joods get. ter. ow k of the LN close of a and store ck which fot your all these ur profit es sake of 3 .. 71ST YEAR. NO. 181. : - 5 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUG FURNITURE. ---- - Vaudeville this evening ut Ontario ark. Portsmouth school board and council : meet. i . --- t Some men are too lazy to enjoy a vacation. 2 -) Sun rises Friday at 1.47 4 wm; sets 7:28 pm vaudevill Keen buyers are taking! me tumpctiower shoud te ave 10 advantage of the "i haughty hnsu's dignity is usually € % - ' "IL in dew ay tor a millionaire to HOT FIGHTING. Bargains! ots mee peonle ge LARGE REDUCTIONS ON HIGH GRADE GOODS. who is 1 Sa Saturday of white dip hip cor- > 35 , | sets, c. New York Dress Reform . Musie jabinets, ranging $35 to $18, | 0g day on street cars to-mor- Supplies Being Rushed From Liao nest made. row Matinee in pavilion'at 3 Ju S 8, $85 t G5, none bet- i Jedroom Suites, $85 to $05, 1 2 Excursion to Brockville and Ogdens- Yang To Mukden--The Heavy Extension Tables, $25 to $15. They | burg, Str. New York, S30 tomorow Losses Of The Russians in The are sellers. : morning. i inp. Yi Sideboards, $25 to $30. Quick sellers. | Events Awehistory this day. Naval Recent Fighting--Little Fresh battle of Camperdown, 1862: Shelly News To Hand. born, 17! Hans. Christian And A died, 1875; Moors defeated Portug Special to the Whig ROBT. J. REID, Sn: Ratua Sf Mackinue, 1814; 5 London, Aug. 4.--There is a com- The Leading Underiaker, 222 Princess Street, Ambulance Telephone 5/7. disp Watches from $1 to $100 See "Our Horse-play is the See our window DAILY MEMORANDA, strong point of e téams 1 » just crazy about A stylish woman often has a husband he latest thing out lay of nany Yang. DEFENCE. plete absence of news of fighting fr ing in the and Lino Yang are concerned, eo confirmation of the ment of Haicheng XOe| day and the suggestion that Ge 13 RETIRING. Kouropatkin to Quit Liao A STUBBORN REAR GUARD the front, as far as to the om ents con- sequent to the three hard days' fight- neighborhood of Haicheng reported abandon by the Russians. The truth of this was assured yester- battle he must either move westward or surrender. The Russian troops at Port Arthar have been driven back to the last line of thoir defences. The Japanese gt- tacking, force has 350 guns in action. -- Drove Them Back. Tokio, Aug. 4. Twelve torpedo boat destroyers, four torpedo boats and some ts emerged from the harbor of Port Arthur on the night of August Ist, but were driven back again by the Japanese warships on the outside, Noon.--The Japanese victors at the battle of Simaucheng have advanced and occupied Haichong, The Winter Quarters. St. Peterdburg, Aug. 4 According to a despatch received from Harbin, Gen. Kouropatkin has ordered the removal from that place' of all usdless civilians in order to provide the greatest pos- sible accommodation of winter quar- ters for the Russian army, Japs Find Wealth. London, Aug. 4.--1t is rumored on the Stock Fx an that the Japanese discovered $25,000,000 iy, an abandon el Russian camp. yn t ---- » American Jockey Hurt. i: 1904. ¥ UST 4, L ie MEMBERS. gether financial administration of the gov ernment. Mr. Fielding made an effec tive reply, and the mation was defeat. by a government majority of forty two. MEET EARLIER. THIS WAS THE REQUEST OF P---- Sir Wilfrid of Opinion That The Houses Should Be Called To. Early In January--aA Clause in The Post Office Act Special " Guaranteed Watch, stem wird and stem set, in Gun Metal and Nickle Cases, at $2.50 each. SMITH BROS. Jewelers aad Opticians, 350 King Street, 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS., D.D.S 'Phone 652. Ground Floor Office. TAKE NOTICE 3 Relri Wood and Coal Heaters, Bedroom Sets Tables, Chairs, Sofas, and Carpets, at TURK'S SECOND-MHAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. DENTAL OFFICE rators, 20 Cooking Stoves, 80 "Royal Doulton' sonable in price. Always On Time ) Q 9 Oo OO We are showing some very handsome pieces of Doulton's Old Lambeth Stoneware, "quaint shapes' odd designs, all very rea- ..ROBERTSON BROS.. 9000000000000000000008 Kouropatkin may relinguish the idea of seriously defending even Liao Yang where enormous stores must have ac- cumulated, receives support from the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Echo De Paris, who reports that a large number of troops have evacu- ated Liao Yang, and are retiring on Mukden. During the past week train loads of provisions and munitions have been despatched daily to' that place. News from every official and unofficial source, Japandée and Rus sian, shows that Gen Kouropat'sin is retiving north with all haste. He fighting a stubborn rear guard hoping to avoid ' J: being cut off before his retreat before Harbin is reached. Further despatehes add to the ae counts of the recent fighting, but the latest details vary greatly. They have, however, one thing in common. All point to the great success of the Jap- anese. A despatch, from Yinkow, to the Italian Militare, says that the Rus- sian losses in the batthe of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, were from 9,- fight | ht can reach Ligo Yang but thers ix! little hope of his putting an end to | fering from concussion of the brain, ------ MIC WILUELM, a : Money. Vichy, France, Aug. 4.-Jay Ransch, | Sir Willd Laurier announced that | gecial to the oe the American jockey, was thrown in sveral, Jove nn bills would bo Ottawa, Aug. 4.-W. A the. ra here, yesterday, di . pped to allow of pror on tak- n he races hore ay, and is suf ing Plate: ob dhe ong o hoa store, at North Wak charge that the western members were being injured by sessions extending in- to the summer and + d that the houses should meet in November. Sir Wilfrid replied that he had not forgotten his speech, and was still of IRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- tors, N canvassing. Adv. Co., ete ee eet GIRLS, 14 TO 16 YEARS OLD, WANT- ing employment in a factory. Apply to the Cash Discount Agency, 203 Wellington street. lonth I nmense stock ! HORSES -- 30 SOUND WORKING Horses, 1,200 pounds and upwards, at Grimason's Hotel, on or before Saturday. August 6th TO BUY, OR REN? A SMALL dwelling, in suburbs, with three or four acres of land. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock st ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR? It is being done with our goods Work is pleasant, respectable and permanent. a. arshall & Co., {OES must London, Ont. . / THAT SUIT OF YOURS TO PRESS hem all on r and elean; it can be made to look like new. Also your order .for new the tables work. Thos. Galloway, tailor, 181 € ? > Brock street, next to Bibby's livery. crs are full AGENTS, TO SELL THE HAND- iest kitchen utensil on earth. King- Ston and surrounding country places, vant, please Exclusive territory; also boys, to istribute dodgers. Call 276 Ontario firect SALESMAN, THERE IS NO POSI- tion advertised that equals this, per- manent, liberal salary or commission, quick' selling standard commodity Openings limited. Capital N. Com- pany, Ott, STORE pad ~ 10ST. Pr ------ ce 2 wre A GOLD CHAIN BRACEL} . « LAST week, on Princess, Wellington, Brock, Clergy' or Division streets, or in some of the stores. Finder please leave at Whig Office. A FIVE DOLLAR BILL, ON TUES: ay, between the British American otel, and the Hotel Frontenac Fo. will be rewarded by leaving at the Hotel Randalph. TO-LET., THREE FRONT BED-ROOMS, FURN- ished, with or without board Ap vy at. 100 King: street, corner nion. FOUND. A SUM OF MONEY, ON WEDNESDAY morning. Owner can have the same By applying at 862 Johnston street A Lively Episode. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE ----OF-- Valuable: Furpiture, Rugs, ete. BY JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. COMPRISING IN PART, viz., Square Plano, Axminster Rugs, Drus- sels, Stair Carpets, Silk Hrocattele, Parlor Suite, Steel Engravings, Dining Room Set, comprising Buffet, Extension Table,, Leather Covered Chairs, all in Oak, fine Oak Bedroom Sets, Springs, Mattresses, Cabinet Singer Sewing Ma- chine, Couches, Centre Chairs, Onix Table, Hall and other Clocks, Lace and Silk Cur- i Silver 1 Silver Cake "Ba ket, Pudding Irish, Roger's Cutlery; viz.. Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc., Jap- anese Gong, Ladies' Secretary, Bed Lin- en, fine Venetian Plate Mirror, cost $275 in England; Smoking Set of late Sir John A Macdonald, Oil Cloth Range cost $ Gas Stove, Steel Cut Engravings, Marlborough Antique Cham- er Set stamped and made in 1790. Or- naments, Crockery, Glassware and Goods too numerous to mention I have received instructions from D. A Davidson to sell at his residence on MONDAY. AUGUST 8th Corner Sydenham and Johnston Streets. all of his effects which are com- paratively new Sale at 10.30 o'clock; terms cash JOHN H. MILLS. Auctioneer am. piano at 12 CALLED TO ACCOUNT. The Engineer Said To Have Sold City Stone. Special to the Whig, Windsor, Ont., Aug. 4.--George F White, a stone and cement coptractor: complained to the city council, last night, that City Engincer Newman had been disposing of, crushed stone, owned by the city, to paving and coment walk contractors in the city to the detri ment of 'his (White's) business. The city clerk was instructed to request the city engineer fo appear before the board of works committee at next meeting and explain his alleged ac Lion. * A Wonderful Echo. in the | rudely | Residents of Albert strect, vicigity of Union street, were awakened from their slumbers about | half past five this morning. The cause of the disturbance was a combined at | tack of three dogs wpon a solitary | cat. The latter took up a stratesic | position upon the balcony of a ueigh } ring house there held the canines at bay for sot time. But Port Arthur was doomed to capitulate |; but only over the dead body of its defender, the eat being eventually kill- |! - ed by the combined attack of the op- posing trio. he London Chronicle An ordinary echo is a curions thing: but, according to the statements of a Frenchman at a watering-pluce in the Pyrenees, one echo on the Franco issian frontier, is far from ordin Pry y. St. Petersburg, Aug. 4.--Whether a general engagement progressing at Lino Yang, between forces of Gen. Kouropatkin and the three Japanese armies which have been moved against thent from the south and east, the de- cisiva battle of the campaign is re- garded as certain if the Japanese en- ergetically follow up their preliminary successes of the last three days. The fighting has been of a desperate and bloody character, the Russians ofier- ing the most stubborn resistance, the losses, therefore, must be heavy on both Between 6,000 gnd 8,000 men is one estimate given of the Rus- sian losses. The strong seroen drawn around Gen. Kouropatkin's interior positions has been driven in at all points, Wai- cheng being practically aban ane without a blow. The pressure of the Japanese numbers and the failures to hold the northern positions probably rendered it useless to hold out there, The Russian forces, last night, con- stituted'a compact chain in the form of a semi-circle around Liao Yang, extending from Anshan, half-way be- tween Haichong and Liao Yang, to Auping, which is only thirtecn miles east of Liao Yang. Intense anxiety prevails in all cir cles. All newspaper snecials from the front are suspended which is consider- od ominous. 18 sides, Many Stories Carried. London, Aug. 4.-- There is no cer: tain word from Port Arthur. News carriers hy Chinese junks bring daily stories, which cannot be taken at their face value. The steamer Wuchow which has arrived at Chefoo, picked up a junk carrying men and women, who left Port Arthur Tuesday. These report] sanguinary fighting at Wolf Hill, resulting in the repulse of the Japanese. Woli Hill is near the rail- way. Eight trains were busy taking the wounded to Port Arthur, The Rus- sians declare that the fortress will never fall, but. they expect' that scaree- ly a building will be left. Scarcely 4 whole pane of glass now remains in the place. A despatch to the Daily Telegraph, from St, Petersburg, says that the Baltic fleet, with the exception of one vessel, is now ready to start. It is be- lieved that a decision to despatch the fleet will be largely dependent upon the capacity of Port Arthur to hold ont, Between Forces. New Chwang, Aug. 4.-Gen. Kuroki, oon nas vou have spoken." said the Frenchman, who had sscared an andience of. wide-oved tourists, "vou hear distinetly the voice leap from rock to rock. from precipice and as soon as it has pass it assumes the Spanish precipice the frontier tongue." with 100,000 men, is now behind the Russian forces. Gin. Oku, wit an armv of J0.000 men, is in the front, while flanking them in the Wit is Gen. Nodza with he dividon of \850.000. 1 chen and New Chwang, ated thirty ie ae, which Te ulli i 4 : # i 5 if not a piece , Was Allowed To Stand. have no _. and ho ay Provis- Specinl to (he Whig. lon trains arrive at interve Ottawa, Aug. 4.--A. C. Bell in the only. "Under Commons, yesterday, moved a want of , "the work of the troops confidence resolution condemning the | truly heroic," He Got Away With Considerable last night and the Some amendments were wade to the i $600 chi i militia bill which was passed. The Pat' ith ayer was a 0 i house al Passed a number of items for cheese factory patrons Parohl ns in supply, Scotia' Otta : KL Borden elles) Sie Willimis Ma we Bank of Hotta. a h du. lock 8 attention to the clause in his i if Wright, Hull, i bill to amend the post office met pro- helt % : ie inves hibiting the passage through the mails illiam Foran, Ottawa' of newspapers containing advertise. sport, is incensed at the action of the I gertain medicines and | CAA. U. executive in su curative devices, This was deemed Capitals, and says that if the mem: most radical cha and he asked if of the Capitals are forced to Sir William intended to press it. Sie make aflidavite, he will make ex William replied that it was a most sures that will startle the port od important matter and if it was w and involve every te in the thought thery would be consider- | @ ooo TY. am int able opposition he would allow it t, ch been sand over for a year. The bill was ble He Bounas heater ier or Plies eturdingly mt back 10 SxMmniLoon Powell, alleging that he failed to take aid the clause taken out. Thus gmend o ¢ gambl i wl the bill stands for Gi) reading, Contr Tonbimess a indo "or Mr. Boyd (Macdonald) remewed his : ny He ox istence. Walters was recently in rank, he being the man nined against drinking while in reduced. to the Inter the chief relieving him constable, MORE SUPPLEMENTARIES, | who com: Sergt. Hatton for uniform. Hatton wat ranks, and a few days put Walters on patrol, of the post of station pressated to the house last principal item is to cover of Senator Fairbanks was a hard one to write as far as variety is concern ed. "His boyhood," savs Mr. Smith, "did not offer the incidents that the boyhood periods of other men offer He was just a farmer boy of very or dinary life. At college he was just a good student, while bis rise in polities has been so rapid that it does not give much material for the biograph- er. Big Missionary Conference. Special to the Whig Richfield Springs, N.Y., Aug The American Missionary Congress of the Protestant Episcopal Church, which opened here to-day, for a ses sion of ten days, has attracted a no- table gathering of churchmen: Re Presentatives of various Episcopal so- cieties gre present from the New Eng- land states, the central western states and the southern states as far as Vir ginia. The congress will discuss meth ods of Bible study, missionary work, home and abroad, and other matters of general interest to church workers. Secretary Morton On A Cruise. Special to the Whig Washington, D. C., Aug. 4.- During th next week or two the new secre tary of the navy is to have his first taste of life aboard a naval ship. The dispatch boat Dolphin which left Washingtod to-day, carries the secre- tary of the navy and Mrs, Morton with a party of guests, Included am- ong the latter are; Attorney-General Moody, Speaker Cannon and Miss Cannon. The cruise, which is in the nature of a tour of inspection, will Maine coast. Removed The Wreck. Special to the Whig, Detroit, Mich., Aug, 4.--The Reid Wrecking cowpany, of Sarpia, has removed the last of the steamer Min- nesota, which was burned and sunk in St, Clair river, last October, and since that time has been an obstrue tion to navigation. The Minnesota car the head of Russell Ixland. extend as far as the ~~ -- Harvesting Begun. Special to the Whig Winnipeg, Aug. 4-Heavy thunder storms prevailed theoughout Mani The Canadian Vaei report for last week shows the crops along the eompuny's lines are progres«sing well. Cutting of hay, oats and barley has commenced in ome sections toba yesterday fic crop Ce Was Found Drowned. Special to the Whig \ ) a . oy ANTED, wins respect for a woman. It 000 to 10,000 men. Their losses in war - on a ruiuityy Whoa Fis Opinion that the houses should be call- WAN * aa - has gained a reputation for our materials were even more serious, be- | world, coming first to the United ' early In Jonaury, Puting the last PA SBP ing forty puns, 200 wage fl States (0 visit the St. Louis exposi- | IWo sessions in had been deviated ANE CEM A 100 VA G- 2 ! 2 gegons, flags, . : 1 A GENERAL SER A) quoh WA Watches and Clocks and 20,000 rifics. The Russians on | ""*" from hecaume Jertain important meas- i - leaving Haicher lestrove © were not ready, but so long as an ------------------------------------------ o J 8 A 2 > ANT. F @ That 'we feel proud of. While eR Sh nved the guns HAD HARD TIME. he had anything to do with it he GENERAL : YANT FAMILY, OF We consider the movement the and unitions stored | there. -- would leav hav: two. A 282 Johnston street. Et a a A a covament the Lino Yang despatches state that the Si hes Life Of Senator 'Fair i aver to Yo setaione ig 5 $. TO GO TO COUNTRY. AP or Clock, beauty, too, should be Japanese employed two divisions ) ary. He ught it wouald AZCOOK, TO GO TO COUNTRY. considered. Our selection af Time against the Russian centre nnd the] ---- woos Danke fom wot awkward do a "oy to Mr. Brophy, 59 Wellington Picces are marvels of artistic skill same force against Gen Koller with a | Sbecial to the Whig R. L. Borden thought if the delay street. in desiyn an nish. : rans . . i ie ; vf ' al -- x ono " BOR strong force in support near Pensihu. ca tdinnapels. | ind ne. yh lu plete Souned hy fants being Jaco wb , AND LADY'S MAID, ¥C The failure . : ne rat ' A ete e date of eo closing o o A Nioutier Jikan Rink. Arily at ihe] O THEY MUST BE SEEN The failure of the Russians to foree by the republican national committee fiscal year might be changed boat, Friday night TO BE APPRECIATED the | ubanave Yuck through, the PASS- | there will be added this week a vol- : -------- -- . 2 ie penetrating ¢ which meant an sontai a the bi raphy 1 A NIGHT WATCHMAN, FIREMAN disaster for the czar's troops, is par- |. Be ee RTs i YEARS COME AND GO. ry A nD i Cot- (We are leaders in our line). : : 3 pa speeches of Senator Fairbanks, t preistred : pply to Dominion tiallv explained hy the inadaptability candidate for vice-president. The book Russell Sa 1 N Ni + ton Millis Co. of the Russians to mountain warfare. | was prepared by W. H. Smith, » vet i ge : ear he. A. YOUNG MAN, TO ASSIST INE id have and mative, ny Wied sean newspaper man of Indians A eel 4 the we Grocery and Liquor Store Apply 2 inelicctive, and as a result they sn er- | half million ios 'of the book a- ] Phecin : . T. J. Leahy, King street. é P. B. C R E Ww S, ed too great a pereentage of easual- or Tig } x0) - he oo ha New Pog iv Aug. 4.~Russell Sage, Pe TR wa | © Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., ties, throughout the country during the | oy @ American financiers and' one STRONG, INTELLIGENT YOUNG 36s 7 ; ? of the most widely known men in the man, to learn presswork. Apply to KINGSTON. - . campaign just begun, . ountry. outside of public life, ix on foreman of pressroom, Whig Office 00 'C oo Oo o o® Desperate Fighting. The author save that the bie phy the threshold of wr fit t--t-------------------------- 2000000000000 000000 four-score-and-ten. To-day he entered upon his vighty- ninth year, looking every bit as young and as vigorous as he did a decade ago. But even a man of "Uncle Russell's" remarkable vitality and energetic tem- perament ix forced to pay attention to the mandates of Father Time when he gets near the ninety-year mark on life's journey. It has been Mr, Bage's favorite boast that he never took a vacation during his long business ca- reer, and his recent statement to the effect that no man absolutely peods a vacation from business started a con- troversy that swept the entire coun- try. Whether or not thé veteran finan- cier has changed his views in this par- ticular it is certain that, since his {ll ness of a year ago, he has been per- suaded by his wife and his physician, Dr. Munn, to release himself from the cares of business almost entirely, He now visits his office at very rare in- tervals, spending almost = his entire j time at his summer home at Lawrence, . 1s ---------------- INJURED AT BULL RING. Spying From a Shed When Strue- ture Collapsed. Winnipeg, Aug. 4.--~Forty-five per- sons were injured by the collapse of a huge cattle shed at the exhibition grounds last evening while watching a fight between a negro and a bull, The shed overlooks the bull ring where Normeus, the black bull hter, nightly wrestles with the animal, The crowd of 150 climbed on the shed to watch the show without paying en- trance fee, > Without a moment's warning the roof broke through and precipitated half of the crowd to the or, a dis tance of about twenty-five foot, In its descent the roof turned over and fell on the people, causing more serious in- Juries than would have otherwise re- sulted, About fourteen were taken to the hospital in ambulances, while several with minor injuries were able to walk away. James Speelman, of Seattle, Wash., and a boy named Soper, from Calgary, were fatally hurt. Most of the other cases were fractures of the limbs. ------ A Bad Crash. Special to the Whig. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 4.---The south bound passenger train on the Louis ville & Nashville road, which left Cin- long consequent on her release. The unfor- Juunts lady will be sent to an asy- MA, « colonial railway deficit amor $600,000. Additional pl for the current year amount to $397, 450. Of this amount $59,000 is for the Cornwall canal, 20,000 vach for are mories at Belleville, Guelph, Peterbor- ough, Stratford and Woodstock. or the extension of the breakwater at Toronto, an opriation of $40,. 000 is to be voted, and for Port Stan ley harbor, $25,000, ------ A DEFAULTING BOOK-KEEPER. -- Crime Discovered By Purchase of Gasoline Launch. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Aug. 4.--Because he had bought a g ine launch, and other things beyond his means, the Patter son' Manufacturing company suspected their book-keeper, L. H. Durand, and while he was absent on bis vacation an. examination of his books revealed a shortage of $2,565. Durand was ar- rested at his home in Westmount this morning, and at first pleaded not guilty, but afterwards changed his plea, and will be sentenced later. eer. CLIP A RECORD. There Is a Chance of The Ba- varian Doing So. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Aug. 4.--The Allan liner 8. B. Bavarian, which passed Fame Point, inward at 2 a.m., to-day, is in a fair way to beat the Cu an re cord between Moville and Rimouski. If sho makes the run from Fame Point to Rimouski in the regular 'time, she will clip five hours off the record mak- ing passage in five days and eighteen hours, actual time. Under Sunday Law. Ottawa, Aug. 4.--After a long dis- cussion, the senate last. night passed te, Widen making allways wholly within province # t to provin- cial Sunday observance law, The bill to amend the railway act, which con- tains this clause, was read a third time and passed. The legislation to which such strong objection has been made by electric railway companies in Ontario is therfore beyond chance of defeat. -------------- Mrs. Maybrick Insane. London, Aug, 4.--Mrs. Florence May- brick, recently released from prison on ticket of leave and joined her mother, | the Baroness Roques, at Rouen, is a hopeless mental and physical wreck. Her wother reports her indeed to have been ade insane by the rigors of her imprisonment and the reaction um, S------ Mr. Walks Goes To Lindsay. Lindsay, Ont., Aug. 4.--R, H. Walks, | cinnati at six o'clock, last night, gol- lided with a north-bound passenger train near Horse Cave, Ky., at two 1 o'clock this magning. Some thirty-two gj the Alliston; Ont. Aug 4.--~William Cas- sidy. twenty five years age, was foul drowned in the mill race here, this morning. It is supposed to be a Gen. Kouropathin is defeated. in this vagy of suicide. passengers and jure. : ' ' t---- vonenctd Wear Abernethy's shoes: and money. ' v « Save hax heen appointed Englisk our traiomen were in-' retirement. pets, BSc Whitby Collegiate Institute, master inl Lindsay Collegiate Institute, to | end vacancy caused by Mr, Hardy's ; | ho : i Dre at Gibson's I he Sweet potatoes at Carnovsky's, Sale Saturday of . New Yor