iid ¥ i 7 if il TT F oh i if 5.5 IN F gE 2 12; 23 : i 2s 5 5 F : i lh g i 2 B i £ 3 i £ | i x of hat and the end falling over the brim. There to be- lieve that feathers "wil Fr most style of hat decoration this ~ESTELLE CLAIRMONT. his orl is such 5 bubble, doncher- ! ee and of twoubles, doncher- ; 3 You come to earth to. ow, You Evo o and you gh, Oldah and 3 you die, doncher- know, ' | And ibe, al & howwid mix, doncher- Business, "love and * politics, doncher- Fashions, follies, cl and sets, Cl and pawties, lanes w oe: Stwuggles, stwife, and--cigawettes, don- cherknow, . ) Business 7 Aw! That's twade, doncher Someth lost or something made, don- You twouble and you m. And you hang Your highest ho On pawhans the--pwice soap, p A . Politics ? Just a lawk, cherknow, Just a nightmare in the Gawh: doachier- ow; You perspire i) Jax aud night, wipe i Wong man's wight, wv, Love? Aw, yes; you meet a girl, don- "| And get In such a whirl, i Get down upon the Bory harkngm adoah and to imploah, '| And {teat « howwid. boah, doncher- Fashion ? Aw, that's dwess, doncher know; The, faume of much distwess, doncher- | | To determine what to weah, i 10 go and likewise wheah, And how to pawt your haih, doncher- know. . | And. there's weal i t, A oo Bn ly nothing in it, don- | For ive for just a minute, doncher- And" whey you've eaten, wead and felt, . Hi seen and said and smelt, i know. You've a conscience, and that' all, doncherknow, - ats wm . One amas ; and that's small, doncher- -You can' only w And one gia 'm your er" And one--cofn whén you die, doncher know. th Cre ot pd ft ft AS onSELEEEEE EEE EERE from here at: J M.B.A, hall, ¢ new wind factory for he pur- Sg tei. School 10 ect eices vig wee Bakers' , accom: J strong, $2.40 to $2.50 a cwt.; farmers e250 a cwt.; Hungarian patent, $2.00 to $2.70 a cwt.. Oatmeal and rolled cats, $4.75 to $5 a cwt.; corn- meal, $1.40 to $1.50 a cwt.; bran, $18 iece, miss Katie are spending a couple friends in this section. and 'F. Brown, Ganan- rday and Sunday at MN Don ; , Perth, is" visiting her mather, rs. Terrancé Murphy. Harrowsmith, is v 3 isiting at PF. Cav: E . 17.--~Our school re-o ened on the I5th inst' The five pupi Who wrote on the entrance examina- tions, were successful, which reflects much credit on the work of the past term, The members of were entertained at the home of Mrs. Stratton on Tuesday evening, H visiting at his home returned to Belleville last week. ggie Smith returned from Elgin, she was "visiting friends for the number from here Rall wrist it pillow case, £ finished with two full rufles of lace. It will be worn t deal on fall coats and its is quite attrac fz 2 i £5 summer and have met favor here, will un- past week. A large 0 , especially for attended the picnic gt Newbliss on the 10th inst., and notwithstanding rather unfavorable weather the picnic 5 i 5 el L ifs fg 4 : i to resume teaching in public t last week in Westport. I. harness shop on the lot he lately pu Brockville. Are Going To The West. Mountain Grove, Aug. 17.--Quite a the celebration at Oso on Friday. Our. village has been crowded with trainmen since the sink- hole near Arden, prevented the engines veral of the boys in- Manitoby on the har- August, 25th. Miss Cas- Port. Hope. is visiting Mr..and Mrs. Charles . Miss.Gertie Flgnn, Havelock, has returned after :spen with Miss Bande 8 number attended from crossing. Se tend leaving for Joyner, Havelock, i are renewing ac- quai Frank Clarke, Stirling, with his brother, Clakre, has resumed his of Arden school. | 1 iss Gates and Mr. Huffman have returned to their schools | 13 ding holidays elsewhere. Mrs, Island; and her grand- Ning Horn, have been visit- Samuel Abbott. They return- Saturday. Mrs. Sheridan, Toronto, is visiting at R. Before The Justice. Arden, Aug. 17.~The patrons of Ar- den cheese factory were paid on the month, at the rate of of milk delivered to the f, ing July. For the last few have been running regularly, on the . ove the sink hole, difficulty and delay has f been surmounted. three persons have been summ, duties as princi for making a'disturbance in t age on Saturday evening. girl has arrived at the home Francis J. Clarke, the he public school, return- ge on Saturdav. Fred- neighborhood, having on his wheel on Friday wery weather is hinder- 2 grain. A quantity but all the hay is This is the most successful treatment ing farmers cutt of oats are down, druggists, -- Nine Years Absent. Aug. 16.--School open- rod attendance; all ain. Born, to Mr. unkett, Jr., a daughter, and to Mr. gnd Mrs, James , & son. Miss Sadie Warren at Portland and Warren returned on Stnday of several weeks ip . Mr. gnd Mrs. Isaac | h g friends in this place. O'Comor visited her teacher, Miss Webster: at Ls ple of days last week. me of baseball be- yodhurst, and als, man, who is war correspondents gives typical examples of the Japanese sol- dicr's contempt of death. He does not fight for his home and country as does the European soldier, hut goes into battle with the determina- tion of a man ready for suicide. When leaving home he considers himself de- stined to die, the United States, member of his family, and has for- bidden anybody to write him as long as the war lasts. Gen. Inonye has forbidden anyone to write in case any ol his four soldier sons iy killed. sho the concert in th the benefit of th an absence send, now of Brando Man relatives and friends here. He has two little daughters with him. Ed- i ne; time has dealt him. T. J. O'Connor y with friends in Elgin. E. owns Fra) C. J. 0'Connor visited at J. Me 's on Tuesday week. CO. J or made a business soldier absolves his fiancee from her promise to marry him, saying : "You are free, as T am going to die." The married soldier tells his wife to con- sider herself a widow, and leaves her with the words : "You will never see me again, Manage our affairs as well as you can, and see that our children get a good education, and bring them up to respect my memory." of nine years, B. €. Town- at Powers a Mor Way here. is from consumption. These people all started with catarrh. It's 5 shame 1, i DT i i : hd sniffe and hawk when Catarrhozone morrow, In low priced, medium: priced, or the higher cures so quickly. Tt clears away the | priced garments. 7 discharge, stops the cough, destroys | ° the germs, makes you well. Got Cg. tarrhozone. It's guaranteed for all kinds of eatarrh. insane asylum, numerous tourists and ES PRODUCE AND PRICES. Local Markets. duce market prices this week are: flour, to 819 a ton; shorts, $20 to £21 $9 a ton; pressed hay, $12 a ton, Grain-- 3c. a bushel; rye, 53. a bushel. $6.50 a cwt. box; peaches, .20c. to 50c. a dozen. bunch. fowl, 12§e. a lb.; ducks, 75¢c. to $1 a pair; turkeys, 12jc. a Ih. Ib.; Seattle salmon, 25c. 1b.; salt Ib.; haddock, cod and bullheads, 10c. a lb; bluefish, 15¢. a Ib.; oysters, 50c. a gt.; Boneta, 12lc. a lb. ides--These prices are given by John McKay, Brock street: Beef, Ib.; dekin skins, , 70¢.; veal skins, 10c. lh.; lamb skins, 50c. to G0e. tallow, rendered, 4jc. a'lb.; tallow, rough, 2c. a Ib.; fleece wool, washed, 7c. a Ib.; unwashed, 10c. a Ib. Butter. Wholesale--Creamery, 19. to 2lc. a .; farmers' prints, 17c. to 19. a 1b.; in rolls, 16c.; bakers' butter, 12¢c. to . a lb. Retail. --Creamery, 22. to 23¢c. a ih.; farmers' prints, 20v. to 22. a Ib; in rolls, 17c. a Ib. Eggs. Wholesale--Fresh, 15ic. a dozen. Retail--Fresh, 18c. a dozen. A Warning To Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with small children during the hot weather of the summer months to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any dis- order of the bowels. Do not use any substitute but give the old-fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a ten- dency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and ahd then a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked in its incipi- ency and all danger avoided. The cas- tor. oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for instant use as soon as the first indi- cation of any bowel trouble appears. known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infantum. For sale by all ---- The Japanese Spirit. Count Von Gattler, a German noble- During the whole war Admiral Togo as not exchanged a letter with any hen leaving home the Japanese To think that every seventh death Pf ---------- . pal term, taking 3 Melntosh's of THE NATURAL FooDS give strength, health and mental freshness to the ill-nourished body. Give rest and relief to the dyspeptic stomach. Write for ous "Vital Question " Cook Book--it's free. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, TORONTO The Rates Which Govern The Kingston, Aug. 17.--The local pro- | ton; straw, $450 a ton; hay, $8 to eat, Manitoba, No. 1, $1.04 a bushel; white, winter and Canadian spring, 90c. a bushel; local soft wheat, 80c. to 85c. a bushel; buckwheat, 50c. a bushel; peas, €5c. a bushel; barley, 43c. to 45¢. a bushel; oats, 32. to Meat.--Beef, 5c. to 8c. lb.; veal Sc. to Be. a Ib; mutton, Te. to Sc. a Ib.; yearling lamb, Sc. a lb; spring lamb, 10c. to 12ic. a lb; pork, by the uarter, 7c. to 8c. a Ib.; live hogs, $7 a cwt.; dressed hogs, $6 to Remember That You Can Buy Trunks and Valises the Cheapest at Abernethy's Shoe Store. Fruit.--Lemons, 20c. to 25¢c. a dozen; bananas, 15c. to 20c. a dozen; orang- es, 60c. to $1 a dozen; watermelons, 40c. each; cantaloups, 10c. to 25c.; California plums, 10c. to 25¢c. a dozen; California rapes, 20c. to 25c. a Ib.; raspberries, 10c. a Vegetables--New potatoes, 15c. to 20¢ a peck ; turnips, 5c. a bunch; car- rots, be. a bunch; beets, 5c. a bunch; tomatoes, $1 to $2 bush.; new cabbage, . a head; green onions, 5c. a Poultry--Chickens, 50¢c. to 75¢. pair; FIBRE WARE Fish--White fish, salmon trout, and pickerel, 12}c. a Ib; butter fish, 124c. a | ; Ih.; pike, 8c. a lb.; lobsters, 30c. a APPEARANCE, DURABILITY and CONVENIENCE codfish, 7c. to 15e. Ib; halibut, 20c. a | Pails, Milk Pans, Ete. Superior to all others as regards 3 For sale by dealers everywhere. LIKEWISE EDDY'S MATCHES. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. FICFOGIIEAD hidee, Te. a lb; sips, Fo. 1, %. 'a © ADVANCE STYLES AUGUST SALE! All Summer goods must be sold to make room for FALL SHIPMENTS, which are arriving every If You Want to Save Money Buy Now, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. The Leading Shoe Store. TT -------- --N-- CRAVENETTE COATS ! A Cravenette Coat is no longer a mere improve- ment on the old " Mackintosh," of odorous memory. It is now admitted into the wardrobe as one of the most stylish and useful of out-door garments. This Fall will see the Cravenette Coat in well-nigh universal use. The new styles make it less severe and even more attractive for feminine wearers than ever before. . The Cloak De. Doesn't It Startle You. partment, always to the front in matters of women's dress, have the new styles ready to show you tg- Ready-to-Wear Dept.--Secona Floor. Buy Polson's Nerviline yt Gibson's Spence &€ Co., The Leading Millinery Red Cross Drug Store. and Mantle Store, ) i 0 mach and : PBeecham's Pills charm in setting Qcapetite of yc 'with all its old ; using Beecham's ral sleep is the ; ghort course of tl gemeds . ToWorkan use Beecham's P will find a vigor which adds zest work and play af Beecham's Toil. ; ike a new per: clear eye, sweet bre keer brain. Toenjc BEECH! PILLS Helens, Emgiarg,'? Thomas Sold everywhere i America. In Failing -- HAIR GRO The Great Halr Tonle Is © and Thorough Antis: fokly erad! T Jutheriand Bisters. Eris, Hats x bottles for $5; Soalp Clea: : Sy ert Soo" mug oh ERE, od Recommen an seld Mahood, druggist, corner ob od Bagot Streets, Kingston. AUGUST GLEARING SALE There are 500 pa Men's, Boys', Women Children's" Shoes whi are going to clear out duced prices. About 50 pairs of and Child's Shoes Slippers, worth fron to $1.25, which we clear out at...... § Bl. JENNINGS, KING BICYCLI $35, $40, $45. All guaranteed. | Tioewritors, Sewing Ma Repairing and Supplies for Your money's worth every time. J.R. C. Dobbs & 171 Wellington Street ih ---------------- ELECTRIC FANS Now's the Time you ne: m, and Here's ti Place to get them, If y want Good Ones at Re: Sonable Prices : i : [BRECK & HALLID Princess Street.