i g g 43 £8 Ege? - pe - fess were turned over to the care ay for use at a t i i irway and there designing person could i § of H ie IA] g ik : ing. The following is o summary of seven have been frozem to & 'Sutherland, the well- contractors of Sy the Swiss confeder- nformed the American min- i accepts in prin- President Roosevelt's invitation to be. vepresented at The Hague con- of Cetawayo, the to Mrs. Annie Booth, nee Johnstone, ah te residence, 192 Wellington street, Derneto Boni, a: sicerage passenger on a steamer out from Hamburg, jumped Sferhoard, erazed by ief over the fact that his wife a a jail at Hamburg, charged with child | Morgan: Hall, ths largest and new- est of dormitories connected with Wil- liams College, - Williamstown, Mass., was damaged to the extent of $20, 000 hy» a started from a ci dropped in a room. . The highest. price at the big sale of trotters in New York was $15,500, paid Thursday for the four-year-old, Sadie Mae, The. putchaser was Miss K. L. Wilks, of Galt, Ont., Major Delmar brought i300 and was bought by Bilfingr, owner of Lou isons ssn, THE CONSERVATIVE CAUCUS. A Number of Resolutions Passed By Committee. Special to the Whig. Torento, Nev. 24.~When the conser- valive association resumed in. in Association hall, a number solu tions were presented by the commit tee, nted yesterday, and all were . The first expressed confi- mee in Mr. Whitney as leader, and in Mr. Whitney's policy as outlined in his speech at the opening session of the convention. R. Ri Gamey moved that local min- ing offices be established in each min: Ling district, where © all information in regard to the mining leases in the SE he vc arge, a w ation shall be marked, and applications granted in the order that they are received by such . A. MeDiar- mid, M.P.P., moved that this confer ence feels that. the te of, usclul- ness of tho Ontario ieultural Col- bh should be improved and extend- , and that inasmuch as not more than two' per cent. of the farmin community cnjoy the advantages o the , an' eatnest effort should be made to disseminate more widely "the. valuable information available at that institution, that the schools of the province be utilized for this pur- pose, and bulletins, on timely. agri- cultural topics, be circulated among 'the schools for the instruction of the pupils, X James - Clancy, ex-M.P., woved that in the opinion of the conference the Tatieetive funds created, to encourage and assist tile and municipal drain: ago. be enlarged from time to time, @ necessity may require, and that Henceforth the interest on the moneys already loaned, as well as on that to the lagned. shall not exceed that of the % gost thereof to the province. iv, M.P.P, moved that in 8 DOW, or horealter, opened for tf, the bona fide - settler d have the free grant. of the , and timber and minerals there. s et to proper featpich and . Pr, ie Nesbitt . te aattie Nerits mon Ditlon. sentatives "And Frontenac st 4 tie mood. It was the sight and experi: ence of a lifetime. Just forty-one wore | from Kings and eighteen Ee Thi county. They wore grouped reverberating when Kings- would be spelled out good and algo, with the affix which none or imitate, the Gallic yell led by Messrs. Richardson, Penman. Ottawa and Peterhoro, South Brant and South lia- | Waterloo were also demonstrative, but | Brockville and Kingston held best to- and were most in evidence. The reception given . the jer whenever he arrived on the latiorn or. rose to speak, will live long in me- moty. After the resolution of * con- fidence on Wednesday evening he was cheered as no man in Canada ever had been cheered. The audience would sid down and Mr. Ross start out to speak when the applause newly cngend- ered would start another round of cheers, and this was repeated again and again, When "He's a jolly good fellow" d been sung lustily then the liberals sat down to listen. Never was a opeech more apt or inspiring, The premier always says the apt thing and says it well, and dignified- ly. Reports came periodically from the resolution committee and there : "waits," but these were filled ir f stirring speeches. Hon. G. P, Gia Be new provincial secretary, led, and received: a Sresption of the | warmest kind. Hom. J. MacKay was new. to most of the sudience, having risen within {wo years of logislative experience to his responsible post, but his fluent and forcible address firmly > i i Hon. Mr. Evanturel' address was admirable and well re ed, and the other gentlemanly ex-speak- er and new minister, Mr. Charlton, was taken warmly to heart. The speakers who followed from time to time were legion, but they were a credit to the party, each and all. On Thursday morning the Kingston delegation was called upon and Dr. A. W. Richard- son literally captured the convention, no common suecess for ove whd has appeared in one campaigy only, and that on a local platform. He caugh the by-play of the audience neatly sev- gral times and wound up with fo and strength. The full audience cheered him lustily," Brockville and Kingston delegates rising to their feet. At once Ottawa, Brockville and other places asked for Mr. Richard- son's services soon. In the beginning of the temperance debate the fist ef fective speech of the well-balanced or- der came from Rev. J. G. Evans, of Kingston. He made his points clearly and well and was congratulated y friends and strangers alike. The city member. and the Reform Associations were both effective, and declared to he "all six o'clock, Thursday, after lasting two full days, and leaving behind no sores, or regrets, but abundance of enthusiasm to radiate, through th: constituencies. As the conservative convention was an open one, a nun ber of Kingston liberals to the re form convention attended and were pleased they did so, if only to find the much sovaller Association hall never to be quite filled though admission to all. was free, The contrast between the two gatherings was marked, They were also delighted to see a King: stonian in the chair, but when he sunk down to the low level of da nouncing the city's contingent at Kassey hall wi graftors he lost the kindly personal feeling extonded to him in his municipal and public career, by his respectiul opponents, His remarks on this occasion will nerve many a liberal to extra exert. ions in the coming campaign. Gamey received three times the applause Whitney did, and. infact the latter, who made a dignified and able speech, free from the vituperative expression of wany of his utterances, was only spoken of as an able legislator, never as a popular or highly esteemed dead: er. DEATH OF MRS. TEEPLES. A Short Sketch ' Of Her} . Life... On Wednesday last, November 23rd. atthe hour of noon, there --pasved Sway at. the house of ber daughter, rs. George Clark, St. Lawrence avenue, this city, the spirit of Mrs, Joseph Teeples, of Battersea. Deceas- ed was horn at Westbrooke, in 1827, wraiden nawe being Nancy Smith. She was married at an carly ago to 3 Coglon; school teacher, of Westbrook, by whont she had two sons, lsano and Moses, and six | daughters, Sarah, Louise, Catherine, Lrriey ) > finest butter, 15. hoki , + Teressa. and Annie, all of whom survive, except the = youngest | danghtet, who died in 1878. Of the sous, Isaac resides on a farm at Bath, and Noses at Battersea; of the daugh- | the eldest, Sarah, is married to John Cronk, of Menomce; Louise, widow of John J. Leheup, and Ter- ressa, wife of George Clark, are re and {sidan of Kingston; Catherine is mar- i A large and varied stock of reliable UNDERWEAR: for men and toys is here for your choosing. Medifim Weight Underwear, 50c., 75¢., 90¢., 99c., 1.25. Havy Weight Underwear, soc., 75¢., 99¢,, $1 25, 1.49. Underwear That Will Keep Men Warm. Some men brag about their ability to wear Summer Underwear all winter long.. May be you are not _one of that kind, Then this news of medium and heavy weight underwear is for your special notice Boys' Warm Underwear. Boys' Fine Wool Shirts and Drawers. Boys" Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers. Boys' Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, from 1 year up to the youth of 18. Children's' Warm Underwear. Children's Vests and Drawers. Girls' Vests and Drawers. Misses' Vests acd Drawers. Babies' Roller Bands, _ Babies' Fine Unshrinkable Ruben's Vests and Shirts. ee remem iis ---------------------------------------- omen's Underwear. Women's Vests and Drawers, 25C.; 35C+ 45C., 50¢., 75C.. 9oc., 99c, $1.25, $1.49. Come in and see our large collection and compare prices. ~~ Women's Fine Natural Wool Combination Suits. A Women's Fine White Wool Combination Suits. Special Make of American White Cotton Vests and Drawers of winter weight, made espe- cially for women who cannot wear wool. These you will find very comfortable, We still have a few of those Girls' $1.50 Box Calf Lace Boots. Sizes, 1f to 2. We selling Siew at aE $1 A PMR % These Are i "|Genuine Bargains! THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ALL THE "Interests us to the exter the Fura portion part of House Barkin you if you examine our st Pi r Sets, in best Va onl 80; 3 pieces, 3 . Seperate pieces + rary, pnd every room im co, tive prices. ROBT. J. Tp vey . a --_, SALE OF CHURCH BY AUCTI THE TRU ES OF Baptist Church, Kingsto sale by Publ uction. ¢ at noop, on. WEDNESD ber, next, the Church B parsonage, and ground fr ston street, about 97 fee subject to a reserved bi - Solicitor Kingston, Nov. 5th, 1 Y.W.0 SUNDAY. 4.00 pm. Gospel of Luke. 8:30 t service, led by Miss Gra ALL YOUNG WON NOW NO You the Db Second ( them, and you will be TuRK's sgcons SHAKESPEARE * BY PROF. JONN Convocation Hall, 8 pan.) AS YOU tried with Lime Li purts. Sinlc: amiss A HOUSEMAILD. street. HOUSEMAID, APPL ening, to Mrs. Cal ORE oR TWO FUR! tend, by 'a steady karl street. X TWO ROUMS, EO) Nant housekeeping .. this office SIX TO BIGHT CAR day mwording, at Co. works. MAN, HANDY WIT general = helper ; ¥. Harrison Uo. A - UENBRAL SERV ing or. Ironing, P, Gidersieeve, 45 Bi 4050. per burg, Ont. 0 BUY, A SING dwelling, in cent session now, or b Whig Office. PEOPLE WANTING from. Eastern Ca 5 Yry the want adv * London Free Pros TEACHER, oR 8. burgh. wply. qualifications © to ¢ Treas. Dulierin. V FOUR BOYS, 11 "TO NE HUNDRED L. , ae for Pasion x ng dot ne, KPlone @7. fa su OF Y( THAT. SUIT. no i w. +4 » Thos. cheap, Towson For auick sale