garments wherever ever this the snow essity to a buy yours, will sure- ise all you nt to con- r, the ma- We will m, which- ea chances if you do not want to sufferfoss; * © Yond Youd wuld 8 ¥ We are the people to do in first-class. mM 3 0 ot ROBT. J. REIDy{ 222 Princess Street. : 8 doors above opera house. ay A fuss, of human It isn} widow od the 2, 'Glitterin, House, to-night. People Ww 'blame rothers i praise on he % spt 10 HH a woman ij you cam safely believe anything i 8 ae 4 4 i] says. yur Repairing and' Up-| "3. ay in nistory StKohir, 1882; death of General Wolle,} ' " ¥ "Po-morrow is Holy Cross day. Flower show at Armouries. to-mory {row. | & i} _ Miss Smith's millinery ' opening, tod & | jmorrow. ' gr Gloria," > ick the: y fomson qu ly sours the: milk [ooré"s celebrated' almanac ot ton! , 10, 41, 15, 18, 23, 27, French China {Dinner Sets... We have 'a large' variety . 'to show' © "Come Barty 1F: WANTED, A NURSE GIRL. APPLY TO MRS. W. NX. lemnton, 78 William stregt. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply Mrs. W. H. Martin, 66 Earl St. re rr mess epee p---- A COOK AND HOUSEMAID. APPLY TOU Mrs. RB. E. Kent, 85 King St. AN "EXPERIENCED HOUSE-MAID. Apply to Mrs, Ogilvie, 149 Earl St. COOK, BY THE 24TH INST. Ar- at 16 Sydenham St., corner GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY to Mrs. . Jd. ivray, Lower Al . + ert street. FARM TO RENT, OF ABOUT 100 acres. McCann's Real cy, 51 Brock street. AT E, AN EXPERIENCED COOK. } v0 Ne Norman Stuart Les- lic, 109 Bagot street. A GOOD PLAIN 000K. GOOD REF- erences required. Apply 168 'Bari St., between 8 and 9 pam TMMEDIA ¥. A GENERAL SER- Koss. BU in the evening. Mrs. Adfred street. ath re AA it ett Se GENERAL SERVANT, MUSTBE A Estate Agen- ' or il ohnston St. "SERVANT. IN , at 76 Gore St. A Soop Lt EXPERIENC GROCERY SALES- ER fy Fenster Sosuestioh to rep- resent a 0 house. pply to Hox R.. Whig. A 'HOUSE OF 7 'OR 8 ROOMS, WITH all modern gonveniences for Oct. 1st or sooner, rate rent. Address H. B. Whig Office. : yo A FEW PEOPLE IN to work for us during time. Pleasant work. Liberal ay. serial Company, ndon, ACTIVE, BRIGHT, HUSTLING te --_---- t0- sell teas, coffees, B00en, | at, Over $3,000 a year is RHR mS © Ssh A Robey BEN 13 AND 15 YEARS ame, who can write a fair hand. 3M under 14 after school hours will do. App Sailor's Snug Harbor, potween 5 mud 6.0" ---------- i <= THAT SUIT OF YOURS TO PRESS and clean; jit can be made to look like new. 180 your order for new ig Galloway, tailor, 131 : rock next to Bibby's livery. -------------------------- T0 SELL THE HAND. King- » POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER, IN "dma ~ "capable : you in. ri ds 'wll household duties, good seamstress, or col child, or 2 dE Rcd t USE, 143 KING . or unfurnished. nine pantry accovudodss A aS or To SB: ply 141 street, . 8 REET, 10 you. Hi Burglars Grand i The sun rises Wednesday at 5:87 a.m. tag Son and sets at 6:11 pan. 3 The work of a: pickpocket jis done ini} a moment of abstraction. ¢ always safe to tell rl that! | you gdmiira her blooming sn he _ A spinster hasn't much love for a who 'has had two husbands. § admits that she enores she'll Battle of Tel] says; ber: are di sets "in dainty rich: in destin 'antl : 70.8 APPRECIATED. (We are. leaders in eur line). colers, and very. low in price :-- $35 T0 $125. We can 'also show you some samples of very fine FRENCH CHINA and ROYAL DOULTON SETS, exquisite designs, all executed by high-class ari: ists, in sets up to $500, or in separate ROBERTSON BROS. THE FLOWER SHOW TIN THE--- Emel Were TO-MORROW Baad concert, afternoon and evening. ' Doors open at z and 7 |p-m. : A. beautiful display of flowers, frait and or. [tables vege- ¥ i Bick Nie sae thi i he gb- - p | siccessful until Russia as exhaeisty "| non-combatants iL | Czar Witt Not | Ln ah ---- ¥ i. UROKI'S PERIL wom LINEVITCH, A Statemen That The Csar Want- ed Phe "World To Know-He Will Fight Until Everything Is 'Gone--The Tactics Of The Japanese. | Special to the Whig. London, Sept! 13.--~A report is eur- i vent, from a source that cannot be +f traced,' that Kusstan official despateh- es 'have reached London announce that Gen. Zassalitch, who commu part of the Russian rear guard, south of the ilun river, has been scvorely wounded and captured with 3,000 of his 5,000 'droops. There is no men- tion of thig in the despatches from Tokio. or the messages from corres pondents in the east. There are: conflicting stories -con- cerning the ition of Gen. Kuroki. On one h it is, stated that Gen. Kuroki is threatening the communica- COUNT KATSURA TARO. Count Katsura Taro is president of the Ministerial Council of the Japanese Empire, 'and he corresponds in position 16 the 'pest held by Prime Minister Bal- four in Great Britain. Count Taro is an afid military classes, Whi rule in Japun. He two no a Captain in the first ul A n General Kuroki, und the nd te command of the torpedo-boat destro, Napasi, which is with Ad miral RK amimura's fleet, near Viadivos- tok. tions of the Russians, who are pepre- sonted as being apprehensive of his activities while on the other hand, it is rumored that he, himself, has heen cut off from his communications with Fanwangchang by the unex march of Gen. Linevitch from Viadi- vostok. Having Tien Tsin as its place of origin, the latter rumor mays be discounted pending an explanation but it is recalled that there has been more than one report recently that den, Linevitch was advancing to take the Japanese in the rear. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Express professes to have the. highest authority for stating thatthe Russians will snub any foreign . at- tempt at intervention. He says that when Prince Louis, of Battenburg, was representing King Edward, at the christening of the czarevitch, he men- tioned, while conversing with the czar, that it was possible that a peace un- favorable to Russia would he reached in the near future. His majesty re- plied : "So long as a Russian _sol- dier remains standing or a rouble is left in the treasury I shall continue the war against the Japanese who forced me to take up arms. No disas- ters in the field can move me in this resolution." It is believed that the czar's, utter ance was made deliberately - will the intention of having it repeated in England for the information of the world. Japanese Are The Best. St. Petersburg, Sept. 13.--The Novoe Viedomosti's correspondent at Tie Pass telegraphs to his paper as fol- lows : "the Japanese, who had been accused of moving forward slowly, are now advancing very ri y Little avails the Russian increase of troops for the Japanese are receiving reinforcements 'from New Chwang. T initiative will remain in the hands of the Japanese and 'their tacties will dlways be ropeated." No Serious Change. Tokio, Sept. 13.--The Novrika, Ad- miral Alexiell's organ at Port Arthur, reports that there has been no - ots change in the conditions there inde the general assault by the Ja- tr in the report that the battle ship Sevastopol = was by a ine: Reports from: Cheloo, stele thut, owing to the of he western port at Port Arthur, the jan warships 'have been removed to the port. i afiempte of hid aslo o ttempts intervene oe the struggle wail be from Lino Yang jon of the it is Official despatches describe the pitiable c there. Chi lug | said; were forbidden by the Russians to leave and thus = thé numerous casualties among them. SAID TC BE IN DANGER Fron | y i from August to August | oth, Tho paper declares there is no | bod to force if thle "ith the TRuscians. . 13.--The Black open concert the . dail of the Rasox t. 13.--The expected against allowing the critiser Lena, which isco, on Sunday, than twenty-four Sama What +i. theoogh panese i t rity, throu the collector "of '@istoms, sade formal demand that thelvessel be required to leave at the end hat time, Secretary n; to-day. received a Admiral Goodrich, ussian arrived at San to remain lo hours, came 'y¢ EE Ci_aes ii xno -i-__§a.asiasp Ayluer, the 'present adjutant-general and acting general officer will be appointed to the Position inspector-general, created. under His successor as Lieut. new militia act. wear jutant-general wi "Col. Vidal Under most favorable a Ottawa dies" WAS (0) commmndorsin teieli lige Pagilo dons: S stating, an jon | made, 'Yesterday, of the Russian ship §Orill and that: the vessel was genuinely in need of irs. The report shows further the nature of the repairs, said to be mecessary, 'but the offcins of the navy decline (to make report has | 4 RO action; ADY TO RETURN. . © Special to the Whig, 'Doteois, Mich., Sept. 13.~With all his funds gone, antl friends refusing to 8! ly him with more with; which to extradition, Melvin Bartlett, the itohn government employee, ar- rested in Detroit thee wecks ago, is about ready to: weturn for trial. George . Patterson, 'deptity = attorney. general of the provinee of Manitoba, is here, and has sworn out an extradic tion warrant, charging. Bartlett with embeazlement, forgery and theft. After a private conference with Bartlett, Mr, Patterson stated that the young man was about ready to retumn, but wished to wait until he received gq letter from his wife, to-day, before consenting to do so. Hey § . ins -- AFTER RAILWAY COMPANY. nr. Company To Be Indicted [For Carelessness. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Sept. o.t yesterday's meeting of the city council, a motion was sent to the board of control, to the effect that as meverhl accidents have resulted by reason of the crim inal neglect 'of 'the 'Poronto Railway company to vquipiilieit: ears with pone brakes, and tedkeep their tracks and roadbed in proper upair, the tity, solicitor . be insteneted forthwith, conghlt with , crown . auf ities, and pr such. indictioent inst president, i fie en tices of the company as cir tances may warrant. . oo. Sonali a i ips TERRIBLY MANGLED. ---------- 'Special to the Whig. Moosejaw, found Fw the track in the C.J there. From papers, on man was Alexander mountet_by trade; ve years. papers m the South African , dated June 22nd, 1904, having served three FE, n-- 7 the 0, a PIP aged twenty seven this part. of the telegram public. The § weferred. to the a Were The Remains Of Mr. Tul fen. 5 Wi, © Sets 13. The | twel body of a man vrrihig angicd. was | i ib: "er to its responsibilities in the ter, The college has pidge tenn with a largely increased tevyd The . following militia appears to have a ng on recent complaints 'and. agitetions wes issued today: ' ; "In futtuse ns toosmentiation. the remo an militia will be a it shown that he has the proposed action called . upon to rercoval should mot take place. notification must be either del to the officer iin person, sor else . od to his last known. address, offieur's written roy pany the recommel ; moval, If he fails to po of the notification snd a showing the time of its delivery mailing must be attached to the | commendation." WILL NOT DELAY IT. A Petition Can Be Sustained esfd 2 os i felipe § I 38 By One. inl to the WI 'eronto, Ont, t.. 13.5-The death »{ one of the peti B. Le blanc, will not delay the trial North Renfrew election pesition tall according. to A.M. Dymond, law clerk of, the legislative assembly; and Lacting deputyrattorney-general, As long as one of the three petitioners de- sire to go forward with the, protest, aay Mr. Dymond, , the case will go to Ftrial, . 5 aE | great difliculty in landing teed with every. £ 14.--he city | tarrhozone. Try it. by can La rao fo | Most Satistactory. four the report . Bpecis Are the Co's 'ready-to- committee \ wear tailored skirts, "hg A LEE] { § # £ the city dnd state and branch of the order. A grand 'is scheduled t & 4 nS i] ! Hi | J i i i 8 ] : i | it i it i il :