Offering ORROW Goods, all new this au- t makes, all dark colors fects, ranging in value iy 496 ae Ch : 25c¢. yard. - Tweed Suitings, fancy . s, full 54 inches wide, reg- joc. and $1. Lot To-morrow for . 49c. yard. keeping itly 'are Under= Ig, wen ERE STOCKINGS, special at ne-maker at 50c., 68¢ , 70e, AIN CABHMERE BTOCKs makes, from 20a; 28e., 206¢ , c. Pair. POCKINGS, mede from im- |give excellent wear, Prices c., 83 , 880. 890.° STRES Cream, Brown, Navy, ne finish and are right Jackets rs are Black, Cardinal, G SALE tent Leather Boots n the future to confine our- the Slater and the Cros- on sale all our large stock Packard Gents' Patent Lea- Boots at very much reduced $3.95 shoes to-morrow. nd PACK- | Lom SHOE STORE ' f: v l fl \ . part of House . Hose, ee-- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ALL THE: COMFORTS OF HOME Interests us Ao 'the extent of providing the Furniture portion of them. ~ Our 'urnishing will interest you if you. examine our stock. in hest Valours, 5 Sets, Hall, house, Parlor Sets, only $22.50: 8 pieces, Silk $25 up. Seperate pieces for rary, a every room in the conservative prices. ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 23 Princess Street, £ doors above opera house, Telephone 577. pieces, from Lib- at By John H. Mills Auction Sale of Upright Piano, Fur- niture, etc., THURSDAY, Nov. 10 At Residence of Mrs. Thompson, Rideau and Ordnance Sts, viz het & Uo Upright Piano, Ladies' Secre- tary, Hajr Cloth Chairs, Sofa, Cobble and other Chairs, Parlor and other Lamps, Music Rack, and Stand, Brus- sels Carpets, Lace Curtains, Hall Rack, Mirror, Sideboard, lwessing Cases, Beds, Extension Stove, China, Springs, Mattresses, Souvenir Range, ug 'I'we Tons Coal, Utensils, and other ods Piano will positively o'clock. Sale at 10:30 JOMN H. Kitchen be sold at 12 Terms Cash MILLS, Auctioneer. pops OF GENERAL SERVANT, FAMILY three. Apply 90 Barrie street EXPERIENCED LADY STENO- grapher. Apply at Robertson Hros A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply in the evening, to 148 Earl St. A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- Loin or ironing. 188 University Ave GROCERY GLERK THAT UNDER- stands bookkeeping. Apply M., Whig Oftice. A YOUNG MAN TO STRAIGHTEN stock in Sartes department. Apply to KR. Mckaul ---- A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH- ing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Daw- son, 125 King street. GENERAL SERVANT. NO WAST- ing of ironing. Apply to Mrs. Fran- cis MacNee, 252 King street. LONDON 1S THE CENTRE OF MAN- ulfacturing activity in Ontario. 1f you want skilled help, advertise in the London " Free Press.'" ------------------------------ ere erent A YOUNG MAN, GOOD PENMAN, AND capable, would like work in an office or store for two months. Apply 0 ¥. M., through the Whig Oflice. ree eee PURCHASER FOR SUBURBAN HOME commodious residence, with 4 or 10 acres, near the 'water. MeCann's Real Estate Office, 51 Hrock street, ----------------------------------i men AGENTS, TO SELL THE HAND- lest kitchen utensil on earth. King- ston and surrounding country places. Exclusive territory; also boys, to distribute dodgers. Cali 370 Ontario It. AIR, PRESS ean, or turn. Cun be made the appéarance of. new New work guaranteed Lo lease. T. jp aelioway, tailor, 181 Broce Stree! ro st LADIES AND YOUNG MEN, EARN $20 per 1,000 copying at home. No mailing or canvassing; material fur- npished. Sénd addressed stamped en- OVERCOATS, TO RE) and Clean, te have goods. > fot articulars, S.S.C0O., Dept. x 928, Worcester, Mass. LADIES' TO DO PLAIN SEWING AT home on collars, nothing to buy, ma- terial sent everywhere free Sen addressed envelope National Mig 'o., 259 W. 116th St., New Y rk. ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE PEO- ple who are seeking an advantageous change, or those who are idle and want work will accomplish their purpose by writing Marshall & Co., tea importers. London, Ont.; Outfit furdished. A TEACHER, PROTESTANT, THER holder of a 2nd Class Certificate. of oualification, for 8.8. No. 2, Town- ship of Olden, County "Frontenac. School to open after Christmas holi. days. Apply stating salary expected to W. P. Bender, Secretary-Treasurer, 8.8. No. 2, Long Lake, Ont. ib pte -- A LARGE MANUFACTURING CON- fern about to open distributing depot jn this section, desires services of a responsible man to take management. Salary $1,800 per annum ard Soin nissions., Applicant must ._farnsh first "class referentes and $1,750 to $2,500 cash. Merthandise furnished. Address Manufacturer: care, Nelson - Chesmnan Company. - Chicago, 1 . PERSONAL. -------- ** Ren The City: con Ralls bu Court of Sensational sale at Newman "& Shaw's, Manday 3 Increase Queen's Alumni eonferepce opens on Monday General Hospital governors, 4 p.m. 3 Monday. TY or spoon wat 1s not «sr | DEPTHS OF HELL ring si POSS, - Special at Laidlaw's, Monday : morning; 9 ? Lockett has a sale on of gentlemen's {| IS ONF MAN'S DESCRIPTION patent leather hoots : The 'sun rises Sunday at 643 am, OF .FORT'S<PLIGHT. and ®ets at 4:44 pan. - To have "to tender a resignation is ahs sometimes pretty tough No Anaesthetics, 'And Wounded | Opera Hou tune when In order jority a nw married The ting onto straight It is eas woli from To-morrg St This day 1605 battle of landed at found in Canada w cent. less At our Of every « lots to su Sale company Further can he tioneers The Grant memory Gy will Fifth of Putiitoes, Queen's students pan Meister © The hank dog in the Leonard Anglican and Roman Catholie churches Gunpowder plot, line as here. China and Commencing at At Pablic Auction Without Reserve Stores, spector Sts. Groceries, nal packages damaged by Hall, nember, remember, Crawiont, ~ neil, Monday night titers 20¢;, Crawfor Revision, ¥ onecerts @ity Hal unday night se. cashier he counts 'the to join an must either your curves is to ier house than it the Ww door will he the confessor 559, in history : Inkerman 1854, aur ill you find assortment. such Glass business, than elsewhere. 10 ami Cor. St. and MONTREAL, ~WORTH OF-- - tescript ior and water t the tra by the GC a smal anged particulars had on application of the late be held DAILY 'MEMORANDA. November." d. runs through a piles "of bills the great silent die best wav to keep people to keep a good-for-nothing is to keep the anniversary ot U.S. President Grant elected, Willinm THE BEST CHINA The choicest and the most beautiful is Nowhere in a We have everything in the and 20 per .ROBERTSON BROS.. UNDERWRITERS SALE EXTRAORDINARY AT MONTREAL Nov. .23rd, '24th and 25th enc James and In- 59 William St. The Entire Salvage of the Well Known MESSRS. L. CHAPUT, FILS & CIE. GROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS WHOLESALE --CONSISTING OF-- $300.000 Wines and Liquors Mostly all in origi- portion only nd will be ans LEOPOLD GANS, Manager. FRASER BROS., Auctioneers, in circulars, to QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY (OPENING 'GRANT HALL opening Ceremonies of erected by the stu- dents and alumni of Queen's Principal George Monroe Grant, D.D., C.M. Monday, Nov. At 8 p.m. Reserved seat tickets procured from the registrar. Positively the ~--OF THE---- Farewell Appearance to-night: for- ma- or get from get- perfectly of werved in 1872; ui complete h day, sold in Salvage which the Auc- in Tth may be THE HORRORS Of Situation at Port Arthur Suffer Torture--Much Disease-- British Ships Run Blockade With Cargo Of Beef--A Cos- sack Charge. Special to the Whig London, Nov. 5.--The . reports re- ceived from Chefoo, concerning « the situation at Port Arthur; are conflict- ing, it being alternately declared that the assault is still going on vigorous- ly, and that it ceased on Thursday. 1t ig said that the Japanese _eaptured the Erhrlung Shan, and some of the Kek wanshan Torts. Other réports say that the assaults 'on these positions, and on the Shanshushan fort failed, It is declared that the ltzshan fort was captured after 'a whole battalion of Japanese had been slaughtered. This fort commands the Tiger's Tail fort, and its possession by the Japancse means the fall of the entire fortress, It is stated that the Japanese have blown up the Peiquishan magazine, troyed a quantity of provisions, which seriously weakens the defenders, The ; Daily Mail's. Chefoo correspon- dent eables a long letter received from a Russian, at Port Aethur, from which place it w despatched on October 27th. The ter deals mainly with past events, and likens the position of the besieged to being in the depths of hell. The writer says that the prin- cipal forts are uninjured, but most of the town is in ruins. The harbor works are in a sad plight. Some of the ships have been injured by falling shells, and it ia impossible with the scant re- sonrces to repair them. The hospitaly are crowded with men suffering from sickening wounds: There is not a single bottle of anaesthetic in the place, and the wounded endure agonics. Food is of the coarsest description, and is he- and des ginning to be scarce. There is much disease. The Cheloo correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says the ¢zar has left full discretion to Gen. Stoessel re garding his future,. but the me: cannot be delivered. His maj oic_ stand HOW mere that on, correspondent believes Stoessel will keep his word, and will not surrender. - British Ran Blogkade. Shanghai, Nov. The British steamship Victoria, bes run the block- ade of Port Arthur with a full cargo of hoéf. The Japanese blockaders over- hauled the Victoria on October 9th, offi Wei-Hai-Wei, hut allowed her to proceed, when they found that she was bound from Japan to New Chwang. se A Cossack Charge. Mukden, Nov. 5.--On Monday, on the Russian extreme right, a squadron of Don Cossacks, charged a battery of Japanese artillery, near Lidantoun. The Cossacks went forward at a gal- lop through a field of unent millet against the fire of a battery, and had almost reached the guns, when a couple of companies of Japanese in fantrv rose and poured in sevéral vol leys, compelling the cavalry to ride out of the field at an even faster pace than they went into it. The Cossacks lost ghout twenty-five imen. TO MEET IN PARIS. Russia Will Have To Pay Heavi- ly. Special to the Whig Paris, Nov. 5.--Foreign Minister Del casse announced to the council of min- isters the details of the approaching session of the Anglo-Russian commis sion of the North Sea incident. The session of the commission will be held in Paris, beginning about Navember 16th, or as soon after that time "asa full attendance can' be secured The commission will be composed of Brit ish, Russian, French, and ~ American admirals, one from each country, these fourto- select -u fifth admiral. To Pay A Heavy Bill: London, Nov. 5.=The Central News says that Russia will be asked to pay more than $500,000 for indemnity. Has Left For Far East.. Tangier, Nov. 5.- The Russian Baltic fleet is again en route for the far east. : -- -- PITH OF THE THE NEWS, The Vary Latest New News Culled From All Over thaWorld. Lauriet's is the = Clfrlem first gazetted, "alee tion Ried Laurier Jott Quelice for es ah received 'a big farewell demons The hatin! Typographical Union Ty * decide in favor of an eighl-hour She Lo Mimes doubts whether the Wi Il ever know much about the Now a tragedy. . The N and coastal steamer Portia, witht 104 passengers; siruek g rock a benched. Sydney De. Fis dather of Fon. "Sydne) Fishiv, spearly ninety, cast four halloty in paday's election. Fhe, perie in not prohibited = the American lo Sosicty Hom carry- ing on itd work in Tw as re ported. : The East Templeton Lumber Co, with Broclwille and Ottawa capitalists has been reorganized with a capital of $300,000. It was argued in the French House of Deputies that Iritain made no ve. turn for French concossions in New- foundland. s > One ltalian student was killed and eighteen Italians. and Germans were injured in g- students' riot at Innes bruck, Anstrin. As expeoted, the judicial confmittee of the privy council hes dismissed the appeals of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick against the redistribu- tion act, Lord Lansdowne owning firm that "it is ey, has informed a British sh not permissible for British owners to charter their vessels for the purposes of following the Russian fleet with coal." The Vermont House of Representa tives, by a close vote of ninety nine to ninety-seven, has refvaed a third réading- to the bill granting munici pal sulirage fo women who are tax- pavers, Dr. Edmund Warre, Eton's. famous headmaster, has announced his inten- tion of retiring at midsummer next. Dr. Warre's connection with the ool: lege extends over a period of forty- four ys for the last twenty of whic ho has been headmaster, Sir Felix Semon, a distinguished London specialist, read a paper on cancer of the larynx in New York Academy of Medicine, said that men nearing forty should watch for symp- toms of the disease, which, in its early stages, hy declared, can be cured. Nir Felix was for twenty years Sir Morel Mackenzie's assistant, and is now special physician to King Kd- ward. Exoopt Toronto and St." John--with seat each in Montreal ithe large cities are ifax, 'Quebec, King- ni h TRIG LorE TT eRe - worth, are all returned. Without Que- bee at all. "pe wvernment has a ma- jority. With seven constituencies to elect members at later dates, the min- istérial majority is about sixty-seven. When the vacancies are filled the maj ority will exceed seventy. ee ------ ALDERMAN WALSH WILL RUN. Poll Large Majori- ty. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Nov. B.--The first candi date announced in this section for the provincial house, n the approaching contest, is Ald. M. J. Walsh, who has represented St x: s ward in the city Expects To council for the past three years. He has received a requisition signed by 500 electors of St. Ann's ward, where he is confident that he can poll as large a majority ns did Ald. Gallery in: the federal conjgst, and that he will" be much Better in the west and centre wards. H Df: Guerin, who was elected in 1900 hy acclamation, to re present the division, decides to contest the seat, Ald. Walsh will run as an independent liberal. KILLED A MAN. In Car. Special to the Whig, London, Ont., Nov. b. was killed by a Pottersburg car, last might, at London two miles east of the city. The car was bowling along and when near the Governor's Read, the unfor timate man stepped in front of the car. Before the motorman had timel to slacken speed, the man was under the wheels, 'The man apparently was a working man about forty-five years of age. Hi» Stepped Front. Of "a An unknown man street Junction, SIR WILFRID AT MONTREAL. Will Be Given Reception In Mon- treal. Special to the Whig Montreal, Nov, B.--8ir Wilfrid Laur jer arrived at Place Viger station; this morning, from Quebec, in his special ear, and at once proceeded to the Windeor hotel, where he is ceiving his friends, Sir Wilfrid de clined to make any statement on pub lic matters. He will leave for Ottawa at four o'clock, where a hig recep: tion is being prepared in his honor. Arc You Run Down ? Stop--do something. Wade's Tron Pills ate a tonie, a blood purifier, a blood. maker, and a general system hailder. They fi i what you need. In boxes, 25¢., Wade's Drug Store. Money och if A satisfactory. Jereminh Bear, Charlotteville, Norfolk county, Jast. Thi deceased was a me WBAVTHY OENTLIMAN, UNBNCUM-S : r n rod, eenerous, kind, and sincere, World's Greatest Quartette eels need of congenial Snmpan fone . x Wi A Veteran Dead. shi and wife, Address Mrs ole, - l S Braid White 0 hin ond ite Soom sob. vein: | The Meister Glee SInZers | icy fen ich. Nov. 5.-The Sail. Ba ripe OF ENGLAKD body of William. Harper, cighty A BACHELOR, SELF-MATE MIDDLE years old, was found, last evening, age, very Wealthy, wonts at = once, Grand Opera House | floating in' Black River: The old man Kind, home-loving wife Ko alupes disappeared « on October 20th. Harp tions to sincere poor woman. Ade .At8 p.m. er's widow, seventy-cight years of age, Arps J. Ward, Ogden Aye, Cor Ci Howpital, Ta er Robey. Chicago. is in the Ci ospita opel = Sunday, Nov, 6, 1804. paralytic, with her mind almost gone, " STRAYED, i 5 The old man was a veteran of four of ee en Silver Collection at the. Doors. Great Britain's wars, having fought RED AND WHITE BULL, ONTO THR ------=----e-------- | under the Union Jack in the Sepoy premises of .W Laman, Saree Lu Will Give Him Welcome. mutiny, the Crimea and twice on the Monees Werh- yo ¥ ) ) a "aii Coneostion. 1007 Omner can Special to the Whig © South African veldt. ore same bv paying expenses. Ottawa, Nov. 5.-The. weather here, -------------- to-day, is gorgeous amd a big welcome A word of good counsel. --When PARK BAY MARP. HEAVY, MOT- | awaits Sir Wilirid Lauri to-night Jt | days are bleak and nights are long tow-naeked. gn Pi oT an is expected an immense crowd will be and cold, keep Perry Davis' Pain: oe. T.ouchbore. akout + October | out to welcome "him. His majority in | Killer in the house. It is your :aith- 17th. Information of ber We Wright county will be ~1,350. ful friend, as it was vour ' parents' oy or ateily A at friend. - External end internal _Aise. Kineton "Horehound candy for colds." Thej = Rolls butter 0c. Crawford. . m---- | ited kind is sold at Gibson's Red "Wahoo, the great tonic," sold only LOST. Cross Drug Store. 1 oa ol Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store, 35e. STICW PI¥. BLACK ONYX Lilly white potatoes 90c, bag, dry Lilly white potatoes 9c. hag, dry with Peris. on Wednesday and fine. Crawford, . and fine. Crawford, > noon, 'lease leave ad Whig OFF , 3 " © v 1 in banks, ete. orm. re: 'The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, has been appointed administrator of eo estate of the late the township of who dicil on the twenty-first of September wealthy farmer and his estate consists of farm property, live sock, cash on deposit | Shoulder braces, "She. New York Dress BOGUS BOXES. ---- Belleville People Say it was A Tory Plot. i CANFIND LITTLE. THINK " NIGGER IS IN THE FENCE." Ballot Box Stpry From West Has. tings Has The Appearance Of Being a Conspiracy--Denial By The Liberals, Belleville, Nov: B5.~Liberals here will fully investigate the conservative roorback, when KE, Gus Porter char: 1 time neident, Wednesd, ay, will be oh Hh. ghe had seen Kamtchatka being then bohind the sguadron). 1. Later the receipt "of a suspicious wireless message sign RUSSIA ACCEPTS DRAPE. | Points Of Russia's Case From Inspired Sourpes. J racial to the ov. - a ov. Bo ted the te egraphic t nglo-Russian convention for, mission of inquiry into the L80 huniteed ind the fio evidence that they came from inpired sources are as follows : 1. Information which® reached Vice- Admiral Rojestvensky as he was Jeay~ ing Danish waters.showed that fous 'Vessels were navigating first under then under an The transport Kamitehatkn's wirdess telegraphy, incident occurred, hat wo torpedo boats (the in ta final the North one flag, -- thirty miles et" Kamtohat: the ink was dey, as if printed the night before... Ihe Belleville Ontario then came out with » dodger, 'Por: ter's Lie," and saying that "Porter Nore seen is the only person known to have a ballot box in his "possession." on are loth Nir. Lott, the candidate, and his brother deny Porter's allegation, ahd Returning Officer William says : "No bogus ballot boxes were seized in the hands of any of the deputies. Porter deposited five hogus hallot boxes, not issued by me, and declin- ed to give information to me as to where they were obtained," Five boxes in all wero seized by Mr, Porfer and his cohorts. No search warrant or other legal document was offered as authority for their taking, and people here generally "seeni "to think that a large-sized Ethiopian is lurking in the political woodpile. Me. Porter is. very reticent, and claims to have knowledge of other boxes than the ones seized. One box was taken from the police station; Thursday, and has mysteriously dis- said here that it was taken to Tren: ton and used as an exhibit to injure Mr. Lott's cause. "Prominent reforters are working hard to find out where they camo from, and sensational developments are hourly expected. The créwn pro- Becutor, P. J. Manderson, says he has received no complaints nor in-. formation in the matter. 1 HQ GR Druiken Wediling By Calling Down. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. B.--At Dol- omite, during a. negro weddin last night, a drunken guest rai a dis- turbance, and when the negro minister remonistrated . with him he shot the preacher dead. Within the past fifteen hours three other men have been killed and one fatally wounded in personal alterca- tions in the Birmingham district. At Lewisburg, Jack Yarborough, a merch. ant, and J. V, Phillips, a miner, quarrelled over a game of cards. Yar- borough * was killed instantly and Phillips died several hours. later. At Cardifi, W. M. Mulkin, s&s white mine striker, applied an epithet to Percy Burns, a negro miner, aft a pistol duel followed. Mulkin was shot through the brain, but lived four hours. Burns will die. THE STOLEN COPE. J. Pierpont Morgan Has Returned "The Valuable Relic. New York, Nov. 5.--The ancient ee- clesiastical cope which was stolen from the cathedral of Ascoli, Ttaly, two years ago, and later purchased by J. Pierpont Mergan, has been pre ented to the Italian government by Me. Morgan through Baron Edmondo DesPlagghes, the Italian ambassador. The cope is now in the Vietoria and Albert museum at South Kensington, England. Steamship Sailings. Special to the Whig ke : Montreal, Nov. 5.-The Allan liner H.M.S. Parisian, from Liverpool, for Montreal, arrived at Quebee, 1:30 a.m. and proceeds at 1 p.m; due here at to-morrow, Sunday. The Allan liner. R.BLS, Bavarian, from Montreal, for Liverpi ol, arrived dt Quebec, 7:15 p.m. and sailed 10 por, yesterday. The Allan line, Royal Mail 88. Jon. jon, from Montreal, for Liverpdol, arrived at Moville, at § am, to day: She noon, Allan from Montreal, this afternoon. . The Allan line SS, Numidian, sail- ed from Glasgow, for New York, this morning, with one first, sixfeen se cond, and 110 third class passengers. line 88. Pomersnian, arrived at Glasgow, Women's Institute. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Nov, 8.~~The reports of the Women's Institute of Ontario, just ise sued, shows that "the 'membership in June. last was 5,433, compared with 4,565 at the end of the corresponding month last year, an increase of nine teen per cent. The number of meetings | held was 960, an increase of 241, and the attendance incgeased from 22,013 to 44,698. Superintendent Patnam in his introduction to, the report says: * "There seems. no doubt that the wo- men's institutes are giving real and veduable help to the women of the country in the best way by enabling them to help themselves." ------ Lilly white potatoes 90c. bag, dry and fine, Crawford. of, je ls butter 20. Crawford, i '| of St. vessels nav Tuscany; London, this eity, thorize ty, has likely be tion. noon, ar, for 3 Newman & Shaw's skirt. sail. the Russian in the English channel. did not fire until now with " whereas eighit left Libau, is explained by the fact that one of them bro down before the squadron left Danish iN waters, and was towel back to Liban by the Russian ice-breaker Ermak. Pritish Warships Ordered To Sea. 5.~The battleships Victorious; Magnificent, Hivatiious ated Jupiter have been o sea immediately. will proceed westward, Gibraltar, Nov. a, B.C. Organiged An Attack. Petersburg, Nov, tional re ort is current here, at®ibu- ted to t Russia will un tornationdl commission, to the Japanese minister at highest ta 5 Mil | gal peed an set tie | EER the box was taken in his absence, | pico a by an minister ih al and he says he does not know who tan fon plete. evidence that stich a took itor wheve it went, but it is was the 4 Pp vy HURRY TO ENGLAND. More Powerful Boats To Replace Serial to the Whig, ton and - ordess to leave, im and. The G ov. § unexpected the' Pacific station of two of ita' ast vessels is explained, at Enquimalés on the grounds hat more on the to this. station, ch since the tric | tion with Russia bécame acute, suddenly sprung into prominence as a base. The departure of the Grafton Flora leaves on the Pacific station the cruiser Bonaventure, Shearwater and the naval survey ves- sel Egeria. Seeking Recongiliation. . Florence, Italy, Nov. 5.~The former Crown Princess of Saxony, Louise of divorced wile of King of Saxony, has arrived here, siring, it is said, to be nearer Rome in order to facilitate the negotiations §/ with the vatican with the object of bringing about a reconciliation with the king. This is here considered to be more probable now, owing to death of the late was implacable. Bought More Papers. Nov, 5.-C. proprietor of {he Daily Express, and other Burlington, Ia, the announcement bas purchased the London Morning and Fvening Standard. He said the purchase was puroly a hisiness . and not a political transaction, Cheats Justice With Gun. Nov. 5.~The body Jacob Graves, who mysteriously shot and killed Thomas Layton, was found "in his cabin on Frys by officers who There wan: a bullet hole in. the head. Death was the fulfillment of a threat to elude justice by suicide, ---------- Lemieux Declared Elected. Special to the Whe. Gaspe, Que, cpnservative © withdrawn, declared elected by acclama- an DN next, the Chu parsonage, and gr ston street, "about 97 | subject to a reserved Solicitor Einyns Kinanton, Nov. Oth, 1904. WHEN IN NEED SEND Raat LADIES: free WE OFFER TOs Fak 470 81476. JOHN MACKAY & £0. lo hoats were 'then: the torpedo hoats The fat that, only Seven oo ron, ered 1 Tt is believed they rinke, before the in Flora have received King George, who were eit for Gaspe cotn- ged the liberals with introducing | 5a," aking jor the rid latitude and bogus ballot boxes into the pinion longitude the squadron, which it Just as the polls opened he entered | Wos He ie TT was never Pe the police station with a ballot box. sont hy the Kamtchatka. to At the samo time the Belleville Jn 4. The appearance. of two jan telligencer . issued dodgers, | boats al dr "Urit bogus ballot boxes seized," ok could not have Teen Russian, - all The squ adion the 'soins ke match, at z put toy / b.--A sensns authority, that ove that he Hague 5.~HM.S. Graf: Jos Eng: y from hax and the sloop-ol-war - the Saturday, Nov. IN ATHLETIC GROUNDS. A. Pearson, z newspapers at that he Wednooday. Nov. Watter E Porking a' Orixinal Sones A in Island rat ng, Pretty pursuing him. 5.--Beaundry. the Lemieux will 2 X Mm fe