The gun has.fired and our $1 Hat sale has crossed the &% line and is Speeding along at ® a winning clip. Turn your marine glasses this way and see which of our '$2 Hats (ndw i§ reduced to $1), will interest 8 you before the homo buoy $ is reached. ALL SHAPES. We need the space they oc- cupy. 48 Dozen to be Sold. : GUOD QUALITIES, & DAILY MEMORANDA, i -- New moon to-morrow. Moonlight excursion, Wednesday, 7.80 p.m. Street railway picnic y i Path. ¥ Picnic, Lake Ontario Royal Apc anum meets on Thursday night. . Vaudeville this evening at Ontario Park. Sun rises an Thursday at 4:55 a.m.; sets 7.15 p.m. Str. New York, for the Isles, to-mor- row, at 2:45 pn. Tt is difficult for the talkative man to find willing listeners Few men would care to be done hy as they try to do others ! Floating capital is a good thing when attached to a solid anchor, Str. Aletha for Montreal and Ottawa; leaves Kingston to-morrow at 2:30 p.m. Because & Woman is a nice wife is no sign € IS going to be that kind of mother-ih-law. . When a girl calls them limbs you can't help suspecting she hasn't much Confidence in them. There is hardly anything more excit- ing than thinking You are caught and then getting out of jt --New York Press Events in history this day Wich observatory = founde , 1675 Sir Charles Napier born, 1782 Riots in Belfast, 1862; Battle of Oak Hill, 1861; Battle of Athenry, 1318 Goschen, M.P., born, 1831; 'St. Lawrence river discovered, 1535 Green- iS JENKINS 5 114 PRINCESS ST. See "Our Special" Guaranteed Watch, stem wind and stem set, in Gun Metal and Nickle Cases, at $2.50 each. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. TAKE NOTICE 8 Refrigerators, 20 Cooking Stoves, 80 Wood and Coal Heaters, Bedroom Sets, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, and' Carpets, at TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Strect. WANTED. mS EXPERT DRAFTSMAN. APPLY AT this office ---------- AT ONCI 2 SMART GIRLS. APPLY to Kingston Steam Laundry, I'rip- cess street. COOK, WISHES POSITION DOWN among the Islands for a few weeks. Apply at Whig Office. A YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 14 OR 15, Apply in the morning, to Mrs. Geo Mahood, 148 University Ave. YOUNG MAN FOR BAKE-SHOP; ONK with some Sper) preferred Steady job." T. H. Ferguson A GOOD GENERAL SERV ANT, NO washing or ironing. Apply to Mrs H. F. Mooers, 108 Union street. A RELIABLE MAN, TO Cum GRASS, attend to furnace and do general wwk. Apply to General Hospital. GIRLS, 14 TO 16 YEARS OLD, WANT- ing employmient in a factory. Apply 10 the Cash Discount Agency, 203 Wellington street. TO BUY, OR Qt A SMALL dwelling, in suburbs, with three or four acres of land. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock street. ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR 7 + It is being done with our goods Work is pleasant, respectable and rmanent. G. Marshall & Co., ndon, Ont. SALESMAN: FOR ESTABLISHED line on new plans, great taker, per- manent, weekly pay, free new sam- ples, best house. Write now. Capi- tal Nursery Co., Ottawa. GENTLEMEN, TO BRING THEIR cloth to T. Galloway, tailor, 131 rock St. Style, fit and price guaranteed fo please, Pressicg, repairing, clean- ing, ete., promptly done. AGENTS, TO SELL THE HAND- t kitchen utensil on carth King- on and surrounding country places, xclusive territory; also boys, to hsriusive dodgers. Call 276 Ontario reet. LADIES AND YOUNG MEN, BARN #20 per 1,000 copying at home. No Mailing cor canvassing; material fur- Rished. Send addressed stamped en- ¥elope for particulars, S.S.CO., Dept. @, Box 228, Worcester, Mass . SALESMEN -- PERMANENT POSI- tion to sell new map of Cane ada, with Map of the World pn reverse side, siz 66 x 46 inches--two maps in one--representa- ti at work making $25 and 8 WET Wook: Address Rand, Mc- Nally & Lampany, No. 142 Fiith A New York. Oe -------------------------------- FOR SALE. Es ahs om peat eee = 160 ACRES OF LAND IN Wi ON- 0. Apply to John Shanahan 105 Wellington St., opposite Y.1.C- B.A. Hall. PIEBALD PONY, HARNESS AND Cait. 8387 Brock str NDAY MORNING Hotel ond St PEARL) Russ 8 *Mary's Cathedral A GOLD-MOUNTED COMB, ON CLER- Base! "wari a a oben, ane ra ive reward. Fo A STICK OF TIMBER, STAMPED &.8. Owner can have same by applying to Charles Brophy, Long nd Park FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN- ISHED. NO. 57 GEORGE STREET. APPLY to Mrs. Wm. Less Spend 4 On The River. By taking in the New York's trip to Ogdensburg and river pointe, Friday. 8:30 a.m., first class meals on board. home early, only 50c. return, Watches from $1 t0 $100 Dinner Sets We are showing some special lines 97 Pieces $ 4 Uh For . ..ROBERTSON BROS.. 8000000000000000000008 : Always On Time wins respect for a woman. It bas gained a reputation for our Watches and Clocks THEt™ we feel proud of White We consider the movement the most important part of a Watch or Clock, beauty, toe, should be idered. Our selection of Time Pieces are marvels of artistic skill in design and finish, $ THEY MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. (We are leaders in our line). P. B. CREWS, Cor. Princess & Wellington Sts., KINGSTON. OGO000000000000000009 TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the Office of the undersigned, (where plans and specifications may be seen), to 12 o'clock, noon, SATURDAY, trades works ion of a Four , anll additions wo House, for the Frontenac Cereal 'ower Co Lowest or any tender not accepted necessarily WM. NEWLANDS, Architect. Office 258 Bagot St NOTICE To 'Prentice Boys & Orangemen KINGSTON AND PEMBROKE TRAIN leaves ngston for Oso Friday morning, 8 aan, 12th August Leaves Oso same day, 8:30 p.m. jor Kingston. Fare one wav, By order, JOHN GASKIN. Kingston, 10th August, 1904 RESTING PLACES OF DEAD. An Interesting Letter From South Africa. Ottawa, Aug, 10.--Lieut.-Col. wood, C.M.G., has just received a most interesting letter from Lieut. H. M Boddy, formerly of the 43rd D.C.O.R., and lately. of the King's Own, Tor onto, now in South Africa, in which the writer gives the results of the in- vestigations he has made as to the last resting place of the honored Canadian dead. Lieut.-Col. Greenwood, one of the district engineers of railwavs for South Africa, has undertaken the work of locating the graves of the Cana- dian heroes, and of seeing to it that their long homes are suitably marked. Col. Greenwood himself erected a Sher- monument over the spot where the mortal remains of Capt. "Gat How ard lie, while Sir Frederick Borden's to his son, Lieut. Borden, Reitvele. Pte. Harry Cot at Huit Nek, pear Birch's near bord montiment stands at fon's grave is Bloemfontein, and Lieut, Reitvele, where Lieut. Borden's reposes. Pte. Ross lies near Wynberg, close to Cape Town. Pte. Lewis, Burns and Jackson are all buried at the bat tle ground. of Paardeberg. Ptes. Liv Brady and Thomas are buried at r, where suitable grave dl. . ing Cronjt stones are en s Laage A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in six to fonrteen days. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Both Fleets Night Attack. OF ° JAPANESE, WHO Losr VERY HEAVILY, Tokio Denies Rumour of Japanese Reverse--Port Arthur Arsenal Turning Out Ammunition--Oky Hurries Preparations, Special to the Whig. : Chetoo, Aug. 10.---Two messengers, who arrived on Monday night, report that the Japanese on the night of August 4th attacked the main line of fortifications, extending over the Rus- sian left flank, Both fleets were en gaged. There was fierce fighting until aurly in the morning. The Japanese stormed the Russian Positions, but gvere repeatedly repulsed, with heavy loss. Their casualties are said to be greater than they were at Wolfs and Green Hills. The Russians said that more than 'one thousand: were killed. The fight is described as the fiercest of the war. The Russians have been reinforced by the civilians remaining in the town. The damage to the fleet is unknown. No Japanese Reverse. London, Aug. 10. A despatch to the Times from Tokio says that = all oficial reports of the operations at Port Arthur are withheld, but there is the best authority for saying there is no truth whatever in the Russian rumors of a Japanese reverse with although the fighting has been resumed. A despatch to the Daily Telegraph, from Chefoo, savs that a Russian en. gineer who arrived there on Monday, after a two days' passage from Port Arthur, states: that it is believed that altogether ten Japanese boat destroy- heavy losses, ers have been sunk at Port Arthur. L{.ho chy "tration. The The arsenal is producing small arm ammunition and gun fittings, some of which enabled the nine inch guns, which were received in an incomplete state, to be mounted, ---- Have Not Crossed River. Paris, Aug. | 10.--The czar has re ceived a telegram from Gen. Kouro- patkin, according to the St. Peters- burg correspondent of the Eeho De Paris, reporting that there has been change in the district of concen. general says that the Japanese hate not yet crossed the -------- Take the New York to Ogdenchurg: Friday, S30 a.m., tickets good to get off at Island points, returning I Ogdensburg 1 p.m, Sle, i Taitse river, and the Russians are #till occupying the right bank. Rus- sian troops have oee pied Siao Sin, an outpost, and Gen. Kuroki has withdrawn as far as Siamatzue, Cossacks In Anshantien. Tokio, Aug. 10.-1¢ is reported that Cossacks are occupying Anshantien, whence they are reconnoitering the Japanese advance. 1 hus far the Ja- pancse have taken 1,500 prisoners, and buried 2,600 Russian dead. It js estimated that the total losses of the Russian number upward of 20,000, while the invalids will bring the num ber of troops incapacitated up to H0,- 000, -- Oku Hurries Preparations. Tokio, Aug. 10. Gen. Oku is hurry- ing his preparations. The heat ro- tards the attack. The attack on liao Yang will demand the closest opera- tion of 'the three armies, It jg thought that a strong Russian fofee is facing Gen. Kuroki. There are no indications that the Russians intend to withdraw to Mukden. At Lizo Yang there are strong defences, while at Mukden there are pone except trenches, Chinese are building two excellent military roads from Mukden, and Kirmin and Harbin. March From Vladivostok. St. Petershurg, Aug. 10.--It is re- ported in military circles that Lient.- Gen. Linovitch is marching with troops from the direction of Viadivos- tok to create a diversion in the rear of Gen. Kuroki's army, with the ohject of relieving Gen. Kouropatkin's for- ees, Outworks Probably Taken, Tokio, Aug. 10.--A despatch from Geusan, Korea, says that two com: panies of Russian troops, three miles north of Gensan, engaged .Japancse pickets. but were repulse It is re- ported that Field Marshal Oyama has arrived at Kiping, on his way north to attack Liao Yang. ; The Japanese Mal prints a sum- mary of the Port Arthur rumors, and says that probably all the outworks have been" captured, and that the Ja- panese arw is easily in range of the main defences, It is now a question of mounting siege guns. The indica- tions are that the Japanese fleet co operated vigorously with the land forees, especially in the attack on Shin Ishiu Ping. Use Chinese Railway. Mukden, Aug. 10.---The Japanese are using the Shanghai Kwan Yinkow railway for provisioning the anny, and mokilizing troops for an afte on Sin Man Tun, #1 thirty miles wept of Mukden. i -- The Commissariat. The commissary department of a camping party should always provide the delicious canned meats of Clark. Inexpensive and always ready, W, Clark, manufacturer, Montreal, During the Perre reception at Tor- onto, on Tuesday night, the platform leave | broke down and a number of persons were injured, Engage In STOUT REPULSE as FINANCIER. A Bla FlGhy|--==- : JAY COOK, Put-in-Bay, 0., Aug. 10. t : Surrounded by his children, his grande hildren and several greatgrandchildren, Jay Cooke, the veteran financier, celebrated his eighty-third birthday in a quiet way to-day at "Gibraltar," his mag- nificent island home in Lake Erie. Mr. Cooke is still hale and hearty, though he has not been actively eng business for many vears, NOVEL LIQUOR CASE. engaged in Liquid Was Needed For a Horse. Belleville, Aug. 10. Police Magis- trate Flint, of this city, judgment in an unique case Just tried in this city. Thomas Sager, a saloon- keeper, was charged with selling liquor on Sunday. In defence he produced a certificate given by a medical man, which stated that the liquor was used in making a preparation to he used as a liniment on a horse, which had been injured. The prosecution claimed that such use of the liquor did not justify the defendant in selling it on Sunday, but the magistrate di=missed the case, holding that an M.D. or vet- crinary surgeon was Justified in giving a certificate for the sale of liguor on Sunday in a case where he thought the life of a horse depended on it. The life of a valuable horse, the magis- trate said, was not to be placed in jropardy through a too strict con- struction of the liquor act. This is believed to be the first time a Judg- ment in this connection has ever been necessary in Canada. ee emt VESSEL UNDER ARREST. For Damaging Swing = Bridge Last Fall. Special to the Whig Toronto, Aug. 10.--~The steambarge H. B. Tuttle, Cleveland, is under ar rest at Gore Bay, under a warrant of the maritime court to answer to a claim of £1,500 damages which the Op- tario governinent has against the ves sel, which, passing through the nar rows between Lake Wolsley and Inland lake on Manitoulin Island and Lake Huron, last fall, struck a swing bridge and did great damage thereto, The government all that this accident was due to carelessness, but before it could take action the Tuttle had got into American waters, The vessel did not return until this week, when she was at once placed under arrest. has given ---------- Friends Plan Great Session. Special to the Whig Toronto, Unt., Aug, 10.--Membors of the Society of Friends throughout the United States and Canada are gathering in Toronto for the great biennial general conference of the seven vearly meetings. The confer- ence will open in Massey Music Hall the dav after to-morrow and continue or one week. Prominent among those who will participate in the pro ceedings are : Mayor Thomas Urqu- bart, of Toronto; Premier G. W. Ross, of Ontario; John Willing Graham, of Manchester, Englund; Dr. 0. Edward Janney, of Baltimore; Henry W. Wil bur, of New York; Prof. Rufus M. Jones, of Haveriord College, and Pre. sident, Joseph Swain, of Swarthmore College, ------------ Baseball On Tuesday. Eastern league--At Bufialo, 4:7 Montreal, 129 At Rochester, 0. To ronto, 1. At Baltimore, 3; Newark, 1. American league -At Detroit, 4; Bos ton, 2. At Cleveland, 6; New York, 3 iw--At Brooklyn, 4: Philadelphia, 4; Pits ton, 1; Cincinnati, 0. 5, St. Louis, 3. National les Chicago, 7. burg, 5. A At New York Mr. and Mrs. Jolin MeNally, aged eighty-seven and eighty-five, colehra ted their diamond wedding at Blair, Ont. Eight of the guests of sixty years ago were present, one of them, Mrs. Devitt, Waterloo, being nincty- three. The thrust of a lance does not hurt mote than the abdominal pains follow ing the eating of improper food. Quick relief comes with the use of Perry David' Painkiller. Always keep it in the house. Sir Richard Cartwright informed the house that for the twelve months ended June 20th the sumy of £580 549 was paid in bounties on iron and steel, The White Bear took the triangular for the Seawanhaka ds, This makes two race, on Tuoeedas cup, by fifty wins cach : Germany, Austria, Italy and Russia have agreed not to ask that a time limit be set to the British occupation "Egypt. WR IRTE ue oul in. Cental' Pack menagerie, New York, is dead from the eficets of the suns' rays preventing sioep. I neatnese and cleanliness of the steamer Caspian is worthy of note. Buy folding pocket combs at 1,Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, DNESDAY, A A Pension Sagested For \ Mulloy, - : MILD PROTEST. GLAD THAT BOTH SIDES CON- FESSED, First Trial of Ice-Breaking Steam- .ers To Be Made In The St. Lawrence--Wireless . Telegraph Stations Te Be Established, Special to the Whig Ottawa, Aug. 10.-Good progress was made with the supplementary es. timates in the House ¢ ommons, yes- terday, The practice of the United States of imposing a duty on horses, imported for breeding purposes, was ventilated and Dr. Sprotle made some stir in saying that ministers were in- terested in the acetylene gas which it is proposed to substitute for light on marine buoys. Hon. Raymo: Pre- fontaine showed that the gas was sold cheaper in Canada than elsewhere, hut the government was not bound to buy it from any one firm. Andrew Broder, conservative member for Dundas, renewed his plea" to the minister of militia, on behalf of a pension for Private Mulloy, of the Roy- al Canadian Dragoons, who lost his evesight in the South African cam- paign. Sir Frederick Borden promised fav. orable consideration of Private Mul. loy's caso and others of a similar ng- ture arising .out of the part that Can- adian contingents played in South Af- nea. In explanation of one of his votes Hon. Vr. Prefoutaine stated that the first trial of an ice-breaking steamer in Canadian waters will be made in the St. Lawrence this winter. The ves. sel has been ordered from Fleming and Ferguson, of Paisley, and will be de- livered November 15th this year. She will endeavor to keep the ice out of the St. Lawrence where it jams at o pont twenty miles above Quebee, It the keheme proves successful there the government would give the great lake ports the advantage of a like service, The minister of marine stated that steps were being taken to establish wire loss telegraph stations at Picton and Charlottoioun and on the steam- ers Minto and Stanley so that Edward Island may not be left phi mercy off the Anglo-A post office act was p . other mild protest. Sir Mal Bowell thotighe the bill gave an alarming amount of power to the postmaster-general, Mr. Ferguson admitted that neither political party had sufficient] obser- ved the provisions of the civi service act, but the party in power had been worse than the opposition. This bill handed the officials over to the will of the P.M.G., which was a most dan- gerous thing. Mr. Scott replied that the civil ser- vice act was the most tangled and illogical act on the statute book, The two parties should got together and draft a new one. Mr. McMullen concurred, hut re- minded the chamber that the conser vative government had appointed a commission on the civil service, but a ke, never acted on its own recommenda- tions, Mr. Sullivan congratulated the sen- ate on its late repentance. Both sides had confessed that they were unde- serving sinners. He hoped their re- pentance would produce fruit, GRAND MASTER APPOINTS. Grand Officers Of The Masonic Order. Ont., Aug. 10.--~Through the kinduess of Hugh Murray, grand secretary of the Masonic order, the Hamilton, World obtained a full list of the grand master's appointments for the year, This is the list : Andrew Park, Toronto, grand semior deacon. R. F. Richardson, Strathroy, grand junior deacon. N. R. Miller, Toronto, grand super- intendent of works, R. G. Grabam, Gananoque, grand director of ceremonies. W. J. Renton, Kingston, grand secretary, Frank Smith, Woodbridge, assistant grand director of ceremonies, J. Way, Sault Ste, Marie, grand sword bearer, Raymond Walker, Toronto, grand organist, William Reid, assistant grand organist. I. A. Fraser, Milton, gread pursui- vant, Alex. Guest, Thorndale; assistant Windsor, Morris, Pembroke; James L. ; John Ridley, Corn- wall; Fred. Bette, Tilsonburg; Wil- liam Carmichael, Powassan; RB. W. Lindsay, Arthur; Richard Dosett, Sud- bury; ¥. A. Clark, Meaford; T. F. Me- Mahon, Richmond Hill; John Ritchie, Port Arthur; John Warring, Picton; Willinm Brown, Fordwich, grand stew- rds. wi B. Cordingly, Toronto; Willa 8. Schafer, Mitchell, grand 'standard bearets. ---- Duluth's Masonic Temple. Special to the Whig. rts Duluth, Mion, Aug. 10.-With im pressive pyarcites and in the presence of a large gathering, corner stone of the new Masonic Temple was laid to-day. The event was by a large parade, in which visiting Masons from many parts of the state 'ook part. will be a handsome semi-Dorie structure of buff brick and red stone and will cost in the neighborhood of $75,000, gE ete the Wl tn : on cans TROVE'W UUTIONIEN But : a Sintsintin (sivty-s«ix miles cast of Mukden), ey aie Aug. § (diay od in transmission.) A column of : of two som. ese outposts, y but id ty Passes, were sian artillery, lea: and equipment bohi Russian was killed and wounded, -- Scout Along Japanese Front, Anshanshan, (half between Hai- cheng and Lino Yang). Moscherss Au. 0, (delayed in Stanauission.)-- ca force along the 'whole Tron Scat doh jalan direction of New Chwang resulted in the capture of four armed bandits. respondent officer who has fun returned from the, army investing the Russians the Japancse advance. The wire en ; ments te now a hi bv an apparently im ri a The bed of the moat I filled with us. tiened nails and shatp glass. Beyond the moat is a strip found covered to the depth of foot with 4 thick layer of lime. The J of- rs and men express ration of the Russian scouts. Often at night they advanced close to the Japanese outposts. Russian ambulances after a battle wre frequently within speaking distance of the Japanese lines, -------- RAILWAY WRECK. Mother And Three Children Killed At Chicago. her three little children, were instant. ° i train and a Chicago & Erie eight train at the Brighton Park railroad A The collision followed a frantic offory hy the erossing opurse of the freight train, crow of which he had given a # that all was clear for them to rer the Baltimore & of one of the conc who wore killed wero seated. They were a family of "five and C. C. Sch- wartz, the father, was only one who escaped with his life, He prob: ably will recover. I -- ------ A LIBEL SUIT, Over Action For Judgment To Steamer, Special to the Whig. Grand Rapids, Mich.,, Aug. 10.-A libel for 811,500 has boen fled against the Canadian passenger and freight steamer, United Empire, in the United States. distriet - port, by the Calbiek Tr ration company, Chi The lrbtd claimants declare that their schooner Herald, sustained damages ambunting to the re named, in a collision with the United Empl October 10th last, in the St. Mary's river, during a fog. It is claimed that the proper fog signals were sounded by the Herald, but that the Canadian hoat failed to course, with the result that the two finally came together. AUTO RIPS OFF GIRL'S SCALP, Miss Dougherty, Rochester, Meets With Severe Mishap. New York, Aug. 10.-As Miss M. Dougherty was stepping out of an automohile in Central Park yestor- day, she sli became ¢ t in the crank-whaft the engine, which was still in motion, The * crank shaft hair up the till it pulled her head to the end of the shaft and then it ripped off her scalp. She was taken to a hospital, where it is said her wound is a very severe one, but that she will un doubtedly recover. 3 MURDERED OPENLY. Special to Whi he Sort bitin 10.--A special cable' gram to the Sun, from Berlin, says: "The Vossische Zeitung says thin, Tregubenko, bead of . the forest - partment, and Chief of Police Kuzen- off, have been murdered openly in the streets at Nakhahivan, Russia. -------- Strikers Hold Up Train, Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 10.~A mob of 200 packing house wirikers and sympathizers stopped an incoming _. carrying strike breakers at Rivervide, Kan., last night, drove the passengers from the tr with clubs, rew their baggage into the Kaw river and set fire to the car. The Hurried Call For Tenders. builders have ben asked to make ten- -- auickly for the arb truction | o British battleships, which will exec) anything in the world. ay from the pastorate of Knox church, Stratford, Th FE Chicago, Aug. 10.~A mother and | fl to ch the | ght train, oF the police put out the fire before any damage hod been dome. No arrests | were made. Sriecial the Whig. aor, Aug. 10.--The Clyde ship. Rev. M. L. Leitch, who has resigned has been voted a retiri De dl