"KINGSTON, E DAILY BRI ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1904. nina. Fine Reliable ut Camphbe, Hig plaids are 'inevitable Rudd Harness Co furs sile on DAILY MEMORANDA. Goldmark lecture this evening Bros DESERTIONS St Mary's bazaar, City Hall } The sun rises Friday 0" The, sun rises Friday at 4:27 pan Daily Occur From Port to 5 JonZona) tucks form Lhe newest okes ' Revival services at Zion church each Enemy's Lines. evening The quicker the lunch. the slower the digestion 4 Read the advi. of Hiscock's new fancy woods store " Harry 1 indley' 'y's company, {NO LONGER FIRE Grand Opera house to-night. » wih Haughton man loges a Jot of time] FROM GARRISON ON AP: ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME| riuruers mustitute, at Glonvate vriday| ~PROACHING JAP. SHIPS. Interests U3 to ghe sXpent ol providing : : Tho : Sng ove hing: y i 'furniture Ll ¥. Pp lectuses, Tuesday wr i . he of House! A will interes, hospital fund. Keen date for it 97 | Steamer, With Meat, Running pu if you examine our stock. Mr. Esler, to-night Zio He \ Block J HO enn in It. Vous, 5 pieces. | on © Tha rimioight in Zion, Hear hin cl ade Captured--Japanese only $22.50; 3 Diecen, Silk Sets, from | Women know how to carry q worried Making Harbor Untenable For Bw, yaspmnaipiey tr fal, TF To URE | Russian Shipe--Bussian Camp conservative prices, . This day in history John Knox Captured. died, hg Grace Ds we born 181 Specgal to the Whig - ; ; Canadian boundary signed, 1817 London," Nov. 24. The Wei-Hai- Wei ROBT. J. REID, Pasmania discovered correspondent of the Daily Express The ing Undertaker, --------------===| savs the Russians who arrived there Lead! EN Pitucrss Street. 20 DINNE from Port Arthur, in a lifeboat, ves . 2 doors above opera house. Telephone 577. terday, admit 1 stole the boat for veful article of : (he purpose of escaping from the be . F steged. city. They say that water and y designs, the or 30% Less ammunition very scarce in Port ke our assort- ery moderate, nnelette Kim- colorings and atterns, trim= tucks, $1.25. Christmas Presents t $2.75. ina great va= alues at $1.49. Go and see them. QUEEN'S se front, sailor bon to march. rice $4.50. Smallest size Brooches, in (first quality), hard enam- el, at 25c. each, while our present stock lasts. SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING ST. ite ! the lot lasts we Suits -at ONE- st one size of a 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess. $ 652, Ground Flour Office. NOW NOTICE At Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery Choice Water Colors Most Suitable for "Authorized College Crests 'DENTAL OFFICE GoM and Crows Work a Specialty. Bd, LDS, D.D. Than We have decorated, and the fin treated in Thesefsets For your own use they Value ! about 20 Sets, Gold, and Illuminated. are a few pieces-short. Arthur, but there is food enough there to last for several months. They have been many deaths from typhus fever There are now fewer than 20.000 able bodied oops forming the: active Yieok: A despatch from. Tokio, nicely est quality, gar to the Stan dard, reports increasing desertions from the Port Arthur garrison into the Japanese lines. the storie the are just as deserters tell indicating the demorali good as a complete Set. The reg- | ation of the Russian defenders. The ular price was $1Q to $13. same correspondent says the Russian : forts on the sea from off Port Arthur no 'longer fire on the approach of Now $7 to $9 Japanese. warships. A despateh, to ' the Chronicle, from "Chefoo, states t that the Japanese have captured the Come and see them. iritish steam Tung (how, hound : from Shanghai, for Port Arthir, with 30,000 cases of canned. meat. The ROBERTSON BROS Russo-Chinese bank financed the at tempt to run the hlockade, which " 88 | cost. S135.000, The captain's honus J RE PE was S20000. The steamer cleared for Riao Chan, the German port in 5 Shantung province, China It is riliably reported that the die AT VANLUVEN'S ging of the tunnels to pierce the scarps at Shungshusan, FErlungshen ok u aire = hr Set Vain ing 4 oc gic | $50 onghikwan icy has Brg 'ulifornia. Secdless Raisins, 3 1b. pkg Lg § sal sla or bie Raisins, 3 Ibs progresk against 203 Metre Jilly which, Strawberries and Raspberries, 2 1b. when it is captured. will render the Sa baie and Paar 15¢ harbor untenable for the Russian Snel ane. | warships. Goodwillies, Peaches and Strawber- ries, Sealers, : . co. Russian Camp Captured. Pumpkins, 3 cans, ~ . Peas, 8 cans, .. * | Tokio, Nev. 24.-A telegram from Clarks" Beans, Mm Chili Sauce, LL. { the headguarters of the Japanese S Fite Mixed: Pickles, per auart, . | third army besieging Port Arthur, | Fresh Pork Sausage, #8 dbss .. 4 ! dated midnight, November 22nd, says: Small Smoked Hams, new cured, per ght, ele . ver sib 124c. | "Gn Monday night, November 21st, Shredded Biscuit and Triscuit, pki 124¢ { the enemy made a counter attack on Large Sweet Oranges, doz, 20c. and 25¢. | 0 fcc in front of the north fort You may talk as you like, but I have of the wastern group of forts on Kel the Digest, best, and Cheapest, F. Ww. VANLUVEN, wain mountain. The attack was re Second Hand Stoves, Furniture, and lsd Carpets, in this city. = Come and see 246 PRINCESS ST. pie set : * them, and you will be satisfied On Monday last a dgtachment cap. "Phone 417. tured the Russian camp at Itszuchan. TURK"S SECOND-HAND SHOP, S98 Princess Street. Auction reinforced, amd en- the camp with a The Russians were deavored t& ve-take Sale | force of 600 infantry, and 300 cavalry, a rr OF re and four guns. In a fight that lasted TWO Rooms. ruRNiSuen. ror | Honsehold Furniture, 151 Sydenham St., | (jr hours, Hey wer driven to hein light house-keeping Apply J. P FRIDAY, Nov. 25th. at 10 am. River pe ass, len ng forty dead and six fh Thin Sf H CUNNINGHAM HAS INSTRI er DE ripe nt The Japan ; o sel effects, consisting of msiderable e A { A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. FAM- Bl I Lo Carpets, "Raw Silk | exe casualties were about thirty. On rwear ily of three. APply Mrs. Henry | poor Suite, very fine Oak Hall Rack | Wonday night the Russians made a Mooers. 90 Barrie street Bie Couches. Cobbler Rockers, | flonqay TIER, 0 iE new posi I'S GENE v 1 magnificent Oxi, Redroom Bae Cherry 4 h ih " ENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH-| Su Spring Mattresses efrigerato on. . ing or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Fran- ae iis Stove, Extension and other Ceo yON 5 Jers. cis MacNee, 252 King street Tables rockery CURED ¢ BY ¢ J ett ---------------------- fine lot of I ol Sts and Bands, aWo Pxemmtmwcep pry Goons | TW MURRAY AHR | yoiew cured TH Son Of An Vests, petent persons. Newman & Shaw RUBIN COLDMARK Ailment. 2 rr Fo roshe d.., Nov. 2.--Dr. George rawers special 10 BUY. A. SINGLE OR DOUBLE Sth 3 Ing ' "of the most prom- ch dwelling, in central location. Pos F. Washburne, one hn | weight. Oh aw. ue by May ist, 1M Th D k of the Gods nent jiracticing phy icin in : hast, od Ce. made the sensationa aonpunee ne ors: PEOP IELY e us that his wife, Mrs Marion ¥. Wash : . "OPLE WANTING SKILLED HELP : c amontr the: foremost 'cub 'wo Drawers 3 dif- from Eastern Canada are invited th bufne, among Y for n -- . » . try the want advt. columns of tie GONVOG men of Indiana, hac succeeded in t will prove an London Free Press ing permanently their fifteen-year old i % son by practicing a system of treat FOUR BOYS [0 15 YEARS OLD, - . crea thy oF cripent sp who SH Wo Ta and earn from TO NIGHT ment by suggestion alter ly ! i 4) htgow ns, §cc., $2.50 to $4 per week. ly to J ts 25 cialists from ( Shi ago hal te ared the A. Gould & Co: corner King and toch . . iC. | lad was doomed to imbedility. a Queen streets. : Admission, 50c. ; Studen "When a baby the Washburn child fel -------------------------------------------------- ChE « ernshing his skull part REAT sur oF R.JouRs TO PRE sg I B I T10 N dowprtal: Ge rudiing ie SL part made to loo wi o select frcm. ike hg Also your order for new EXH heen helpless, unable to walk and was i Galloway, tailor, 131 OF ORIGINAL finally threatened with becoming deaf, . EE INLLY3 po Color Drawings & Sketches |"; and blind." All of Dr. -Wash- ; er Loior burne's friends became interested in the AGENTS, TO SELL THE HAND Wat ravine surne's friends hecame intorusted in the lest kitchen utensil on earth. Ene nal ca r, h ping ve A he medial ton 2 surtounding t Sountry places S| ' as last resor we bes slic ce Torin iso Boys. to |G. Bruenech, AR C.A. & C. E. Wren ands out, veuart_ the bunt uu rath ute dodgers. Call 376 Ontario When physicians wade known their Lo Gallery finding to the mother six months ago, [AN EXPERIENCED FEMALE TEAUI- she "decidid to follww- out . paliey of er {Protestant ) holding : ov. 19th to eatment by suggestion, ach even qualifications, for 8.8. No From Saturday, N ) trea nen her 5 mn ritired she sat by burg," for 1 Apply Nov. 26th (1actusive- ing when her son t salary, to W. Morrison, Secret | hic bedside, giving her suggestion, Treasurer, ' Joy , Oat This afternoon Dr. Washburn madé a LAD - N positive statement of his son's abso- 1 EN, EAR ---- ie hE us home. No Rr 'At Various Ice Meet- | lute cur : : al a mailing or Sanvassing: material fur- | To Be Run . Mrs. Washburne's high sacial w dressed stamped en- ings. ton and her brilliancy as a club wo- : lap for particulars, 8.8.CO., Dept. | 4. whig ar | man have attracted attention to her, Worcester, Mass. Sate Ont: Nov. Wiliam, i] and medical authorities regard the re E LY Maa indsor, ts 2 hick ittle d me ' bi pacer winch a ove « truly wonderful. 3 BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. MEN |} fast littl Pe rested from Wayne | sult she achiiey i i nd a critical x and .onen make handsome Wages |... year ago hel Dr. Washburn has finis A talline old specialtic Ring. the Go o Detroit horse, te atesie of Hin wiles method, which he tamily needs them. A thor, title of "Ki f the Detroit Hees sroclaims superior to medical skill: . legitimate business that you | title 1 i Ld by Wigle Bros. 1 § / bre ho vig P.ndan TY Windsor," to Andrew Mar -- CE . oat. i > fs to, for 81,200. William C STRIKES IN FRANCE. -- jmagamen | iy, | PCHSO race horses "in "of the best known rac : . ' FOR SALE his ction of the country, will be | Series Of Walkouts In Arsenals : A M2 he his New owner on the ie on And Factories. 2 on : EM3.000 PAR VALUE, OR ANY PART G0 8 Foiher places during thel po Nov. 24.-A series of strikes Is $1.50 Box thereof, 'of stock of a coal company | © F0 \ in the governyent arsenals I : in fell operation, on which I wil } - der factories at Lorient, Brest and to 2. . We are guarantee 7. per cent. dividend Tor | Four Men Drovgped. on ia assufiing Thenacing propor- is five years. George H. Proctor. 1. to the Whig boat, | tions. Five thousand strikers at Brest Beosdyay, New York. N¥ 0 H #0 night made a demonstration Jesterday id | 5 -- 4 , ura, i; sordbr ree Lor oF the St. Claw there was nue bh or arid Arn ' KO roops Murdered At Turkey Raffle. 1 hie i ying, swamped Jareed, of the various ports. The strik- Minneapolis, Nov. 24. During a er A wharl. Four .Bt.] trate he ae raphors, thus . rkey ra in «a suburban Saloon 4h the a nerd ers include ar ot t night thier masked men entered Thomas men Ww intarcepting governmel - A covered fourteen men with revolv- | n Perish. ordesing them to hold up their | Seventeen Men 2 v94.- The] A little child, * belonging iS ot Neder wy ha nds. All obeyed but the hattender | nog od Bo {irimsby, } Derochy, a widow of Bears 3 an} the saloon, ~ Edward Mingo, who Sweelieh Bur, 1 foundered at | two miles from Arnprior, oF Kuni hed for his seveolvor. As he did so | "py a car Fhe entive] table and bit its tongue. on - was wounded in the face. This | Ark aD. dieal 'aid conld he summon one ted a general fusilade, h instantly killed robbers secured $20, OE STORE Alfred King. | crew i ished. per child had bled to death. Ny ------ COMPULSORY BY: AW. Be Submitted--If Passed It To Stand For Years. Special to the Whig. Loronto, Nov. 2M. ~The resolutions' committee of the liberal convention discussed temperance all porning and To finally "compromised on a resolution favoring the compulsory submission of a local optioh by law in every municipality, on Jamuary 1st, 1904; if passed such & hy-law can be re pealed only by act of parliament, and, if defeated, the local option by-law cannot be submitted again for three vears, This résolution will come be- fore the convention this afternoon. A resolution was passed by the con vention, this morning, recommending the establishment of a new depart ment of the goverament devoted to colonization nd labor : Another resolution was presented, but has not yet been adopted, re- commending legislation to facifidate * ie + + *> What Convention Did. ¥ Je The big liberal conven- tion, at Toronto, on Tues- day condemned unspmringly electoral eorruption and called for the punishment of all offenders; prison labor must not compete with free; ex implicit confidence in the Ross government, endorsed the Jpinisterial change, declared for the development of New Ontario along modern lines and endorsed railway taxa- tion, ST IiTIIE Ree a. FEFETIIFINSE4 4440 and the ar quisition operation, hy municipalities, of public utilities and granting a charter 1, Toronto and othef cities. MANIAC CHOKED. Patient In Asylum May Have Been Murdered, Chicago, Nov, 2. --~8Samuel P. Gloss- er, a patient in the county asylum for the insane at Dunning, was choked to death last night, and the coroner 1 will. endeavor to astertain whether he was killed by Alexander Harper, a colored patient or hy John Conway and Scott Hagan, two attendants, Hogan and Conway assert that Glosser was violent and that Harper assisted them ia placing him wonder restraint, and Harper declares that both the attendants kicked Glosser and that Hogan choked him. The trouble started with a fight be- tween Glosser a Harper, in which the former He the attendmnts, - and Harper, but working logse from the straps that held him, be again attacked Harper. The two attendants*canw to the as Harper, and a desperate ensued. Glosser soon heeame and one of the phyricians | pronounced Glosser dead. His windpipe bdd been broke in the severe choking he had received, and his | terribly bruised, there being many marks of boot heels in the flesh Glasser form Col. sistance of struggle UNCONSCIONS; was called, who Was rly lived in Trinidad, NOVEL AND FOOLISH BET. Trenton Man Will Try To Keep Awake. Renton, N:J., Nov. 2.--Albert FE Herpin. pf this city. who says that he has not slept a wink for ton years, will undertake to prove himself the sleepless wonder and at the same time win a bet of £10,000 made by a Chi cago specialist that he cannot keep awake thirtv-one dave. The test is to commence in this city February 2th next The money has been put up by R. C. Corbin, of Chy Ago, and four phy- sicians will it yo with Herpin for the purpose of making sure that he doesn't steal a nap on hin b Herpin's wakefulness dates back ten FROM CANADA TO MEXICO. Official To Confér With Diaz Gov- ernnient. Nov. 24 Ottawa, proposed to. run from Montreal summer and from a maritime province port or ports in winter, To Hold Bye-Elections. cial to the Whig, Bin NS, 2. Write the hye-election for the in the housed of asse 'mbly land, Lunenburg, Capd Breton, Colches- ter, Pictou, tithmond ant Guysbor have been issued, The take place on the same day, Thursday, December 15th, the nominations be ing on December sth. Nov. the home for consumptives, the Wo- man's club and sevefal other organi foci hreakfast eereal sold. P. Mein tosh & Son, millers, Toropto. 7 = * Strawberries are re ticularly good for sciatica and gout. The pear tree will continue bearing fruit for several eentivies, Lemons mre an excellent remedy in pul.unary diseases. was (the aggressor. . was finally strapged to his bed. by vears, to the time when 'his wife died, the white cap still over his face, and His nerves were affected so that he | hammers and saws were produced in couldn't sleep, and he kept awake ro | the hope of getting the drop to work. Jong that he couldn't get into the Lie could hear .all - that was going habit of snoozing again on, vel, in spite of this, he remaipid calm Sir William Mul for ock, postmaster general, Jasves a By this time everyone was excited, " or . = 3 Mexico in a couple of days to con with the exception of Lee, who con- with the Mexican government with a view 1 establishing a steamship line on the Atlantic between both coun tries. Service will be monthly. to be- gin. A contract has already beer awarded for a line on the Pacific. Tt is in for vali seats or Cumber: elections will whim he had heen removed from the M William Carleton, wile of the seaffold, the drop worked satisfactori- irs, vanelon, ae Iv fuinous post Ce a in] When Les got tn bin lt he Bll lve, She resident © . ia Keriae inge: 3 the Brockiyn Sabbath Alliapee and a down vm his knew, thanking fod for member of the board of nag of zations. You gain 'more than we do by eating "Qwiss Food." the most: per- a par WI Yi | of Death. | + § 'AN EXPERIENCE: -------- JOHN LEE IS .SOON TO BE FREE MAN. With a Rope Around His Neck a Strange Coincidence Saved | Him---An Extraordinary Fact After Each Attempt. London, Nov: #.--The release from Portland prison of John Lee, who in February, 1885, was convicted of muk- | deying his employer, Miss Keyse, of ! Babbacombe, will shartly' take place. fee was sentenced to death at Exe: ter nssizes, and although placed on the scaffold three times, the drop re- | fused to act, The result was that the | prisoner was taken back to his cell | pending the decision of the home sec- retary, Sir William Harcourt, who al- terwards commuted sentence to one of penal servitude for life. The crime for which Lee was sen- tenced was a most revolting one. He was employed 'by Miss Keyse as a manservant, but being only twenty years old he received very little wag: es. These wages" seem to have been the chief cause of contention between servant and mistress, Many people believed in Lee's innos cence, and there was a story told at the time of a. white dove, a fitting symbol of 'innocence, which flew and round and finally settled on the scaffold just as the executioner was making his first attempt to perform the 'execution. According i to the evidence given at the trial, Lee murdered Miss Keyse during the aight, felling her with a hatchet, and hacking the body to piedes. He then set fire to the house and gave an alarm, saying that burs glars had murdered Miss Keyse and had set the house on fire. His conviction rested solely om eir- cumstantial evidence, and from the moment of his arrest, to the time of his attempted execution he strongly protested his innocence, > The judge at his trial rgmarked on his calmness, saying that it did not ghow that he was innocent. "Please my lord," replied Lee, "the reason I am so calin is because I trusted to my Lord, and my Lord knows, 1 feent," Then BR vietly. his face, he stepped down from the dock. | Three weeks later on a grey Mon- day morning, Lee was hrought out for execution in Exeter jail. It was five minutes to eight when the proces: sion started, the chaplain reading the | burial service. The responses were re- | peated in a loud, firm voice by Lee, . For the next twenty-five minutes a series of remarkable scenes took place, three futile attempts being made to carry out the sentepce. The gallows was erected jn an open brick building, about twenty feet square, and the platform which had been used on several occasions was fitted over a deep pit, in which the criminal at would fall. Berry, the executioner, ed the condemned man on the scaf- fold, and after adjusting the rope, stepped back and pulled the lever. The drop refused to aet. Fer eight minutes Berry and th warders stamped on the platform ah did everything they could to make it move, They could not do it. Mean- while lee praved in a loud voice, but showed no signs of fear. It was then determined to wretched man off the scaffold, placed in a corner of the moment of execution quickly plac: take the lee was the shed with "I think it ought to go.down now," said one of the warders; whereupon Lee was once more placed upon the platform and 'the rope adjusted round his néck. Again the drop refused to work ! tinued to protest his innocence, Onoe more was the wretched man taken off the scaffold and placed some few vards away while the hammering and sawing went on. "Thin time it is sure to go down," wae the general comment, as Lee again took his stand on the platform. "Oh, God help me," eried . J ee--and a third time the gallows refused to act! : The governor of the jail would have no mores He ordered Lee to be i to his eel, simply remarking to {i prisoner that the execution would not take place that dav. The most extraordinary fact in eon- nection with the horrible scene is that an eve-witness afterwards. stated that afier cach aftempt to hang Lee, and 1 had what ha termed the miracle He wrought. Mrs, W. Montgomery, after spend- ing a Fa « holidays at the home of her mother, Barrie street, "has returned to Port Hope. Al one time strawberries were sold strung on straws, thus they got their name. 3 Women own. or manage. one third of the fruit ranches in California. The cherry, the peach and the plun > Ra Andi Anlly. burned 3 | mel, { The Japanese Must Take The Initiative. . tering, Nov. 1. in how [Heved that if the deadlock is to be}. { broken Gen, Kuropathin: will lot Field] Marshal Ovama take the initiative, as the Russians have the better of the Prosont position, namely, & st of defense and Mukden behind® making satisfactory Boel quarters, where: the Russian re-enforcements aro now acenmulating for an advance next spring. The Japanese also are being strongly re-enforced, What Is Said. London, Nav, 21.~A Jupancse cor: | respondent, writing ta the Morning Post, betrays growing anxiety con cerning the Russian second Pacific squadron, which probabl; due 2 the unexpected strength of aR thut's resisting powers, He pots A the inconsistoney of Egypt in jena ting Viee-Admiral Rojestvenaky's ships to coal when not going to a Russian port compared with the refusal of such facilities when the Spanish ad miral Camara wanted to take the battleship Peleya by the Suez roiite Six years a hy andl maintains thay it ix Great ain' % business to com- pel Fgypt to maintain neutrality in the present case. "lhe Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Port Said states that the Russian warships, when berthed, will be com: pletely isolated from other shipping, and that they will be allowed to take on water and provisions, but the cor- respondent adds that it is still uncer. tain whether thoy will be permitted to coal. Copenhagen telegrams report that the supplementary. detachment of the Russian second Pacific squadron is stilt detained at Skagen by by storms, Tring To Turn Russian Left. Mukdden, Nov, 24. Indications are growing that the Japanese are under taking a wide furnig movement on the Russian left arge number of commissariat waggons have boen ob served going eastward, and some ar- tillery exchanges have also been re ported from the eastward, Omar's Fleet Sighted. Port Said; Nov. 24.-The Russian second Pacific squadron was sighted at six o'clock this morning, WOMAN'S DREAM COSTS LIFE. Hunting Imaginary Burglars, She Sets House Afire. Chicago, Nove 24.--As a result of a dream, Mrs, Lizzie Couet, forty-one years old, lost her life yesterday, and 'her husband and infant child were fa- troyed their home. The woman dreamed that her savings had been stolen from a hiding place in the bot- tom of a sugar jar in the pantry. Startled by the reality of the dream, she took a lamp in one hand and her baby under her other arm and went to investigate, The lamp fell from the woman's hand and exploded. Her hus- band aroused from sleep in an adjoin- ing room made a brave attempt fo put out thi flames and finally succeed- od with the aid of a mattress, but onlv after ho, as well as the wife and child had been rightfully burned. Mrs. Couet died while being taken to a hospital. ALPHONSE HAMEL brn Sentenced To Seven Years In Penitentiary. Special to the Whig. Montrea ov, 2.~Alphonse Ha- ' ty payvmaster, who forged | and cashed a cheque on the Bank of Montreal, for close to 85,000 and fled for Cuba, and was subsequently ex- tradited, was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary 'by Judge Cho- quet, Hamel did not ask for mercy on his own account, admitting the enor: mity of the offence, but pleaded for leniency on account of his wife and childeen. It was stated by the legal representative of the Bank of Ment. real, that 83,000, which Hamel had in the bank to the eredit of his wile, had been seized hv the bank, SCHOONER TURNS TURTLE. Caught In Storm And Eleven Are Drowned, Laurel, Del, Nov, &1.---News has reached here that the four-masted schooner Judge Boyee, built for Laurel capitalists, had turned turtle off the Capes during the storm of November ith and that its master, Capt: Men- love Eskidge and a erew of ten mon were lost, The Boyee was built at Bath, Me., at a cost of 250,000 and was en route to Savannah, Ga., on her maiden trip. She was only three days out when the storm o¥ertook her. The owners and crew live here and many families are in mourning, CRUSH DIVORCE EVIL. Unitarian Church 'Adopts a © Strong Resolution. Charleston, = 8,C., Nov. 24.--The Southern confepence of the Unitarian council yesterday adopted a resolution expressing "sympathy with the grow- ing sentimedit MODE Christian people in favor pk vie ng the American home by dischu in every possible way. the gr Rn ol divoree,"! and voicing a i 10 co-operate with our brethren of other churches in all legitimate offorts to solve. this difficult and vital problem." Nothing Settled, Says Blair. has returned from Bis trip to the world's fair at St. Lows. Mr. Blair stated that there was nothing nitely settled Jt a as to all originally came from Persia, ' "100K TO OYAMA. ©" in a fire which partly Ottawa, Nov. 24.--Hon. A. G. Blair Ue doronto Baik] the er Bearing os he Tore no thi 10 say as to his tnentons Jor. the . uture, de 3 Toron Ont, Nov. 5 th re Strang indy and 1m a Lo gles, an : erly to northwesterly, cloudy and soul er: ent snow falls and flurries. F -- and cooler, local suow We hold the handsomest an plete range' of FASHION ABLE Bi. DRESS GOODS to be found city. It is a continual joy to inspect our magnificent stock, wonderfully mederate prices excite app bation on every side. Here Are a Few Samples : CANVAS SUITING=(AIl Nooh). Sout winter weight, extra finish, 44 wide. Special price, 80e. ENGLISH HOPSACK SUITINGS: An Fine Wool, bright finish, would a natty tailored suit or skirt, inches wide, Special price, 60c. ENGLISH VENETIAN SUITING; AN Wool, dull 'black, fine smooth finish, 40 inches wide. Special price, 80. Togeth with other good - lines, sable or suits or unlined skirts, in Chigvlots!' Laurettes, ranteioths, View. nas, ete, $6 ARMENBER-Thars is amare Value for the money spent at # MITCHELL, On Nov Kini House,' ton, duh do HL Mitchel, Renfrew, Ont. of DOY LE-In Pitishure, 23rd . 1904, M, wife of lens lo Shor Pratl, aren Funeral Friday at 9:90 a J. HOLDEN~At Bolssivain, Manitoba | November 20th, 1904, Fr Fliza- "beth Coppinger, wife of vin Hol- den, aged uevdity-one Jars, All This Week BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY. HARRY LINDLEY And His Blg Stock £e. To-night, THE FATAL WEDDING Friday, 'The Castaways." Change of bill nightly. (Continuous performance. High Sluts apatiaitos between the actly Wh 1b¢., and 208c. Seats ou GRAND BAZAAR alia CITY HALL Lunch will be served by the ladies of the congregntion every day.from 12to 8, ~ Tea every night from 6 to 8. All Are Cordially Invited. GUARANTEED. - PURE The Bishoy Co'y,, of California, issue a guaranty of purity with all their goods. We have just received a trial shipment of their fine Vapped Fruits, 'condisting of i Strawber ri es, Raspberries, e Peaches,' Pears, Apricots. 'Price, 30c.. per tin, James Redden n § € @o., Tmporters of Pine Grogeries. Importers of Fine Groceries, Trust Fund Investments CORRESPONDENCE INVITED : T Special to troit, hehe, hv. Mich.. dempatch says ne at ber home in Alpena & 106 years. She was bom ngland and was the oldest this. part of the state. ------------------ ~An