A- REFORM _OVERGOATS: Are Great Leaders of Fashion Many of them are made this season of goods produced by the Athlow - Mills, of Ireland and, while' rough in appearance, are wonderful in design. Call'Znd sée them 'and you will want one. "~¢ JENKINS 257 Discount . ON ALL SUITS THIS MONTH. ---------------- Dancing and Deportment WHIG HAL Afternoon and forming. TERM STARTS THURSDAY, OCT. 20th Clasgés meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30 and 8 p.m. Special Rates. for Students. Send for circular, KINGSTON. Evening Classes now D. R. MACDONALD, Instructor. FOUNTAIN PENS We sell the best mukés of Foun- tain Pens, and are in a position to: put right a faulty adjustment or -Bént Points, which all pens experience. during use. - Pens we #8ll have our -attggtion "free of charge, breakages, of course, ex- cepted. IANS H BROS. Ki cette, cere ee eee SINGING CLASSES. The following will be the schedule the" Singing Classes to be conducted the Whig HallLLby A. U. BRANDER for at Class No. 1, for children, from 8 to 19 years, to meet every 'Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Class No. 2, for those 12 years and upwards, to meet every Saturday, 4 p.m. Class No: 8, adult class, ~ to meet every Thursday at 8 p.m This class meets for organization this evening o'clock. You are cordially invited th present. TAKE NOTICE IF YOU WANT TO RUY STOVES, Furniture, or Carpets, come and see me Ii you Want to sell do the same. That is all I want, and that ain't much TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 398 Princess Street. M' LLE. BEGY - BNAMPOOING, MANICURING, FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE. Ladies waited on at their homes, or at Avenmore, 207 William Street. WANTED. sr ona, K AND KITCHEN COO! on at Iroquois Hotel. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, OR SMANL House. --~ "Ad NoHo, Whig Office. snitch ete eto. A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing or ironing. Apply in the even- ing, at 125° King street. PURCHASER. FOR' A DWELLING, 7 rooms, near College, cheap. McCann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock ra A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENER- al house work. References required. ply to Mrs. F. G. Lockett, -109 ellington street A YOUNG MAN, GOOD PENMAN, AND | capable, would like work in an office store for two months. r M., through the Whig Office. er ------ ett eee ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN seeking pleasant employment, on sal- 1 or commiission, Shite now to Marshall & © Co, importers, London, Ont. tea Apply to | are advised 0 i -- DAILY MENORANA} is City council, 8ep.m. County court Liquor license sits to-morrow Commissioners meet this evening. Crosby & Murray's "4 a, TW Hall, to-night : Bunce, 7 Nhi Newman & Shaw a £ are lvoe special sale of coats aiYoegling 8 The san rises Tuesd y; 3 f Ee sue t G18 Rn and sets at 5:13 pm : x is auc Rev." John Pickup' s lecture, ie e uee S Church, Tuesday, 8 pom. Queen > Persian Lamb jackets made by Camp- bell Bros. are unexecelled A man is brave when h will admit he is afraid to argue fi e With wife The older a joke is the younger is the fellow who gets it off for something new. Young people's singing class meets organization at Whig: Hall to-night, 8 o'clock. for at It's mighty funny how Yeerly a girl is built who is- not allowed dress the way she wants to Some men are so domesticated "they can look pleasant when they find the eouk's halk in the Hutter It is easier for a woman to mix the ingredients of a cake than it jg for her husband not to. mix the instru®tions she wives him. This daw. "in. history Burgoine sup rendered, 17 Duchess of Edinburgh horn, 1853 rd, Palmerston died, 1% 9 Chopin di THE DECORATOR | The Chinaswe have to show you, is the kind to: delight 1 You will enjoy thé signs, and colors, ge heart, ty shapes, de Evary bind to please you, plain, strong, light] delicate; rich and quiet colors. Wa want you to see all the new things. a 4 ROBERTSON BROS.. Central Committee Rooms 185 Wellington St, nin WARD MEETINGS No. 2, Sydenham, Monday, October 17th, at rooms, street, 8 p.m. No. 3. &ntario, Monday, October 17th, at Golden Lion Block, at 8 p.m. No. '9. Cataraqui. Monday, October 17th, 'at Central Rooms, Wellington street, at 8 p.m. No. 10, Cataraqui, Monday, October 17th, at Central - Rooms, Wellington street, at 8 p.m. No 12. Frontenac, Monday, Oct. 17th, at Golden Lion Block, at 8 p.m No. 13. Frontenac, Monday, Oct. 17th, at Central Rooms, 'Wellington street, "at 8 pm No. 14. Frontenac, Monday, Ootober 17th, at Central Rooms, Wellington street, at 8. p.m No, 17. Rideau, Tuesday, Octboher 18th at Central Rooms, Wellington street, 8 p.m, R. H. TOVYE, Secretary. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, Oct. 19 1 WILL SELL AT THE RESIDENCE of the late Col. Duff, 450 Princess St. Household Effects Vig. Mahogany Cduch, . Bureau, sy Corners, Black Walnut, Marble Top, and other Centre Tables, Music Rack, Piano Lamp, Black | Walnut and other Egsy Chairs, Rattan land other Rockers, Black Walnut Book Shelve Deer Heads, Black Walnut Li- brary Table, Black Walnut Sideboard, Black Walnut Extension Table, Black Walnut. Dining: Chairs, = (in Heather): | Mahogany Clock, Brussels, Velvet, P and other Carpets and Rugs; Plush; | Chenille and other Owrtains. Black Wal: (nut, Cherry, and other Bed Room Suites prings, Hair Mattrasses, Blankets, Pil- lows, Bedding, fc Iron Beds, Card Ta- ible, Wardrobe and other © Couches. Pie: tures, étc., Happy Thought Range. Re- Step Ladders, Crockery, Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, Mahogany frigerator. Hook Case, Arm Chair and Card Table ete Large number of Saturday and Edinburgh Reviews ' Sdle, 10:30 7 Terms Cash ALLEN, the Auctioneer SELL THE HAND- utensil on earth, King- surrounding country places. also boys, to Call 376 Ontario br TS, TO. REPAIR, PRESS ean, of turn. Can be made ve appearance of ds. Nee work guaranteed Galloway. tdilor, Po AG hy ki an usive territory; te dadgers. new to 181 BA AND YOUNG ' MEN, EARN | Arm Chairs, Cobbler and other per 1,000 copying at hom, No _ 'hairs. Chamber Sets, Famous Active mailing o! ? Sunvassing; mate ra fur | Re ar Hall Stove, Kitchen ol Leneils, . Sen ressed stam I A Wath Tub, Blue Flame Oi ave Yoiops , §.8.00., Dept. fDi Tian Seat, Hall Stand and. Articles : + Mass. tho numeross. to. mention. . Kverything is -- * | almost new Sale at 10:30 am., Terms ad "LOST. LOCKET, tre. . « Je Hotel Randolph, POCKI te WITH DIAMOND ward by returning ley's cig store, inder please return a jeash |REV. JOHN PICKUP -BOOK, SATURDAY. ABOUT | "My Life & Work Among Lapsed Masses" lock, containihg one $5 bill. Re : re for its return to Whig Office. a ------------------------------ s % or MONEY. IN BILLS, FROM City Buildings, or between McCann's R J uiagay | ° are fresh at | ter. For, sale Store. BY JOHN H, MILLS, Auction Sale of Fine Furniture at Resi dence of Mrs. L. Cook, No 449 Princess St.,' TUESDAY, Oct. 18th The: Pine Effects, viz Silk Tapestry, Parlor Suite, Centre Tables, Secretary, Parlof Lamp, Mirror, Fine Music Cabi- net, Screen 'Curtains, and Blinds, Dining {Room Set, in. Oak, Sideboard, BExten- sion , Table, Leather Covered Chairs; Sofa, Hanging Lamps, fine Drop Head 3 Sewing Machine, Carpets and s, Oak Bed Room Set, Springs, Mat- JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. OF ENGLAND, WILL LECTURE ON In Queen St. Methodist Charch on TUESDAY, Oct. 18th i IHS "the remainder of th LIBERALS | Costly Retréat From Liao Yang Duplicated. GHASTLYFINALE ér ONE OF HISTORY'S BLOOD- ~ IEST TRAGEDIES. Correspondents Ordered To Har- bin--Hopes Of World--Hera.i- ed Advance To Port Arthur Abandonéd--J apanese Bury 6,500 Russians. St, Petersburg, Oct. 17.--The ofl cial veil has been lifted irom the ghast- ly tragedy around - Shakhe, but evey the otucial account, supplemented hy numerous press despatches, leaves much uncertainty as to the of the fragmentary situation. Out' mass of informa- ® * * In Dire Condition. + + > + Tokio, Oct. 17.--Accordr + #_ ing to statements .by Rus- #% sian officers who were cap- 4 4 tured by Gen. Nodzu's.+4 4 troops, the garrison at 4 4 Port Arthur is being daily + ¥ reduced in numbers and is $ 4 in a disastrous condition. » : = Hed tion at hand it is possible only to conclude that the costly withdrawal and retreat from 'Liao. Yang are be- ing duplicated upon an even greater scale, after more desperate hghting and heavier losses. Gin." Kuropatkin s story leaves the Russians still ten- acibusly holding the north bank of the Shakhe river; but the general belief is that this is only the desperate finale of Lone of the greatest military dramas of history, and that the Russian army, as a whale, is retiring towards Muk- den, having suffered at 'the most con- servative estimate a logy of "over Joy 000, Of the lefts flank, which was ome of the most -'upportant points in the: line of battle, absolutely nothing is heard, which leaves the inference that it is not in gu position to econvmunicate with 6. army. ~All the woun ave: being 'carrioll ty Harbin, : farther = notth. 7 1t is under: stood that' fhe correspondents, also, have been ordered to Harbin, = which means that the retreat will not even stop at Tie Pass. "All hopes of the world-heralded advance to Port Ar. thur have been' abandoned. The weg ther conditions are -even worse than during the_retreat from Liao Yang. Streams are bank high, and fords are imppssable- but: it is impossible" ty corner King and Brock 3eqy how this will afiect the final situ: ation. It may prove the Russian sal- vation by preventing a Japanese pur- suit. On the other hand, if the Rus. sians: are on' the wrong side of the flooded rivers, it may only emphasize the completeness of the disaster. The Terrible Record. Tokio, Oct. 17.--In the reports of the great battle, which continue to arrive from the front, the most strik- ing feature. is the terrible record of the Rusdffn dead. Before the severe tight on October 16th, Gen. Okn's army alone recovered and baried' 2,000, making the total number of *Russiins butied by the Japanese, with Nodzu's army still to hear from 6,500. Apply- ing the usual calcdlations and making reasonable allowances' for the fighting of the 14th and 15th, the Russian losses will exceed 40,000. Fragment- 'ary veports of Japanese casualtios are comifig. Gen. Oku up to,. and inelud- ing October 14th, lost 3,500 men. Es- timates of the total Japanese losses are smhll in compacison with' the frightful losses of the Russians. Re- ports despatched late on Saturday, from the field are in the following chronological = order : "The main force of the right ariny, which had ul- ready occupied Chou hia-Fun heights veached * a line on the Shakhe river, but ene division of the encwy con- tinues to offer a stubborn resistanée. The! mdin army his reached its objec: tive, and has béen heavily vnyaged singe the morning of October 15th. On that morning the enemy in front of the left army continded holding its positions north - of Shahopo and Lam: untun, and offered strong resistance. The centre cblumn is éngaged in. tak ing Shahopo, and the main body of thé right column is atlvancing against Lamuntun, and is. attacking that po- sition. The enemy has six' batteries be- tween Shahopo and Sugantai; which are vigorously shelling the attacking column and our position at Linchin Po, but @ honibardment is not strong enough fo prevent our = adl- vapee. 'On October 11th the left: cal- umn of the centre army lost 261 kill- ol and wounded." Still Fighting. Oct. 17.~The battle was anid continued throughout the night, being especially heavy at midnight: The' Russians: retain their position along the 'Shakhe river _and have made frequent attacka upon the Japanese; capturing six of the latter's guns, The eastern army is helping the western forces: There has been very heavy - artillery fire to-day. The fight- ing is now centred on the "plain. Mukden, renewed Defeat Unquestioned. London, Oct. 17.--The actual posi- tion of Gen. Kuropatkin's army, in | N ALSpm. R. €rawiord, Esa ih. chair: special music > colléction for the new dav S fund. -- -- the The * : "Walke ay "shoe for gents, "1 "Arh and "Victeria', shoe for ladies, | are the leading shoes for falk and win- at' Aburnttiiy's 8 the Battle of Bhakbe rifer is unknown here, An unofficial report, which the Rugsian censor allowed to leave Muk-: i "deri, yesterday -(Snnday) is the last hard that has been received. Nothing commander, later than | from ei bh Getober 15th, Fri bre gio 'though : the. Russian defeat is too early to describe it as a will. extricate the remnant of es, but. whether he will try cupy Mukden is a question, Sm London; Oct: 17.<The tory south of Mukden, the Stundard's Tien Tsin eo war. ponder toh the Times reports that the proached the. holy synod wit of drawing upon church prox the sinews of war. St. Petarsburg, Oct. 17-14 nounced that the. Japanese h structed a canal Joining the T\ Hun rivers, facilitating trans from Yinkow to Sianchan. ing. New York; Oet. 17. a five-storey brick double house at Na.* 15 Moore str amshurg, early to-day Tw injored-a boy and uo girl nine years ols Henry ( years old; Max years old. The fire originated in the and ran up a dumb waiter sh Rubonowi flat on the fourth and fifth escape for was cut off. Firemen and police did and soon reseued more than fifteen of whom were almost ed. These were removed to 8 rines Hospitak Two children among man, in attempting was 'overcome by smoke be carried out by loss. was 'only about £3,000 everal fires occurred in t hothsod during, ,all of the ome noted, panied by loss of life. A HEAVY LOSS. Some 13,000 Sealskins In ship Wreck, Victoria, B.C, Mineola, from Petropaviovsk Francisco, it is ascertained Cothmercial company's entire sealgkins for the séason' on per Islands has been lost, This materially company was 7,700 but it ported that this year's wou 000 skins. Officials of the Sealing company believe thi will cut off more than a thi supply for the season. They total catch at 30,000, Besides 14000 lost, J apan will furnish 000 and the Victoria Sealing Sea, and about 1,400 ont independent catches will swell al figures. Judge Parker Says That Duty. Esopus, N.X., Oct. legs foreign cracy stands for fi om. H tion on the Philippines and ted more than 000,000 hundred thousand lives in an to belster the option: "Our independence, Paris, Oct. 17.-One of the M. Banglos; a' widower, fifty aris; + Recently he met a girl of ed his heart at first sight. morning. bank notes. The hn] has placed ands of the police, S 1 to the Whig RE ohu's, NB servatives of {0on, on V. Mclnerney, ex the late mene. Brantford," Ont lofan, mayor of . Brantiord, meeting of Inbor men, for tbe House er questioned, the critics think it is en of all the news leads them ta believe that Gen. Kuropatkin ussinh treovurer has lass, years old; Samudl Rubonowitz, the persons asleep ir rnd of the Bi ination of the Mi bo out. Al no lo disaster, his fore fo re-oc- « Made Deep Impression. Japanese vie: according to Erespg ent, has made a deeper impression and the far east than any victory of . the Touching The Church, London, Oct. 17.--A Russian 'corres- 4 rumor ap- o h a view wriy for Joins Taitse 'Ang Hun. is . an ave oon aitse and portat ion TENEMENT FIRE. Blaze In Big Williamsburg Build- ~Four persons were suffocated aml fifteen were over- come by smoke in a fire which gutted tenement vet, Wilhi- o of the probably will die; Incondiarisn is suspected; The dead ave: Bertha Glass, twenty two four tz, eight basement aft, cones ing a crowded flat to fill rapidly with smoke, The flames spread through the floors and there heroic work a seore, suffocgpt t. Cathe- the number were in a dying condition; One fire a daring rescue, and had his fellows. to The he neigh- carly hours lolly, cious origin, Thev. Ta kn TE Fran as all Tan Jn the basements of . tenement houses. Only however, was accom- appedared Steam- Oct. 17.--~In connec- tion with the wrecking of the steamer to San that the » take of the Cop- affects the market. Last year "catch of the Commercial was re ld be 13, Victoria a mishap rd of the put the the 13, about 1.x, company expects about 1,000 from the Bebring hie coast. The Faulkland Island catch and other the tot- PROMISE INDEPENDENCE. Is 'The 17. ~Judge Park: ér mpde his secopd.; speech of the campaign here on Saturday, address ing two visiting delegations of 160 persons on: the Philippine question. He declared that the republican party | stands for the subjugation of defense- peoples and that demo- e declar- ed that the republican. administration paid $20,000,000 for an uncertain, op had was and two attempt duty to the Philippines deprands 4 promise of * sajd Judge Parker. Bride Vanished With Money. strangest of matrimonial fortunes has befallen vears of i living in a Working <lnss district Pi « wight on, named Nathalie Langlois, who captur- The per sonal charms and modest demeanor of the young: womal made such an -im- pression_on. M. Banglos ash he mar- ried her the other day. . A terrible disillusionment awaited bin when he awol® the following Fhe bride bad fled, taking with: her-all her husbmhd's. jewelry and his pocket-baok containing $6,000 unfortunate the matter in the in hus Candidates Named. 'O06 17~The con: Kent, meeting at Rex- Saturday, nominated George heir can: didate against 0. 5 "Leblanc, liberal, Oct. 17.--M. K. Hal- at a on Satur | the nom- TONE iE orm. ------ A HE WOULD LIKE SCHEME IN: MODIFIED FORM, 'He Is The Grand Master Of The Monaghan Orangemen -- His Remarks Haw Caused Quite a Sensation--John Dillon Speaks Of Irish Reform Association. Belfast, Qet. ¥7. heen excited in by Lord Rossmore's de he is in favor of a of home rule. of 'the Trish Reforin Association gramme self in favor of t pro- new scheme, required in Ireland to. legislate one or the other of the Great Britis political parties. Lord Rossmiore, who is at present coumty grand mas- ter of Monaghan Orangemen, tion of deputy-licutenant of the coun- ty and justice of peace for certain Or- ange speeches notice of the ai more's Litem : ¢ In the course e of & speech on Satur: day to a large representative meeti of nationalists of Sli town "a county, in the town fan to the Irish Reform Association. ter a careful study' of the alan considered' it was absolutely unsatis- factory and unworkable, and any at- tempt to fit in the Britith system was utterly impossible. e reform pro: little experience 1 of free institutions, and when they looked 'at it from be 'nothing so ludicrous or, expect 'that the national ond the Mr. Dillon said oo, shot purchase at exorbitant terms. TOSSED DOWN A SHAFT, Act Of a Child . Kills Baby. New York, Oct. 17.<By starthig the clevator, Harold Qolbutn, three years old, caused the death of his seven months-old sister ip an" apartment house in' West 140th street on Sunday. The act of "the child overturged the carriage in which the baby was lying, and she fell to the bottom 'of the ele- vator shaft gnd died 4 few hours later, Mrs. 'Colhuth, the mother of the children, was busy with the baby car ringe which hed caught at the en trance to the car, and the 'elevator hoy stepped out of the car to help her. Littlo Harold grasped the lever and moved it. The car bounded up, throwillg. the attendant gnd Mrs, Col The a leader of -- opposition, arrived this morning by the CPR. and will ad dress a meeting of the electors of this city in Tara hall. A pogiber of pro- { minent conservatives called upon. hif at the Chateau Frontenac. The loader of the conservatives will receive the friends' of the patty during the day J. I. Lavery, ., of 'the loka! rm of Casgrain, oy Rivard & Cha: veau\ has decepted tho conservative nomination in the county of is, The dredge Ottomac was bitned to the water's edge Rlaterday afternoon. The Ottomae belonged to Prdscott, Ont., and éame here a fow woeks ago to work at the extension to' the breakwater. © > : ils He Was Drowned, Special to the Whig, Niudeay, Ont., ~ Oct. 17.~Napolion Dedault, a laborer, well-known here, while out fishing, Sunday, dl drown- od down the river near. § Fake, The body was found er is canoé. It is supposed Desault 3 quick- lv in his canoc at some duckd 'and the craft upset. "He Took His Lite to the Whi nia; Ont., Oct. 1. George Revn- olds, aged pevimty, commitledy snicitle; win's « condition, this morni remains Short fime now. % labor party | Children' a A a hgh Ey Lord Rossmore. 1s In Favor GAVE HIS. IDEAS uch comment has ter Orange circles aration that ified scheme After the puhlication his lordskip expressed him: His 'remarks on that occasion caused so much uneasiness that he way asked for a further expression of his views. In Kis reply, he gave it as his private opinion that some legislative body was on purely Trish business affairs; and that stich a body must soon he granted x was some years ago deprived of the posi. which came under the of Shige, John Dillon, MP, referred at length Af out: lined by the asseciation, hé said he po*als were drawn up by men who had a nationalist point of 'view fitre i aul act, not he in too big a hurry about buving. Lat them rather hear down the prices than ne. unimproved. His lordship «till lies in " stupas; unable to converse with any Tiecond in astuatiie of only al onli: Ee -- Burglar, Untortonately, Was Shot In The Head. '| pair of corsets and a cont, of closely. woven Sanvae 'with other a been, identifi ug Duralr. was kithd by a bullet in bis Toad in the dining room of the Allendale Ho- tel at 1,500 Poplar ; street, ing for an 'opportunit, to loot the house and it is thought that he tried to deaden the sensibilities of the in- mates hy choloroform. The shooting was done Hogan, smother Mes. Flora bag of hops and drown her onteries. The hody of the dead man was re moved to the morgue, whore hy William asylum. ing action of the coroner's jury. ; y PLUCKY CHICAGO GIRE: "Escaped, Chicago, Oct. foot aequired hy nasium hed, iss Mary Gunsau- saulus, the well-known Preacher, rout a hold-up ian, and escape without injuty. Miss Gun- snulus had left hee home to mail letter at the neighboring corner, of a tres, st forth, oman atiam pass he reached for her ha time raising a big stone carried in the other hand. paralyzed Miss Gunsaulus, robbers face, the young woman flew toward home. pursued, policemen and he. fled ------rerreni---- : - EXCHEQUER COURT MEETS. Judgments Handed Out In Sev- eral Cases. Special to the Whig Ottawa, Oot, irr he court met, this morning, and delivered judgments : Robert 'vs. whibh J, Robert tion | sought exclusive J works, being the ef at Catherine Hon, Edward Elfioe, rives-St, hissed, Cunard vs, the King; petition for damages for expropriation of land for railway at North Sydney. Action dis- Louis. missed. Plant ve. King, action similar to Cumsird. Judgment allowed for $2,000 and cokty. * LOVE IS LIKE MEASLES. Older You Are Worse You Have . It. New York, Oct, 17.~A woman's love is like measles--the older she is 'when she gets it the worse she has it. Like most other women, the plain tifl's heart if like" brittle glass, and the only way to engrave your name on it is with diamonds." Lawyer Seliman thus summed up hefore Rocarder Goff in the ease of Ignaty Krause, charged with grand burn back and overturned the, car larceny, in taki front Mek: © A riage. The mother is dangercusly ill Levy, n Sy old watch, 4 dla from shock. The elevator boy wis ar- Imond ring and $20 cash, under prom- rested. iso of marriage. The jury retuned 5 verdict of guilty with 4 strong recom- BORDEN IN QUEBEC, mendgtion Tor mercy. A Dredge Was Burned To Water's Mrs. M. E. McConnell. Edge. Cape Vinoent, NX. Oct. 17. Mrs. Special to the Rs LM. Elizabeth MeCounell died at her Quebec, fr. L. Borden, | home; on Friday,"at 2 pan. Mrs, Me Connell: was sixt hoon years of age] town, and Mrs. Fred. L. "this place, and two sons, Arthur Rel ven of Oregon, and Frank Relyea® of Brownville; also one sister, Mrs. Jen- arents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson rownville. Blames Caste Within Church. Boston, Oct. 17.<-At the Church of the 'Advent Bishop Potter, New York, said that caste within the church . at times had done much' to keep working footie out of iti He thought a great lesson was 10 be learned from the go cent visit of the Archbishop of Canter: 'bury, who, although he -came from 4g country where rank was more promin< ent humble as to those in high stations. Special to the Whi. Manila, Oct. 17. Second Lieut. wil liam I. 'Pritchard in a fit of insanity, shot und' killed Second Lieut. Fred. L. Dee. He then shot and killed him- sell. Both of the officers were attached to the T3th Tegigient of United States jCovalty, lakt night, 'by entting: his ° throat, % Jom Arrive. hile recovering from Ap) al 1 yown Tock-up, where. fio had' heen cond: iia a oe Or%" "the SS. Lake] mitted at lis own request. Reynolds | Erie, arrivedl dt Liverpool at 11 p.m. camie from" Toronto seven: years dgo | vosterday. X 5 and worked onthe docks. Hd. leaves || Father Point, Que. Oet.\17.~The no known relatives. ' 88. Milwankee, from Liverpool, in- : ward, at 6:40 a.m, Nearing The End, Al Tl 4 § onzo Cornell, former governor, of Bec ta 1 --Piakop Bald Ithads, and son' of 'the founder' of 8t. Louis, Oct. 17.--Protected by a. heavy, | So Se The burglar is supposed to have been in concealment in the house wait: 'miter O'Shea had tried to Balzer with a it was | idetitificdl at noon by James 0'Sheaof 1,232 High street as that of his bro. | ther, Jeremiah, who, he said, had re cently 'been ~relensod from an inssne Hogan is wonder arrest, await Put To Rout a Hold-Up Man Ana 17. Ability to strike out from the shoulder and flectness of | practice in the gym- lus, daughtef of Dr. Frank W. Gun- to Thursday "night, a As she approached the box, a man, who had heen econcéalod in the shadow The young shim; but at the same "which he It was only for an instant that fear Then het right fist. flew out and landul on the He stagyored back and For ashort distonen the holdup man but her screams attracted a exchequer |. water. from the St. Lawrence to the The case wi dis and. is survived two daughters, | Mrs, F. By Eameracn of East Water- Burdick: of |, | nie- Arowtrong of Watertown, amd her | of | n here, was ns gracious to the | Carnell, is: dead, 'aged; seventy-two... EE EIT -------- ¥ hy TAILORED Cloth, hi teh HE FRA gris a r Special TAILORED 8 MeVETY ARM STRO Ee aw. to Rr. w. ; in gE a mstron Vety, Milwaukee, ma In ATHLETE GRO DS. | West side and grand stand, boc. Bast side, 25, Bleachiors. 10e, bend i