-- ' To Manitoba and Assiniboig | August, 35th - - $12 Toronto Exhibition 2 | Round wlipitickets Will ve sold of $3.85. August 30th and Sept. 5th, 1904 And at $5.40 Allg 'om 81st. September 15 a mus ath; oH 7H Sth ang pur. All tickets valid, return ng irom 7To- ront@ on or before Tuesday, September 13th, 1904. Tiekets not good on trains Nos. 1, o 3 and 4. : Fer Pullman accommodation, tickets, oh nD, apply to - P. HANLEY,K A t, Corner Johnston wnd Ontario streets. KINGSTONS PEMBROKE & CANADIAN "PACIFIC RAILWAYS, FARM LABORERS WANTED FABM LABORERS' EXGURS:( N EL be run to stations on Can. Pac, itoba: and Assiniboia, west, south- and north-west of Winnipeg as far as SE JAW ESTEVAN and $1 F Kingston. and al K. P. BR. statiolts, on August 25th. * OBe-way tickets to Winnipeg only will be son, ut each person purchasing will be furnished with a coupon on which af- ter such person has been hired at Winui- peg to work as a farm laborer, but not later than August 31st, 1904, free transportation will be given the holder from Winnipeg to any Canadian Pacific station in Manitoba or Assiniboia, west or south-west or North-west of Winni- péR, but not beyond Moose Jaw, Estev- an or Yorkton. The - Tonic TUL cure you quickly ang the fover, ngtl Surely. Mako you 'weil asin the lungs DIE ANNUALLY Diarrhoea, Dyseatery, Ce MorbusandallS Every house should have it. ALT druggint, 35, 106 and 41.00 pty a SHIP, <t Vessel It Was, The Mexican Herald recently print- ed an interesting account given Ly L. H. Winthrop, of the fall of a large | Meteor about 300 yards from g ship fin the Indian Ocean. After describing vividly the strange scens, the narra- | Heavens And Fell Upon The ! | | -- tn] THOUSANDS OF INFANTS | io: expressed his beliol that of the | ships that disappear mysteriously, | any may be hit by falling meteors | and sent to the bottom. who could be saved by the tim ly | It is certain that a ship struck by ! use of a4 meteoric mass as large as Some which have fallen on oy would | demolished suddenly, There Lis a | meteoric stone in South America os timated ta weigh 30,000 pounds, one in Mexieq even larger, and Yale Col lege 'has a mere fragment weighing "1,710 pounds. A meteor estimated hy | astronomers to be a mile in diameter passed over Europe on the night of August 18th, 1753, and in 1903, one of these celestial tramps burst over Normandy and scattered more than | | 2,000 fragments over three Square leagues of ground. Just fifty years ago this month a | very large meteor was seen over the | eastern states. It burst into two Infantum, Cholera | pieces, one of which fell into the sea ummer Complaints, | off Sandy Hook. In 1884, Capt. | Every mother, a | Smart, of the Dutch bark J. p A. » Burse and guar- dian should keep it, | feported the narrow escape of his ves [sel from destruction by a meteoric { stone. His log show 19th, in latitude 3 39 north and large meteor was seen to break into -- ee a SRS sulars at Er P. and C.P.R The Finest Ice Cream | Smart hove to under storm sails. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and an local points. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4 pom. F. CONWAY, Agent. B.Q. Ry., Kingston. --_-- ALLAN LIN LIV BRO a DERRY Royal Mail Steamers IN THE CITY. Vanilla, Chocolate or Pineapple Fruit, de- iivered in any size, brick or in bulk. Scarcely had he done so when the | see if meteor fell close alongside, causing | where she had been. | y | great commotion of the water and {cross seas which washed over the | deck. The heat from the fiery mass {was intense for a' moment, and blis | tered the paint on the ship's side. The { barometer; for a few moments oscilla- | ted so violently that no reading could | be taken. Some fifteen or more years ago | I spoke of Capt. Smart's report to an old Danish sailor in San Francisco, | From Montreal. From Quebec. A J. REES', Princess St. und he was moved to tell me of an Tunisian, Fri Aug lonian, Fri, Sept. 2, . Sept. 2 Bavarian, spt. 9, Sept. 9 ug. 2G Ee ---------------------------------------- s . 1 * . { The old man had been mate of the First Cabin, $50 and upwards, ac- El h t a . ic | Sorin to steamer ad accommodsiion: | LICPIANT MIXCA PINES | iors "Nuiviope. ein mote of, the Second Cabin, Liverpool and London- derry, 37.50 and $40 London, $2 30 extra. Third Class, Superior accommo- dation, 8135, to Liverpool, Derry, Bel- fast, Glasgow; London Through tickets to South Africa. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Mongolian, Thurs. Aug. 25, 10 am J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.K. City The Bay of Quinte Route DAILY SERVIOE 2 0. open to the public. . | Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands i SES. "NORTH KING" AND "CASPIAN" Commencing 25th June, lcave King- except Monday, at 5:00 yo for Bay of Quinte Ports and Port TRY 66 " : | of Rochester, N.Y. Returning, will ar- LOWE INLET ALWAY about three miles away on the star ! leagues, Mossrs. | board quarter. We had not spoken | rive at 10:00 a.m. same days and leave for Thousand Islands, calling at Alexan- @ria Bay and Gananoque. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Mondays at 5:00 p.m. for Pic ton and Bay of Quinte Ports. FIRST CLASS For further information. apply to E E. MORSEY, G. P. & F. Agent, King- Screep Doors and Windows, Princeas Street. ON THE RIDEAU. family rates furnished on 'application. WM. LAISHLEY, Proprietor. | k 1 did kno ho she Ss CANNED SALMON - peviagye | 57, = did not from. By hor 'taper | BOARD. ston, On e---- Jd. P. Yalan, 3. P. Gildersieeve, Jas Swilt & Co. Agents. TO-LET. SUMMER COTTAUE, RENT Low, ROOMS AND BOARD bath, etc, 102 Hagot Street, nea: | Uity Park. ltewsonahie rates QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latitudes FROM MONTREAL ON MON- 4th and 18th July d 29th Augu: . 2000 A for Fic ou, NS. sally Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Jape _-- Grand River, Simieraide, P.E.L., town. .E.I trip of the season for health good fishing and shdoting. Apply 498 Princess street. DWELLING, ON BROCK STREET, 10 rooms. All modern improvements. New hot water heating. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock St = TT -------- DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOus on Frontenac Street, mear Princess by 154 feet deep. Lots of room to build. Also wood barm, sheds and large poultry house. Apply through Whig office. ERN, hy AHERN, Secreta a Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal, TEAM; HORSES BOTH ABOUT 14 hands; 4 past, new Commercial Wagon made by Laturney, King- ston new Sét Harpess, made by Dolan; Pair Blankets A bargain M. Sheldrick, Piano Store, 218 Prin- Cess street. Queen street, between Montreal and Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne street. ---------------------------------------------------------- BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW York make. with Cues and Balls, $180. Apply through Whig Office. ert seman et ---------- Street, 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet front, | -- eee GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Gots East, 8 am. Going West, 5 Clayton, 1,000 Island Parts, yD 100 ian skill ly. Single fare. a nt to Rontreal and return. Go- Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. SAVE KINGSTON: GOING AST Watnasdane, Fridays A 4:80 p.m. GOING BT Tuesdays, Thursdays ui , at 11:30 p.m. PORN , "JAS, SWIFT & CO Agent Freight Agent Direct to Quebec Without Change . Str. " Alexandria " In commission again, leaving Kingston for Quebec, August 22nd. ve Craig & Co. Wharf every Mon- | ouR POLICIES Jay at 6:30 p.m.for Montreal and Que be. runmi all the rapus. Returnings leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 Midnight for Charlotte and Buffalo. et Square. i The Steel Lake Excursion Steamer, ARCHITECTS. _ "Niagara " open for charter. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- For ticulars apply to W. G CRAIG & CO "hentia or AW. HEP- BURN, Manager, Picton. | Picturesque Rideau TON WER STEAMESS LEAVE KNGSTON owes» sot 2000 COITECT. | SMITH. ~ARC tl ON MONDAYS, - WEENESDAYS rates MONEY of Frontenac pe Society, Office opposite the Post Office. store, corner streets. Telephone 608. > JLLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- ARTHUR ELI o te of New Dri 3% 8 Queen and Montreal Streets. STEAM YACHT, ABOUT THIRT feet long. Enquire through Wh Office. ! ing FEIN or Sunday. Returning, MONEY AND BUSINESS. | Fare, . SS ery WE > LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. assets $01,187,215. In addition to which the policy. holders have for | security the unlimited Jability Bi the stockholders. Farm an ty insured at lowest possible Dr of vie renewing eld or giving | pew business get rates from Strange | & Strange, Agents. TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, a" low Thus of interost ity and farm property. ranted on city and county debep- | tures. Apply to 5. .0. McGill, man- Loan and Invest- Mahoot's drug fice, second foor over aru Entrance on Bagot street ™ YS a RE P. or uilding, rSuars AND SATURDAYS, | men a Anchor Building etc, Ba Available | Loans COVER MOKE oN i d contents than anv o LR offers. Examine them nt Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mavk- 1. Hall, near cor ARCHITECT, MER- 5 308. Building, corner Brock 'Phone 213 |vour health and strength worth trial | experience of his own, for which, of course, there is only his testimony. J Sea on a voyage from San Francisco | to Liverpool in 1866, and he had no [log to show in verification of his talk. '1 give it substantially in his own words, from notes made at the time: | the equator and somewhere near 123 | west longitude. The Antelope rolled | air you could feel. It was the second night of the calm and the port watch { was on deck. The moon was shining clear, and as there was nothing to -- | The most popular resort on the Rt J a lookout for, except indications deau. Every thing up-to-date. Now [of a breeze, which didn't seem likely Special weekly and | t0 come along, the men were drow | sing under the :bulwarks and the man {at the wheel was snoring. ! Plair "l was leaning over the rail, at | of the about six bells, looking at a brigan tine that had drifted into the calm | | ing topmasts 1 judged her to be Ame- [ rican, but that was all. She was a | trim Tittle eraft, and it was enough to break a seaman's heart the way | she was wiped off the face of the | earth that night. To be sure, the | Antelope wasn't treated much /better a few wecks later, but fire is one of the chances a sailor reckons on tak- ing, and many a good ship is burned at sea. I don't know of any other | craft meeting the fate of that brig- antine. 1 don't say it never happened before or since, because strange things | 4 is ry Opposite Custom always are happening at sea. and | Ran Distillery Opp some of the strangest never get told; | men don't live to tell them. Blessing | of diet. TRY THIS FOR BREAKFAST : That's all. and vou feel clean and well-fed until lunch of meat and vegetables and a Grape Such a dist will make a change in -~ $TORY OF THE Loss or a of no more account lamp, and the stars were together, "There was a rush in the air a¢ the thi When iL wan preuy m most blinded me, uld . : fiery gleam ey the Taranto exhibi the | Trott Sy Ward and Wright won the doubles til it k ! / in tolling how jt loos. | nis champ ip of the United uvelling like pn 5 Sth National League Suspensions : Rochester Must Have a Winn- ing, hissing noise ning Team To Make The Game camo down. Pay. . : near, the light al- time it hove in sight It must have been tr, a cannon hall, or maybe lout 'sight of "the Bhp | lost sight t heard a crashing sound, ared, leaving every- Tyee for a mo Lie olwad the ato "When T had blinked the sight back The schooner yacht Ingomar won the Jrincipul race for big yachts at the Royal Yacht Club re atta on the Solent on Tuesday, but throu time allowance the race went to Valdora. "Danny" Maher, the American joo key, rode four winners, and linishod third on another, out of six races at the Stockton summer meeting, An. offer American jockey, Madden, rode two winners and 'one second and «ne are 1 : adelphia, and thin Hove is the only Montreal player be | thing black before my the | moonlight, 1 glanced over the star to where the brigan a trace of her Was to be made out. 1 could hardly eves, although they | Were a good pair in those | fore the seadust had dulle days, be 'd them, and have been a bit ppened, and got ngs, But in no dazed by what had ha confused in my beari direction was so much us | sight, and off there was a rising and falling short waves, their glint of the moonbe where the shooting down into the sea. That w the brigantine had been, "The light and, noise had the watch on 'deck, and the men were It is harmless, pleasant, reliable | longitude 57 west, at about 5 pm. a gathered in a group by the foremast, and effectual, jt t f which, having th Wo parts, one of which, having he Get a bottle from your druggist, ------ of a ball of fire, fell to ward the sea. Judging that the hall | what had made | would fall in the bark s course, Capt, | light. on the quarter ams that showed as where that on March | aroused wandering They hadn't seen didn't know just of the to what had happened. all that | had, and I told them to look for brigantine and sent a man aloft muke out anything were just dumb when they saw the but our own, and asked me if the brigantine had blown up. The man aloft could anvthing. They were all taken aback when 1 told what I had seen, and of course stitious fears were excited. "Thinking some | be floating where down, I called up the old man all hands, and a boat was sent out to search. The second mate went in | the boat, and all the 'brigantine went and he brought back was a hit of scorched picked up adrift. That wes The | the only trace of the brigantine left, and we never learned her name {anything more about her." | TO TEST RIFLES. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, - STRA K N HARD R "We were becalmed in the Pacific | . Corinthian, Wed, Aug. 24, (daylight - 0 A S WA E =° | about nine or ten degrees north of | Justice Drake, or Ottawa, Aug. I8.-The test of . DE ET ---- i . » Dosseager Depot. J. 'P. GILDEK- like a log, the sails flapped against | thousand new Ross SLEEVE, Clarence Street. EL, | the masts, and made the only stir of | rifles will be be already received will and the Neptune, Judge Drake, of the British Colum bia supreme court, has resigned. has completed the fifteonsyears' ser entitles him to superan ile | and it will probably be the battle of J. H. McClellan has been given the | keeps in constant training for his position of superintendent of the Trent al the dominion archivist, has gone on an official visit to London and Paris HAD STILL IN TOP DESK. Aug. 18. --Peter Fra "Weil, -T was leaning on the Ante- | ser. collector of inlan . lope's rail with my cheek in my palm, | Pictou division, which includes looking away where the brigantine | Breton, seized an illicit stil on {lay in the moonlight. The roll of the | turday on the bark was lazy and soothing, and | Ingram. merchant ! had fallen into a dreamy doze, when Sydney premises of 'Alexander - building occupied by Me. Ingram a dwelling, the worm being enclosed { carce eat in a roller top desk, while the copper pot was in an adjoining, room. It was pot in operation was found. but bore used v May Be a worth about $200 and had 'a capacity of about twenty-five gallons per day. who is considered a highly Ingram, esteemed citizen, was placed under ar Defied Almighty, Is Dead. Aug. 18. --~Consternation reigns in the little town of Alen, in iis h » to try the | Southern Maryland, over Giving one the chance to try deuth of Wolor i. Whitney, o tremendous value of 4 complete change nounced atheist, but one of the most popular residents of the place. Un Sunday night Whitney was con- versing with some friends. when suddenly exclaimed : "I defy the Al mighty to strike Fr dead ll : . Whitney fell to the Wy, when A little Fruit, those about him picked him up he was A dish of Grap:-Nuts and Cream, \ dead, Will Try Again To Fominate. Two slices of hard Toast, | Suecial to the fn mocratic A cup of hot, well-made congressional here to-day Postum Food Coffee. weeks ago atl adjourned after taking without agreeing on Aug. 15. The de The convention met two 777 ballots candidate. Col. Glidden Suicides. Salt Lake THEN REPEAT, £ ol. Hunter K. mother of ilidden, the divor«d Annie FE. Adams, : Maude Adattin, the i y ve plenty i suid with stry And fpr Gunde of Sight hee § : in this city. He was threatened with nervous pros- Nuts pudding. tration. A pienic will be given under auspic- of Congregation "church, Harlowe, at field] at residence of J. A, Wilmot, "There's a reason. Grove Cloyne, i | Pitsburg, on Awgust 24th, States. third horse, and good pitchers. iod. on running until he reached third. Al deok planking bunt caused Evers to score with the winning run.--Chicago News. return to the roped arena this fall und meet his first man, Jack O'Prien, for a contest of twenty rounds, The at catch weights, The concluding struggle is intended for Kid McCoy, his life, for he has wanted a mill with the Kid for a long time. He is at present on his fruit farm, where he coming fights. Thirty thousand people saw the Chi- cago Chatham lacrosse game at Chi: cago last Saturday. Comisky, the baseball magnate, put the game on as a curtnin-raiser to his big New York-White Sox game. The ball game vas called for four o'clock and la crosse game for 2.15, but at 2.05 27, 000 people had passed through the gates, nearly all to see Canada's na- tional game. The crowd were enthu- sinstic 'and applandod the many bril- liant plays. Comiskey told Ma Tr Pabeock, of the Chatham team, that it was his intention to run lacrosse games next vear twice a week, He is very much interested in the game, Chatham plays St. Paul's in Chicago the, first week in September, SENATE VACANCIES. How Death Has Ohanged Com- plexion of the Chamber, Ottawa, Aug. IS8.-When the two new senatorships for the North-West Territories and the three existing va- cancies are filled, the government will command a majority of seventeen in the upper house of parliament. It is hard to realize the mortality that the last few years has shown in the sen ate when one recalls that eight years ago the conservative party command- ed a plurality of more than sixty, or, in other words, had the red chamber practically to themselves. The three existing vacancies are for Novag respectively, caused by the refusal of Fo Currie, of Windsor, to woept a profiered appointment, the death of the Hon. William Pever, St. John, and the death of thé Hon, Mr. Aikins, Toronto, Dedham, Mass, Aug. 18.--From all over the world descendants of Jona than Fairbanks, founder of one of the i oldest families in America. have a¢ sembled here for their third annual reunion. 'The family association num- hers thousands of members, promin: ent among theme being Senator Charles W. Fairbanks, the republican candi- date for vice-president, snd Secretary { Victor A. Metealf, The re-union, which will last several days, ix being held at the historic BEA Fairbanks homestead, which was buile | DR of timbers brought over by the ori- . ginal Fairbanks settler from England, | py jin 1633, Don't forget lawn social under aus: pices of St. Mark's church, Barrie. Entries f bench show t . bien already x the Jigy Corbett and Jack O'Brien sign. mary [ed to fight six round bout in Phil. it A match between Billy Ryan, the Syracuse featherweight boxer, and ot Touuny Daly, ol Brooklyn, foe 4 bout Y + of teen rounds before the Lulaw 10ps catching the Atheti | Club at Baltimore has boon . . | arranged. © encounter will be held had: gone on September 14th, It seldom happens in a professional baschall game that both pitchers are Indians. This was the case Monday, when the pitchers were: Dr. Louis Bruce, for Toronto, and Louis Leroy, for Montreal. Both are little fellows, THE In the race for public favor must ve merit in an eminent - afraid to have you pass your verdict becguse we know it will please you. SA Our Sale Lasts Only One Week You had better come in now. You chance '10 get fine high.gr 14 OFF . Of our already low prices means a great B.ing your boys in and fit them out for Roney President Pulliam, of the N tional League. has suspended Manager Kelly und Pitcher Harper, of Cincinnati, and First Baseman McGann, of the Giants. NeGiann and Harper have been suspended for three days, and Manager Kelly for an indefinite per- Tinker had reccived word that his mother, who had been ailing, was improving, but while he was prepar- their super. | "8 to bat in the seventh inning you Mpa terday the [death message was handed : to him. Joe read it hurriedly and poor fellow might walked to the plate. He hunted the ball down toward third and when Wolverton threw wild to first he kept 1 this time tears were coming fast. His "ek our NIXEY'S directors of the Rochester, Amusement company met last night nnd went over the situation. - All were in accord, that baseball in Rochester cannot be made to pay without a inning team. All cheerfully express- ed their willingness (0 contribute , of Supreme Court, {, to the rr fund in an effort to strengthen the team. As one. of a | them oxprossed it, the Rochester pa: trans of haseball, when the team re. and it is expected that | turns home, will be given the worth delivered to the Mounted | of their money, if an additional out- a month. The five hun- [lay on the part of the stockholders be | can bring it about. among" the Weverdl vessols | The world's champion middleweight performing the gervith of the fisher- | puilist, Tommy Ryan, according to the Arctic | a dispateh from St. J . Mich., the home of the fighter, desires just three Mr. | more battles before he finishes his is to resign his position as chief | Career in the ring. He says he will railway commission, and | enter politics hy reaso the abilities of his Bernier and Mille, i: | second melee will be with Bob Fite penly laughed at in political circle: | simmons at the middleweight limit or Stove Paste |Knife F Black, Brilliant, Beautiful Polish, ber, Buff Used without waste or dust, gh grade English Goods, y particular, and we invi They are hi class in ev sample order. Special inducements to the trade. McKELVEY & BI 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston, | 2002008000090 00009000 a A » 4 8 An Acknowledged Leader Shion. sree on three cent margins for Sept or 5 Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario Servies wna Matriculation . Junior Classes for Boys and Girls. the malar, Apply Alice Street. KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE ox. XIvesTOoN. ¢ a Yuully Regal TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE| TORONTO. . Kilo) of Covered Board. Hob wk 299992995060906 BUY SEPTEMBE purchasers of solely 10° 1 prices. es buy w