 0 will send us one TICELLI NUMBER 32%0y rticles contained in HOME L nbroidery Id '"'cut" embroid- for waists and eled Buttons. or more elaborate Just the thing for sily made. ist Sets. either canvas. or vinter wear. made. nS. mbroidery lessons 8, a large number es and Sofa Pil- 1 original designs rpieces, Collars, great charm of plicity--very little | in the making. te all the good er, the only way elf. TS PER ANNUM Collar." MPANY, LIMITED Johns, P.Q. t ton | : ] : | ed. & 0. * 0000 stom , Monday, at 5:00 p.m. for Bay eof inte Ports and Port | of Rochester, N.Y. Returning will ar- rive at 10:00 a.m. same days for Thousand Islands, calling at A b aRaAnoque. Ba ah Rates for St. Louis, ~ Mo, from Kingston : $2895. Guou ror 80 Daye. Dec. 16th, 1904. i . ifyit doesn't. oo. Files SLs Pownt CP.R Hal truppus, a. Sn. and $1.004 bottle. P. CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER, JR., = den. ./Agt. : Gen. Supt - A ue sar of qowre aauway pew | IE YOU WANT 143 'LINE FOR To buy a Dwelling, Building Tweed, Napanes, Deseronto, and all local points. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent, " DAILY ns ee EXCURSION RATES FROM KINGSTON TO WORLD'S FAIR * ST. LOUIS, MO. $22 (Good for 15 days). $29.35, (Good for 60 days). $35.20 (Good until Dee. 15th, 1904. Step-overs allowed at any intermedi- ale station in Canada, also Detjoit and Chicago. SIDE _TRIP---Hamilton Falls, $1.40 additional. For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information, apply to J HANLEY, A t, "BR s Corner Johnston and Ontario streets ALLAN LINE '"vE&eogr and to Niagara LONDUNDERRY. ¥ Royal Mal Steamers From Montreal. From Quebec. Ionian, Fri.,Aug. 5, Ba.m.; Aug. 5, 7 p.m. First. Cabin, $55 and upwards; Second Cabin, ' Liverpool and Londonderry, $37.50 and $40; London, $2.50 extra hird Class, super.or accommodation, P Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, j.ou- don. $15. 'Through ticlts to South Africa MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, Sicilian, Wed, Aug 3rd, (daylight) 1st Cabin, $50 and up. 2nd Cabin, $15 $85: 3rd C1 5 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J P. GILDER- SLEBEVE, Clarence Street. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY " LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Sum Cruises in Cool Latitudes Irom SS. * Campana," 3 lights, electric bells and all konrrEAL N MON- Bay, Perce, Supe River, Si P.E.I, 4 ver, Smmeraids, of the season for health , Secretary, Quebec. to J.P. BY, rE Shh SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, . Ont. T , Charlotte, Thousand Islands, rockvillie, Prescott and Montreal. EET ai. Cons West, 5 1.300 Island rescoit, going and Sing. fare. G.T.R., Monday. Fare, $6 Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. @& LEAVE KINGSTON: 'GOING EAST--Wadnesdays, and Sundays, at 4:30 p.m. BOING WEST ana Bptardays, J.P. HANLEY, Ticket A Fridays, Thursdays, t 11:30 p.m. JAS. SWIFT & CO. al Rent. . Freight Agent. The Bay of Quinte Route DAILY SERVICE mT ane Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands +STRS. "NORTH KING" AND "CASPIAN" Commencing 25th June, leave King- and leave lexan- drig Bay and Gi STR. "ALETHA" I 1s guaranteed to cure you. you. Your GORRESPONDENT ALLY DESCRIBES BATTLE. 'Guns «Cleverly Masked By Lofty Chinese Corn Prove a Jystery To The. .Mikado's Mukden, July 30.--Having ridden over a hundred miles on horseback to Mukden, 10 'bring the account, a cor- ity Business, see our list and get particulars. A. F. BOND. 63 Clarence St., ELECTRIC FANS Now's the Time you need them, and Here's the Place to get them, if you want Good Ones at Rea- sonable Prices : : ; : i Princess Street. ON THE RIDEAU. family rates furnished on application. WM. LAISHLEY, Proprietas. And I will guarantee you satis- factory results. We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but your best inter. est studied. Give us a call for First-class Carriage Painting. Next to Wisow's Livery. Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhaa and Rennings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- ney and Bladde+ Troubles. . GANNED SALMON FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD s+ bath, etc, 103 Bagot strest, nea: City Park. Reasonable rates. . FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN- ISHED NO. 57 GEORGE STRERY. APPLY to Mrs. Wm, Lesslie. TO-LET. ee STORES, OFFICES, DWELLINGS, t McUnnn's Keal Estate Agen- cy, 51 Brock street. ------ eet t-- SUMMER COTTACE, RENT LOW, good fishing amd shooting. Apply 293 Princess street. FOR SALE. RICK HOUSE near DETACHED, SOLID on Frontenac Street, . an large poultry house. Apply through Whig office. HORSES BOTH* ABOUT 14 4 past, new Commercial Wagon made by Laturney, King- ston: mew Set Harness, made by Dolan; Pair Blankets. bargain M. Sheldrick, Piano Store, 218 Prin- cess street. TEAM; ands; m--. aie m--m------------------ THE SHOP, DWELLING AND PREM- ises, No. 240 Princess street, occupi- ge Maker Bros. Apply to Jol , Solicitor. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE street, between Montreal and got. Apply 49 Colborne street. BULLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW STEAMERS LEAVE KINGSTON IN MONDAYS; WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 6A. M. : Wood =¢« Coal We have on hard the diffrent varieties of Wool and Coal. BOOTH & CO. " Hene133.° Foot of West St. Wood x: Coal FOR REAL ESTATE GE Consult with Geo. CME before ves Mondays at 5:00 p.m. for Pic- ork mmke, with and Balls, tor and Bay of Quinte Ports. hy Cues R Fo fu inforn tion soply wo EB $180. Apply through Whig Office. FR ohouY. @. FP. & F. Anant, Kine- | grpy yy" yAGRT. ABOUT THIRTY 'J. P. Hasley.J. P. Gildersiceve, Jas fect long. Kmquire through Whig Swift & Co. Agents. Mes. MONEY AND BUSINESS, . . Pictures ne ideau LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets. $61,187,215. In addition to wh the policy holders have for rity the umlunited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. re remewing old or giving new busi get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR + mall sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to 8. C. McGill, man- ager of tenac Loan and Invest ment Sopiety, Office opposite the Post Office. OUR 'POLICIES 'OOVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any oth- er company offers. Examine them ut Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Nak ot Square. ' ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor over Mahoos's drug a tie ali ME Telephone 608. ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITEQT. OF- ite ew Drill , BeAr core in 4 and Montreal Strects. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chant"s Bank Building. corer Brock and Wellington strects. 'Phone 213 buying, at 05 Clarence atrest. ka Lot, Farm, Country Store, or a please call amd INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE, BRECK & HALLIDAY, IDYLWILD HOTEL, - . their batteries -- were sending out The most 'popular: resort on the Rb | ctresnis of shrapnel on the Kussian deau.. Every thing up-to-date. Now | positions, but not causing much onen to the public. Special weekly and | harm. In fact, the losses at first LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. CARRIAGE PAINTING R. MOLONY, CLARENCE STREET, wt "MAPLE LEAF" I, PACKED Pp mt of 'the Associated Press, who witnessed the battle of Ta-tche- kino, July 28rd to July 25th, tele- batile. The correspondent was awakend at five o'clock in 23rd by the booming of guns. He had slept in the village of Tientsia- tin, four miles south of Fa-tche kiao, where the regiment to which he was attached was stationed. He hurriedly rode to the Russian outposts and found them engaged in a Lot ariil- leery duel, 'which continnsd for two hours. Then the batteries slowly re- treated on the main position, where Gen. Zaroubaieff decided to accept battle. The Russian unners thence poured a well directed Sail of projec tiles, effectually stopping the Japan- ese advance and enabling the various outpost detachments to fall back in safety. ¥ The artillery § fire eleven o'clock and then for three hours the Japanese were engaged in placing their hatteries in position and ceased at about of battle. tt two in the afternoon the bom- bardment recommenced and lasted yn til five o'clock. The Japanese had several guns of large wo and alt were insignificant, The. night was perfectly quiet. The correspondent slept in the village of Sinmintin, directly behind the Rus- sian positions, Opening Of The Battle. The veal battle opened the next morning. The first gun was fired at seven o'clock, and thenceforth the roar of artillery did not cease for an instant till 8:30 in tLe evening, At times the ary violence, The site of the battle was about thzee miles south of Ta-tche kino and iwo miles cast of railroad. The sea was plainly discernible from the heights overlooking the battlefield. But no- thing occurred in that direction. The Russian positions fronted south, with a slight inclination eastward. About two artillery corps were engaged. The correspondent was able to fol- low only the experiences of Gen. Zar- oubaifl's corps, and so' confines him- self to recording the incidents of this portion of the Russian troops. i Zaroubaiefi's corps occupied a posi tion on two hills, of which the larger was crowned by three summits. <The ec r, and his staff stationed themselves on the highest point, the centre one, whence they had an unin- terrupted view of the surrounding country. The general had placed bat- teries on the plain behind these hills, the guns being cleverly masked by lofty Chinese ~¢orn. The Japanese tried vainly the whole day to locate them, and the Russian losses, there- fore, were slight. The men suffered more from the scorching heat of the sun than from the Japanese projec. tiles. It was essentially an artillery bat- tle, but it was remarkable and even it lasted the Russians could not make out a single Japanese soldier, evea with the most powerful glasses. From the position occupied by Gen. Zaroubaiefi's troops not a single rifle shot was fired, but the gummers on both sides worked like madmen. The air was split and torn by the deafen- ing, crashing reports of the guns, the dull booming. of the distant shots fue- nishing a background of deep bass for the vicious, hissing, hurrying messen- gers of death* exploding about 'he Russians. White puffs of smoke from the exploding shrapnel shells formed clouds overhead, into which = were thrown fountains of dust and sand when the shells burst on the ground upon impact, showering bullets and splinters around. Hill Literally Aflame. The Japanese fire was at first con- centrated upon the eastward hill, held by a small force of Russians, and by eleven o'clock this part of the position was literally aflame, enough to try the courage of the bravest soldier. The men threw themselves down, with their faces to the ground, so seon us they heard the hiss of the approaching shells, Which, om striking, dug deep the craters in hillside, whence (he spouting firé looked like miniature volcanoes. When this spectacle of savage splendor had lasted four or five INSTANT RELILF FROM PILES Thorough Cure Obtairnd By The Use of One Box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, S-------- Persons who have suffered from piles realize best the kindly feeling one has for a preparation which brings quick relief and ultimate cure of this distressing asilmept. James Elliott, Gananoque, Ont., states :« "My wife was greatly trou- bled with piles, and put in an awful time of it. She could not get relief from the terrible itching pel, Jo sensations. I bought a box of Dr. Chase's Gintment, and on the first application she obtained relief. After using the one box she was cured of piles, and I can fully and heartily re- commend Dr. Chase's Ointment to oll who suffer from piles." Dr. Chase's Ointment has a record of cures unparalleled in the history of medicine; 60 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edman<on, Bates & Co, P. SMITH. ARCUITEOT, RENRY Anchor Building, Market Square, M45. graphs a pewsonal description of the the morning of July in disposing of their forces im order firing. acquired. extraordin-. uncanny that during the thirteen hours | fire irom atterion. Thév oien Ji Terrific Artillery . Duel--Russian en ito. the Rus i the artili duel Jater rously tion 15 whole plain non's mouth shells over the Russians. The wild beauty of the now reached its zenith, half an hour later distant portions of the field where th battle was still dragging on Upon reaching Sinmintin the the they had merely gone out to take positions at the front. convinced that the been a Russian victory, since over th great extent of field which had com under his observation for od able to advance. Monday morning when he awoke find the Russian army retreating. Th sian cavalry covering an infantry re giment which was moving toward Ta pared for its. evacuation. The teain left Ta-tehe kino o'clock, at which were glready bombarding Notwithstanding the fire rapid approach of the Japanese, Russian retreat was carried perfect order, although the as at out iy behind him, and until he approache Hai-Cheng at eight o'clock tha night! he could hear the distant rumb ling of the Japanese guns. 20 OE a acr. ' The Algomas. Special to the Whig Ottawa, Aug. 2.-Sir Frederick Bor den's amendment to the militia, ae of disloyalty against certain liberals were pretty cficctually replied to. the post office act for' the purpose of excluding objectionable quack adver by the house. Sir the patent medicine concerns grossest frauds, which were being per- petrated upon the people in the coun- try. In reply to Mr. Clarke, of Toronto, came under the new schedule would lose their trick, Sir Willing, said that none of the employees of the depart ment would lose any of their legal rights: by the bill,' und he thought it a mistake for such an impression. Mr. emmerson seid" that he would not be able to go om with his pension bill for the Intercolonial railway em: ployees this session. He would intro- duce a bill carly mext session and have it put through. Mr. Fitzpatrick gave notice that. he proposed amending the election act to provide that the elections in both Algomas would take place on the same day as that fixed for the gencral | elections, The house will finish its work this week hut the date of prorogation can not "be fixed until the senate has been heard from. The members of the L upper chamber want to have the most fof the bills now in the commons be | fore them for consideration and then they will be able to decide upon a day to close. It is hoped that this f will be about the end of. the week, but at the latest carly next week. It is expected that on Tuesday the lead er of the opposition will move his want of confidence motion against the large expenditures made by the ad minstration without mentioning any item in particular, That will likely be the last vole this session. It is al ways the closing vole of the session, sometimes made on protegation morn- ing. se Mabel Rice A Bride. Speci he Whig. ' a ore Aug. 2.--At the Church of 8t. Thomas the Apostle, to-day, Miss Mabel Rice, a well-known actress, became the bride of Michael P, Walsh, 'of this city. The bride is the daughter of the late "Dan'" Rice, who was a famous old-time circus clown. The past season she was a member of "The Yankee Consul" company. The Archbishop of Canterbury, ac- companied by Mrs. Davidson, leaves on his visit to the Upited States and Toronto. Canada on the 19th mstant. : an tiles un a smelt R 3 When the Japanese gunners reopened they had changed thule positions to the west" ward, whence they obtained an uninter- rupted range of the plain behind Russian ; the , and their projectiles near the wo _ Chinese vill- suffered terribly. itted plea Plow hed a men Portsmouth Pirates w itt on of t v as "With He apuroncth of evening the Play A wh afternoon at the Russians had a litte rlicl from the ot field. The Portsmouth men heat, but none from the Japanese, the {Proved too strong for nents only difference that the flashes On 1 occasion alwo, and defeated of the J. s were distinguish- | them by the score 5 to 3. The teams able on the slopes of the hills facing the Russians, revealing their exact po sition by the red spark of eack can: : mst the sombre s followed by the bursting of scene had the bombard: ment slowly 'dimished in intensity and profound silence reigned, broken only now and then by the rattle of infantry volleys from the a same 'evening the correspondent found that ace had already ben abandoned by the Russian troops, though he was for a time under the impression that up In fact, he was fight must have thirteen hours the Japanese at no' point seem- Therefore great was his surprise on to correspondent rode out: of the, village and encountered a large force. of Rus- tehe Kino: 'Oh "reaching that town' the correspondent found everything pee about "ons time. the Japancse the place. and even the men and simak ini terribly from the er, who was formerly with Toronto. stifling heat. z ! ' " The Russian stores of flour and Hickman, 100, has some bell Play other provitions &t Ta tch-kino were burned, and as the correspondent rode northward immense columns of black smoke were rising above the horizon Amendment Fixes Election Day in caused a rather sharp debate in the Commons, yesterday, when some con- servative members, who raised the cry Sir Willimn Mulock's amendment to tisements froy, the mails was accepted William said that he regarded the enterprises of some of as the The provision for an inspector of offices when the revenue reaches | crion hotel recently, and discussed do- a haf million or more, apply | ails for a six round bout to take only to Toronto and Montreal. The place in Philadelphia in September. salary was $1,500, and the qualifica- | Articles of agreement will be signed tion five years' experience as clerk. next week. Corbett has been quietly who thought that letter carriers who anyobe to cregie post boot and shoe were practically the same as at the last game, although the locals wers without a couple of their regular men Denies The Report. Toronto News. Some! has been buying the Irondequoit, for A. G. Peuchen and selling the Vreda. Mr. 'Peuchen, who only got back to the city yesterday, was annoyed to find how enterprising rumor had been on his behalf, as he ¢ | himself had no intention of buying the ope yacht or selling the other. 1 don't know anything at all about it," he told a News reporter this morning. "The report is false--indoed, utterly absurd." Mr. Peuchen has been with the yachtsmen down at Kingston. "We had a great time," he says, Sporting Notes. Detroit has socured = Third Baseman Coughlin from Washington. Left-hand pitchers fon been most effective against Montreal this season. Vinson, the Providence find, is good hitter and base runner, but he is weak in throwing, Outficlder Jimmy Hannivan, former ly with Toronto, has been purchased by Toledo from the Salt Lake City club. e e eo Jersey City has secured & good iy fielder in Stankard, of Holy Cross College. Stankard was with Pitts t | burg, and is probably farmed. Catcher Beville, of the New York Americans, who was farmed to Pro vidence until President Powers inter- fered, has been signed by Detroit. Hickman, the Providence second } | baseman, is the smallest player in the eastern, He is even smaller than Mill- ing ability. The Philadelphia correspondent of Sporting Life says of Louis Bruce : "Bruce is available as a pinch hitter and all round subsiitute, but appar i ently not quite the real thing cither tl as an outfielder or a pitcher," "Bobby" Walthonr, of Atlanta, de feated Jimmy Moran, of Chelsea, Mass, in a twenty-mile straightawa Time, Ie ne at Birm . ; 32. Walthour, it is understood, * will leave next Monday for Europe. The Vancouver Lacrosse club have decided to have a try for the Minto cup. A challenge will be forwarded. as t |soon as last year's British Colombia championship has been decided, and the Vancouver twelve will come past in the autumn. | T. F. Martin, who won the lawn ten nis championship of Manitobs comes from Ireland. Under the auspices of f | the Chiswick association Mr. Martin has played with his brother at Wim. bledom for the championship of Eng land, meeting such men as the Doherty brothers. . James J. Corbett, a former heavy- wdight pugilistic champion, has decid ed to reenter. the ring. "Pompadour" Jim's opponent will be "Philadel hin Jack" O'Brien. They mot at the Crit training at Bayshore. L.I., for several months, having in view a match with O'Brien. When "Bob" Fitzsimmons was informed of the proposed match between Corbett and O'Brien he said he would challenge the winner, In one of the fiercest battles ever witnessed in San Francisco "Battling" Nelson, of Chicago, defented Fddie Hanlon, of San Francisco, the end coming in the nineteenth round. From the time of the ringing of the signal for the commencement. of the fight, the voungsters hegan mixing matters in the liveliest manner. Hanlon fought in his usual fashion, but the Chisago lad carly penctrated the guard of the Californian, whe bore several facial marks before the tenth round, testify ing to the accuracy 'and foree of his opponent's blows, It was almost an ovin thing until the fourteenth round with the bovs fighting fiercely. Tn the nineteenth Hanlon was at the mercy of his opponent and the fight was stooped and the decision awarded to Nelson. hmwy sia in ita worst forme will yield to use of Carter's Little Nerve Fills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. Thev not only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. The privy council has decided the ap- peal of members of the old Free church who disapprove of union with | the United Preshytorion , church of SBeot- land in favor of the former. Hair-Food Falling hair, thin hair, gr y hair--starved hair. if E. fonthyer's Hai Viger. It renews; nourishes, and restores ----OF THE---- : Dillon Bankrupt S Saturday was an exceptionally busy and there are many shrewd buyers thr county who can bear testimony to the great a GAINS to be had at th's sale. Mo While big quantities of Footwear have been | yet remains man lines hich have fiof bee ot to lack of space in which to properly di lines are being brought forward as Ad POS means something different on sale ach da REMEMBER EVERYTHING MUST want good reliable Footwear (for which. | been noted), whether it be for men, women, or children, now is your time as another to this may not occur again in'a life time. DILLON'S OLD STAND, 111 J. R. BIETTE, Agent for Assignee. » Gl LIKEWISE EDDY"S MATCHES. J. A MENDRY, Agent, Kingston. ; EEX ERFAEEIERER " KITCHEN LUXU Don't confine all the luxurids to the parlor. Ples Kitchen ware is a luxury and makes work a pleasure. | L old black pots, and invest in some of our new Granite Ware, received--and for the balance of this month we are selling ate Ware at a discount of 15 per cent. i $ THE WIND MAKES THE And worth makes our Yachting Shoes go. We will goods are the best, the cheapest, etc., but ask you te amine for yoursell. We know what the result will purchase. GOOD SHOES FROM U Ours go quickly. People will have tiem. We do 3 wheedle them into buying. The quality speaks for it are; satisfled, you are rich; if y ou are wise you what we are doing. Th en ANERYETIYS, SOF, color. Don't 100 oer. Dom's grow old