our in- ust now election show is + Jacket rely on 5 Bars Brown Family nee Anderson Bros. Saturday, Sept. 3rd. 500 Ibs, Good Butter, 19c. 50 doz. large Ripe Bananas, 20c¢c. doz. Choice Dry Potatoes. Pure-Leall Lard, 12c. Fresh Meats. 40 nice Spring Lambs, selling from 8c. to 124c. 'Ib. 800 1bs. Choice Steak, 10c. Sorloin Steak, best, 12§c. Sausages, our oWh specials, 3 Ibs. 25¢ Fresh Pork. Smoked Mepis Andsrson Bros. "Phone 458. 5 Bars Judd' Pressed Rose,' 108, 5 Twin Bars '* SUnlight," ow .. +. 256. 8 Cakis Crest White * Floating," .. 15¢. 6 Cakes Napiha Soap Powder, wu» 25¢. 14 Ib. ack Bw . Ammonia Sowaes . >. owe we ee 10¢. 6 Twin Bars Castile, weve seme wei RDC. Box French Cream, (3 cakes), .. .. Se. Pox White Carnations, (8 cakes), .. 15¢. an \ Shlendid values. nen pe pr en TAKE NOTICE I have & big stock of al' kinds of stoves, furniture and carpets. 1 will either 'sell you, «from you, or trade jorget my address. with you. Don't Tunis sEgonststo grout, AYED. h BLACK TO 'THE PREM- ises of vid Gardiner, G.T.R. outer de) Owner can' have same by pay, x expenses. TO-RENT. Ae : James' excursion tponed "till Friday, th postpo) Vaudeville at Ontario park this even- ing, 830. Auction sale at Lieut.-Col. McGill's tomorrow. . $ Saturday excursion to Watertown, 4 a.m p.m. Excursion, steamer America, to the Isles, 8:30 P. m., tosmorrow. The sun rises Saturday at 5:26 am., and sets at 6:32.p.m. Some families keep boarders and some Bg jothers are kept by -them. Kisses may not be intoxicating, put they drive some men to drink it takes the new hat on one woman's head to turn the head of another. Baseball, Black Watch and Artilleries, cricket field, Saturday afternoon. The room at the top is much cheaper than the parlor on the ground floor. Special prices for Saturday, advertised by Audérson Brothers and F. W. Van- luven. Newman & Shaw's dry goods opening g | to-merrow--the business event of Sep- tember. Beauty may he only skin decp, but the impression: it makes penetrates to the heart. Garden party announced for Calder- wood to-night will be held in Orange % | Hall, Portsmouth. A society woman never drinks beer of her own free will, but because the doc- tor ordered it, don't you know. To-morrow afternoon a tea will be given at the golf club house. All members are invited te attend. C. Hora, honor- ary sec French China Dinner Sets... We have a large variety to show you. Handsome sets in dainty rich colors, and very low in price :=~ $35 TO $126. We can also show you some samples of very fine FRENCH CHINA and ROYAL DOULTON SETS, exquisite designs, all executed by high-class. art- ists, in sets up to $5600, or in separate snd Cooked |" ROBERTSON BROS.. EXCELLENT VALUES " MANTLE 0LODKS r Marbelizod Wood Clocks From $8 Up : ¢ ¢ Shalt GIG Uf font Rane Ten D HIGHER UP-THE JAPANESE PIERCE RUSSIAN LINES. m---- Kouropatkin ~ Abandoned Liao Yang--Japs Possess It--25,000 Casualties On Both Sides--In- tense Disappointment In St. Petersburg. GEN. KOUROPATKIN, Special to the Whig. Liao Yang, Sept. 2.--Gen. Kuroki made his "first 'attempt to eross the Taitse river late on Wednesday even ing, under gover of a heavy bom nent. on the extréme Russian left, by 'means of pontoons. The attempt was not successful, and Gen. Kuroki, there fore, ordered ® portion of his army to ford the river higher up at Sa wankankwantun. Gen. Kouropatkin was' unable to prevent the passage of the river, owing to the distance froth Liao Yang ahout twenty miles, but for- the same reason the Japanese were unable to bring the forees whi gained the right bank immediately i 3 y & trossing, at Sawankenk- Sattun, afte six o" ek ou the eves ol et 3st, and im a aon Bey for his men to fall lt on the 'outer position in order to collect 5 strong. force, with which to repel a flanking movement from the north- cast. Japanese In Liao Yang. Tokio, Sept. 2.--At daybreak, yes- og the Japanese ay on the it (deliv a assault against the heights to the west of Hsinling- ton and the high ground to the west of 'Shoushan Pao. The attack pierced the Russian lines, and, later, foreed the retirement of the Russian troops from their position on the right amd éentré. Subsequently, Gen. Kouropat- kin andrea Lino Yang, and with- drow his entire force to the right bank of the Taitse river. The Japan- ese are. now in possession: of Liab The Japanese success, to Yang several dayy' fighting led, has ben: gained at an undoubtedly enor- mous: saerilice of life, but there is no informatidn. as to the number of casualties. Ficld Marshal Oyama, the Japanese - commander-in-chiel, tele: sraiita that he lost heavily in as- ting Liao Yang, but gives. mo figures. Gen. Kuroki admits that his 2, SRR hn EERE ATWO BRIGHT BOYS FOR BELL BOYS. avrly at once to the British Ameri OF te --mi---------- 0 AND IN THE CITY, OF 8 oo fairly well located. A rn. * McCann, 51 Brock Street. ER, ONE TINSMITH, IN- ¢ State wages abd ex Righardson & Co, North ay. AL SERVANT. NO 35 Apply | to Mrs. vu By former. of King Hy Gore "TAMER 1904, You will avoid an addition of 5 Pex Gants ta your taxes by prompt payment. "MAPLE LEAF" if: ~SANSED SMO _ 1iouss rr --------e QUEEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP FOB, WED- nesday evening. Deward for its re- turn: to Whig Office. ; VARKISHED SKIFF, ON T August 30th, from ar tn: land Prada will ing information at Boat foventec feet long, with a V | 000. rE ne - IMMEDIATELY, HOUSE AT 162 EA Hours 'and. Boil tre + FS at present dccupied by + . x * is M MITH H BRO S.. 3 Bombardment Over. % A ol Ray 106A. ontaie & Paris, Sept. 2.--A des # «in J 'y T renso a vest x teh to the Matin, from & Aoi" tie ww GAK Whie : Ehetoo, says that the bom : eB mining ~ »@|# bardment of Port Arthur 4 8 TTL WANTED. od anne "am $ iS Bag Suen L"oTletely su 3 = 4 . » od. would appear M) 7 IAM i® 1% that i the Japanese have WH mer |JOIN MILLS E EE | epg, Rn wo ree 4 THELEN MGTOMEER {13 56d, Bice oT | e «@|% by establishing a strict 4 'A GENERAL SERVANT. MRS, 813 oeckade. » Supeham, 98 Bagot street. ww 3 : $ losses were 2,295, between August 24th and August 28th. The other commandérs have made no report of their losses. An estimate of - 25,000 lties on both sides is not re gardetl as excessive. The Japanese repeated the attempt ta throw pontoons across the Taitse, near. Lino Yeng, during the night of August 31st, again under cover bombardment, and this attempt is be- Po to have been successful. Severe es ny, SPOTPED | i Russians towards a fica at dawn this (Friday) HOTS. Japanese ri engaged n the neighborhood of nga Re Japanese casualties, sfhce 20th, are officially estimated - 10 ti i Wing statement was ol t bank of the Taitse! for the ie fh to repel e in the operations, Gen. loputant_ia decided to abandon hist pu on the loft bank, te' concens 'Feentrate his whole army on the other side-ofthe river. This position is one of the strongest both in charae- tor and' i a The great issue will be finally there. By with- drawing to i position the Russian: army avoids the d Kouropatkin's move, therefore, is not. as a retreat, but the Sugars. a well-defined idea. ving on of the Russians to has right bank involved the abandon. ment of Lise ¥ang, which is situated on the left bank. The Japanese took advantage of this to onpy the city, but the stermiest part of the fighting is before them, unless Gen: Kouropatkin decides, at the last hour, again to Tall Back to the northward. It is more likely, however, that he will » to fight to a finishi The --_ are all in his favor, it ia Welieved now, and he has the Japan: ese divided by the river, * thus a tually turning the tables upon his foe. Wounded Officers Leave. Vladivostok, Sept. 2.-The offiecrs and crews the cruiser Rossia, and Gromoboi, "today, bade farewell to Commander Babitch and Lieut, Diatchkofi,. both of the Gromohoi, who were wounded in the recent battle ncar Tsu Island. The officers will start for Russian to recuperate, They will visit Moseow first, and afterward ga tote St crshurg. The parting between the ors and (heir men wah an affecting KILLED, And Others Injured, On Imperial Limited. Special Jo. the Whig. Tol Aug. 2K special addi- tion of he News outaiia the follow- ing special despatch "Winnipeg, Sept. 2A terrible a¢- shel took place to the {operial Ln lim- on nadian Pac at a one station east ot 18 Is dian Head, last night, on exp ran Bong an open switch cra ht, were injured. They were women, and were travelling in the tourist cak. Only one bod? has o far been identi- fied, that of Mrs. Dossett, who was en route to Edmonton. "The governor-genéral, Lady Minto and party were on train in ther official car. but they eseaped without injury and proceeded westward." RNAS Montreal's Report. Montreal, Sept. 2=The management of the C. P. R. state that the acd- dent was due to "an open switch, which caused the tramseontinental ex- press train to crash into a freioht train on a siding, Among the killed was Mrs. Dussett, of Edmonton. LL --------------. + QUITE OPTIMISTIC. ----__ In Regard To Relations Of Na tions, Wl Special to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. 2.--The delegates to the St. George's Union of North Am erica, were dined, last night, hy the local St, George's Society. Addresses were [nade by W. P. Cox, Philadel: phia, E. B, Osler, M.P., B. E. Walker, genergl manager of the Bank of Com- meree, and othe I optimistic re- garding future bétween the United States oid relation British end- pire. . ---------- EXECUTIVE TO CONSIDER. Meeting Of Lord's Day Alliance In Toronto. Special to the Wiig. © Toronto, Sept. 2.4The dxeoutive board of the Ontario Lord's Day Al- Hance, which met here yestesday, ro- ferred to a special committee reporis regarding the running of steamboats on Sunday from Toronto, in'Muskokd, oh the Georgian Bay, and on the B of Quinte; the greWing Itquency yA this city of Su parades and the opening of post and the rus- ping of excursions 'on Sundays. Suine A Démestic. Ottawa, Sept. "2. hi by Mrs. (Maj) Maude domestic named Hannah Morgan, has been en tered in the division eourt. Tt is stated that defendant and four other rls came out to Canada to work for re. Mande, the Totter advancing the transportation niohey, A condition of the advance, it said, wa' that the money should reimbursed if the girls failed to Yemtiin in servide for the stipulated time, an Fhe girls uit Mrs. Maude™s "employ, the ho ant being the last to leave. T suit is to recover 30° presage money from Miss Morgam. = Baseball tary a Eastern league--At Bulfalo, 2; To- ronto, 4. At Jersey, Gity, % 'Newark, 0. American in 1 i Cleveland, 1-1. hf Yel % be troit, 2. Al i 0; St Louis, '2. At Yasin 'ks Chicago, National | Chicago, 3: Brookly, 0. At. , ; Phila: peiphin, 2. 2. " Mrs. . More 'temise, are the in Tn his direction. In view rod this de- | 2 at. a Inte hour, | § ¢ excitement, 'and! believed} EVENTS O S OF DAY: EY Matters That cell Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything' 'Easily, Read Coal in selling at 96.75 in Toronto, and $0.50 in Rochester, N.Y. George H, Gooderham may run for the Toronto mgyoralty next Y ammaty, year it 'was 40,12 The ity as 40 churches and 34 hotels. a probable successor to Mr. MeDows gall ax auditor-general. Next year's convention of the Inter: national Sunday ' school i will be hed, at Toronto. British cruisers conveying méssage of recall have failed to get into communication 'with the Rus sian cruisers Smolensk and St. Pet ersburg. 5 of the Dominion Millers' Amsocintion meeting at Toronto, brought pessiniistic' reports of On- tario wheat crop. The SHOP 'was de elaved the poorest in yea A French barquétine, " dighted oo miles off Cape Race, reported ha lost thirty-one of her crew of four. Owing to the rough weather the three sarviY fod could not be taken off. Russia rE two steamers, the Kom belonging to the on . t Asiatic Steamship Ho toieian as auxiliary erui- sears. The vessels will be a to the Baltic squadron. The city of. Jaures, Mexico, across the river from El Paso, is in threatens to his expenses for a tour of nights in the United States. One stip- ulation of the ggrebment is said to he that he must be accompanied by the twins botn to him some time ago. Sr -------- HAS RESIGNED. Sem, Stockholders Have Been Badly Stuck. Ottawa, Sept. 2~Police Constable Hal Walters from - the city police force. 'He stated reason for going out is that he couid not get satisfaction from ; police commis- siomtérs with reference to the charges which he laid , against the Cha: club=that of ' keepi a gambling house. The ice commissioners, dt a session held. yesterday afternoon, de- cided that the Walters' cha Were out of their jurisdiction, referred the matter#ty Crown Attorney Ritchie. The failure of the International Mer- eantile for which a' receiver Naa Ka ted: recently, has hit & tum Ottawa: people quite g blow, It is Bor of Sit that $100,000 of the stock of the 'company was taken here, one gentleman boing Jet in for $15,000, The Ottawa improvement dommission during the fi year ending June 30th, 1904, it "08.314 beautifying the capital. ir recsipts were § 02 hs leaving a balance on hand of $6,. Chitia And The War. Special to the Whi Brasscls e 2.-The *"Fhoile | Belge" publishes what is al ™o be the political will of the late Li Hung Chang, addressed by hin to Jangia. ofie 'of the most influentinl counsellors of the Empress: Dowager of his. It oi from this document Li ung foresaw the ht war between Russia and the te and ad: vised the Chinese goverithent 'to join the mikado's wriny inthe event of the Japanese: being victorious; . i of remaining 'neutral and a simple spee- tator. It is consequently considered Likely that the empress dowager in. fenida to Tollow Li Hung. Chang's ad: churign frontier, under Gen; Ma's command, will shortly take an active part in events in the far east. A Murderer Caught, ' Newark, ' N.J., Sept. 2Driven to the city by hunger, having eaten little here, after killing his brother-in-law, Nunzio Moranno, and wi Maranno, was catght last the police. He declared that after his experience of the last 'three days be was ready to lie, and 'admitted that he murdered Moranno. At the. time of his escape. it was thought he had per- ished in the swamp, A How are all at home 7, a bottle un will be 5 %, morliie troub The 150: London's population is AL3S. Laxt : 0. E. Talbot, M.P., is mentioned as : asi wy "Davie® Painkiller ia | Ma ae ger he ang apanese lett cov hed gon army of Gen. Kouropatkin from Yang, and ha have. acized: asl used ed in clearing mine. At m. a stopmer a mine god wos. Bilin up. The' diMaster occurred o Be mile below Chen figshan and it was lninly visible. % Phe ntmber of Hives ost is unknown. , Admirdl Wosoys reports the J atlese ip; near Yentao, sou of Sunshasad, near Talien Bay, Sunday and on Monday eaptirdd twenty ais Chinese junks which wi tempting to carry visions in Poet or 3 or They ern takes to Th. lier 'and were tried and confiscated. | The crews Were L Shang 2 2 he is co stand, seeorling Ee he 3 : a 8 of all epaira on the on nd pro ed cruiser Askold, org the Russian torpedo destroyer "Grosovoi. War Notes. Gen. Linvitch from livostak, is within two days' m of Mi with 30,000 + troops: There is g report at Tokio that Japanese captured Liso-Yang, but is without eonfirmation. Popular estimates in: Tokio of the | date of the fall of Port Arthur in- cline to, the last week in September. The Japanese have : hanged I'he fo thod of numbering. their their union, calling ¢ ton. Runcki'n af 3 my the right, Noglzu's the centro and Gen, "sn the It in, y believed that Field Marshal Oyama will press the pursuit of the Russians Ni desperate vigor, and inflict on of : fri Fes i