= 7.4 28 Arm Writes: "I unk am ) 'will effect all the for its use."-J, ington, D.C, General Writes: "I haw tarrhal trouble that sive it my ung tion." --Robert General Fret been wn Yau 4 the Canadian: ; : ort: cham- § luda § gion, ds now en routs to: Fuglaud, They are a veritable short cut herd hes ili. cumpuin in She, work to lasting a.nd perfect health, acide and under the auspices of the National : Cydlists' union at the Crystal Palace, Froid Everywhere in Oanada and U. 8. America. The Power boats, Adios; Vinglatum 11. and St. Ondara, are to race { te tow x 1 ber 2nd, at Alexandria Bay, ; ry ' ATA rt to "100 mmsoaworthy. Many | N.Y., twenty miles, for a silver cup 4 HO-0:00: OL: / on the market. | deslace it would be and the world's record. The executive ' small amount, ness to start, the vessels eastward, regatta committee are 0, G. Staples, ; ¥ ; cial results," A dospgtoh. to the Standard, from | A. J. Thompson, and H. W. Viager. : -- . coln street, N, K., Odessa, says "it eroditably stated | The schooner yacht Atlantic, owned > ' i . by Wilson Marshall, of New York, won 3 . . General a the ocean race of 264 wiles for the s i | Writes: "I have Bren Reef cup. yesterday: She eov- i Will Patrol. ton up. ered the course from Brenton's Reef ; Cape Town, Aug. 27--The lightship to Sandy Hook lightship and t admiral on this x if Fé return in forty hours, thirty-nine min- utes, twenty-one seconds, Other yachts competing were the Endymiop and Re- "Mik Grad he N 11 : : ike Grady tops the National league A ye i " in batting, ting to the latest \ Writes: van output of figures. The St. Louis catch: "ats Peruna, er is banding them out at a .360 clip, i Jundily. Ferane which is going some under the foul : ' veputa as a strike rule. Frank Chance, of Chicago, medicine yet d is Seon nd: and the great Hons Wagner street, third, Most of the averages show a , that the intention of despatching the | scaling down during pt ten days p General PPE +3 ¥ I FAFFFFIFTIF 44 because the liberal press re- sarcastic spirit, to the tory . Jt is a sacred thing, and jan who scoffs at it mortally of- Haltie font to the far east has been oly y A despatch from Kiel to the Daily Mail says a dozen large vessels from the Black Sea will serve as trans- ports to: the fleet on its way to the far cast. Five of the vessels are ships of the volunteer fleet. A number of sixteen-oared steel boats are heing built to tranship coal from the ten- dors to the warships at sea. The fleet consists of the battleships Souvaroff, flagshi 0, Alexander TI1.; a and Orel; the cruisers Dmitri, i, Auroa, Zemtchng, Tzumrud, and Almaz and the transports Okean and Kamschatks, with a number of t destroyers. Cr Limes 994,762 PENSIONERS. Washington, Aug: 27.-The annual report of Pension Commissioner an unexpended balance of 81,- ,008. During ' the year 47,374 per- sons were added to the pension rolls, 328 by ajcie} act of congress and the balance y the pension burean, During the same period 19,157 pen- sioners were dropped from the rolls. 0 these death claimed 43,520, of whom 31,728 were soldiers, 30,071 be- ing volunteers of the civil war. The total 'number of pensioners on the rolls ix 720.315 soldiers, 973,841 widows and dependents, and 686 army nurses. owing to a npumber of small-score ? : Writes: "I con pitchers' battles. "Patsy" Cadogan, the prince = of Irish bookmakers, who dies last month, left £20,000 to Dublin charit- able institutions. Thousands of pounds were also left by his will to his friends on the turf, including sums to a number of Irish racing officials. Among the stories told of the noted bookmaker is that he once won a wager of £10,000 from a distinguished person when no other laver in the ring would take the risk. His first tele graphic address was "Cadogan, Dub- lin," and an embarrassing eonfusion was created when Earl Cadogan went to Ireland as lord-lieutenant. The earl received some of the bookmaker's |- wires, and "Patsy" opened telegrams intended for the earl. Eventually the bookmaker changed his address to "Patsy, Dublin," by which name he was familiarly known until his death. At Cleveland, Earl Kiser, former king of the match race cyclists, twice the world's mile auto récord' of 54 45 seconds, made by Barney Oldfield at Loz Angeles last November. Kiser first reduced the record to 54 seconds flat in the closing mile of the five mile race for the Manufacturers' challenge cup. Later he reduced the record to 52 4-5 seconds. Kiser used a Winton Bullet No. 2. After several poor efforts the drivers in the cup race were given a standing start. Kis- er's' motor failed just as he rolled over the tape. He dismounted and cranked his machine, and then made a wild drive, picking up first one and then the other contestants and entered the stretch twice as fast as Lyttle, whe was leading, but with six of his eight cvlinders at work. K came down the stretch with all his power on and Everybody says our new FALL STOCK is a "Big Thing."" What everybody says is so, is so. Handsome Suits, the most elegant Ove:coats, Nobby Raincoats, pertect fitting Trousers. All the newest kinks in Boys' and Children's Clothing, Correct Hats, Smart Haberdashery. Everything jyst. right and at just Hght rices. R Come in and see our showing of FALL W and you will say with others who have already been in--Big Thing. BLES, ASK TO SEE OUR Grosvenor. Raineoals, Good rain or shine, $12 50. ASK TO SEE Wentworth Suits, $10, $12.50 and $13.50. Gry Gooke's Celebrated $1 Shirts. | THE H. D. BIBBY C0, Clothiers and Haberdashers--O0AK HALL. who are troubled catarrh as a most a good general tor 213 B, St, N. W,, V General "Many of my fh runs as & dyspep Erwin, Washingto Brig.-General "Porunas is inde and for coughs nothing ington, D.C. iin - fe wn i ths pian of Hie 2 Ther an A Ee a | hada Kiar ew oie) roaioh 8000000000 ; THE 0 i i t 1, in the d iser won special ma ; . : of - the ature i mig aad race of five miles gainst Fisher and | mr NLY high K 4d y * | ninety, now living at Plymouth Union, | Lyttle and his final mile. without onan made in Vi; Sraah C. Hurlbutt, cighty-six fbeing pressed, was made in the phe- ears old, of Little Marsh, Pa., and jnomenal time of 52 4-5 secs., or two ONG or short hoda Rugutn Thongwon, eighty- Sccands uder., the Noort {rhich OM. WHEN KINGSTON terchangeab three years old, of bury, Conn. ield said would never owe on SEPTEMBER The present number of invalid sol Ja circular track. N use by bot dices of the Spanish war that are on CANADIAN Jian Tr Al pension rolls is 12440, T LAR TENCE: MAGAZINE. . -| widows of 'the Spanish war soldiers THE GEST AUDIENCE; WAS CAPTURED JAGAZIRE ' ISIBLE writ Shas aro being pensioned. number 4,: | Of Season At Lake Ontario Park ET -- ag ASE Tighe. ls 1755, Etontnag was a French depot VERY machi : ; ' The excellent show at the park this of su smut Ts Bowe vor | 20 cot Se ty BT prec: y its merits and last night the per- . 5 Parent Accuses Truntess Of Mis- focuses were rcted, with » house a New England soldier, led an army EGARDING Pu, Aug, 7 Decouse | Fred to oyerfioning The performance up the Mohawk Valley to the ruins of ou $25, w ape Lae) 07 | cleus. clove aud high clase sntertais, Oswego, put his men on board bateaux « have to pay » ment urnishes undance : from hugging the lor | snusement. Last night's edie es and whaleboats, crossed the St. Law- GEORGE ZIEG In of his school, he has the {wa tho largest of the season, includ: rence and landed his men near the Fort. 246 King St. board in a oki ity' . p . King . Miller hat been given: wich to this Tepaciotl residents, of 4 uk The French Regiments were absent, method of handling his feminine pu- } io find the shows well worth attend: only a hundred men being left behind, A Fine pils, which caused their parents 10 ing Extra chairs were brought from so F ith all i li fell A very successful 1 tall upon the school board to oust | all parts of the park grounds to ac- : rontenac, with all its supplies, : the auspices of th the arden os x but ie Tatter comuodate 'the large Humber of pa- into the hands of the British. This Brock k_ Strewt Methc to so, though John Law- § trons. : : : . t evening at ler, o member of the heard, present: | © Carroll and Clarke, the socontric co- SEPTEMBER event is fully described in The SEPTEM William Denry. 500 ol » roel ution te that effect, it be- Frody, singing, talkiog and dancing CANADIAN BER CANADIAN MAGAZINE, which is full howe. aud grounds i, team were much appreciated, the 2 ood 1 wit wi °8 gourd Purnell, the father of one of § 51s member of the team being a MAGAZINE, of g things. erns, bunting and fle Miller's «threw down the | ingiier in the arts of dialogue. and was furnished by 1 t gauntlet and had the entire bord ar- | he 00 This team has made o chestra.. The attenc raigned before Justice H. B. McCool great NH with: the show's patrons and sati a : here on a charge of 8BOL IN § their return will be looked forward to G sults came from the . The rs of the board were § ith much anticipation. Lake Ontario and of Quintie "and refreshment tab put under #300 bail each for court. Miss Dolly Bland's illustrated songs Steamboat Co., Lim'ted. were much admired. Miss Bland pos- ---- Corsets of e d Now York Excursion. sesses a clear, "pleasing contralto . neers od | or. ready-made. % + Via New York Contra), Crs be run Juicy and She Mutated Yiews low. rlasia 4th and o te will be | shown are very fine. audi io" P from Ki , with limit of tly nover tired of Miss Blond's ug Alsust 30th, tember 10th. - 1 Ol ith 4 a leaves Kingston daily at 3 p.m: for Wate 8 for further § interpretation of different ar 4 Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Joma" es Ly, Cpe Fae COMER ver's Y-7 (Wise Head) Disintect- ek An ind Excda, She Teugless oh a Northport" and Belleville. : NEW YORK STOCE ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, ude nso The trick Shon = STR. * NORTH KING" : od Jn \he wi wero exceptional ain softens the water arid dis Sua Singing Pann ¥ Between Thousand Islands and Rochester Enion Pacific , Sah appear to-night. buf ' Toy or yy * aan JR X 3 Rochester, N.Y r at ine 's Gas .. ft Heals The Lungs. D SUBSTITUTE. Jj | iochenicr XV. "culing'af Bas of Guin EE he When Catarrhorone is inhaled it | somsesse-------------- a arr18 am and loaves .f01 . 3.000 Toon Ss ein spreads through all the breathing or- "For further Information apply to EB. Miss. Pac... i. : n E. HORSEY, G.P. & F. A. ad n AE iy to She Pe en t of Ottawa's fam: Like A AL BY Fe SIRE A b bite it soothes | ous ori in A rr. | SLEEVE, JAS. f 0. Agents. f in South Africa with a Mont- : id, BOARD AND LODGING. Bol hry 0. No a aot ot ar |cEnTLEMAN, RESIDENT. WARTS Tb Si . Re En furnished room. down town, with or into Ontario a lew months before his without board. Address X. Y.. ila fave y birth or triplets eo. he Whig office. stating terms. a to draw t! ercier Jang: grant J ----rtereei------------------------ for this second great national sérvice: | FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN- LL ira 5 ISHED, . You gan buy all the choe polish you STREET. APPL t s for 5c. a bottle ¥ Lassie. i Y