fund of 'the church, . mR mR a She city union of K held their semi-annual the report %f the late account a desesiption of it may be en pow, Green white was its color scheme, dbilies of handsome lace lying about upon its polished surface, A very. tall vase filled with huge whito it themums. being in the middle, with two smaller vases, each. filled with the same beautiful flower flank- ing if, and trailings of smilax coming down from the vases, and winding 1 wav through and around among the doilies' "and , the * confections. Silver eandlesticks, 'with much shining of silver, and sparkle of crystal, com: tha jorie, from Lady Alc Strange to say, more needed for the chain od 0 i A haw | es a HE Hiature. Jn in"whom: all Canadians take such a Mrs. John Mackie, and Mrs. Hague, deep Anterest, . . and outting ices were Mrs, J. C. Con- 8 Nei 3 - nell, and oy Reginald Brock. Seve Mr. Neilson, who was in the Bank of British North who left last Way, fi been moved back to now in Montredl, Colonel ral jprottily gowned girls were wait: ing 'upon the large number of guests, among them being Miss Letiice Pandy, Miss Gladys Drury, Miss Saun- ders; Miss; Katie Gordon, Miss Wal | 5 J dron; Miss _ Frances Sullivan, Miss fram Ottawa to-day. A a Etwa Callaghan, Miss Hague, Miss | Miss May Ogden, - Beatrice "Yahdy, and « Miss Marion Calvin "herself, Mrs. Calvin was as sisted in receiving hy Miss Fry, for whom the tea was given, aitie Te Mrs, Grout asked half a dozen girls 10° tame for a cup of tea this after- noon with her and her visitor, Miss Ada Temple. The latter intends to go ' op Tuesday for a month's visit to her sunt, Mrs. 4. R. Black, 'Mack street. ee GTR Colonel Buchan, C.M.G., has receiv- od from Lord Mimto, a peantiful tur- quoise pin, set in diamonds, as "a parting memento, The pin can be used either as a searfpin or stud. His ex: odllenty has made parting gilts to vations prominent officials in the country. t <0 0 get . o * * * A twiliglitivécital of sacred music is flor years to come, ts true merits, add' heal and soften; face and lips. r's ce Im, expeeted Tip to with 'her cousin, Mik St, James' rectory. » has been' spbading t with "Mrs. Harty begin her "datigs at pital. Miss Gladvs Drur week from Toronto. visiting ~~ hor sister William strdet. h as 'enjoyed' Her Visi 'her here; Will leave eollectianis: 10 be in sid of the mnsie fie wehool-¥oom on Friday," when . The circles have devided to work! parture of Miss Flaws. . . . 0» An executive meeting of the King- ston branch of the Woman's Council was held, vesterday afternoon, in the council chamber.. A good deal of rou- tine business was transacted including t inating of officers. A letter of 8 far the gift to the Lady Mar- with this the committee purchased handsome bracelet for America here, and' Henry Smith, came home who bas Leen" gtaying in Montreal, ie spend Thanksgivin Mr. Keith Edgar, a sometime cadet, who is home from India on furlough, Chestnuts." He expects to rejoin his regiment in a month's time. 4 . . * * Mrs: Stuart arrived Mrs. Edgar Doward, of Taronto, Miss Hallie Carman, who " ing's Daughters. meeting in St. convention was srdeen was read money than was was sent' in, and a the girl-bride! w New York, has Canada, and is of Three Rivers, 9% 3 Macmorine, a he past dew days Tandy at "The this week te! the General Hos y returned thie id ig Mrs, MeMahon; we hope! t in Kingston, as much as Kingston has enjoved having on Monday for been visiting Filiott, University avenue, left tc with het lite fon Franklin, fof home. " . one being 'on or shout Decomber Tth--- are sure to be successhul, * * . (| Misses Laycock. Miss Gertrude Low will spend week "Arthur Place. Dr. Bromley is spending a few days in the city. other days, Mrs. lie | day. A meeting "to 'arran ge! dances in the® "Gty was held gt: Mrs, - Maenee's on 7 day, and many details of the gaietion People hére who remember Mr. W, ¥. VanBuskirk, as a cadet in the class of 18841 loge, wil that he sition of assistant city engineer Winnipeg, owing which, it i¥ (eared, he will be unable to obtain relief. with Judge Woc - Mrs. George Horsey gave a small tan this afternoon in honour of the Mr. W. will take place as usual, in the Whig hall. Miss Hartigan, at the Roman 'Catho: presbytery, Napanee. hs who has: heen in Toronto, for the past few weeks returned to the city yester: Miss Macnee Rarqubar Robertson, Ontario avenue, ; say ; DAY; NOVEMBER 12. "a > RR : aug gy © Anild3 of Quen : ho will - IN ' "The You i street Methodist Sunday isa hold a rsd ; The name of Mis or a series of 1 this winter, Beis ah Se Was omitted & for a! juhble sale. areanged. The ied wha have aged | in the list ¢ of owtside eol- 3 . * pe to and otherwise oversee | legés, who wore preseht at Miss Fow-|* ART . As the Cadets' senior faothall team | the dances, ave Mrs. Macnee, Mrs. | 16's tea on We for. Queens r pn ! _ though : is wp in Toronto - to-day, the dance Grant, Mrs, Howard Folger, and Mrs. | Alumnae andi Sear girls, Miss Rule 'May i: 9) y which was to have come off at the R. JCamphell. Miss Bi ith Drury is eon- | Sills is a Varsity graduate, ' ynged-- Officers Elected. | M.C. 'tomight, has been. postponed. - || vener of the girls committee, and hoe Saft ho annual westing of the Intercol-| ' * . * | assistants wi be Miss Frances Ma- The, engagement is. announced of ia Bate a Meatball Union was A meeting for the purpose of re- caulay, Miss McPardand and Miss Lor-| Miss Nan, Thompson. daughter of Se- ot the Britinh-American Rote otganizing the Ridean Euchre Club, raine Lesslie. Mr. Vietor Drary, = Mr. | nator Thompson, 48 Mro SK. Lind. yor Siok In attendance were: ¥. Ywne-held at: . the house of the presi Panet, Mr. Ernest Gildersleeve,. and | gay, accountant of the Bank of Brit-{ yy a sin L¥ EB. 0 h dent. Mr. Ponse; on Tueaday last, The |r: Halloway Waddell, are the young [ish 'North America, al St. John, and |X' Martin, - president; - most ln in saying so. In | club Was enthustastfeally reformed, | men who will look after the part of | son of Mes. Arthur Lindsay, Lyon HD Marit Epromidon. deed "said, "You . can just | with Mr. Pense as president, and Mrs.' the arrangements that need masculine | gtrent, Ottawm =: wi svi 1% Bod ai load u was. all Jovely, and her | J. W. Power . as 'secretary. The first | OV"! t. With the ~capahle commit. 'ongratulations are heing showered Able' was © a. dream." As ihe table | Wmoeting wifl be held at Mrs, Bense's | 1° the 'dantes---and it is hoped 10 | yon Miss' Kathleen Cassels and Mr. | 55d Bo has beer brought in thus early in tho | sometime this month, prior to the de- Have three during the season, "the first | Jarry Dunenn Loekhart - Gordon, of | and R, | MeCallim and MeKenna; W. Witkinson and' ¥. WH Military College, - Cadet MeMastor, M.S, Mr. Gillies, Toronto, whose - engogenient has heen need. Mise Gasstls iv the eldest daughter of Mro@nd Mes. W..G, Py. Cassels, Grosvenor street, and Mr. Gordon ia thi eldest soni wi Mr. and . annou in his address, at the Royal' Military Col | yyy W. 'I. Loskhare Gordon, George] Predident Raldwin, i | "regret "very much to Wear} gaa, staged that the season had been thal has had to relinquish the po- ot hammer: ofie ji the history of the ol! of from lege uwaion, Play of the senior teams f was most interesting, specially that | of Queen's and MeGill." The ten-yard '| systom was responsible for this, the! gate being made h more open, £ - . - { The marriage of Mr. T. L. Brodie, of Montreal, to Miss Fthel Webster, of Quebec, {8 anno! "to také place at the residence of Mr." A. IV: Webster, on November' 23rd. Mrs, 'B. Jackson Sanford was quiet- ly married 'to Me George Robinson, son of Mr. W. W. Robinson, of Hamil ton, at Rutherford, N.J., on Tuesday, and with her 'husband has sailed for Rurope. The bride 'was the widow of the Inte E. Jackson Sanford, son of the late Senator Sanford, of Hamil: ton. and a daughter of the Yate Col- 10 illness, He is now staying we in Stratford. . . . nang He'} congratulated MeGill and Queen's on their splendid team play. The ii] dent wdvised "that in future referees] study the ruls hook more carefully. Mr. Patterson, of Queen's, inteodue-| od an amendment to the rules, where! hy if a team made ten yards in ny i of 'the three scrinmages, and then lost ground, ju should he allowed to retain possession of the ball in view a an- with "Mrs. Waldron, at Ce D. are young childeen, and the failure to have a reliable. aeisine at hand "may mean much suffering, and, perhaps, the loss of a priceless life. byery mother touch-dine rule should be revised, mak: ing avery throw-in count avscrimmage. d will entertain at an i } Herald will. entertain in order to prevent a teams when near Semen ou on will b should alwaysdeepca box. of Baby's {an obponent's goal like from running' vy ni '06 wr ave oa y S t ba M i : 4 Y 3 Lah at ons, whic is being great- | Own Tablets in the hopse. This medic | Into toush on the third se! vin In cofinection with ths Propobition 1 ly looked forward to cine' aots-prompily. and, speedily, oures ardor. to holdiths hall and hot ick, | made at the Provincial oahd of ¢ % : such ills as stomash dad. bowel trou: This proposal. will be convidered ati] Health meetin by the South 0 tario | Mr. Fred. Oliver of Vancouver, ig] bles, teothing teoubles, simple fevers; the meeting next sping oo Worhenh Trad! hte, that kore bo fo the guest of hig sister-in-law, Mrs. A. colds, worms and other. little ills. And Saveral ac ditions were nad 10 1 et] qu to J at loaf "hread 8. Oliver : the nother has. a" guarantes that the | rales Stinsersing {oferus dnd dmiiten in & Bnet hag, Jt 0.2 ro ak nr} : . i : + in view ol the system downs, wha effort 18 her' Miss Maude Walsh, is the guest of | Tablets: contain ho opiate ior harmful iim. proposed . that: the, ¢ ire] Drice, He Hed hat ol oer drug. One wisemethor, Mek. G. Hardy, Fougehu, N.S. saye: "1 have used Bahy's Own Tablets and find thew a blessing to om. 1 am not sadinh- ed without @ hex in the house at al times." Wf vour: dealerrdoes not keep these tablets in stock wend-25¢. to The Pr. Williams' Medhicing Co, Brockville, should declare whether su steam has made or lost the nechsdary "distance in three sdecessive "downs, This: did! noblest: with favor, it being heldi that the umpire had 'enongh to do. | The eighty rile was changed, and hereafter certificates of players: must: he signed bath by the eotege' McMillan, University Avenue, ig the guest. of Mrs, loge: Bla tainly increase vont money and labor, 21 bread had to be weapped in paper hagy it wo price one cont a loaf. * sev w at e p a dC TT J: Robertson, of -the Dom onel [Jatkson Sanford, of Knoxville, 1 1 {1s first gain. Mr. Martin, of Me- Presiden ad Ji Megollum, MeGill, inion Iron & Steel company, Sydney, Tenn, s GI," 'opposes the change, 'The pro: 3 ion-president-- is Patterson, C.B.. is staying with his sister, Mrs. RY posal of Queen's, however, was favor Quicen's. 3g i R. Uglow, Johnston street, for a few A Mother's Precaution. « !|ably. received 'by. tha 'Varsity repre Sveretary-treasuror--A. T, Davidson, a : : There is no telling, when a medicine sentatives, abd afte a thorough dis® Yunity B.D. Mitehall Eeinty: Forni e Bre: - a be needed in homes where there cussion was. adopted, if 00 tacts Mh. | + Trin Tonight the Bread and Butter dance } may io e ar a ldwin {hought that the] Cadet. A. Dowell, Royal Mili AT Se ld Bishops, = Son em---- 1 Would Inereass The Pricey | | it. The wi wo would the éxtea iid increase the bias The Folly Of Negleet. = 1 you have the 'slightest symptomh o to: he given in St. Andrew's churel | Montreal. She 'will make her debut on Ont.. and you will get a box hy mail | poof : } : at four o'clock on tha afternoon of |: Wednesday, and is certain 10 be ¢ ind Bite leirie Date poids . ? pry A by un atademio ney regs ght's i Thanksgiving day: Mrs. Genfitoy very. papulas bud. . Mrs. Maskay, of Pembroke, is visit- ------------ a As the amendments proposed hy. 'diseuse, vari , rheumatism, eto, |' wining, whosg futation as a so'Q- ao ini ing 'her' parents, Nr. and Mrs, David Laver figs fore stewing 6 lbs. for Varsity hand' not" been 'went to the ock's Kidney Pills' are nature's time- Moor. vist is fo high in is eity, will contri: My. pnd rs. PG. Gray, of Boston. { (lihson, Princess street. e.: clean currants; 4 he. 25c.; clean {secretary in time (6 give the other! romedy forall kidney and bladder bite several seleptions. 1t will also be | passed through Kingston, yesterday} Wiss Sproule has returned home af- | ~urrants, lb. phekages, Tei; extracts olubs notice of them they sould not | troubles. In hoxes, : 2c, ot Wade's a treat for musicdovers to hear Miss | on thei" way to Chicago and Bt} ter a few days' visit, the guest of § of lemon or Vaitibla: 3 bottles for 20¢. Ihe considered, and hence the proposali] drug store, Money back if not satis 4 Rather Price, linist: Other soloists | Louis. J Miss Parkini Sydenham. street. Bost cocoaniits' per bi 200; deing | to adopt the snap Bark svetem must frog st " ' a taki part | be Miss Elleda Per- Mrs. Allan Jones, who is hetter n » . . sugar, 4 Vhe., ds; orange and lemon | wait until the union's meeting next iss Beatrice Tandy, Col; Frank { known 'as Miss Marion Barker, is ex} Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crothers, after J beel, mixed, por Ib., 1lc., at Mallin's, {Felpuary. § Saturday Night" for : a i , and Mr. Arthur Craig, with pected in town next week: to visit} an absence of two mnonthi on the con- | sorner Johnston sand Wision streets | 4 officers wors elected for: the | and: ps Bt Gibson's oh Ee % Shaw as organist; the names of | Mrs: R."FE. Kent, "at "Somers inent," will return' t& (the city this} "Horehound: in "feds horehound 4 ensuing year : Gp oe mi a : 3 2 d T these soloists are, sufficient % insure a | House," tad afternoon. The trip: wa¥-Aaken' for Mr. | candy; old-fashioned from «Gibson's = Honorary™ president Lprof, Meleod ston. should. . stop. the. i 1 u | very "excellént*p Wc. The silver Mes. Mew® 81 Toronto, who has Crothers' health, and everyone will & Rod-Crose Drag Store. Fill. ' han. of Wpitting on walks, Underwear for - men, hildren. For Suits and Skirts. rect weights; beautiful finish, very large range of colors, inlined Kid Gloves. etc., all pure w .._Cheviotse--Black, blues, brown, greys, make, extra strong and serviceable, at Tweeds +Light' and dark shades, medium and hea 50c 1D s for Children. sir of Cashmere Hose . pA variety, vs , he. Nc. ox Fey Ihc. Lustres--New qualities in black, navys, lrowns, wh : Priestly's makes, at ec. yard, only, Ladies' Black ; : s, worth $1.15, to Blankets and Comfor Pure Wool Blanket finished with pink and blue borders, alto some soft yarns, at special reduction =~ at, at 76c. each. n & Shaw, without an Regular $4.75 for 10. Regular 86.75 Regular 5.00 for 4.00. oe Priocess St. : Regular B15 for 4.60, Regular 7.3 re Regular 6.50 for 5.20. Regtlax' 8.75 every one new this fall, at $1.50, $2, $2.50, £1.50, $5, $5.50, 86, Comforters--Large variety, Real' Eiderdown Quilts-- Every: garmend, thoroughly made of excellént quality of ess, no skimping on sizes, neatly trimmed; © with match, also in fancy colors i-- NE DRESSES, 4 SKIRTS, .§ Leib wift"s § | caer pe 3 J reer EERE. ranton % oes a oal | be a constant of it is just' er way of save oney. : DRAWERS, CORSET COVERS, Prices most 0 Glace Kid--Black. white, tan, bro n, gros, : SWIFT & 0 fancy heviching at 8.5% pair. .- * Undressed Suede--Blacks tans, greys, champagne, at-£1.25 pair. a Moges Gloyes, Dog Skin, Lined w fi +ider fannel, pict feetly made, 7a 2.50, £3.50, $1.59, Hn n in greater demand than. ever for fine wear, cor: The., $1, 75e., 90c., $1, $1. vy weights, very large s--Sunitable for single and double beds, Flannelette Underwear 'White, Washing Jid Glover-Guaranteg, on cvpty fry social at 81.30 pr. Kid Gloves, 'al 81, $1. $1.95, $1.50. ool, English dye 25, $1.30 yard. $1, £1.25 vard. ite and cream, fers handsomely beautiful y color, $5.40, 6.20. 7.00, for for for $3, 7. £3.50, £7.50. flamneletie, plenty embroidery «to x reasonable. 25, 81.50 pair. Pe. ly and neatly trim- WALDRON Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. § $5, 86, M0 Olive, Castor, Tan, Oxford and Black new collarless model, full cote ¢ Backs, belted, with or without shoulder capes; Jeg.-mation sleeve, featly trimmed Ww o QUALITY--From the most trifling to the most expensive article in our'establishment, * from a paper of pins to a parcel of silk, you will always find that quality is in every way the very best. CONFIDENQGE---We have every confidence in anything we sell and will cheerfully exchange any purchase, provided it is retired in a reasonable time and con- ition. fr A grand collection of the pewest styles. in , somedm the fect, ited ney ] ith elf: Styles. MR a A red buttons, dircet Lon $12.75 $14 $16.75 uy el a . " - Velvels and Bie uf Down Cushions A Null assortment of new styles, clo No need to worry about. the change fo winter fans. sitive person is not ih 'the least bothered by these they fit like a wecond skin i-- - Ea 3 Ladies, Gentlemen, Girls, For Doxa: BINATIONS, TIGHTS, BODY BANDS, We have exactly your sige, at exactly your price. Silks Japanese Wash Sjlk--S8oft, even qu finish, with ality, potledt lent wear, 27 inches wide, ivory, white and k, 50c,, 60c,, 7 Taficta SilkweExamine the values in #hess fine: even qualition froin stiffietiing, French manufacture, black, white and golors, 50c., '6 * French Peau do Soie--Black only, Weantifol quality, ea bo . either wide; 'regilar $1.25 quality, for SF yard, : " Black Silk Petticoats, NOTICE~The_ real silk ery, the sof fallstn mish, the sephirate d the beautiful trimmings, the moderate prices, $5.50, #7. . - le FOSTER HOSE. SUPPORTERS-In all styles, SCOTT HIP FORM BUSTLES- Tn all size. - + Nayy--3he., 30¢., Be. 100, a ¢ Whito:-25¢., 30c,, 856, #0c., 43c., §0e., 60, + Gogo, Me, Hoey 100; Be.' Renda Flangel Shueting Twa yards wide, 08c., sie, yard, Wool 5 bal x New Walking 5 \ é nn LORRY Ta E2 i 4 Ld Most ufirsetive: nodels' in round length skirts Repocial at $4.95, $A0. 0 [TTR 0 © (These are winds tn the new Kilted style, Efleteseven Ditinot, Styles Tn Wal