. J. Bovd officiating, of FINE IMPORT. at | military and public m ms, These ght two lar trophies will be of benefit in t + fa preserving the memory of the war t one weighing | that welded the empire and inspired > WILKINSON'S BODY FOUND. , the Jou supe. ------ Charles Hubbard, 11 Pine on "Sunday morning of Discovered By Indians A: The was hold this held at four o'clock _ for cc, read 's" ah. et or deny the he company Them. are rought in swollen features and + conditions of the re ns render recognition almost im: of Cheaper neds. Than To Support His Family of Ten. Attleboro, Mass., Aug. 8.--Realizing that it was to pay his fine and have him at liberty the town has Did o ns fine imposed in Bo) Doddie keeping an unlicensed dog. was sent to jail because he could not pay the fine, his wife day of it was enough for us," one of the solectmen, "Had Hod stayed in doit ten duys, as sche- duled, it would probably have cost us 825 besides having to board him." Hoddin is back at his work. He says: "The fine is paid and I guess we will get along all right. The dog is dead." RELICS OF BOER WAR. Mauser Rifles. Ottawa, Aug. 8.--Of the 'extensive armantnt captured from the Boers during the war of 1809-1903 the Brit- ish government hes awarded four lafge guns and 500 Mauser rifles to Canada in recognition of the part it took in the great campaign. The wea- pons will most likly be allotted among the larger cities, the big guns to the public places as mementos of Canada's baptism of five and the rifles to do similar dutics in the young with that hardy manly soirit that forms a strong power in the preservation of the life and vir- ility of a nation. Long Sault. Massena, N.Y., Aug. 8 The hody of W. Wilkinson, of three men drown- ed at the intake of the St. Lawrence River power company canal last De comber, while at work in the Long Sault Rapids by the eapsizing of their boat, was found by some Indians near St. Regis sucivation at the Joos, uf the Long t Rapids in the St. Lawrence river. This makes the last of the three found. The hody was only identified by clothing, as it was be- yond recognition, having been in the water about eight months. Editor Was Injured. : Hastings, Ont., Aug. 8.~The Hast. ings lacrosse team visited Havelock, Friday, and defeated the home team by three to one in a fine game. Two mintites before full time, while Have lock were trying to score, Easter brook, sk, struck Scriver, the edifor of the Hastings Star, over the eye, bursting it, . Ax there was no doctof in the town, he was to Norwood. ' He has left for Taronto, where he will undergo an operation to have his eye renioved. A Great Event. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Aug. 8.--The greatest ing event of the season at the d Islands is planned for Wednesday afternoon, when a race of the fastest gasoline along th river, without pr ogi ph yesbip, will he W g re: The Ah to bespresen ommodore Gil bert T. Rafferty of the Thousand Is- laid Yacht Club, who is one of those most interested in the race. ----------------. . Picton and Lake-on-the-Motntain, re- is hot foot af- tlantic railwat, but from the pluie is, the more respectable will the of young men hr journey et of home "R is the aris the low dive men in their downward egroer. us who remember the old-time tav ern, with its brood of roystering loaf- ers, and nocturnal fights between drunken men, especially on 'battling' dave, can see no great improvement 4 the so-called tavern over the sa- oon. "Bedides that, the Potter tavern is, according to all the descriptions, sim- ply an up-to-date saloon, called by a milder namb and consecrated with pious imprecations, mingled with im- pious libations, plus a free lunch counter as a bribe to total abstainers to become drunkards." ------ ASKS A CATHOLIC VOTE. -- Priest Wants Sect To Stand To- gether. Detroit, Aug. 8.--"The number of Roman Catholies in this country is 12,000,000, vet we have less influence than some of the weaker sects. Why have we Roman Catholics so little in- fluence despite the fact that we num- ber 2,000,000 voters ? It is because of our cowardice in expressing opinions. We are afraid to open our mouths in defence of the church and her doo: trines, because wo are om the unpopn- lar side. You : must advance your ideas; you must fight--But not. thank God, with deadly weapons. The ob- ect of your convention is a high and noble one. You mustslay down a fighting programme for the future and carry it out." In this manner Rev. Patrick O'Brien, Toledo, wr, the 8 of the American Federation of Catholic So- cieties to greater activity, in a sor- mon to the delegates to the femith convention. Three hundred delegates werd present and listened intently. "The church cannot sanction the law of divorce because it is against the law of God," he said. "The state has no right to enact the law «f i vorce. 1 say it as a citizen loyal to the government. The church can not sanction the present public school system of the country because it eli- minates religion from the teachings. I know it is an unpopular stand, but we must make it because we are right and the state is wrong. Our json-ta- tholic brethren look upon us with prejudiced eyes and imagine there is something in the teachings of the church that weakens our loyalty. 1 defy any man to impugn the loyalty of Roman Catholies." Sceretary Natre's annual report showed a 'total membership of 1.500,- 000 in" the organizations afliliated with federation. The following eable- gram from Pope Pius X was read : " 'Pius has received the filial greet- ings of the American Federation of Catholic Societies and joyfully sends his apostolic blessing." . The Open Season. THE KING SET FASHION. For the guidance of local sports. men the following items are quoted Introduces Novel Method of Creas- | from the Ontario game laws : ing His Trousers. New York, Aug. 8.<The London cor: respondence of the World telegraphs that King Edward's appearance in a white stovepipe hat at Newmarket has given a "boom" to that comfortable but long disused headgear, But he has introduced a far more revolutionary innovation, a novel me thod of creasing his trousers. Hither- to the trousers ervases . have been down the front and back, but the king now has two sets of creases arranged diagonally, so that the trousers hang absolutely square. The efiect is strange, and the only persan 8o far to imitate the novelty is the Prince of Wales, whose gdmiration for his father is unbounded and pl wi un fo December 15th. bias . Sqbirrels (black o --Septem} he "dudes" are crazy with mis Pu lg Wh ohienser giving over the double creahed trous- ers, especially as a smart court lady is said to have observed: "It's a very good fashion for handy logged men. r-- -------- Fell Into Bay; Drowned. Spegial to the Whig. Toronto, Aug. 8.--A Scotchman Lynde, employed in named George : Bertram's shipyard, reported to the volide, to-day, that his son, James , also employed there, walked down to the end of the pier to wash and never came hack. His coat was found on the pier, and it is supposed that he fell into the bay and was drowned. -------- The lady ejected from a house on Place D'Armes, has a story to tell that exonerates her from trying to es cape paving rent. She tendered the amount due several times, and also made repairs to make the place hahi- table that more than counterbalanced anv deficiency due. Sunday school scholars of Syd- enham Street Methodist church had a surprise on Sunday. Instead of hiblieal facts they disenssed lemonade and enke, kindly provided hy the officers > it will start to, dram drinking, and of Christian citi- Pp. and possibly 10 poverty, erie and an untimel oh. tocratic place and not that initiates our young Those to December 15th. cemhber 15th. 15th to December 15th. Prditie fowl--September 15th +t, December 15th. Quail--November 1st to November h cember 15th. men tioned and included in each season. ed in Ontario may hunt or kill game animal or bird th Ontario with out having procured a non-resident li missed the hest part Wednesday. pe¥ steamer, America. tte Wood «¢« Coal an squad- Purkish t Ipswich, Mass., Rev. BE. Winches: Donald, DD. reetor. of Trinit is dead, of tubere: a tolic delegate at Washings D.C, received a brief ftom Rome i Rev. 4, B. Delany as Manchester, N.H. He sue: 8, Bishop Bradley, who died some ago. rs, Cane Islam, New House, in Ilion, N.Y., wife of 8. BE. Islam, ident of association of that vill: , in dying from wounds inflicted by herself t. St. Lous, 8. F. Cole, of Cat: # - performed a notable writer feat, breaking the world's ord for the greatest number of irds in seven hours = of continuous ing with a total of 28,944 words. n Atchison, Xopela. & Sante Fe passen, train from Chicago, crashed a filled trolley car at Fifteenth street, in the eastern end of K City. J. L. Moris, Pleasant Hil 0., was killed and ten persons injhred, wi aA Sed DEATH OF THOMAS COFFEY. . -- Hé Was The Friend Of The Medicai Students. The bugle call has sounded for the adt time and that scar-covered veter- an, that familiar figure to Kingstoni- ams, old and young, will answer no mare. Thomas Coffey passed away at fiffeen minutes past seven o'clock this mdrning, at his home on Arch street. Hd had been ailing for some time past with stomach trouble, and more lat- terly was confined to his bed, so death did not come unexpectedly. He leaves a Wife, two sons, William of Seattle, anll David of Sioux City, and four dadghters, Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Hel- strom of Watertown, N.Y, and Miss Anbie and Miss Sarah, who reside at home, The funeral takes place on Wed- nedday morning, requiem mass being saitl at the home. The late Thomas Coffey was born in the parish of Wilton, County' Clare, Irddand. At the age of seventeen and a Balf years, he enlisted with the 21st Regiment Fusiliers at Macclesfield, on the 7th of April, 1851. He served thrbughout the Crimean war, receiving in the year 1854, a medal and three clasps commemorative of Sebastopol, InMerman and Alma. He also received the Turkish medal in the year 1855. In 1865 the veteran came to Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Rifles, evestually receiving his honorable dis- chatge at Halifax, on the 2th of De- cember, 1872, at the age of thirty- six, this certificate being accompanied by a most fitting endorsement of his igh qualities as a defender of the The deceased also had the Feni- an Raid medal dated 187 and three goad conduct badges. He saw service in different lands as follows : Crimea, one year, nine months; Malta, three veats, ten months; West Indivs, four veats, four months; Canada, seven vears, tea months. Coming to King- ston, the late Mr. Coffey was appoint- ed janitor of the medical college, holding that position for twenty-five vears, till he was forced to retire ab- out. two years ago owing to ill. health. Among the boys he was a prithe favorite, and many a physician will hear of his demise with regret and reall memories of - college days gone by. ---- DYNAMITE. CARTRIDGES. Found In Train Carrying King Alfonse. Special to the Whig. San Sebastian, Aug. 8.--The journey of King Alfonso to open the exhibition at Victoria has been defeated, "owing to the discovery of three dynamite cartridges in the royal train. ------------ Ducks--September 1st to December th. Geese and swans--September 15th to May Ist in the following vear. Grouse and hares- Septe ber 15th or 15th to Partridge--September De Pheasants and plover--September il--September 15th 5th. Wild to December tarkeys--October 15th t, De. Snipe and Woodeock-- September 15th These dates indicate when the came may be hunted or killed ; oth the opening and closing dates 0 person not resident and domicil- any nee, If you have not seen the Wednesday llunkination on the river, vou have of the islands, August 10th, 7:30 p.m. viiritties of Wood and Coal, Plone 133. Foot of West St. Wednesday, Augnet 10th, 10 a.m. of the school. Wood het Coal Pp ietress of || (JopLADLAWESON require only a changes. thing required by the traveller. News Of The District On Both county, to W. B. Beer, Kincardine. is said to have he tor at Massena, NY. Bryan township of North Croshy, aged se- venty-eight. Time! This is the time to make $1 do the work of $1.50 As the ranks of the Summer Goods get thigner tne prices get slighter and slighter, Why We Sell Low Now It takes costly time to keep [track of the odds and ends that accumulate at the close of a busy season. It costs quite a little to pack them and store them for another season. : ; It ties up a lot of capital in idle stock which might go into the new winter things for your benefit and ours. Is it any wonder we want to save all these items, and that we are willing:to lose our profit on many of these summer things for the sake of a clean stock and ready money ? 20% OFF White Shirt Waists, Colored Shirt Waists, Children's Wash Dresses, Ladies' Kimonas, Dressing Jackets, # Wash Skirts. Also Short Lengths of Wash Goods of Ginghams, Zephyrs, Muslins, Belfast Reps and Dress Lawns at a Little Over Half Price. If you HH aps want 2 SUIt Case We have a grand stock. Prices, $2.50 to $12 Bost Trunks for Al Purposes Big, strong trunks for the ong journey or the long stay, fitted with handy compartments and two light trays. The Steamer Trunk For the ocean voyage any trip where you few In fact every. BUY SEPTEMBER WHEAT ¥ We believe purchasers of Sept. wheat below 80c. will show ten points profit before the option expires. ith existing conditions cash wheat {8 not likely to fall below 90c. during 1904, and Sept. is cheap at present prices. buy w eat in lots of 1 M bush. and upwards on three cent margins for Sept. or 5 for July. McMillan & ire, S--E. Cor. & Yonge PETBRBORO-184136 Hunter St. ee ---- IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. a -- J cqunty Armagh, Ireland, but has liv- ed in Canada sixty years, Four sons and onc daughter survive. He was a "fine od man. Sides Of The Line. -- a, fh ntringe i reported in Low Charged With Being A Deserter. on, Unt., on August 3rd, of iss Mederic Champa 0 nN . A g0¢, twenty-three Hlizshe th 3; bh daughter of G. D. vears of age, charged with being a We have on hand the different 10," Ameliasburg, Prince Edward deserter from - "RB" Battery, was ar- " refled in Montreal Thursd, by De- A little daughter of . kste : ; A AY, hy 3 JA Wiper of Solin Beckstend, tectives Richard and McLaughlin. An BOOTH & CO. | ine cruiches for a year, as the o- | OH went down' and brought bm ® | sult of injuries to her back and knee, oh en healed by a doe- the America's trip to Picton, Wednes- day, August 10th, 10 am Two and ove-half hours in Picton and home at 7:30. Fare for round trip, 50c. Traynor, is dead in He was born in the parish of Gras McGlin, Tolly Dovnel, | Buy Lavander hath powder, u Gib- son's Red Cross drug store, sor---- -- -- FUR MID-S! Keen b adv Bai LARGE RI HICH GRJ Music Cal finest made Bedroom S ter. Extension are sellers Sideboards, ------ ROB The Lea Ambulanc: Clearing Summer H with a got Flowers, Sill This is a MISS SMIT whole stock SALE STA LICE To Whom'lt TAKE NO' Commissione inst. to cot transfer of Evans, Cam of Lavant S STEIN GIRLS, BY EXPERT D this offic A SMART fountain, | A BRIGHT housewo! street. | AT ONCE, to King cess stre | A YOUNG Apply i Mahood A GOO¥ washing COOK, FO) mer cot other h Centre GIRLS, 14 ing emp to the Wellingt BUY, dwelling four ac Estate | -- ARE YOU It is 1 Work i permant London, TO -- TEACHER ary $2 15th A Apply | Sharbo! tment GENTLEM cloth to St. 8 to pled ing, etc etn AGENTS, fest kit ston a Exclus distrib strect. SALESM!/ tion al manent quick Openin pany, -- LADIES $20 mailim nished velope G, Bo 160 ACR tario 105 W B.A. -- PIEBALI Cart, C---- A GOLD- ly, P zy. please ceive een A PRAY EN) on Si Park. office. nim-- A STIC LAIR apply -- Steget