Just Count w many cents you could by using * Gaylor's 1fmeal Soap one year. A good, pure soap. dakes for i0e. B. Taylor Drug Co. rincess Street - - "Phone §9, ods Puosphodine, ti i dhiral se -------------------------- I. ZACKS v Store at the Old Stand, 271 and 273 Princess St. leavy Overcoats, impervious to im $4.50 to $9.50. nd Boys' Heavy Suits, in all remarkable low prices. nds of Winter Underwear, giving protection against cold, at low and Mits, of all kinds and siz- uit your pocketbook and needs. and Men's Sweaters,. in various nd at bargain prices. Heavy Woolen Socks, Boots and rte. 2 getting ready to clear out our Hand . House-furnishings. argains in Stoves, Heaters, and 1d Utensils. lines at prices bel precedent. and see us. k ttt eee itis oe a good list of desirable operty to select from, that can on ea: 7 terms. : rover' v. Houses and Lots, in 8 of \ 3 city. housdv to rent. irge for listing your property. . F. BOND. ANCE & REAL ESTATE, CLARENCE ST., KINGSTON. Finnan Haddies Fresh Oysters: Wild Ducks ippered Herrings Poultry INION FISH CO. Brock St. NO SNAPS | s stock of second-hand selling at rock-bottom both square and upright. and see our Xmas induce- in Organs and small goods. DOWALL"S 171 Princess Street. You may buy coal taper, but the proof n the burning Comparisons ar e recable to us. Wood = Coal } BOOTH & CO. GUELPH, ONT. December 5th to 9th, 1904. Round trip tickets will be issued from Kingston, Dec. 8rd th 9th, inclusive, and good for return on or heiore Dec. 12th, 1004, at 5 $6.90. DAILY Excursion Rates FROM KINGSTON TO WORLD'S FAIR, - ST. LOUIS(MO. $14.70--Good for 7 days. $22--G oot 2 £29.86--Good until Stop-overs. allowed at any intermedi- ate station in Canada, also Detroit and Chie. TRIP--Hamilton te Niagara 1s, $1. additional. Pails, Pi accommodation, tickets, 11 other information ly to and ail g 3. PF. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. libodsicsnlébodicmnitial use Sut iain KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. ° -- world's Fair, 8t. Louls, Excurs- jon Tickets on sale dally. Full particulars at EK. & P. and C, P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR.,- Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt BAY. OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Peseronto, and all local points. Trains Jeave City Hall Depot at 3:25 pm. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q.Ry., Kingston. ---------------------------------------------------------- ALLAN: LINE Ee Royel Mail Napanee Prom Montreal storian, Tuesday. Nov. 22nd, 6 am retort prom St. John, From Halife Jonian, Sat., NOV. 26th, Mon. Nov. Bavarian, Sal. Dee. 3rd, Mon. De RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin-- $50 and upward. Second cabin, Liv- erpool and Londonderry, $30, $32.50 and $35; London, $2.50 extra. Third class, $15 to Liverpool, Der:y, Beliast, Glas- , London. om NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian, Thurs. yNov. '17th, 12 noon Reduced rates by~ above Glasgow ser- i application, etc. i ; NLEY, Amt, G.TR, City Depot. . GILDER- EeEvE, Clarence Streot. A ----------------------------------------------------------" t-- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quintie . Steamboat Co., Limited. © = STR. "ALETHA" : Bel Kingston, Picton and Belleville ation daly. at. 8 pm for 4 n A p.m. aves and Evite Day of Quinte ports. On Tuesday, Thursday and Se turd steamer calls at Deserento, Northport and Belleville. For. further information apply te E Appetite Was Poor. | Dizzey Most of The Time. ! Could Not Sleep at Night, - Many people are unaware of having anything wrong with their heart or nerves till some little excitement or overwork makes them feel faint and dizzy, or per- haps simply going up or down stairs causes dizziness and specks to float before | the eyes. People troubled in this way should heed the warning, and not fail to take treatment before something more serious occurs, For all heart and nerve troubles there | is nothing to/qual Milburn's Heart and . Nerve Pills. We do not claim, that they will | cure chromic heart disease, but we do | claim that they will strengthen the weak system. Here is what Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, | and was so very nervous that the least little thing startled me. "My appetite was very poor ; I conld not sleep at nights, and was dizzy most of the tipe. I took three boxes of Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and I am wonderful Jot of good." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25. All druggists, or mailed direct. TaE T. MILBURN. Co., LIMITED, ws» ToroNTO, ONT, PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Contales ne Alem, Ammols, Lune, Phasphates, of any loluriant. Asa, MPANY Bk ANLEY J P. GILPER- EW.GILLETT Suites SLEEVE, JAS. SWIFT & Co. Agents TORONTO.ONT. EDUCATIONAL. a ST Eas) BE WISE if you cannot attemd Day Kingston Business College Take a business or shorthand course at night. Cut thisradvt. out. It is. worth money Write, call, ar telephon No. 440, for full information : er J. B. McKAY, H. F. NETCALFF President Principal VIOLIN LESSONS IN GLASS AND INDIVIDUALLY Monday and Thursday Evenings Ay MRS. BROWETT'S STUDIO. Expefienced master with Boston Con- servatory training. : : : Terms and. arrangements 'satisfactory and popular. CHOCOLATES Ganong's Chocolates, Stewart's Chocolates, Cadbury's Chocolates, Tobler's Swiss Milk Chocolates. ? ee AT A J. BEES, PINGESS ST. School at Do it now We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal, 133. Foot of West St. Wood «« Coal We Will Make It Hot For 3 You If You Buy Our 5 © Seraon - Goal . ANGLIN & C0. "Foot of Welllogton St. OAL QOO000CO URE! Use Big @ for unnatural in 1108 dap discharges, inflammations Guarauterd iypitations or ulcerations not to sirlctare. of mucous membranes. taglon. veo c HE Evans CuericaL Go, gont or poisonous, Sold by Draggista, or sent in plain wrapper, by express, propsid, for $1.00. or 3 bottles 82.75. Circular sent on request. LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantees you satis- ¥actory results. We don't brag, put perform the work. Nothing sacrificéd, but your best inter- ast studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. We Can Help You Keep Warm And Save Coal Bv simply selling you what WEATH- ER STRIP you need, to keep the cold heat in. wut and the You tan keepgyour house tem per cent and save ten per cent. coal, and with very small expense. warmer avQid drafts Felt on Wood, . Rubber on Zinc, .. 3c. Ft. So)id Rubber, Any one can apply it W. &. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE 87 PRINCESS STREET. TE -------------- TO-LET. Hot Water tp John A. Gardiner. Real I #hd Insurance, 151 Wellington street Office, heated by ate ARSE "STONE BUILDING, NO. 42 inde 44. Princess street, suitable for licht manufacturing, farmers hotel et Apply to 249 Brock street 6 Frontenac p se, No story brick house Aoply on street, north. Kent lew, premises, | INISHER-RWPLLING, T FO AE near ¥ Other houses™ {McCann's street oe ee ee eee RST C SS ROOMS, WITH BOARD. BIRSTS AS King street, corer Unipn; convenjent. to Medic al College! orin Park 51 Brock er Baggt and 7 rooms, Lot 42 x "2 15 O'Kill street Apply SU ee? SOUTH SIDE Cogn BUI LE, Se got. Apply 49 Celborne strest. NE LARGE HALL A ar for spot cash. tenac Si. north. = SERRE i BH ad) Disinfec- Lover's +7 (Wise Poad) 1 than S owder is tant Soap Powder 13 other powders, ns Las Loth soap disinfectant. : | Fred. Rikley were proceeding | ward, away and in trying to hold the horse ! back, the bit broke Hillside, Ont,, says :-- | **1 was troubled greatly with my heart, | attend the very pleased to say that they did me a | N MEN AND WOMEN, | Painiess, and not astrin- | BUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE Posy { 1 Ny FROM OCTOBER FIRST, THAT TWO- | ROOMS. | COAL STOVE. COAL 6 Free | THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, RIDE ON A CALF WAS DISASTROUS TO A LITTLE LAD. -- A Lady Injured In a Runaway Those Who Went To The Lib- eral Convention -- Held An ' At Home. Napanee, Nov, 25.--Grant, the little four-year-old son of A. BE. Paul, had the misfortune to break his arm last week. He got upon a cali's back for a ride, and the cali resented the fami- larity and ran around the garden, throwing the little fellow off with the above result. On Saturday last as Mr. and Mrs, home their horse started tH run and - Mr. Rikley lost control of the animal, Mrs. Rik- ley was thrown out of the rig, and it { was thought she was seriously injured | but latest reports say she is improv- heart, and build up the shaky nerve | '"& On Tuesday a large number of liver- als lelt for the convention in Toron- to on.Wednesday and the next day a large crowd - of conservatives left to conservative convention. | The names of some of those who at- [tended the liberal convention in Tor- {onto were: M. Madole, Thowms | Symington, T. B. Gersian, E. J. Rol { lard, F. F. Miller, Cvrus Hufiman, D {*0'Connor, F. 1. Smith, F. W, Gib. | bard, Theodore Fraser, Robert Miller, Empey, Thomas Anderson, W. Ming and C. A. | H. Hunter, Herman Anderson. Mrs. Thomas Granger and her {-erand-daughter, Miss Janet Roberts, left Tuesday for Port Arthur, to spend tthe winter with relatives. Mrs. ¥. F. { Van Luven, John street, was "'At { Home" to a large number of her lady | friends from three to six vesterday Paiternoon. : -------------- | The Exact Thing Required . For Constipation, "As a certain purgative and sto- | mach purifier Cliamberlain's Stomach | and Liver Tablets seem to be the ex- act thing required, strong enough for { the most robust, yet mild enough and sie. for children ~ and without that terrible griping so common 3 ) to most purgatives;,"' say S. Webster & | Co., Udora, Ontarip, Canadc. For sale hy all druggists, ------------------ Now Is The Appointed Time. { To buy your Christmas presents. { You can get a better. gplection and { better attentiom-than vou "will if vou { wait until later. We would like vou i to inspeet our goods and prices be- t fore buying. J. Hiscock, Prevost, of the New. York clothing | store, will give a reduction in price | of his ordered goods, 'on account of { mild weather. A splendid assortment | of choice patterns. Overcoating, $18; { suitings, $16.30. First class fit guar { anteed. ' | 'Ew ry day pleased customers say it them to buy at Gibson's Red s§ drug store. They money going there Some | pa Cr by save of the hogus ballot boxes sent to Baneroft were thrown into the lake there, but are said to have been re | covered. McLeod's antiseptic tooth paste in collapsible tubes. Price 15¢. McLeod's drug store, | The militia department has decided | to discard the cavalry and' infantry {*drill books prepared by Lord Dundon- | ald. 'Parsifal," p.m., Hall,, 3:30 Convocation to-morrow, Kidney Cells Destroyed By Repeated Attacks Of Disease-- | Surprising Results Ob- tained by Use of Dr. Ghase's Kidney - Liver Pills -- Because it is sometimes a slow and lingering malady, people are prone to lL overlook the destructive tendencies of kidney di + i 1 hey forget that the wasting pro cess brings about a change in the cel lular tissue, which practically renders the kidneys useless as filtering or gans Continued paleness and loss, of flesh, | pains in the back and loins, dry, harsh skin, severe headaches and back- aches: scanty, highly colored urine; painful scalding urination; stomach and irregular bowels 'are symptoms of kidney dis | troubles among the ease, As a cause of downright suffering fow diseases are to be compared oe kidney disease, and. the results _ are Liraquengly fatal, the end, coming sud denly and unexpectedly. > their direct and wondetfully | prompt action on the kidneys, Dr. | Chase's Widney-Liver Pills call a quick | halt to the advance of kidney dis tase, . ty theif combined ~ action on kid- neve. liver and bowels, they prove | effective in complicated cases, in which | ordinary kidney medicines bring little | or no relief. Mrs. W. Francis, 200 Colborne street, | (ingston, Ont., states: "I was in a | very 'bad ¥tate with kidney disease in Lits worst form, 1 felt miserable most | of the time; suffered from pains in the B SALE. | back and legs, and as 1 paw that: 1 Ee ---- Ea mm] « gradually failing. in healt a A DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE | po thinner and weaker, I wor- on. Frontenac Street. near Princess | © = = =. doa shout. the future, I Feet. tooms. Lot 66 fest from, | I'l ag x " . Test deep, Lots of roam $8. | had tried a great many kidney. medi- RE Also wood barns : A | cines, but did not obtain much bene- incre poul Rouse. pply | GE : Whig office. . | ow riend of mine asked why 1 did Py hase's Kidmoy-Li ow p. { p w-Liver TH. AST SES, CORN- | not try Dr. _ Uhase's v-Lave ; TWO ROL GH-0AST HOU sirects, 61 Pills. 1 did =o, 'and can truly say a 5 ¢ ley have entively cured me. I | ch not think of being without ehin | remedy in the hotise now, as we con- | Gider it a splendid family medicine. | Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have | thoroughly proven their genuin: and | indisputable meri, 'and you can use | them knowing of a certainty that you [ wilf receive all the, benefit that would he derived from the aticntion of the most skilfid phasicien. One pill a dose. 25 cents a box, at. hy "or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronio, "go . Local Option, nto, Nov, 25.--The resolution on prohibition Presen ented to the liber was as follows i Y "That this convention desires to place on record, its unqualified convie- tion that intempernr which there 'should be no compromise; that the temperance sentiment of the cofamunity as evidenced by votes tak- en from time to time has shown that the people are | red for advanced legislation, and without reciting nu. on which there should be no difference of opinion, this convention declares that any legislation which affords a well-grounded hope of being effective in curtailing and restraining the treating habit, in reducing the consumption of intoxicating Nguors, in closing drink- ing resorts, and preventing the sale of liguors on Sundays and during prohi- hited hours, and the most vigorous enforcement of the license law in every particular would meot with its ap proval as in the interests of public morals, the domestic comfort, and the material wealth of the people of On- tario. : "That this. convention further be- lieves that the power given to muni. cipalities ta close bars and shops un- der what is known as local option if generally exercised would greatly tend to remove the evils of intemperance, apd this convention would approve of legislation wherehy the vote of a mu- nicipality must be taken under local option on the petition of twenty-five per cent. of the ratepayers without re- ference to the municipal council, and further, that in any case of submis- sion under the local option system there be provision made for offering the alternative of government control or for the acceptance by the people of restrictions, such as further shorten. ing the hours, reduction of licenses, or government. control of business now carried on under shop licenses or oth- erwise, "That in each municipality a vote be taken at the municipal elections of 1906 on the two questions, of aboli- tion of the bar and abolition of shop licenses, the result to be decisive, and to go into effect at the expiration of the then outstanding licenses, and that all necessary, Jegislation be introdubed in the meantime to enable this to be done. Tn municipalities in which li- censes are continued a similar vote may be taken at any time after three years. "That no new licenses should be is- sued in unorganized New Ontario for all time to come. The government should take charge of the necessary sales for medicinal purposes, ete; In granting land for hotel sites it should be stipulated that no liquor is to be sold in them. "That mo new licenses shall be granted in licensed maricipialijes ex- cept on a petition of fifty percent. of the municipal electors of the polling gubdivigion where it is desired. ' all any license holdér convicted of violating the law twice shall there by forfeit his license." Clause three, providing for votes in all municipalities on Jandary 1st, 1906, was struck out by an over whelming majority. All the other clauses were adopted Too Much Gold Lace. Ottawa, Nov. 25, --1t has just leak ed olit that the character of the uni- form worn by Hon. Jabez Snowhall, lieutenant governor of New Brunswick was called in question hy an officer of- Lord Minto's household, The offi- cer in question claimed that the gov- ernor's uniform was one which only the goverfior-gencral or an imperial privy councillor had the right to wear. The governor asserted that hs had his London tailors authority for the statement that the uniform was of the right class, and' refused to change it. The grades of official uni- form are five in number, wviz.: (1), governor-general and imperial privy councillor; (2), lieutenant-governor; (3), privy councillor and solicitor- general: (1), deputy, minister; (5), sec retary to the governor-gemaral. Tha uniform is the same in all cases ex- cept that the higher" the rank the 'greater the amount of gold lace worn, Cigarettes Killed Him. Niagara Falls, Nov. 25,~ Alfred Cul- len, better known as "English Albert" one of the best known. hotel runners on the Canadian side of the river, died last night at Niagara Falls, Ont. While the attending physician states that pneumonia was the cause of his death, it is stated that his end was brought on = by ejcessive cigarette smoking. It was nothing. unusual for him to get away with fifty "coffin nails" a dav and sometimes his con- sumption of cigarettes was in excess of this number. He was taken ill ab- out a week ago. He wis a well known character on the Canadian side of the river. Cullen was years of age. Said He Took Strychuine. Special to the Whig. : Arden, Ont., Nov. 24. =News has just reached the village of the death of Manson Boomhower. It ig said he took strychnine' about eight o'clock last evening, and died immediately. De: | ceased: was a farmer of Kennebec township. He leaves & Wile and fami- Iv. It fs expected an inquest will he held. x . Secured Heavy. Verdict. Elmira, N.Y., Nov, 25 <The largest verdivt ever rendered im this county was awarded Mrs. Carcie Boak Peters in supreme court here, when a jury fou for her in the sum of $12,000 in a breach of promise action against Dr, Ray B. Pratt. s It's a shame to whip a child be- cause it "won't take cod Tiver oil Children ask for Gibson's: Red Cross Emulsion of (SditLiver Oil, M'¢ plea- sant to take. Joy a passing comfort Hrings-- To many a banguel treats us: Wa love him, though te chedts us ! When you want's pleasdnt physic try Chamberlain's Stomach' and. Liver ablety. They" are éasy ¢ and al convention on Thursday afternoon ] ce is an evil with | merous amendsients to the license act | about thirty-five. h ® In Port. NOVEMBER 25. E " ANNAN NN NZL Because from the field to 4 Shia 36.160 ta your Oats is one of care and cost=- +s €asy home coolting-- That's why, TT --" TTT PICTON POINTERS. Several Dinner Parties--The Fleet Piston, Nov. 24.--Mr. Dunlop has purchased a house and lot for $500 on Owen street. Mrs. J. F. Beringer gave a most enjoyable dinner party on Tuesday evening, covers being laid for siz. Chrysanthemums were the table decorations, Dr. and Mrs, 'T. 8. Philp ave in Toronto, William Moffat is in New York on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Terrill left to-day for a ten days' stay in New York, The C.M.B.A. gave their first dance of the season .in their hall on Monday night. The Picton contin- gent to the liberal convention in Tor onto numbered: W. Widdifield, M. R. Allison," M. R. German, J. P. Blake- ly, J. A. Clapp, J. D. Gilbert, 1. B. Tubbs, C. H, Smith, H. 8 on and A. G. McDonald. The entiré Hepburn fleet: Steamers "Alexandria, Niagara, Waterlily, Aberdern, Lloyd S Porter, Rob Roy and Isabel Reed are in the harbor. B. R. Hepburn is in New York on buginess, Mrs. Colvin and sor, Chica: go, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Hamly. Miss Marion Solmes his returned from Kingston, Mrs. J, W, Hamly gave a delightful supper par: tv on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Colvin, Chicago. Covers were laid for six. Miss Julia Wilcocks has returned from a visit in Wellington with Miss Rossie Evans. Mrs. Hepburn, who Jor several months past has been fh Toronto' has returned to town. Mr, and Mes. J. C. Wilson, Glenora, are in town for the winter at the Royal. I INTERESTING, IF TRUE, You Can Try It For Yourself And Prove It. One grain of the active principle in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat, eggs or other wholesome food, and this claim has been proven by actual experiment which anyone can perform for him- self in the following manner: Cut hard-boiled eggs into very small pieces as it would be if masticated, place the egg and two or three of the tablets in a bottle or jar containing warm wa- ter, heated to ninety eight degrees (the temperature of the body), and keep it at this temperature for three and onetialt hours, at the and of which time the egg will be as completely di- gested as it would have been in the healthy stoivach of a hungry boy. The point experiment is that what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do tothe egg in the bottle it will do to the or meat in the stomach, and nothing else will rest and invig. orate the stomach so safely and effec. tually. Even a little child can take Stuart's Tablets with fit if its digestion is thousands of cures accomplished hy their regular daily nse are easily ex- plained when it i derstood that they are composed of vegetable es wences, aseptic in, diastase and golden , whi mingles with the food and digest it thoroughly, giving the overworked stomach a chance to Teaprrate. : wv . ih ting never cures dyspepsia, neither do pills 'and cathartic medicines, which | simply irritate and inflame the intes- | hen enough food is eaten and promptly digested there will be no satisfaction 5 But Hope keeps saying such sweet things * "i A produes no_griping. or ofhes. unpleas- [AY § so he ol oem CL AN constipation, nor in fact will there be | disease of any kind, because good di. gestion means god health in every or: rhe merit and success of Suasth Dys; epsia Tablets are world-wide nag wold a whe snderat price of 0c. for fi | Preparing the gran for your stretch forever out of : Common shoes," improperly = lasted, have the shrink and/ + stretch forever in thes P Shrink and stretch lasted is the Goodyear Welted F. G. LOCKETT, Sole Local A; Durable get, but we have secured a stock that v "Dainty Mode R l Always leave 3 good impression, ONLY SOLD AT '