Shop His JHire rk: for a fair wiul evening s. in the past w passed by reat majority and - Hatters Trades" and for their sup- law. Y CO, l, Kingston. e To Me." J at, or thinks it, is » get the worst of nd our advertise- ewspaper looking t we've got to offer 1 money to adver- 1g pay us--doing offer really unus- \dvts. ur while sooner «r nal, but it's always r good values ats and Boys' 's paper. r last week : -- ..2,224 loaves. : . .2,200 loaves. ..1,874 loaves ..1,028 loaves. . .1,006 loaves. + .3,622 loaves. -- tal 13,754 loaves. leader THE: LIFE. STRIKE The Workings of the Human Body Crippled. DEATH TO MILLIONS, Kidney Disease Is Sapping the Vigor America's Manhood and Wome wy @nhood--Warner's Safe Cure ths Only Certain Kidney / L Cure, 5 "The Kidneys are by all dds the most i ) me portant organs of the human body. } They virtually control all the other organs. Should they stop working for even a few hours the blood would become so thick and clogged with uric acid and other deadly 'waste matter that the most powerful heart would break down in the effort to force it Stirolgh the yelins, A col e ngest lungs would collapse tryin fo pusty such poisonous blood. pst iyine ithout pure, rich, red blood there can be no health--no life. It's trne some of us live for months with sick kidneys, but it is just waiting for them loget a little worse--they never cure them- pelves. | Death is constantly hanging over us. Tt comes instantly to thousands; with warn- nfs to many. ackache, headache, rheumatism, sleep- Yessness, indigestion, etc., are certain signs of affect neys. | HesItW: though, we éan never know while the kidneys are out of order. There is but one medicine that's fit to use for the kidpeys--oyly one remedy that will q tively, pity, strengthen and cure the idneys Who injury to the delicate. tis- sues, It is Warner's Safe Cure, discovered over thirty years ago and used ever since by doetors in their families and practice, and in hospitals throughout the world. + Jtcures when everything else fails, when" in hive Fen u; hope and expect to die. e change for the better will come with the first fow doses. All droggists sell it or can get it for you. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE." To convines every sufferer from diseases of .the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle will be sent ahsolately free, post- paid toany address. Also free doctor's ad- vice, anfl a medical booklet which tells all about these diseases, with a prescription for each, ahd contains many of the thousands of testimonials received daily from g i patients who have been cured by Sa All you have to do is write Warner's Cure Co., 44 Lombard 8t., Toronto, Ont., and mention name of this paper. The gen- unineness of this offer is guaranteed by the publisher, OYAL YEAST (OE MOST PERFECT MADE, NLY high grade machine made in Canada. .~ ONG or shorr carriage, in- terchangeable. N use by 'both great Cana- dian railroads. p ISIBLE writing wins. VERY machine guaranteed E perfect. EGARDING price, we save you $23, which you don't have to pay in duty. GEORGE ZEIGLER, Agent, . 346 King St. = - Kingston, DISPLAY OF ParlorSuites& Odd Pieces " § pieces, in Silk, with Silk Plush ands, y $28. - piece Suit, in English Velours, only 25. . Odd piece, in remnants of Silk, only $8.50. ' Also 8 piece Bedroom Set, Sonsisting. . fron Bed, Dressing Case and Washstand, nly $12. Only limited number to close out, at : 4 . > heoevecsescuvuoseccoe® Miss Macarow, New York, Miss Frances Macarow, Miss Rigney, the Misses Brovn. Miss Redden, Miss Frances Sullivan, and Miss Bolger. The affair was a pa rly bright and enjoy- | able, one, pnd people were loth to Jeave when the proper time came. Tt eudansevecoamel . : Gold in the 3 There was bride's. weather on Tues- day and Wednesday, the days when 4 Mrs. Charles Low greeted old friends, who had known her as "Miss Carrie Price, and made hosts of new ones, Receiving with Mrs. Low, who were a simple girlish frock of white eribroid ered chifon over silk, was her sister, Miss Esther Price," also 'in pure white, which sets off perfectly the fresh yputh- fulness of the dark-haired bridesmgid and of the golden-haired bride. Miss Gertrude Low, wore a very becoming gown of white silk, much shirred. The drawing-room, with its soft rose glow of light from pink-shaded electric globes, and wax' candles looked very inviting. In the dining-room Miss Minnie Moore made tea at a tea-table centred bya mirror, whereon stood ga tall erystal vase, holding a sheaf of large white chrysanthemume;, and her assietants on Tuesday were Miss Kate Craig: Miss Leta Carson, and Migs Constance Low. On Wednesday Miss Belle: Craig, and® Miss Beatricé Tandy dispensed the tea and wedding cake. * * * - The Flower Mission tea was a great giiccess, both if the numbers which thronged "Tintern Place," "Mrs. Ellis' large house on Mack street, and, in the numbers the amount of money left behind. Mrs Ellis and Miss Mair, president of the society, received in the draw- ing-rooni, and the guests went on from shaking hands with them to the candy table in the corner; where Miss Florence Fenwick, and Miss Rosalind Corbett sold sweets, netting a sum of which the, vendors were very juste proud. Near the door Miss Birch had not only flowers but plants (a good idea) for sale, and had few 16it when day closed. Across the hall, in the dining-room were Miss Isabel Ross pouring" coffee, Miss Fairlie making tea, and Miss Jessie Ellis, Miss Isa bel Polson and several members of the Flower Mission assisting, The tea table was strikingly simple and very pretty, with its ambulance cross in' red ribbon, in the riddle and its vase of lovely red and-white car nations, the hospital colors. The fees at the door were taken by Miss Katharine Fairlie. » *- * Mrs. Cleaver: Sullivan's tea on Tues day, in honor of Mrs. Sullivan, was a very. pleasant - one indeed. = The house looked ' extremely pretty, and very, cosy and homelike, and with this as on backeromid for a skilful hostess, a tea's success is assured. Mrs, Sul Jivan received with her daughter-in and in the tea room, where white anthemums abounded, Miss Beat Taw, chiry rice Tandy and Miss Ara Drury pour od {ea and coffee, with Miss Redden, Miss Frances Sullivan and others, a sisting. * * * * A tea, at which married guests were in the majority, was given yesterday by Mrs, Phelan, in honor of her sis ter: Mrs. Higgins, who received with the 'fostess, The: dHrfrangement of the teatable was particularly artistic, the colour combination being - delicate pinks and greens. Over a billowv cen { green tulle was a piece of hind ome Pattenburg lace, bearing a grace ful bunch of pink carnations in a pretty vase, Here Mrs. James Higgins and Mrs. Steacy poured tea and coff helping the ice assistants were Mrs, Bernard Browne Amongst' the is with much regret that all Her friends the all too goon departure of View Mrs. Higgins, and with cong ratula- tory good-byes yesterday were ming led "many and sincere expressions of this regret. * - - - A 'very quict wedding was perform: ed this 'morning at half-past eleven] in'. Chalmers chueelbsp Rev. "Dr. Mae- gillivray, when in the presence of the immediate Félatives of both parties, Miss * Elsie Graham, 'daughter of Mrs. I. B. Graham, was married to Mr. Jock Wurrd@ #8 New Londonderry, NS. There was no bridesmaid or qroomsman. Mr. and Mrs Murray have gone down to Halifax. * - » w Mrs. Ellis will give a young peo ples' 'dance 'at "Tintern Place," to morrow evening, for a few of Mies Jessie Ellis' friends. The Misses Ross, Alfred street, are giving a tea this afternoon. Owing to the uncertainty of weather conditions the captain of the Ladies' Golf Club, Mes. Macnee, will enter tain the members of both goll elubs on Saturday' afternoon at five, at her home, "when the prizes will be dis tributed. . w » Mrs. Emery, of Gananoque, is the guest of ler mother, Mrs. Bir h. As this will," doubtless, be Mrs: Er last visit here for some time, as she oon goes to Ottawa, her friends will be, glad of the opportunity of saying "Good-bye" to her. . t . * - - Miss «Mair down yesterdav from Amherst Island, accompanied by Miss Meta Montray. They expect go up again to-day. y Miss Carrie Edmison will go up to morrow' to her hospital work in Pérey Sound, followed by many good wish came to es Qiemora Cieoni were disappointed to find that. ¢he was not receiving, snd v otg very sorry indeed to hear ! that Mes, "Beard's indisposition was the cause : "Mr. Colin - Graham up from Magog, Quebec, where he. is on a C. PR. survev, for his sister's wedding. . eh * . . see is a fow days with Mrs. Henry Joseph REID, JAMES ieoir AMBULANCE 'PHONE 147A. in Montreal. guest. of Canon and Mrs. Grout Mise Beatrice Armstrong, who lias | a son of the late Senator Harris, of lin the practice of my profession." heen spending a few days with Mrs. | New York. In what particular sphere, however, Malcolm Sutherland, returned to My. Blaif felt himself constrained not Trenton yesterday. Nuts For Hallowe'en.' to answer for the present. But Many who went out yesterday to New cocoanuts, almonds, Brazls, dotibtless 'he will be heard from in »- Hugh Walkem has been spending Miss Ada Temple, of Toronto, is the Mr. Mollis Fergnsin, far from being ON DESERT ISLE SAILORS FOUND IN DESPER ATE CONDITION. ---- y. . } Live Weeks : On Scant Rations -- Mr. C. W. Wright and Miss Gussie | Survivors "Of Stranded Steam- Wright have returned ' from Houteal, ér Picked Up OF Coast Of where they have been the guests ¢ a Mr. and Mrs. Deacon, al nity Labrador By A Tug, The Sec- Miss Jessie Maerow is home from ond Relinf Ship Sent. New York, for a short visit, North Sydney, C.B., Oct, 20.--After . . * » subsisting on seant rations for sever al woeks, during Which they, suffered futensely from the cold, "the eleven survivors of the stranded 'steamer Viking have been picked up from otherwise uninhabited. islands off the coast of Labrador by the tug Douglas H. Thomas, hich had been dispatched to their relief. They were taken to the Hudson Bay company's post at Rigo- let, and the tug returned hese to-day. When the men wére rescued their ra- tions had dwindled to an insignificant amount of salt pork, flour and water and their condition was desperate. The Viking with a full cargo of pro: { visions and supplies for a lumber con' 'cern at Grand River, Hamilton Inlet, was wrecked at Shag Rock, Gross Water bay, thirty<ive miles south of Rigolet, last August. Soon after a gale swept the wreck, carrying away the great part of her stores and fore- ing the crew to abandon her The captain and of the crew songht refuge on a small island to the windward of the wreck, while the oth- er eight men reached an island to the informed the editor of this column is off with his survey party. : Mrs. Barrett accompanied Judge Barrett to Cobdén, Tuesday, but will return next week to again visit her daughter, Mrs, ' Bate. *% . The Bishop of Neva Scotia, and fay Worrell; came up to King- The Shakespeare lectures of Prof. John Marshall will not begin till Oo tober 27th. ' . » » Some misunderstanding has arjsen as to. charges made for notices of = fe- ceiving de in this column. The Whig's ~ advertising rates . apply to these, as to any other personal mo- tice were a distinct service is perform- ed. It is not a style of notice sought for in the line of news. It is a con- venience to the hostess, not to the pa- per, or to the public. A social column means as much expense to a publish- er, as other sections, except tele- graphic, 'and it cannot: bé taken ad" vantage of, especially'by people, who in no other way, by any chance, | patronize the paper or its sustaining' departments, = The. public, too, dare sometimes. queer. One lady denied she | sent in a notice; she has been pres: ented with her own manuscript and order. -In other cases people have for- | gotten that they ordered. Hereafter such notice will not be received ex- two cept when prepaid at the business leeward. A vessel sent to bring back office. The Whig never desired sthem, | the Viking's erew was also wrecked and it is not it8 style to put up Nothing can be done to save the Viking. The rocks are through her hull and her back is broken. schemes for revenue only. They were in every case pequested, FALL DUE TO HIGH HEEL. MR. BLAIR'S RESIGNATION, Woman [ripped By Slipper -- | Quite Pitches To Death. A Tory Throw-down Borden. To New York, Oct. 20.--Tripping Toronto (lobe ares gt wl hit oY lactis is the Pr Ph g ou 3 Surely our ory friends have bidden } BELTS. nade "of black taffeta silk, in HANDBAGS in black; new leather han- Rtair fan ng. nl NW rench hee oO i . \ 3h y folds, gilt . bockle and trimmed with dles, pickle trimmings newest sh hy her slipper, Mrs. . Finma Latassa fell | # od-bye to their wits. They are like gilt buttons, good value at 40c., our VOrY BPOCIAL oviiiver. sismisin privysasen ; OBO over "a fifth-storey balustrade in an | WF ked mariners, Who from their raft PIE vsene es bin mee sow anh pan - HANDBAGS. new style, in brown apartment honse in East Fiftyfotrth | '™m mid:ocean convince themselves that | fi . black, good leather, new leather han Rireet: fast. night. and we ir st tly | every séabird that wings in sight is CRUSH BELTS, taffeta silk, in colors dies, fitted wi, killed, M HS 8 ON n =. | a barque to bear them to safety. Mr and black, trimmed with contrasting cial price .... » rs ass ¢ rs Ss 2 t ) 8 y+ * sh > y 3 a AL ~ my F Ca Oe inatm in 1-Mlnir's resignation . hus. thrown them shades ant gilt. harness buckle, very, | pPEDESTRIENND BAGS In-brawn and rauvey were walking arm-in-arm mn ¢ i 8 hs Hk blatk pebhile leather; lo! the hall and when the former fell, she {2S ransports of expectation. Here ; dies, fitted With mirror amd purse, carried her companion with her. Mrs at last is the rescue vessel, and they | Othéks at 63c, 75c., 90c. and §1. up-to-date bag, Prios w.. ... $1 are already conjuring up visions of tables spread with all "the Jpolitical fat things of the earth. Hope springs eternal in the hufan breast Un what are all these trembling ex pectations based ? Mr. Blair, having vesigned his public position, ia at liberty to express his views on poli Gauvey suffered a fractured skull, shoulder and other injuries and it believed she will die. is DIED IN HIS SHOP. A Sad Episode Occurred At Fort : : Wittiam, tical matters. He is a man of foree pecial to the Tvhig and ability, and if he takes the stump Fort William, Ont., Oct.. 20.--P. Me- | against the government's railway Rae, . druggist, died suddenly in the [ov he will be an accession to the dispensing room of his drug store, yes- | tory roll of speakers. But will there torday, after taking a drink of bromo | je anything in his exposition of his seltzer. His' clerk, Mr. Woods, says! gj iuctions to it?, We had more than that McRae, after taking the drink, lone exhaustive speech from him in femarked that it tasted funny and im- parliament. His memorandum giving mediately began vomiting. Woods im- | his colleagues his reasons for dis mediately teléphoned Dr Winthrow, { agreement with them has heen pub who found Mr. McRae dying lished. No-one has. ever pretended TE that he has changed his views All At Old Quebec Fortress that would appear, tli#refore, when he In reporting the presentation of the | tock the '@ump would be a reaflirma king's colors to the . Royal Canadian | tion, (as he calls it himself, of his garrison artillery, the Quebec Tele- | hostility to the Grand Trunk Pacific graph, says : scheme. That would be news similar to that immortal piece of mtelligence that the Dutch had taken Holland Why this should scatter consternation "In comniemoration of this unusual and historic event in Canadian mili tary annals, 4 dinner was given pt the citadel at which Col. Wilson, command- | in the liberal ranks, as our oppon ant of the fortress, presided with his | ents exultingly suppose, may be left usual tact. The 'olors were brought for them to explain. They seem to in under escort, and Col. Wilson® re- forget. that Mr. Blair equally con ceived them, all the guests standing, demmed Nr. Borden's solution of the and drinking the king's health." western railway problem. : The folowing day the formal pre- Te be fair to Mr. Blair, his state sentation of the colors took 'place in | Ment to the railway commission docs the citadel square. "The color party | Dot bear out the construction which next marched down the length of the the tory. press. puts upon it. He vir t he has the choice of taking a more remunerative post than the he holds, and that jus tice to his bwn interests and to those tually says th line and countermarching, returned to the centre, when the 'colors were hand ed. over to Col. Wilson. The latter turned towards his regiment and with one now proud mien addressed the officers; non 0! hie Jomily } counsel him to actent commissioned officers and men as he it. Perhaps' those tory papers which - chaffered and owled about the now and again looked with fondness upon the silken colors he held and expressed in a well couched speech the honor and pleasure it gave him to present the colors of his majesty the king to the regiment. He said that it was the first occasion that the king's colors were presented do a Canadian regiment, and he Felt confident that the R.C.G.A. would always live undey the colors with honor whenever they were called upgn to unfurl them." amount of Mr. Blair's salary will now discover that in order to get and to hold the services of a man of the first rank for the chairmanship of the commission the amount of the re muneration fixed by the government was not at all too high. Ii must be aid that the note of jubilatign in the tory press can hard ly help being distasteful to the party leaders. has Mr. Borden been minutely and toilromely criticizing the he government railway policy from one Bishop Of Huron Dead. end of Canada to the other, and yet London, Ont., Oct. 20.--Right Rev. when there a faint prospect 9 M: C. Baldwin, bishop of Huron, died Lihat the conservative last night --T1 party altogether is about to take up ere seems one outside -- the same task there is a flutter in "I'he Right, Rev. Maurice 'Seollard: | the dovecots past ol} Selling. 3 is Jaldwin, Bishop of Huron, was born not flattering to gir ren ant the in "Toronto in 1836. He was a cousin other sof the conservative of the late Hon. Robert Baldwin, C party. B., the father of responsible govern- ment in Canada. His brother is ree ALL IMAGINATION. tor of All Saints' church, Toronto, : chaplain of the 10th Royal Grena He Has Wo Position From The diers. C. P. BR. He was educated at Upper Canada Spedfal to the Whig College and at [Trinity University. Ottawa, Oct. 20.--Hom. . Mr. Blair His first appointment, was to the gives an emphatic denial to a story curacy of St. Thomas' church at St. published in the St John Globe alleg Thomas, Ont. Later he became in cumbent at. Port Dover, In 1870 he entered the pastorate of Christ churelf cathedral, ine Montreal. "In 1871 he was a canon, and eight years later was dean of Montreal. In 1883 he be came third bishop of Huron. ing that he is willing to share with pis son George a position with the C.P.R., which would net. them $40,000 a year. He said it was purely imagin ary. Asked as to the reports of his leged immediate political intentions, Mr. Blair stated that he had nothing to say on that point. "Will vou have a further statement for the public in two of three days?" he was asked "I éannot say 48 to that," was the reply. "My present intention is to retire from public life. and to engage al rr Rodie's Shiccessor Named. Washington, Oct. 20. President Roosevelt has appointed Ira Harris as supervising inspector of the steam- boat inspection service of the second district of New Yorkein place of Rob- ert S. Rogie, removed. Ira Harris is walnuts, buiternuts, chestnuts, pecdns, that regard within a very few days. hickory nuts, filberts, peanuts, shelled walnuts, ete, at Carnovsky's. | e---------- Saturday Only. D & A 81 corsets for~79¢. Néw York Dress Reform. ---- Returns Late In November. Walmer Castle, Oct '20.--Tt,was an- nounced . last evening" that Lord Cur- zon has postponed his departure | India = until the end of November. Lady Curzon maintains her 'improve: ment, * < re eeer-- The steamer Advance, of the M. T. company's fleet. is now ready for ser- Sweet cider. Crawford. To see it is to buy it. The 'new Kingston book at Wade's drug store and B. A. hotel news stand. "* tin town, as some one thought, bl and "The old fashioned", hore hound, can- Jide, She had her upper works re- is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug built. oy Sv : a J. H. Saul, of. the Toronto Mail Sweet cider. Crawford. 4 Empire, is in the city, ¥ -l (7 SPECIAL ¥ DRINK common carbons When tor the same price you can get hollin, + at any Bar or Restaurant? Apollinaris is bottled-ONLY at the Spring, Newenahr, Germany, and ONLY with its own Natural Gas. Alert to be a.leader. business. won't be + hurry. onr position in the coming quickly for. Always On the Selling Dry Goods to thousands of people ; keeping our eyes watching the markets, and all feeling and khowing that the . only was to keep the Teadership is That has given us Dry Goods are worth The valoes duplicated again in a The largest stocks of Ladies' Neckwear and 'Hand Bags in the city, Belts, date Belts your notice, 3564--Ladies' Shirt Waist, Sizes 82, 84, 86, 38, 40, 42 inches bust measure, 4580-~Mlsses' Waist. Sizes 12, 14, 16 years, 3539--Ladles' ' Apron. Sizes 82, 88, 40 inches bust measure, NEW IDEA PATTERNS, 10c. each, if sent by mail, 1c. extra for each pattern. NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGA ZINE, 5c. each, or mailed to your no two alike = Bizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 years, Sizes 22,24, 26, 28, 30 inches waist measure. address for 50¢. a year. CRUMLEY BROS. AGENTS. Ne ST] ELVEY & BIRCH McK Good People Don'f use cleanin so cheap. | A real good ; 3 feet one for - 69 and 71 Brock Street. 'above : ve and 8:10 a.m.~Mixed, termediate points.' b p.m. JB, 11:85 am. World's Fair, St. lon Tickets on Full particulars at . R. Ticket Office, Lx " Passengers m., Ke purse, our spe = or The. LADIES' NECKWEAR, in endless variety, from 12§¢. to $2.00. STEACY'S, The W November New Idea Patterns leather han- o 00. We wero fortunate In getting a full set of traveller's samples, up-tos which we have marked to sell guickly, all are worth oman's Store. 309--Ladies' Box Coat." t 3576-Girls' Drom. Sizes 85, 86, 40 inches bust measure, - inches bust Sizes 82, 34, 86, 38, 40, 42 Are Scarce. Take care of yourself, tables and chairs for special house- when purposes STEP ® UADDERS are 75c. weasure, ooNWAY, ALLAN LIE Parisian, Foi. Oot 4 Tunisian, Fri, Oct. 31, 9 ~ a" Ionian, Fri, Oct. 28, ' DWELLINGS FURNIS! ) A + rR . tres * McCann's ~ Estate 3 Brock Street. against any [detrimental to the all times advocate. and, measure beneficial to es. In 'appealing to the work do so, feeling that they ize all times in the past 1 have | their interest. PTs as Lome