iH 2 2 FF Fi F shed audacious attempt to os of Ottawa," said ith those of Quebec, to of Quobee, he opposition stands ded that "it can- Bo there is to be no movement at all. The conservatives will . let the legislature go. Wise decision. They perceive that they cannot win, that | they cannot prosecd on their own blu + | and in 'despair they abandon the pro- [| vince. Mauka following thems in < Jevery direction. 3 MONEY IN THE BUSINESS, J The exhibit. from the fire and light committee, at the city council--the © | first financial statement which bas inen ' J presented under new conditions was accepted with expressions of sadisine- tion " +1. The planta were taken over by the "Jeity on August Ist and for the oper . jations of August and September only J the committee has complete kita, These months are not the best for | the 'purpose of comparison, The con- {sumption of gas and electricity, for | lighting purp is small. Yet the | returns indicate that the net revemse {Hor the has been $2,000.74, ond from energy, $1,950.14, or a total of $4,040.88. '|. The net earnings for the twelve the at this rate will be over $24,- the charges for interest _ debenture debt, $10,500 annually, balance is over $14,000. So Yeity has the assurance by , who has been the city's engineer. He stated that the summers were' his own, that he would not be | employed at the college between April and October and ~ that even during | the winter months he would be avdll- during the working hours of the day. The committes has been charged with showing Mr. Kirkpatrick a slight in the manner in which his letter was considered at the last meeting. But the chairman has repudiated the idea or implied. The committee simply felt that it could not accept or act upon his proposition, and there the matter stands. The Whig is satisfied that the explanation will be received by most people, and the city parts in a kindly spirit from one who is skilled 'in his profession "and who has carried --him- | 56ll wioat 'capably as a oily oMeial. There has been some discussion be-. cause the applications of others were not more fully considered. They called for salaries, most of them, far highér than the city' has been paying or is able to pay, and the committee pur- sued the sensible course of laying them aside; Business men, as a rule, do not talk much about impossible things, and it would have been 'a waste of time to debate the expectations of men whose employment out of the question. The motion, re- gistering - the kick of the opposition against the treatment of these non- residents as ineligibles, was very pro- perly declared by the mayor to be out of order. «EDITORIAL VIEWS, Some people are surprised becauso the tory ring does not. run the city council a8 heretofore. The Toronto Telegram has no use for Mr. Barden. He may be a nice man--and he is--but he is not a great leader, and the Telegram is willing to try some one else. {The Montreal 'Star is sure that the people will resent the dissolution of the Quebec legislature. Well, why can't ihe opposition. go $0 the people and have them vote upon it? The Winn pég" conservagives are go- ing to continue "their agitation for public ownership, but they will have no. more of high protection ! The ta- rill high kickers will please take notice. ' y S------ i» 'Gen. Stoessel, the Russias general at Port Arthur, hae demonstrated that he is a hero. He ean afford to surrender--with honor to himself and the empire he represents. He ought to end the savagery that is going oh. The conservatives blame their lead ers when they do not sucdeed in an election. Tupper was dropped when he failed. Borden can hardly expect to "get more fgvour. Meredith felt the stings of misfortune and gladly got out of polities. + The New Brunswick legislature has lost several members, who resigned to "run for the Commons. It is proposed to dissolve the legislature and have a general election. Will the tories down by the sea take umbrage, and refuse to fight ? Let us see. The Citizen would have the conser- vatives in the Commons sink into sil- ence and Jet the government run The putting of a muzzle on G. E. Fos: "ter, Dr. Sproule, George Taylor and 'Sam Hughes would shorten the ses | sions, and save the country a lot of afternoon, 8. home, at Sydenham, ve, only daughter of tho .. | Specipl that there was any discourtesy meant | b, [kings and nobles. 'was simply [of England's history. : Cifous_ features things as it likes, A capital idea." 10 | manifesto isthe one i 3 A '= Important State- ments In Reference To The Made The Day May Be sie Xo ix, on: havo That Great 'Bait. ain's diplomatic. endotinter with Russia". #tired anew. the martial spirit y nation was évidenved to- ot "the dj "the great crowds that lined he ay Ee lord" mayor's proces- sion and cheered to the echo the gren- adiers gmd guards, the clattering ca- valty and smart appearing jackies and mrines as they marched along to the ing of the national an- i; Jcession through dense' fijassen of chaéring people, while windows, balconies, and roofs were very pemerally utilized, and the lar- ger open places, such as Trafalgar square, were crowded to their capa- city. 2 ' In its origin the mayor's procession was inte as an assertion of th: importance of trade and commerce, long previously ground "down by The &ty compan- ies came into existence, formed a powerful municipality, and, making Guildhall their headquarters, took care,: as g warning to all whom it might concern, to have the mayor in- stalled with tha utmost pomp, In the course of time the ceremony lost this particular significance. It then = be- came 4 tawdry pageant symbolizing the growth and power of the empire and the ooteupations and sports of the British nation. The chief features of the procession were = magnificent floats emblematic of various periods were intrody men and women riders, gayly dressed, together with elephants, camels and other - animals made the pageant. After the South African Ww theré came an- other change in the charagter of the pageant 'for the last two or three vears 'it has gradually been chan, nto a military onstration. ut there wi$ mo sign to-day that «the celebration had lost ita hold on the affections of the community, to judge from the countless thousands who thronged the streets and cheered the marching soldiers. a When the procession reached the law courts the new lord mayor, Alderman John Pound, in his full civic robes, pr by the recorder, and attend- ed by the getiring lord mayor, Sir Thomson 4 ,' the the mace hearer, sword and other civic. functionaries, od to the court Of the lord chief justice, where the usual solemn courtesies were exchanged. From this court, af- ter the retiring lord mayor had been formally presented to the judgos, the procession went. to the court of ap- pedals and was received by the master of the tolls and the appeal judged. The ceremonies here were merely for- mal and at their conclusion the dig- nitaries returned to their coaches and reSumed 'ths march to the 'city.' More than ordinary interest is manifested in the annual lord mayor's banquet at Guildhall to-night owing to the expectation: that the premier and other members of the government in acco co. with custom, may make some important statements in refer- once Lo issves of the day. Ambassa- dor Choate will be present and in all probability 'will deliver an address. Alderman «John Pound, the nw lord mayor who assumed office, to- day, is a well-known London business man. He 'was born in the city, was educated at the ""'Bluecoat" school there, dnd after leaving school enter- od his father's business in London, of which he is now the head. In 1869, when he was forty years old, Mr. Pound entered the corporation as a councillor. He hecame an . alderman in 1802, and in 1895-6 he served as senior sherifi. He is extremely wealthy, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Disgusted With It. Hamil Spectator, ' Hie government has a shameful ma- jority, : : ted With It.' Oygivt Meheueh tive 'club in the land has _toraed its picture of Nova Scotia to he 11 " oo « TT -- v ¥ An Indefinite Haven. Es . feo & + Tn that there is a desire to present Mr, Borden with an Ontario seat, but not with any particular seat. A Parallel Case. The nly asbeden t the day after Togo & Vinh ay --- BN And Convert The Rest. Hen 1 foand: ible to elect a When § 0 in' Hamiltaw, it is high evangelists, C grit time lists, Crossley Abe , coming. this wey. & Hunte = ge po A Mysterious ** Big Four." Mohn Marky avs that he has only met four humest men in his liletime; and now all the people he has stayed s ng No. 91, AO.UW.: meets Thursday. evenihg at eight % i bat all with in Canada are trying: to look un- | conscious, 1, } \ Lh "1. Dreadful Situation. Tar Caen the conservatives are dumbfounded by the jou s fact . power. 'lis AN - ¥ - a . Gk YA cian puts the query : Have you ar noticed in any igrge Tes: taurant at lunch or dinner time the large number of hearty, vigorous old men at the tables: men whose ages run from sixty to eighty years; mauy of them bald and all perhaps gray, nene of them feeble or senile ? the spectacle is so common gve escaped your observation, . but nevertheless it is an objegt lesson' which means something. old fellows are enting, you will ob- serve that They are not munching bran crackers' nor gingerly picking their way through a menu card of new fan- gled health foods; on the contrary they seem to prefer a juicy roast of beef, * a properly turned loin of mut- ton, and even the deadly hroiled lob. ster is not altogether ignored. The point of all this is that a vig: orous old age depends upon good dig- estion and plenty of wholesome foéd and not upon dieting and an endeavor to live upon bran crackers. 4 There -is a certain class of food cranks who seem to believe that meat, cofiee and many otlier goad things are rank poisons, but these cadaverous sickly looking individdals aré a walk- ing condemnation of their own theo- fies. ; : The matter in a nutshell is that if the stomach secretes the natural di- gestive juices in sufficient quantity, ~any wholesome food will he promptly |. digested; if the stomach does not do so, and certain foods cause distress, one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal will remove all difficulty, because they supply just what every weak stomach lacks, pep- sin, hydro-chloric acid, diastase and Jr Ses : Stuart's Dyspepsia Vablets do not act upon the bowels and in fact are not strictly. a medicine, as they act almost patirelv yapon the food eaten, digesting - it thoroughly and thus giv- ing the stomach®a much needed rest and an appetite for the next meal. Of people who travel, nine out of tén use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, knowing them to he perfectly safe to use at any time 'and also having found dut by experience, that they are' a safeguard against indigestion: in any i , and.eating as they have to, ours and all kinds of food, the travelling: public for years have pin- ned their faith to Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, ' > All druggidts sell them at 50e. for full-sized packages and anv druggist. from Maine to California, i# his opin: ion were 'asked. wil say that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the most popular and successful remedy for any stom- ach trouble. APOSTOLIC DELEGATE. He Wil Go Speedily To The Phil- ippines. a FATHER AGIUS Rome, Nov. 9.--Father Ambrose Agius, recently appointed apostolic delegate to the Philippines, end who sailed to-day, for the United States, ie to confer with President Roosevelt and the heads of the Catholic chusch in America. before proceeding to his post, Father Agius has led 'a busy. varied life, in which he has learned to take a broad view of persons and things," and he is likely to give" no small aid in the pacification of the Filipinos. : 4 Best potatoes, lilly white. Crawford. "Sweet Heart" toilet soap, three cakes for 23c. Gibson's Red Cross driig store. 3 ! : 5 At the conclusion of -the cabinet .council in Toronto, Premier Ross stated that he had no announcement to make. 3 Use Only 4 Teaspoonful of Armour's xtract'of Deef for a cup of Deel Tea. Yes, some require, a whole teaspoonful but they are not A:mour's, ARMOUR'S ~ Extract of Beef is the afferent and better kind, Itcéntainsall the strengthening properties--all the rich. delici. ous flavor--of prime roast beef, Test it yourself --see how Via I you will notic® what these hearty] 'Jtenation in the head = agree on the style, fit an by the smartest dressers Newest ] iberals and i Conservatives These two parties. may have different views on the Grand Trunk Pacific, Railway Bill, but all Gourist OQvercoats The TOURIST isan overcoat which is worn d workmanship of our in the country. Fabries. The H. D. fa Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kington. Bibby Co., "A Man Said Yesterday" "I like your shoes, they wear sq mich beter theth the shoes I have been buying, and they fit me exacily." Lots of men are of thé same opinion ~that's one reason we sell 'so many INVICTUS SHOES (Made by G. A. Slater.) Our Styles are right.' Our Prices are right, SEE THEM ! $3.50, $4, $5. WELLINGTON NEWS. miei Repairs To Anglican Church--Talk Of Skating Rink. Wellington, Nov. ' 8--~The Anglican church is undergoing ' repairs on the interior. New seats of modern. style are being put in &nd other improve ments done. There is talk of a skating rink being opened otit oh Lake View Park, ad- joining Hotel Wellman. The dancing pavilion will be used for the accom- modation of the skaters, Mr. and Mrs. E. McFaul will not re- turn to their farm as was their in- tention, but lent sermon in the Methodist church Sunday evening. : ; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Garratt have decided to spend the winter with their son, Dr. Garratt, at Toronto, manager of the Standard Bank will occupy Mrs. Garratt's résidence dur- ing her absence. Many of the towns people did honor to Mrs. H. S. Smith's reegption on thé 4th inst. John Noxon spent a month visiting in his old neighborhood. Miss Cora Clark has for several weeks been visjt- ing friends in Belleville. . Miss! Black, Belleville, spent a few davs the guest of Mrs. J. E. Clark. Calvin Rankin of Salmon Point, was in Wellington an Saturday. Mrs. G. A. Wellman was' the puest of her mo- ther last' week, at Black River. Mr. Richard Trumpour is dangerously ill. A dancing party was held. at Hotel [Ngliman on Monday night. cathedral, on Wednes- A Hn mass of re- for the repose of In St. Mary day morning, quiem was celeb ho soul 'of the arish priest of Tri was rector of 'the cat cellor of the diocese dun difficult period (a widowed and "performed the duties of ed office with ability and earn 4 periors. There was a large attendance of his old parishioners, who thus tes: tified their love and respect for him, vMoleod's improved quinine tablets, laxative, chocolate coated. A positive cure for colds, obtarrh, bronchitis, la grippe, ete. No di ble ringin Leod, druggists, Kingston, Ont. i 'The cough syrup with the Red Cross on the label means it's from Gibson's. Red Cross drug store. It cures vough. Only Re. * i & Un will reinain in Welling- : ton. Rufus Garratt preached: an excel- | approbation of his ecclesiastical sug sagreeable r 3 will follow their administration. Prepared by J. B. Mc- | any ¥ Hox, "or six for $2.50. 8 wi : | STRONG ASSURANCES. That Russia Will Offendess. Special to the Whig. London, Nov, 9.--Mr. Brodrick. sec retary of state for India, in & speech to-night, said that Russia had given Punish All the strongest assurances that if any other officers than those landed at Vigo, from the Baltic fleet, were found guilty' of anything, they would be ! punished. ' | A i---- i 2% he Wahoo Tonic" is sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. _ William Harrington, a farmer resid- ing near Brockville, sustained a seri- i ous accident. He was about doing { some . chores, and while in the pen i feeding his stock was attdcked by 8 boar, which 'lacegated his right hand very badly, W. C. Fredenburgh, of Westport, "last week "purchased W. 'H. Com i stock's celebrated trotter, Mary Ham ilton, jor a faney. price. Weary Shop Girls, Pale, Tired Womes You Feel "Draggy" Lifeiess * Nervous, Never Rested. FERROZONE Will Make You Feel Like New-- It Vitalizes; Tomes and - Stren gthens g "The best medicine for restoring veri: | lity and strength is Ferromone. "The time to take Ferrogone is when you first feel tired; and when appe tite fails, when nerves get irritat Its record - is. marvelous--it makes you feel strong. and sturdy, brings health that outlasts old age. MNre Mary, Melong, of Harbor Bouche, No va Scotia, writes : "Ferrozone built me up. 'Before using it 1. scarcely knew what good health meant. 1 Was just as miserable and wesk 88 A could be. "Tired from ing "till night, bo* i "The first box. of Ferrozone improv: "ed my blood, gave me appetite. In & short time' I was like a flew petaci Now 1 rejoice in abundant g nn Bow TRAE EI t Ferrozone. It "will make an vi expected improvement in your looksy your feeling, yonr health. 50c. pet 2 { The Sawyer Shoe Store. a 1 Recommends Promines COMMODORE-"G~y © Nichols ei -- 0 |: Commodore Somerville Ni the United States Navy,ina BX R St. Ni W., Washing Bays: / ! "¥¥our Peruna has been : msed by s6 many of my f #cqusintances as a sure cpre that)I am convinced cbei qualities and I unhesitatin mend it to all persons sufl that complaint."'--8. Nichols The highest men in our r given Peruna a sirong er Men of all classes and s equally represented. If you do not derive prom . 2actory results from the use write at once to Dr. Hartma "full statement of your case 2 be pleased to give you his v vice gyatis. ' [Address Dr. Hartman, ¥ The Hartman Sanitarium, C out headaok phms withe on for disea: To cure nd month the founda erves or stomach, remecr : only one Sate yomeay tc [4 that b the pujyely vege a ~ : ERRO} A Tonic Wine, pleasant | Gives strength Makes new blood Builds up tho sys! Throws off all we A boon to those recovering fr fevers and long ilincss. "' Sold by all medicine d Davis & Lawrence Co., Lid, muceo Painless gent or | Contagion. Evans Cremnoat Co. FASHION'S FO; The Latest | One Oi 4 Fall. A stylish 'evening cl broadcloth; dined with wi trimmed with. heavy br ribbon in white and gold cord drapes the shoulder ¢ Tong énd§ and tassels de ower broad lapels coverc ques in rich white lace. "The Wahoo Tonic" is Gibson's. Red Cross drug James H, Barrett, gen tendent of : the Puffale, Pittsburg railroad, died caged fifty nine Years. a : 'BGe--al! druggists or p FREE, TRY © Remedy Co, Chi nh Be