HACKY! Hickey's Bronchitis Cure 'It soothes and heals the in- lamed mucous membranes. Recommended by those who have used it. ; Price, 25c. The H.B. Taylor Drug Co. 124 Princess Street - - "Phone 89. PUN 357 BLANKET DAY 1 To-morrow Will be BLANKET DAY at this store, and for the occasion we will show some really strong values. Bet- er anticipate your winter's needs and ome prepared to see the best values ver shown in this city. COTTON BLANKETS, WOOL BLANKETS, UNION BLANKETS. The prices are right. Newman & Shaw 122 Princess St. Swift's Scranton al To be a constant user of it is .just another way of sav- ing money. Bl JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 133, ® 0000000000000 WHEN THINKING Of ordering your Groceries don't orget that you can get as good is can be got at the UNIQUE BROOERY, and our prices are hs sal) for orders and dalives I Fou want us sing up 590, Ci. H. PICKERING. Corner Pine and Patrick Sts. «+ 7d rae 7 | E "DAY Excursion Fotos KIN STINS PEMBROKE & CANADIAN THURSDAY, Nav..17, 1974. Round' trip srekets will be sold to all points. in Canada at SINGLE" FinsT-CLASS FARE rea Sdpusday and Thursday, Novew- Valid! und from Westination ob or before Motday, Noy. 21st, 1904. a DAILY M KINGSTON TO WORLD'S F FAIR, - -- ST. LOUIS MO.. $22+-Bood for 15 Da pay $29/35-+600d rs. $35. d until Dek. 15th, 1904. SID e_amion to . Niagara Falls, als to Agent, + «Corer Jghusten and a streets. --_-- tickets, other informa tion aR Ji P. HA # x = RACIFIC RAIL RAILWAYS. sping Da SINGLE FARE Gooll going Nevember ren. until November World's Fair, St. bouls, Exours Jon Tickets on sale daily. , Fullfparticulary at K. & P, and C P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street ¥. CONWAY, F a Fora ER. Gen. Pass: Agt. ten. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New "short Napanee, Deseronto, and all leeal points Trains leave City Hall Depot at 3:25 pam. F CONWAY Agent BQ. Ry., Kingston and 17th 1904 16th 21st, Nt line for Tweed, LL and eel ONBNDERRY ALLAN L te From. anti: al. Parisian, i, "Nov. athe 6:00 am Zunjs i, - Noy. 18th, 9:00 a.m Fiber. Rov, Sudha. 65%. m Sopion Lo) Halifax, 28 "RAT gd PR SSAGE, Firt. Cabine- $50 Aid i A according to stesdmer 'mmd accommodation. Second. qabin, iy Londonderry, $3¢ 2.50 and Sans on $2.50 extra Third class, ne ROR 1, Derry, Belfast, Glas: wow lghdon Hon: 4 Ae TO. GLASGOW, DIRECT, Sicilian, Thurs.,, Nov. 17th, (Daylight) N YORK TO GLASGOW, 3 tis Thurs., Nov. 15th 12 noon ed a rites by above Guligow ser fication, etc. on NLR Agent, GQ. T.R, City Pas J.P. GILDER- RN hbvetes Siriat Laks "Ontario and Bay 'of Quintie + Steamboat Co., Limited. 5 « BTR. *¢ y Between Kingston, Picton and Belleville Commaéncing August 80th, Steamer lenves Kingston daily at 3 p.m. Tor Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte rts. On Tuesday, Thursday snd Sa , steamer calls at Deserento, nN and Bellevilla. 'or further information apply te E Me HORSEY, a oY & r . P. GILDER- HAN SLERVE, JAS. Ton & Co. Agents TO-LET. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, near Queen's ' College. Apply af George street. FIRST CLASS ROOMS, WITH BOARD. Apply 160 King strect, corner Union; conyeniont to Medical College. ----------------------------------------. FROM OCTOBER FIRST, THAT" TWO- story brick house, No. 6 Frontenac street, north. Rent low. Apply on praises, . ~ THREE ARM ROOMS, OVER 212 , $8 per month, inclading et ply McCann s Real state Office, roek stroet. FOR SALE. - ; ha OHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSF D Pri a em Tot : fast *tront. Ba? Toe a Barn. he ape PE a. a Apvoly thresh office. a indies GoD. a street ets 118 Sours. Sine n HALL COAL STOVE. rt es Shih. Apply 6 Fren- LAROBITECTR. we NDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor ever Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and LLIS, Sich ECT, OF- of New Lrill Hi - and Montreal "Stree N ARCHITEOL. MER- chant Buildi coraer Brock and rg 'Phone 213 HE SMITH, ARCHITECT. Py Building, Market MONEY, AND BUSINESS. SMVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE i Wire ®, Available . 8 ion Lo 8 irs all any intermedi- |. Pas owed - also Detroit and Bago! | reet Detroit Specialist Making Men' | Diseases a Specialty for Years, Will Accept , Glving it Individual Treatment. You may Use it in the Privacyof Your own | Home. You May Pay When ) You 'are Cured, A Detroit Specialist who has 14 diplomas and tertificates {rom medical colleges and state board: of medical examiners, and who has a vast exper itive he cases; fence in doctoring diséases of men, is SAD Cure a great many so called ineurad) DR. 8. GOLDBERG. * The rof diplomas and certidcates, who waits no money that he does not car In order to,convinee patients that he hasthe sbil- ity to do ax he say, DiBoldberg will accept your ase for treatment," and you ficed not 1 Po penny yatil a complete cure has becn made; ra ants to hear from patients who have been unable fhe as he guarantees a positive cure for skin chronic, nervous, blood an tio e yons, 'auch as rheumatism, bladder or sroubles; blood poison, physical and -nerveus debility, Tack ny stomach trouble, etc; 'he doctorrealizesthatit is one th hing fo} ke ms and another thing to back 3 and w that you ph whiting) bs pay v-hitn small nde "Th secs, 'hercfore, that itis to the best interests of everyone who suffers to write the ds actor canfi. dentially and lay your case before him, which will recciye careful a AR: ation, and a correct diagnodis of your case:will be made free of charg} if you have lost faith write him, as you have everyth ne to gain and nothing to 10se} you must remer not one penny need be paid until you an ured, All medicines for patients are prepared in lis own ahotatory to meet the requirements of each individual case, ¢ He will send.a booklet on the subject, which contains the 14 diplomas and cer sifien entirely free, ' Address him simply Dr. 8, Goldberg, 308 Wood ward Ave.,Room #20 Detroit, Michigan, Medicines for Canadian pas tients sent from Windsor, Ont,, consequently there is no duty to be paid, ~ Ca Rat Auytin Now. How many' Dyspeptics can say that ? Or perhaps you are dyspeptic and don't know it. Have you any of these symptoms ? ede, Variable appetite, a faint gnawing feel- ing at the pit of the stomach, unsatisfied hunger, a loathing of food, rising and souring of food, a painful load at the pit of the stomach, constipation, or gre' you gloomy and miserable? Then you are a dyspeptic. The cure js careful diet; avoid stimulants and narcotics, do not drink at meals, keep regular habits, and regulate the stomach and bowels with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, Nature's specific for Dyspepsia. Miss Laura Chicoine, Belle Anse, Que., says of its wonderful curative powers :-- 'Last winter I was very thin, and was fast losing flesh. owing to the run-down state of my system, I suffered from Dyspepsia, loss of appetiteand bad blood. I tried 'everything I could get, but to no purpose ; then Sually started to use Burdock Blood Bit ap she first day I felt the good LF Ghmedicing, and am now feeling strong and well again. 1 can est anything now without any ill after-effects. It gives me great pleasure 'to recommend Burdock Blood Bitters, for I feel it saved my life." "Humors; Salt Rheum Davie & Totes ©5;, Ttd., Montreal. A Choice Lot Hoes Hard 'Wood, Brown's Butter - Scoteh 20e. Per Pound -- AT MAKES-MEN- i biotin od You medi Yo ohil aol | "SOUND Von THE AMENDMENTS PROPOS-| «+ + ED BY QUEEN'S . Rules--Queen's Have Practice Match Should Defeat 'Varsit Queen's Rugby Club Jes submitted the 'following propg amendinents to the Intercollegiate rules : x To substitute the following, for Bec: tion 111;, subsection 1: "There shall be only one referee for a match. He shall be chosen from the board of're- fereps. He shall enforce the fules: and penalties and adjudicate upon casos un- provided for: by. rules; appoint: an umpire from the | sard of refercos, touch and goal judges, timekeepors. and vard measurers.' The effect of this amendment will be to cut out the instruction to referees to inferpret thee rules literally. Queen's also wants two timekeepers ine stead of one. "The latter clause ig ne- ceasary to provide for measurgrs for the downs. 4 To substifute the following for sec: tion VIL, sub-section (3): "No team shall be allowed possession of the ball for more . than three successive scrim- mages, unless they make & gain of at least ten yards, or a loss of at least to the' establish: dition * 0 pptiptesy {tain at the oppe defeated TCwitler in the eigh- teen-inch bake Sellinrd mateh, two shots in, hey Broadway. Billiard Academy, Reh York, on , Saturday. Hoppe scored 408 points in the last play aghing nis for Cuttler. The winnu's x total for. the 'six nights iwi if points, (Chttler's gran: pr 41.561 points, Hoppe showed exept yi fine form in the last innings of i making an aver- of almost ° ty points, ed "the Toromt 0 Telegram has an attack' of -hydrophobia, but it's . just a periodical Mcigtion, The Tin Horm declares that the O.R.F.U's duty is to expel Kingston foF ifs treatment 'of Bréckville' sughy. team lost Saturday. 1t happens that Kingston doesn't care what the ORE. might do. forsit his no usa for jtiat body. However before Kingston ould 'be given - the bounce, Toronto and Brockville would have first to be Wicked but (of the union. The Toronto Globe speaking of last Saturday's ¢MeGHE Varsity game says that the latier tem was outplayed on the wing line, Hut were strong on 'the back division. IRIE he the case Queen's will have a decided advantage + Lady Selon 8 ily--She Found a « And Nephew, - Philadelphia, Nov. €--Afer i ing for many years for her thei and sister, Lady Semon, wife ol] Sid Felix Semon, who is a physicia 10, King Edward, left here for New Yark,. having, it is said, gocomplished! her Junissions, so far as 'twas ssi With her husband she wil week for London, after making } vision for the erection of g han minusoleum over the of her brother, which she discovered is lying in a grave in Laurel Hill cemetery. Lady Semon came to this city: in September in' search of her rather and sister, from "whotw sho was se porated in Germany twenly-ave years ago: She was then Fraulein Rodeker, the eldest of three children, (Her brother," Adolph, * Teft' home When a vouth and came to America, Far a while he maintained a vorresponds nw with his sister, but eventually {hey lost track of him. Later Lady ' Se: mon's sister, Emile, married and went to Canada, and the family gradually lost track. of her also, In the meartime * the remaining | sis- | ter married Felix Semon, Longing for bigger fields, oft his native village and wont to; Lon don, where hig meéteroic rise and sub: sequent accession 10 knighthood is a matter of history. His wife had always grieved for her brother 'and sister, and hor: unhap| neRs was sueh that her hus he. ed "to forsake his practice for "8 Ph months to aid his wife in fading' her | relatives. They 'reached lady his after many wanderings apd found that Aolph Redeker was dead. His | widow and son, however, were living at No, 2,613 Columbia avenue; Adolph Redeker 'was buried in Lau: / { '" TEDDY " ROOSEVELT, EE LECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED [BPATES): twenty yards, during these scgimmages the | succession yof scrimmages te be deemed broken if the opposing team come into possession of the ball.' To amend « section. 111., sub-section IL, so as to providé for the umpire declaring whether a team has made or Jost the neecvssary distance in three successive downs. =~ , The following amendments are proposed to the regulatidns and rules of ecompetision : To add to section 11.: "A certificate oi the eligibility of each player, signed by a duly-qualified educational author- ity, shall be handed by the captain of Feach team to the captain of the op- posing team." To add to section VIL, sub-gection (2): "But in case of a tie the team scoring the greatest number of points shall "he declared winner of the round." To add to section X., sub-section (2): "Of which a detailed statement shall be given to the opposing clibs." This is to be added to~the rule pro- "hing for the payment of referees and u ( ¥ Sporting Notes. Berlin will enter the proposed senior western hockey "distriet, The Gans-Britt contest is stamped as the biggest prize ring fake of = re cent years by a Chicago authority, In Chicago on Saturday. might "Honey" Mellody, of Boston, and Dick Fitzpatrick boxed a siy-round draw. The bout was of the give and take order. Ottawa Citizen : It was reported in Montreal that if successful in winning the imtercollegiate championship, Me Gill would be willing te play off for dhe Dominion" championship Only registered - athifftes will be al Jowed to compete in' the Olympic tour nament at St. Louis on November 16th, 17th and 18th, and the ruling is expected to prevent the Canadian ele vens entered from edipeting. Montreal Herald : The intercollegi- ate game is open and fast, and from the spoctators' standpoint, better than that played by the O.R.F.U. With the team of Saturday, to give an aceount.of herself when she meets Queen's dn the final saw-off, At a meeting held last night Trinity Univer: ity decided to again enter a team next season in the intermediate series of the inter-colleginte union. H H. Wilkinson, captain of the black J will represent the elub at Kingston at the annual meeting on Friday: The proposed profss ional hotkey team at the Ontario Sault camot live -------------------------- Why not stop having so' many binbdays? 4 You must have had sixty 'at least! What? Only forty? Then it must be your gray hair! 'Ayer's Hair Vigor stops Ithese frequent birthdays, and gives all the early, deep, rich Jeotor to your gray hair. Suld Hor oyer sixty. years. LSITN0 bss bd, REES, Princes = 2 ooadis) 38s "any den . vot L > also, MeGill will not fail | SB ------ as they are SupeRor to MeGill on the forward line, with an equally effective. scrimmage. Noxh Saturday's gan should be. an easy win for Queen's, al though the locals are. met at all over coulident and are for the contest. The Dominion rugby te Ottawa College, or the Argonauts win, In either event a challenge will be sent. practising a scrimipage, and the Argos It is mot likely that The the game to-day Toronto will challenge if they win. of Varsity, on their _half-back line in Saturday for' Eurape, On arriving in England, Daniels wil challenge Bil lington and Derbyshire, the leading E nglish tank swimmers, them in races from one hundred to five hundred yards. Daniele sill the visit Germany, Franc? ud hain and try and arrange racch the best ama teurs in those coun ih aniels holds the world's record for 220, yards, Heis in fine form at preséngs Exchange: J. B, McArthur, who is captaid of. the MoMester. team this season for the second, time is deserv ing of a great dea) of credit, for he has worked hard to 'gets the team: in shape, and from the wax thev played together on Saturdays 'will keep the castern winners hustling to 'win from them, kt. was through, McArthur that rugby was taken up, a the college, and "he hay devoted ¥ Tos of time in getting a good team. MoArthnr has been offerfd a position on she Varsity genior teams hut remained rue to his college, and: is likeli 4 Baldepaid this year by landing the Fhampiagahip. The Exact 'Thing! Wéqnired For Constipétion, "As pa certain pur tive and sto mach purifier Chambpy! ar in's Stomach and Liver Tablets idem to be the ex act thing tequired, stroma enough for the mest robust, vet mild enotigh and safe fox children aid without that tarribile piping vo 'ol nton 16 most purgdtives," sav RIO'S Webster & Cor, Udon, "€ntaritn- Dectnade For sale by all druggists, Salvation Arm ers. Fixchange, Among Tg Sly officers at home antl: whro i; Rassian princess hg i | - English earl, thé Foidin ot fish duke, and the danghiter pf "York mil lionaire, who, ied society of that city is happy n° working amid the slams of London, AR these' wo men have Tong been, netive 'and nseful members. of the orghh@#len in vari ons hranches of its benefivient opera- tions! RI LC Sind The etary, of oh ilignor dealers' association denies is organiza tion is raifing a ae fight the On: tario government. | | search was finally abandoned and Sind «| | training faithfully | championship ! will not go by default of the OR, F.U. if either Hamilton Hamilton is | have one of the best coenipe trios in| Jost namped club will have Robertson, | sailed on tho steamship Minnehaha on | and meet | vel Hill ecometecy, and his sister im- | mediately determined to erect. a quit { able monument over his grave. Refore providing for this, however, she de vided to search Jor her sinter, For 'spore than a month Lady Se mon amyl her husband have been tra vélling "through Canada, * stopping at every town of prominence and making { enquiries, but unavailingly, and the Felix and his wife returned here COMING OVER. | And 'To Make Trip Around The . World. their future games. He is the most prominent hplf in 7 the intermediate college' series, .C. M. Daniels, the, Amateur cham- | DUCHESS OF, MANCHESTER pion swimmer of New York Athletic |G ociil to the Whig } Club, and holder of the Canadian title | London, Nov, 5. The Duké © and Duchess of Manchester, A formerly Miss | Helen Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, sail to-day for America with their two- | year-old son, Lord Mandeville. They are accompanied also by, Mrs, Rbine lander ol her two sons, 'as well ay James Henry Smith. While in New York and later on at Tuxedo the Manchesters will be the guests | of James Honey Smith, Their plans = are to tour around the world as guests of Mr. Smith, ---------- Could Not Rise. Chicago' Kews ! Lhese as' a thrilling story of the adventure of a French submarife hoat, while carrying out 1apepuvres rect nt ly in the neighborhood of Havre. U he little vessel entared the ostuary | oft the Seine "an@ proceeded some dis: tance up the piven. , Then an atten pt was made to bring it ta the surfhee; hut it failed Co rise, The fact that the specific gravity' of fresh wWHiSL Wills less than that of sen watershad Dien overlpoked, For twenty minutes of forts were made to bring the boat to the surface, but. without avall, and the position became more | gérions when several of the crew grew faint, owing to the fowlness-of the air. | To make marers worse, the #ub marine instead of rising, showed signs of settling on the river bed. and 'be. coming fixed there. 'Lhe ofeer | in command at length perseivimyg 'the cause of the téouble, mady fof ithe open sea st full speed. AR the while the men. who "were suffering' hihaved admirably. Shortly nfterward they had the satisfaction of noting that their "position was improving, end that the boat was gradualfy rising an thay 'entered denser water, and finnily thoy reached the mirface. : By his dime the crew were ahmost Good for Baby Any baby Aor Lialy 1 1t is wholesome, nourishing and easily | digested. Twenty five years. of use "proved its value. hap Nestlé's Food Sample (sullicient for eight meals) Free : "Four Years. cett-- fo Was Very Dizzy, Four Boxes of Milburn's Heart and "Nerve Pills Effected a Complete Cire. akan in Se = sa many a an Lfestoring ta those who were weak; nervous, Ex *hatitred invalids, Mrs. BE. Kilmer, Humberstone, Ont., Whites - "Allow me to tell you of the 'great results T have d ile ms and Nerve ears | suffered intense pain rE and was very dizzy. bur Sogeaiof Milburn's ¥ ac nd Aroind The Heart il Sveryihing in Gents' : PEER ] ini SH you 'in ment fs in Sure sults ho aca aay, J + age. Jor black, | : overcome. With the exception of [three they. quickly recovernd ym reaching this frosh air. The three in question. wore so TH that hon had to he re moved toa Hospital A Remarkable Name. icago , Post Co" mo of Thledo, 10, haw the longest Christian name on ree Her father wag respongible for it, It " written in the 'famil a4 fol Jows : "Milissippi A ansas Napoleon Four Hondred Milos fide 'the nth ofthe Ohio Ahgher."" Abslier plained 'that his jb ri was a in honor of an aunt' who lived nt Na- polecn on the 'Mississippi river in Af. Kansas, the Ohio. est potatoes, iid white, Craton The best nail hadi "gia Your h| , . de I | brushes are sold af. Hibgon's Red SEANAD hic {on drug store. Et di SH A ONE BRE yn { at voy ox of alial nemii0 op ahs no re ps A 08 HB Hedy ¥ 400 mikes below: eo moe of al ms,