iz 4 = "Fon 8 if i #1 3 ai S323: F hide - = gE Ee £3 2883 E iil £5 HAE I Th are good oor voting tor good grit govern- FEL iH fs Ht i ! - | Where The Nominations he | House of Commons. in the county of A Were Held ~There Was a Represen tative 'Gathering, And Good Address- Nominations of candidates for the Frontenac. were received by Returnin, . Franklin, a town mi h. Jonterde af- i Mots was ied in short! MP, wv twelve o'clock and that of = W. : £ £ | ; i £3 i 156 fess 5 ig Es i= sk supporters. 5F H 3 tht 8 efi] : k is F - 1 t - independent in politics when 's wolfare was at stake. If he would bo true to the eiti- watch carefully and vigor- interests fq iif City . Harty All Along The Line. The 'liberals aro in a winning fight Fight the enemy to a standstill, Yiberals | Perhaps you wouldn't mind lending your rig for election day. From all quarters come assurances of liberal victory. Get into fine. Capture every vote, you can find, no matter how dificult things look, Support the Jar whose policy has done so mwch for Kingston's prosper- ity. : : Kingston has had ao taste of the benefits of Jiberal rule and wants some more. Canada to-day is tho most prosper- ous country on earth. Vote for Harty and help to keep it so. now. Keep them ment and the icy of prosperity. The nomination gathering yesterday was really a liberal meeting. The cheering was all for Harty and it was hearty, too. al Why is Canada prosperous when the et of the world is Softens } In- sputably good government has econ- tailed materially. Liberals, you have your opponents Mf you stiek to your sun. ve | besten it «orion finish, and you'll ] oa fake stories about the Jocomo- , Watch" rose several times to brand them as lies. : Hurty's victory is assured, but libe- rals continue the work, and do not relinquish it till five o'clock next Thursday afternoon. Kingston has seen wonderful pros- jority Quring the last eight years. Who would think of reverting to the old order of things ? All that appeals to the young man is represented by the Laurier admin- istration. The young man's future js t upon the growth of this country. 'I'nf a conservative," said an Anglican clergyman coming out of the City hall "yesterday, "but Mr. Harty "is the best man for Kingston, and he should be elected. : For a complete annihilation of ar- ts, the closing r. ell "took the cake." He shook the conservative candidate's speech to It was "pie" for the young oronto lawyer. : conservative leaders on the platform couldn't manage to raise a respectable cheer from the audience during the whole afternoon. . But when Mr. Harty or Mr. Rowell arose, the ng was deafening. Don't you remember how in the N. P. days the moulders used to be laid two or three months and some- times longer every year. Nothing of that kind - now. Sir Wilfrid Laurier stopped that. Lots of work for every. one, The toties wore very angry because a Toronto gentlemen in the audience asked Capt. Gaskin some questions which he couldn't answer, ex- their wrath afterwards in very childish fashion, and the Toron- to man simply laughed at them. I vou are an intelligent man. there is always some one you can induce to vote, for the liboral candidate. Mis: rionary . work counts in election con tests, and your' duty is scarcely finish. ed when you have voted vourself. Stir op some other liberal who is not so wctive as 3 Ey -------------- . 'MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What Is onin Harbor And t Is Going i At Craig's wharf: Steamer Alexan- ah - : dria, At Switt's wharf: Steamers Corsican down last night; Hamilton up to- of the Limestone night. county and solicited their support. in | The Queen of the Lakes {the approathing contest. His spexch cleared from the locomotive works! [had a telling offect and he was given] wharf, yesterday, . a warm ovation at thé conclusion. MoT : The barge Hector | James H. Metcalfe was the next has been on the ways at the |SPeaker. In opening he confessed that M. T company dock for repairs. The he considered that neither party was tng Thompaon barges, light, | %iless in polities, but naturally, he Mo Tost Ind. * claimed that "the Ii were the from Montreal, Sven greater sinters. He t.on the al Pp candidate for the House of Com- Manson, Pet- | E. G. Ruttan, t er, Spaabamz. iia 1 Switzer, 3 filliam Murray, | Jr., Barricfiold; Peter Finn, William Cronk, Wilkinson; H. C. Orser, Glen- vale; J. D. Shibley, Barnabas Harri- n, F. E. Smith, George H. Bertram, hee T. MeKimg. J{ Bertram, C. 8 tterson, Stanley Sigaworth, Samuel Cowdy, Harrow- i smith; George W.. Lampkin, Moscow; A. C. Finn, P. Buckley.. Enterprise; R: M. Vanluven, Kingston; J. B. Wheeler, Belroek; William Pillar, George Pillar, Glenvale; C. F. Adair, Cataraqui; R. E, Harpell, Inverary. It wys bétwéen the can- didates that each speaker should be allowed thirty "minutes with a ten minute reply for the opening speaker. The conservative candid,te moved, seconded by the liberal candidate, that Mr. Franklin act as chairman, which was carried unanimously, : Melzar Avery was the first speaker. In his opening remarks hq referred to his past wd and asked the electors for their support in the coming elec- tions. He next referred to the work- ings of the present fovermen and claimed that they have not carried out their pledgés and promises made when they were~elected to power. He charged the government with extra- vagance and said that they have not spent as much 'money 'on improve: ments as did the conservative govern- ment. He claimed that it cost twice »8 much momey to take the census un- der the present government as it- did under the conservative government. He made capital" of alleged extra- vagance in' the building of a dock in Gaspe and smid the government had loose-shod methods. of doing business. He critized the policy of the govern- ment in connection with the G.T.R. railway scheme. He was sutptised that such a clever man as Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier is supposed to be, would coun tenance such a scheme. He thought the eastern division of the Be thou rail way should have been surveyed hy the government before making any agreement. He figured the cost of the proposed railway for each county in the dominion and assessed Frontenac's share at over one million dollars. His next grievance wus the lack of com- petent cattle guards on railway lines, He advocated the appointment of 4 government cheese weigher at Mon- treal. He admitted that the reformers should receive eredit for the lowering of postage rates in Canada, but claim- ed that the government surplus is not os large as they claim, He pro- phesied that the country 'would be plun; into millions of debt WW the building of the G.T.P, In concluding he called on his hearers to choose be tween™the policies of the two parties. W. J. Shibley was with a warm Jecuption. He referred to his defeat in the past election by a small number of votes and said that he in- tended to a different showing on this occasion. He pointed out the improved conditions of the financial side of farming and produced figures to show the improved commercial con- dition of the country. Foreign trade has also increased incredibly as was shown by comparing the records of eighteen years of Sonservative rule and seven years under the t vern- Ment. ~ He showed Ry 'con- dition of trade relations between Can- ada and United States, especially in regard to the cattle trafic He gave further details of the improved posta. system and showed in figures the sub- stantial surplus to the credit of the tment. His nest topic was the rand Trunk Pacific railway, and be outlined the policy of the government in respect to the railroad. He com pared the precautions taken by the vernments in the building of the P.R. and GTR. In regard to the estimated' assessment on. Frontenac county for the building of one-half the G.T.P., given by the previous speaker, if the policy of the opposition were carried out as to a government owned railway, would not the cost he twice as much? (Agplause.) He read ex- tracts from Sir. John Mac- (donald, Sir Charles Tupper and Sir Mackenzie Bowell in regard to.- their 'opinion of public ownership of rail- roads, and showed the infeasibility of such a policy. In closing, he pointed out his past carcer*ng a citizen of the _coffee-wreck. 0STUM There's names of the electors rigning ; i papers of Wellington Bhi , township of P + fealfe and Mr. 'Avery rose to their feet leged unfulfilled promises of the gov- and promised his audience ait Ye would "shaw htm the sins and deformities 1 government. He regarded the wave prosperity which is sweeping over the country as the result of extra®energy on the part of its inhabitants xathe than = 2 consequence improved policy of the government. He made capital of the desertion of the liberal party by Hon. A, G. Blair and eriticized the of the government om 'the Er . question along the same line as the previous conservative speaker. He charged Sir Wilfrid Laurier with simple-m1 in agricultural mat- ters, and cited an article from a re- oent speech to prove this alleged ig- norance. * 3 . Howard Reynolds was the last speak- er and in his. remarks he dealt with the different points made by the previ- ous | ers. He produced figures to demonstrate that the increased ex- nditures of | Je government were Hie rind he development policy. e deepening of waterways, increased immigration, Spuing of the Yukon, extension of the 1.C.R., send contingents to South Africa and ot. necessary increased expenditures, Hg criticized 'the argument of Mr. Avery in to the granting of 'a' charter with a bonus to the G.T.P. for the building of a line from North Bay to the Pacific oast with no. At- lantic términal in Canada. He show- ed the differences in policies in regard to the building of the G.T.P., held by the two previous conservative speak- ers and the conservative leader, R. L. Borden. At this stage James Met- and endeavored to reconcile their dif- ferent: policies. In Mr. Metealfe's speech he condemned the liberal party for accepting the assistance of Hom. G. W. Ross in the present campaign and 'endeavored to throw slurs upon the reputation of the Ontario. govern- ment leader. Mr. Reynolds in replying to this agrument, made a telling com- Jutison between the liberal provincial eader and the conservative provincial campaigner, R. R. Gamey. he argu- ment was very pointed and was re- ceived with enthusiasm by the andi- emte, During Mr. Reynolds' speech J his lucid arguments had a telling ef- feet on the audience and toward the close his hearers showed strong liberal tendencies, Mr. Metcalfe was given a ten-minute period for replying to the arguments of the, preceding spemker, hut appar- ently ®id not have the necessary facts at his disposal for debate and was clearly at sea .in many of his state- meénts. THE LATE MRS. FARRELL. PEnterea Into Rest After Long Suffering. On Thursday afternoon, after a long into rest. Two months ago she was very - near the gates of death, but change after change came, with bright hopes and then clouds. Her. sufferings were great, but were borne with re- markable patience and fortitude. The end came suddenly, and , weary spirit passed to the rest eternal. . The late Mrs. Farrell was the eldest daughter ' of Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, minister of Chalmers church, and had lived in Kingston since she was g very voung girl. She completed her school studies gt St. Margaret's College, To- ronto. From early girlhood &he pos- sessed a rich contralto voice, which was later cultivated to a marked de- gree, and in Chalmers choir and gt the musical club gatherings, it was often heard with great pleasure, Over four years ago, her marriage to "Mr. Farrell, barrister, took place. She pos- sessed a sweet and sympathetic dis- position and among those who knew her best in the home where fond par- (nts tenderly watched her slowly Pass from childhood into girlhood and then fo womanhood, and so often heard the sweet voice ring out from choir loft within the walls of Zion, she will be sorely and tearfully missed. For the saddened home and the sorrowing hus- band and child, theré is sincerest sym- pathy. S------------ THE CHUR CHWOMEN'S AID. Of St. George's Cathedral, Held Toa Yesterday. The Church. Woman's Aid of St. George's cathedral, held a tea and sale of work at Mrs. Buxton Smith's on Thursday, which netted the society $51, a very good amount, considering the unpretentious nature of the affair. At the door, Mrs. George McGowan received the entrance fee, and towards the close of the afternoon, was re- lieved by Miss Dalton. Mrs. Smith re- ceived in the drawing-room, where were laid the work-table and the candy booth. At the former were Mrs. Easton Burns, Mrs. Routley, and Miss Martha Smith, while Mrs. John Twigg and Miss Lillian Dalton sold sweets. In the tea-room Mrs. Thomas Mills and Miss Annie Muckleston presided, and were assisted by Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Leta Carson, and Miss Zellie- Burns, The table looked ex- tremely, pretty with its vase filled with carnations shading from pale pink to. deep rose. The affair proved to be quite as pleasant as a private tea. "The Way Of The Transgressor. "The Way of the Transgressor" pre: sents so many oddities, so manv no- veities and is built on such radically different plans from the averige thea- trical production, that it stands alone. Its purpose is to convince people that the righteous. method of living is proper and profitable and that those who transgress certain laws must suffer. Another feature which cannot be duplicated by any other company is the four Miagnilicent Landscer dogs who . play parts in the play. Opera house to-night. Fine, Reliable Furs. It's a satisfaction buying furs in a store like o'+, where quality is high and prices low and where every acti- cle is j as ted. Ask to see our Alaska eo stoles, at $12.50. Campbell Bros., the manufacturers of fine furs. Prevost, 'Brock street, has 5 ficont stort: of the latest ported goods for suitings which are without doubt latest. style, in u m= -- the ! a Reason. {for the patterns and material Es loot Fear tet Jontwsie ¢; A JH illness Mrs. James M: Farrell entered LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS . IN GENERAL : Occurrences In , The City And Vieinity--Other Brief Items of | . Interest To The People. Meister Singers' plan at Uglow's. Harty's stock went up high after the nominations. 2 » Why, Who's shoes wear longest ? Abernethy's shoes do. i Colcnial Fluid Beef, 8 oz. bottles, 50c. McLeod's drug stove. Frank H. Burns. Qieen sjreet, is dangerously ill of typhoid pneumonia. Some electors put their names on two of-the nomination papers of the candidates. Henry , piano tuner from Chickering's. Orders received at MoAuley's book store, Princess street. Niss Bertha Lowe has heen accept- ed as nurse-in-training at the Brook- lvn City hospital. 'A cheap hot water bottle is poor economy. Buy pure gum rubber Ques at Gibson's Red Cross drug store." 33) " When women freely tell their ages, Expressing no regret, Men may be honest in reporting The salaries they get, P. C. Mullinger and Fred Williams spent _ yesterday duck shooting near Garden Island and returned with a fine bag of game. A bunch of keys, with pencil and pen insert, also an individual key, lost on the street, await owners at this of- fice. A Miss Bella McCormick, Lower Bagot street, left for Ottawa last week, where she will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lee, of (2 Baird street, r The large bottle of Emulsion, "Red Cross," 75¢c. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 'The fellow who invented sleeping, Is blessed by the immortal sQEes; But praised be he who first invented The glorious art of praising wages. McLeod's bronchial lozenges gives immediate relief in all cases of hoars- ness, loss of voice, soreness of the throat. 10c. per box. McLeod's drug store, > J. M. Smith, formerly license in- spector, Tamworth, has just complet: ed, on his farm, Glenpra Road, one of the finest residence between Picton and Glenora. Sick headache is caused by a disor- dered condition of the stomach and is yuickly cured bv Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. * Harty supports Laurier and the liberal government that has made Canada "a big thing in the world's eve." Vote for Harty and the larger expansion of Canada. . Glycerine and rosewater for rough skin, 10e. bottle, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mayor Bell presided J 'at-the police court this morning. Williay, Kennedy pleaded guilty to the charge 'of being drunk. He makes a living on what- ever he can pick up on the streets, sleeps any place he can find shelter and cats whatever is given him. The mayor decided that he should lead a more profitable existence and sen- tenced him to two months in jail. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in six to fourteen days. 50c. Campbell Bros., \To-Morrow. For the best $2 derbys. "Tm. awful clumsy today," apolo- gized the butcher; "my fingers appear to be all thumbs." "Yes," rejoin>d the customer, darkly; "it seemed to me they were getting in the weigh." TT ------------ The Kidneys Are Delicate Easily Affected By Changes Of Temperature. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills Not even are the lungs more sus- ceptible to the efiect of cold drafts, of overheating, of dampuess or cold than the kidneys. This gécounts for workingmen so fre quently becoming victims of ' painful and deadly kidney diseases. Pains in the back are usually the first note of warning. Then there is frequent and painful or smarting urin- ation, headache and derangements of the digestive system and bowels, If you would prevent Bright's Disease and other deadly forms of kidney disease you must act quickly. . To be certain of immediately arrest- ing disease and bringing about thor- ough cure, you must use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, which have so many tines provin their superiority as a treatment for the most serious dis- eases of the kidneys. By acting on the Jiver and bowels as well as on the kidneys, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills effect a thorough cleansing of the whole filtering and 'excretory systems and entirely rid the body of all poisonous waste matter. Ellis Gallant, Paquetville, N.B., writes: "About four months ago | | found my condition so serious that I had to leave work. I could not sleep nights, my appetite was very rand my kidneys oh so affected Phat 1 Sovia hardly walk on gecount of back: ache, >I regolved to try Dr. Chase's Kid- nev-Liver Pills and Backache Plaster. Alter three weeks' time, I am glad to" say, | was able to resume work and now feel as well as I ever did. I, therefore, say that Dr. Chase's reme- dies are excellent family medicines." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills gre so thorough and far-reaching in their in fluence on the kihneys as to thorough- ly eradicate the most serious disease. One pill a dose, 2c. a box, at all dealers, Fdmanson, s , Bates & Co. Toronto. The and 1 " A. W. Chase, the: DAY'S EPISODES Cold and Damp The minute one opens the door he feels a cold chill, next a soreness in the chest, then something more serious. $1.60 CHAMOIS VEST Would prevent it all. The JB, Taylor Drig Co. 124 Princess Street - - "Phone 89. and rsal Is and five er ce all forms of Nervous Weal ness, Emis. ly 8, hea, all abussor excesses; the or nate err lof which ag frit Insa Con and Ea vo. Bros $1 Dor package or glx for z One will please, siz cure, M Toe neipt of price. Send for free ood » We Ty goods Phosphoding wby TAKE NOTICE IF YOU WANT, TO BUY STOVES, Furniture, or Carpets, come and .see me. If you want to sell do the same. That is all I want, and that ain't much. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 898 Princess Street. TOO BUSY To-day to write an advertisement. Here is one of Six Extra Specials that we will have for Saturday :-- 300 Yds. Navy Wrapperette 37 inches wide. A. re- gular 15 center on sale 10c. Yard. Come in and sce the others. Newman & Shaw 122 Princess St. Better Than Ever MYERS) CELEBRATED HOME- made MinCe Meat, Pork Sausages, Ten- derloin, Brawn or Head Cheeses. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Bacon and Hams. All to be found at 60 Brock street. 'Phone. §70. 00994000004 Swift's Scranton Coal * When you feel you require heat resort to it. JAMES SWIFT & CO. :$ Telephone 138. | | | | | SPELELELPLELEEE ELLE : : C. H. PICKER]! WHEN THINKING Of ordering your Groceries don't forget that you can get as good as can be got at the UNIQUE SHOCERYs and our prices are We call for orders and delives If you want 'us ring up 530, Nel Ry IMAM ] ("HR ay Nov. 3rd. Round trip tie) ts will be if Single First Class 'Fair, to all Canada, on Wednesday, Nov. 2 Thursday, Nov. 8rd Valid for return on or hefore November 4th, 1904, DAILY Excursion Re FROM KINGSTON TO WORLD'S FAIR, - ST. LOL $22-<Good for 15 Days. $29.35--Good for 60 Days. $35.20--Good until Dec. 158) StoFovars allowed at any i ate staticn in Canada, also Det Chicago. SIDE TRIP--Hamilton to Falls, $1.40 additional. For Pullman accommodation, and all other information a ply HANLEY, vy Corner Johnston and Ontaric i ---------------------------------------------------- KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CA _- PACIFIC RAILWAYS. ren WILL 188UE FOR General Elect; Return Tick § ----AT-- ® 3 ' a Good going on November 2nd returning until November 4th World's Fair, 8t. Louis, E lon Tickets on sale de Full particulars at K. & P. , R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F."CONWAY, P. A. FOLGER, Gen» Pass. Agt. Ge THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronte, lecal peints. Train leaves Ci Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, B.Q. Ry., Kingston. ALLAN LINE "V0 Royal Maii Steamer From Me Ionian, Friday, Oclober 28th, Bavarian, ri., Nov. 4th, Parisian, Fri, Nov. 11th, ¢ Tunisfan, Kri,, . Nov. 18th, 9 - RATES OF PASSAGE. First 50 and upward, according to and accommgdation Second ca erpool and Londonderry, $30 London, $2.50 extra. Third cl to Liverpool, Derry, Belast, | London. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, 1 Corinthian, Thursday, Nov. 3,(1 NEW YORK IQ gLaseg Mongolian, Thirsdayy Nov. 10," Reduced rates by above Glasg vices on application, etc J. P; HANLEY, Agent, G.T. P, J C assenger Depot. . h SLEEVE, Clarence Streot. Lake Ontario and Bay of qQ Steamboat Co., Limited STR. "ALETHA" Between Kingston, Pieton and I Commencing August 30th, leaves Kingston daily at 3 | Picton and intermediate Bay of ports. On Tuesday, Thursday turday, steamer ls at Di Northport and Balleville. For further information apply E. HORSEY, G.P. & F. A. J.P, BY, J. P. G SLEEVE, JAS. SWIFT & Co. rr ---------------- FOR SALE. seein DETACHED, SOLID BRICK on Frontenac Street, near atreet, 7 rooms. Lot 66 fe by 154 fest deep. Lots ef'r build. Also good barn, she large peultry howse. Apply Whig effice. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUT Queon street, between Montr Bagot. Apply 49 Celborne | A FINE LARGE HALL COAL Cheap for spot cash, Appiy tenac St., north. TO-LET. fees tee ------ COMFORTABLY FURNISHED near Queen's College, Ap George street. FROM OCTOBER FIRST, THA story brick house, No. 6 F street, north. Rent low. A premises. A BRICK, 9%-ROOM DWELLING nédce; bath and close t. in ce cation, for winter, at $12. M 51 Brock street New Telephone Dire THE BELL TELEPHON OF CANADA Will in a short time Subscribers Directory for the I EASTERN ONTA Orders for New Connections, Ct Addresses, oF Uhaages in Fira should be pleced with the local cto ensure their appearance in t} H. W.SNELLI! Local Mati issue To the Electors of the Kingston : GENTLEMEN :--I respéctiully vour votes' gud influence to % vour~représentative in the H Commons gs an independent ref elected - I reserve the right against any measure 1 believ detriméntal to the country, and all times advoeate and vote" measure benoficial to the workh es. In appealing to the workin flo so, feeling that they realize all Limes in the past © have wo their mterest, . C.J. GRA) ¢