is a "Big ve: coats, All the ashery. t prices. RABLES, ady been street, n army ruins of bateaux ° and Belleville 80th, steamer . 8 p.m. for lay of Quinte rsday and Sa- at Deseronto, ves for 1 Aavply to E. PF. GILDER- & Co. Agents. DGING. NT, WANTS town, with idress X. 08, + The o 3 ¥ Lali 28 Army Generals Send Letters of Endorsement To ¥ , * Writes: "I unhesitatingly state that I am convinced Peruna is a medicine that will effect all the cures that is claimed for its use.'--J. Floyd King, Wash- ington, D.C, General Smalls, Beaufort, 8. C, Writes: "I fave used Peruna for oa aad find it beneficial General Abbott, of Washington, D. C., Writes: "I am fully convinced that Your remedy 'Peruna is an excellent tonic. Many of my friends have used it with the most beneficial for colds and estarrbal trouble," Ira O. Abbott, 906 M. 5t., N. W,, Wash- ington, D, C. Captain Yarwell, of Washington, D. C., VWrites: "Your medicine, Ibe lieve to be the best medicine for catarrh on the market. I have taken only a small amount, and can see very berefi- cial yesults."--W, G, Yarnell, 2222 Lin- coln street, N. E., Washington, D. 0. General McBride of U.S. A, Writes: "I have no hesitation in ree- ommending Poruna to all persons who are afflicted with catarrhal troubles."-- 4. D, McBride, 460 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W, Washington, B, C. General Longstreet of the Confederate » Writes: "Iecan testify to the merits of Peruna, both as a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Peruna enjoys the greatest tepuiation as a cstarrh remedy of any medieine yet devisod."--James Long- strest, Gainesville, Ga. General Neshe of 0. V. U, Writes: "I commetid Peruna to those who are troubled with colds producing catarrh as a most eflicacious cure and as a good general tonic."--Chas. ¥. Noske, 213 B, 8t., N. W., Washington, D. C. 'General Erwin's Recommend. "Many of my friends have used Pe- runs as a dyspepsia remedy with the most beneficial results." -- John B. Erwin, Washington, D.C. Brig.-Ceneral Schell Benefited. "Peruna is indeed a wonderful tonic, and for coughs and colds I know of nothing Dey Py M. Schell, Wash- ington, D.C. General Duffield of the Union Army, Wrifes: "I have used Peruna in my family and have found it a valuable medicine, and take pleasure in recom- mending it to all who suffer from ca- tarrh of the stomach or who require a tonié of efficiency."--The Cairo, Wash- Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na, Army, sides » good tonie."--M. C. Butler. ~ Brigaler-General Kirby D.c. Gen. Recker Post No. 443, runa I became convinced of its curstive qualities, and continued its use to date. peared, yet I as a preventive, and an old man's tonic," --W. H, Powell, Belleville, Ill, Gen. Sebring of the Confederate Army, Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy Peruna as a very excellent tonic, and also good for coughs, colds, catarrh, and general debility,"-- W. H. Sebring, 133 W, 4th St., Jackson- ville, Fla, General Lumax of Washington, D. C., Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your remedy as a permanent and effec- tive cure for catarrh, colds and to any one who needs an invigorating tonic to build up their system."--L. L. Lumax, 1608 19th St., Washington, D. C. Gea. Payne of Washington, D. C., Writes: "I join with my comrades in recommending Peruna to my friends as an invigorating tonic to build up the system."--Gen. Eugene B. Payne, 407 4th St, N. W., Washington, D.C. General Talley of Pa., Vol. U.S. A, Writes: "Your Peruns has been used by me and my friends as a relief for ca- tarrhal troubles with the most benefleial results. Iam so convinced of of Peruna that I do not hesitate to give it my recommendation,"--Wm, Cooper Talley, 713 D St, N. E, Washington, . Ce ngtom, 0. C. AD. Judge Parker Writes In Magazines "Educated Men In Politics," publish: ed here in the current number of a DUTY OF A GOOD CITIZEN. On Responsibility of People. New York, Aug. 27.--In an article on General Butler of South Carolina, General Wirites: "I can recommend Perunafor| Gen. J. G. Bigelow, 151 C, St, N. W,, dyspepeia and stomach trouble. I have | Washington, D.C., writes: Writes: "Ioan recommend Peruns to | acquaintances have successfully used al) tha who sro SEI whb catenin your Peruna as a catarrh cure, I feel +" Kirby, Washington, | that it is an effective remedy, and I roo- Powell, Writes: "Alter ising one bottle of Pe- | sp) Broadway, Washington, D.C. All symptoms of catarrh have disap-| Writes: "The excellence of Petuna as its d use |» cure or relief for catarrhal disturb- "THE OLIVER. NLY high grade machine made in Canada. ONG or short carriage, in- L terchangeable, | N use by both great Cana- dian railroads. ISIBLE writing wins. VERY machine guaranteed per EGARDING price, we save ou $25, which you don't « have to pay in daty. GEORGE ZIEGLER, Agent MeKngBt - - Kingston. A Fine Lawn Social. A successful lawn social, under the a of the Ladies' Aid of Brock Street Methodist church, was held last evening at the residence of William Drury, 290 Queen street. The house and grounds were very prettily decorated with flowers, chinese lant- erns, bunting and flags. Choice music was furnished by the Y.M.C.A. or- chestra.. The tiengance _ wes Most satisfactory good financial re sults came from the ice cream, candy . t tables. Corsets of e description ordered oe ready-made. York Dress Re- orm. Lake Ontario Park closes on Sep- tember 10th. "| with' a mecessarily beneficial result in magazine, Alton B. Parker, the de- moeratic presidential candidate, draws an unfavorable contrast between that class in America and the correspond- ing one in England. In the course of his article, Mr. Parker says : "A man who would succeed in busi- ness should begin at the bottom and work toward the top, which he may reach if he masters every detail and proves himself more skilful than those who are vying with him in the struggle for its ultimate control. The same rule applies in politics. There are exceptions to the rule, but they tend to prove it, as exceptions usual- ly do. Young men, therefore, should be content "to begin at the foot of the political ladder. Wherever your home may be, there you will find upon investigation a chance for helpfulness. In nearly every town, county and city govern- ment the expenses are rapidly increa- sing. Although for considerable por- tions of the increase, corresponding benefits are being received, the ten- dency to wastefulness and extrava- gance is not only marked, but it al- ready threatens our (municipalities in the not far distant future with go burden that will be borne with ex- ceeding difficulty. This is doe largely to She Tart than, men of edacation, supplement, y professional and ey training, are unwilling to contribirte, as did their fathers in the past, some portion of their time and ability toward the duties of local government. "The result naturally is that too many men, with but little at stake, and without any ambition to be use. ful to the community in which they live, seck and obtain local executive offices, as well as those of an execu- tive character, with most unfortunate results. This is to be seen on every hand, and; as' & rule, it is not the fault of the local party leaders, who are too often unjustly censured and held responsible for such conditions." Constrasting these statoments with conditions in Eaglua, Judge Parker declares that a di t view is held there of the duty of capable men of affairs in respect to the administra- tion of the systems of local politics municipal government. BEAT CHILD TILL IT BLED. And 99) 99 - 8 154 . 68% 88 ~ 102} 103 a . 59 eo . 44% 00 . b8 goa mn 00 120) 121} "134y 138 oe fot ans 87 = By Jocal Afhlications, as cannot Unnatural Father Tried At Whit- Sat] to nl 8 Sur. by For Cruelty. inces fa Cadeed by au imbassed onal Whitby, Ont., Aug. 27.--George John en aan Bn Oe son, of the to of Reach, o wi- | ingamed vou have a sound dower and the father of six little chil- imperfect hearing, asd when 1s entirely Gen. 0'Beirne of Washingtoa, D. C., Writes: "As many of my friends and General Chase, Ass't Ad). Gel, 0. A.R., ances is well established. Many of my friends have been benefited by ita use." --B, ¥, Chase, 28 Harrison St, Ana costia, D, 0. General $. S. Yoder of Ohlo, Writes: "I have found Peruna to bea wonderful remedy. Ionly used it fora short time and am thoroughly satisfied 'a8 to its merits."--8. 8. Yoder, Wash ington, D. C. General O'Conner of U. V. Legions, Writes: "If you are suffering from ca- tarrh or physical debility, immediately commence the use of Peruna. It hos been of the benefit and service to many my friends." -- Dennis O'Connor, 738 Bt, N. W,, Wash- ington, D. C. Gen. Wright of the Confederate Army, Writes: "I take pleasure in recom- mending Peruna. It is a remarkable medicine and should be used by persons who are in need of a good tonic and by sufferers from catarrh."--Marcus Wright, 173% Corcoran St,, Washington, D.C. Gen. Hawley of Washington, D. C., 'Writes: "I have used Peruna and find it very beneficial for kidney trouble and posishy good for coughs, colds and eatarrhil troubles."--A. F. Hawley. Gen. Urell of Spanish War Veterans, Writes: "Many of my friends have used Peruna with beneficial results as an effective remedy for catarrh."-M, Emmet Urell, 813 12th 8t.,, N, W., Wash- ington, D. C. Other Army Generals who praise Pee runs are: Brigadier-General Cook of Washe A of Washiagtoa, D. C. General Hancock Regi meat, U. V. U., Washington, D. C. If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Peruns, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis, Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Santtarium, Crlwmbus, O. the little fellow with. Evidence was given as to the squal- or in which the children lived and the neglect shown of the father in sending to church or Sunday school, and Gov: ernment Inspector Kelso, whose duty it is to look after neglected children, gave evidence for the crown. He also told of the unfavorable surroundings in which he found this family of mo- therless little children, and of the will- ingness of the people around Utica to provide homes for them. Judge McCrimmon found Johnson guilty and remanded him for sentence until homed are found for the children. Feeling is very bitter towards the prisoner. 'All Next Week. The attractions for next week at Lake Ontario Park promise to be the best of the season. The novelty act of Hugh and Bessie Lee, who appear ed here a few years ago, is announc- ed to return date, presenting their wonderful floating lady work and my- sterious cabinet act. The Stanleys are two excellent performers who do a high class comedy singing act, intro- ducing several popular as well as classical numbers. By special request of their numerous patrons the man- agement will hold over Miss Dolly Bland for another week in her illus- trated songs, making in all a very strong combination of talented per formers. H Lost Considérable Money. * e was a thoughtless man and he bought "ready-made" clothes. They soon "gave out," hung loosely and went to pieces. He ra have saved much money, and been far better dressed, if he had gone to Thomas Lambert, Princoss street, and loft his order for a good suit. It would have cost only a few dollars more at first, and been much cheaper in the end. Think it over when you go home. On the night of Labor Day, there will be feoworts, dancing and the best viudeville show of the t Lake Ontario Park. Hon » A tative of the Shaw Busi: ness lege, Toronto, is securing rooms in Kingston for a branch busi- ness college, Like a cocoanut, td get the best part of a joke, you must crack it. And now the t home festivals wi n. » 10c. shoe polish, only 5c., at Aber- netby's, DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED with Sir Richard Cartwright Monies," " Phail inducted int pastorate of Pinchot. Creek Presbyterian church, in Macleod eB." J. McCammon; Brooklyn, N.Y., and little Miss = Me. town to-day. Jaume Stewarts is up from Coteau Dr. James Stirling, Windsor, was in the city to-day. : Bernard Howland, Chicago, is home on his holidays. Mr. and rn Fulton, Palmerston, re in the city. . "Mra. Bawden, Clergy street, west, ia visiting at Gananoque. "J. Johnstone and wife, Cobourg, were in the city t . Miss Cam; , St, Thomas, visiting Bordo ie 5 Inspector Kidd and wile spent a few in Ottawa this week to, was in the au Charles Mills left this afternoon to spend a few d in Syracuse, Mrs. David Murray ad her Httle son, Jack, are home from England. Mr. and Mrs. Turcotte have wéturn- ed after a short visit in Kingston, James Bawden, St, is, is rejoie- ing over the arrival of a daughter, Mise Jean Craig is visiting her cou sin, Miss Stewart, in Harrowsmith, ohn Mudie, barr{ster, is back after a pleasant holiday spent at Portland, Me. Clemmie Gracey, Deseronto, is in Kingston, the guest of George Wat: son, Mrs, F. 8. Richardson and Miss Ed- na of Napanee, gre visiting friends here, Mrs. AlMred, Belleville, has returned home after visiting friends in the aty Frs. Henry Snook, Westbrook, visit ing at J. A. Gardiner's, has returned home, Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, Barre, Vi., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, Union street. Miss Kathleen Wilson is in St. Louis and 'way remain there until next spring. Miss Edith Baker, New York, is visiting Mrs. F. R. Anglin, Alfred street. . Miss Pearl Perry, Napanee, is the guest of Mrs. George Armstrong, Al aust Mw. A. © Waggoner, and r, m. A. C. " Miss Willa, left to-day for a week's visit in Toronto. Rev. Isaac Hall, Westport, supplving for Rev. Dr. Antliff, is the guest of John A. Gardiner, Misses May and Pear! Harty, Otta- wa, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. John Walker, Brock street. Mrs. (Dr.) Hussey of Brooklyn, is Visiting her parents, Mr. und Mrs, T. C. Wilson, Queen street, Miss Lizzie Barry, alter a pleasant outing in Bulalo and Niagara Falls, has returned to Kingston. George Mills, Jr., has tly re covered from his recent illness and is able to be around again. George Hanson, the Whig staff, left to-day for a week's visit with friends at Morrisburg, Miss Daisy Carrington and Miss Violet Hubbard, are the guests of Miss N, i Johnson, Picton. Mrs. J. Morrison Gilmour, returns to New York, on Monday after spend- ing the summer at Wolle Island. Mrs. J. Mains, Napanee, the puecst of Mrs. J. A. Gardiner, University avenue, returned home yesterday. Miss Emma Veale, trained nurse, has returned from Belleville, where she hes beens jmving a difieult _-- iss Dais; mallridge is ing her vacation at "The Maples," with Miss Gertrude Craig, Glenburnie. Eugene G. Dennce, Queen street, left yesterday for Winnipeg. He will en. gage in the grain business theve. Mrs. N. B. Mathewson and daugh- ter, Nellie, Napanee, are spending the week in Kingston, visiting friends. Mrs. Cochrane' and Miss Stratton, who have been staying at "Aven. more," have returned to Belleville, Herbert Reyner and William Long, have returned to Pittsburg, after a pleasant visit with friends i Jhe city." John wless, Syracuse, N.Y., visit. ing Mr. gnd Mrs. Peter Lawless, John: ston street, has returned to his home: Miss Aldine Anderson, Renfrew, who has been visiting Mrs. James Rei Princess street, returned home to-day. Miss Nellie Gardiner, Philadelphia, left for the east this morning, after a visit with her uncle, John A. Ggrdi- ner. Miss Ella Jackson, Watertown, N. Y., who has been visiting Mrs. Jack- son, Queen street, returned home to- day. Wins Ruby Donnelly and Miss Vive Norris and Miss Mertie Norris, have JSturned from a trip to the upper J. C. Ettinger, principal of Victoria school, has been visiting his parents at Fordwich, Ont. He returns next Miss Furd, the deaconess of Ryden: ham street church, is leaving during the first week of September for Win: Ar have been visiting Miss Edith Eng- lish, University avenue, returned home Dr. RB. A. Corbett, Port Hope, has taken into partnership Dr. Me formerly of Ki General Hospital, pion Mrs. Cartwright has returned to Toronto. , She had been staying Mrs. (Dr.) Gourley and Killadoo Station. are. viettiee sre. Gourley's mother and other relatives in Kingston. On August 17th, Rev. Di G. Me- Dr. and Mrs ts of Mrs. McRos- gion' Mireet. siting in T of Greta St, the Mrs. Wilmot, roy street, west, is | OM ter 'of William , Clark, Trinity College, Toron- ¢ Reid, | spring by isses McLaughlin, Hamilton, who ™o Misses Hattie and Ella Day, Brock stroet, are spending some Jackson Point, Lake Simroe, Aho Siu The late R. C, Carter was born at Cornwall, of Irish parentage, His fa: ther, who died at an early age, many Years ago, MA -, he time editor of one of the Cornwall new Dr. Frederick Bell, er aia in Ottawa. He 'is Kingst ! an Field Artillery. He will Telun to Guiana In a po Weeks and wi ve charge of & class in connection with the mus! school. Miss Ferris, Lemoine's Point, who has been ill for some time, was brought to her home in the city in an ambulance this morning. Her family are taking up their residence on King street, Cataraqui And St. Mary's Ex- tensively Repaired. The main improvements made in the public schools have been in the Cata: raqui buildin ' at two new fon have been laid the yard improved. The latter was boarded and in an un: satisfactory condition. Under the su- pervision of Dr. Fee, the boards were removed and cinders put in their place, these being rolled so as to make a hard foundation. In the other schools the usual painting and general been done. iy have " t. Mary's separate school has re oel extensive improvements, The hot water hea system has been installed, granolithic walks have been laid from the front entrances to the street and tions have been re moved for enlargement of several -------------------- : Floor Styles Change. = * How styles changes. What would our andmothers have thought of not aving the "parlor" and "spare bed room" carpeted. How great a shock to the proprieties. The dusty, germ collecting cal was doomed to go as soon as ally ve atten: tion to. rules of health. and floors finished in paint, varnish, stain, or wax are cleanor and much more easily kept clean. Rugs and finished floors oe Dales in summer and more dressy al year round. A feature of this change in style is the various ways in which a floor can be finished. Any floor, no matter whether old or mew, painted of unpainted, made of soft or hard wood, can he treated in some one of the modern styles. These floor finishes, including paints, varnishes, stains, gnd wax, are put on the market in "ready to use" form, and in most instances can be applied easily by the women of the house, A local paint dealer stated recently that the finish of floors received most attention during the fall when houses are being "lixed up" for the win: ter hantha, In Sobiaquenie of y ia he has stocked and prepared for go bury fall irae in Boor, injatus. The fall is genorally i DOW as a splendid time for painting buildings, The settled condition of the weather I bi ; £5 iy :i bs £ ; Fe j lf eile mings and wife, Wilton, at ter's; Miss Edith . at her sister's, Martyn; Miss Lulu and Mabel son, Kingston, at H. Walker's. sticking ta the painted surfaces, ha many property owners to do fall painting. Who Caught The Salmon ? Buck Lake, Aug. 26--(To the Edi- tor) : I wish to correct gn error lished in the Whig on the 17th t, ed to have. been caught in Bob's Lake by G. Simmonds. The salmon, which weighed twenty-four and one half pounds was caught by J. W, Dav- is, New York, and was one of a very fine string which He caught in mmall part of a day. He left Collins Bay in the morning, and was back in Kingston the same evening. Buck Lake and 5 ith 2 2 th i i is twenty minutes from Kingston. Mr. alley was con- Davis has been out here again . Cooue, the week caught a very fine at marriage y $x Police Court--Saturday. At the police court this morning Michael McNally, Barriefield, - charged with assault in October last. BT i §