velous Growth tr of New Hair ache aguee A Famous Doctor-Chemist Has you hear ft Discovered a Secret Compound y & cold," and a few days That Grows Hair On Any that the man fs en his Bald Head, , pocumonis. This feof nN a - The - Discoverer Sends," Postpaid, ded. Free Trial Write, Duty you look at the tmas Oi our windows. fts Ebony Manicure et Sets, $2,50 up, ne Cocobola Mani- | Toilet Sete, $2.50 er and better select- ever before. }, Taylor Drug Co. ces Street - - "Phone WV. in int permalorr or "Opium oF Attwulants 0, um or "i rry, all of which lead sumption and au_Ea: r package or six for iid_cure. Mi ve. One will prompty on ree Address PA nen, sold by all - hosphodine ER > of thif new and wo 'which A tri pac deriul nedy, vinte people it actually grows stops hair falling out, removes dandruff | corsage, collar of pearls and dia- [ple frock of white voile over silk, aig anickly restores, laxurisnt Kori to monds and. pink. roses. pearls, : ey hale Its Cini er Mrs, Fages, white embroidered net Miss Agnes Richardson, black lace . ¢ Send yaurl name in address lo, the ower ram satin, girdle of blue vel wd ;. i Altenheim Medical Dispensary, 3.049 Fosa | vet, jorget-me-pots wpon the corsage, iss 'Jean Patterson, black jetted bestand safest way § Dn EI bin I iO yee antl in the hair, diamonds. net over black, with white lace bertha ep Baby s skin 3 cent stamp to cover postage. Write' to- Mrs. March, white chiffon cloth over | and a touch of blue, ¥ y is to use only 3 day. white tafieta, white "frosted net, and Miss Blanche Kent, blue silk and ' grunge silver sequin \ritming. chiffon. 3Y S OWN i MADE FORTUNE, Js Herbert. Robinson, black striped Miss Beatrice Tandy, white rose-em- t . : 5 net, heavily jetted, over pale green broidercd chiffon, over pink silk. Add Yet He Died Without a latin duchess, pale green tulle about Miss Muriel Knight, pink silk, mull, SOAP Cent. ""Fthe corsageiand in the hair, necklace accordion-pleated 'sleeves, and a . New York, Dec. 3.--Jimmie Michael, | of pearls, . string of pearls. . * , e, Dainty, Delicate. the Welsh Rarebit, although he had | Mrs. n, pale blue chiffon cloth, iss McParland, white satin, with 000, died dead broke. Wine and wikia are of Imitations. LET SOAP CO., Mfrs. comet as a jockey. Trees etreeresecel He was not purse tied, for he al-- ways took good care of his father and : wother, mor was he improvident, but y he had a bug that he was another Tod Sloan. says of his turf operations : "When Walthour : § wrt : lar, and diamond ornaments. - Vl et 1 Sapponed.: alter h Mrs. Prownfield, Black lace, dve 18 first loss 'happened after he}, oi lk, jet and diamonds. : had bought a stable to. race with} au "Ww. D. Hast, white satin, gol L values in Ladies' Black ere Hose at 25¢., 35c., a es, and when be 5 y V his homey it began to fly. Even when 3 he red from Murphy the price he "Tough as Leather" ¢ : fér the stable half of his savings Wool Hose, extra value, d been eaten up by his horses. "Mig was on the level. Not a v oan but that he did not make biggest U 9 S $ LORD before he fo owed the horses. aa in Ki Maer Sale : "Michael's body is being held by ingsjon is 'now the officials of the French line, and on at this store, excep- will be shipped home to his mothér in values in all the leading a days, for Men, Women and HE ------------ n. Health Means Success. ; 14's impossible for a man or woman y Handkerchiefs for to. be a: business = success without gifts at cut prices. 1 he A sttong body and an active mind go together, ' Wade's Iron Tonic Pills give both. Try them. aw. out' Chidtmas. presents at an 1 e date. Watch the advertisements in #he Whig. : boots lor little boys , and : give al Abernethy 's shoe store. : ri state of affairs yame to light at: the lash council gleeting, in N e, when an 'aec from RK. summer w Tras sssssescssel o : ME0000000GTUvOOeee se er silk, lot ing por] Ra he Pog Be = im Birch, Miss Martin, Miss Etta Sparks, Miss La- vell, and little Miss May LChiown. table a work of art. quickly produces hair Mke nbove, sent free by mail to ton hair, pedaled his way to a fortune of $100, women played a small art in the downfall of the little bike ing. He lost his wad trying to shine Pat Powers knew the rider well He defeated him, in- stead of resting. up and getting back his stamina, he took a whirl at the down in Louisville. Tt cost him all of £10,000. He koiety nothing about hors fo put down In boxes, ab Wade's Drug Store. Money isfactory. k ob, ales for nails was presented. thi early hen sing Wom asked for corporation supplies Mr. BATEMAN LICENSES, Wales" tender for wails was accepted, and in accordance to. instructions ahout a ton of nails was ordered by him, the necessary sizes required by the town: being secured. But strange to say; the street committee did not go to Wales' hardware for the sup- plies, but scoured them elsewhore. Now for pay for: ths 10Wh- use, Bold in the : 3 Builight: Never has the city hall looked bet- ter than it did last night, so so successfully had = the decoration committee worked to make it so. So skilfully had the work been done, that the old hall for all the world liké a picture gallery, and the may- ors, ® I- portraits in the same. By a cunningly devised erection, a portion of the hall was veiled off into cosy sittingrout places, and a quiet spot, where of bridge could be ed in peace by the elders. The dais with its streamers above, its "'Prince's Feathers' prominent at the back, its sofas, ite pi lamps, its comforta- ble chairs, end: its and skins was & triumph; snd the pretty supper 3 ¢ wight and today, on all sides, | were heard, 'It. was really one of the nicest danves I. ever attended. I do think those who pushed it through de- serve stl sowie of. credit. Everything was perfectly- arranged, the music was' so good, and the orchestra, so good- natured." "A man from out of town said he had never scen prettier, or better dressed woinen on any ballroom floor, and indeed as the guests thronged imi to. greet the chaperons, they looked | just like a garden of flowers moving, across the floor, so pretty were the gowns, so dainty were they in colour, go fresh and. bfight were the faces of the wearers. That. is one thing whese: our Eingston women have a great advantage over the #0 ciety maids and matrons of other cities-- their, complete freshmess, and entirg" al of jaded ennui. Every- a went with a swing, everybody dancing, and dancing con- tinuously, and if the dance promoters are tired, and 'very tired this morn- ing, they must be happy at all the jative things that are being said of their entirely successful effort. of the dance are giving special praise to Mr. Ernest Gildersleeve for his share of the success, and attribute much of it to him, as he was untiring in his efforts to make everything go off well. Phe chaperons « wore lovely dresses. Mrs. Macnee's was am imported erea- tion--beautiful white lace, over accor- dion-pleated white chifion, yellow taf- feta being the foundation. Touches of yellow chifign yelvet corsage, and her handsome ornaments were pearls and diamonds. Mrs. How- ard Folger, white lace, satin, a rope of pearls throat, and orange velvet roses in the corsage, ornaments, diamonds. Below is an attemp by the guests, wildering way of looking same at a little distamce.. Mrs. Drury, black pearls, Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, over silliiwith enrichments of lace, je monds. orngmenta silver and pearls. Mis. W. F. Nickle, crepe de chine, with much frilling ol quin trimming, with pink roses touches of black embroider¥, pearls and diamonds. Geassesdisonnsesceomes : The lagies of the committee in charge were upon the over white about her hair and corsage. Mrs. Campbell don- ned 'black lace, heavily jetted, a spray of pink roses with leaves, decorating ted deseription of some of the very pretty dresses wom and if occasionally a mistake occurs; it i¥ hoped the wear- 'ort will be lenient, for chiffon, mous- soline, and crepe de chine, have a be- just the lace, over black satin, jet, orsaments diamonds and brocaded white satin, accordion-pleated chiffon frilling, touches of pink in sash and alipdit. the corsage, and handsome dia- Mrs. Higgins, black jetted lace, over] black silk, white lace on the,corsage, white striped chiffon, and pointe d'esprit, silver Se- in hair, and bodice, ornaments, diamonds and 'pearls. Mrs. R. FE. Kent, pink end white brocaded satin, in Dresden effect, much handsome lace garniture, with velvet, jewelled col- "Miss Flaws, white silk, much frilled with accordion-pleated chiffon, bertha dnd enrichments of palest yellow lace, ornaments, ls and diamonds. Euchre -Club for the seasonlwas held Miss Mabel Gildersloeve, white o at the house of the presighnt, Mr. de chine, over pink silk, with girdle} Pense, on y evening; and of pink silk, rose embroidery outlin-| proved most enjoyable. There was a ing the gecolletage, diamonds. fate number present, thirteen tables fice Fleanor Macdonald, black silk, | being in play. The club prizes were lace and jet, with handsome passemen- [won by Mrs, Higgins and Dr. Wad terie om corsage. < Miss Edith Drury, white embroider ed chiffon over white silk, mink. Feivel jes at the corsage, and wreathe n he hair, Miss Gladys Drury, blue silk, pearls, and a wreath of blue in her hair. Miss Marion Redden, black silk and | pearl ant. Miss Flaws has been lace, jet, and silver sequins. a most popular member of the blub, Miss Lilla Callaghan, black net and} and the ident gracefully referved touches of blue. Miss. Alice Callaghan, white silk and lace. Miss Ethel Mudie, 1830 gown of ca- nary taffeta, orange taffeta insot in | replied for Miss Flaws, intimating vandykes about the corsage, thick in: that in a short Speech he could not arustetion of opalescent beads out- | possibly express the regret that he lining the decolletage, and touches of and the governors felt at her leaving rose point. Kingston. Miss Margaret Mudie, pale pink taf- . * . . feta, white lace, and touches of green} Mrs. Ferguson's tes, vesterday af tulle, pearls. Miss Aileen Rogers, pink crepe de chine, whité lace and touches of black velvet. Miss Eva Rogers, white sequins, and lace. Mise Julia Horsey, white mousselige de soie, the frillings edged with white satin baby rilibon, and pearls. Miss Mikired Jones, white net over uilk, old lace and pearls. Miss Constance Hora, white lace, over pale green silk, with touches of moss-green velvet, pink roses and dia- monds, Miss Frances Hora, Nile greem silk, frills of accordiow-pleated chiffon, pink roses in hair and corsage. Miss Dora Herchmer, white silk, and white silk lace insertion. Miss Merrick, white crepe de chine, over pink taficta, pearl passementerie, Miss Queenie Merrick, white voile aver 'white taffeta, bertha of lace and silk, silver arls. Mics Emily Sears, cream satin, with lace, and touches of orange velvet. Miss Fairlie, grey voile, over taffeta, girdle and corsage trimming of hand- some Dresden ribbon. Miss Mildred Cooke, green vofle aver silk, with sash and trimmings of green silk and lace. Miss Bolger, pale : blue voile, lace und chiffon. Miss Hilda Cooke (Toronto), blue voile, with old rose point bertha and pearls. . Miss Agnes Brown, white silk, bertha of rich lace and scarlet flowers in her hair and upon the bodice. Miss Effie Robertson, black with much sparkling jet. Miss Grace Hemming, her coming- out gown of white embroidered net over tafieta, lace and pearls. Miss Gladys Grant, white striped chifion, over pink silk, pink roses up- on the bodice, and forming a wreath in the hair. Miss Ross, (Vancouver), pretty sim- lace, t | girdle of green velvet, Miss Kathleen McParland, rose pink silk, with bertha of lace ond pearls. Migs Gabrielle Roy (Montreal), black spotted met "over yellow silk, touches" of orange velvet and jet. Miss Gertrude Low, black and green i mousscline, .with tiny ruchings of green sitk, lace. * Miss Macnee, black silk and lace, with chiffon and jet, touches of' blue, and handsome ornaments. Miss Frances Sullivan, white silk, much enriched with lace, and a gorni- ture of heavy silk fringe. Miss Katie Craig. white dotted Swiss muslin, with white) silk girdle, and pink roses in her hair. Miss Jean Craig. black chifiom, over black taffeta, with deep crimson car- nations. Miss Katie Mann, old rose silk chif- fon and lace Miss Leta chine, over tafieta, pearls. Bongard, black chiffon, and Tr d , Carson, white crepe de with lace. and Miss jet, flowers. Miss Solwes, blue China silk, : white lace. Miss Bessie Gordon, black not, over taffeta, with a great deal of jet ornia- mentation. Miss Mabel Brownfield, pink chiffon over taffeta, silver sequin trimming. Miss Scobell, Cape Vincent, ecru lace, over blue taffeta, yellow cheys- anthemums. + Miss Belle Craig, pretty white silk, white chirysanthemums. Miss arjory Cochrane, Toronto, white accordion-pleated chiffon, over white silk. : * . . . . ond - Mrs. Geo Y. Chown was "At Home," on Phureday afternoon, to a large number of her friends, including a great many college people. Visitors were greeted, as they entered the hall, by the gatistuing glow of a real coal fire in the hall fire-place, and upstairs smothe Hazing fire -- mat. In the awing room wl hottegs receiv. od in a lovely gown of brown silk, witl touches of blue velvet and gold, firs Dulmage. pt of the evening's proceedings was t Ne. gold brooch, heavily twisted and with pearls, and bearing to the fact' in_ his "short impromptu address accompanying the gift. r. Donald Melutyre, 'as chairman of the board of governors of yet another blazing hearth extended its $5 00 own peculiar welcome, Assisting Mrs. : 3. A Chown in the drawing-room were Mrs 41 Other Styles, $50-t0 $100 Robert Srantord, and hay 7 Alice AR Chown, , a% in the | were Gn, sot be 0 0 2 | HENRY BIRKS AND: SONS es and most artistically arranged, ' A ee Be ith relieving sprave of smilax. In the JEWELLERS . a table centre of purs white wp elesaly much smilax twisted . Th 'charge of Mrs. Adam Shortt, si , Mrs. Oliver ured © the coffee, made cut the ices. Several gi "athong them be- jss Daisy Chown, Miss Hobreck: Ada Birch, Miss . Beatrice Mabel King, Miss'May The #-opening. mesting oRghe Rideau jell, the visitor's falling to Mr. Really the most interesting resentation ense, on to Mist Flaws, by If of the club, of a wet a barocque the hospital. ternoon, was just another of the very Jleushnt affairs which this successful stess always gives' Receiving with Mrs. Ferguson was Miss Nina Fergn- son and Professor Ferguson was also about with a kind word for every- one. The tea table, 'which wak at the end of the long deawing-roém, wes presided over hy Miss Alice King; Miss Jda Sutherland, and Miss Katie Gordon, was tbntred by a mir- ror, surrounded' by pink silk, and holding - & vase filled with pink car nations; smaller vases, with one or two blossoms, stood at the cormors, their greenery drooping over the silk, Refreshments were served by the nen resent." Besides several members of 'rofessor Ferguson's class at Queen's there were . present, among others, Miss Annie Fowler, Miss May and, Miss Isabel Ross, Miss Cushing, Miss Mowat and Miss Ethelwvyn Mowat, Miss Ethel and Mise Margarct Mudie, the Missex' Laycock, Miss Katie Mur- ray, iss Fairlic and Miss Mabel King. Alma Mater elections 'were dis- cussed with' all the eagerndhs of a Dontinion parliament campaign and all sorts of prophesies made as to tho results which come out this even- ing. ee oe A number of oll friends who had known Mes. R. J. B. Crombie in Pic- ton and Kingston, had the pleasure of meeti her at Mrs. Buxton Smith's, Thurslay, and found, to their great pleasure, that absence had not chang ed her in 'the very least. Those Ww were asked to come and see her were Mrs: Loucks, Mrs. Grout, Mre. Mer rett, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mrs. Dalton, the Miss: es Smith, Miss Charlotte' Moore, and Miss Gertrude Strange: Miss Muckle- ston dispensed tea. Mrs. Crombie will go on up for a short visit in Picton, on Monday and will a short time in Belleville. M#. Crombie, who came up as far as Montreal, will come farther west in a few days, and he and Mrs. Crombie will'gé on together to St. Catharines and Toronto. * * Mrs. Phelan gave a children's par- ty, this afternoon, for little Miss Fl» anor, and Master Alban: Phelan. Pro gressive games, and all sorts of jolly romps, filled up the allotted hours, and nobody wanted to go home when the time came, even if 'the tramp of the sand man's feet was heard ap- proaching. (Continued on -page §). A (guaranteed) only 59. Others from $1 to $2.50, at Wade's drug store. URDAY, DECEMBER 8. -------------- two quart. Fountain Syringe n Soe aa m [ough . and. as tough they say, J A, GARY BET Sr herve 4} ' x vre an ; * Be fook almost club fooled becans rs they wear. GRANBY 5 alw «lean cut appearance. and hey WEAR LIKE ough amb A RUBBERY 2 = PLEASING EVENT, Wedding Bells Ring At y Village. Napanee Beaver, A very 'pleasant event occurred Bath at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rikely, Bay View Hotel, Bath, on November 23rd, when their youngest daughter, Miss Florence Gertrude Rikely, was united ip marriage to James Shatman, Floating Bay. The dereimony was (performed by Rev. H. S$. Spence, of th Methodist church. The bride looked very pretty ins dress of white silk trimmed with cream lace and cream satin, and held a bouquet of white roses in her hand. Miss Emma Paynter acted as brides maid and wore a beautiful dress of cream cashmere trimmed with white chiffon. and- carried a bunch of white carnations: in her hand, Herbert Rike- tv, Bay View, performed the duties of best man. parlor was most artistically de- cotated, with plants and palms of all kinds and evergreens in the back- ground. After partaking of a sumptuous sup- per, the company retired to the draw- ing-room where 'the beautiful presents were 16 be seen, which were both valu- able and plenty, showing the high es- teem in which the bride and groom wre held. : TWO BAD BOYS. Fathers Had To 'Meet Bills, Their Perth Courier I'wo young boys went out into Elm gley one day; ope carried a shot-gun and the other had a rifle. About four o'clock they began to tear things loose. Meeting a crowd of school chil dren they showed how snarl they were in shooting at various objects. Going to the Elmsley school, they riddled the window panes with shot and bullets, and then wrote filthy mat ter in outhouses. One of the boys was summoned before Magistrate Taylor and admitted his guilt to the three offences charged against him; carrying goncealed weapons, shooting on the public highweys of Flmsley and de WATCH BRACELETS The sole object of the Bracelet for centuries has been to adorn. Com- bine with that the element of nseful- . ness, and you have one of the most acceptable and desirable of ladies' gs. Such is the Watch Bracelet. But see to it that it is well and truly made ; for what use is a bracelet if it be 'continually sepifatiny, or = witch that will got keep 'correct time? The above Bracelet is made in our own work. shops. It is guaranteed to 'be' heavier and more "his Bracelet itsany sized wrist, Its move is of relish : stroying properly. He was lectured by the magistrate, and when asked if he Faould pay a fine replied "Oh, pa will pay it." The total fine and costs for destroying the property was $12.50, and sentence was suspended on the other two charges. One of the Jive on the Scotch line and the other in Perth. boys Healthy Babies. Healthy babies are always happy babies. 1f the stomach and bowels are kept right the little ones will" be heal- thy and happy. Baby's : Own Tablets are the best thing in the world to ac complish this purpose, The Tablets are the favorite prescription of a doctor who for years made the ailments of Tittle ones a specialty. They, sre used in thousands of homes; bringing health to little one awd comfort to mothers. The Tablets reduce fever, break up colds, expel worms, check diarrhoea, eure constipation, promote indigestion, allay the irritation of teothing and bring "sound healthy sleep. 'Ask any mother who has used these tablets and she will tell you there is no other medicine so safe and effective. Good for the new horn baby or the well grown child, and guaran- teed to contain no opiate or harmful drug. Medicine dealers everywhere soll the Tablets or vou can get them by mail at 25¢. & box by writing The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Harlem : Happenings. Harlem, Dec 2~Garnet Sheldon i confined to hic home. Missds An na and Lda, Cughes, alio Mr. Hall were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Me- Vuigh on Sunday last. John Raison is still unable to leave his room. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith, Athens, were the guests of William Smith on Wed: nesday. The horse traders' convention was held on Saturday last. Mra. Ene mons is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. Cwens, of New Boyne. The factory will close very soon. .iie -------------- GA rs cand), the eye, white silk and Run down this line with us, there's something there. WAIST LENGTHS of satin duchesse, in colors, also cream: and white, 4 yards for .... codeine sm sie eanins. scusetsonns: AOE Lyons' dye, beautiful finish, warranted to, = BLACK PEAU-DE-SOIE wear, 4 yards for ' . MEN'S. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S KID OR MOCHA GLOVES, 2 lined or unlined, all new fresh goods. pi LADIES' HANDBAGS, all leather, very best mounts and at est styles, in colors or black, special lines at... $150" and #2. Jotest_novelties, from 1240. to. § HANDKERCHIEFS, for 'men, women and children, from 2¢, to $2.- Thousands to choose from, : : * NECKWEAR, all the very LADIES 2. Extra special lines at... y THE RIGHT PLACE ST EACY °'S FOR GIFT, PURCHASERS. YOO00 0000000000000 00000000000000000000E b TTT oT GRAFTED TO LEG. p---- TTT -- Superfluous Hair Removed by the New Principle. De Miracle - Rare Operation To Be Pesfoimed Upon Patient. New York, Dee. 8.<In a last at tempt to save the log of Cornelius Post, fifteen years old, who for near- Iv two years has suffered from burns, the surgeons at St. Mary's Hospital, Passaic, N.J., will graft a live rab- bit to the injured member. The rab- bit will be fholorformed, a piece of its «kin will be grafted to the boy's leg, and the animal will be kept bound to the limb for several days until the doctors are satisfied that the skin hax adhered or that the operation is a failure when . the rabbit will be Killed. x The operation, acéording to Dr. Fox, the house physician, is an' ex- tremely rare one, but has 'been Known to succeed where all other me thods fail. LENNOX AND ADDINGTON. . ns The Elections Of County Council lors Arranged. Nominations will take place on De oember 19th, and in case of a poll, elections will be held on January 2nd, at the samp time and place as local municipal elections. County Clerk W. G. Wilson is the returning officer, and the following have been aj inted nomination officers : No 1 division Lessard, Flinton (Highlands), Mofute P.0.: No. "2 division, Camden, John Hinch, Centreville P.O; No. 3 division, Ernesttown, E. 0. Clark, Odessa P.O; No. 4 division, UEL, W. H. Rikely, Havburn PA); No. 5 division, Napa: nee, Jawes FE. Herring, Napanee. for pleasatip By geeurred | a fis ome © asles Pickering, Kal ; on 'November 23rd, whin Dd youngest dpughter Miss Effie May was united in marriage to James A. ate. The teachers and pils of Svdea« bam High School will be "At Home™ Drcember 21st. Mark this distinction : A purely lo- cal disease of the @kin, like barber's itch, is cored hy Weaver's Cerate alone. But whore the blood is loaded with impurity, as in salt rhewnw, Wea: ver's Syrup also. should he used. Some like to feast their eyes on Art tale divin good two quart Fountain Syringe {guaran § to teed) only 59. Others from $2.50, st Wade's drug store, pang, sear that ite ads divine, 'Aad onions fried for Roy i