ck of the close of a and store ck which for your all these ur profit e sake of L TEACHER, FOR 8, B . SALESMAN: gun has fired and our 3 '$1 Hat sale has trossed the § line and is speeding along at & Turn your marine glasses this way and see which ! of our '$2 Hats (now § reduced to ¥1), 'will interest § You before the hom: buoy % is reached, © GOD QUALITIES, } We need the space they oc- cupy, 1S JENKINS >. 174 PRINGESS BOB0B0HR0R0BR0R0ARD Watches from $1 to $100 See "Our Special" Guaranteed Watch, stem wird and stem set, in Gun . Metal and Nickle Cases, at $2.50 each. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. aa a ~-- WATER WORKS OFFICE DURING THE ALTERATIONS TO the City Buildings, the Water Works De- partment will occupy the Police Magis- trate's Office, adjoining the office' of the Chief of Police. oy Superintendent. TAKE NOTICE rigerators, 20 Cooking Stoves, 80 Wood and Coal Heaters, Bedroom Sets, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, and Carpets, at - #, TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, WANTED. A GENERAL SERVANT. GOOD WAG- es, 125 King street. A GOOD SMART BOY, BY THE TAY- lor Drug Co, GENERAL SERVANT. FAMILY OF two. Apply 282 Johnston street A HOUSEMA1D. APPLY TO MRS. H. Carson, 196 Johnston street. A YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 14 OR 13 Apply in the morning to Mrs. Mahood, 148 University Ave STRONG, INTELLIGENT YOUNG nan, to learn presswork Apply to foreman of pressroom, Whig Omhce CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- dors, everywhere. © canvassing. Hope pay. Cooperative Adv. Co.. . GIRLS, 14 TO 16 YEARS OLD, WANT- ing employment in a factory Apply 10 the Cash Discount Agency, 2038 Wellington street. HORSES -- 30 SOUND WORKING Horses, 1,200 pounds and upwards, at Grimason's Hotel, on or before Saturday, August 6th. BUY, OR RENT, A SMALL dwelling, in suburbs, with three or four acres of land. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock street. SCHOOL SECTION Na. 1 raeftown Apply, stating salary. and experience. to 1. MH. Snyder, Secretary-Treasurer, Thorpe, nt. r.0., O For ESTABLISHED sline on new plans, great taker, per- * manent, weekly pay, free new same Lybles, t house, rite now. Capi- ata gt. Co., Ottawa. AGENTS, TO SELL THE HAND- 'est kitchem utensil on earth. King- stgn and surrounding country places Exclusive Rtegritory; also boys, te Ladlistribute do rs. Call 276 Ontario Street. YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR? is being With our goods. A Work is and os ancat. .G. Marshall & Co. ndon, Ont. QEERCOATS, TO REPAIR, PRESS ~ and (Jlean, or turn Can be made Ey sve' the appearance of new ob work guaranteed to Please. T. Qalloway, tailor. 131 Street. COAT_THE PERSON WHO TOOK A go lady's Grey Coat from the Yacht Club on londay evening, 25th of iS ested to return it to 43 - t. A SOLD CHAIN BRACELET, LAST - . off Prigcess, Wellington, Brock, ' y Lor Vision strests, or in some of the stores. please leave at Whig Office. Finder hr Frontenac X $ rewarded at the Hotel Randolph Be dnaving TEP Obie' do Menthe 'soda at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store fountain. a Tmethy's for the best shoes for City council, 8 Pom. Vaudeville this evening at Ontario ark, Sun rises sets T:25 p.m. Str. New York excursion to-morrow afternoon, 2:43 The goodness of the untempted is as flat as egws without salt Special prices for Thursdyy day at the Dillon shoe sale The more brains under the hat the less jewels hanging to the clothes Queen reet C. E. excursion to Adex- andria . Thursda Aug. 4th. 0c Some men have no use for friends un- less they can make use of them The holy bods of matrime ¥ don't al ways bear a High vate of in crest Many 4 voung mun with a future be- fore him never catches up with jt Some folks ought to take their con- sciences out once in a while for exercise Events this da Taylor died, 1667; discover America feated French, 1534 Edward 111. 1347; born, 1847; Sir died. Thursday, 446 go m.; and Fri- Richard Arkwright See our window display of "Royal Doulton" We are showing some very handsome pieces of Doulton's Old Lambeth Stoneware, "quaint shapes" odd designs, all very rea- sonable in price. .ROBERTSON BROS.. EE $00000000000000000000@ @ ° : Always § : On Time § wins respect for a woman. has gained a reputation for our | Watches and Clocks That we feel proud ol. we consider THEY MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. (We are leaders in our line). Are Said to be in Very Great Danger IN HAICHENG. THE JAPAEESE HAVE TAKEN THIS STRONGHOLD. Hot Fighting In Roaring Hot Weather--Hope To Hold Their Own In Their Main Positions-- The Japanese Hero Is Now a Naval Officer--A Woman Leads Them. Special to the Whig London, Aug. 3. 1t is reported in Ngw Chwang that the Japanese have captured Haicheng, \ St. Petersburg despatch to the Exchange Telegraph company = says the Russians have retired beyond Hai- cheng, A despatch to' the Paris Temps, from Haicheng, dated August Ist, says that the Japanese have been for three days vigorously attacking the. Rus- sian positions south and south-east of Haicheng. The Russians are slow- ly retiring. The Japanese consist ap parently of three divisions. A large proportion of their troops are fresh. The weather continues fine, Although the Japanese telegrams are lacking in details, it seems prob- able that the heaviest fighting of the war has occurred near Haicheng and Lino Yang, resulting in the severe de feat of the Russians. wh the report of the occupa- tion of Haicheng is not confirmed this latest Russian reverse is regarded as marking an important stage of the campaign. Haicheng has been always regarded as one of the strongest plac: es of Manchuria. The question now 15, can the southern portion of vn. Kowropatkin's army be intervopted before its retreat to Liao Yang is made good. The army is undeniably in the greatest danger, although it still has the railway to facilitate the movements of its baggage. Russian Despatches. Tokio, Aug. 3. Gen. Kuroki has administered a severe defeat to the Russian forces which defended the Russian east flank at Liao Yang, win- ning separate Metions at Yushulintzu and Yangse Pass. These . two places are twenty-six miles apart, but the two 'actions weve fought at the same time. The Russians held strong posi- tions. The thermometer registered over 110. At Yushulintzu the Rus- sian had two divisions of infantry and some artillery, and they resisted the Japanese assaults vigorously, but alter two days' fighting were dis- lodged and driven four miles to Laho Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., KINGSTON. $ Q Q P. B. SRE @ IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE -- OF ---- Valuable Furniture, Rugs, etc. mien lem JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. COMPRISING IN PART, VIZ. Square Piano, Axminster Rugs, Brus sels, Stair Carpets, Silk Brocatte Parlor Suite, Steel Engravings, Dining Room Set, comprising Buffet, Extension Table,, Leather Covered Chai all in Oak, fine Ouk Bedroom Sets, Springs Mattresses. Cabinet Singer Sewin Ma= chine, Couches, Centre Tables, orris Chairs, Onix Table, Hall Rack. Marble and other Clocks, Lace and Silk Cu tains, ilver Tea Set, Silver Cake Has- ket, Pudding Irish, ete Roger's Cutlery viz.. Knives, Forks, Spoons, " anese Gong, Ladies' Secretary, en, fine Venetian Plate Mirror, $275 in England; Smoking Set of Sir John i Oil Range cost Ss pr, Steel Engravings, ) thorough Antiq ber. Set stamped and made in 179 naments, Crockery, Glassware and Goods 100 numerous to mention. 1 have received instructions from D. A Davidson to sell at his residence on MONDAY. AUGUST 8th Corner Sydenham and Johnston Streets. all of his effects whith are com- paratively new Sale at 1030 am. o'clock; terms cash JOHN 1 LICENSE TRANSFER. To Whom It May Concern 5 TAKE NOTICE THAT THE LICENSE Commissioners will meet the 11th, Inst. to consider the appli on for the transfer of the license of Harriett Evans, Camden Bast to S uel Hrien, of Lavant Station. F. 8. WARTMAN Inspector, - i -------------- CUTS OFF WOMAN'S ARM. ; ---- Her Hand, Covered With Jewels, The Motive. Bombay, Aug. 3A yemarkable in- cident of railway travelling in India is recorded by the Indian Daily News. A Rwrmese woman was reclining in a third-class compartment of a train near Sitkwin, with one arm hanging ont of. the window, when someone passed along the footboard and cut the limb clean off, apparently with a sharp sword. . The Jost hand was coversd with rings and bangles, so that robbery was wvidently- the motive for the out- rage. piano at 12 MILLS, Auctioneer® it -- Hiram Twedie, Smith's Falls a man of about fifty years of age, was ragaged on Saturday in raising a barn, when he fell, and sustained in- ! ternal ininvics. On' Sunday, veering | | Mr. Tweedie succumbed. Tre Crome "36 Menthe Sundae at | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store foun- { tain. Ling. The Russian forces at Yangse pass were estimated at two and one- hali divisions and four batteries of artillery. The enemy retreated . to- ward Tanchoven. Gen. Kuroki reports the capture of some field guns but the number is not given. Japanese Despatches. St. Petersburg. Aug. 3.--In a de spatch dated August Ist, Gert. Kouro- patkin says that, according to a re- port from the commanding officer, the eastern troops after abandoning their advanced position at Yanzelin, retired in the direction of Landiantsen and towards Simaiza and Liao Yang. On Monday the Russians retired to the principal positions they sustained. They hoped that in their main posi tions they would maintain a suceess inl struggle even against numerically | superior foreds, hut a reconnaicane revealed that the Japanese are begin ning » turning movement against the Russian left wing at Haicheng. Hirose A Hero. Tokio, Aug. 3. Admiral Togo re ports that while engaged recently in sweeping for Rassian mines near Fung wangtao, a mine became fastened to the sweeping machine of 4 Japanese gunboat. This rendered the gunboat helpless, and it drifted to Shensey it, where it was exposed to a heavy Russian cannonade. Capt. Hirose, on board another gunboat, then went to the rescue of the vessel. He succeeded in getting a line to the disabled gunboat, and had started to tow her away when he was suddenly attacked by 4 Russian tor pedo boat destroyer. After a fight which lasted one hour. Capt. Hirose succeeded in extricating both gun- boats, The vessel under the command of Capt. Hirose was hit twice amd three men on board of her were killed. Capt. Hirose. and ten men were wounded. The funnels of the Russian torpedo boat destroyer, which was sunk on Sunday, July 24th, are visible off Shensen Point. -~ Captured Shantu Kow. Tokio, Aug. 3.---It is reported here, that, after three days of desperate fighting, thé Japanese hare captured Shantu Kow one of the most import- ant defences of Port Arthur, A Great Duel. London, Aug. 3.---A news agency despatch, from St Petersburg, says that the artillery engagement on Sun- day was of the fiercest character. Two hundred wounded men were des- patched to Lino Yang, the night after the battle. The thermomettr during the fight registervd 112 degrees Faren- heit in the shade. The men s'ffered severely from the weight of their arms and the clouds of dust. Many of them had nothing to eat or drink for the whole day. Buy Enos Fruit Salt, fresh, at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. Thousand Island Park, Aug. 2. The steamyacht Where Now, returning from Ki oh to Gananoque, ran on a shoal above here at 5:99 o'clock to the great alarm of thirty excur. sionists who were on hoard, The boat was left high and dry for two houry' was surcounded scores of rathante filled with curious people. it At nor passengers red serious injury, The Where Now began running ex- cursions to Kingston last week. On her return trip this afternoon she was just rounding the head of the DONNELLY President of the Ay algame 4 Cutters and Butchers" Work en America, who ny ading the pre Meat i North \ t butch ers' strike again the packers park when she Btruck the bath house shoals, which are only slightly sub- merged. A The bow of the boat slid up on the rocks with a load noise, with the re sult that she stood for a moment al most clear of the water and then top pled gently to the side, throwing pas- sengers and everything on the deck over against the rail. . There was danger of a panic, Lut nobody was thrown into the water, and it was seen in a moment that the boat was in no hnmediate danger. Re- sidents of the upper end of the park, aroused hy the heise, were soon put- ting out in row; boats to rescue the stranded passengers. The boat was pulled off the rocks by the yacht Imogene at 7:15 o'doeck this . evening and was towed to the public dock, where she now lies. EL ap---- 4 Si - + Resigned To Fall. a + London, Aug. 5.--A de- Spatch to the Standard, from Odessa, says it is un- officially Port Arthur. Public opinion is more or loss resigned to the early fall of the fortress. + + +> PS $ - +> * PS + * + 4 + + + *> o - * -> +> + + SINK GERMAN SHIP. Vladivostok Squadron Sends The Thea To The Bottom. St. Petersburg, Ang. 3-1t is offici- ally announced that the German steamer sunk by the Viadivostok squadron was the Thea, a vessel of about 1,000 tons. Work Of Squadron. Viadivostok, Aug. 3.The Viadivo stok cruiser division, which returned | to port yesterday afternoon. in perfect condition ptured during their cruise the steamer Arabia and destroyed some schooners, a small Japanese stesgner, one German steamer and one British steamer The last mentioned two were carry ing contraband material and - had nearly reached their destination, Yoko- hama, but were almost without coal and it was, therefore, impossible to sed them to Viadivostok, The ervisers steamed ap and down in front of the Japanese capital, but saw nothing of the enemy's warships Although the Russinn vessels had only three doors through which to get home the Straits of Korea, La Perosse strait and Tangara steait---which ap parently could casily have heen barred by Vice Adwiral Kamimwra's vessels, bad Inek pursued the Japanese adosic. al and the Russian cruisers had no difficulty in eluding him, -------- Committed Suicide. Snecial to the Whig, Mount liridges. Ont., Aug. 3.- Mar tin Burwell, a» farmer, who lived a few miles from in aradoe township, was found hy b. family hanging from a rafter in bh own barn. He had been drinking iv avily of late. Burwell was fifty-two yenrs old, and leaves a widow and four child rem. asses Cut Qut, Special to the Whig, London. Aug. 3.<Llovds agent at Port Said states that no passes for the Red Sea are being granted to anv steamships. The pass that was piven recently by the Russian consul to a German steamship was, it is said, un- avthorized. \ Sudden Death At Brockville. Brockville. Ont, . Aug. 2. Andrew Fisher, a well knowh moulder of this town, suddenly expired this morning while sitting at a table shout to par- take of breakfast. de was forty-nine years of age. and leaves a wife, but no family. William = Hoffer. Selwnectady, N.Y. aged eighteen, seized with cramps 'while swimming, was drowned. ELECTION ACT PASSED THE HOUSE; ALGOMA STRICKEN OUT. Col. Tisdale's Ameidments Were All Defeated--Protest Against The Amendments To The Alien Labor Act--Hon. Mr. Fisher's Bill Abandoned. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 3.~An agreement has been reached that tion shall take place not later than Honday next, The election act was passed yostorday and Algoma was eliminated from the list of constituencies in which the Alec- tion may be deferred. The resolntian to purchase the Canada Easters rail way for $500,000 was reported. Col. Tisdale's amendments to the militia bill were defeated. Jegistation committee of the Canadian™ Manufacturers' Association decided to send a deputation to Otta- wa to protest against Sir WilliamMu- Jock' amendments to the alien labor aw. Hon. Mr. Fisher's bill $0 amend the animal diseases act, has been aban- doned for this session. ; The Canada Life company's bill was killed in the banking and commerce committee of the commons, A contract has been awarded Messrs. Rhodes, Curry & Co., of Amherst, N. S., for the construction of a mew private car for the use of the gover nor-general, ------------ TO SUCCEED VON PLEHVE, ------------ Muravieff Is Official,y Announced As Selection, St. Petersburg, Aug. 3.~It is offici- ally announced that Privy Councillor N. V. Muraviefl, minister of justice, will succeed Von Plehve as winister of the interior, Von Plehve's Assassin. St. Petersburg, Aug. 3.---Minister of Justice Muravieff presented to the em- peror a report © of 'the investigation into the murder of Minister of the In- the bombs were supposed to have manufactured. ' EE ------------ ARE FAVORABLE. Looking Better Than In Many Years. Special to the Whig, innipeg, Aug. 3.--Favorable reports continue to be received from all parts of the province, In Central Manitoba,cast of andon, the are looking better than they have tn many years. West of Brandon the re cent rains have made up for the effects of the drought earlier in the season and the farmers are hoping now for clear weather for the next few weoks, The C.P.R. crop report, up to August Ist, is favorable in the extreme. -------- May Be A Strike. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Aug, 3.--There is a possi bility of a strike of the builders' lab- orers of the city over the question of wages. The men have been receiving 25c. an hour, but are not satisfied, and at a meeting held last night, at which nearly 600 were present, it was decided to make a demand for a mini- mum wage of twenty-vight cents, > A ------------------ Nihilists And Torrists Meet. Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 3.~The newspapers hore report that a confor- ence of Russian Nihilists and Torriste was held from July 2th to July 20th at the residence of 4 Russinn near the frontier, in the commune of Cherziny, Polish Russia. Fifty to #ixty persons are said to . have attended, mostly from abroad. Ready For Sea. Special to the Whig. St. Petersburg, Aug. 3.-Ten vessels of the Baltic fleet, destined for the far east, are lying in the roadstead at Cromstadt almost ready for sea. They ar being fitted with American marine cable ways for coaling at sen. The Islands Once Again. Steamer New York will make an- other of hor complete tous, Thurs day, 2:45 pan., howe early, only 35e, . Prevost, of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, has this year, without doubt, the finest assortment of Scotch and English tweeds, serges and cheviots, amd all other class of goods suitable for order work to choose from. His prices for suits made to order are from S15; A first- class fit and workmanship guaran: teed. By means of a woman's found upon him, Henry , Bul- falo, N.Y., United States Marine corps, has been identified as the as sailant of a Mount Vernon detective. President Roosvelt conferred with nama Cation, ad secured infor mation for his letter ¢ ) The meat packers hors Came em- ployees are on strike claim to be in a since the struggle bigan. Examination of the Grand sister ship to the General showed het fire-fighting apparatus to be utterly worthless, The nomination of Fliha Root for. 'cans is declared a cerfainty. ~~ terior Von Plehve. The 's 'an sassin is now known hr crop | better position now than at any time IH] i ane He te price in tha 8 1 the Whig. Drumbo, Ont Ang. 3. Harold Wis. ob. Hears Winner: mer, son of : i iis ; es 1 £2 8 i: i £ i bi | i. is i 5 Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Aug. bush., 95c.; wheat, red, bush. wheat, | hy , ., 80c.; oats, bush., 40c. to Ofc; per ton, $11 to $13; hay, now, per ton, 88 to 89; straw, per ton, $10 to $11; dressed hogs, light, $7.50 to $8: eqas, per dozen, I9%. to 2%.; butfer, fairy, x ne lo Joa: utter, n " . to Ue; chi , spring, per lb., Ik. to 17c.; turkeys, per 1b., 13e. to 8c. potatoes, per A ; $7.75; carcase, 30 to 96.50; mutt #6 to $7.50; veal, per $8.50; lamb, spring, Ib. an exciting chase before Magistrate Dominic Murphy, secretary of the Pa- | governor of New York by the republi- [a L--Wheat, whitn, EY bush., 90c.; 'wheat, | bush., 0c; hay, old, |