ment | well known Pi called a strike and ater said that for $2,700 he the plumbers back t § examination an District pushod ; he. fre d to t ront an: valled Robert P. Bell, yers, to the wi osses his atten dent and load tness stand. Bell had re the court room. Nr. Jerome asked if he his 1 'mm informed Court room. my info standing at the at bills were passed is defendant to this witness." witness denied that he had re- any money from Weinseimer. : a meeting of the Tepdes' Alliance after ~ Weinseimer's arrest a vote of co Now yo ain th his lang association with unionism, he downfall of the late Sam opportunity to re-organize i into a poworful combination, which would in time be its own terms to the 'The Building Trades' Alliance, . which he is the president adly in noed of | saw get every | Parks an time friends of Weinscimer, and men upon whom he could depend and trust Weinscimer first came into promin- when he gon: LT corporate body, whic or the reclaiming of submerged the | land in Jamaica bay and the founding of a model workingmen's city, which. would ° accommodate 200,000 souls. 7 He osuei 500,000 shares of stock at the, por value of $50, most of which n its very conception, finally and manner W ence several years were annoved | ized the Industrial they found that | ri your head.' pe Rt ry, particular 'cious wtones, which fact has res bil called by his critics nd Phil," a sobriquet which no means likes to have ap- der Goodrich, naval squadron in Pacific waters, in- 000000000000000 el taro rican cruisors New York and Marble A ------ ii, fingship of the squadron, for an en- tertainment Tast might. The occasion was one of the i ever seen in In. the nig. : can tars fraternizing in the most en- Ang. 18 Further revela: iastic manner to-day, in connection with thusiastie : ies for the civic isolation dod not refer to the cabmen, whe are uot allowed on He. Shaves, It is delivery waggons w cause HBOS ACD, "Ofttimes drivers, though DOO 000 00000000000 uitable News. Xu A sensible girl to her beau wav. i a Clay's Red Cross Drug Store. tit almost 'freeze you t [OF Brockville, is at the | snd wile, Ottawa, were in FA comsets, worth $i, for 65. N Dross Reform, 1 i the this morning. havin, I : Visiting old friends in the city, te attention. the militia department. Miss Nellie ( tie Jones have a California grapes at Carnovsky's, light. Mrs. William Abernethy, 17% Ord hance street, city, visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. H. N. Emmons, Newark, N, = will remain gt that place until the LUN Money lost on the market square has been found. The market clerk knows about it, A hand bag was found near the court house, The the owner to the Whig can direct finder, W. J. Paul is winning a reputation as an expert fisherman, On a recent expedition he cgptured four cans of sardines. at Dead Man's Bay, which s all previous fishing records in this district, A little forethought may save you who makes Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at For sale A game has been arranged between the Orientals and Ponies for Satur- noon at Lake Ontario Park. The Ponies are stronger than when two teams, last met and a good no end of trouble. Anyone it a rub to keep hand knows this to be a fact. bv ogists. day after the game may be lagked for. A picnic was 1 @iven by the Wisses McGlade at Lake Ontario Park last evening and was attended by a large number of young people. After the performance, dancing - took place in the pavilion till after midnight. How are all at home ? Buy a bottle of Painkiller to-day and you will be insured against cholera morbus, diarrhoea and kindred troubles. The old reliable Perry Davis' Painkiller is sold by all dealers. 25¢. and 50c. bot- W. Bruce Reid, of the Utica, N.Y. Observer, was in the city to-day and was highly pleased with his visit. He it an Australian and was consider ably elated on learning of the advance- ment of Hon. Mr. Reid, a distant re- lative. tothe premiership. Palpitation of the heart, mervons- ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold bands and feet, pain in the back, 'and other forms of weakness are ro. lieved by Carter's Tron Pills, made specially Tor the blood, nerves and complexion, ---------- Pat's Quick Retort. An . Irishman and an Englishmag while having thir dinner in a restau rant in London, got into conyersa- tion. The Englishman had only one leg, and Pat, being rather inquisi tive, enguired how he had the misfor- tune to lose it. Thinking to have 4 joke at Pat's expense, the English man replied : "I was always given to understand that my great grand mother was Trish, and the Irish blood from her settled in my leg, and soon- than have any Irish blood in me 1 hed the leg cut off." ra," said at, "it's a pity it didn't settle in d » ---- Had Fine Time. ial to the Whig. IO. B.C. Aug. 18.--~Comman- ing' the British rs and men of the Ame- isquimeult harbor, British: cruiser Grafton, happiest, this station, the British and Ameri- -------- The Wharf Blocking. The vehicle blocking of Swift's wharf their provisions horses wharf as soon as their business there is done. A Very Good Thing To Know, Buv tooth brushes 'and' tooth pasts Shaw oud wile, Pittaburg, + MeNanghton and RH. Sydenham, were citv visitors Rielly, B.A., has returned to after 5 business trip te Sale on Saturday of white dip-hip or "About. four hundred people took in excursion to Picton on the steam- er » The Steamer Now Joub brought 2560 he and Herbert Reyner, ittsburg hockeyists, are vie finance comwmittoe was to meet this afternoon to econ- several matters that require im- Question of a new rifle range Kingston in still receiving the at- tention of Col. Buchan, D.O.C., and irabam and Miss Ger. returned howe from a a six-weoks' vigit with friends in To- ronto, Niagara Falls and Port lope. a grapes, Delaware grapes, 7 Steamers North King and Cas- pian gets many Kingstonians on their river trips, It is a mice outing for children as the trip is all by day- The Town Threatened With De- Nelson, B.C.. Aug. 18.--A special t, the Daily News from Michel says the smoke at Michel from the forest fires was so bad that it entered the coal mines and rendered them almost un- safe to work in. All day long the fires burned, drawing steadily closer, but by 10 pm. 5 breeze springing up, they assumed * dangerous proportions end threatened to sweep the entire town. Many of the citizens then prepared for flight, and a train was arranged {, take the women and children out. if necessary to Fernie. Men hegan dig ging great holes in their back yards, and burying their possessions, Thanks, however, to the foresight of Manager Arthur Wilsoh, of the Crow's Nest Coal company, the town is fully pro vided for such contingencies with a water gystem. In a short time the buildings were fairly deluged with wa ter. Fortunately the wind died down, averting immediate disaster. The com pany had to close the entrance to the various workings so. ps to render them air-tight, and thus prevent" the smoke mingling with the causing trouble. -- PROF. SHORTT'S ADDRESS Before The Friends In Toronto Special to the Whig. toronto, Aug. I8.--The closing ses- ston of the Friends' conference, this morning, was devoted chiefly to ad- dresses upon "Purity in the heart, the home. the school, the press and the Le f-- They Will Be Introduced Gradual ly Taylor, M.P.; | | Made & Ligaiaator--To Wind Up a Mining Company. was charged with a Breach of the pe act. The magistrate remanded all three in order to look up the law, The application of the Bank of To. ronto for an order to wind up the C ) anoque, was granted, to-day, by Judge sidington. oan Taylor, M.P., was uidator, . The department of education will js- sue, next week, a circular containing 8 number of important changes in the administration of public and high schools and normal schools. Time wil] be given the inspectors .and teachers to study. the new regulations and be come familiar with them _and the changes will be introduced gradually The schools will all open at the usual time. 2 An application was made, this morn- ing, for an order to wind up the Rock ake Mining company, near Rruce Mines, Algoma, by G. Alex. Quigley, a creditor, for 3400. The capital of the. company is $3,000,000; mostly Am- erican, and the liabilities $200,000, Judge lddington granted an order not to come into force until September 2nd, pending a report upon an option of sale now under consideration. In the Dominion bowling tourna- ment, this morning, Westmouny, Brown, skip, heat Canada, Jones, skip, by five in the semi-final for the trophy. Canada, Moore, skip, heat St. Cath arines, Findley, skip, by two shots. The final for the trophy will be played this afternoon between Westmount, Brown, skip, and Canada. Moore, skip, Charles M. Hays. president of the G.T.R. and the other officers of the company, who are on their way west to locate the terminals of the new transcontinental line arrived here this moming in their special train and left at eight o'clock for North Bay. The party were joined here by Hon, G. A, Cox and E. B. Wood ---- FIRES AT MICHEL. struction. gas and * Conference, church." Prof. Adam Shortt, King- ston, delivered an interesting address upon the value of individuality in spiritugl and social life, He was not EVERYTHING IN one of those who thought the imperi- 4 alist idea all wrong, but he did think it was wrongly worked out. The pag- ans of old would have heen convulsed tions praying to the same God. Prof, Shortt thought the proper develop- ment of expansion was in the direc. tion of international association. and therefore, favored the international trades union. ---- CZAR SENDS WORD OF HEIR. Informs Kouropatkin Of Divine myself a son. g hasten to inform you of this divine favor to Russia ourselves, in order to share my J with the valiant soldiers of the ac § army. 1 appointed the new-born heir = crarevitch and chief of the Twelfth East Siberian Rifle Regiment." K Pro prea the proposed v abandoned and oy eT be Mp - the party will go to Rahff instead. . Whee 3g -- fF hen mad ised iene pice, 206. pur ch wa . white wine vinegar, ci nd Pierce's are sald at Gib Rd at Mullin's. a extra strength and peerless qual ity make it cheapest in the end, not mentioning the greater satis- Sh A 2 sound nb, Sedisd rand" Coffee Montreal "Seal I - We have now ready a most complete range of sizes in all the newest and most pop- ular makes of Corsets. D. & A., new designs, soc., 75c., $1, $1.25. Crompton's new designs, 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50 French Model Corsets, $3, $2.50, $2, $1.50. Girls' Corset Waists. Children's Waists for all ages. OSIERY ! Women's Fast Black!Cotton Stock- ings, 102, 12%c, 15¢, 20c,: Women's Cashmere Hosiery, spe- cial values at 25c,, i Girls' Cotton or Cashmere Sto. k- i in a great variety of Boys' Famous Leather Knit Black Ribbed Cotton: 3 2 is the best we stocking ever imported in prices, and is havin g a very large sale: prices are 18c¢., 15¢ » 20€C, 23c.. 25c., according HOSIERY Children. For Men, Women and laughter at two opposing na- Favor To Russia. towed upon her majesty and and Q A T. Jatin Fine Kid Oxford Run Lachine Rapids Without , ---------- Had To Abandon It. - G I O Special to the Whig. ® Calgary, NWA Aug. 18The ruil. - mmissioners arrived here, yes. LADLAWESH St. Petersburg, Ang. 18.--The czar - sent the following telegram to Gen. | Ww Kouropatkin to-day : "The Lord Ged ; and Patent Leat Ladies' Fine Kig Tip Turn So Rudder. rite, $1.50; no Special to the Whig. Montreal, Aug. 18, --The steamer Oxford Shoes Beauharnois performed thy feat, lost ae evening, of coming through the la- ] Chine sais without a rudder to steer | One lot Fond her. The rudder became disabled prior in, Soa Pg to reaching the rapids and as ng prife, 32.30. down te. $1.30, porary repairs could not be made the Dozens of other bar captain decided to shape her course through the rapids by the aid of the | SUMIMer Sale as the ca engines, : - ! Oxford Shoes, Patent : red heels. Regular JA $2.50 Kid Boots, ore Some very stylish" genuine Dongola Kid 50 Fine Box Calf Lace Boots, 5 Extra value for $1.25, , 4 ost Patent Colt Lace Boots, Fine Kid Lace Roots, a Box Calf Lace Boots, $3, $2.25, zains all over the store, and the CKE TT. Uttered this ti bon meau: morning, intending to go to | K If your Tite you'll wssure tne, inttnding to ill and To make things : visit 'was Machinery ope rd prof the works: TY No THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, Toronto, Oat, Clothin Hats ar Furnish S JEN] Watches fron See "Ou Guaranteed \ wird and sten Metal and N at $2.50 eac SMITH Jewelers and Opt 35 AUCTIO! Saturday. \ BLACK MARE, 1: broken Kind. Sing at 12 o'clock, noon M Ui WANT! A FIRST-CLASS Apply British Ame PUPIL NURSES, AT Hospital, Saratoga ------------------------ A DINING-ROOM GG] r-meaid, Apply ! A GOOD COOK AN Apply to Mrs. Hw Earl street. De A HOUSEMAID, AND Cook, immediately Carson, 196 Johnst ---------------------------- A GENERAL SERVA the States. Wages washing. Apply 59 AN AGE TO CJ ston for orders for ticle. Good charice Apply through Whig TO BUY, OR REN dwelling, in suburbs four acres of land Estate Agency, 51 1 GENTLEMEN, TO pressing and cleanin hand. Work caref machinery used i i or, 181 Brock street SALESMAN: FOR line on new plans, manent, weekly pa ples, best house Ww tal Nursery Co., Ou AGENTS, TO SELL fest kitchen utensil ston and surrounding Exclusive territory; distribute dodgers. street. $20 per 1,000 copyir mailing®or canvassin nished. Send addres velope for particulars Q, Box 228, Worcest ------------------------ BIG WAGES FOR A and women make | selline our househ Every family needs oughly legitimate bh ean start in without tal. G. Marshall t. LOST. A BROWN LEATHER taining 86 or $7, also large key © around court house, City or Macdonald King street. Libera tarn to Whig Office Eake, Queen street. rere MONEY -- ON OR Street, on Thursday lar bill and some sn ver. 'The finder will by returnin it thr Office, the loscr heing Who cannot afford th RING, SET WITH PF and light green st either on Syden! streets, or in Laidl Wood's Fair, or Ma kindly return to Whi -- ct ce ~ & FOR SA a -- -- -- -- -- A FRAME HOUSE, ! street, good outhsi for someone. Apply of Crawford & W Street. ONE PORTABLE BAKE good condition. A Oflice. PIEBALD PONY, HA Cart, 8387 Brock stre To Cure Drunl Montreal, Aug. 19.--D has had charge of « drunkards brought bef, courts, on his return te that arrapgements we Plated" 40 "estoblizh hrs cure in connection with Ottawa and Toronto.