c. a dozen. Wax. -- Excellent cles, Jellies, J AKING POWDER RE. p Drug Co. « "Phone 59. expression y regarding t showing of ods. © Such city weaves ny Solorings is very 1e or A of Ladies' y Skirts and w realy for on. "he s will inter- with each Dollar Kid shades and Shaw £88 ST. bhbab i ft's - ton ud ANT C ¥ AND POINTS WEST * 22, 23, 24, 1904. Valid to return until October ' eT KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. EXCURSIONS! Return rates from Kingston to OTTAWA BXBIBITION t. '20th, 22nd, 28rd, $3.05. Sent. "16th to 24th, inclusive, $4.15. Return limit, Sept. 26th, 1904. eeteit HARVEST EXCURSIONS Regioa © - ih Lo ju Kand™ {wow Brandon Swan River gon; | Saskatoon - - 25 Mintota [= Prince Albert - #6 00 Wivanen J Macleod 38 00 Posh 125 cup - - - B® ArchlE - 2 | £4 Deer 2 % Sorkion { 3800 | geratheons - - 40 50 Going Sept. 18th and 27th Returning until Nov. 14th and 28th. Fall particulars at K, & P. and CP. R. Office, Ontario Street. F. CO AY, ¥. A. FOLGER,JR. Geb. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. THE BAY GF UTE LAY NEW | Tweed, Napanes, Deseronte, and all jocal . Train leaves City Hall Depot at & p.m. ¥F. CONWAY, Agent, BQ. Ry. Kingston. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quintie Steamboat Co., Limited. steamer. and Belleville. "NORTH: KING" Commencing August 28th, steamer leaves Ki ton at 5 p.m., Sundays for Rochester .Y., calling at Bay of Quin- te ports. Returning, arrives Sundays, at 10:15 am. and leaves for 1,000 Islands and Gananoque. For further information apply to BE. E. HORSEY, GP. & F. A. J. P. HANLEY, J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, JAS. SWIFT & Co. Agents. '1A LIVERPOOL and ? LIN LONDONDERRY "' Reyal Mall Steamers From Montreal. From Quebec. Parisian, Fri., Sept. 16, 6 a.m. Sept. 16, 5 pm. Tunisian, Fri., Sept. 28, 5 a.m. Sept. 28, 2:30 p.m. Ionian, Fri., Sept. 80, 5 a.m. Sept. 30, 3:30 p.m. w First Cebim, $50 and upwards, . cording W Steamer and Secommgdation Second bin, vi ndon- derry, and Soh Londen, $2.50 extra. AC00MImMO- dation, $15, #o » fast, Gi to uth Africa. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Prétorian, , Bépt. 15 (daylight) NI Y TO GLASGOW, . 15,711 a.m. G.T.R. Ulity P. GILDER- PIANOFOR BY MISS CHOWN, (certified by Frans Kullak, Royal lessor. Music, Devens Aveave. application, Music MISS C. M. GLERIHEW ; ELS Her as 4 ia Piano p 6 WP. U. GRINDER, Barons TAU OF SING CONDUCTOR |. TIE TT Resunies Teathing THURSDAY, Sept. Ist Private 'siadio' at residence, 76 Syden- Hii" othest, 3 doors om Methodist church. i You are ¢ordially invited to call. doubled in 'size in wasking. night and Between Thousand Islands and Rochester | | Throws off all fevers and long illness. Furnished Dining-room, complete. tension year. The bakers are "day, the trains, the grocery stores are busy as bees, and the whole nation is cracker-hungry-- PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 280 E.W.GILLETT {aires Makes new blood Builds up the system A- boon to those recovering from wasling Seid by all medicine dealers. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, Montreal. specialty. of ide- Er the first weakness Terms Messrs, George Stephen Haas, of the Royal Canadian with the Rochester. Yacht Club upon conditions to govern the race for: the Canada's , for the rare anadions Waye: shaping The size of the boats thirty sail Ppleted in five and TR Arranged At Rochester "And First 'Race Will Be Suiled On August 12th, Next. KE. Gooderham and have Yacht Club, Teronto, is to be only 'feet, and the first race is to be on Saturday, August 12th, 1905. The . races will be sailed off Charlotte harbor, and must be eom- one-half hours after the start. The courte will be a twenty-seven mile triangle, and four miles to windward and return, twice sailed over. LHOMAS J, HICKS... ... Who won the Marathen race . Louis, was born at Birmingham Lng, land, and is 38 years old. H as resided at Cambridge, Wass. for many' years, and is a member of the Y.-M.C.A. He stands. feet 6 inches tall, and, in condition, Weighs about 133 pounds. Sporting Notes. The citizens 'of 'Dawson have sub- scribed $10,000 to send the hockey team east next winter. American riders won both the ama teur and professional world's _ bi- eveling championships at London. At a meeting on Friday. night in London the Y.M.C.A. practically deo- cided to enter a team in the junior series of the O.R.F.U. New York can searcely lose the Na: tional baseball race. They have play- ed great ball and have had the ginger and go infused into them by MoGraw. Arrangéments are under way for a trip to St. Louis by the National and Shamrock Lacrosse Clubs, of Mon- treal. It has been proposed that these two clubs should tour Toronto, Buf- falo, Detroit, Chicago, and St. Louis, playing games in these cities. Constable Potter, Portsmouth, is doing things in the game line, way he is knocking the black ducks down in Cataraqui Creek is of 'the gilt edge order. Recently he secured five. The duck boats do not seem to be a factor this vear, as the water is high and ducks feed deep in the flags and wild rice, A movement is afoot to promote the formation of a Canadian Polo Association, similar to the Hurling- ham and American Associations. The following were appointed to draw. up rules and arrange for a tournament next year : Lient.-Col. Williams, R.C. D., president; Capt. Emsley, R.CD.. honorary secretary; committee, D. R. stiller and Mai. G. G. Hooper, Mon- treal: Dr. Myers and A. D. Béard- more, Toronto. George McPherson, the Kemptville, Ont., horsenmtan, and probably one of the best drivers on the turf to-day. was taken down from his seat behind Angus Pointer at the Grand cirowit meot at Charter Oak Park, Conmeeti- cut, last week, at the end of the 'se cond heat. When it became evident that the horse was not being driven to win, Andrews was substituted and won the following three straight heats and the race. The stake was $2.500. Pointer, who is making suck a i the American "turf, Pointer, f is a son of Sidney a of Kemptville, owned by H. Mofiat, Ont. The Favorite A Term Frequently Used In Rel- erence to Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills. Because of their combined action on kidney, liver and bowls. Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills remove the cause bl many of the 'common ills of life such as kidney disease, backache, liver com- paint, stomach troubles, and constipation. On this aceount they are the most valuable family medicine obtainable. A. Vanluven, grocer, Napanee, Ont., states : "Having used Dr. Chase's Kid- tivel | Mount Chesney, on Monday morning Mrs. ~ Tames "I 'hore. Mise Kthel Norman has return BE wite, W E. Family Medicine 5x Lo Swuiithi saws there will be a weal hosing ste ne on here shortly, Two teams ate hudlive ore to Uae rett's Crossing. BAR. CG. Rothwell is Cronk's; .Angs - McCond and famil Patham, at Martin York's; Thoms Goodfellow, Patham, at Henry Drew's Cushendall Jottings. Kendall, who has bee visiting here, has returned to the home im Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Stoufiville;. Ont., are visiting friend ed to thar home in /Barriefield afte ding wu wodk at Mrs. S. MoLanes' Jr. George Ward, Montreal, is spend | ing his holidays a¥ his. grandmother' | Mrs. Word Miss Emma «Franklin has been: orgenist in Bt h. Me. and Mes 0 rin, 'spent Sunday 'at vo The thanksgiving , was an manners A very large crowd attended. J. Wal has returned from a weok's visit friends wt Redford and 1 .. Visitors ; © Mrs, -- eiereay and Sunghter, Coline J Apemt a W ays at her mother's, Mrs. Wied, last week. ard and G. Ward have gone to visit wie in_ Toronto. RB. Me Farlane Wiss McKee, city, spent Sunday at Mew, MéFarigne's. ---- Accident At Bloomfield. wore : W. Johuson anc 'aleotteand wile, J. Talcott, P. Stanton end 'wile, Miss S. Smith, C. Hai W,, Haight,"A. Van clenk, H iD, elly and wife, J. Vanblaticom and wife, Rose and wife. On August 3lst a pleasant event took place at the residence of the bride's father, J. Vancleai, East Lake, when his y a in marriage to Everett ; by wv. rae, ol Picton. A num- ber of guests 'were preset many costly and 3 were. ed. Mr. and Mrs W 'went on a trip to Toledo, -Ohlo. Ralph and Fred Pulver, of Detroit, Mich, visited at £. P. Stanton's, Gerard Jinks, while unloading bog wood for A.B. Saylor, fell from his waggon fracturing his shoulder and otherwise injuring him. § Thom, of ina, NWT. vis ited his sister, Mrs. Clayton Burr, a few days last week. Tomatoes and corn are now being canmed at the fac- tories. Picton Personals. Picton, Sept. 183.:8heriff Gillespie his roturncd from Toromtg. Mrs. J. F. Beringer is visit ih Toronto. Mrs. and Miss M te Baker hnve returned from St. is. H. L. Al- corn, Bank of Montreal, has returned to Montreal, after twa t in town. Jellett Barker, Montreal, is in town on his vacation With his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. BD. 'J. Barker, "Old Grange." G. Sheffield, Rank of Montreal, Winnipeg, 'is in town. : Kirby, Bank of } ontreal, has retorn- od from a two weeks', in Roches- ter end Toronto. J. G. , Tn rial Bank, has been anpie, Tin ngetsoll to Winni Mes. H. W. Branscombe and ! Gena Brans- ecombe left for Ci on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wi left Fa- turday to spend a week in Kingston and Napanee 'before returning to George . School, A\wek's county, Pa. Miss E. Widdifield, 'New York, is Siting Mr. and Mrs. C. 'H. Widdi- Charleston Lake Matas. Charleston, 'Sept. 12.5 people spent labor day 'at the lke, The Oak Leaf Sunday school 'piénie took place rolling bink on Satur diy. A great many attended the camp meeting at Lake ide, Mr. and Mrs. T. Foster spent Sul at Trevelyan. Miss B. i \ a few weeks Boyd i= at the green Dut pen Supday here, The him 'of the thresh ing machine is again heard in 'vieinity. G. Bradley had his hand badly hurt in the straw carriers of hie thresh madhine. John Fokter, Sr., visited his son at Toledo Aast week. r------------------ Out of 12,000 men who: applied for work at the stock yards at Chicago, , 'about 4,800. were taken fants' Home, Hamilton, has received from the estate of the late Hon. A. T. Wood. the sum of $1,000, bequeath. ed by him to the jon, in which he took an active. intérest in his Yife- time. pail tN Showing the dinner gown of the 1830 mode. The own proper is of flowered «atin foulard, and the front petticoat is of cream silk, trimmed with shir rings and bands of dace. Shirred cream silk and dace adorn the pointed Bodice. Cream 'satin ribbon also fig ures as trimming. FIT OF THE WEWS, All Over The World. $3,000,000 every year, Capt. W. White, R.N;, who was na* val adviser to Canada in 1895, died at ® An apple is growing from the trunk of a tree in an near Maidstone. Pee 8. J. Perry, tho king's prizeman, was given a_ military reception at Winnipeg on M rails from the Soo for the Intercolo nial railway has arrived. James Sanguines, sectionman, off a vravel train at Blackwater, and was run over and filled. ' Municipal guards firemen forci- bly expelled the bite monks from the monastery at Paris. with a majority of about 33,000, Only two men killed and not hund- reds, . as wreck near Reno, Nev., of a Knights Templar train. M. Coquelin, the famous Parisian actor, was operated on for an gbecess in one of his jaws. The patient refus- ed to take an anaesthetic, William 8, Robinson was hanged at Kentville, 'N.8., on Mondav morning, for the murder of his wife. He died protesting his innocence, The Allan, Pominion snd Canadian The Very Latest News Culled From | ol inte are operating at Galt, §§ t. 14 The 15,000 convicts in England cost § orthard at Fant farm, | see 0 LA ain The first shipment of 10,000 tons of it The biennial election in the state of § Maine was won by the republicans} | at first reported, in the }' Pacific steamship lines have reduced their steerage rates from London or Liverpool to Quebec from $15 to 810, The Earl of Dartmouth has arrived at New York, He came for the pur- pose of laying corner stone of the new Dartmouth hall at Dartmouth college, New Hampshire. § The Ottoman bank at Constantino ple, has notified the American legn- tion that it holds 825,000 at its dis posal in settlement, of the claim for land illegally seized and. belonging to an American eitizen at Smyrpa. The Evils Of Constipation. Are well-known and the next. best: thing is to know u reliable cure. 3 W. Eddles, of Stoney Mountain, Man., says: "Dr. Hamilton's Pills are just the thing. They go right to werk at only Dr. Hamilton's MW hox, use Price, 2; once. 1 Pills." Are Leaders for Style aed Wear, Youth's Box Calf Dongola Top. 'good back strap, for... ovirainises dl IV. ~~ | Shoes to every man and woman 8 town. : Mou | the good points whirein our Shoks axe so differetit from s e Jat s IN FOR A New We wish that we might have the § 5x 4 wo could do this, and have nary Shoes, we 'would simply, get 'trade. Couldn't help'it. We are as ready to | we are to sell them. i 7 3 The view {all styles would be plesised. to receive pu