ater ater, 3-59; D. King & ORE ery 1. No onto, Oat. -- R'S AEDITORS » Estate of eceased. GIVEN PUR- at behalf that against the Busch, late of dow, deceased, e 28th day of uested to send iver to MOR- M.D., of the _ Executor of sed, on or he- ust, 1904, the claims, their and addresses, urity) if any, that after the 904, the said distribute the 'ased"s. Estate | thereto, Hav- aims of which and the said able for Maid { to any per- claim notice 'd at the time ngston, Ont. for Executor. August, 1904. I0TEL, AU. rt om the Ri o-date. Now al weekly and application. ropristos, Coal e different oal. CO. est St. Coal A Y pecially Adapted to the De- clining Powers of Od Age. In old age the mucous membranes be- ¢omo thickened and partly lose their function, : This leads to partial loss of hearing, amoll and taste, as well as digestive dis- thrbances. _Peruna corrects all this by its specific speration on all the mucous membranes of the body.' {One bottle will convince anyone. Once or GD $a eB ac i A Strong and Vigorous at the Age of GF Eighty-eight. Rev. J. N. Parker, Utica, N. Y., writes: '#In June, 1901, I lost my sense of hear- lag cntircly. + My hearing had been sbmewhat impaired for several years, bat not so much effected but that I could . hold converse with my friends; but in Jiine, 1901, my sense of hearing left me #9 that I could hear no sound whatever. Twas also troubled with rheumatic pains id my limbs. I commenced taking Po- | ' rana and now my hearing is restored as good as it was prior to June, 1901. My s 'a Catarrhal Tonic: ! ENERABLE PASTOR |A SA YA CURED BY PE-RU-NA. --Rev, J. N. Parker. A Bishop's Letter. T. H. Lomax, D. D., Dishop 2nd Dist. when 83 years old can say it has invgior ated my whole system. I eannot but think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thankful to the all loving Father | « that you have been permitted to live, and by your skill be such a blessing as you have beon to suffering humanity." A. M. E,, of Charlotte, N. C,, writes: "1 recommend your Peruna to all who want a strengthening tonic and a very effective remedy for all catarrhal com- plaints."--T, H. Lomax. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from tho use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving & full statement of your case, and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr.' Hartman, President of riievitiatic pains are all gone. I cannot, The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, speak too highly of Peruna, and now Ohio. CHT RECOVERED, BUT OCCU PANTS ARE MISSING. Two Young Detroiters Were Sail- ing Her--Is Thought Craft Capsized In High Sea--A Tug Searching For Trace of Sail- ors. Special to the Whig 1 wetroit, Mich, Aug. 10.--Circum- stances surrounding the recovery of the sail yacht Rambler, in Lake Erie, below Amhertsburg, yosterday, have created grave fears for the safety of two young Detroiters, who were known to be aboard of her--Percy R. 'Bowen and Harrison E. Welton, both about nineteen ycamy. hile it is possible that the craft floa away from some temporary camping ground of the boys, the gene- ral supposition is that the crait was capsized by the high seas which were running at the time, and that its occupants were drowned. The Cana- dian tug Home Rule, made a several hours' search yesterday for a trace of the young men, but unsuccessfully, The Late Mrs. Middleton. The death occurred on Wednesday morning after a prol illness, at her late residence, 49 C street, old Mrs. Sophia Middleton, widow of the Inte Lewis Middleton, who died seven- teen years ago. Mrs. Niddleton was aged seventy-five 'years and had lived in Kingston the greater part of her life. She was a member of Chalmers church and was beloved and respected by all who knew her. She is survived by a family of eight, four sons and four daughters: Mrs. John Hender- son and Miss Catherine 'at home; Miss Kary, Toronto, and Mrs. John Rob- ertson; Ottawa; John A, in St. Louis; Lewis and Arthur D., in New York, and Henry L., in Chicago. ---- A Challenge Issued. The agents of the Lennox and Ad- dington Mutual Fire Insurance com- pany submitted to the board of direc- tors at their August meeting, insur- ance to the amount of $108,500, the largest amount ever taken in one month, and challenge any vincial company doing a purely local farm in- surance to show such favorable results. The farmers are leaving the stock and other mutual companies, to secure the favorable policy issued by their home company. Their popular agent, D. L. Greene, will be pleased to call prompt ly on farmers who will advise the head office, Napanee, of their desire tg join the company.--Com. An Ideal Trip. For the trip to-morrow to Montreal and Ottawa the steamer Aletha has been overhauled and remodelled. It will be a trip over beautiful waters, YOU WILL SAVE MONEY By buying our coal. It doesn't cost a cent more than the sommon .kind and it's worth al- most half as much again. When you use our coal you can take your choice. You can have the same amount of heat for less money than common coal would produce, or you can have more heat for equal money. You take no with our coal. We know what it is and we guarantee it. R. CRAWFORD. chances ADAMANT OVER AN ALPINE CHASM. A Sister Holds Her Brother Till Saved. Zinal, Aug. 10.--M. Lazaro, a Grek member of the Swiss Alpine Cluh, owes his life to the courage «f his sister. Accompanied by two- sisters, he started without guides from Mountet cabin to 'cross. the Grand Cornier (13,- 000 feet high.) Climbing was difficult, owing to falling stones, but all went well until the partv reached the Moiry glacier, when M. Mazaro fell through a' snow bridge into a deep, narrow crevasse. He dr the ladies, who were roped to him, after him. One stopped at 'the brink, and the other managed to 'wedge herself across the opening, and so supported the weight of her brother. The other sister went for assistance, and'a party of guides reached the spot 'at dawn. They found Mlle. Lazaro almost untouscious, still sup- rting her brother. When rescued, i Lazaro's extremities were frozen, but he was not otherwise injured. S\N In a safe, speedy and scientific man ner. To convince vou that we have the best and only cure, we prefer to have vou write us for a free sample box before" putchasing our regular 25c. size. We are the only hecdache specialists In the world. --- All those suffering with Boils, Scrofula, Eczema | will find | Weaver's Syrup | and Oerate invaluable to cleanse the blood Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, Montreal. COMMERCIAL, " ------ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, Aug. 10th. Open. Closed. Union Pacific ..... ...u .. 0964 U6% St. raul 148 148% Manhattan 1504 151 B. R. Transit - S83} 53 Sugar + wie ween 1324 183% People's Gas 1014 102g U. S. Steel 1§ 11} U. S. Steel, Pref - 58 58 Tenn. Coal & Iron 44 43 Miss. Pac. edn wien 934 98% Southern Pac * rerans we OR 524% Ont. & Western... ...... ... $81} 314 N.Y.C " 119% 118% Atchison, Pref. vu 964 00 Louis & Nash. .... ..... 117% 117% Rock Island 234 2g Pennsylvania. R.R . 1204 120% Texas & cific . . 27§ 28} Atchison . - 7 RE Pac. Mail .. - - 26% 264 Col.'1. & F. + won ome 38 36 American Loco. . 214 Nn Amal. Copper 52% 521 BIG FIRE IN B.C. Portion Of Victoria Is Wiped Out. Special to the Whig. Victoria, B.C., Aug. 10.--A disas- trous fire broke out in the Albion iron works about four o'clock yester- day afternoon, and swept over a con- 'siderable portion of the north-western portion of the city, wiping out a whole block of residences, and causing a loss estimated at £150,000 to $200,- 000. In all about forty buildings were destroyed. The Albion iron works were the heaviest islividual losers; there was no loss of life. The firemen were greatly hampered in their efforts by a heavy wind. Baby As Barometer. West Chester, Pa., Aug. 10.--An in- fant child of Thomas Parker, of Len- ape, was recently rendered unconsci- ous by an electric bolt. Since, then, however, it has acted as a sure baro- meter for an approaching storm. Im- mediately preceding the approach of a thunderstorm the child will- turn purple about the mouth, while its face becomes : quite dark and remains so until after the storm passes. Will Meet Any Club. A challenge has been issued by the Black Watch team against all King: ston nines. James A. Lawless, man- ager, claims that his aggregation has defeated all the local teams met his scason and the only loss so far sul- fered was at the hands of the Ogdens- burg team in Brockville. The players are desirous of giving an exhibition game at the cricket field next Satur- day afternoon and are ready to re- ceive challenges, no local nine barved. The Herald Remedy Co. Chicago, Montreal. Austin' Kane, Hamilton, was killed on the railway. . "LOWE INLET" swans CANNED SALMON reuasus spending the five nights at Brockville, Mon , Ottawa and Smith's Falls, All the Sf. Lawrence rapids will be run and the Ottawa and picturesque Rideau seen in daylight--six days 814, including meals and rooms at hotels. Only the days will be spent on the boat. Sick Headache. "For several years' my wile was 'troubled with what physicians called sick headache of a very severe charac ter. She doctored with several emin- ent physici and at a t expense, only to grow worse until she was un- able to do any kind of work. About a year ago she began taking Chamber- lain's St h and Liver Tablets and to-day weighs more than she ever did before and is real well," says G. E. Wright, of New London, New York. For by all ists, Who's Your Tailor ? There is only one way to get the right kind of clothes : Make your se- lection of cloth, and have them made for you. Wear clothes suitable to your complexion, adapted to your business and made in the style best suited to your form. You can choose from hun- dreds of nobby, up-to-date fabrics, and we will make your clothes just as you want them. Better call in and see the goods and let us talk it over. Thomas Lambert, 147 Princess street, "on the sunny side." Does A Woman Siwear. When her corns ache, does not con- cern us because Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor removes corns pain- lessly, quickly and permanently, there is no occasion for even slight ill temper. Used for thirty years it has plenty of imitators. You will save pain, money and avoid dan of sores if <wou use Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. A Brief Meeting. A regular meeting of the K. & directors was held in the secretary' office this morning with the followin directors present : C. W. Spencer, i P. Timmerman, R. V. Rogers, W. D. Hart and Robert Craviorg No busi- ness of importance was transacted, the business being merely routine. The was discussed among other things. Are Rusticating Rev. Dr. A. H. Tuttle and daughter, i v . » 73 35 Tr 1] that their salaries do. not lower than hy should To ran ple makes a difference. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Buy Store. down the river this morning. Have you Cross Drug Store. There is 80 Much good in the worst of us, There is 30 much bad in the best of us, That it ill becomes any one of us, committee in charge. Encke's comet, due in Beauty Fades As Health Fails many worn out, nervous, and effective work is impossible. Sleep ineffectiveness vd into a listless dis regard of thi at constitutes health, the principal interests in man's life. Hc changed by Ferrozone, wo forming rich red blood, of tion, giving almost immediately of strength, vim and endw rozone restores color, buoyancy short time of excitin the lives of tems of men who need and strength giving power--since sands of wo palor, interest in life for 18 a benign revolution. Knox Church Depot Entertained. Last evening a large crowd gather ed on the grounds at the back of the church, dainty refreshments provided. After hunger was satisfied, the i preacher-in-charge, acted as chairman, and as usual took his part without a hitch, tel where the ladies had some the church was next J. .C. stories, which kept the y crowd amused. He also sang a happ; duet with Mise Edith Cook, which had the audience in laughter. Arthur Craig sang ad | had to respond oan exitare. Too : ' i matter of further hallasting the road dom I Te a ntat in his usual g manner, He sang a.solo, and showed every appearance of becomi a noted singer. Little ng H - a sweet clear v Mise Norma her solos with that she had as usual sa accompanied by a party of five, ar-| also to respond to an encore, Mr. rived in the city to-day to. spend sev: | Sommerville also sang two solos. eral weeks' outing. Mr. Tuttle is pas- | Everybody went away with a hope tor of the Methodist church 'at Sum- | that i} would not be the last social mit, N.J., and a speaker of consider- | evening. A nice sum was realized. able distinction. They intend to spend a few weeks up the Rideau, in search of scenery and bass. There was a pretty and simple wed- ding in St. George's cathedral, on Monday evening, Miss Jennie Thompson, of Sydenham street, a mem- ber of the congregation, was married to 'William Galvin, of Rochester, N.Y. Canon Starr officiated. 'Till End Of August. The Lockett Shoe Store will sell all ladies' summer lace boots and low shoes at big reductions to clear them out, 82.50 light sole lace boots and low shoes $2; $2 kinds for 81.80; $1.50 kinds for $1.20; $1.25 kinds for $1. At the grand encampment meeting in Toronto Past Grand Patriarch Commons, H. J They Were Married. the annual cost The Cost Of A Soldier, London, Aug. J0~Ia the House of . ilson asked wh of each British i dier in Africa was £144 y when the cost at Ex Tn £122, and at Hulifax, £117. Mr. Ar- sold-F aver topics that higher provisions orage was i Alrica than in Canada. n the price of After A Game. The Kingston Ponies would like to arrange for a game of with the Ottawas on W , 17th, on the occasion of Ch excur- sion to the city. A these two nines woul tract a large crowd. ing between be sure to at- Blackaby, Kingston, was elected a re- ' B. Manley Baker, B.Sc., is at Nananimo, C. i coal de presentative on the boarfl of the Oak- posits f tern capitalists. ville home, and Joseph Powley, Kings- : Dr. Jove ocebratad dow soap at top, was elected grand senior deacon. Gibson's Red Cross Drug. Store, g Hin 222 i £ they are, and the fatter in debating which church t should go to, or whether to any. Of course, , hoary with the memories of centuries, but unfortun- ately we live in 1904, not in 560. This tooth brushes, the kind that last, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug The annual retreat for the clergy ol fi tten that August i a month , of FAT and omer, stars. They. .were numerous Jas month, Instant welief. Red Cross Dy: in Tablets give it. Only at Gibson's Red I the Wolfe Islanders contracted for a steamer making twelve miles an- hour was the uns i al given an imitation gold frick 1 aquin 'ne Seftor, is exciting the astronomers. 'Will Queen's This accounts for the presence of so iritless women. They are without animation or endurance. Pleasure is unpalatable, less, they sink into a state of nervous in ow quickly they may be Ferrozone has a marvellous power of imparting vigorous appetite and vigorous dies ts rance. Fer- and strength. Ferrozone is capable in a a revolution in this toning, uplifting to change weakness to strength, colo for despondency ££ J. W. McNab, Belleville, and A. ©. Watson, Montreal, wore in the city to- Vv. yr C. Sheridan and wife and rs. to-day. Mrs. George Watson, Belleville, is street. Mrs. George German, Picton, is visiting Mrs. A. E. Hunt, Princess street, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hugh Hunter, Hamilton loft esterday to visit Mrs. Allan, G ne : ingst city, after having spent a week in he eg Ran vi oo | 4, 1 ho he steamer North King carried the | George Sinclair, Edmonton, Alberta, Picton Methodist church excursion | N-W.T., is in Kingston on a visit of importance. Walter Wilson, Fall River, Mass. is home on a visit to his parents, Ri- deau street. tour on the Rideau canal. He will absent a week. William Tait is in St. Louis seel To gossip About the rest of us. a convention the agents of the Mu. The street railway employees have | tual Life company. ° been =i ied with neat yellow bad: |. C. W. Spencer, general ma of ges to te their membership of the [the C.P.R., was in the city in his private car Alberta. Miss Mary Duuglan, New York City, is spending her tion with friends ny observer join in. the race for the rs. Miss Foote, - Rook: grand honor of a first detection of the | ester, are the te of Mee. George celestial tourist? 0 Mills, University avenue, for, a fow Several passe , who came over Ve. on the Cape Vincent boat, to-day, Mrs. W. Swan has returned to. her missed commoctions with the 12:40 | home in Buffalo after a visit with her . o'clock train and will remain in the | mother-in-law, Mrs. Swan, York ' city over might. street. a Mrs. M. Halligan and Miss' Raymond have returned to their in New friends. of Kingston, attended the consecration Ireland. Mrs. W. J. Arniel, Buffalo, has re with her mother, Mrs. Ainslee, Joha- ston street. Sarsfield McArdle, New York, is in the city on a visit. He came west to spend a fow at his old home on Wolfe Island. . Miss Edna Pappa, Rochester, N.Y. is spending a fow weeks' holidays at her father's residence, W. J. Pappa, 112 Barrie street. Mrs. Haycock, accompanied by her niece, Miss Sexsmith, Syracuse, N.Y. left Monday to join her daughter at Bogarts-on-the-Bay. Miss B. Ainslee, Johnston streot, entertained a fow of her friends at a card party last evening for Mrs. Ar- niel and Mrs. Swan. Miss Anna Jones, nurse-in-training, Memorial Hospital, Worcester, Mass., is spending her vacation at her home at yo avenue, Joseph McDonald, a student in the ol in the Grand Seminary, Mon- treal, and a nephew of Archbishop Gauthier, is a guest at the pal Messrs. L. W. Hoppins, M.D., W. Gould, M.D., Harry Connolly and E. Williamson, M.D., left 3 canoeing tour down the Rideau. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fernihough have left for their home in Hamilton atter spending a few days with their cou- sin, Mrs. McFaul, University avenue. Patrick Keaney was ordained to the iesthood at Carlowe College, Ire and, on June 15th, for the diocese of Kingston, and will arrive the end of this month. Miss Rebecca Black and Miss Caro- line Lovick, graduate nurses of the Memorial Hospital, Worcester, Mass. are spending their vacation at their respective homes in this city. visiting Misz Reta Hiscock, William street, left today for her home in Picton. Miss Hiscock . and will spend a week with , James Norris was at Howe Island this morning attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Leavis, who away on Monday evening lost. Ser. vice was held at the church on Howe Island. H. P. Timmerman, general in- tendent of the C.P.R., Toronto, is vis- iting at his old home in Odessa. His official car, No. 10, 'and private secre- tary will remain in the city until to- morrow, On August 7th Father Kielty cele brated twenty-fifth anniversary of his appointment to the parish of Douro. His parishioners tendered him an address of appreciation of his long SeTVIONS. Rev. Richatd O'Farrell is attached to the cathedral. Father O'Fagrell is a nephew of Rev. M. O'Farrell, pastor of Holy Tnnocent's church, New York, and was ordained at Waterford Col: lege, where be made his studies, ' mith, Syracuse, were jin town visiting her son, R. G. Watson, Clergy Robson Rlack has returned from a pleasant two weeks' vacation spent at Miss Maude Cannem, Kingston, is Miss Flora Elder, Ordnance streot, ananoque. Mrs. J. 8. Yeomans returned to the Henry Baker left to-day for a fishi Ag : HES : " ng the sights, to proceeding to his Ie in California. ng Yo "| Stephen Roughton is in Belleville at York. City, after a pleasant visit with Revs. Fathers O'Connor and Quinn, Patrick's cathedral, 'Armagh, turned home after spending a month iss Alice Woodrowe, who has been ' McKE & LVEY Brock ___69 and 71 Brock Street, Ki ET ap bane of so many lives sd pte oy Our others do not. to take, Ono or y oany vegetable In 25. iruggists everywhere, or CARTER MEDICINE CO, Now York, lf fol Do ul Bi Bargains at , ne a bi Skirt Protector a Pr Se e i ll» ones rb, ake 1 McDowall's Piano A Splendid Tonic Builds up the System Strengthens the Gives New Life Mold by all medicine dealers. Davis & Lawrence Ca, Lid, Montreal. Repairing and Supplies for all. Better Your money's worth every time. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. | ' 171 Wellington Streer, XK]