Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1904, p. 3

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ake Allen Announcements. ft f g Allen, Wolfe Tsland, t. 15.--Farm- 2 gad 19 Ivtarn W : a ers gre busy a ber from 'whose dupes they ' Huron, Mich, " y Pe here gttended un party in V ide been. The hearing has been of b ] wn Mich. $12.90 ; hall, yaville, ing. i : Fan re lend showed that the rr - City, 1%. Katie and Lakle ] d yield of grain. Po- |have been doing a. thriving > : friends in "crop, but some The matter was Brought to the jerome. SE me Gut |e 43 Ch : ton. Mrs. James i ie ane 4 ction. Is Jiurned to her home in Perth after a eign 1 'King |eraft tain Be visit with friends in this ree NM ts have craft andl for A i : 5 her pow- Ib. Drug Co. it Jackson's Mills, their chanch at Catara: re. ile Rulght de visiting apanee,. | Mes: H. Munae -- Heasie, "of New York, Bath Personals. ' home alter visiting at Bath, Sept. M~Hary e, old, and Miss LF og ir Kingston, and Mrs. Richard Green, of returned after visiting friends in Athens, who have been visiting, at have pho far inde' In Mrs. S. Hogle's for a few days, have pe "Hy ¥4 x a returned home. Normnn Rikley and don party of , Supping Tae Rar: MADE FOR OVER 50 VEARS. 1e0e) vicinity. Loretto Dolan, Kingston, is (ssTaBuIONED v visiting at 4. Quigley's. Mrs. J. Kins: fey and family are visiting her miother, Mrs. Terrence M yy it fq I; i JW.GILLETT £0 TORONTO, ONT. TE 38% £ Tig h to Oct. 15th, 1904. Ladies' Laced | Many of them were De y Mrs. Rikley visited friends near Hay day evening, was @& Success. Mise Gor: ey i TE b ' Lou g Bay on Sunday last. H. D. Wemp, of { $F s ' the. mit. and . gurs- yO + : WH tie H in t y Fe er SECURITY, | imi ie ln ie mt We have 8 joblat of a h . er spent v i voll Ry HAN A rei : ' position, Miss Ross, of Kingston, visit et to pa SEA, Knight a had we aa - a-- ing friends here, has returned home. the } enide. as ng . ng . tends to 4 i fila 0, 1 Sho wan Getive and Rev. A. L. McTear has returned home | Qaveral of school in this EMBROKE & CANADIAN ation. and FL i enuine from his trip to Toronto. Mrs. C. {1 oion, are afflicted with whooping the PACIE IC RAILWAYS, Wemp, ill for some time, js recovering. rg W.. Harpell. and. R. Henry oh XCURSIONS| Carter's |r: imu i sew Sr iel: > on a visit to frien in tersea, N.Y., recently: ¥ rs. John } prom : d h irom the To- por an Return rates from Kingston to A nt Platform. oliuaon | ave veturaed a : 4, $8.03 | 5 : Pill Flginburg; Sept. 15.--Rev. B. C. Free- ---- ulants; Sept. 20h, Dan inniva.. $4.15. Little Liver S. man preached an impressive sermon on Girl Shot Through Hand. ad to 5. Return Dit Sept. 26th, 1904. : Sunday evening. Rov. JM Tredroa Deh" Sept En wutiox in sached in Sydenham & rch, 2 as * a Special Excursions Must Boar Signature of Brn 11 being a cement plat: dl threchino b 2 form built in front of the church, Ww. taken a trip to Uncle arten en " PROM KINGSTON TO Canada ; . J¢12'00 * Cincimnati . . $19.30 . ry 3 trot ae Grand Rapids 14 7 /t : RS ul Saginaw " 2. aa 9 an 2 ro "17.00 Columbus .. .. 19.30 72 of s fndianapolis, $19.20. o ty who had been in cities and towns, but had of the summer at howe, to guit country life in to. town. Miss Mary Lawson has Sam's domains. Miss Pearl tertained a number of young friends on Tuesday evening. Visitors : Dr. Green- See FaceSimile Wrapper Below. I Cleveland, $10.15 to $16.50, according walt, Pittsburg, Pa., at Charles Ir ! RD: Ning Non St. Paul and Minneapolis, $40.80, or |} Very small and as casy vine's. Mrs. Quinn, South e, at | : * * Then Were liscovered, fuAYS at Sart: 4, 28rd, and 0 take as sug. Henry Counter's, i Cibton, J "1 {ions about the future. From invoices i i Oth, 1904. vale, an Tr. well, » . 3 balls RELIABLE RE Fares Ne ciona , ay and veo | FOR READACHE. George Kiell's. Miss Mabel McRory, at "I pure) i hy the hat glam:h a rit : Pacific Coast Points. CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. '11 W. Lawson's. A. Lake, Kingston, at] = ! he 184 Ta cach and sold PINGS ne a two p 35th to Oct. 15th, 1904, FOR BILIOUSRESS. W. Lake's. Mr. and Mrs. Grigg, Corn- nea u Tom Harvest Excursion FOR TORPID LIVER. wall, England, at J. H. Lake's. 4 o Canadian Northyest. g FOR SONSTIFATION. Seeley's Bay Notes, FASHION'S FORM. oing ; . 2Tth. ¥ ickets good fof 60 days. y FOR SALLOW SKIN. Sedey's Bay, Sept. 14.--Miss Myrtle | 3:0 wi : wil partiesnre wb K. 8, T,, and OF: OR CUMPLERION] | cxcdev's Bay, Sept Hotei, N.Y, § Jun wile from South Afrcs, where he CONWAY, * ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. Pree 1. nein, after o pleasant visit with friends here. | 0. : Gen. Pass. Agt. . | [oF | purely Vegetaio, HanFPC] |. F. Bracken and A. Leadbeater have | A daughter of A. Rosenthal got her ' been appointed a committee to super- | 3 og badly. injured. Shi ee rae 810K HEADACHE. intend the building of cement sidewalks walking on the wr While <§ in the village. Operations will be com- | oth had to amputate part of two ~ menced at once. The towneh council, fingers and recommended her being Ns Lee TO i which has made a substantial grant in | 4 ken to Kingston General Hospital \~ IEA | aid of the sidewalks, has appointed B. | for treatment. Who the shot; and Ca 3 = Bl | Gardiner to act with the village com- . : : 0 how the accident is as yet a go mittee. J. H. McKinley has built 8 | mystery. Otto -Kliem and R. Fritsch > 3 tement walk in front of his residence. | Coe ot Tamworth last week enjoying ¥ A) J. Collinson hoe fetirutd J -| The exhibition of the Addington Agri- ---- FN ton to resume his studies a een 8. : 2 : Manfred Bracken has returned = from cultural 3 ¥ id 4 WILLIAM this winter, ; also table / ) S pal; we're Jrder j 60. ries don't rday. 0 teamer RE arort: and Bellevilte. sinner ands and Gananoque. information apply to BE. HORSEY, GP. & F. A. GILD: a. Pp. ¥, «JB. ER- | SLEEVE, WF & Co. Agents. bitin SRE Bn co hemi ALLAN LINE "S25 ) m Mon 5 Parisian, Fri., Sept. 16, 6 a.m. : Sept. Tunisian, Fri., Sept. 28, 5 a.m. Sept. 23, 2:30 p.m. Jonian, Fri, Sept. 30, 5 &m. Sept. 30, 3:30 pm. First Cabin, $50 and upw Thro IMON' L TO GLA v . Pretorian, Thursday, Sept. 15 (daylight) NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, Numidian, Thursday, Sept. ras P. HANLEY, Agest, 0. ERE, Jibo. sins WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, fice, 8 floor over Mahood's drug store, jor Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone 608. ARTH v fica Site of ner of A \U CLARK'S POTTED HAM sckr Good Grocers 5 sell them, ALSO MANY OTHER VARIETIES W. CLARK, Manufacturer, oe MONTREAL. WALS . Barrack St. SCRA [ TON COAL Pea, per ton. ......... $5.50 Chestnut, per. ton..... 6.50 Stove, per ton. ....... 6.50 Egg. per ton.......... 6.50 Well Screened and Prompt Delivery. attending the world's fair at St. Louis and visiting friends at Chicago. Oscar Johnson left Monday to take a course "in" Kingston _ Business College. Jeorge Collinson, "Jr. "has gone to Athens to attend the high school. Man- fred Ralph left Tuesday last for the North-West to view the country there and to pay a visit to friends at Kee- watin, Mountain Grove Tidings. Mountain Grove, Sept. 14.--James McDonald, merchant, is attending the Toronto fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong left last Friday to attend Harrowsmith fair, after which they will spend a few days with relatives near Sydenham. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Fox have returned to Kingston alter a couple of weeks at C. G. Fox's. 8 Cowdy spent a few days in Harrow- smith last week. Mrs. Joseph Coul- tor is home after a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. Campbell, near Sydenbam. Miss C. Fox, B.A, has returned to Port Hope. Miss L. Crozier, Barriefield; is. visiting her cousin, Miss Nora Crozier. C. E. Barr is home after a course in the Kingston Business College.' Visitors : Mrs. Gilmore and son, Portsmouth, at G. Somors'; Mrs. Abbott, Water- town, at 'R. Flynn's; Mrs. Miller, Oak Flats, at William Miller's; Mr, and Mrs. KE. Thornton, Arden, at R. Me- Knight's. Miss Edna Youmans is visiting friends at' Petworth. A" young son has come to stay at' the home of Rev. W. H. Clarke. Picadilla Items. Piceadilla, Sept. 15.--Threshing is in order, Robert Thompson in the east, John' Campbell on the west, and Charles Campbell on the south. Grain is, torning out a fair crop. Simon Jackson 'h been carrying on his business since he artived, after the rough usage at the Limestone City; his ery is for more electric lights on the shaded streets. Mrs. G y, ill so Jong, is slowly has returned from the general hos- pital, Kingston. George Deer, who was married last week at Hartington Kidneys In a Bad State Dreadful Pains in Back and Limbs -- --Attributes Cure: to Dr. , Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Kingston, Ont., states: "lI was in a very bad state with its worst form, 1 Tell ecokatig re. Haddbch is so much better that she! Mes. W. Francis; 204 Colborne St., | ® Oak Leaf Otcurrences. Oak Leal, Sept. 14.--Miss Davis, of North 'Augusta, hes ret af ter: sbending- several. at her uncle's, N. Ralph's. Allan Johoson, Wiarton, visiting friends and relatives in this district, left for home on Wed- nesday, accompanied bv his cousin, Miss Belle Johnson, of this place, who will remain for a few weeks ut the above mentioned place. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Godkin visited the exhibition at Toronto. Miss L. Cole, Brockville, spent two weeks with her upeles, 0. and R. J. Green. Mrs: Merrick and Mre. (Canon Low, Ottawh. have been guests at their brother's, David John- son's, the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Gardiner. Seeley's Bay ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Warren, Rock Spring: Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Warren, Rock: Spring, were guests 'wt "their fy- ther's, Peter Johnson's on Swnday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taber; Athens: Mr. and 'Mrs. W. B. Taber, Soverton, visited at F. Sheldon's last Friday. Master Liovd Green, Arthur Johnston, left for Athens High School this week. The annual nienie of Trin ity church Sunday was held last Saturday at the rolling hank at Charleston Lake. The day was an ideal one, also the, gathering. Mr. Lovern, Athens, was tngaged for the dav with hin launch, which outings wern much enjoyed. Football, base- ball, foot races and other sports were enoaaed in. Rev. Mr. Pathersron called on a few of his parishioners last week, Miss Laura McPherson, Ottawa, is the guest of Miss Mabel Green. OR FOR . HONOR FOR AMERICAN GIRL Governess For Royal Chinese Children. = - Paul, Mimn., Sept. 16. Empress of China las secur- or more the ager the one recommended by' to the United States. ------ a "> A smart street suit of blue tafieta, with pleated skirt and pleated Eton jacket, Stitched bands and cord orna- ments comprise the trimming. A girdle the waist. -------------- TAX RIOT. Collector, Madrid, Sept. 10.~The Town of Her: rera was the scene y of seri ons rioting, owing to the wefusal of the people to pay the newly-levied agricultural tax. The fatmers, armed with spades and pitehforks, attacked a body of civil guards, which had been despatched to enforce payment, and compelled them to unload their rifles, The chief tax collector took to flight but was overtaken by a mob in a field and summgrily le "The rioters then madean attack on the house of the municipal justice. Having broken open the doors |they forcibly entered the building and seiz- ed the tax notice papers which gave linhle under These they place, where they burned 'thent in a huge bonfire. The civil governor has wired - to Saragossa for troops, but the rioters | have . disbanded the civil guard and tion. i will Give Support. = The Paris ytery dealt with the asmbly in a ! w ln ver- for that in stituti Ww . J. Mullen, | of Queen's. when. outing the canvas. An increase of $20,000 a year is needed. . ---------- Miss Florence Elizabeth Mallory. Omer L. Buell, both of 3 of blue panne is snugly fitted about | W! In Which Peasants Hang Chief {[} are meanwhile masters of the situa-} ity, and the necessity of greatly en- 4 1 mann, Paris. was appoin to act | "| with representatives , and own, } STORE. ghee £

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