Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1904, p. 3

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Chamberlain's FASS! Hickey's Bronchitis Cure It soothes and heals the in- amed mucous membranes. Reto: mended by those ho have used it. Price, 25c, he H.B Taylor Drug Co. 124 Princess Street - - Phone 59, JOIN H. MILLS} THE LEADING AUCTIONEER, Our - Linen : Department is © teeming th excellent values - All our Liens have been imported t: from Glasgow, and the quality guaranteed. bleached Table Linen, 23c. a yard and up. eached Table Linen, 50c. a yard and up. ble "Napkins in § and § sizes, be ginning at 73c. a dozen. vlies, Traycloths, Sideboard Scarfs, Towels. In fact everything in Lin- ens we have it. owman & Shaw 122 Princess St. Geet ieeed Swift's : | Scranton Coal A host of satisfied : 1 customers using it. Are you satisfied ; with your coal ? JANES SWIFT & G0. Telephone 133. sersereerre' G. A. BATEMAN UER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE, OKER. Office, 61 Clarence stresh. vening address. 83 Sydeshew 64 ~__KINGSTON& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN . ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and DERRY Your Ideal Cracker "Think of ll the good kinds of crackers you ever sted. The creamy whiteness of the LET "ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantee you satis- factory results. We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but "your best inter. est studied. Whey W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. TRL THANKSGIVING DAY THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1974, Round trp tickets will. be sold to all poinis in Canada at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE On Wednesday and Thursday, -Novem- bér 16th and 17th Valid retiining from destination on or before Monday, Nov. 21st, 1904 DAILY Excursion Rates FROM KINGSTON TO WORLD'S FAIR, - ST. LOUIS MO. $22--Good for 15 Days. $29, 35--6ood for 60 Days. = $35.20--Good until Dec. 15th, 1904. Sitop-overs allowed at any intermedi- ie station in Canada, also Detroit gnd 'hitazo. : SIDE TRIP--Hamilton to Niagara Falls, $1.40 additional! For Pullman * aetolmadation, tickets, and wll other infomation Apply Y, 'Agent, Corner Jonna. _ a strects. Thanksgiving Da SINGLE FARE Good going November 16th and 17th; returning until November 21st, 1904 Workd's Fair, St. Louls, Excurs~ jon Tickets on sale daily. Full particulars at KX. & P. and C P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt Supt BAY OF QUATE RALWAY New 'short line for Tweed, Deseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 3:25 p.m. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston Napanee, Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. Parisian, Fri, Nov. 11th, 6:00 a.m. Tunisian, Fri., ' th, Pretorian, Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. 2nd, 6 am. I 28. Jonian, "St, Joho, 1A TES OF PASSAGE, First Cabin $50 and upward, according to steamer and acdpmmodation. Sccend cabin. Liv- ecpool i Londonderry, 330, §¢ £35; London, 32.50 extra 1 $15 ta Liverpeol, Derry, Beltast. Glassy ow, London Toa T™ LARGO. DIRPOT, Sicilian, Thurs., Nov. 17th, (Daylight). NEW YORK TO GLANGOW Laurentian, Thurs, Noy. 17th, 12 noon Reduced rates by above (Glasgow ser- vices on nian. ete. t. GTR. City Jas) Aig, Po. OGILDER- Passenger SLKEVE, Clarence Sireet. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quintie Steamboat Co., Limited. ---- STR. "ALETHA" . gig Pieton au Belleville in oh TR) pa for and Tntermeiitta uber Quinte a calls at Hoi Sored Nor, an Belle! Fo mination apply te E. B Ea a *«F - A GILDER- SLEEVE, JAS. LEY & ad Ravers TO-LET. : a aH res ASAE COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, hear Queen's College. Apply 41 George street. have sriccecded, SPORT REVIEW. FOUNDATION OF RUGBY IS THE SCRIMMAGE. ' : Choynski Will Be On The Ring Again To Play Of With R.M. C. Adopted Tie LY RIA Rules. ~ The management oi the Canadian Soo hockey professional "team is on the hunt for players in Winnipeg this season. In one of the fiercest games of foot ball ever seen at West Point, Prince ton defeated . West Point, Saturday, 12 to 6. Over 10,000 persons witness- ed the contest. Joe Choynski, the veteran western heavyweight fighter, has reconsidered his "determination "to retire from the ring, and has accepted terms for a in Philadel-§ hout, with Jack 'O'Brien, phia on November 14th. Robertson has Merrick "of the member President J. Ross appointed "James GG. Argonarits, as a of the On- JOE CHOYNSKI, tario Hockey Association executive, to fill the vacancy caused by the death oi the late A. B. Cox, of St. Jo's A. C., London. The final game in tion of the intermediate Intercollegi- ate Union, between "Varsity 11., and McMaster University, went to the lat- ter hy the one-sided score of 20 to 1. McMaster will now play off with the Royal Military College. Hamilton intends to challenge Ot tawa College for the Canadian cham: pionship; provided they win the O.R. I U. championship. They are already praftising a scrimmage with this end in view, and will be prepared to play under Quebec Union rules. Eugene Tremhlay has 'ageepted the defi issued by Tom Burrows, and the pair will meet Thursday night at Sohmer Park, Montreal. The. match will he a mixed one, and whoever wins a fall ing the shortest time will have choice for final style, if a third fall be necessary. Mahy a famous half has achieved his greatness hehind a splendid eerim. the western sec- mace and strong inside wings, If they had to labor with a wobhly lot in thé nivotal position their © names would not wo down in football lore The foundation of rughy is the serim mage. ~-- Exchange, Coonev, of the team, kicked ten foaihall from touciw Priviceton ehals NO ARGUMENT NEEDED. Every Sufferer From Catarrh Knows That Salves; Lotions, Washes, Sprays ard Douches Do Not Cure. , Powders, lotions, salves, inhalers cannot really cure catarth, this disease is. a blood ds- se, and local 'applications, if they smplish anything at all, simply give transient relief. The eatarrhal poison is in the blood und the muéns membrane of the nose, throat and trachea tries to relieve the system by secreting large quantities of mucous, the discharge sometimes closing up the nostrils, dropping in- to the throat, causing deafness hy closing with Eustachian tubes and af- ter a time causing catarrh of sto mach. or serions throat and lung tron- bles. : . A remedy to really cure catarrh must be an internal remedy which will cleanse the blood from catarrhal poison and remove the fever and con gestion from the mucous membrane. The best and most modern remedies for this purpose are antiseptics seicn sprays and hecause tifically known as Red Gum, Blood Root and Hydrastin, and while each of these have been successfully uscd separately, vet it has been difficult to get them all combined in one pala torte, convenient snd effieicnt form. The manufacturers of the new en tarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, - admiraby in plishing hiv result. They are pleasant tasting lozenges 10 be ds solved mm the mouth, thas reaching every part of the mucous sremhbrans A oun tare, of the throat awd finally the sto mach, Unlike * many catarrh. remedies, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets conta'n no cocaine, opiate or any injurious "drug whatever and are equally. --benaficial for little children and adults. C. R. Rembrandt, of Rochester, N. Y., says: "lI knew 4 few people who have suffered as mich "as i from ca- tarrh of the, head, throat and sto- wach, 1 used spra xt inhalers, and powders far hy at a. time with only slight relief and had no hope of cure, 1 had pot the mens to make a thal, Sor downs against Lehigh, October 22nd, but his accomplishnient was put inthe shade the very same day by Curtin, of Michigan, who kicked cighteen straight goals from touchdowns ia the 'game inst. West Virginia. Clarence Forbes, of Chicago,' and Harry Cobb, of Detroit; fought ten rounds to .a draw at Detroit, Friday night. For five rounds Forbes was easily master of the situation, but Cobh evened wp matters in the sev- enth and ninth + having Forbes in a tired condition er the end of the cighth, In the tenth honors were even. The adoption of - the Lake Yacht Racing Association twenty-foot class by the Interlake YachtoRacing Asso- lakes. The western yachtsmen have been fogtering a class of twenty-one. foot racing machines. The folly of such a step was remarked at the time the class threatened to become popu- lar, but the western men preferred 10 Jearn by experience. Now they know. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By. Reporters On Their Rounds. There was a blank docket at the po- lice court this morning. Orange convert and assembly, City Wednesday. November 9th. R William Swain, piano tuner. Orders | received at McAuley's book store, Police Constable Cutts iz doing plain clothes duty on the force this week, She takes her hat ©ff at the play; Lb pleas she can't resist; But wears her hair in such a way The hat [is never inissed Wade's "Star Relief," the best pain reliever on the market jor "infernal, and external use, 10c, and 2¢., at Wade's: A play, presented in all parts of the world, in all languages--in short, a universally successful play, is "The Mommy and the Humming Bird," | which will be presented here on Sat- urday, matinee and night, November 12th, at the Grand Opera House. Now summer's costly day is done, Retrenchment is the note, . And every litte dancing leo Beg.ns to turn its goat. Brockville Times: The Brockyille THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, mom---- EXCITES THEM. COUNCIL. DISCUSSES MRS. Great Indignation Aroused By Macon, indignation over the engagement of Mrs, Loe Jor. dan to Se nor Pon Louis || caragua's ciation is another step toward the | Stals, that the matter has been uniformity - of. 'ola on the great brought before the commof council LEE JORDAN'S CHOICE. Report That Society Woman Is To Wed Man Of Alleged Negro Blood. Ga., Nov. 7. ~of the Such j& the people of Macon Cored, Ni- minister to the United players do not for a moment believe that foothall players had anything to do with the unprovoked attack made uport them in Kingston. There were but three of the Brockville players touched by 'the fusilade of stones | showered at them, When the Dan Quinlan and Wall Im- perial Minstrel appear at' the Grand Opera Friday, November 11th, it'will open with a scene on the | banks wf thé historteal stream Bayou | Teche, in Louisiana, with an old man- gion, the front aard of which, from the gallery to the edge of the Bayou, is a perfect mass of -popppies. ouse on ADMITTED MANY THEFTS. ° Ceorge Servie Captured By Og- densburg Police. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. 8.-The po- lice have run down what they believe to be the band of thieves which has been committing robberies threughont the city and surrounding country. G. , their leader, wax locked up in jail and confessed to numer ous thelts, His little daughter told a piteous tale of having been forced to tramp many miles over the country roads at night to stand watch and as- sist in carrying off booty. She was sent. to the wity orphanage. The po lice expect to make other arrests. * HIS EYE DESTROYED. Cartridge Explodes In Face Of J. Penny, Dead Creek. Jay Pemny, who lives at Dead Creek, near Arden, met with a serious accident on Monday, which resulted in the loss of his left éye. He was remov- ing the cartridges from «a n, with the muzzle pointing towards him. The last cartridge expliged, striking him around the left eve and making a se- vere wound, The injured man was brought to the Kingston General Hos- pital, where Dr. J. OC, Connell vemov- ed the eye, which had been destroyed. JUDGES ARE SCARCE. And The Trials Are Consequently Delayed. Special to the Whig. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., 'Nov. 8.~On account of the difficulty. in getting judges to sit on the adjourned bri- bery cases no definite date can be set for the trial now. Justice Osler is of the opinion that it will require two judges to try the case; These probably will be Chancellor Boyd and Justice Teetzel who heard the election pro test in September. The trial likely will be taken up again in the fore part of Becember., CONJUGAL WOES. Husbané Of a Day Begins Buit, Alleging Alienation. Watertown, N.Y... Nov. S.aulames Stratiord, a biacksmith of Cape Vin cent, has. begun an ation against John Larock, earctaker at the Cape Vincent breakwater, to recover dam- ages for the alleged alienation of the afiections of the plamtifi's wife, who is said to be now living with her mother at Depauville, At the time of the alleged alienntion Larock was single, hut he was. married the day before this action was begun. Every Man Hates Himself If he wakes up with headache and chenge of climate, which seenied wy only chante of cure, "Last «pring 1 read an accéunt of some remarkable cures made hy Stuart's Catarrh Tablets end prompt- ly boughta fifty cont box from my drugeist. and) obtain d such positive benefit from that one package that | eontinued to use thenr daily wntil now condor myself entirely fron from the disgusting annoyance of ratarrh; my hend i& «dear, my digrstion all 1 could ask and my hearing wich hud FIRST CLASS ROOMS, WITH BOARD Avply 160 King street, corner Union: 4 | convenient. to Medical College. : 'FROM OCTOBER FIRST, THAT TWO- brick story ho 0. 6 Prontensc street. morth. Reb ew. Apply on remiss. BE WARM ROOMS... OVER 212 inclading Apply McCann» Real Estate Farl strest. 83 per wncnth, water. + Offices, 51 Brock street. . begun to fail ae a result of the ra- tarrh, has greatly improved until | fool 1 can hear as well as bver, They are a household necessity in my fam- ily. Rtuart's Catarh Tablets are sold hy druggists at 50 cents for completo Ar. treatment and for eonvenidnve, safety and prompt resnlté they are nndonbt- edly the long looked for catarrh cure. bad taste in the month. Sdmething to settle the stomach is ne wed, That dull, heavy feeling must be lifted, an appe- tite must be created. Get a tambler of water, some sugar, and then pour in a stifi dose of Nerviling, You'll feel tip top in a4 few minutes. Nerviline in- 'vigorates, braces, tones, puts vim and smap into your movements, You'll he fitted for a hard day's work by tak- ing Nerviline--nothing better. Large bottle, 25c. everywhere. -------- The marriage of Miss Anna 1. Wright, Utiea, N.Y. lian Wright, daughter of Wil- of Prescott, 10 Fred A. Parker. of Ogdensburg, took place very quietly Wednesda Craddock, Brovky tle, has re ceived an ofier to take ol the organ in the Cambridge treet Me- ihedist church, Lindsay. MRS. and has been that or gince the that Corea is of negro blood. are not considered matters that would | call for public action. The Mrs. posed to veins was a matter in which the mon council justified ine digenssing fam reason is under state which she cannot evade, opinion of the people of Georgia, No- where else is tha principle oblige regarded as so nearly approach- in a divine injunction of caste, station in life, to negro blood would have Georgian of her class to blush, her marriage married in Mrs. out théstate, lowed by wel husband waa of feeling "of "the changed to indigon tion, from a New three years « at where Senor Corea was bof. = Being ily wel NOVEMBER 8. the best blood of § family -is gua. - | and free from churchiness. The that she knows Senor Corea to be of in, and that his one of the best in Nicara- GRANT HALL OPENED. (Continued from page two.) color scheme and design in glass has been carefully onpyied out on antique Tines, the walls of moss green, with Venetian dado, and ceilings of ochre: The pillars andl piers of imperial red, J with well marked bases and caps. The entrances will be treated to harmonize with the 'main hall, The kindly assistance of the building committer has enabled W. L. Symons, the architect, who personally designed the work, to obtain results that will make a fitting memorial to the late Principal 'Grant, The contractors de- serve the highest praise. The work of Messrs. Froo & Litton for masonry, Henry Wilmot for carpenter work and Robinson Bros, for decorating is es pecially ereditable, not only to them- selves, but to the people of Kingston, Their work has heen done wit a spirit of honesty and unselfishness, not often met with in these seif-seeking days, and the wmoney spent by the trustees shows a result rarely obtain oa. The cost of the building, about $45,- 000, exchisive of seating, will be en: tirely, almost, met through the gen- erosity of the students and alumni of the university The building will not he fully com- pleted for another - month. Last night the sealing was only. temporary, and the lighting apparatus is not yet all arranged. The hall, with a seating capacity of 1,700, is lirger than any- thing in Toronto, outside of the great Massey Hall, PERS RSONAL MENTION, Movements of The People=What They -Are Saying and Doing. F. M. Lawson, Sydenham, has been gazetted as notary public. James H. Metealie is canvassing: clectors in town as a candidate for the legislature, Bishop. Worrell and family, after farewells: with many finds; left for Halifax on Monday DUNLAP MACON, GA TLAH JORPAN, OF repea in conference report was ¢ discussed by with the may first circulated | body | Other. charges have heen made | against Corea, notably that he has a | wife and child in Nicaragua, but these i Jordan wag to marry a man sup have negro blood in his com regarded' itself as cleiirly Jordan is of one of the £ "in the state, and for ' this obligations to the in the of noblerse For a woman a woman of Mrs. Jordan's marry & man of caused every Before Hah to lee Jordan. SENOR LUIS F, COREA, Dunlop was regarded as the most beautiful woman in Georgia, The man she married was much older than her self, and looked on as the richest nan in the retired from society al geen of her After her marriage she Shut dittle vay hy her ald friends. The statement that. she was to be again revivi great interest Jordan in Macon and through and whens this was fol the report that her intend: negro blow! the people of Georgia state, Jordan has veveived a letter York woman who spent Granada, Nicaragua, Mrs. thoroughly familinr "with the lineage of the minister, and knowing his fam » has suid to Mrs. Jordan WHY DOES A BABY CRY? Because it is either hun- gry or in pain. Properly nourished it will usually grow up right and be comfortable --that's' the prineipal thing for a baby. If its food lacks strength and nourishment add Scott's Emulsion at feed- ingtime. A few drops wil show surprising results. Ey baby is plump it is reason ably safe. Scott's Emulsion makes: babies plump. We'll send you a sample free, : Scott & Bewne, Chemists, Toronto, Ont belief that | A. | medieal course af Quarn' #. host | Rev." W, 'A, Mellroy, Stewarton Presbyterian church, Ottawa, st on a nail, seriously injuring his. foot, Enginoer James Maogilliveay, 'of the { fire" department, in on hin holidays, and has gone on a shooting expedi tion. = 4 3 Miss Victoria street, left. for last, Long, Sydenham Montreal, on Friday Where sho will remain for a fow months' visiting friends. J. Robb, who has been purser on_the steamer Hamilton for the past season has returned to continue hi | The Bishop of Ontario preached | three times on Sunday. in Camden Kast parish. Ris lordship finished his | fifth visitation tour on his fourth an | niversary, Dr. Wilson Herald, of Assinahoia, | after spending two months in Liver | poal gad "Glasgow, visited his rela: tives dn. Kingston, on route for. his home in Walsh, where he. is a pros perous © ranctbman, "Ho alse spent a couple of days of the Tast wick of Oc. toher in, Goderich, the gest 'of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mre, John Ralph. Mrs," Bridget Robinson, wife of Samuel Rohinson, Cannifton Road, ciod at Belleville hospital as the ye sult of a fall. She was a natiye of Ireland and was seventy-nine years { old. Shoe lived in Kingston for several rears, and wae a devoted member of the Church of England and a most kindly soul. Mrs. James Delph, Sto phen street, ix a daughter, YMCA. ITEMS. The Meetings Are Most Success- ful, Yesterday was a day of blessing. Eight men met at the 12:30 to 1:30 noon prayer meeting and had & wait ing time bolore God. This noon meet ing ought to be well attonded, as itis vital to the success of our services, Men interested arg invited to drop in even for a few minutes, 4 After the evening service, which was well attended for a Monday night, the evangelist, Mr. Cameron, had a pro- Ltable consultation with thoke present regarding the meetings. Each one pres ent left determined to use his influence pith God and man to make the moet INE a SNCoess, With pleasure we beg to acknowledge the gift of Yo Zovonii Era" for a year from R. Chown. This is quite an Acquisition. I our reading room; rt ems The Court Of Revision, Tha court of revision met yesterday afternoon and made the following de cisions regarding assessment appeals: K. & P. railway company consonted to assessment being confirmed for pur pose of appealing n judge. Ww. F, Nickle, H. C. Nickle and Mrs, W. Nickle, income -- struck off, John W. Oldfin, personalty reduced £1,000 to 8500. Gunn estate reduced from $8,000 to £7,000, Rideau Lakes Navigation company, income tax struck off, Sailors' Rest, assessment confirmed, on account of wrong procedure. The city eonncil should have been first notified. YMCA, assessment of $13,000, struck off. An Acrostic. | Honesty, Tdelity, and a horror for all erime, Assistance for' th» worthy in King- ston's happy elime, Remembrances for his stood so noblv by, I hankinlnesse to the people wha ignor ed the religions ery, Yonder ix his star of glory that wilk never die, friends whe "PORTSMOUTH, For A Good Complexion. Toilet ™ aids are vopscessary where the blood ix as it should be. Wade's Yon Tonic Pills give a richness 16 the blood and a clearness to the skin that no cosmetic can give. Th baves Pe nt Wade's drag store. Money back if noi satisfactory. Heé venrs sit lightly on her hrow, Ave, Corrs nol weigh "hr. down wn Bit. "BLACK" ated and Uumatchable, Never sold in balk health, Try Freedom Is Provided For The Dia- mond Queen, Special to the Whig. S Atlanta, Ga,, Nov. S8.-Mamie de Cris, famous all over the country sas the "diamond queen," will be freed from the Georgia penitentiary to- morrow, when her ment will expire, v his young woman first acquired a reputation by the marvelous tales she related while a guest at a hotel in this city. These tales de aling with imaginary runaway accidents in which prominent persons were said to have been injured, at tracted much atteition, and through them she gained a great deal of noto- riety, This notoriety proved unlucky for her, however, as it led. to her ar vest. The publication of her pictures in an Atlanta paper fell under the eye of a jewelry firm in Savannah, which had been cleverly defranded out of valuable diamonds ud ather jewelry and they recognifed the picture as that of the young woman perpetrated the swindle. An investiga. tion followed and Mamie de Cris was arrested, tried, convicted: and sent to the state farm at Milledgeville, A little, later she again leaped into public notice on account of a whip- ping given her hy the prison official, This was the sensation of the hour for a time and was discussed in news: papers throwehout the country, Sows eral of the prison eaployvees lost their positions ax a ¥esult of the investign- tion following "disclomives, Petitions asking her pardon rained upon the aavernor, bat in consequence of her Ing record as a danverons criminal the Woman was obliged to serve ont her sentence, Herb. W. Edwards Injured. Herb, ' W.. Bdwards of Des Moines, lown, got a fall. op an icy walk. dant winter, spraining his wrist. and bruig ing his knees. 'The next day," he says, 'they wore so sore and wif 1 was afraid 1 would have to stay in bed, tmt 1 rubbed them well with Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after a' few applications all soreness had dis. appeared." For sale by all druggists ' The Russian army has lost 1,300 of- ficers and thg reserves huve heen eall- ed up over a wide area. The 30 Years' Old Cure for Asthma. Chester's Cure is no wnkuown, un- "tried remedy. = Way back in the '70's this famous specific was curing Asthma. Every year since has seein more and more people relieved of their suffering. 'Thougl} it has never been widely advertised in the pa b auth matics in almost every bol the we regularly from Mon Chester's Core™ It contains no icon atomizers ually and we fi or cccainé, No e in curing Catarrh ond $1. none in stock, write For when it grows too hefty she Just takes a few years off of it. ~ Both equally Pure, Unedloréd, Un st stripes abd ver mixed worsteds, tweeds, flannels and home- This label in every genuink ~ PROGRESS" Com 3 * 4 it to day. term of imprison y who had | the only remedy that gives then relief. CEYLON TE is. "Supreme." 236. ad 40¢ LIVE (STOCK. The Prices Paid At Various Points. po Montreal, Nov. 7.-About 900 he of butchers' Noe 25 mileh cows springers; 40 calves, 1,500 sheep lambs, and 150 fat for sale at the East End Abatts day. The butchers were ou and trade was brisk, with pri for pretty good cattle. Prime sold at 4fc. to die. per 1b. good animals at 3c, to dle. common stock at 2f¢, to $e; ecanners, jc. to 21¢ per | were no good veal calves on th ket; grassers sold at He. 10 3a "hobs" at $2.50 to na Sheer dre ¥3.40 per 100 Ihe. others he" oo Ae. Jer we C dearer. dole. of wood Punee from below Qu sold at 4fe. per he Fat dle, to Ble ' about half on milch } sold "at- from BZ5 10 860 each; pers sold at 815 to iis each. Pi 4 $1.06; wheat, spring, $1 to bush., ry uate, fu mixed, R13 oh bushel, - 5 { bush. Bw als e, No. $4 to 84.50; ved clover, othy, 81 to 81.35; d fo 26.75; apples, per bbl, Hoes, per baw, The. to" $1 per dozen, 60, to, $1 81 to 81.35: celery,

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