Lh a ¥ ot FUE i. TURDAY, DECEMBEn 8, Kou enya PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PAYS. report of municipal "gb the city, Whe i Jews of old and purifies ' mee | perhaps be ean do something. -- sustaiis o great Joss in | | PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Wows Culled From All Over The World. Sultan of Turkey has sent an agent a the head of to New York to buy a few warships | Knox College. Like 'the late: Principal J Grant h¥ was & power in the church, ! |] in the educational and moral world. His: | was a mighty influence in every good | movement, His work is over, but his : lifo goes on ji those he has trained | and 'influenced in college classes, Cl i denen SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. 'Evidence At Hand. man asks, can the dead be com- "I municated with? Sure thing. Letters | reach Toronto oirh: every day. ag A Simple Life. | gna. "he Simi Lie is the only sort of life that has been led by the Ontar- ib prohibitionists for the past few gen: "§ erations, Flynn Ne Good. Br d xi A Bho result a (ube shows that the Cohservatives did Almost as heli with- dut the leadership of Mr. Flynn as they did with it in the previous® elec: tion. 4 Eden Is Located. Hamilton Herald. * f F Of 'street railways there are as many under mmnicipal con: under private management, but os have the larger mileage, and larger financial returns. The muni- ilities own =~ most of the electric 3 411 F | lighting mid power plants, and, _im- J portant to relate, "in the entire list of cities only one showed a loss, namely. Whithy, and 'that is a result "J ok the first year's working.'" All this is inspiring, and it comes 410 hand at a time when the people of Kingstom are in thoughtful mood,' when it is proposed to spénd $150,000 Jon the extension and improvement of § our gas and electric light plants, In~ | cidentally," ai the iskue is bei ] to vote upon the mamer of manage- ment "which they desire, whether it hall be that of a committec of the il or of commissioners elected by whole people. 3 by commissioners they by paid ? The question do- serious consideration. 00 reason why better men elected as commissioners, and thing against the aldermen is shorter period ef their service and possibility sof greater change in the commitfces 'of the: couneil, on: tinuity in office 'in essential to "the {§ intelligent direction of public business, especially when there are large sums at stake and changes in policy which gay mean Expensive experiments and I i F ist ; 7 of revenue. Seven good men, who shall be elected by the people (and | preferably by the whele people), whose devotion to duty is recognized, and whose capacity for service is unques- tionable, as the representatives of the council will be just as good as the commissioners. 3 EDITORIAL VIEWS, Rev. Mr. Henry, of Hamilton, de-| J scribes Mr, Gamoy as "a self-sworn po- F Committee can submit with financial - statement for the five litical adventurer." There is no ex- planation as to what this is, but it iy something pretty bad. ; ------ Goldwin Smith has an idea that Nr, Chamberlain has designs upon the headship of the government. Perhaps he has, and &¢ the brainiest man in England he will get it yet. Mr. Gamey is very much annoyed be- cause Hon. Wir. McKay will not ae- cept his challenge to mect and eall each other bad names. Mr. McKay has some regard for his rephtation. : The attempt to blackguard Hon. I -------------- CORRUPTING OFFICIAL LIFE. The influence of monoy is very great d it can be withstood to some ex- tent. But when it is stated that slicct. the moral life of the community, th standards of ] decency, the situation is very Mr. Graham out of public life will not succeed. Mr. Graham is not easily soared, and he has the ability to de fend himséll in the press or on the platiorm, Each senator inthe United States has 85,000 a year, a private secretary, his office and drawing room, free shay- ing, baths, stationery, and other per- quisites. And no one thinks of calling Jhim a grofter, : 'The Methodist reforni executive has issued an appeal to the church, and in it | requests the - members to drop for They will |e sure to do it--und drop their vou. ot the same time. o- fol Id. isn't & lawyer in Port Dover, and that interesting little town is thinking of putting in its claim to be regarded as the Eden of Canada, for: getting that Eden had its serpent. <, The Man Wanted. Exchange, (It hasn't been decided yet who will be Mr. Blair's successor. He must, however, hie. a mun of contented' mind, yet without toe much resignation in character, TO SEEK RELEASE. I ------ Want To Have Martineau Set Free. lal to, the Whig. ormwa, Dec. §--Probubllities are that Abondeus Martineau, the Ottawa Mouth, who is serving a term in King- ston penitentiary for uttering forged cheques will be released, Friends are at work on his behalf. Hon. C. Fitz: patrick, minister . of justice, had, on the grounds of conduct and that Ho is not enjoying good health, been asked to pérdon or at least arrange for Martinesu's relonse. : Many will remember the cvircumstanc- es quite distinctly. Martineau, now twenty-rine years old;-was a olerk in the militia department. He was charg- ed with defrauding the government out of sums aggregating $75,000 and although restitution was made to some extent, it has always been under- stood the government was out about $60,000, The arrest, subsequent devel- ts, and trial on March 1th, 1903, were watched with the greatest interest. Martineaw was sent to King- ston penitentiary for seven years, ; In possesion of Magistrate O'Keefe, at present, are documents relating to the petitions for the release. They are unusually interesting and are from friends in several cities. Senator Ed: wards petitions for the release of A. rtineau, the petition i tenced . for forgery (uttering) March 11th." Another, is the original letter sent to, J. B. Martineau, Montreal, [father of the youth now in prison. i! is written by Rev, Father McDonald. Portsmouth, Roman Catholic chaplain of the penitentiary, and says his son's behaviour has been excellent since en tering the institution, and that he has sot a good example to the other pris- oners, He has faithfully observed the rules and regulations" of the prison offici Then there is a Jetter in French written from Montreal, and signed by H. Laporte (presumably the mayor), L. 0. David, and T..Beique, This epistle is addressed to Hon. Mr. Fitapatrick. There is also an acknow- ledgment from Mayor Laporte, Mont: real, that he has received geveral com- munications in reference. to the re. quested release and the same will be considered, There is a petition signed by about sixiv asking for the bac a on the grounds mentioned above. In a formal report; Deputy Warden O'Leary, of the penitentinry staff, says the former government olerk's conduct has been excellent und that be has already earned cighty-nine dave: (good conduet duvs) out of a possible nine ty. Dr. Phelan, the penitentiary sur geon, writes that Martineau is now enjoying better health than he did, and that he dovs not consider further incarceration would affect his' health. When Martineau was tried by Magi- strate O'Keefe, in Ottawa, tl v ressed, He pleaded guilty : gery and three of utter J] specific allepwtions = were : Hobsing 8 cheque for $4,355 inf favor of | Charles BD. Cote, on April '26th, 1902; forging -another with the same name lon Jupe Tth, 1902, the amount being $6,700; and forging one for $13,500 on t 13th, 1902, in favor of A. Martincaw. J. B. T, Caron appeared for Martineaw, and explained that par: tial restitution had been wade. Coun- ty Crown' Attorney Ritchie also ae. know! this. The magistrate said Christmas. AEN WEE EK a -- The H:-D. 1 - Herr Most has been chased out of St. Louis by police for talking an- archy through his whiskers. - Atvin and Alva Buskles, twin broth- ers, have just been divorced in Spring- field, O., trom twin sisters. Private Smith, of Fort Mott, NJ, has been discharged from the army "without hobor" 'for marrying » ne gro woman. A statue of Julius Caesar, to be presented by Italy, is the latest pro- position for 'the decoration of the war college 'grounds in Washington. Italians, 6,000 strong, leave New York for Italy this week to spend the money made here selling bananas and torturing nerves with handorgans. Tommy King, aged seven, Washing: ton, twice fired his pa's house to see the firemen squirt water on it, Pa spanked Tommy and the firemen had Tommy arrested. Pete Danner, Middletown, Cdiin., sues a fraternal order Because when he was initiated jokers tattooed the emblem and initials of the order ia indelible ink on his bread basket. Former * Alderman - Michael - Murphy, of Milwaukee, has heen sentonced to; one year at hard labor for soliciting and = atcepting a bribe in connection with' a sidetrack ordinance. | John Bell, K.C., Belleville; who for more than fifty years has been G.T.R. solicitor, has retired; and W. H. Big- gar has been appointed in his stead, with headquarters at Montreal. M. K. Cowan is assistant solicitor. Ike Miller, fined $1 in Chicago for | beating Mrs. Miller; never attended a theatre, played cards, danced, flirted, used tobacco, 'whiskey or profanity, and never told 'a lie io his life, so he | swore in court--and the judge actually believed him. Edward W. Tatum, Chicago, for the last Nive years president of the Inter. } national Brotherhood of Bookbinders, bas resigned from that office. rt Gloekling, Toronto, Ont., the vice president, has assumed the office of president. Robert Doherty, horn in Ontario in 1854, and a messenger on the Great Western at Hamilton till 1878, and who rose steadily in his work, is dead at Haniilton, Mo., where he went for the benefit of his Health. In him St. Lambert loses a good citizen. Canada's imports ¢ from the United States in the first ten months of this year amount' to $116,775,656 $111,884,763 in months of 1903, \ 1902. Ovr exports 5 United States were valued at $51,406,265, F +Chafing-Dish Entertaining. There is something about a chafing dish that breathes good fellowship, destroys the conventional, and whets one's appetite. It is such a convenient way for informal entertaining that it is a matvel that every family have not formed the habit of ,chafing-dish Sookary: Manufacturers interested in the sale of their waros, offer cook books that give full. details for the manipulation of the chafing-dish, and it is 'really wonderful how clever some of these books are. The secret of success with the chaf- ing-dish depends largely upon careful attention to details and preparation. It is the rapidity of cooking that makes the dishes so much better when done in a chafing-dish. A few "of the most popular ereations of the chafing dish are: The Welsh Rarebit, Golden Buck, Lobster a la Newburg, Cream Lobster, E sh Monkéy, Eggs a la Creme, Shrimp Wiggle, Creamed Oy- sters, eto, ete. Formerly, one of the mokt serious objections to the good things of the chafing-dish was that being eaten late they were likely to upset one; but even this is looked after, and it is said that a small amount of Extract of Beef will not only add to the toothesome ness of most of the dishes, but insures against any of the ill-eflects from late or over-eating. % The chafing-dish enthusiast has an abundance of supplies to select from. The chafing dish may be manipulated quite as easily in the parlor or living room, as in the dining room. Try it, and see how inexpensively and attrac: tively you can entertain and how easily you can make a reputation for being a generous and hospitable hos tess. But for your reputation's sake, and for the comfort of your gu don't forget a small quantity of F tract of Beef with each savory dish. The very latest invention in tooth brushes, the Dr. ° Horsey (Oriental) fibre tooth brush. For sale at Wade's drug store, The London Times blgmes the ad- miralty for lon ing ZL tor eds boat 10 be taken away by Russian agents, he was glad restitution (to some ex- t been made, Had thy offence to Dol while Had a state of want. of Martineau 16 be a man. He sentenced him to wi on each of the forgery and four on each the uttering charges, 'the sentences to run concurrently. This would have loft Martineau five years manths to serve after deducting for good eondiict. allowance. Now that is o the attempt at release he hae suited about a year and nine 'J ties from Bibby Co. 87 Don't Miss Seeing Our Range of Every man who reads this will please consider it un. invita in and see us. "The new T attire We have kept our eyes. y from the best clothing: a Sly Ere open, and whatever is new and attrabtive in the country, will be found here, is all here. TA E : A man naturally -d&sices tHe best he can for the price--we ote t selves constantly in position' to give all this talk. THE TOU re CHA RLAIN w INSTER GLOSTER © All. made from the newest materials. it, to him. Come in and bee MEN'S: OVERGOATS «made with a belt. Made without «bolt, WENNWORTH SUITS, Master-pieces Tailors' Art, .. OUR HABERDASHERY DEPARTMENT .. The best, the swellest, tha latest 'Furnishings may be always found here. ~ * | . SHIRTS--Weé Have the latest production of the best makers." The fabrics, are fine and the designs are neat and refined; 75c. and $I. ¥ GLOVES--W¢ have a fine assortment, lined, unlined, and som fur: ined, "made in Canada!' English and French manufacture, 50, to +. : OUR LINES OF UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY represent the best foreign. and home makes Underwear 40c. to $2.50 a garment, .Hg + Abe. 4 20¢., 25c »%0e. and B0c, See our SPECIAL 25c. HOS y NECKWEAR--We call uapeginl iattention to Neckwear. Welre: famed: fopw Neckwear. Come and see our New York Neckwear in - the newest and latest effects, made up into Ascott, Puffs," English : are not eer and Imperials, 25c. and 50c. . They beauty in town at any price. NEW CAPS! NEW SWEATERS ! THE H. D. NEW CARDIGANS! ' NEW SUSPENDERS! BIBBY CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. 'MILLINERY ! Autumn Foliages--there you have the ele- ments which art has combined into fashionablé Winter Hats for beautiful women. Paris has approved and the world follows suit. See what our Millinery Salon has to show you--it's full as Santa things." Claus' pack of "good Cute Neckwear just in--Silk Waists, too, for Christmas giving. I ---------- Spence's, Ti Leading Milloy ee -------- BALLOT BOX SCANDALS. A Lesson That Should Be Pon- dered. London Advertiser. The attempts to drag any liboral leaders or liberal * organization into the slime of the West Hastings ballot box scandal bave failed. The swum nioning of Hon. George Graham and James Vanve, the liberal organizer, is a bit of stage play ®hich will be exposed when they enter the with ss box. The conspiracy was the work of a fow local politicians, actin upon their own responsibility. he as. tonishing feature is that those who are believed to have cngincered it were men of standing in the cous munity. Two were liberal candidates for parliament, one a istrate and one a school teacher university graduate. The first two 'were: consid- ered worthy to sit in parliament © by their liberal fellow-electors, The con- servatives of one of these ridings also elected ra man after he hadi been in the police cells for voting twice, These facts are not creditable to the people of Fronterac and. West Hastings. The ballot hox crime, in pacticulur, should to electors «to pay re- personal character of their suffrages," Th party candidate is supposed: tg be in a peculiar degree native, those who confer that. . a 18 in hi¢ constituents. n That Siig sents The i "0 Corn and W, been used and Mantle Store. aggressive and more expert the arts of wire-pulling than "of t who may have aspired to public hondrs. It is a lesson 'to honest liberals asd selves at the -Medicin e. . Eo ina ae Eh as and similar injuries, is 80 good as Chamberlain's Pall Bains It soothes the wound and not only gives instant rolief frony pain, bot causes the parts to heal in alent one third the time required by the wsual treatment; Sold by all druggists. ---------- . Miles May Be Adjutant General. "Boston, Mass, Dec. 3--Lijeut.-Gen. Nelson Miles, retired, may' be adi: tant-general of Massachusotts 'in the administration of Governor Douglas. Gen. Miles is not yet to say whether he will or will viet take the place. If he accepts the would receive the full pay, Fat, of a : lieutenant, . nit States army, and g Si » ov TR oe wealth pays to' the adjw 'g a total of $14,600) ay : : The Druggists Ave Agreed. That the most .relinble eo wart remover, aan ON. JAMES 'M. MORG H htjeth Street, Washi C., Ex-Lieutenant U. 8. Ni Lieutenant Confederate Navy, Consul General to Australia, Peruns Medicine Co., Cu Ohio: Gentlemen :---+The use Peruna as a remedy or catarrh by many of my benefited by the same, perience as to its efficac; erties causes me to recon and you are at liberty to it it will give any force to STOCK MARKETS. Telegraphed specially to the Norman Binmore, Manager H Bogert & Battelle, Members » Stock Exchange, 151 St. Jaume Montreal. NEW YORK STOCKS D 1 Amalgamated Copper, Awperican Locomotive, Americgn Smelting & Refining, American Sugar Kelining,* Atchison, Baltimore & Ohio, s Hrooklyn Rapid Transit, Canadian Pacific ' sar ke & ° o 2 Chic.; Mil, &- St.. Paul, coe w-. Lu. dr wen a CATO Iptroit United, Ekrig Common, Loutsville & Nashville Mackay Common, Mackay 'Preferred, A Metropolitan Street Ry Missouri Hacifi Néw York Central, Pennsylvania. "ww Reading, Rock Island, .. Southern Paci Soutnern Railway, Twin City Rapid Transit, Uni Pacific' Leather teel, Common, 8. Steel, Preferred, . Wabash, Wabash, Pleferred, MONTREAL STOCKS Toronto Street Railway, Montreal Light, Heat & Power Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co Dominion Iron Preferred, Dominion Iron Bonds, Dominion Coal, Common, Supplied by W. F. Dever & Market Street, Kingston Atchison; «o.oo. Anal. Tpnpert : Baltimore & Ohio, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Canadian Pacific, trie, ... Minois Central, Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan, Missouri Pacific, New York Centrit, Pennsylvania, Union Pac v 4 Makes Restoratio: The "Rev." A. J. Whee arrest while conducting vices in the Methodist chur lia a year ago, under the n Judki created g sensation given his discharge, having stitition of the money he to hae obtained wnder fal at: Marshalltown, US. * W allowed to go under bonds he would return. to Mrs, LeGrand, the $1.00 secures by the sale of valueless «f¢ mythical Susi corporati portion of the sum seve phe and Was since heen le earn the redt, together with