n' timagiue lw (hots s are Maptored, ol Koni Sh sl dirty rown 1 a Cook ary Wrinkles" free, . OUR LIMITED, TORONTO. kers and shippers elds brik! Bia Twins , Maypole Soap Dyes.. w Colors--isc. for Black, vescent HA ABLETS zellent remedy for I'rouble and Chro- umaitsm. Ask for -- they are only . a bottle. . Taylor Drug Co. sas Street - - 'Phone 89, SNAP! ly "MISSES GREY WALK- KIRTS, strictly all ish Frieze, swell lengths from 25 nches. Balance of er's samples bought Former regular ' '$3. For a bi SDAY SPECIA them S| 149 ach. an -& Shaw 2 Princess St, Ta WORLD'S FAIR, - ' i TRAVELLING, ae SRS dhe IIR CRANU [RUN Syste S UNTIL 007. 5,04 'way fares from Ki "4 mere, Whncodva pasion to a Bde 16.8 "Neison, i * feat," figh' 0. > Butte, Helena, Sait Exeursion' Rates FROM KINGSTON T ST. Louis [I Sons. 15 Days. r 60 Days. Sn til Dec. 15th, 1904. Stop-pvems at any intermedi- ale statiol i ee Day a B p; Ham iiton to Niagara L ndditional. an wodation, tickets, mation apply to - P. HANLEY, Agent, Aston and Ontario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN ; PACIFIC RAAT, TRAINS SEE K:KGSTON : 12:30 p. . --Express, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Teronto, Chicago, Denver. Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie,' Byiuth, St. Paul, Wibnipeg, Vansouver, Seattle, Portland, apd San Francisco. ra = 5 Rn Lach for Sharbot Lake connecting with -C.P.K. east and west 8:10 &.m,--Mixed, for Renfrew termediate' points. and in- Passengess leaving Kingston at 12:30 m., arriye in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m eterboro,\ 5310 p.w.; Toronto, 7130 p.m.; Boston, 7:30 am; St. . John, KB. 11°88 an. 2 i World's Fair, St. Louis, Exours- lon Tickets on sale daiiy, Full particulars at K. & P. and CP. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, F. A. Gen. Pass. Agt. FOLGER, JR., len. Supt THE BAY DF ODINTE Ralway REW SHORT LINE Fi Tweel, Napanee, Deseronte,. and all fecal peints. Train leaves City Hall Depot at 4, p.m, F. CONWAY, Agent 8.Q. Ry., Kingston. ALLAN LIN LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal Mail Steamers. From le ¥ Parisian, Fri., Montreal. rom Sucisap. Oct. 14, 5:30 aun Tunisian, ri!) Oct. 2, Oct. 28, 535 a ag. Oct. 28, Nov. 11, 6 am Nov. 11, :3:30 p.m MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, -Pretorian, Thus. Oct. 20, (Daylight) NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Ionian, Fri., 3 p.m. Parisian, Fri. Numidian, Thursday, Oct. 20, 11 am Redyted rates by above Glasgow ser vices om application. J. Py -HA LEY, Agent, 2a City P oo GILDER-~ SLE! Ww Giarense. Si Lake Ontario and Bay of a Steamboat Co., Limited. Hit " »" Between Kingston, Picton and Belleville Comunien August 30th, steamer leaves Kl at 8 p.m. for Ficwn ead intermediate Bay of Quinte On Tuesday, Arbiny and Sa steamer salla nto, further informa nation Apply te B. E. HORSEY, GP. & ry GILDER- J. PB 3 SLEEVE, JAS. So & Co. Agents FOR SALE. EEE EI SEIT DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE on tenac Street, near Princess street, 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet front, by 1564 fest deep. Lots ef room te build. Also good sheds and barn, large pdultry houses, Apply threugh Whiz office. BOOD BU G LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen between Moatreal and' Baget. Apply 49 Colborne sirest. -------------------------------------- A FINE LARGE HALL COAL STOVE. ee A "horus SDOL Sash Apply 6 Frem- TO-LET. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, near Queen's College. Apply 4] George street. FROM OCTOBER FIRST, THAT TWO- story brick house, No. 6 Frontenac street, 'porth. Reat fow. Apply on DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND Bros Offices, UN. at tate Office, © 51 * DISPLAY OF ParlorSuites& 0dd Pieces § pi in Silk, 'with Silk Plush $35. ons. piece Suit, in English Velours, . odly o> piece, In remnant Silk, only Heir a Brrr Coe room ht wousisting, Lt ' nly $13 ashstand Only i ted' number 'to close out, at JAMES RE REID, M----- PHONE ATA. - Detroit 'Specialist Disedssda a Specialty Maki Men's Yea il Accept Your Case, Giving' w Individual Treatment. You may Use itin the Privacy of Your Own Own Home. yu May Pay When \ You are Cured, A Decroit Specialist who has 14 d ficates from medical colleges iRiE and of medical exanfiners, and who has q vast exper- iencein doctoring diseases of men, is positive he can cure & great many so called incurable cases; | | DR. 8. GOLDBERG. $ | 'The possessor of 14 diplomas and certificates, | who wants no money that he does not ce patients that he ha in order to conv' ity to db ax he says, Dr. Goldberg will ncceptyour | case for treatment, and you need not one | penny until a complete cure has becn ei he { wants to hear from patients who have be to get cured, as he guarantees a positive £ for | all chronic, pervous, blood and skin discases, } h pis for treatment, Ie not only cures elf, but likewise all the complica- rheumatism, bladder or kidney ny ph d nervous able | thing to make k thém up; s pay him a smal fee, "5 | seems, th herofore, thatit1s to the best interests of everyone who suffers to write the doctof confi dgntially and lay your case before him, which will eive careful attention, and a correct diagnosis of your case wiil be nade free-of charge if-yon have lost faith write hin; as you have everything to gain and nothin, wd to loses you must remember not une pegny need be paid until you are cured. All medicines for patients are prepared in his own laboratory to meet the requirements of each individual case, He will send 'a booklet on the subject, which contains the 14 diplomas and cer- tificates, entirely free. Address him simply Dr.S. Goldberg, 208 ward Ave, Room 620, Retroit, Michigan, edicines for Canadian pa- tients sprit fi Windsor, Ont,, consequently there is'no duty to be paid. [FERROVIM .. A Tonic Wine, pleasant to take. Gives strength Makes new blood Builds up the system Throws off all weakness A boon to those. récovering from usting fevers and long illness. Sold by all medicine dealers. Davis & Lawrence Co, Ltd., Montreal ABSOLUTELY PURE. | SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS. Same Price as the cheap adulterated kinds. E.W.GILLETT aires TORCNTO.ONT. Té6 the Electors of Kingston : the GENTLEMEN :--I your vot and influence to elect me your representative in the House of Commons as endent reformer. If elected 1 resel right to against any measure 1 believe to be detrimental to the country, respectfully and will at all times -advoost and vote for any measure beneficial to: the working class- es. In 'appesliiig: to the workingmen, 1 that they realize that at worked in do. = so, feeling all times in the past I have Be interest. Cc. UO. GRAHAM. SINGING CLASSES. The following will be the sghedule the Singing Classes to be conducted at the Whig Hall by A. U. BRANDER Class No. 1, for children, from 8B to 12 vears, to meet every 'Thursday at 4:30 poe 4 Class No. 2, upwards, to those 12. years and every Saturday, 4 for weet class, to meet pom CAPILLI FORMA A clean, healthy tonic, Jroducs 4 a wxuriant growth of hair a any yr nba CHR, "Noll ti Hap: uw hy i pz ustaches Manufactured aad pu B. Bir anufactnl ER ER, at the C unagathon Per D lars, 25) Princess pr Class No. 3, adult Fhoursday al 8 ROOMS AND BOARD. FORTABLE ROOMS, WITH MOD- goMNH conveniences, also' board, at 170 Barrie street. Fled. From. Seltzer. San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 10.--Mrs. Carrie Nation went into a hotel bar last night and started to lecture . the barkeeper, He"turned. on the seltzer bottle and the home-défender retreat- ed. SOUND AND STRONG QUEEN'S HAD BIG TURN-OUT | May, Of Last Year's Scrimmage, "| practice last Pight. scrimniage man, has returned to lege, and will probably take Orr's place in the second team's scrimmage gs the last Saturday's weekly run Jast. evening. A start { Beall, 4 shall jneet City of | solicit | for | AT PRACTICE Returns--Lifie-up Next Satur- ! 'day Will Be Much The Same As Last Weelk--Uthier Notes. Queen's had a large turnout at May, last year's col- latter had his finger badly injured in game. Queen's first team line-up against MeGill next Sat- | wrday, will be much' the same as play- ed at Montreal. On the second team several changes will Be made, and the back division strengthened consider- ably" George Smith and Mahood were dxpected to get in the game this week, but both have been unable to do so, and it 38 not expected "they will play against 'the Cadets, The Y.M.C.A. Harriers. Y.M.C.A. Harrier club 'held The its was made from the Y.M.C.A. corner he | tween seven and eight' o'clock, and the { harriers, led ' by Physical Instructor mado a good five mile run int, the country, finishing in fast time. The {weather for the next few weeks will probably be mild, and the club is ex- Prete to prosper. Those who have taken part in the runs so far, gre mn thusiastic in théir praise of this in novation, as the bxércise is wholesome {and exilarating. To Mount A Big Fish. James Stratford has received a forty-pund maskinonge from up the Bay of Quirite to he mounted. The [ fish was caught by an Americen, and is over six pounds heavier than ths { largest fish of last season caught 'at | Collins Bay. Sporting Notes. New York ants will play Boston for the world's championship, At: Cleveland, Saturday, Barney Oldfield drove an aute ten 'miles in 9 17:15, making a "new world's re- cord, "Kid? Mel oy suggests that Boh Fitzsimmons, "Philadelphia" Jack O'Brien, Tomy "Ryan and himself in a four-cornered match for the middleweiglit championship of the world. The Taronto Marlbores, winners of four hockey championships in as many seasons, at their annual meet ing last night, selected E. Marriott manager and H. Birminghans captain, Two teams' will be placed on the ice. Jack Ramsay, the Hamilton Tigers' star back player, who was injured in Saturday's game, is rapidly recover ing, and is now out of all danger. The injury was not as serious as it was 'at first thought to "be, and ha whl not be out of the game, Kingston has a city rugby league playing under the snap-back system. Evidently the Limestone City realizes the advantages of the new game and the abolition of the scrimmage. Many pronysing players are heing developed in this ague. Toronto "Sit and Empire, Featherweight Champion Pugilist Jimmy Britt, who is matched to meet Jot Gans, the lightweight champion, in" a {wenty-round contest, at San Francisco, on October 3st, to-day he gan active training. Brige says he will meet "Young Corb in Deceny- ber, whether he loses wins with | Gans. A Kingstonian who saw Saturday's game in Gananoque is quoted as hav- ing said that the rcason Gananoque won was because the Brockville play- ers were afraid to win. The play on both sides was very loose and the Control of Is Undoubtedly Possessed by the Well-known Family Medicine, Dr. Chase's 'Syrup of Linseed Turpentine. is considered a specific { for bronchitis. The difficulty has been in the admin- istration of turpentine so as to reach | the irritated. and inflamed parts and wt be disagreeable to the patient. Not only has the trouble been over- omé by Dr. Chase in his Syrup of | Linseed and Turpentine, but he has | also combined with turpentine two or three ingredients of almost equal |.power in soothing and healing the diseased parts and overcoming bron | chitis. and Other dangerous ailments of | the bronchial tubes and lungs. By a seeret pro®ss these elements of | unquestioned medicinal "power have | been combined in Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine so as to be pleasant to the taste and suitable for children and adults alike. The. remarkable success of Dr Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- { tine as a cure for bronchitis, asthma, | eroup and whooping cough is sufficient evidence that it is efiective in -erdin- ary coughs and colds. Mrs, Richmond Withrow, Shubena- cadie, Hants Co., N.8., writes : "I have used Pr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine with good ane- cess. My second daughter wus froukl- od with bronchitis from the age of three weeks. Oftentimes 1 thought she would choke to death. The several re- medies we got did not seem 10 ke of much use, but the first dose of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tor- pentine brought relief and further treatment made a thorough ewes. This trouble used to come back from time do time, but the eure is now perman- ent. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has saved us many ' doe- Ror's: bills, and T would not be with- Hut it in the house for many times its cost." Dr, Chase's Syrup | | Turpentine { { | | of Linseed and "Hi you Mve ne teethl. clean, your Turpenting, 25c. a hottle, at all deal-' gums 'with Gibsor's Red. Cron tooth | ers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Tor paste. Tt will havden them, 20e. j onta. To protect you against imita- Lock Abernethy's window and see tions the portrait' and signature of droggist their -83.60 men's special shoes, well | Dr, A. W, Chase, the famous receipt wordh #450 or $6. . hook anthor, are on every bottle, Ptreal : Bronchitis in ai" bal rE ple oe 3, the Finkorn remarks in re: Ee in Mon. Neh the 'score ; the Kingston Calvinists, and sack- cloth and ashes are the only garments wom to-day in the eratw howe of Guy Curti The, writer should re- member that 'Varsity bas sii 10 visit McGill aud should hold his peace until he vers the resulting store. A comparison of the records of The winners at the recent "Varsity and MeGill games is interesting, in view 'of the athletic' meet' this Friday on "Varsity athletic' field, bétween teams from these universities. Inthe track events McGill leads "Varsity by five points to ong, and a tie in the 100 vards dash, Inithe weights and jumps 'Varsity' leads hy for avents to two. This makes the total stand on form : McGill two © events, . Varsity Je events, and one tied. : Young Corbett has . e¥periensnd a sudden change' of mind regisding his proposed: match © with Jabez White, the }nglish champicn feather. Al though it has been practically decid eq to-hold the fight at the National Sporting Club in Le «tha Den Rorite declares he and White can se cure mere money. hy fighting in this country. Corheit has come: to the con: clusion that he would have less diffi- culty in heating White if they fought in America. as the atmospheric con ditions abroad always have had a detrimefital effect on Bim." However, if White insists on a fight in England the westerners says he will surrender to the inevitable. before the National Sporting Chih, P25 I <nden, Eng, Monday night, Joe Ruwker," of Frstant, beat rank ¢'. | Neal, of San Fransisco, on points in | the ban! the | a. twenty-round contest for tam weight * championship 'of world and 82,500. Both pugilists were | in fine condition. - The "Englishmen was a slight favorite at eleven to ten but Neal was well shpported by pany influential Americans. lhe early rounds were rathew in the American's favor; and in thé 'ninth round he al: most had Bowker. beaten. From that time forward Bowker grestly improv ed and administered % lot of punish- which Neal sustained in plucky fashion. It was. an intecosting fight throughout. ° ment, Emperor William's Gift. Specinl to the Whig. x Washington, D.C. Oct, 19.~One month from, to-day. notable ceremon- jor will be held in Washington in con nection with the unveiling of = the bronze 'statue of Frédarick the Great, presented by Emperor William to the American people, The statue is to oc cupy- a commanding position on the esplanade of the Army War College, The Baroness Speck Von Sthrnburg will unveil the statue in the presence of the president, the cabinet, the di- plomatic corps, officers of the army and navy and other distinguished per- sons. As far as possible officers of the army and navy of Gorman descent will come to Washington {rom near by posts and 'will participate in the ceremonies. McLeods Witch Hagel Cream. Every :year we gre sclling more of our Witch Hazel * Cream. I is un doubtedly - the best preparation . for chapped hands, and rough skin, par- ticularly recommended at this sen- son, nothing greasy about it, dries in to the skin, leaving the hands soft atid smooth. Please specify McLeod's Witch Hazel Cream if you want the best. The cpst per bottle is 15c. Me- Leod's drug) store. \ Bene Picton Pointers. Picton, Oct. 18. night at the parish house, Miss faclachlan and her grand Scottis sh company were greeted: by a large music- loving andi- ence. 'The death took place on Mon day, of an old and respected farmer, James Helferty, in his ninety sixth Last Jessie } vear. The funeral will take place from his home, Greenbush, on. Thurs- day. Service will be held in St. Gre gory's church; interment. in Mount Olivet cdmetery. New cement walks have been laid on Ross, Elzabceth and Ferguson streets, Mr. Hays Resigned ? Toronto, Oct. 19.--Private cable advices. received from Lomden- state ' to differences with" the hoard of directors: It is stated that one of these differences wag the pur chase of the Canada Atlantic railway, the method of the { purchase of the same by the Grand Trunk not being in geeord with Mr. Hays" ideas. Mr Hays is at present in London ------------------ way owing Death Of Sunnyside Baby. Sunnyside, Oct. 18. Felix MeNally has his new house almost éompleted. A. Brady, Portland, was the guest of 8. Thompson on Sunday. The friends of Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Dier, sympath- ize with them in the loss of their in fant danghter, aged fifteen months. The funeral, which took place on Thurs day afternoon at two ojcloek, to New- bord English church, was largely a tended. Murderer Hopelessly Insane. Pembroke, Oct. 19.--Sheriff Moffatt, last week, removed Gustav Midd'e- stadt, the Egamille "morderer, - tb Kingston penitentiary, where he was sent for three vears, hopelessly insane, and is' wn: der the impression that his wife has heen banged for the ceme corugit tod by him, and thinks One day recently he attempted to hang himself in his cell. Aaron Abel Wright, the liberal cafis didate in South Renfrew, 'und who re- presented that constituency in the parliament, is a native' of Leeds county. He if'a son of the Tate Israel Wright and was born in Athens on June 6th, 1840. Clarence Lyons, a New York drug clerk, guilty of divpweing ol oa bo, article as genuine, -- closures, affecting Kd impor- tant drug. shops in the city and eoun- 1*% Sick headache is caused by a disor- dered condition of the stomech and is | quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom- ach nnd | Liver Tablets. For sale by all that C. M. Hays has ed the | managership of the Grand frank rail- Middlestadt js | it vey unt (PRONOUNCED SLKEEN.) Commending it particularly to Speakers, Singers, | persons suffering with vocal trouble. weather. No American actor has heen so lobe 'before the public, and continued to meet with such overwhelming sufcess as Joseph Murphy, the most famous delineator of Trish, character on the stage to-day. That thousands of peo- ple here are still his admirers is evi. denced by the large and appreciative andiences. he is drawing this week, H two plays ever remain popular, pot sessing romance of plot, stirring ace tion, scenic beguty, besides develop: ing plots of keen human interest. It is not generally known perhaps that Mr. Murphy, while touriog Can- ada five years ago, was' seversly threatened with asthma and sdrious throat trouble, Through strain of overwork and ceaseless travelling he suffered much. How koenly he 'felt the weakening of his voice, with which he had" won fanie on' two continents. Wany remedies and doctors' preserip- tions were tried, without relief, but, fortunately for himagf and his fol lowers, he used Dy. Slocum's Pavehine, the well-known Canadian remedy for voice 'antl throat troubles. Psychine brought permanent relief, and in no small measure has Paychine enabled the eminent actor to again win the hearty appreciation of Kingston audi ences, While in Guelph, Ont, in 1599, Mr, Murphy wrote as follows : No furthér word need be added sore throat, or weak lungs. further advice, information or a free Psychine is the greatest of tonies, The famous Irish Comedian, at the Geand Opgea House this week, endorses Dr. _ Psychine is the best protection agdine PSYCHINE is pronounced Si KEEN. from ripened experience the study and needs of the human voice, the above Ahold im pupils, public speakers, clergymen and all subject more or leds to coi H-your voice dr throat trowble you, you you need Pr en a sample, writd"Dr. Slocum, Fimitéa, 179 King Sen Yt Siocum's pe hoarseness. coughs, colds, sor thraat Was Tniustonedl a a i With Asthma.- Dy. Slocum Co., Toronto : For the benefit oi human- ity I deem it my duty to make public fhe bemefitt I. have received by taking Paychine. I was threatened with asthma, but it has dis. appeared entirely, ~ Psyshing has given my speaking and singing voice more power, and has so improved my nervous system that my work seems but play. I ad- vise all public speakers, ae tors and singers never to by without it. tothis statement of a leading light in the professional dat 3 od 8, © olds, ery and buttons. Tt is rolieved hy a vest of white canvas dotted with red silk. A dark red velvet hat, trimmed with white tips, is worn with it, How It Spreads. The first package of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid (the infallible pile cure) that wags pot ont went to a small town in Nebraska It cured a case of piles that considered hopeless, The news spread and although this was only two years ago the demand 1 prompted br. J. BS. wnhardt, of j Lincoln, Neb., the discoverer, to pre parp it for general use, Now it is he ing sent to all parts of the world. | It will cure any case of piles. There "I'i« a month's treatment in each box. Sold for $1, with absolute gharan tee. It is for sale hy druggists, or by the Wilson-Fyle limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. was Co., Father Of Music Halls. London, Oct. 19.--Charlbs Morton; the "father of music halls," died yes- terday. Although cighty-seven years fof age, he remained in active manage ment. of the Palace theatre, until a few days ago, when he petived, A big farewell matinee, at which all the leading artists were to" appdar, was in course . of preparation for _ the veteran's benefit. gree We must go from heated rooms to the cold outer air, and the change sets us coughing. Curing winter colds is pot hard il you take Allen's. Lung Balsam. A neglected cold is trouble some and dangerous. : John Campion, the first gssistant marshal, bassbeen appointed chief of the Chicago fire department, succeed ing W. H. Misham, retired. He is six- ty-three years old. Good for Baby Any baby will thrive It is wholesosne, ed digested. Twenty five years of use has 'proved its valge. Nestlé's Food Sample (sufficient for elght meals) Free. LEEMING, MILES & CO. "It will hardin tender gatos," Gib- son's Red Cross tooth paste, le Sold by Al Druggists at $! and $2 a Bottle. ae EE mE ---- FASHION' s FORM. ; : : One Of The Latest Styles For To get that -oppetising, Fall. brown appearance and out- side SHispyniess on roasts of lamb, beef, etc~--to keep their g¢ ness in them they must be basted. In the old style stove this necessitated 7 reaching into the hot oven T and moving the hot, heavy pan and balding it in'the front the oven while it was ted, unsatisfactory fesults, The a oven rack of Imperial Oxfo p makes 3 Range noistiive in front of the oven a 'and is contenty Gut C J yhete it x my be 8 The To Tape Seon Riad' insures the most ps 5 results. a Py Call at one of our or write oi : for the Imperial leaflet. ; A very smart tailored street suit of dark blue cloth, trimmed with stitch The Gurney Foundry Co. ; Limited Toronto 'Montreal, Winnipeg sad Vanecuver 1 To-Day;iigat it Is the in 'Very Best Time to Do To-day's Work... Perhaps "a ion of todays: 8 work il be sy ! "NEW SHOES. 1¢¥50; 'LAND'S and we'll promise to work into play for you, besides ing you the very best values the sun. - 2 New Fall Styles Are Here. ' Prices Vory Low: a J. H. Sutherland & Bro, Ve ]