Excuse e to buy good clothes, othes. The difference ~ '" LSS hing well as for those who kind of clothing any rvice and comfort--it good looks--in a way ical econotpy 16' buy ng. Cx ng Clothiers: Canada. oa SUV VV VIVVV IG is sold in Kingston ro. only. sthentic " Slaters", s only one hoe. Itis ed with > Slater rame. ny name frame is N Purity malting barley in the BS rown in certain" favored Western Ontario. rley nsed in Carling's Ale these districts and the best lected each year by Carl. xperts ng used it is put through iinery which separates all ind foreign substarices, Carling's Ale--accept no e uo other is quite so good 's Ale , Alvways Pure Re SE. af. J gets you started 1 using gives you " Finnan Haddies Fresh Oysters Wild Ducks Kippered Herrings * Poultry DOMINION FISH CO. 63 Brock St. 'Phone 520. BIGYGLES $35, $40, $45. All guaranteed. Typewriters, Sewinz Machines Repairing and Supplies-for all. Your money's worth every time. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 171 Wellington Street, CHOCOLATES Ganong's Chocolates, Stewart's Chocolates,! Cadbury's Chocolates, Tobler's Swiss Milk Chocolates. --T A. J. BEES', PRINCESS ST. Move With the Times And now is the time to have your Cutter or Sleigh repaired and painted and put in shape, and be ready ; when the snow comes, and the place to get put in proper shape is JAMES LATURNEY'S, 390 PRINCESS STREET. Wood Burning Outfit We Have Them From $I Up _ Also An Artistically Framed Picture Our Frames are MADE IN KINGSTON and are guaranteed by the makers. KIRKPATRICK' ART STORE PROMPT ATTENTION DAVID HALL, Sanitary Plumber, Steam . and Gas Pitter, 66 Brock Street, - Elephant Mixed Paints Screen Doors and Windows. -- STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- Princess Street. You » Know? ~ How do you judge crackers? By their crackling § judge Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas { # standard and they score 100 per cent. 'If you haven't tried MOONEY'S, you've Sutherland - Sisters' « HAIR GROWER f § {plecs and emareing Forever day. Tou td vised me try your wonder: ii i it fq Office 236 YONGE STREET, TORONTO J. HL. Balley, Foreign Manager Qo Recommended and sold by C Vancouver Spoke Up Well For Editor) » | "Harty " are the congratu- 1§ti6ns which we extend to Kingston. Truly Kingston has contribut full quota to the cause 'which has done " so much for _this Canada of . George W.Mahood, cormer Princess and Bagot streets, Kingstom.¥ . -| | PURE FOOD INSURES INSURES PURE FOOD. E.W.GILLETT Soars x TORONTO,ONT. GooD HEALTH| == |HAGIC roe THE COAST OIF¢RS KING | thinew', of British Colunbia of which STON CONGRATULATIONS | skeptical. These finve returned Prosperity And Good Govern ment--No Longer Ontario And Quebec, But United Canada. 4 Vancouver, B.C.,. Nov. 5th.--(To the her Ours. Again, Kingston, we offer you "Har- ty"' congratulations. Kingston has good reason to feel proud of having elected the Hon. William Harty with such a large majority, and that pride with which the bosom of every true liberal, as well as many conservatives must be filled to overflowing, extends to this extreme westerly portion of the dominion--the terminal city of Vancouver, and herein again reverber- ates back "to the place of starting "Harty" congratulations. Kingston did well in piling up such a good, round majority for thé man who re- presents the best government that Canada ever had, but Vancouver did even better. Vancouver, the city which was classed along with the rest of the province of British Columbia, and 'all considered doubtful, hy so able an ex- ponent as the Globe, has shown her- self, 'in favor of prosperity and good government by a majority of 850: The liberal candidate | had three in the field" against him: Ellis, conséfvative; Mortimore, socialist, and McGeer, in- dependent, and R. G. Macpherson, in this doubtful city of Vancouver polled more votes than all the other three candidates together by quite a nice little. majority. I remember having heard a little story somewhere about a certain bap- tism which was about to be perform- ed, The pond where this was to take ince was of considerable length. In giving out the apnouncement it was stated that ladies would be baptized in the west end in the forenoon, and gentlemen in the east end in the after- noon; children, it was stated, would be baptized in both ends. This seems to be the way with Canada, she has been: completely immersed at both ends. Nova Scotia and British Colum- bia having repented of anything that they may have been guilty of in the past, and have started to lead a gw life, and according to the articles of hein 'their baptism, they have found it necessary to have honegg and responsible goverithent, and so they have made a record for themselves hy not sending a single conservative to parliament. We are sorry that there are still some parts of Ontario which are helplessly blind, or have such a film of prejudice over their eyes that they cannot see. It is only a question of time when Ontario will awaken to the realization that Canada is a mighty power, and that she reaches from ocean to ocean. If some parts of Ontario are satisfied to let this vast area of which our dominion as a whole is made up, remain tndevelop- ed, it is time that the east and the west united as -they have done, in a grand protest, which shows that it is not any longer a narrow question be- tween Ontario and Quebec, but a ques- tion in which is involved united Can- ada. This is why we stand united as we do to-day, we want this wonderful country of ours developed. from one end to the other. We are sorry for those who'do not like the "Hum" but then they will doubtless get used to it if they live long enough. One of the leading lights of the conservative party here in Vancouver, on hearing the returns come in, could not conceal his great anguish, and was heard to remark, at the same time wringing his hands in a pitiable manner : "Oh ! thoy are in again, and stronger than ever, we avill never 'be able to get them out." This gentleman is quite right, they cannot wreck "the old ship T'She is now going to sail forth into larger Canada, and if they do not 'wish to be left behind they had better come aboard, This goed old ship, of "which Sir Wilfrid Laurier is captain, will stand the voyage; she has just undergone a rigid inspection, and has been loudly pronounced stron. ger than ever, and capable of carrying many millions more, so come aboard brother. Recent visitors tol our city, and to the home of the writer are in the or- der of their coming, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cannon, Clarendon Station; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Allan; Missistippi Sta- tion; Dr. Orser, Glenvale. It is need- less for us to say how pleased we were to meet those good people, and we trust that the time may not be far THE DAILY WHIG, T "HARTY" WORDS British Columbi cannot be iy ols by one who has not seen them.--E. H, NEWTON. Edmonton Ndw A City. Edmonton, Nov. . 7~(To the Edit- or): To-day Edmonton becomes one of the cities of the dominion. the elections are over, the hath is buried, and all unite in christun'ng one of the Joremost cities of . the west. To-night a magnificent banquet is being held im the Thistle | rink theatre, at which many of the pro- minent men of the west will speak, and when the fort of 1870 will merge into the city of 1904. It is "Probahly only a few years since the town ha: become known to the outside world, but now -very few pak - of - the west without associating with it the name Fdmonton. T. A. Gregg. of the Na- tional Monthly, says: "lhe city of Winnipeg, the Canadian Chicago, will, in the near future, have to fight for the position with Fdmonton of the North-West. With the prospects that arc before her the may be looked upon to become not only a city in name but a city in fame. The 'hot air' of the past two or three weeks has pretty well cooled down and Mr. Oliver has not yet fnished counting his majority. It is at presant about 2,000, with a few polls to hear from. Yesterday duite a large coniingnt of Orangemen, including members of Strathcona, 'Fort Saskatchewan and local brethren myarched to the Bap- tist church, where Rev. Mr. McDonald preached a very impressive sermon in commemoration of the Gunpowder Plet. The 'new: gas company, which has been in operation for the past few days, report -that on reach'n; 135 feet thev struck a very good supply of marsh gas. A trial is in progress respecting the murder of Mr. Reid, who recently left here, and openad a harness shop in Leduc, While Mr, Reid and a friend of his were passing a blacksmith a boy; a foreigner, fired a gun, the charge lodging in Mr. Reid side. - He was brought to Fd monton hospital, * but died the next The morning. calse is not~known yet. It is said that the wan had been bothered and teased by two other men in the shop as to what would be done to hime on Hallowe'en till he did not know what he was doing. As Reid was passing they said "there is the man," whereupon the gun was fired. 'The weather for the past three or four weeks has betn magnificent. The streets, which are usually not dusty; became ¢o0 bad that ' the watering carts were called out. Harold Nel son onencd a week's engagement hore to-night. Mr. Nelson usually draws & pretty good crowd, as he is about the best of his kind that comes here. --Q. WOMEN WITH WEAKNESS. a ------ Find New Strength And Jovial Spirits in Dr. Hamilton's Pills. ' For all special weakness from which girls and women suffer, no surer re medy exists than ° Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They maintain that bracing health every woman so carnestly de sires; they uproot disease} and bring strength that lasts till old age. the blood is richly nourished, appe tite increases, weakness and = secret ills give way to surplus energy and reserved vigor "No medicine conld be more lune ficial than Dr. Hamilton's Pills." writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton, of Vie toria. "1 have ben strengthened, my digestion is better, | have improved in color and feel considerably better since taking Dr. Hamilton's Pills." No sick woman cen afiord to miss the enormous hencfit of De. Hamil ton's Pills, 25¢c. per box or five Loxes for 81, at all dealers or by mail from N. C. Polson & Co, Kingston, Ont., and Harfford, Conn., U.8.A Haitington Items. Hartington, Nov, 14.-Mr. will preach a Thanksgiving here Wednesday evenigiy. Campsall has returnse from deer hunting with good success. Mr. Cloakey will' move into his new house this week, Mrs. J. M. Babrock is able to be about again. Mr. Turcott, Kingston, spent a few days last woek with E. Freeman. M. Clow ond son Fred will take trip to Montreal this week. Service sermon Benjamin a Prevost, Brock street, has a wagni- icent assortment of the latest im- ported goods for suitings and over- UESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. MAD SO WOMEN WERE iy A TILT OVER} Both Mrs. A. J. Drexel Biddle Anthony +. Drexel Biddle, and Hinckle Smith are "matter is the topie society circles of the of it all is a maid-- erty. i The maid was in the household of Mrs. Biddle when tho latter resided at No. 2,104 Walout "street. In time sho offer came from Mrs. Smith, "and in the latter's household she was mot k in rising to a place as responsi oy . hat which she enjoyed with the Biddles. guests ten days ago at her Bryn Mawr country place. A bridge whist game was in progress, and the players were remarking to one another how fortu- nate their hostess was in having a maid so excellent in bearing; then the: telephone bell rang, and the maid who answered called Mrs. Smith from the set in which she was playing and said: telephoned me. and made a good offer to leave immediately for her ser- viee, offering as an additional induce- ment a {rip abroad. Her maid is ill, and she requires some one to take care guesta on my hands ?" asked the sur afdreow morning, at anv rate," stam- mered the confused maid. _manent cure. Cer, MAID And Mrs. W. Hinkle Smith * Wanted Her Services. : Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. ie. at odds, of ips in the city. 'Ihe cause Florence Dough: almost indispensable. A better Mr. Swith had a house full of "Mrs. Smith--Mrs. Biddle has just of "her children at once." "Aro-you-going with a house full of prised Mrs. Smith, "JT--well, I told her I'd see her to~ night. 1 will not leave you till to- The case seemed hopeless, and when the word was whispered around the bridge party, it was accompanied- by many severe comments on the proprie- ty ot the whole matter: Among Mr. Biddle's mail next morn. ing was a dainty missive from Mrs, Smith. Tt is said that the recipient turned it over to his attorney, and then telephoned Bryn Mawr that the writer could address any Tucther core respondence in the same vein to the legal adviser of Mrs. Biddle's husband, Mra. Smith avers that she said noth- ing more in the letter than an offend- ed matron had the privilege of savirg. "It was a mean thing." said Mrs, Smith to-night : "a lamentable breach of etinuette, and 1 have received no end of sympathy," i -------- When You Have A Bad Cold. You want a remedy that will.not only give quick relief but effect a per- You want a remedy that will reliove the lungs and keep expectoration sasy. You want a remedy that will coun- teract any tendency toward pneumo e. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meots all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent curd of bad colds stands without a peer, For sale by all druggists, Vennachar Notes. Vennachar, Nov, 4.--Quite a num- ber of hunters from Lansdowne and other places are around here. So far game sects very scarce. Quarterly meeting was held in the Free Metho- dist church on Sinday. Rev. Mr. Beek, Marlbank, is taking Mr. Paul's work here for a' couple of wecks, Mr, McCrimmon sold a fine team of horses to Mr. Burns, Lansdowne. James Be hee has returned home from the North- West. Miss Adda Gilmour, Ardock, is spending a month with her grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Bweel nam. Mrs. Buffan spent a few days visiting her sixter, Mrs. John Gil mour, Ardoch. Miss Martha and Gus tave John spent Saturday evening at Robert Conner's, The aerial navigator doesn't always rise to the occasion. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cattarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. 3 We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and @nancially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal. lv. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.' Testi monials sent free. Price 75cjper bottle. Sold by all Druggists. g : £ FT 4 £ z E iH 8% 2 g S g § 4 E 2 £7 : g 8 i i = » i Elliott Bros, 97 Princess St: . - Buy Your Thanksgiving Footwaar At Abernethy's fe coats, which are without doubt the distant when we will see their welcome latest séyle, in patterns and material, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. tin It is with great satisfaction that w business in Kingston, and asa proof that w ~~ HANDSOME PRESEN ery large lot of Majolica Jugs, we have cecided to give one Jug FREE n Wednesday, Nov. 16th, Friddy, Nov 18th, and Saturday, Nov. 19th, 1904. Teas give to our Customers, and 'we cin prove:to you that we E "met THIS IS 'OUR PLAN :--Having purchased a v £ With every pound of our . We know that the large amount of and. Coffees, than any other store in Kingston. STROUD B amped 25¢., 30€., ks, be sure and sce the 40¢: 50C. or 6oc. Tea purchased at our store 0 : : business we do is entirely due to the great satisfaction our Be sure and take advantage of this liberal offer. e look back over the past year and note the steady increase in our e do appreciate the liberal patronage of hundreds of families in this d Sit ANKS&IVI ase in our Business, as this has been the most successful year we have istrict we will, for three days only, give a T--F RI 5 Direct, Importers of Teas, Coffees and Fine fa ara ® : ; ; 2 or SE THREE DAYS O do give better values in'