Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1904, p. 1

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unity it yet bought your [ you should at the advantage of ortment of WIN- etter makes, and: ssibly repeat now, id we are now on 's , 8.50, 9, 9.50, 10, ), 14.75 and others. oats hildren's and Girls' at its best and you oderate. Wear. Many pru- see just what we are re going elsewhere, e our constantly ine re satisfied we have gston. 50: 3-75) 4-59 4.99, in a great variety of oth in Drawers and d Drawers, all sizes. Drawers, all sizes. e Shirts and Draw- GOWNS 3, 50¢. and 75c¢. Nightgowns, extra the thing for a man hey are long enough /EAR FOR MEN, ILDREN. they Reet, ACKARD'S orrect shape to be cleared iis ak £3.95 ots als: on $3.95 il, BER $3.05% 4 $3.95 1901 make. We shall in fu SLATER BOOTS and THE e and Yarge stock of cach. oR, LL HOE STORE Are acknowledged by commercial trav- ellers to 'be unsurpassed in the domin- ion. We consider them the best critics he cause they have the greatest experience, and see what is carried and worn in the largést cities by theibest men. One 'ofthe cleverest commercial dress- ers carmied off ong of our $1B eats to- day. Its a credit to the institution It will sell many dthers, and we have ohe for you, Cowe gud get it at & JENKINS <¢ Promoters of "FIT-REPORM." Our lines at $10 and $12 are wonders SIGNET RINGS! It's é@sier for us to make AR- TISTIC SIGNET RINGS, than to make them lacking that quality. And as you kmow, it is much easier to sell them; JUST ON THAT ACCOUNT. We can show you superior patterns in Signet zag. Both Ladies' and Gents' OPTICIANS 350 KING ST. a OWmOST. Dancing and Deportment By D. Roy Macdonald WHIG HALL KINGSTON. Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wuveniles from 4:30 pm Adis at 8 ol SMITH BR. OS. JEWELERS Iu you want to Jearn to dance correct ly. Joint this school; '1 guarantee to teach Private 'lessons by appointment. PD FOR CIRCULAR. NOW NOTICE "You ma Talk ws ¥ou like, but I have hest, and cheapest Shaves, Furniture, 'and Carats, iin 'this eit Jome and see them; and; you will be satisfied TURK'S HAND SHOP, rincess Street. A GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASI- ing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Daw son, 125 King street. TWO DRY GOODS SALESMEN, FOR Glasgow Bros., Prescott Apply to Macnee: & Miunes, Kingston. SERVANT. NO WASH- Apply to Mrs. Fran- 252 King street. GENERAL ing or ironing. cis MacNee, BY A YOUNG COUPLE; THREE heated, unfurnished rooins, for lght house-keeping. Apply to B.A. Whig Office. HELP WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS of _all kinds abound in' the London "* Free -Press."" lf you want a posi tion, write for sample. A xqiRe MAN, GOODY PENMAN; AND or rg A for two months. apy to F. M., through the Whig O: wo like work in an office rors for casting reflections. good cook \ b > What every nation should have is a standing grmy that no other army is able to found in aur assortinent line as here, a.m: hor n, only a faig singer able to put things in their proper light cent. less than elséwhere. DAILY MEMORANDA, City Hall, 8 pn 1:30 pam, Thursday. Rideau King oh" last trip to-morrow, 0 Orgnge concert Cheese "board, This day in history: 1841. Who Goes Hot 1%e, 815 p.m, ' Fven the brunette songstress niay be King Edward There 27" Grand Opera To-morrow will be blanket Newman & Shaw's. © Household sale by Mills, at 10:30 go-morrow. The sup rises Thursday, and 'sets at 4:89 p.m, Some people are regular day at Rideau St, at 6:48 am, human mir Phe photographer is one who should ho. Which would be wiser for a wan past 50 to do: marry a trained nurse Or a down on, Some women read fiction while souse others merely listen to the fictitious nar ratives of their husbands THE BEST CHINA The choicest apd the most beautiful is Nowhere in find such a complete We have everything in the Glass business, and. 25. per Canada will you China, ang ROBERTSON BROS. ~ . | Frontenac Liberal Association MASS MEETING CITY HALL, KINGSTON Saturday, Nov. 12th At 1 candidate o'clock; to contest the pam. to select a riding in the Provincial Legislature. All liberals are cordially invited to attend C. ™ ADAIR, Secretary CHAS, HAY, President. "GOLDEN LEAVES" By Miss Eloise A Skimings, Goderich * This volume of verse will be of interest to residents of Goderich, past and present. Price $2. For copies ordered 'by mail 16ec. should be added for postage. Ad- dress MISS SKIMINGS, Goderich, Ont. PURCHASER FOR SUBURBAN HOME commodious - residence, with"4 or 10 acres, near the water. McCann's Real Bstate Dflice, 51 Brock' street. ee eee A WORKING HOUSEKEEPER, OR RE- liable géneral servant for a small re- fined home. She could sleep at heme il she desired. Apply X.Y .Z., Office. ------------------------------------------ ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR? It is being done with our goods. Work is pleasant, res tary d antl 0. Marshall & Oo. n, Ont. * SHAT SUIT OF YOURS TO PRESS and 'clean; it can be made to look 5 like new. work. os. Galloway, tailor, . Brock street, next U to Bibby's livery, ENTS, TO fest kitchen utensil on earth. ¥ od and surrounding country plages. . Pxclusive territory; also boys, to 9 Asie dodgers. Call 276 Ontario & a A $05 1 mailing or canvassing: jeulars, 8.8. £0. reester, Mas » BEE LOST. YOUNG MEN, copying at homs. Dept. pr PIN, with Pearls, on Wednesday noon. = Please leave at Whig Office. TO-LET. RGE STONE BUILDING, NO 4 Tic treet. guitable for 5 i sarmers' hotel, Apply to 24 Brock street Whig rder for mew Also your oi a 8] THE HAND- - Ride EARN material Fl stamped ened BLACK. ONYX, SET x after- 2 MADE AN OFFER. Kidd Will Give Way To Bor- den. , Special to the Whig ; Ottawa, Nov, 9.--Edward Kidd, M: P., for Carleton, wired Mr. Borden of- fering him Carleton county, Sir John A. Macdonald once sat ior Carleton county, after being @efeated in King- , ston, Only $17,000 Unpaid. Never in the history of 'the city have the taxes beer so well paid in as this year. Though nearly two months have yet 'to 'elapse hiefore the year ands, only $17,000 remains to be paid The next: -bést record 'was # two years ago, 'but that. was atthe close of the year. The, governwent. side of this year's eouneil Has fertain- ly done big things for the eity by jts re-arrangement of "tax matters. Fighting Extradition. Special to, the Whig, Torontos. Nov, 9. --Basilo "and Anti- no Piazo, under at Burhugton Junction extradition. until Monday. fighting: "Tobler's]" enting chocolate 5 sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Detective Ca¥penter has * in procuring the extradition of Hawel, L000 «| governor. arrest. at Buffalo, N. Y., charged with stabbing an Ttaliag, are They have: "fren fumatded ROOSEVELT: Will Fill The Presidential » Chair. A BIG SWEEP CARRIED, ELECTORAL COL- LEGE BY BIG VOTE. ------ Frvery State Outside " The Solid South ' - Went Republican New York State Gave Roose- can. Special to the Whig New York, Nov. ~Roosevelt has Leen re -olgofed peste nt by an over- whol i he returns, .. so far, bing that the electol will vote in the be 325 for Roosgyelt and mirbanks, to I51 for Parkers and Davis. The ropublican party" has cafried every state in the wir outside "of the socalled solid south." Tn New York state Roosevelt has a plurality. of more than 200,000. The returns from congressional districts indicate. that the. republicans . will hava. a larger majoilty in the next the pre: state Mr. than they have in New York congress sent one. In 3 FRANK W. HIGGINS, . The Governor-Elect of "grew York State, i itera -------------- Higlins is elected governor by what looks to he a large majority. . The state legislature also has gone re- publican by a large majority. Melvin G. Palliser, manager of the campaign for Thomas E, Watson, pre- sidential candidate of the People's party, cries that, as a result of the overwhelming demgeratic defeat steps would be taken to form a new party. To t end, according to announce- Toy out, Mr. Bryan, Mr. Wat- son and William Randolph Hearst, will hold a conference in New York in about a week's time. The Parker plurality in the city was 35,000 less than was given Herrick f(democrat) for governgr. In Brooklyn the repliblican manag- ets thought Parker might lead Roose- velt, but reports from all but thirty distriets give Roosawelt 124 plurality. His total vote fell 16,000 ghort of Brvan's. There was a great surprise in the propotfions of the vote for Higgins (republican) for governor, he running far ahead of the Odell vote in the counties ahd winning by about 85.- 000, i . His plurality above the probably 160,008, while the Greater New York, out 75,000. * Bronx was Herrick' in ap gregated ab- The result of the -election was cele brated. in New York in the demon- strative manner characteristic of this eitv. The large crowds in the streets, satisfied that Roosevelt had been ¢l- scted, started in early with every nojse-producing instrument procurable and soon Broadway and - the other greaty thoroughfares were so congested that traffic was made almost impossi- ble. In Wisconsin, La Follet te, Jopubli. can, BolieVed 16 have been elected governor over Peck, democrat, by 3- safe plurality. Senator Kittridge claims that Roosevelt has carried South Dakota hy 40,000, In (Colorado Adams, democrat, will have 5,000 majority over Peabody for Deleware republicans clect the ernor and congressman. The legt tute will he "overwhelmingly rep ie can, The republicans claim A they will have forty of the fifty members Addicks 'faction. "of the party claim a majority of the legislature for their leader on joint ballot and say they will elect Addicks to the Enited States senate in Janu- ary to succeed Senator Ball, whose term expifes next, March. managers of the clearly indicated following sta n velt And Higgins a Big Vote-- oa am wy the Sill: of the honor ' : ; ldone me merican people in State Legislature is Republi thus expressin weir 'confidence in Jhat 1 liavg Pfs preciate $6 the full the solemn reopo RUE this gonfide nee imposes upon me, and 1 have served three and and this three and ne-half years con- 'tom which Tin i f terms 'regards "Under no cite tances will 1 bea candidate for of #ecept another nom. inatipn." Herrick did not carry Albany, his home eonnty, nor did Parker carry Ul- | ster, in which he lies. of the legislature on Yoint ballot, The | hag carried the In - West ye come in very dean victory is in- it the election is 000 to 4,000 state for ginia the, returns slowly but a p dicated. the fact, dl tts and Minne- d demogratic governors in n p uralities for aapesesuiovi es will be the majority hav- y-seven ! that number. The democrats seals which were be- lieved to be absolutely aie. There will be little if any change in the United States senate as a result of the elections Not a date Again. Washington, Iv, 9. President Roosevelt, after ¢ election returns result, issued the nd have tried to ll do all that in t to forfeit it. my power lies ni ach next IT "On the gy © shall one-half years stitute my first . The wise = cus president, 10 two ibstance and not the form, er ---- . PITH OF WHE NEWS. The Very Latest Ne ws Culled From All Over The World. Brazil' will Secdes for her navy three cruisers and ten 5 yom hoats. The Cham Commerce of Vie toria passed pesolution in favor of a preferential ' Ifred Cooper ound mineral paint in pay tities on his fargy, near Fort W There is a blockade in Rus sia, owing to ie use of cars for troops to Man ia. The Silver Q Hotel, Sour Lake oil field, Texas hs burned and four guests lost' 0s. Seventy-ei gare killed, many in jured and #50 houses destroyed by iethiftakd i Formosa. D. A. Budge, & etary of the Young sociation, has. res , from Australia, i, Canadian _immi: has sailed for "anéida on the te Star liner Maj: etic, : ames R, n, i of the freight hn, Ris Has been appointed city treasurer of Windsor, Hon. J. R. Stratton was presented by the stafi of the provincial secre tary's department, in Toronto, on Tuesday night, with a cabinet of silver. It "is expected that Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, K.C., will arrive in Otta: wa to be sworn in as a minister with- out portfolio in the federal adminis: tration. Enrique Cortes has Colombian minister States. Cortes eign affairs in the Raffacl "Reyes, A proposition having in view the acquisition of the Ottawa electric rail way by the city corporation was laid before the city council by the mayor and referred to a special committee, heen appointed to the United minister of for cabinet of/ Gen. was A thirteen-year-old Polish boy, has been sentenced to three months' im prisonment for lese najeste. While at school in Lissa he condemmed the peu- trglity of Germany and made deroga tory remarks about the kaiser, At a meeting of rej presentatives of: the "License Holders' Association of Ontario, it was decided to raise a fund of 5.000, with which to de feat the | government in. the event of grohibitory slation being pro mised. THREE-CORNERED FIGHT. New Element In The Mackenzie, WN. W.T., Contest, Special to the Whig. « Winnipeg, Nov, 9.--~Nominations 'for Mackenzie, gN.W.T., were made at Yorkton, yesterday, resulted in M. Gaboria, unexpectedly entering the <field, making 'the contest a three-corn- ered one. The other candidates are Dr. T. A. Patrick, conservative, and E. L. Cash, medical superintendent of agencies, liberal; Gaboria, is a Gali- cian; ---------------------- His Neck Broken. Special to the Whig Buckingham, Que., Nov. 9A 'most lamentable accident ocourred here this morning. John Pratt] seventeen, eldest son of Henry 3. Pratt, fell off a load of bricks and alighting un his head, expired in a few minutes. He was quickly removed to Dr. Wallace's office where it was found that his neck was hroken. Much sympathy is expressed for the family in their 'sutiden fie- reavement., : Twéntieth Vote Fy Clyde, N.Y, Nav: was again at the polls sl for vi the Gwensieth {ime * foria prosidential candidate. "Uncle por he is fa- ent. miliarly known, wi in Columbia county, N.Y. in T #nd has lived under the administration of every pre- gidont except Washington and Adams. A ------ Off For Southern States. Special to the Ty N 9~R. L. Bor- den gnd Mrs. Borden Toave this motn- ing for New York 'en route to the southern states, where they will spend a couple of weeks. will visit Montreal on their way k to Hali- FOR"SALE. * [Montreal's Hefatiiting ety Pavaipste® | = Illinois, Koquvelt da carried CGH-CAST HOUSES, CORN- Cook county, in which icaizo is A or Nig JJahnston, ag Feels, il located," by 90,000 and the state by i a) omer Lot § 42x 78.5 | Apply 140,000. The wame figures are given =e for Dencen, republican, for governor, : rey BOARD. mma WITH ""MODERN © CONVEN(ENCES. Later Results. ACHIY ta. B50 Berrie atrest The best Cough Medicine. President Roosevelt's estimated 35 Stamps no ABSOLUTE SAFETY | ines belicuime. 'way be oreased hy i . 5 av's balloting, m jo 3 Ko Trading ula be 1k jibly 1itsist ] eighteen * votes from Missouri, when Montreal, , Nov, 9.-- dnd to wilt Rupon whe "Buying modicine EN a row thia's state shall given in the superior cork: probit foe vpoR that de Ride one' a I rot or or the Her ey ot ; pales SAM ALLENS i hand vay. be decreased by seven wy vy Hi Horm and Is xotes whensths count! is. completed. in Waki Vivghtia, Both pide i cladtes a Ml minke "4 {rip ember 10th, at 6 am ¢ 3 ne Smith's Pally, leaving Tharsday, Nove . James Suits & victory' in Missouri, where the repub- jcan state committee believes it has fican Walbridge for governor by 3,- x i aide tically welcomed: by all the troops. | Two Election Judges - Are Killed Gen, Linevitch will take command im- In. Cripple' Creek. * J mediately. The Russiin front now ex- Crible Cronk, Col., Nov "0. Tw -temds- sixty sie miles: Waldorf' Tont "or maumazey, 'Evidence In The Te Toronto ou | Murder Case. Spatial to Toronto, ig, "At this 'morning, Alexander John and his wife Ethel, were placed trial for the murder of their oe months-old child. in Augers 1a last, vf infant; it will be remembered {ound floating in the bay at the tine A CANNONADE of the arrest. The women that she and her husband -- BY RUSSIANS cs THA I HAD NO PARALLEL IN WEEKS. FIRST ARMY ; st y ti; . 3 % will Now Bé or omtadae vitch By u al their infant out in a boat, and 1 Martin after hitting the child over the head with an oar, had throwy it * the water. This: confession: will Bi bo td against the sceused | at th § trial, During the --_ 'of thé howrie" this morning, re male seen to pass something eo ce ved -y which the latter » hid Thinking that it might In ge police matron 'was summoned, Japanese Loan Of £12,000,000 Arranged--Report That As- saul: On Pert Arthur Has Ceased--Chiness Official Ex- the woman was searched. Fucked i ecuted By Japanese For Spy- |}. clothing was discovered a cliing ing. i from a hut paper; containing a Snecial to the Whig t the evidence 'given in the Mukden, Nov, 5. ~Lieut. din, Line- pt court at the ti pty "a vitch, recently appointed 40 the com- | committed. niand of the first army, arrived, yeés- it atbains torddy, by special train,' and was Tet BLOOD SHED AT POLLS. by Gen. Sakharofi. He was enthusias-' Quist was brok- en on the morning of November «2th, by a Russian chnnonade of wee democratic election ju ~ wera Kil in: this district. yeste A Fabel} f deputy sherifi was mortally wound and = a number democratic ju were beaten and thigun into jail. i a ty that has Had no parallel ih weeks. There is no sign yet of a Japanese advance, Idelbolt and Chris, Miller, judges \ Goldfield, were shot down by 1 one Sheriff Bell's deputies. They had dered the dey uty ae of ad 'oiling Ea : Fapasiese Assume Offensive, St. Petersburg, Nov, 9.-Gen. Sak- harofi reports that the Japanese vane | place, He re guard assumed the offensive on Novs | upon. the ow, shat py led he ember 7th, along the line from Chang: | At 1. Doyle, 8, - deputy tan to Khenan, and oceupied the vil-|sheriff, a: x ee Kennedy, lages of Outiatse, Kitaitsu, and Paou vi mocratic judge, and in a struggle ie 1 tore her dress and slapped her, Ed. O'Leary, a democratic watcher, int tetfered and shot Doyle, fatally wound: ing him. O'Leary was arvested, Saw Walford, 'the dduty 1 who Kill ed the. two election in Golds field, was a secret service wan during the military rule in the district. Mill and Idelbolt were union men. FASHIONABLE WEDDING, Miss Blanchet and No and Norman Seilvie Mand, sintung whence, however, the Russians i ho Wali: A ve fashion h afterwards expellod them, reccedpying wedding a morn the 'original line, There was no fight. ing, at , Hish th whew 5 ing yesterday, Norman he vie, Montreal, "wad § Ohiness Oficial Bsontedy x || fined a bond pt . Shanghai, Nov. 8-1t rte | day r of jd ie ited here that "a Chinese telat a digi ig Bi present, k rank was executed by the gh on a _. of Montrealers. The | November 2nd, at the village of Shak- Ei way accompanied by her Tathir, oy fe he, 'it is said on the order of Theng | and attended by the followi brides: wom, Hoel 0. Miss Chi, the military governor of the pro- | maids ; Miss Borothy, White, Miss M. Pluck, Sidest Jdnugh ter, wok vince of Skeng King. The official was | 1, Ogilvie, and Miss Naomi Wilson, N10 HELLO" RG WN-1y King ston discovered in the act of spying on the | and the groom was assisted. as best Nov EE ew. WS T; movements of the Japanese troops. | man by bly brother, D, W. Ogilvie. Tha | ushers were Hope Scott, Jack Ogilvie, 8, Stevenson, and Seymour Blanchet, | A number of Quebec friends of the | groom entertained + him at dinner at | the Garrison Club, last evening, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Russians Re-Inforced. London, Now, 0.-A Shanghai despatch, to the Morning Rost. Saye that the +LELTRY, usaians on. the Sha river have beet Re Maforeed, * ad n ,000, So R00 pa 0.000, & + » * 4 +; + + 4 A Terrific Omslaught. 4 Brows. aman bid London, Nov. 9.--A despatch to the Central News, from Chefoo states that the Japanese made a terrific as- sault on the defences of Port Arthur, on Monday, and were repulsed, The Avnem------------ UEEN'S Chefoo correspondent of the Daily PRINCE OF SIAM IN LOVE. y ! ve. Mail says that the assault on Port ---- ' Arthur has heen discontinued, The | Seeks Alliance With Family In |° Japanese have been only partially Russia. able to hold captured guns and forts, owing to the Russian cross fire. The line of the blockade has been drawn nearer to the land, The Chronicle save that a new Ja- panese loan of £12,000,000 has been arranged, and will be offered for sub- scription: at the end of this week, or the beginning of next, half in Lon- don and half in New York, Biarfits, Nov. 9.<The young Crown Prince of Siam, who has been spond: ing the scason at the Hotel Victoria, has fallen desperately in love with a charming princess, the daughter of Duke Constantin, pf Oldenbourg, and sister of Princess Yourriovski It is believed the Prince of Sian's spit will 'be favorably regarded. by Russia, as the czar will be only too ready to oppese the friendship of Sitmite the intrigues of the Japan- IN 4 THLETIC aver West side and) Silenced Guns, Tokio, Nov. 9, {4 p.m.)=Tt iz re. parted that the Japanese have com pletely silenced the forts' on Rihlung {1% believed, may hesitate. to sanction and* Susimg wiountaing and that their | the astiage, fearing complications main strength is now attacking Etse with Japan te. mountain, CZAR'S MOVEMENTS. 5 -- Has Gone To Bid Farewell To Troops. St. Potershurg; Nov, 9.-The empor- or has left St. Petersburg for "Vilna and Poland to bid farewell to the troops. Hy will be gone a week. . A local paper prints a letter review. 3 peli Fhe court of Bangkok, however, it | Gold ors re oro Fond tous In a) 3 Military Comed; Direct from the Choosing A Rochester Bishop. Prien ny) Special to the Whig ; ew York, Nov. #.-In response to the call of 'Aréhhishop Fafley, the bishops of the New York province as- sembled, to-day, to pass upon, the names selected for co-adjutor bishop of. Rochester, N.Y, to assist. the pre sent inenmbent, Bishop 'MeQuaid, who ing the voyage of the second Pacific | WORLD'S i iv cighty-one years old. The persons | squadron; in which the statement is | ANMSTREL mokt prominent mentioned for the made that three torpedo boats, scons honor are Very Rev. Thomas F. Hic- |ingly on hostile intent, were. seen off Frank kev, viear-genoral of the Rochester | (he Spanish const during the night of diocese, and Rev. FE. J. Hants, 8 | Guober 26th. professor - at Bt. Bermard's seminary. The names of these two and of 'a third candidate yet to be desided np- on' will be forwarded to Rome for the final selection. £ You don't have to acquire a ta r "Swiss Food," the best of bre itn ---- " corenls~it's deligious. He Pleads Guilty. sh & Son, millers, T\ Sal to the Whig : . Montreal, 'Nov. %.-- Sheldon 1 Bent, socretary: treasurer cof the Shawinigan Carbide company, arrested some months ago, on a charge of robbing the company of several thousdhds of dollars, and who put in formal la not guilty, to-day, changed his plea to guilty and will be sentenced . Fri- day. jon." W h 0 ; with, A ream flour this week for $2.70 Pr} Carringes if & pt at Mullin' s. Prices, $1, 756. Seats on sale "Thur Not Likely To Redyver. ' Special to the Whig: Poronto, Not, D.--Jossph Hartly, | a laborer employed digging a trench ot the new car sheds of the street rail- way company, yesterday, when a heavy pile of bricks fell 'upon him: He | }is now in hospital with a Trpctured skull, and the doctors hold out little |! hope of his recovery. g Sn ------------------ ' He Was Remanded. 1 to the Whig: Sopial to Ont, Nov, Martin Suis \{®) arrested, yesterday, it PEEE® fax. I personation. _in. the lochs. ast irre, J Th wowed bifore PUM Tove; This morning the thermometer . ro-! Fmorming ior preliinidary heari gistered ton degrees Below freezing, the coldest yet. Lilly white potatoe, Cratlond' 5. can Wii else witil the aa

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