r, Using Instead not. Sealed and SALADA" black tea. II Grocers. a -day $20." and special at $5." ¢ nd the custom- § ver expects to ¢ ith: this method ¢ 'rade ? | ing his friends here his money atrons fairly -- eir money, 'and we sell. One rows. ry are we : 4 ir WENTWOR st efforts. by and Neat. Oy COs, il, Kingston: Thm eS. TS. Fountain Pens. x. nanas, ling Of In Numbers Last Year. wv. M4. ~The Indian. popu . nada, according "to the 8 to the t of s in 107,078, which is 275 * count. showed in 1903. of recent d - the hea th t in the last od the +48 the choicest blend, put up by the world's largest distributors. If you A --- ' coffee, the first cup : revelation. { ~ Inland 2 pound tins. . Chase @. Sanborn, - Montreal Fuel Hard Coal Grate and Egg for your furnace. Stove, Chestnut. and Pea for stoves, : Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lump for grates and engines. Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut Wood your Pe, WALSH, BARRACEAR KING er Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower GREW THIS MAIR Toronto, Sept. 16, 1904. Seven Sutherland Sisters : r ies, -- 1 take pleasure to ac- knowl the great bene. fits which I have derived from the use of Grower and Scalp Cleaner. Ten years my hair," which was of an ordinary length, started to fall out so ly that | was in despair. A friend advised the 'use of your prepara- tions, and after a couple of weeks, my hair sto falling out and sta to grow so beautifully that I bave on Ssivg Jout preparation with the result that to-day my hair as my ph raph will show, is six and one-half feet long, thick and glossy. in a word beautiful. 1 gladly say tons are respectfully, MRS. L. HUTCHENS, 5 342 Victoria Se on Home Addisaa3 39 Ruede Paris, Toronto Ont. Bagnelet (Seine), France. For sale at all druggists, two sizes, 500, and per bottle. SEVEN SUTHERLAND: SISTERS SOLE PROPRIETORS CANADIAN OFFICE, 2568 Yona 8T., ToroNTO J. H. BALEY, Foreign Manager. Recommended and sold by W.Mahood, corner Georee Bagot streets, Kingstoa.~ 14 and Nothing makes a more charming gift for "My ladye faire" than Ma silver-mounted per- |: 4 when you order of us by mail. Catalogue 3 sent on request. El RYRIE BROS. 8} "DIAMOND MALL" X 118 to 124 Yonge Street TORONTO © We Can Help You Keep Warm . And Save Coal "& By simply selling 'you what WEATH- ER STRIP yeu need, to keep the cold out 'ahd the heat in. > xn You. can keep' your house tem per cent. wariier, dnd save ten per cent. coal, and avoid drafts, with very small expense. Felt oa Wood, .. 2. Ft. Rubber on Zine, .. 3c. Ft. Solid. Rubber. iy 5e., Ft. § Any one can apply it W. K WTCHELL'S HARDWARE "87 PRINCESS STREET. 'Mever tasted this rich, Fuel our Hair | Onn Spin coffee have aromatic will be a At all grocers. STOCK MARKETS. Telegraphed specially to the Whig by Norman Binmore, Manager Hartshorne, Bogert & Battelle, Members New York Stock Exchange, 151 St. James Street, ontreal. MONTREAL STOCKS, Montreal Street Railway, . 106 Toronto Street Railway _, .. 83 Montreal Light, Heat & Powe 60 Dominion Iron, Preferred, . "0 Dominion Coal, Common, . Detroit United, . Toledo Railway, and Light, ... Twin City Rapifl' Transit, . LAW SPOILS ROMANCE, Husband Unmasked And Thrown Into Prison. Columbus, 0., Nov. 24.--A remarka- ble romance was abruptly terminated yesterday, when Russell D, Drake, alias James Russell Lowell Miller, a paroled convi®, who has heen living in Columbus since his release, was re- turned to the violating his parole. Drake in August last, married Nora K. Schoemer, an' accomplished musician of Cincinnati, under the name of Miller. He first saw her at a concert in which she appeared at Col umbus about a year ago. No intimation of the fact that her husband -was a paroled convict reach- ed the wife until yesterday, when a statement signed by Drake's son-in- law, Charles K. Heidelberg of Bowling Green, O., revealing the fact was pub- lished in the newspapers. It was through this statement also | that the prison officials learned Chat Drake had violated his parole bv as | suming a new name and marrving. There was a pathetic scene at the apartments of the couple at the Al- hambra to-dav. when Drake was tgken Miss into custodv bv an officer from the prison. His wife had previously an- nounced her - intention of remaining loval to him and helping him to live down the past, but she was prevailed upon by her mgpther to return to her home." Drake is: forty-three vears old, for merlv was a prominent. citizen of Tif fin, O. WHILE GUARDIANS SLEEP. Lovers Slip Out And Quietly . Marry. Dublin, Nov. 24.--That Jove can miths has again heen ex- emplifid, _Fowley's Gate, near the shores of Lough Neagh, being the secne of a daring clopement. The hero ig a voung man who left the district some years ago in order to seek a fortune in America; the heroine is an attractive Irish maiden * who gave him a cordial welcome home quite recently, For a time their courtship was coun tenanced by the relatives on both sides, but when marriage was proposed the two families set their faces aginst it because the young couple were not of the same religion. He is a Pro- testant, she a Roman Catholic. The maiaea was kept under surveillance to prevent her meeting her lover, but they contrived to plan, and elopement." In the small hon of laugh at loc close 1 be the morning sweetheart's window with a car. Trus= ty comrades were -on the spot to ren- der assistance if necessary : While her guardians were sleeping the young lady descended from her bedroom window and with her lover was 'driven swiftly to the nearest rail way . station. Belfast was reached and in St. Ann's cathedral the nuptial knot was tied. The happy pair are said to be preparing for a voyage to America. BRONCHITIS IS INCREASING. More Cases Than Usual Reported. Symptoms Are More Severe Than Last Year. Fortunately there is a prompt cure, one that everybody can use, day or night at home or at work--Catarrho- zone is a marvelous cure for bronchial affections. Relief comes instantly in every case. Capt.. Dunlop, the well-known steam- boat owner of Kingston, says: "Along with many others I have pleasurg in expressing my gratefu thanks for the benefit derived = from using Catarrho- zone. ; "1 suffered twenty vears from bron- chitis; and experienced my first relief from Catarrhozone, which I am econ- the globe. { Religious Frauds. Ohio penitentiacy for] he voung man appeared beneath his § vinced,¥ the best Bronchial, remedy on, Guwiligh Mrs. Hewton, Kin Home," yesterday afternoon, to about a Irwin, payin cordially welcomed home. The tess' and her daughter received to- | gether, Mrs. Hewton wearing a hand- some black voile over taffeta, and of Vancouver, also built on tafieta, and adornment, Silver candelabra, shed a soft, though unshaded light over all, but the more brilliant light from elec. tric globes in all the rooms, was sub- dued by very petty pink shades, Mrs, Clarence Mitchell poured the coffee, Mrs. John Seward Smith making tea and Miss Ida Kidd cutting ices at a separate table. The girls assisting were Miss Hewton, Miss Marion Hew- ton, Miss Daisy Chown, Miss Watson and Miss Vonderhoeven, ' . Mr. Goldmark has been asked to sev- eral quiet dinners and luncheons dur- ing the week, anil those who have met the noted lecturer in a purely so- cial way, have been charmed by his unaffected interest in men and things, and by his keen wit. Mrs. John Wad- dell will give. a little supper for him after the recital to-night, to-morrow Rev. Principal Gorden will entertain him at luncheon; and to-morrow after- Sackville Cotter; C.B., Royal Bengal Horse Artillery, and Marion C. Sol- mes, only daughter of the late R. C. lifi, after a month's visit in the North West and Western Ontario, Mr. Pickup, who has been on this side of the water for the benefit of his health, cannot say too much in praise of Canada's bracing air, and the bright- ness of our climate. eo. ® . . Many Christmas novelties, aprons, and other useful articles, together with - home-made cakes, bread, jams and sweets, will be on sale at Lend- A:Hand Circle tea at Sydenham street Sundiy school, on Saturday, Novem- ber 26th, so it will pay you to drop in there from half past three to six noon, the day of Miss Corinne Shaw's marriage to Mr. Caldwell. Miss Mowatt asked a few people to have a cup of tea with her on Tues- day afternoon. . * . . 07 in arts and science will give a dance in the new arts" building at Queen's. to-morrow night,<awhich pro mises to be very jolly. The chape- rones are Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Good- As many . people seem to be uncer- tain as to the identity of the Miss Ada Lindsay, whose engagement to Mr. Alex. Phillippi, © was announced, in these columns on Tuesday, it may be mentioned that Miss Lindsay is the niece of Mrs: Lennox Mills, and is the voung and winsome girl who capti- vated so many during her visits here at "Bishopscourt." Crawlev Court, hich is the stately home of England to which this fair Canadian girl will go, is the house made famous by Thackeray in "Vanity Fair." Many good wishes go from Kingston to th |, pretty, vouthitl bride-to-be. ; ¥ a on The Rev. R. 8S. Forneri, the 'rector. elect of St, Lukes, Kingston, is stopping with Mrs. Hentig, Princess street. Miss Kennedy, daughter of Grace Dr. Kennedy, Perth, is the guest of Miss Laing, Johnston street. Mrs: Merriman, of Colborne, and ughter, Mrs. Hart, of Cobourg, ave been visiting Mrs, Hubbell, :reditably tiported to us that | left yesterday for home. a i iy. cxeitani? oo United States, |"ifFkie Rev. Principal Whitney, left on on apoplexy with fatal rests, a the 3 ho amc > of the Latter Day ay night for Lennoxville. i apa one ol eo. Yemark Montreal, Nov. 20.--In the court of ii i James Alexander Dowie, Carrie Beard will go up to | able Cor _ tragic neiden Sonne ] king + bench," Justics Hall : Sainte, pol the faith healer, are cir- | Woodstock on Saturday. . with Ring Pro Ed ory a number sentences. A : { of Zion literature verv freely inh 1 . . . * ers In vith theft. He had concealed 1 Gauthier, a twenty-year-old , who i ealatiog 1 igh sth of us. If the farm "rafessor Calionsier, of Quesn #1 ni- | ed Bu it ne vo eo pg a hen Child by 3 the coun AV II Hoy is litera- reify spent a few days in Ottawa | sov * f : oh, 1 Wold hoe - out mont | ers are wise they will Jk this Jiters _-- the guest of Mr, DD. T. Masson. A had. not been discovered by the police a Bi dh, an aad % ture in the stove and keep away , *Mr, Russell: Marshall. of Kingston, authorities. when searching him. At xpos out Ls shed a fold, sont any and every kind of religious was a ghost wf the Cinderella Club, | the close of gn interview with his Hi Tortiahi tiar ya Rory aid shark > of Torunto, 'at a dance at Mrs. sister he kissed her, and in doing so hel a ip Poin Sm at suv 1 in al Jacih's home. , : + | passed the coins from his own mouth li hey ugh a wesdios \ The chauffeur of Guy "killed | Mrs. Bate is expecting Miss Sinclair to hers. Either to hide her brother's a vie jnmteas of min wealthy: New Yorker, was Kile n a | from' Walkerton, the end of this week. guilt, or by accident, she swallowed " an to would 3: train on a grade crossing in Brooklyn The Rev. F. T. Dibb ix the guest of the coins. One of them stuck in her ntence ' ® crashing into his empl Loomis was badly injured. is sold at Gibson's Grower Tis fresh there. Drug Store. lover's auto. Mr. \ Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair . 5 . - The Sree Red Cross t izepti h paste in McLeod's antiseptic toot , ollgpsible tubes. Price' 15¢. Mokeod's Mre. Harry Tandy, at "The nuts." Mrs. Rogers has returned to town. Miss Mann is again staying on George The Rev. i : store. * "and Myv. Dobbs, of - { her father, street, was "At ivory A fifty old friends of her daughter, Mrs. ange Mrs. Irwin being gowned in" blue voile, | amongst trimmed , Robert with rich white insertion. Pink and | bride, who have white carnatjons abounded in drawing- | sixty years. Dr. and Mrs. Currie left room and dining-room, with masses of { for New York, the going-away gown tions. kiss persist him. quickly succumbed to he recovered. On another taken ill, and had to be isolated. The nurse came home to the hosvital, broke through all restraining efforts, and would embrace and kiss her child before she would permit it. to bere In less than two weeks after this she died, having contracted child's complaint. The child recovered and is still alive. There is the funny side in the tra- je consequences of kissing. Kiss-in- the ring i= a time-honored game, it has its terrors. Quite recently game was being played by old young in the old-fashioned wild gusto, and a young fellow who left the ring in hot chase after a youqg hwdy to oaTeh the usual kiss, fell, and caused which at the moment was treated vere light- ly, amid a hearty laugh players; but consequently moved. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDA ® of thé bride's | i Toronto, on lon with Vecsencoesonunsscsomel Brockville, have been stayi . et 1 i. Walken, hie pe * ° } g s © h $ The marriage of Miss Clara Clarke, ° old in I e $ 'adest davghter of Mr. W. A. Clarke, ' ® to Dr. Morley Currie, BA MPP, of ® Picton, was celébrated at the residence ts in Avenue road, ednesday. The Rev, : : Whiting, M.A., conducted the Beccccscosavvsovsccceg NOW bride was given away by and wore a lovely dress of liberty satin; she wore and carried roses, The engagement ig announced : In Hamilton of daughter of Major J. E. Mr. Phil. Alexander. Of Miss Kathleen Macdonell, of Chi: cago, daughter of Mr. Alex. Macdonell, to Mr. Herbert P. Wilson, of Montreal, formerly of Toronto. Of Miss A. E. Foster, of Montana, and Mr. W. H. Rickard, formerly of Honolulu, now of Toronto. Of Miss Beatrice M. Atkingon, daugh- . ter of Mr. W. P. Atkinson, of Toronto, and Mr. Charles M. Shadbolt, of the Bunk of Montreal, son of Mr. Shadbolt, of St. John, N.B, We ee The marriage of Miss Georgette Roy, daughter of Mr. Phillipe H. Roy, K.C., to Mr. Armando Lavergne, M.P., takes place on Thurshay, Dettmiber.. 1st, in Montreal. The queen has been giving Mr. Luke ever may be the deavored to steal companion. which caused a he was in the act of accomplishing his purpose, 'he "struck his head against a projecting nail, and in-a few days he died. On another veually at S - : . ® in en, hy some suddenly scuffle; and fst occasion a lady tractive to he favored one, to have t In he w She ge some sligh tion. Six on seeing negroes g fourisen-foot . room La, and three trouble arents strongly a final ent mad, and' caught the disease occasion a child to remove it from The t injury to his head, tulle ved ove a wreath of or- ossoms, who is "here lilies. Miss Lorna, Kings her a visit, and is being very | was the only bridesmaid," in a hos- | frock of white silk; with white Miss Lucy Clarke, 'and , & cousin, Ha ers, the bride's sister, played the wedding music. Orly the | steamship was rammed by New immediate relatives were present, | York, New Haven & Hertford rail- whom - were Mr. and Mrs. | road float,. No. 6, in the harbor off Clarke, ndparents of the | Liberty lsland. sen married nearly smilax. The tea-table was most effec- | being of dark green cloth, with mink | hole twenty feet lol and six tive and dainty, being centred. with | furs, and pretty hat to match. Dr, | high in her plates an making it im- lace and pink silk, four vases filled | and Mrs, Currie will reside in Picton | possible for the vessel to continue her with the fragrant pink and white | after their return, voyage without extensive ropairs. of the chosen flowers, being a further Ue GE At the groment of the collision many iss Ethel O'Reilly, O'Reilly, to EM noon Mrs. Shortt has asked the exe Wildes sittings for her full-length pic-| After the Nord America regained an cutive of the Ladies' Musical Club to'| ture in her coronation robes, 8nd] sven keel and the passengers were meet him at five o'clock, at "Copes- | wearing her magnificent jewels, quicted, the vessel returned to her worth," and have a cup of tea. jor. The float, which had apparent. : . re . . DEATH IN THEM. lv suffered but little in the collision, The marriage will shortly take place continued on its course. of Mr. Arthur Donglass Cotter, ac-| Kisses That Have Resulted In Tie Nord America will have ta be countant of the Crown Bank of Can- Tragedies. docked and repaired and cannot re- ada, Brockville, son of the late James Kissing 'hag always: bec a pleasures} sume her trips for some time. The Laurence Cotter, chief factor Hud- able aly of the human family. we company is in a dilemma as to 'what son's Bay company's service, and very likely it alway be. » to do with the steerage ners grandson of the late Col. George ury JAtely always will be, = what- thus left on its hands. Fhe 'next cry of the croakers against it. Yet in many ways it may be truly said there is death the i evel lace on her booked. Solmes, dnd niece of Col. Bog, 'of iss 3 iiatance h : ak YP Picton. any ave been record : clon . . * . ' where there have been calamitous con- Stove Hole In Hullo The Rev. John Pickup, and his sefjuences resulting in the touch of a Seattle, Wash., Noy 3 -- seam. adopted daughter, Miss Salter, are lady's kiss. A young couple. were sit- | °F City Of Sentd » ---- Rv i" again with, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ant- neau to Skagway, ting in a room together, enjoying each other's society, he chance the light and in the as he afterwards mis- wont out, darkness the young man, stated, in fun en] is reported resting easy, She is owned a kiss from - hig | bv the Pacific Const Steamship ecom- She playiully resisted, | pony. as was Wo young men, and yeti him he privilege kissing her. The other became desperately jealous, o'clock on the afternoon of that | which caused him to pick a quarrel | {inued over a month; and the estim- day. with the fortunate man, and they | ated cost of the entertainment was . . * fought. The aggressor got the worse | ahout $400,000. J A meeting to make final afrange- of it by receiving a blow from his an The capital of the little state where ments for the series of three dances tagonist which proved fatal, the other the sultan' and his court resided, Alor to come off this winter, was held at | getting off from the «legal conse-| Star, was prepared for the occasion Mra: Drury's, last night, and it was | Q0ences because it was held that the regardless of expense, The triumphal decided to hold the first one on De- blow had been dealt in self-defence, arches were erected in the vicinity of cember 2nd in the city hall. Then again, kissing has led to some the palace; and temporary structures, bY J 3 sad tragedies. A young man had representing pagodas, towers and pa: Mre. Morgan Shaw has issued in- formed an Waeting attachment to a . were built along the main vitations for a tea on Tuesday after- young lady, which appeared to be street of the town. Over 10,000 lights warmly reciprocated by the fair one, but her and forbade the voung man's atten- the face of this she off the engagement, In his despair he pleaded for a final interview, was granted; then for which was also given; and with that took the young woman's and his own life. Another type of danger in kissing, objected, broke which kiss, i r s. Watson. of which it would be well to take n . 0 hid : win, Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Watson ot a keesing. Ids min may we thei dimposal, with carriages and sr Anna Fitzhugh, the star in the suffering from infectious diseases, a ted into a' banquettingYoom, "Baroness Fiddlesticks,"" took with Some Junte ago, hid one of ng south where 200 people. sat town ¢ -~ er to New York a handsome sect of | coast towns, a young couple became eg . ' Le ; hed gold buttons which will | ardently attached to each other, and oe She sitatis Drother, Presiding. wear with one of her costumes. The | bad fixed a date for marriage, but were the European guests; and they jewellery was presented {o her at the | the young man became smitten with wire yay to inner bY then: British American hotel, by a number smallpox; it was thought_he would Bohr royal family of the gentlemen cadets of the Royal | die, and, notwithstanding a strong After the weddi the bride and Military College. warning, and in 'spite of all attempts Brite ng tg ea i ; y - * . . to prevent her, his young. lady would pridegtoom sat on a ray as him and kissing its effects, but was it mother but: the and 4 all the "it brought Chest® . wind-pipe, and she died from sufioca- in a fight in a in Shreveport, the NOVEMBER 24. 1,400 IN PANIC PASSENGERS TAKE FRIGHT WHEN sHip HEELS OVER. Crash In New York Harbor--Oar Float Rams The Nord Americy Her Plates. 5 New York, Nov. 24. --Fourteen h dred _ Italians, homeward 0 aboard the big La Voloce liner Nord Amcrica, were yesterday thrown into a panic, but soon controlled when the The float struck the steamship about forty feet from the stern and - two feet above the water line, a rt of the steerage passengers were on the side of the ship toward the ap proaching float. When the crash came and ning Nord Austin pethd over alarmingly, many the passengers were greatly frightened and the crew had much difficulty in reass them. When 'the collision occurred, Nord America was upper bay with a full head of steam. She had left her pier: at the foot of West Thirty fourth street at L156 o'clock. As she was passing the Statue of Liberty, Capt. Raflo saw his star board bow the heavy steel' Bont with a dozen freight ears coming | directly toward him. According to Capt. Raffo's = state ment, he thought the captain of the float intended to pass under his stern and kept on his course, but the float came on at full speed and struck the steamship. steamtr of the company to sail, the Lombardia, due here to-morrow, has Eagle River to-night, stoving a big hole in her hull Just beneath the boil ers. No lives were lost and vessel "AT A MALAY WEDDING. . Guests Throw Fails Of Perfume Over One Another. A royal marriage in the far rastern states is a costly affair, At Kedah, in the Malay Peninsula, five royal mar riages have just taken place amidst great rejoicings.. The festivities con: illuminated the place at night. Hospitalities were conducted on the most liberal scale. Invitations for a ten days' stay or more were sent to most of the European residents in towns fifty miles away; and those who went were sumptuously entertained. Launches took them for the six hours' journey to the capital frec of charge; houses belonging to the sul tan's cHi@f officials were placed at receive their guests, who were railed a | off from the throne,' the ladies and the men apart. Under cach guest's chair was a small pail of perfumed water, and after the bride and i sat in state for some minutes, the «| sultan's brother took his pail of wat- er and threw the contents over sultan, who reciprocated with his pail. Then evervhody resent jumped up- on their chairs and made a rush foi certain paper imitations of fishes, bal- loons, lamps, and other devices, which were hanging from the roof; and pick. ing up their respective pails threw the water over each other &ill everybody was drenched. Men and women joined in the pastime, and when the pails were empties they were refilled from lustre jars until these were emptied as well, This amusement at Malay weddings is said to correspond to the throwing of rice and confetti in this country. STARVED BABY TO DEATH. " the ing down the Goldemiths and : HENRY BIRKS We D891 py, STYLISH WAISTS, made of white Japanese silk, with tucked sleeve, fancy cuffs and collar, Vey Prion it cried LADIES' WAISTS. made of Japanese taffeta silk, tucks, cord stitching, collar and cuffs = hemstibs beautiful waist; ; PHB ciscian ssresnss sisiniia Sener pastas ainsi BLACK SILK WAISTS, made of . stock collar, fancy buttons, new . eh saat PEeEReRAANIE AERRANARY es masrnarins see sn SA YOU'LL MISS A CHANCE IF YOU DON'T SEE THESE We're | We'll put them inside shoes they ever lived in, We're after the TICULAR bo. Y Calf dans J. He gutherland :