here ly i 3 ton "{ Chalk River, is here to spend the win- eared imme: is, Pneus vith s few doses of i | Refute . MASUR CO, Yahareo, i ONT. * Chicago Man Reg Ears Marrying "Now. Pra N. Brown, rocentl; a i a [PEEPS ter with his uncle, R. Foster. Mrs. ter loft for home on left for home on Neary and chil before Mr: H. ng friends in Ath- as. J.B Sinith has gone to the north deer hunting. Me. and Mrs. J. Plunkett and daughter, Welcombe, Spat a few days with friends here last Attended Cousin's Wedding. Althorpe, Nov. 1.--The farmers are very busy. at present doing their fall work, and setting. o their lambs off to t, and worry. of thresh- seemed Sabie. quik. this jour, owing to i ed - in by' the Camp- ord Station. Never had the Jurusfs their work done before with woh Jiaste | snd taste as this year. We hope the grain ther year that Charlie and ore will {come again. rge ways he 'can stump the county for engineering, and J he is only sixteen summers. In' the ab sence of . Mr. Gregg it makes a an |S Sunday. Some report diphtheria in our. nidaty The young folks are to attend a wedding party at A. Menzie's. Mr. Lorne and Ida Fournier attended the wedding of their cousin, R. J. McKerracher, Perth, Wed- hesday last. «Successful Year For Cheese. { Moscow, Nov. 5---Cheese factory lowes on Monday after a very sue Harry Vanluven has re- ey ) studies at Kingston Busi- ness. College. William Gowdy is clerk. ing in the store. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie mom, nd ue daughter, Morven, G. W. Lamp- a So di t unday a is Bry torent Oe are sorry death of g Mi Baker. Her funeral took 'on Sunday at the home of her ther, H. A. Baker, Miss Bell is aghin able to take duty of the junior "department of the school. She was ab- sont some weeks through illness. Van. liven Bros., Amos Huffman are adiing beauty to the cemetery by erecting monuments. Mrs. Cronk leaves on Tuesday for Wallacchurg. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, Yarker, spent Suns day at Everfon Vanluven's. Mre. A. D. Leonard, Tamworth, with her little son, Clifford, spent a Jow days last week at her father' her's, Edward Makin's, Would Like ke His Qvercoat. Sharpton, Nov. 6.--Polling here on election 'day © was carried on very quietly. Sharpton, for the firet time, gave a reform majority. 'Shibley re- ceived forty-two os and Avery twenty-tine, Portyogine votes remain- ed unpolled, in some measure, may indicate the ; Indiforonce of any lector to the political issties of t day. hone ni frost stopped he ov ighing for the present. Tos of ng was closed for two weeks, on account of the illness of the her, to-day. Polling took {ge at lerael Walker's. Mr. Awser, otport, who has bought J. Moon's ace, has been ploughing 'on it. - Sharpe harpe is brakesman on . the Funniog from. Brockville to lei T, Evans a and R. Paterson gre Sou statute labor. ll 5 ir year than ever Dogs have been worrying a Wartinan, Wes. | bd -- Sr Taber, A Li est of her sister; Johnson, who | in sonar in the, who! canvassed for the Aes in Ena od Brockville, 'in this Spyies, et nith onage. The Misses Mo. Andrew, Nigh oh vr ool 'students, Athens, it ea _-- i lst inst., 'with their sister," Mrs, Brock Green, Jr, Holy communion was celebrated i Trinity church on Sunday by Mr, Patterson. to continue the school until Christmas, when the chil- dren will be given a treat by wav of supper and programme. William 4) ohn" son has improved the appearance of his house by paint. Ormond Green, is having completed one "of the finest rive barns in this section. J. Earl, Athens, did the tering and Mr. Walsh, Lyndhurst, the painting. The WMA, Delta, met at the home of Mrs. F. Sheldon on Friday last. Miss Claude Wilson, Lyn, is spending a few days at her = grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Godkin. William LaRose Las moved his family to Long Point, MANY CONGRATULATIONS. Were Sent To The Celebrated . 10RD ROTHSCHILD. Special to the Whi London, Nov, . &L.ard 'Rothschild, the banker, celebrated his sixty cond birthday, to-day. He was the recipient of tongratulations frome magy members of the nobility. Nathan Meyer Rothschild wasé born in Picea: dilly, in_London, November Sth, 1840, He jis a son of Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild and a grandson of Na than Meyer de, Rothschild, of Frank: fort. He was educated at rinity College, - Cambridge, and was & mem- ber of parliament for Aylesburg from 1865 to 1885. SEVEN FAMILIES IN PARISH, Clergyman Resigns--Four Congregation. London, Nov. 7-Rev. A. C. H. Wil- son, rector of Morborne®an old-world Hun tingdonshire parish, has this week resigned his living. One of the reasons he gives for takimg-thie-step is the ut- ter desolation and loneliness of the ace. There are only seven families in the parish, and the population is de- creasing every year. There is only one communicant, and through illness she has not attended a communion service for six months. Almost invari ably the morning congregation' con- sists of the rector"s daughter and ser: vant, and a couple of boys. Some- times the collection 'in the afternoon, when there is a sermon, amounts to 33d, and oceasionally "the offertories for day realize its 8. iiflin Out of this o find coals and og ook Prien At- temp' visitation have not met ¥ Sheourigéiient from the parish In ope case a man shook 'his fist at the rector when visited, and another, who was from home. when the clergy- rote a letter threatening tiks if he was ever--insulted aghin with solicitations to go to urch.. Another trouble is the condi: tion of the little red brick cottage, called the rectory, which Mr. Wilson says js tumbling about his ears, 0! he spent over 300 pounds on the old place: Me. Wilson is nearly sixty-one years ns to feel the strain of his Moy and He has to tak Jake he services, read the Jessons, ,» play the hnemsonium, and: do singing." | the e_past five in for o higi- with a "donation bogged the re- near, his anh: 2,069. | wished A " Made Indianapolis, Nov. 8.--Four' "owng women, high in social circles ii four La 1 the a6. | young women in loss than four weeks. Se Seatt's Bwwilsion of Cod Liver Oil 5 Red is sold ak. Gibson's Lutore. EIRP SOTO is the Ereabust restorative tonic for GENERAL DEBI or prolonged attacks of illness. It restores builds the system. ALL DRUGGISTS. " GENERAL DEBILITY, WILSON'S . INVALIDS' ¥ BIG BOTTLE $1.00. PORT LITY following exhaustive, severe appetite, aids digestion and tones up and re-. A glass of WILSON'S INVALIDS' PORT before Is and on retiring is a positive cu Mea re for all such cases. AVOID SURSTITUIES. "ECAC WILSON CO, Ltd., Agents, 87 8t. James St. Tel. Main 2424. 288s seamnsesentann tat aI IN OUR OWN _cmrouTrT. News Of The D District On 'Bota mney, formerly of Ma- was married at Rochester on 0c: tober 21th to F. B, Pearsall, Bay City, Mich. David McFadden, in re moving from fa nsdowne, was presented by Lans- downe lodge, 1.0.0.F. with an address and handsome. ca WwW. N. yan Thémasburg, is ded, aged seventy- five. He was a Methodist , an Orange man, and a conservative,* Wiliam John Kerr, a middle-aged man; of Thurlow; was arrested-on-- a serious charge, namely, seduction. The old resident of Lcomplainant is Annie Thompson. James A. Bell was presented with a purse of gold by his fellow employes of The Parmenter & Bulloch Co., Ga- nanogue, on the occasion of his recent marriage. P. Dorsey, who was injured while on a visit to Auburn, N.Y., some weeks ago, and has since been in the hospi- tal there, returned to Gananoque last Saturday. At the residence of Caleh Johnston, Melville, the parents, their only daughter ., was uni- ted in marriage to Mortis Hufi, on October 26th. A. E. Brathwaite, Gananoque, has disposed of his hardware stock to essrs. Donevan and Bennett. Mr. Braithwaite is to accept a lucrative position in the west. Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Margaret Victoria, Youngest daughter of C. F. Rath, Lansdowne, to Norman Hutchison, of Eseott, on November 17th' Jack Singleton, for a number of years with J. McParland & Bro., Ga- nanoque, left on Wednesday morning for Toronto, where he is engaged with the Salada Tea Co., as city traveller. Henry A. Taylor, aged seventy-niné years, died Friday night at Ross- more. His occupation was that of aj) millwright, He was a member of the i Methodist church, and a life- long con servative, Walter Jewell, 'a young lad of twelve years, a son of Lester Jewell, Picton, fell from a hickory tree on Sunday, breaking one arm and sprain- ing the other badly, besides. having several feeth knocked out. Jamos Dempster, eighty-four years of age, died at his farm near Ganan- oque, Thursday morning. About a week previously he suff red a paraly- tic stroke, which 'de speech. He was rath eccentric his manner and ideas, Ho owned a heantiful farm on the bank of the St. Lawrence. A Household Treasure. "The fourth quarter of Corticelli Home Needirwork magazine is being mailed to subscribers. All Jovers of fancy needlework should have a copy: Binety ix pages of instructive read- besides colored plates mailed for fifteen cents or for, a year of four numbers, fifty ednge' Table ar- ranged for an inforntal supper, em- broidery and lace for table decora- tion, Yuletide gift making, . cross stitch sofa pillows, Honiton snd point lace, simple SRI hepiopos, new braid- ing designs for waists and i 8, table cov- i creani linen, diinty lace collars, collar and cuff sets in hardanger embroidery, con- ventional pillow designe tinted on colored ticking®, holiday noveltios easily made, fancy stitches and. their application to costume fancy stocks tirnovers and shoulder collare' 4u_ silk. Maltese "lace; Frater- nity pillow designs, tintod hrown linen centrepieces, embroidered bands, em- broidered. hosiery. English eyelet om- broidery. Just the thing needed to help yon with your Christmas 'gifts. Corticelli Silk Co., St. Johns, P.Q. ors, The Cure Of Kidney Disease. Weakness or disease prevent the kid- neys from cleansing the system ' of waste matter. Peek's Kidney Pills cure by removing the cause. For achite inflammation, Iumbago, diabetes amd Bright's disease, they have. no . dn boxes, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfac. tory. McLeod's brorichial lozenges, the throat, . relieve hoarseness, Toe. Meleod's Drug Store. A novel ak is made by combining sweet corn and cabbage, each separ- ately, then gealded in sweet spiced vinegar and eanngd for winter use, A Pill in Time REE Te TRE TU For Men «» aes rset Advertised Responsibility" Liberal advertising for many years has created in the public a justifiable expec- tation that the "Slater'"" Shoe combines comfort, durability, fit,shapearetentionand beau uty, *and to hold its trade its makers are compelled to make it as good as the public expects. Goodyear Welted Slater Shoe $3. . $5.00 30 - For.Women F. CG.' LOCKETT, Sole Local Agent. Undergarm ents Beautifully Made. No woman who delights in dainty and well-made fail to wv list of prices will reves materials garment and finish are LADIES' I could barely be above FLANNELET colors pin ANNELETTE DRAWERS, 50c. atid plain colors, AND MISS : DR. AWERS KE " bhie gnc. it the section of our store deveted to these. I most tempting, values; bought criticism : NIGHT far the pric All 'are cut with a comfortable Temptingly Priced. undergarments should A glance at the in fact in many cases the we ask for the complete fullness and the workmanship FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS, $1 and and. . 81 up $1.25 LADI RIBBE D 20¢., LADIES' RIBBED WI ERS, 25c., 40c., 3 CHILDRE TER WIN ER VESTS, d 50¢,, to $1. SSES' S. 25¢., up 1 "to a0. LADIES' RIBBED 50c, CHILDRI RIBBED , 36c. and 40c SPENCE 5 The Ue Lene Millinery decoration, |. apanese New, Table Mats and Mantle Store. im Pretty, In Sets. Useful. 35c. to $1. 50. SEE THEM! McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, BUY SEPTEMBER WHEAT - i Show oa aie wheat iow oe. We belie peints a en the wheat is at} &t bresent on, ASE CS ey ee for Sept. or 5 McMillan & Maguire, 5-5. Cor. or. King & Yonge Sta. 9813-3614 + PEPERBORO--134:185 Hunter St. KINGSTON---Exchange Chambers. 1 1 A RR rive ey Bn vi SARE WIN- 13¢c., 20c. COMBINATIONS, COMBINA- il = Finnan Haddi Fresh Oyster Wild Duck Kippered Herri Poultry DOMINION FIS 63 Brock St. *Plion SWELL - FOOTH FOR WOMEN pecial Bargains in ¢ Women's Boots at 1 nis 1S-WHERE YOU SAVE YOU I, JENNINGS, -Ki ove With the And now is the tin have your Cutter Sleigh repaired and ps and put in shape, a ready when the comes, and the pla get put in proper sh AMES LATUR | 390 PRINCESS STRE DAVID HALL, Sanitary Plum and Gas Fitter, 66 Brock ; Only Electric ing ard Fea Renovating Pla Kingsten, "Pane 542. 272 Bag ENJOY A DRI Thea make it doubly emjo: waging: one of our fine t showy horses. 210 Welllngron St. FP Better Than MYERS| CELEBRATE Mince Meat, Pork Sa Brawn or Head Cool a Tar