Are sold by The Somerville Co, © 'Scotch Finish Shirts and Draw rh oe Wool, soft makes, 50e¢., : - Pure Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, absolutely unshrinkable, size, 38 in., 48 in, $1 $1.10, $1.95, $1.35, $1.50. = 4 » Extra Heavy Cashmere Finish Underwear, beautiful Jars, perfect weave, $2, $2.25, $2.50 each. +] i -- | : ESL 3 Girls' Underwear; Vests, Draw- ers, Combinations, Tights. He : and All Wool. . loans offer attrac ; {question ht to | eall a it on. hostilities, particularly 5 Cotton, Unien Le ollars, | attitude A War-ly the amount of war expendi: +} complete you can buy them for 85. : cok pa 'Nov. 15, Russia will in the far east to the ~ id until Russia has x ory "the opening words of an ie statowent Ee a the Jus i embassy, today, 'ount Cas: the Russian pr he ing Several t rovently the ambassador, in the i ani of his i nih Jw patogors-- vention in the war, but the Ad of rumors that the powers ecn: v mediation the oi to ors, cated, of ¢ government its position regardin or mediation of ng the powers in fot the pur- ublic that the close at hand. In figbed that the public cligve that Japanise tive investmin s, "Hyssin ean no more admit of in- that Great Britain could in the Transvaal or then could ths hited State in Tne wae with Spain. presi A country is at stake, all prt dl Ba ; 3, mt be put aide, : "Some powers may think that finan. cial difficultios will influence Russia to end hostilities. Such an opinion is based on the false assumption of Rus: 8ia's nancial resources. There is ne t whatever that Russia, whoss nome exceeds one million of cannot be influenced in hed toward the outcome of ths my opinion are started Posi of convincing the p of the war is way it is be lod to are tures, "It Js together out of the ussia, which did not expect war, should iu the 'moment whet wh nohiitied her arniy fi is wey corps corps in itis rec the far east; Fn hav for nearly a year, with. any di ty or a recourse to extraordinary measures, been able to the extra expenses, "It ix not within my seope to com 'ment the Japanese loan; that is an affair for the bankers and for the public who are able to decide what advant or disadvantages the in- vestment offers. But 'there can be no necossity for commenting upon Rus: it, An one acquainted with the Paris able n- vite himself thane coin y br vol sia's [nances." Improbable Fofore Spring. Berlin, Nov. 15.--Col, Geedke, (he Tageblatt's military correspondent in the far east, in a despatch from Muk- den, November Ith, says: "The situ ation is unchanged. 'A decisive 'Lutile is improbable before spring. The Jup- ill. sot attack until several $ fall of Port Arthur, the Russians are awaiting such an overwhélming superiority in numbers as to leave the question of victory he- yond doubt. The: Russians are cou: stantly receiving reinforcements ond the troops are in good spirits and ox- cellent health: Even the outposts are well sheltered against! the cold." To Despatch The Guard. London, Nov, 15.~The Daily Tele. graph's Surtospoment at St. Potora: burg asserts it the emperor has Jo. cided to wend out the second division] of infantry of the guards as soon as the troops already called out shall have been despatched to Manchuria. The guards usually are only sent to the front, when there is a monarch or a grand ein command. The despatch of these troops, the corvespondent addy, shows the deter: mination of the emperor to stenpgle to the bitter. end, 7 ------------ SKELETONS CHEAP. Price Falls From Twenty To Five Dollars. Paris, Nov. I5.~The war betwien Russia and Japan has had a very noticeable effect, on: the. psies. of hu! man skeletons, which went down con siderably even during the Bock war, The trade in skeletons is of consid erable importance in this city, and as soon as the war ec -ont in the far 'east, nwnerous agents of dealers loft here; and now one steanier after another Arrives hg oe willes nh great shipme that is ol Khe. Rilsetan-d w. whith well better fate than to be | as ornaments in the dems of students, the war a skeleton cost about 820; now, A Distros Fire; "3 {oe xe 13. Several " uh mach van od ; hun- ER ER The Very Latest News Culled From So AN Over The World, 7. Jobin' HE Mod" will be appointed county crown attorney for a The Parry Sound hospital was by fire. All the patients were saved. : 'United States commissioner Eugene F. Ware tendered hig resignation to the president, and it' wis accepted. A memorial. window to the tate Rev. Dean Kil will be placed "in St, doseplr's church! Stratford, by his ntuter, { Seven cases Mich., students at Mich 'Imo Fort Huron ladies visiting near St. Thomas developed smallpox on Saturday. - A great muny people have Deen exposed to the contagion. Twelve negroes are de at Cead Lake, Ala, a negro settlement from the effects of poisoned ice cream, which Thiy utelbis i said, at a church rally. te MeCabe, a voung woman em- ployed in a laundry at Utica, N.Y,, was partially sealped by her hair catching in a belt and winding around a shalt, Thomas Page, St. Joseph's, Mich., faty-six years was convieted'of katting- his 'wife, fifty years his junior, and sentenced to from two to six Vedrs in prion. Chairman Wade, of 'the Transconti: nental rallway commission, would pre. fer his present position to that of chief of the railway compission, if the sal- ary was raised from $8,000 to $16,000 the stipend for the office vacated by Mr. Blair. The storm which swept up the At lantic coast from the Gulf of Mexico, resulted in the most complete tie-up of wire eommunication that the eastern states have experienced since 1888; din- arranged train "schedules, paralyzed trolley lines and piled several wrecks along the coast, GAME IN TORONTO. Final To of small-pox have been the Ann Arbor, the university of Be a Sudden Death * Contest. Secretary D. J. McDermott of the Lindestones hus received a notification from Secretary Woodworth of the O. RE.U., of the arrangements made for the final games in the junior series. London and Dundas will play at Woodstock on Thanksgiving Day, and the winners are scheduled to play the Limestones a deciding game at Tof- onto for championship. This arrange- ment is not by any means satisfuc- tory to the local club, who are begin- ning to lose faith in the bright prom- ises which are yearly made by the 0, R.F.U. secretary to the local manage ment. The Toronto executive elaim that they do not deem it advisable to make a western team journey to King- ston to play for the championship. In making this statement they forget that the Limestones have on different occasions been forced to make long trips to London, Toronto snd Ham- ilton, for final games, The locals are in bad shape financially and they have been counting on a holiday game here to increase. their adscts. Appar- ently "the powers that. be" in Tor- onto do not take a similar view of the matter and the locals will prove the sufferers. A meeting will be called this week of the members and supporters of the Limestones to decide what steps shall be taken by the team to fulfil obligations imposed 'on them by the executive: CONSERVATIVES MEET. The» Two Factions Were Out In Force. The Frontenac conservatives had a meeting in the Court House to-day, to select a candidate for the Ontario legislature. The Edwards amd Gallagh- er factions were ont in large numbers and feeling ran high among the ve presentatives of the two elements. George Smith, Harrowsmith, the pre sidunt took the chair shortly before two o'clock. The only pressmen allow- ed inside the room were those repre: senting conservative papers. The following were put in honiina- tion during the hall-hour following the opening . Those proposed were: , Dr. Gibson, Kingston; Dr. Edwards, Cata- raaui, and the present member, J. 8, Gallagher, Harrowsmith, It was decided to ballot for the can didate and at 3.31 o'clock, the first ballot was finished and the papers were put 4 the hands of the scruti- neers to he counted, oz £ J. 8. Gallagher had the majority of the ballots, and it was expected his selection would be confirmed by the sonvention. Tho vote was Gallagher, 73; Edwards, 44. Gibson. retired. The Court Is Over. At. the non-jury sittings of the high court of justice hefore Chief Justice "alconbridge, vesterday and to-day, two eases were disposed of. The ac tion White ve. Murton, walk dismiss ed with costs, and in the ight of way case, ham ve. Wood, judgment Was given bv consent, The ining: vases were cither settled or adjourned. -------------------- Shall City Get Control ¥ Toronto. Nov. 15.~On {he suoges- tion of the mayor, it has been decid od that at the next meeting of the bord of control the advisability 'of be | WHIG. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15." + ture to te the, Ege | be discussed: ASK $2,500,000 FOR THE OTTAWA ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. nin Great Interest Beiflg Taken In The Capital In The Coming Foot- ball Contest--General Notes. i Whig. g Ban oh 1 Roprossnintives of the Intercollegiate Rugby Football fin- ion had a conference last evening with the executive of the Ottawa football club, and, as a result, the Lansdowne Park field has been secured for the laying . off of the intercollegiate tip Pe McGill and Queens. next Fat urday afternoon. Low railway, rates have secured and hig exeursions are ex from both Montreal and Kingston. The game is creating no end of local interest, it being realized bere that the teams are well matched, and capable of giving a first class ex hibition of rugby. Sv The supréme court, {o day, is hear ing argument in the case of Abearn ve, Booth, an Ottawa case. Thomas Ahearn owns valuable water power at the Chaudiere which he elaimed. was injured by a dam John R. Booth was constructing." The courts below held that Mr. Booths work did not injure the water power end the supreme court appeal followed, a he Ottawa Electric railway com- pany has replied to the city's requost for a statement of a price for the road. The acquisition of the road to be operated by the municipality with three cent fares was outlined by May- or Ellis to the council a week ago. and a deputation waited op the larger 'shareholders to ask the price. An answer way handed out to-day in which the offer is made of the 10,000 capital stock shares at £250 4 share, This is the lowest price that will be 'accepted. A FINE STORE. Joseph Hiscock Going Into New Lines. The spacious store of Joseph - His cock, at 160-162 Princess street, has during the past: week, been undergo- | ing alterations, to permit the addi tions of lines of goods which are be- ing taken in by the enterprising pro- prietor. The rear part of the store which was formerly partitioned off for retaurant purposes is being utilized to hold the largely increased stock. The partition has been removed. thus for- ming' one of the largest, most spaci- ous and roomy places of business in the city. Thatupstairs portion of the building will be used to display and store the very extensive stock: which is daily arriving. It is the intention of the proprie- tor to make his store the city head- quarters for all kinds of Christmas goods and novelties for the season's trade, and no expense will be spared in securing a complete stock to sitis- fv the most fastidious purchasers. The restaurant and lunch business, former ly conducted in connection with the fruit and confectionery lines, will be dispensed with, and particular atten- tion paid to the holiday trade. A 'specialty will be made of the fan- cy china and glassware department in which line' a choice assortment las been selected © by competent buycrs The selection cannot fail to plense those, who are connoisseurs in ar tic work of this kind, as every cave has been taken to make the dispiay a unique and distinctive feature of Christmas exhibits in the city. Ano ther line of goods which will supply a long felt-want in the city, is a fine selection of plain, undecorated china- ware, of the most approved models for band-painting purposes. The stock of fancy goods oi all kinds, including basket-ware, jewellery and other noy- rT -- z $10.5 11.75 Our Cloak Department The rapid Coat and Suit dant proof of : the excellence cf the methods and a tribute to the expert knowledge, the right assortments and the fair prices that have made such growth possible. : Ladies' Winter Coats, special at Fork of our Ladies' epartments is abuna o, 850, 9.75, 4.50, 675, , 12.50, 13.75 and others. for children. tremely clever in designin these Coats for children t berty these Coats buy. Cem: and examin you. Children's Winter Coats Smart and stylish Coats : TD. he manu- facturers - have been ex- Iq enable us to sell them at the small prices now ask- ed. You are at perfect li to come and see and not to and if ycu hdve an idea of making the Child's Coat at home these may help 0 e we are showing in Blank denly cold weather. Afte 7 59. Union Blankets, $:.49. 2. many pairs. 'Warmer Blankets Now If not already prepared come in and see what ets. Prepare "against sud- t thoughts: are apt to be chiseled out of chilly experience, Fine Wool Blankets, $4.50, 3.50, 3.99, 5.50, 6.50, 75: 3-59 4. Flannelette Blankets In White or Grey. These Blankets are as popular as ever and we are daily selling Many use them for sheets and for children's beds. elties will' be the largest and most complete ever shown in the city and those who are intending purchasers along this line, will find an excellent assortment to choose from. ' | For the regular Santa Claus trade in tovs and presents 'for the younger peoble, the store will be made a veri- table toy paradise. All kinds of me! chanical and automatic toys made hy expert workmen in Germany; are being received and set up for the Christmas display. The first to arrive is a min: ature suspended electric railway which is on exhibition in one of the large show windows of the store. The up- paratus is an exact model of an cleo- tric road, fifty miles long which is being successfully operated at Brace, Germany, and is an extremely inter esting piece of mechanism. Another feature 'of the display will be a com | plete bine of decorations consisting of | colorad paver designs and flag effects. | The stock of fruit and confectionary will be of the usnal holiday excellence | and Christmas shoppers: will find every desire gratified in the various | lines of goods carried in stock. ------------ . The Perils Of Kidney Disease. Experience proves that kidney trou bles eredp on wnsuspocted, little s mp toms ected, little pains overlook: ed. H hes assigned to other eaus- es in time bring on acute inflamma. tion, lumbago, diabetes, Bright's dis- ease, Peock's Kidney Pills cure all these troubles, hut they prevent these much more easily. wise. Try them now. In boxes 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satistactory. Turkey With Chestnuts. You can Pie English chestnuts as well as the Wttle Canadian nuts at Carnovsky's. Rev. William B. Coleman. rector of St. George's Episcopal church, Utica, N.Y Salford a cerebral homorrhage, while riding a bicycle and died iyo Tory ater. He was sixty years of rea Heath, of Chaummont, N.Y. was called to Odessa, Ont., Sajurday bY a telegram, anhouncing the acei- dental death of his hrothetin-law, BJ. lier, at that place. > | Genuine Slater and the show windows. Satin Ribto 1s, - Special Ribbon Sale Now Going On Sample pieces may be seen worth 25¢c. yard. The co'ors are White, Cardinal and Seal Browr. Yours while the lot 1a ts, 1215¢. Yard. i in our § inches wide, and LAST Clearing JOHN LAIDLAW SON ------ LJ WEEK | Sale ee ----OF-- ' Burt and Packard's oy Correct shape American made shoes for g ntlemen. ~All §5 Patent Leathers. ...........$3.05, All $s Valour Cali As we are confining ou sacrifice on other makes, Notice the styles in the Boots. .......$3 9%" r attention in future to the Crossette Shoes we muke this window. Ti 71ST YEAR. NO a ------------ AM CONVIN There are no Overcoats tha their. shape amd appearance lik FIT-REFOR!! Tf the internals were not supe) other makes, they would fall a like them, but FIT-REFORM its * freshness and makes dressed. on Take my advice and buy no You can get gne for $10, $12, $15, $1 $3 AT 2 xe JENKINS QUEEN'S Authorized College ( Smallest (first quality), hard ens size Brooches, el, at 25¢. each, while présent stock lasts. SMITH BR. JEWELERS OPTICI 350 KING ST. ow ANTED, GIRLS, TO SPLIT MICA. AD Kent Brothers' Mica Works street, city. ID HOUSEMA to Mrs AN EXPERI ply in the evening, Albree, Emily 'street GENERAL. SERVANT. NO ing or ironing: Apply to M cis MacNee, 252 King street; TO BUY, dwelling, in session now, Whig. LONDON * FRER 1 t Ads. bring results. want help or want a positi for sample copy. A SINGLE OR central locatio or by May ls THE Wan RELIABLE PARTIES, TO chine knitting at howe: o everything found For full lars, address Box 358, Orilli ete eee ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A It is being done with ou Work is pleasant, respects permanent. G. Marshall London, Ont. DIES, AND GENTLEMEN, ig $20 r 1,000 each, copying No Siting or canvassing furnishe *articulars. free. Specialt 20 W, 42nd Co., SUIT OF YOURS TO AA Se it can be mad like new. Also your orde work. Thos, Galloway, t Brock street, next to Bibby TO SELL THE AG Ritchon utensil om ear ston and surrounding coun! Exclusive territory; also distribute dodgers. Cali street. A FIRST-CLASS MAN, 1 charge of Gananoque for tan Life Insurence Co ¢ to person who can fu Yeferences. Apply A. Kune 114 Brock street ee eee IES AND YOUNG ME LARS per 1,000 copying at mailing or canvassing; me nished. Send addressed 8 for particulars, § Bex 298, Worcester, Ma ---------------- Amis PERMANENT 1 néw map of Canada, World on reverse side: inches: two maps in ov POSITION with si 0 ot. work making $2 ng es Address Ran & (o.. 142 Fiith Ave. Ne TWO ROUGH-CAST HOUSI er Bagot and Johnston : and - 7 rooms, Lot. 42 x 15 O'Kill street: 11 @OOD NEW MILCH.C pringers, also thoroughl Bull; (pedigree), also Dri 8 years old, Sound Ap) » Gibsow Cor. Queen and RIG TO-LET. - eT LARGE STONE BUILD and 44 Princess street, i light manufacturing. far i ete. Apply to 249 Trock SINESS OFFICE, OPPO ny Office, heated by Hot wi to John Ae Gardiner. and Insurance, 151 Weld LOST. Y GREY. AND BLAC A Blanket, Priday aftern Market Square and Ba Finder kindly return to , street. LEATHER PI sng sum of petween Po A BROWN taining a rte, ars. ot Union st +. on returning' to this o -------------------------- -- -- - - ig ¥OUND. JADY'S CHATELAIN A ApS last. Own Sie BY paving expense at 27 John street. 2 Special For Thank One hundred baskets Roger ¥. , oranges, b figs Sd dates. 7 Hise