-r "FIRST S "71ST The past week has been a fortunate one for us from a business stand- point, as we secured a number of re- markably good bargains and these we will turn over to our customers on equally liberal terms, To-mor- row we will sell the following :-- ciet. held, to-morrow, at the college) Prof. Dyde has heen elocted honorary dent. by acclamgtion, while N. F. Black, and G. A, Platt are before the student voters for the office of presi on | dent. HH. -E. Atwater, and J. N. Me sixty-one. Ho was go (Gilliviay have been nominated for the é 'Kinnon, Wissis: of seoretary. The members of the iph = McKinnon, Dal "faculty will be at the spu® time faa choose their Hr rg on the : . Coneursus Iniquitatis et Virtutis, or 1 adies Pure = students' art of which G. A. Platt 326 White Fleece Linen fine been selected as chief tice. Rion ndervests $ and rv exists hélween the different . 3 sy ME x candidates for 'the several offices, and This make has had a gheat run in the States during the quite an exciting election is anticipat] past two winters, and ft mfort and. Woi¥ are uusur: L passed. The regular value of this quality is 78¢, a gar- pte Suits Silk"Broca An endefivour "is being made at ment, ' A Suites Valure Quéen's, this year, to have all the | ent shade, $85, for $25. social functions gver hefore Christmas, 'The freshmens' reception takes place 4 week from. this evening, and the con- © - Sale. of Parlo To Stay At Vigo. London, Oet. 98, --Orders have born issued and acknowledged by Vide-Ad- gt fre Rojestevensky that the Russi vadron Avill remain at Vigo, til 1 the comelusion: of the Russian-British Tor p.m)--A statement has just "ismied bv the Russian embasssy "We are in constant com the British govern: these communi- a aspect, of the situation improved." : : LL i-- ich a hos : Fosth this i # expected to artive at ale of Portland to-morrow. 2 ; ---- beaneh, Royal Cane. the io a -- awarded to Allan i fi §.7 2£7 £ ! =" fiz es : ROA this afvengocr 'he , in . N. F. Black deli a phe Tomnack deliver: | The Alma Ma sociely meets to hin h session, BARONESS BERTHA VON SUTTNER The Austilin soblewoman, whose nov od, " Iie Wallen Nieder' (Lay Down Four Amminly Sauscid the Orar-- of Russia Innue his peace manifesto. The haron- is now 'un wn visit to the United rid Laurier has been elect- + ed acclamation in Que- bet , and 80 has J. E. Archambault, ' liberal, in Berthier county. The op- position candidate, in each case, was found not to be qualified. oO to 8 4 By Acclamation, $ Quebec, Qct. 28.--Sir Wil- + * 4 » * IFPI IS EEL hs The Best Of Its Class. : Tt is Tmpossible even To summarize ship. which was firing on us. We o unhurt, After 11 o'clock 'there wore no further shells." EE ------------ EAST HASTINGS' NOMINATION -- Deroche, Liberal, And Northrup, 'Conservative. ul to the Whig. Oma Tor swenbor fiw the House of Commons for the i of , wos held at on Thursday, the 27th, George E. Deroche, barrister, Desc: | fonts, was nominated as the liberal Sindidate, and W. B. Northrup, bar- ter, Bolleville, as "the Somervative . int meeting was hel the opora Rams boginni 2 pan. Nir. Boulthee, the yy the v{ village, was elected chairman, and by ent each side was to be al- owed one hour and a guarter. a Northrup Soke rst, and re- ved: a good de i . He dwelt noipafly the broken promi a the Tiberas, but made a rong gute LS et : ors under the mew fra ina ht paragra) the many and igh \ ho the Youth's 3 , announces for the colmig year. A series of articles plan- ned to interest especially the forty- five millions '6f Americans who look Mireotly to the 'soil ior their subsist- ence will treat of "New Fields for Young Farmers," "The Sanitation of the Farm," "The Future of American Cotton," "How Women Make Money on the Farm," ete, Seven serial stor- ies and 250° short stories by the most talented and popular American writ ers of fiction will form part of the contents of the 'new volume for 1965. Full illustrated announcement describ- ing the principal features of The Com- panion's now tte for 1905 will he sent with sample copies of the paper to any address free. The new subscrib- er who sends $1.75 now for a vear's subscription receives free all the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1904. also The Companion "Carnations" Calendar for 1905, lith- ographed in twelve colors and gold. It in a beantiful wieco of art, such as sells "for $1. often! Address, The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkley St., Boston, Mass, ---------------- Buy The Whig. Saturday's Whig will be a fourteen pager, and crowded with latest political, general and local news." 'Bs sure and get copies EHEH ISS EHD SFE E4 44 Female Employment In Mills. i 5 Hocking. assistant 'sanitary nEpec urnley, ia a on physical terioration, dente' with many causes of cal defects and infirmities, speaking plainly 'shout fo: malé employment in mills. He adds the following. significant sentence: "In Burnley, 1 think we have a fair sam- ple of men who don't, or won't work #0 long 'as. they can get a woman to them, and I venture tosay that marriage is out of the question in {many cases. But women, in many oth- er respects, are far worse than the men for being dirty. gossiping, care- less. and slothtul in. the stim disthicts 'in my opinion. eau the versat. early in December. On Novem ber 1th the students will gather for thie theatre night, ' the play being ousin Kate." A GERMAN COUNT Charged With Theft -- Several Writs Issued. - Special to the Whig. Toronto, Oct. 28.--The Standard Loan and Savings company has issu: ed a writ for $4,200 against William Stuckey, Sault Ste. Marie, on a mort: gage. The Imperial Bank has issued a writ against-1. A, Breck, Kingston, claim- ing $1,200. on a note given by draft to Folger Bros, Four additional charges of (helt were laid, to-day, against Hans Wal- beim, a Cerman,' now under arrest hote, and also wanted in Hamilton Papers found on him indicate that he in a German count, Baron De Valtze mi, ---------- Sank Two Steamers. Tokio, Oct. 28.-1t is reported that thé Japanese 'opened a desperate at- tack on the efistorn forts of the Kek: wan group, north of Port Arthur, during the morning of October 26th, and silenced the Russinn batteries, shicll exploded the Russian magazines. Simultansously the Japanese atiack- ed the forts on Rihihing Mountain and Sunghohowian mountain, silenced the Russian batteries and stormed and occiipied the forts in front of these mountains. On" the night of Getobor 27th 5 shell hit the Russian battloship, Se- vastopol and {wo Russian steamers were sunk. Bown To Atoms. Chefoo, Oct. 18.--~Admiral Togo has recived many applications from junior officers desirous of emulating the ex. ample of a lieutenant, who, with a torpedo, swam to the entrance of Port Arthur. ueceetded in surmounting the cross-boom, but when he was pre- paring - to discharge the torpedo against the side. of a hattleship a searchlight 'swept round and fixed on him, The forts' then opened' fire and exploded the torpedo, and the officer was blown to atoms. Admiral Togo, it is said, has declined to sanction any similar daring enterprises. ------------------ Still 10,000 Soldiers. Chefoo, Oct, 28. --Japanese of Délny report the continued "arrival of huge siege guns; Eleven Chinese arrived here to-day, from Port Arthur, in a junk. They say that several of {he Russian warships have been hit Ly dropping shells," but none has been sunk. They estimate the able-bodied soldiers at Port Arthur now at 10, 000. Taylor Likely To Die. Special to the Whig. . linnipeg, * Man., Oct. 28 --Robert Taylor, the murderer, was eommitted yesterday for trial as the fall assizes, Prisoner is in an advanced stage of consumption, and it is a question if he will: live till the trial is over. His brother will ask for an investigation as to hig sanity. ; ! EE ------------ . A Visitor In Montreal. Special to the Whi . Montreal, Oct. 28, --A former Russian naval officer is visiting thi city, In the person of Boris Demitri Menziloff, who, up to two years ago, was 4 sub lientenant on board Afmiral Rojeste- vensky's Bagship, but left the servire and has since resided in England and New York. . 2 Died At Ottawa. Special to the Whig. oak Ottawa, Oct, 28.--Canon McCarthy, for many years priest of St. Bridget's parish, died, last night, fram the re sult of stomach trotibles. He will be butiéd on Saturday with full church honors. He was born in New Ross, Ireland, in 1451. , A ------------ Y.W.CA. Eizst aid to the injured, course of causing | five lectures by Dr. Bogart. Object-- Instruction in rendering first aid iy cases of arterial bleeds fracture, epileptic, fainting, i "J poisoning, ete. First lecture, Monday. Rover Ith i girl of Be anguet township, was run 1 vor, and Jee "uy » e) at seven o'clock. . ---- sin Fruit For Saturday Morning. : Blue gn wv 124e. and 1Pe. baskets, Jan $e md d0c. byskets, peachos, . und Bc, baskets: Street car tickets after six o'clock at Carnov- sky's. * The Rlectrical Development company has awarded contracts amounting 120.000 for i subsidigry power sta tion at Niagara Falls. fae Durham mustard for 20c. Sgtur day only at Mullin's. | + Pearl mn, an cight-yearold ! the, Best: at Carpovsky's.: | Our Special Price To-morrow Good yariety of Parlor 8 ~ "and as long as the lot lasts 49c. each. : -- 108 DOZEN PURE LINEN Fine make; all " TABLE NAPKINS good - designs; size about 26 inches + square. These are put 4p in packages of oue-half doz, each and are worth regularly $2 to 8% 15 per dozen, Our Special Price To-morrow a packsge of one-half dozen 9c. 100 PURE BLEA 100 LINEN TABLE COVERS All good designs, sizes 2} yards long by 66 inches wide. Bome have drawn work borders, others plain borders, Regular value of these arc $1.50 and $1.76 each. Our Special Price To wore 99c¢. each. Buy These As a Christmas Gift. You will not have another chance this year to secure anything like as good values, Sale Opens at 9 O'clock apd lasts all morning or as long as these remain. All Sales for Cash Only. SA Bargain ~IN- SHOES For Saturday Only THIS SATURDAY we will offer a Misses' Genuine Box Calf Lace Boot, solid leather insoles, good style, with spring heels, sizes 11, 12, 13,1, 2. Sold at most shoe stores for $1.50. Our regular price is | $1.25. SATURDAY our price will de syn ' To test whether people read and believe our advertise- ments we shall not offer this boot unless it is askad for. REe BER THIS BARGAIN FOR NEXT SATURDAY ONLY. - THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE SHE LOURETT SHOE STORE ONTARIO CHEESE EXPORTED cent Dominion Trades and Labo: ' gréss to meet representatives of the In September And October The Canadian Manufacturers'. Asseviation, Best Yet, Special to the Whig. ; are holding '& niesting here, today, { to consider what subjects will be oronte, Oct, 27.--C. G. Publow, taken up when the two parties meet. chief dairy inspector in Eastern Un: | The labor men meeting, tario, reports that he has been in | Johit - Flett, © ex-president pm Montreal Siriting chegse: exporters, | Trades' Congress, and.' BE. W. 1 e and finds that t Intatio- September § both of Hamilton. and R. Glookline, 'nnd October cheese are superior to (D. A. Carey and James Simpson, Tos my byer exporfed to Pritain before | ronto. in Ontario. 8." H. Barr makes s similar report from Western Ontario. | » Provincial Detective = Greer has just 2 efi v Fettmed 'from Orillia township, whers | The Police Would Like To Catch charge Offénders he has been investigating a Selb s A FALSE ALARM. ° agamst two young men named Saun- Sei : dery, for killing ap, + illegitimate child | _S0T¢ Person. or persons with a of one of 'them, using a pair off seis, | ty Guestionable sense of i . . ey ; , pulled the alarm at i sors. The crime is said. to have tue corner of William tag streets, committed 'a vear ago. The will 'coe wp for grinl at Bartie on November 11th, master in: chambers, %, 'the about half past twelve this 'morning. The brigade responded ir. good time; to-day. only to find their services not requir- made order directing that A 71 ed. This ia the third time: within the - Sith Now York, he "ade plaintil past month or so that the same bos in the action recently hepun in and the the investiga | ches of the law, he will probably find affiirs. \ heme of May for ay Sil against Ld AL Currie' former directors, for' Lions of the 'cappany's The delegates. appointed: at th | has ben tampered with, and the po' apany | lice authoritits swear vengeance. If the the guilt party falls within the clut- that his sentence savors more of Jus: re- | tice than mercy, ROBT. J. W The Leading Undertaker, 3 222 Princ 2 doors above opera house. T By John H. Auction Sale of F I HAVE RECEIVED tions fram Wrs. W. ar at' the residence, Clergy a streets, on MONDAY, Oc Part of Furniture, viz. - Room Sets, Springs and Rugs; Bed, Chamber 8 uses, Fifty Dini Room: ( quantity of Dishe viz... Gl afd Tea Plates, Fruit Pla .. Cutlery, Oyster Bowls, . Screen, Happy Thou Sewine 'Machine, and other ak 10307 "Téfijs Cash, ? JOHN H, MILLS, STAMPING AND PAN Miss Woads, 141 Colb Three dogs "below Division i and FanCy Work don iterialg Tor Embroidery an fof sale," Iw order to get t talition Yadies should place | mn orders 38 soou as possit BOY. LEARN HARDW) 'writer: © Af WJ. Nugent & ston, A GENERAL SERVANT ing or ironing. Apply sop, 146 King street. ttf sian A GENERAL SERV ing. Apply, in th Felix Shaw 115 I A OOD PE d like work or store for two months. F. Muy bh | ie PURCHABER FOR SUBUR commotioull residence, wi acres, near the water Real Estate Office, 51 Bro ORGANIST, AND L choir, Presbyterian chur Services to begin January stating sulary, to Rev. J Pastor AGENTS, TO SELL TH fest kitchen utensil on e mn and surrounding cou lusive territory; als distribute dodgers. Cali : street. OVERCOATS, TO REPAI Clean, or turn. Ca to have appearans goods. New work gua please. T. Galloway, ¢t Brock street. LADIES AND YOUNG MF per 1,000 copying at mailing or canvassing: mw nished. Send addressed velope for particulars, 8.8 » Box 228, Worcester, M --------ia ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIA ple who are seeking an ad change, or those who an want work will accom) purpose by writing Marsh tea importers, London, O furmished. School to open aft days Apply stat to W._P. Bender, u S.8. No. 2, Long Lake, : LARGE MANUFACTUR cern about to open distrib in" this section. desires ser rv $1,800 per anuut ons Applicant mm) class references and $2,500 cash Merchandis Address Manufacturer. c Chesmay Company, Chica MEN AND WOMEN IN THIS and adjoining territories sent and advertise an old 'house of solid financial sta ary to men $21 weekly, $17 to STR" Weekly, with vanced each Monday by ¢ front headquarters. Hors gy furnished when necessa SRrnanent, L Address, Ble Co, Dept. A, Monon Bu cago, 1 WEALTHY GENTL 1, generous ; % fesls need of congenial coi and wife. Adlress Mrs Chestunt, Room 809 Phila YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, F ceadle to the grave: matt , love and marriage hat 1 tell comes true. fe and 10ci Prof. G 5 Hochelagas PO, Mon ATE CTIVE MAIDF nis, at-conce kine companion and bydiness worries @horable poor man (fden Ave, Cor. Robey LADIES: » fi free wil of up i elie quicl Pare Chemical Co., Milw TO RENT. REP CLASS ROOMS, WIT ply 160 King street: c ¢ t to Metical