dges rkmanship of ercoats RECT. Tr ? Offéted Botside Db e everybody. by Co, § il ngn "of vhy they're so comfortable.' - Welted" means the miethod the soles on-shoes, and only ier can be used too. € VOY \ 'S SHOES for men at ind $5. "Goodyear Welted" way of making is good: en- his shoe.. For us .it-means e, for your shoes are free , nails or roughness of any neans for . you, too, more etter . service and certain ction. d Winter id. at. INVICTUS are )e Store. $7. 4 + rHE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESD GULD we bring our workshops to yon we would show . you the Solid Silver in the ingot, now melted, roll- «ed, : die-struck, trimmed, filed and finished until we before you the Spoon ot. Fork 'as seen on the din- g table, This process would not be so. interesting' to you 'as pur- chaser, unless we, informed von that, that very Spoon or { Fork goes DIRECT TO YOU from the workman's bench, with but one small profit added to the manufacturing cost. EER RRS SR RAPE Foe 2 We are the only firm in Canada "which sells Jewelry, Silverware, Cutglass, etc, direct to the con- [* gumer with but one profit added "to the manufacturing cost. 8 = We will be glad of an opportunity tc i convince you of this. "HENRY BIRKS & SONS. Jewelers--Silversmiths, . Montreal. PES CIE | 28d 344A WOMENS BOX CALF LACE BOOTS Military heels, two soles of solid leather, flannel lined, toe caps same as shoe, perfect fitting and high- class finish. This shoe will saveits price in rubbers. ~ Price, $1.50 d. Pair. 'McDermott's Shoe. Store.| Sb ------------ . P Sil 2 NOAH A MILLIONAIRE. ~~? | Remarkable Discovery Of An In- : dianapolis Archaeologist. | XJ By 3 s - ECAR & J Thdianapolis, Ind., Nov. 16.--K. V. uo RRNSGE 0 N Millard, who ow resides in this city, { )) / NN has been for several yéars studying the ( TN acology of Egypt: "I have dis- g 1 &% i / Na archacology of Egypt: ave dis- og a & (HL covered during the last three years, aie N said Mr. 'Millard, "just where Noah (Sl acd () lived, where the ark was built, and that Noah 'built the great pyramid of Khufu, known' as thé Pyramaad of Gi- Mr. Gard, of Ottawa y zeh. the that wrote "The Yankee "Noah' was" the greatest king this S480 uebee and Montreal and | (orld has ever seen. He was the 7 : 'Wandering Yankee,' says | greatést "of * the Egyptian Pharaohs, not excepting Rameses the Great. "It is evident that he must have been a millionaire and a man of great authority. He built the ark at his awn expense, Such a boat in those times would cost more than hali a million dollars. He must have been in Zutoo eares hisheadaches so completely shot he don't mind having them ov more, a position to force vast multitudes to a W. Thomas, Director of the work for him; regardless of their in- E.T. Ba Yank. says: terest in him or in his work, or of 4 used ur Zutoo Tablets their ow piersonal inclinations. an do not hesitate to recorimehe "Ngah~ buil€ the great pyramid dur- narket for headache. ing the gardier. part. of the fourth ' i Egvptian 'dvnasty, and not more than jaye. atdealets, or hy Sued! pou patie twee handdted, years after God had: B.1 ROBINSON & CO, Cou »Qui. expelled Adam and 'Eve from the Gar- den of Eden. 1i Noah's size and intel- lectual Powers' were proportioned at his age to ones, then in brain and brawn and stature he, too, must have been a giant." De ---------------- Bite May Give Clue. London, Ont., Nov. 16.--A reward of $500 is offered by the West Williams tawnship 'council for the apprehension | tha on the 4th Inst. ry the daughter of a jae near Halleck's schoolhouse, to farmer near Cameron. The fact that { Mr. Buckley, Howe Island, who is now during the scuffle the girl bit the tramp {in possession, The consideration was on the face may prove a clue. | 82,000, bee ees ®- oo. -Qonstipalion : . Fruit is nature's laxative. Plenty of fruit will prevent Cor stipation, but won't eure it. Why? . ---- Mrs. E: Ruddick has disposed of her Re -- ---- Because the laxative principles of fruit are held in, peculiar combination and are very mild. ie an Ottawa 'physician by which , After years of labot, : accidently discovered the secret process or Fruit Liver Tablets . 4rd Bade. He used fruit juices, but by combining them in a peculiar way, their action on the liver, kidneys, stomach and skin is increased many times. © "PRUIT-A-TIVES" TABLETS con- * tain all the medical properties of fruit--are_, ~ 'a mild-and gentle laxative--and the only |<' permanent cure for Constipation, Torpid § Liver, Sick Headaches, BadfStomach _'} + and Kidney Troubles. : - 4" All druggists have them. NOW IN SES COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING SION WAS DELAYED Enforcing Reppirs. "On Toll Roads. The Fromtenac council was called for Tuesday afternoon, but on account. of the county conservative association convention in the Court House, it didi not transact any business, as the ma- | jority of the members were in attend-! ally at two and four o'clock, and fie-| "Two c~Japan tea siftings, ally 'adjourned till Wednesday morn-|95c., 1 Ib, «pure coflee, fresh ground, "ing at ten o'clock. Those present were:'| 25c., at Mullins. Warden Stoness and Councillors Gray, Col left at noon for Torons Wilkins, Tapping, John Cox, Pringle, Spoor, Pillar, Sproule, Franklin and Joshua Cox. . © At the Wednesday morning session | er, was badly burned by thesé communications were read : John Hetherington, Sharkot tion of Hoating bridge. From Charles Belwa, township clerk of Kingston, forwarding resolution re-| | garding Marsh bridge on Front Road, Pittsburg, which the county is res- ponsible for a share in maintenance. equal for rough skin. Sold only - at From J, Campbell, inspector of toll | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. roads, stating that the provincial It does not, pay to have evening right of enforcing repairs has been waists made when you can buy at disputed and is now before the courts, and that no inspection of toll rbads will be made, under the act, until the authority of th¢ inspector to auth- orize repairs has been determined by th ts. Queen street. . amos McGrath offering ' to "Made in Switzerland," Tobler's rebuild 'the piers of Whitman Creek] *8URE chocolate. Sold at Gibson's bridge if they fall within three years. From William Moore, secretary of the Canadian Associstion for the \'re- vention of' Consumption and other forms of tuberculosis, stating that in Frontenac there are about 230 persons suffering" from consumption, of whom about forty-six die every year, and asking the council to join in a peti- tion to the legislature for the erec- tion of a sanatarium in the province. From a large number of coynty _rdtepayers asking that the inspector of toll roads make an inspection in Frontenac as the toll roads are in many places dangerous. From the clerk of Kennebee town- ship, stating that that council refus- ed to repair or care for the floating bridge over Cross Lake, as it is 420 feet in length. . From R. Meek, secretary of louse of Industry Board, asking for a larger county grant. : From the General Hospital secrotary asking for renewal of grant, and lurg- por if possible, as the institution had a large deficit to face. During the past year péor. county patients had cost ' the: General Hospital $1,649.60. committees for consideration. y Regarding Loborough bridge, 'J. L. Whiting, K.C., wrBle that in his op- inion the county council should either let the bridge alone or take possession of it apd keep it in proper repair. The bridge is a private property, and as a matter of law, Mr. Whiting said no municipality was bound to assume and take care of .it. If it is thought necessary in the public interest to as- sume the abandoned piece of road and bridge, then the obligation devolved upon tha bounty council, and net any towlship council. This resolution, moved - by Warden Stoness and Councillor Franklin, was passed : That whereas' the government has made it compulsory for a county to assume all bridges over 300 feet and. to maintain them; and as differ- ent municipalities have four or five such bridges, leaving a great burden of tax on them, this council humbly prayeth that the Ontario legislature grant fifty per cent of the cost of building and maintaining such bridg- es; and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded by the clerk to every county in the province for their eco- operation." The council decided not to hold ses- sions on Thanksgiving Day, but to make visits fo the charitable institu- tions receiving county grants. Ward- en Stoness invited the councillors to attend Sydenham Street Methodist church on Thursday morning in a body, and Councillor Spoor said he would if seats were found in the choir for himself and other of the couneil singers. Adjournment was made till two o'clock in the afternoon to allow the committees to meet. * MATCH TO-MORROW. Between Limestone And Queen's Seniqx Rugby Teams. Lovers offootball in the city have been bemoaning the fact that no holi- day game of importance 8 to he played t o-morrow afternoon, Great satisfaction was expressed this morn: ing when it was learned that a game for the city championship has been ar- ranged to take place at the Athletic grounds between the Limestones, juni- of O.RF.U. champions,' and' Qiéen's seniors, prospective champions. of the I.C.R.U. This game will pfove of in- tense interest to the followers of both teams and a large turn-out of spect- ators is anticipated. " Phe game will be played under the Intercollegiate rules, which will'neces- sitate the addition of some Scrimmage players to the Limestone team. Rev- ells. Moxley and Roberts will be the scrimmage trio and they should make a good showing. "Chaucer" Elliott has been chosen as referee, and this will guarantes a good clean game. The contest should be fast and beil- liant with pood combination 'play on both back divisions. The teams will line up as follows : Limestones--Full-back, Laird; halves, Bearance, Betts, Lappan: auarter, berts: wings, O'Brien, Crozier, Birch, Davies, Melver, Clarke, ! Oueen's.--Full back. Macdonnell ; halves, Richardson, Williams, Walsh; nuarter, Carson; scrimmage, Gillies, Nonovan, Thomnson; wings, Patterson, Dobbs, Cameron, Britton. 50 gents a box. FRUITATIVES, Limited, OTTAWA. who Put Hope to-day, An Account Of Conservative Con- outo, alter 8 10e. er art, hickory- vention--Business Begun Wed- | guts, 7c. per rt, at Mullin's. nesday- Morning--Question Of | Mz. J. Wi itchell, University aves nue, went to Several men from the city at- tended a See in Belleville last even- ing. Toronto, after some months in the city, Miss: Cunningham leit to-day we oron visit to her sister, Mrs. ance at the convention. It met form- a to, on 8 can to, $e will be umpire in the sham- Re w. Lae, notifying council of dangérous condi- | church served 6 to 8 p.m, 25c. account of Thanksgiving. such low prices from The Somerville C ter, N.Y., are in the city for a few days, the The communications were referred 16] rates of a faté and a third to parties honorary Fegy: scrimmage. Revells, Moxley: Ro- Baillie, gil og ers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins went. ss Louise Hickey returned to Tor- Guelph for the holidays. 4 Sirs. James Galloway left to-day for William Capper, a Brockville mould- molten iron t the Smart works. Tea and concert in Sydenham street "Thanksgiving evening. "Tea Prof. MacDonald's classes in Whig hall have heen cancelled to-morrow on Cream". has no "Red Cross Cold 0. Dr. and® Mrs. Walter Crews, Roches- ts of Mrs. B. Bailey, Red: Cross Drug Store, 8 There was "a continued slump in police court matters this morning, and Police. Magistrate Farrell was given another morning of leisure, ° The W. A. of St. James' church held a successful tea and sale in the paro- chial school-house on Tuesday after- noon, which netted a fair sum. Made in Switzerland !. Sold at' Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. James O'Brien, a 'wandering Ameri- can, sought shelter at the police cells last night. He left this morning on the unlimited express for Montreal. The pupils of the Kingston Colle giate Pnstitute held a meeting last | evening to make arrangements for the ar collegiate conversazione: The evening of Friday, December 16th, was fixed as the date and a committee was appolmted to arrange the de- tails, . When chilled to the bone a dose of Perry Davis' Painkiller in hot, sweet- ened water will quickly warm you up. It is a thousand times better than drinking whiskey. Wards off colds. and coughs. Arrangements have been made with the C.P.R. and C.A.R. companies for of ten who wish to go. to Ottawa Fri- day or Saturday for the Queen'siMc- Gill rugby match. The first mecting of the Philos: phical Society of Queen's Tniversity will be held in Convocation hall on Kriday evening, November '18th, The president, Prof. 'Dyde, will lecture on "The Nature of Humor." A number of interesting ovening lee: tures, have been arranged, 'to which the citizens of Kingston are cordially invited. PERSONAL MENTION, ---- Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Robert Allan left this 'morning for Hamilton. city to-day. Samuel Silver, Montreal, is visiting friends in the city. : Mrs. Hugo Craig has returnéd to the city from Sudbury. Miss Massie and Miss Hazel Massie, weeks with their Cooper. Miss Elsie Tandy went up to Have- week with her brother and mother at the rectory. J. G. Elljptt left at noon for Toron- Educational Association. Archbishop Gauthier will open and bless the new church in Marmora Sunday nexi. Rev. Father Brady will preach at Vespers. Glenvale this afternoon, where will assist at a concert to-night place: of Regiopolis College, 'Kingston, ant one of the most eloquent priests of the Roman professor of rick's College, lin, Ireland. eloquence in St. Pat Y.M.C.A. News. evening. 'Many werg the ames played, 2 v, including indoor base Sec secured the first A..watch fob, for ¢ ames, The ladies kindly served * re reshments. : ize, a Y.M.C the Ladies' Auxiliary will monthly meeting to di Year's reception. Prayer-meeting seven o'clock in the rooms a to-morrow peoples' by ne G. A. Lowes, si Fur Searls, Fur Muffs. moderation in price are o i our fur setts. Campbell Bros. manufacturers of fine furs. You May Need Something. Matters That Interest Everybody , annoyed 'at reports that he' is ill. He is "quite Willis Coates, Brockville, was in the went to Toronto to-day, to spend #ix sister, Mrs. J. A. Jock to-day to spend the rest of the to to attend the executive meeting of the board of directors of the Ontario on of New York, will preach at high mass and Rev. Father Kehoe, of thik city, Miss Dutton, Miss Bureau, Edward Crumley, Jack Cousins, Daniel Coup- er, and Master Earl Jenkins left for they in aid of the Presbyterian church of that Rev. Father P. A. Beecher, formerly | Catholic church, is now Maynooth, near Dub- isa Foreign Last "night the Juniors "held iheir annual social. Sixty boys enjoyed the ball,' "hot-hand," - pre sive ping oe ong and word puzzles, Waster Leslie : ; nh ' 3 ie: VOTERS LIST, : ] On Friday afternoon 'at 3:30 o'clock hold their discuss the New morning (Thanksgiving day.) All the young societies will join, and be led Style, conort, durability, and great m the For thankugiving Sut. stores bi be open pti] six p.m} tno delivery "Carpovak eres Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read and | Gen. Lew Wallace is much anno! well at Crawfordsv » i. A congolidated rural school has been opened "at Guelph with 150 scholars, ting four school sections, . Jennings family, Bowmanville, may be successful in their: attempt to }- capture a share of the famousi "Jen nings millions," the largest pnclaimed fortune in the British empire; Sir Wilirid says: "I desire to im- press upon the council the assurance that the government will continue their efforts to ve and beautify Otlaiva, and to 6 it evermore wor: thy of its position &s-the capital of this young and growing country." -- OTTAWA'S FAREWELL, To Lord And Lady Mihto--A Big Contract. ; Specjal¥to the Whig. Ottawa, Nov. 16.--The civie fagewoll to their excellencies this afternoon took the form of a farewell address read at the drill hall, by' Mayor Elis, and the preséntation to Lady Minto of a handsome diamond n- dant from the citizens of Ottawa. The reseitation was made by Hon. N. A. Jeourt, M.P., in a graceful speech, There was a procession to the station and their excellencies left by CPR. special for. Quebee, Canon . Hannington, rector of St. Bartholomew's, the church attended by. Lord and Lady Minto, has been pre- sented with a silver tea service by their excellencies as a parting gift. It is understood that Geor 1ood- win, the Ottawa contractor, RP been awarded" the contract for the Royal Victoria memorial museum, His figure is slightly above a million dollars, In the supreme court, to-day, Pear- son Vs. arpenter was. ar , In which court of appeal of Quntarig con- firmed judgment for res rondents. on a note given by the pellant to recov: a stock transaction, The respon- dents are Toronto brokers who trans- mitted an order to a Buffalo' bucket shop. The appellants said, they thought the transaction honafide and claim there was no equivalent given for the note. Court of appeal held he knew the nature of the business, A. COLQUHOUN DEAD. Ex-Mayor 0f Hamilton Passed 3 Away This Morning. : Special to the Whig. Hamilton, Nov, 16.--A. Colquhoun, one of Hamilton's best "known and respected citizens, who had been at the city - hospital meole,: at an early 'hour morning. He had been ill for months, and had been operated on in Sep- tember, leaving the institution great- ly impfoved, but his trouble soon ro- turned and he found it necessary to go back. Mr. Colquhoun was at one time man: ager of the Bank of Hamilton, and since then had devoted his time to his farm on the mountain, In 1805 he was elected mayor of Hamilton and served two years. He had been an alderman several vears before that. In the pro- vincial elections of 1808, he was elect od for West Hamilton and served one term. He was sixty years old and sur: vived by a widow, three sons, and seven daugliters, ---------- PAINFULLY INJURED. Works' Employee Thrown Under Wagon. James O'Neill, an employee at the gas works, who lives at 11 John street, met with a painful and serious accident yesterday afternoon. He was driving in a waggon when the horse stumbled; throwing him to the ground under the wheels of the waggon. He was run over and badly injured. He was taken to the Hotel Dieu, where his injuries were attended to. ---------- Gas City Championship, Limestones vs. Queen's I, Athletic grounds, Thursday, at' 2:30 p.m. Ad mission, 25e. IMPORTANT NOTICE! to temo mo KINGSTON and VICINITY that they have made arrangements with GEO, W. MAHOOD, Druggtst, Cor. Princess and Bagot Sts., and will hold daily consultations for two wesks ommencing Monday, November 21, regardin } | Srcavment of the Tair and Seatp. . They respecefully one to { invite il and consult w 5 utiful Hair, the result of the use of the isters' Maly or Hair Canadian Parlors, 'onge Street Toronte. J. H. Bb Municipality of the City of Kingston, County of Frontenac. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THA 1 have transmitted or delivered 10 the mentioned in 8 " Ontario Voters' List Act" nil by said secs transmitted or delivered t the said last Muni- ng the % appear * BSseuNnOn roll , of. Apa to be en al unicinglity id Shembors Manic a ssem and a uni elections, and that said list w first posted up at City aildings, on NOVEMBER, 1904; and fot inspection. Electors Tremaine take Immediate proceedings Hd cre gd sro for a growth on onl pursuant B said Act of i tithed to vote at the | li ww office at the TWELFTH Bay OF there Wo GB the lions w, following among oth 1. They are the compounded to meet They are to down w and of them alone. 3. They contain wi 4 They in any other remedy. +5. Unlike the liquid cocaine or other drugs. ---- fasting cure of the ills of jn-the world acts so quickly. health, vigor and the female sex has arisen duri rich of Europe but is now brin ness alike to rich and poor, on the verge of despair. Wo ain that no ma iY. Wi , th Re single tablet. for the same are 72 Health Table in every be obtained at KINGSTON NURSE DEAD, Miss Georgina Aspelstine Suc- cumbed To Typhoid Fever. ter of Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Assel- stine, corner of Division and Garrett streets, and the telegram announcing |; her 'death was to them a terrible}; blow as they had no knowle serious nature of her illness. The late Miss 'Asselstine was a successful train- ed nurse, She left Kingston about}! eight years ago, and after graduating from the hospital at Lynn, Mass., she took a post" graduate course in thef Manhattan and the General Memorial hospitals, New York. For some time before her decease she had: been éngaged in nursing a typhoid patient, and after 'the latter had entirely recov case, she hersell was stricken down with the same malady. The fever was at first of a mild form and no fears Ta sega veloped. Tato tained, but disease | into a more viculent type and caused: her death. The remains will probably be brought to Kingstor for interment, / BRITISH COLONEL HURT : rrr 'In a Hot Battle With Nine| 3 ing . * London, Nov. 16--Col. Colin Hard ing, who is in commend of the Barotseland native 'police, has had a from death. re and wou whith he was following for a od ot C Det a irs ce wp Luekily he retained his rifle, and the. brute fled as he fired: He had, how- | evar, sustained 8 broken coll 3 his. thigh One found ¥, the oysterman. _of i WHEREAS, sick, tired and run-down long been in need of a remedy for AND AS, the placing on the market ¢ Hugo's Health Tablets for Women has filed this : or the ie of -- tained in remedies sold for both men and women. © 8 They arc uot Savers simula Toa oer THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing am timony of se many women to e foregeing aNd: happiness, we must clare, that no greater cause for than the placing within the rea run-down women of the remedy physician, which hitherto was. ered from the dis- | § their De -- cals In sto Cin § . J. Toay contain Ingruticnts fst 7 to Ain ) 5 be The sad intelligence reached the city | "og Broad S¢, this morning from New York, of the death of Miss Georgina Asselstine, in Metubsts Conse, Stock that city, The decensed was a daugh- York