ra > Mek 0% < So % y om Kidney and Bladder ames and addresses, that wv n "Away. having tried everythin iy have Kidney Troubls eep--no appetite--if or highly colored --if The re are frequent pains in st positive symptoms of 0 Pills may cure them, They Do d on the Kidneys," Inflammation id, causing Gout and Rheumatism, ° ation of the Bladder, Patuful and znt desire to urinate, Gravel or nd atl other troubles, caused by er. They never fail (6 relieve the make uri ivi na, And el cera Epecay = ost card. Ask us to send a gn your' name and address, Winnipeg, Man. We have oa hand: the diff r.at varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Foot of Wet St. Wood sn: Coal ; <A Choice Lot OC OOOO ODIOCRROOTICGE EID ni F usias > ) Hard Wood, Soft Wood and Dry Pine Kindling. 5. ANGLIN & G0. Foot of wellington St. ENJOY A DRIVE? Thea make it doubly smjoyable by em- aging ome of eur fine turmeuts, and howy horses. 1ARDING'S LIVERY, 210 Wellington St. 'Phone 236. ET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantes you satis- actory results. We don't brag, ut perform the work. Nothing acrificed, but your best inter. st studied. ! V. J. MURRAY, The Auctioacer. ES -------- Moon Makes Hair Grow. leveland Correspondence, New. York Herald, Mrs. Anna Finch, a Cleveland hair cpert, to-day, said she could grow an bundant crop of hair on Johs D. ockefeller's head. She added : "First, he must rid himself of -the lomach trouble, get his blood into vod condition and kill the little germs hich have entrenched themselves in is scalp. "The hair is controlled by the moon. hat is where the science comes in. ever cut your hair in the full of the oon. Each hair is hollow, and filled ith oil. Cut your hair in the full of 6 moon and it will 'bleed' and ange color." iliousness. troubles just as nature . fruit. "'Fruit-a-tives'" are ciples of fruit<-rendered *Cret process of combining . When you take 'Fruit. 1al properties of fruit in * Tablets ee ss 'and mineral poisons--act fruit juices--and may be ts. For chronic Constip- bles and all affections of ives' are the ideal tonic uggists. so cents a box. ed, OTTAWA. | So LATE FASHIONS. ALL STYLES ARE IN VOGUE ~~ JUST NOW. : -------- % Girdles Must Be Smooth And High--Evening Wraps Very Handsome--Lace - And Fur Still Combined--Various Hints, Special to A New York, ie. 5.~The American woman of to-day makes fun of the aborigingl American woman who decked herself in fringed leather and gaudy beads. And then this' somewhat inconsistent but fair eritic proceeds to fasten into hér coat a vest of em- broidered leather, and drape about her throat beaded or jeweled chains that would make the aboriginal woman "her eyes in amazement. The chain of the hour, whether it be of = the finest gold or of cheapest plate, sug- gests savage garrishness in its treat- ment. e matter of beads, coral leads comers. A four-foot string of coral chips ¢an. be bought for fifty cents, and they are just now in great dem in the department stores A real coral chain has in the centré the largest bead, measuring half an inch in diameter, and the beads become smaller, toward the back. In the cor- rect rdse tint such a 'coral, necklace costs $360. © _ % Both the very deep and the very pale coral are cheap; the highest priced is the medium tint. The coral appears al- so as a slide, used to connect groups of links in gold, silver or gun metal. The long chains of imitation 'coral are } finished with tassels, and knotted in- | stead of being connected with a clasp Another thing which it is well to look carefully to nowadays is your girdle and the fit thereof. Wrinkles in a girdle are to be avoided as much as wrinkles in a glove. The belts may be shirred or bunched, but the new high | . girdles fit as snugly as. the up to-date basque. If it is built from folds or pleats, these are laid very flat . and smooth, and some of them are even stitched on each fold. Quite frequently the girdle fits smooth and tight in the back and front, and is shirred just a trifle above the hip on either side, With silk gowns the girdles are gener ally finished with great oblong medal lions or buckle effects, built from the various bits of trimming and handi work which appear on the rest of the gown. For instance, the bodice of a cafe au lait messalaine 'frock has cuffs and yoke of Alencon lace, picked out with shaded orange and yellow threads, and finished with tiny bows of orange col ored and yellow threads, and finished with tiny bows of orange colored vel vet. Its high, smooth fitting girdle is finished back and front with a large buckle shaped medallion, which, from point to point, is fully seven inches in ength, This centre is an oval of {he lace, and the heart of each 'flower shows French knots in shades of yel- low and orange. Around these are sect fonr tiny ruchings, alternating panne velvet and lace. The velvet is in two shades of orange, to match the French knots. This"is the year-of woman's emanci pation in manners and colors. It takes a daring woman to wear a simple, le coming gown, for the costume de style, which, being interpreted, means an entire make up from shoe to hat of some distinctive period, has set the feminine world mad. The straight lines . of the directoire period, the coated effects of the Louis reign, even the bonffant fashions of 1830-60, are all to be seen in the extravagant dress ing of the hour. In the matter of ia A Letter From Over the Sea. Which Wilt Prove of Interest to Canadians. Here is a sincere and unsolicited let- ter from an Englishman®who was al most led to take his own life on ac count of what he suffered from it®f- ing piles. 114 Milton Road, > Margate, England. Edmhnson, Bates & Co., Toronto, Canada. Dear 8irs,--I feel it . my duty to write to acknowledge the great good Dr. Chase's Ointment has done for me. I had suffered from itching piles for over sixteen years and suffered bad- ly at that. There have béen times when I could and would have put an end to it all if it had not been for the thought of meeting God. Some people v think I am stretching it a point, hut thosé who have suffered as I have will know, At other times I have felt take a knife and cut away the parts until I came to the bottom of .the evil, but thank God it is 'all past. It was quite by accident that F came to know of Dr. Chase's Ointment. I have had doctors' advice and remedies to 10 end and could not say how much 1 t in that sixteen years. I had a paper sent to me, and there 1 saw re Ointment advertised. It just met hy case, as it said for itching piles and saved painful operations. As 1 could not get Dr. Chase's Oint- ment from mv chemist, I wrote to my brother, H. Shelley, of Calgary, Ala. |- and he sent.me one box. Before I had - used one-third the box I was. per feetly cured by this pintment. I am sure you will be surprised to get this letter from this corner of the world, but I felt it 'my duty to _ ae knowledge the great good Dr. Chase's Ointment has done for me. You are at liberty to make use of this letter as you see fit. All T should like to say to anyone 'who siffers from this dreadful complaint is I know it cures. With many thanks, T remain, Yours respectfully, : 3 T. SHELLEY. H vou are not acquainted with the merited of Pr. 'Chase's ointment vou will be surprised at the cures which are bBeine brough neighborhood. N I could Cloth ornately trimmed, velvet, velve: | teen and fabries that closely resemble the short nap plush, are: used for street weal, and are mingléd jn the most amazing combinations, For evining wear skirts, tujles, allover laces, and spangled robes are similarly com bined, and there is ahsolutely no lim it to the améunt used on these gowns. Frocks of lace are insct with spangled medallions, and overhung with spangled flounces, Spangled nets, sating, nets and outlined with tiny flowers of chif fon or ribbons. Hand embroidery of the most vivid patterns gnd colorings are used on an otherwise subdued gown, and the sleeve is a thing of combinations too numerous to cata logue, + Both the directoire and the Louis coats ave employed with dinner and evening frocks. A notable example is a dinfler gown for a matron done in a peculiaripa dainty shade of gray silk, which seems to flutter uncertainly. bt tween a pearl gray and blue, in com bination with embroidered chiffon. A skirt of the pale chiffon over one of equally delicate silk was finished at sthe bottom with two three-inch folds of the'gray silk edged with simulated hems of chenille. Above this was © a four-inch. band of seli-tone, shading to pink. The necked bodice and puffed elbow slecves were of the ambroidered chiffon. Over this fell a Louis coat of the silk with immense turned back cuffs faced with the embroidered chiffon. A striking touch on the vest' con®sted of two ornaments, 'one at the bust line and one at the waist line--flat roses deli- cately embroidered in black. The effect of the Louis coat with the low neck bodice and vedt is extremely striking, and the very uncertainty of the color: ing gives it a charmi"quite its own. The most tained in wraps and inillinery. The white evening _ cloaks, which enjoyed such vogué last season, seem to be suffering a total' eclipse The brilliant evening cloaks' are shown in the American beauty red with embroi dery of self-tone or of gold bullion, Some of these are so heavy in ora- mentation as to remind one of Japa nese hangings, and thev can be roses in square, low gorgeous effects are at most worn only by a woman of distinguished carriage. Furs have not escaped the general rage for trimming and the handsomer the fur the more extravagant must be the lace with which it is set forth The fancy for _ artificial flowers, which in other years accqmpanied the nse of lace, has not been revived, but in. the ease of ermine," magnificently embroidered ornaments in white and in goll are used in combination with the lace. Exquisite ruffles of Brusdels, rose and Irish point lace are osed with er- mine, which is, after ath the smartest of furs for evening wear. Moleskin and ermine form a smart combination for wear with - reception gowns, both vel: vet and cloth, and fur hats to match for the rather heavy for effects. Feath- ers and flowers, as well as the mast ornate of laces, ave used in combina- tion with fur on hats, --ESTELLE CLATREMONT. When You Have A Bad Cold. You want a remedy that will' mot only give. quick relief but effect a per- manent eure, You want a remedy that will eoun teract any tendency nia, : and safe to take, speedy and permanent by all druggists. 5 home, Hallowell, of Benjamin Storey, aged seventy-seven years. fune- ral wifl » Ae in turn, are inset in hand-painted lace | the wraps and stoles are effective on women whose faces are not too small You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. toward pneumo- You want a remedy that is pleasant SEE) {Uhamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for. the cure of bad colds stands without a peer. For sale The death occurred Thursday at his | take place Friday to Glen : was a : brics there 'is "practically no limit. GARDS OR PRAYER BOOKS ? | Corelli's Picture Of The Modern | Sabbath, Society to-day, declares Mizs Marie Corelli in the October number of the | London Magazine, pirofers | prayer-books and the hissing of the | sound of sacred cards to motor to the | pralmody |" "It is quite the fashion," { *to play bridge all and every Sunday, | when and wherever possible | "Country-house week-end parties this | year were all bridge parties. They were | all carefully selected, with an eye to i the main chanee. The play generally began on Saturday evening, and went on 'all through Sunday up te mid night. One woman, notorious for her insensate love of gambling, lessons in cheating at "bridge joining her country-house friends came away heavier in purse by five hundred pounds, but of that five hun- dred, one hundred and fifty had been she adds, took before She won from a foolish little girl of eighteen. | "When not playing bridge, society's Sunday observance 1s motoring. Flash ing and fizzling alt over the place, it rushes there and everywhere, ating infinite dust, smelling abom inably, and than thé worst demons in Dante's Inferno. "Dinner parties, with a string band in attendance, and a Parisian singer of cafe chantant to entertain the com pany afterward, were once unknown in England on a Sunday. But such Sab bath entertainments are ordin ary now, "Nevertheless, here, looking - uglier quite though society's Sun day has degenerated into a day of gambling, guzzling and motoring in well tor in itself is so limited as Great Britain, it is that society to be a mere bubble on the waters of life-- froth and scum as it were, that rises to the top merely to He skim med off and thrown aside in any seri { ous national crisis. The people are the Yife and blood of the nation, and to them," Miss Corelli concludes, "Sun day remains still a day of rest.' mber One Cause Of Failure. Philadelphia Record "It is a significant fact that, accord ing to Bradstreet's, nearly eighty per cent., of the eoncerns which fall in business are those which do not adver tise. The establishment which makes a profit 'without advertising would be vastly more successful if it should use the newspapers. "MUNYON'S WITCH HAZEL I wish those who value a hair to shampoo their he: with my Witch Hazel Soap. It will tively cure thé worst casés of dandruff and all scalp diseases. It gives new life and vigor to the scalp, and has a teadency to produce a glossy and beautiful growth of hair. For the complexion it is the best soap made. {t makes the skin sofias velvet. For baby it has wo equal. Cures cruption, allays itehing, and makes baby sweet as roses. To who have sallow or dull com- jority for the ITALIAN ELECTIONS. Giolitti Win With Expects To Credit. SiG GIOV ANNI GIOLITTI, PREMIER OF ITALY. Special to the Whig Rome, Nov. 1. According to the pre dictions which being made in po litical circles here, a substantial ma existing eabinet will be returned at the parliamentary elections dav after to morrow, which, of would be the success of Premier Gio re course, litti, The situation growing out of the preparations for the efbetion, which at one time looked serious, ha® beconi calmer, and there i8 now no expecta tiongof seriou trouble: The govern ment has not ia however, to take precautionary measures' and is prepar ed to immediately repress every -prd vocation of disorder, A substantial government victory will be greeted with intense satisfac tion and also' with 'a feeling of relief by all supporters-of the monarchy and of existing institutions, The campaign of the republicine, socialists and other radical elements opposed to the min istry has been the Nercest in the poli tical history of the United Kingdom The radicals have been' gaining in strength for several years past. Of late they have become conscious of their power and recently they seized an op portunity $6 display it in the great Gtrikes in Milan, Genoa and other cities of the kingdom, when they su ceeded "in paralyzing all industry for the time being - « of the government de Fhe supporter conflicts between the vlave that the military. and the mobs during these recent strikes were seized upon as .mere pretéxts for spreading and strengthening the flames of discontent which have hen sedulously fanned by the socialists and all radicals for vears, and that now the real object of their propaganda is not the mere over Phrow of Giolitti and his cabinet, but that a serious ingvement to overthrow monarchical ¢ Fmt, to attack ex isting Ttalian institutions, and to turn the country upside down has at last come 10 a head, It is the térror which this movement has aroused and the uncertainiv of the ofifcome that has led to the government leaving no stone unturned to insure victory at the election xi Sunday. Gone A-Hunting. Kaladar, Nov: 2.--Hunting scascn having commenced, a large nunler of hurlers have gone back to the lakes north of here. Mr. and Mrs. Young, Marlbank, have returned home, after spending a few days visiting friends in this vicinity. Nelson McBride has erected a now verandah in front of hie. residence. Miss Ethel Parker is visiting her mother for a few days in Avdendale HK. McKinnon, 1.1L operator, is spending his holidads in his - howe at Mississippi. Miss Cole dod Mise Fleming, Tweed, spent Sun day at A. Fleming's. Mrs. John Cad- man had the misfortune to have her house burned last Sunday morning. She was ghle to save but. a few of the contents. W. E. Miller, Ompah, visited friends here on Sunday last. Charles Morton, ill for a fey days, #CZEIOR, OF BO Rin SEMPUOM L. send im in recovering, Miss Lizzie Abbott, Norihibrook, spentc a. dew Visi URDAY, NOVEMBER" o. GIFTS TO ORPHANS' HOME. Acknowledgements Of Many Xindnesses, The committee of the Orphans' Home thankfully acknowledge the following gifts to the home , Mrs. A. Strachan, pail of berries ; Mrs. Oberndorfier, bag of apples; Mrs, McCallum, cake; Mrs, James MeCulla, jce cream and cake; Mrs, C. F. Bates, six jars marmalade; Mrs, H. Town send, magazines; Mrs. Elliott, Catara qui, apples; Mrs. George Bawden, Ca taraqui, $1: Lady Cartwright, five bags apples: Mrs. W.-H. Wilkison, a street ear ride, and a treat of buns; W. H. Godwin, two boxes fish; a friend, 85; Mrs. Webster, barrel of apples; Miss Alice Macnee, apples; Miss Lovick, apples and candies; Mrs, Seott, Joyeeville, apples; Mrs. Trotter, gus; Mrs, Mol £1; Mr. Lovick, two basket apples; Dr. Duff, ten barrels ap #; a friend, $5; Mra, Spencer, plants; Thork, apples; Mr, Gilbert, barrel appleg; Mrs. Mackie, geven dozen buns; Mrs. Cappon, eight baskets grapes; Mr. Hiscock, two, baskets grapes; Mrs Noel Kent, nine dozen cakes; Miss M Morine, basket cakes and sandwiches ; St. John's church, Portsmouth, quan tity of fruit and vegetables; Mrs. Wal dron, $2: Mrs. DD. J. Young, flannelette and clothing; Mr. Duffey, "bag apples; St. Georges' cathedral, quantity' fruit King's Daughters, Sydenham street church, candies; Mrs A. P. Chown, bag of nuts, Grateful and vegetables; Threw Them Off The Scent. Philadelphia Public Ledger, As the immaculate young woman and the tired, but happy looking, man entered the Pullman, fol lowed by a grinning porter, the other passenger became "wise" in a mo ment. The stout drummer leaned over to the man behind him and remarked: "Bride and graom---100 to 1." Everyone turnéll" to view the new comers, who hdd deposited themgelvey vis-a-vig in No. 4. of any scrutiny, the voung man sald in a high, nasal voice : "Well, do as you like about it; eith volng Ai if unconseiois er increase the margin or let it go, You didu't follow my advice in the first place, but if you want to pull ont vou'd better do it now." "Oh, 1 know," the woman replied. "What's the use of going all over it again?' * "Huh !"' said the stout man's ecom- panion. "Guess vou lose. Been plaving the * aarket. Not much bride and groom in that." -* The rest. of the passengers sniffed and then turned their backs on the new couple, Whereat the young man smiled at the. young woman and they softly joined hands, as he whispered ; "Millicent, dear, my shoes are full of rice," ---------- A wedding took place at Delta, on Tuesgluy. the contracting parties he. ing 'William Jaecquith, of Delta, and Miss. Sara Hutchings, of Harlem. The ceremony © was witnessed by Fred Hulchings and Miss Millie Hutchings. blue travelling suit Diphtheria has again broken out in Cardinal. SMITH'S BL ADDER BUCHU | 0 KIDNEYS LITHIA PILLS. ------ CURED. Byte Park, Mass, SICK KIDNEYS, The Bladder, Rheu- on regurd to your nrtism and the Hiood | Buchu Liihta Pills, I ~all these diseases | will say that I have re. yield at once and "are | ceived great bencis Suiskly and fully] from them. The pills rice only $5] did men great deal of sents a box, good; aa regard to the 1 CURE at the toh 18 ved To yum . PEOPLE'S PRICE, Pret freely on ric, My Kidney book and | ular. They alo helped a Sample Package sent ing. beck a rea dual Freoto an, and were of great ben. W.F. SMITH CO, |Site me" ; efit to me, sls ICHAEL Lavenn:: 183 £4. James 81., Montreal. No. 30 Pairimoumn ye. To cure Constipation, Sick Headache and Diliovs: The bride was tastefully Sa af ae SOCEM Our All the latest and most approved styles * Women's Black Astrachanidackets, $15, $27, $85, $40, $45 cach, ! Women's Wack Bokaran Lamb Jagkets, $17, 850, $55, $60, $05 each Fern Women's Black Price & Head Persiaf Lamb Jackets, $35 to $75 each Women's No. 1 grade ¥ loggric or Near Seal Jackets, $40 euch Women's and Girls' Far Rufls, Storm Collars, Caprines Stoles, ete in Sable, Natural, und Dyed Coon, Electric Seal, Fox, Black Oppofum. White, Coney and_ Imitation, Stone Marten, also in Combination Furs, big vilue, prices range from 81.50 to $25 each Mulls Women's Sable and Dyed Coon, Every article of Fur guaranteed as T For Infants, 2 Invalids, DR. BARNARDO Say's -- Wholesale Agents: Department Is now complete--from the smallest Neckpioes to the costliest Fur: Coat, . please. Tngpeet our stock'and note carefully - the prices, and you will ily be convineod, that money will be saved by purchasing Furs here : Storm Collars, Cans. Rta Rog 8 cach, o : without. white spots, $30 each, Coats. and: man's chest to 50 inches in stock larger sizes for men or women made arder on short notice. CRUMLEY BROS. FOR RELIABLE FURS AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES, 1g Nearly 80 Years' Established Reputation. : ¥ We have already used Neavels F our Homes (Nabies' Castle and. the V and 1 have no hesitation in saying it has proved very satisfactory." July 27th, ¥got. ve 8 is aE si Maaufatarers JOSIAH R. NEAVE & €0., PORDINGHRIDGE, ENGLANDL on THE LYMAN BROS, &Co., Ltd., Toronto & Montreal. can be had here * at prices to Boye" Girls' Grey Men's Natural Wombat Skin Conta, Men's Brown Dyed Wombat Skin Coats, ° Men's Black Rossian Buffalo Skin Men's Cloth Fur Lined Coats. Women's Coats up to 46 bist moasul tepresented or money refunded. 5 GOLD MEDAL AWARDED, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900. @& Nea oe And ood in twp of | ui 38 material pg go h hh... We Guarantee LABATT'S London Ale and Porter - They 'are made from the. cost more to be produced, the to you is nothing extra. Why - have the best? : One L.oaf Of Toye's Bread gets you st right-and continued using Try it Their Purity . grown, and while