Not Let fave Her ; as Present d of Time. down to the store with ct the Winter Coat or ou were going to buy et just what she wants s pleases a girl of little e mow ready a large tack of Winter Coats e last of this | f course they of style that inter Coats. , 5:95, 6 50, to you until , are now of PREPARED TO nake your selec- | aside until rc- yats aght yet come and see wing, These Winter y interest yon but you s our prices have been e most economical in s and Mitts ts, 25C., 35€, 39¢., 49¢ jes, 25¢., 35€ » 45€ 49¢" ves, 20¢., 25C., 35€- itts 12%¢., 15C., 20C., for Skating and Hockey, in black and colors. s Clouds Fine ool Clouds in OC., 23C.y 25€, 35C., 39¢, ldren's yol ques nal, white, navy or plain h stripes, 25¢. and 35¢. 'ool Fascinators Jot just received and extra 95¢. ur FOR CHRISTHIS crease in the volume of our holiday ed all pagt records, 0 buy as early as possible. The day , Saturday and the rush will be im: xtra help, but you know how much ficer is NOt so great, and then tog,' the OW than it can be after thre¢ weeks' i T SHOE STORE 3 i ! 8 71ST YEAR. NO. 285. KINGSTON, 'THE DAILY BRITIS ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1904. ett a TE ------ PRE REY FN + Interests us to the extent of providing the Furniture ortion of them. Our part of House Furnishing will interest you if you examine our stock. Partor Sets, in best Valours, 5 picces, ; $22.50; 8 pieces, Silk Sets, from $25 up. Seperate pieces for Hall, Lib- fary, and every room in the house, at conservative prices. © ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 5 222 Princess: Street, 2 doors sbove opera house, - Telephone 577. CHOICE UMBRELLAS Exclusive Designs, in LADIES' OR GENTS', and such an assortment of the very best; that it will reglly be to your ad- vantage to see this line early. We - are already placing chosen Um- brellas aside, until required. SMITH BROS. Handles, JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING ST. NOTE--Ask to see our STERLING MOUNTED Folding suit cases. Umbrella, made for SHAKESPEARE READINGS | BY PROF. JONN MARSHALL Convocation Hall, Dec. 1 and 8 8 pm, "AS YOU light Views. mission, 26c. Y. W. C. A. In planning for Christmas gifts LIKE IT." Two parts. Single ad- remember the Y.W.C.,A, Library Books are always gratefully re- ceived. A GENERAL JRVANT.. APPLY TU Mrs. John Carson, 320 Princess St A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing. iy to Mrs. H. FF, Mooers, WEDNESDAY ec 108 Union street : BYENING ld ' A GENERAL SERVANT APPLY IN the cveni to Mrs. Hubbell, 108 At 8 o'clock, Bagot str West ---- To select a candidate to repre- A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- : : : : ply in the evening to Mrs. R. F sent Kingston in the legislative Waldron, 84 Gore street assembly. A MAN, FOR GENERAL OUTSIDE R. H. TOYE, work, McCann's Real FEstale, and Secretary. Insurance Agency, 51 Bsock A GOOD COOK, MUST HAVE REFE erences. Apply to Miss Hora, 1 King street, in the evening, after 7 i i B BE R Al S o'clock. > SITUATION BY A MARRIED WOMAN y TRE where a child of two could be kept Ward Meetings Good references. Apply box" B tus office. ; THE LIBERALS OF FRONTENAC WORK AS CARETAKER OF OFFICES | Ridsu,. and Victoria 'Wasds will. meeet and housework by the day. by will - fd womant. 'Telephone Whig Office WHIG HALL for address OR oe arp wanton apverrisenents | WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dec. Tth of all kinds abound in the London "" Free Press." lf you want a posi- Immediately after the convention to tion, write for sample nominate Subdivision Chairmen his be- -- i ing rendered necessary hy the changes iu TEACHER, MALE PREFERRED, FOR subdivision boundaries RH. TOYE S. S. No. 1, . Pittsburg Apply. Bia aA and salary, Barriefield. stating qualifications, W. Allen, Secretary, ---------------------------------------------------------------- ONE HUNDRED LADIES, TO LEAVE orders for Tailor-Made-Skirts, $2 for making, for next week only, at Miss K. Sullivan's, Barrie Street 'Phone 677. 407 ---------------------------------------------- POSITIONS ARE OPEN TO PUPILS Training Blessing Hospital Nurses. in the School for apply to Miss M. C. Wheeler, Supt Blessing Hospital, Quincy, Illinois. THAT SUIT OF YOURS and clean; TO work. Thos. Galloway, tailor, AGENTS, Bxclusive territory; also boys distribute ys, GW dodgers. Cali 876 Ontaric LARIES Asn, YOUNG MEN, 000 copying at home. elope for jculars, G. Bex , Worcester, Mass. BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. and selling our can start in° without a cent of eapi- | goods to he sold uk nbout ght price D Foathers, Flowers, ihhons, Laces, etc, tal. . Marshall & Co., London Fed oe your" own price. MINS FOR, BALE. SIX DRESS SUITS, WILL cheap if taken this week HOKE] Lime- For information PRESS jt can be made tc look Also your order for nek Brock street, naxt to Bibhy's livery. -- TO SELL THE HAND kitchen utensil om earth. King ston and surrounding country places EARM per 1, N¢ ling of cafivassing: material fur |. J d addressed stamped en 8.8.C0., Dept MEN women make handsome Wages specialties DAILY MEMORANDA, eeaeien This is St. Nichdlas day. Liberal convention to-morrow night. Local Methodist Sunday School union meets Adjourned Morrow. The letter bh changes the ills that flesh is heir to. to bills. The oculist rejoices in the man who has an eye for business The sun rises Wednesday at and sets at 4:23 pm The motto of the milkman is: the pure all things are pure.' A fish lays more eggs than a hes, and doesn't cackle about it either. The coal man gives his coal a weigh, but he eventually charges for it of F Baptist at noon city tax sale at noon, to- 720 am, "To irst church on the &* IF YOU COME QUICK Before they are all gone, you an get a very nice Dinner Set OF 97 PIECES Colored English Earth- SATS. ROBERTSON BROS.. Liberal Gonvention ! The liberals of Kingston and Portsmouth are requested to meet at . WHIG HALL -- OT Kingston, Dec. 5th, 1904. Macdonald Club Smoker and Meeting A. MEETING OF THE MACDONALD Club will be held in the Central Com- . | mittee Room, 180 Wellington Street (Wilkinson's old stand), on Wednesday 74h Instant Evening At 8 o'clock. A Musical Programme will be provided addresses to be delivered hy BN Mcintyre, and others A general invilta- tion is extended to all conservatives Membership tickets for 1905 will be distributed. RIGNEY, J. F. SOWARDS iH. F. MEPTHFE, President Joint Secretaries CLOSING SALE OF MILLINERY 183 PRINCESS S1REET. SMITH intends to close the show room on January 1st. Sale starts on WED- NESDAY. Tth "AUCTION SALE. ly or together. © Apply P. Theip LY "840 Princews: street Every Afternoon and Evening. I WILL SELL AT 260 PRINCESS BRICK COTTAGE, a3 ALBERT | Street, the entire stock, = consisting of Street, good location, near schools Jewelry, - Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Apply to Mrs. Bryan, 34 Pvergreen | Fancy Goods of all descriptions, Sale Avenue, Rutland, Vt. 2.80, 7:80. Terms cash. - Positively No Reserve. LOST. Jeni ALLEN, the Auctioneer. PAIR » LADIES © PERSIAN LAMB $700,000,000 Combine Formed. Ghtmtlets. on Saturday, between § i . 4 eo | and 0 p.m. Reward il retursed' to Chicago, Dee. 6. ~A gigantic tele Mrs. Pénrl Birley, 32 Albert St. eR pip GOLD WATCH, on front, Monday evening, Parrie or . Princess Sts. and receive réward * MONOGRAM K.J.P. on Broek. please return to 451 Princess street, phone manufacturiog combine involy- ing capital estimated at £700,000,000, and which will put out of existenze all 'independent telephone menulae- turiiig companies Jin. the country. 8 in process of formation in. Chicago, mm, : FIRE SHIPS Japanese . Sheil Russian Fleet In Harbor. 203 METRE HILL USED BY JAPANESE AS A FIRING BASE. Russians Still Attempt Recapture Of This "Eminence--Reported Heavy Repulses Of Japanese Attacking Forces--Leit Many Dead. Special to the Whie Tokio, Dec. 6.--1he Japanese . forees besieging Port Arthur, have mounted naval and siege ghins on 203 Metre Hill, the eminence south of the town, which was captured, last Wednesday night. With these they are heavily bombarding the Russian fleet in the harbor. Thirteen shells have struck the Russian battleship Peresveit, Other warships of the squadron are in flames. The Russians are still attempt ing to recapture 203 Metre Hill. They are now apparently massing their forces. in that direction from the east ern and northern forts. Evidently the position, though it was not a per- manently fortified one, is considered worth the risk of diminishing the gar, rison to the utmost in attempts to re cover it. A Heavy Repulse. Mukden, Dee. 6.--~There a persis tent. and cirenmstantial rumor that the that the turn Rennenkampfi's flank has been repulsed with great loss. 11 ig stated that Gen Rennenkampfi, who knew the move ment was maturing, awaited the Japanese at the mouth of one of the captured passes, and that the Jap- anese tirning force threw themselves unsuspectingly into the ambuscade, where, after the fight, the Russians collected 500 Japanese It is added that there are 1,000 more Jap which it had been im possible to collect owing to the fin This does not include the Japanese loss in wounded. The Russian loss, ac- cording to this account, was only thirty or forty men. : 18 force Japanese sent to Corpses. anese corpses, Evidently Important Move. Tokio, Dee. 6.--Evidently an import- ant movement is developing on the Sa machi road. The Russian movements at Saukiatz, sixty of Liao Yang apparently indicate an extensive effort to cut Gen. Kuroki"s communi: The Japanese Mail thinks that Gen. Kuropatkin may make a great flank movement from Fushun, thirty miles cast of Mukden, via Hanggchen. Marshal Oyama's answer to this would be an attack on Muk- den. Anticipating this, 2,000 of the best fresh troops have been sent south from Kulinho, west of Mukden. miles east cations. A Withering Volley. Mukden, Dec. 6 the night of December 2nd the Japanese began a heavy artillery fire on Poutlifi (Lone Tree Hill) paving the way for the in- fantry. The Russian artillery answered Un vigorously for several hours, then slackened down. The Japanese flung themselves, in ma against the trenches, where they met with a with- ering volley and a counter charge with the bayonet. The Japanese fled with enormous losses. The Japanese did not reply to the heavy cannonade of their works by the Russian siege guns south terday, though they of Suchiatun, ve had previously shelled the vicinity of Snchiatun with the ammunition and Russian guns captured on hoard the WEDDED IN NEW YORK, A Bright American Bride For French Count. MISS EDITH CLAPP. Special to the Whig . ew York, Dee. €-St. Francis Xa- vier's church, in West Sixteenth street, was the scene of a spectacular wed ding this afternoon, when Miss Edith Devereux Clapp, daughter of Mrs. N. Deversux Clapp, was married to Codint Raoul du Temple dé Rougemont. of Paris. 'The church was crowded with the wealth and fashion of New York. The ceremony was performed by Arch bishop Farley with all the porgeous- ness of the Reman ritual. The two bridesmaids were Miss Adelaide Spof- ford and Mlle. des Porte, a cousin of the bridegroom, and M. #s Portes, an | attache of the French embassy at Washington, acted as best man, Fol the ceremony at the church there was an elaborate reception at the home of the bride's mother in Fifth avenue. lowing PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Sir Robert Boake of Halifax, is dead, The work of double tracking the Siberian railroad has begun, Ottawa ratepayers will vote on the by-law for the purchase of the street railway. An automobile spark' injured ten persons and destroyed $250,000 of pro- perty in New York. William Mulock was among the visitors ate the inauguration of Pre. sident Dion of : Chancellor Von Buelow says that Germany gof prompt satisfaction from Russia from the Sonntag afiair, In the Chadwick case, President Beckwith of the Citizen's National Bank. of Berlin, Ohio, endorsed for $1,250000 A "Peeping has been ing women in the Twelfth ward, racuse, N.Y The authorities working on a clue. John W. Yerkes, commissioner of the interior revenue bureau, in the United notes terrify- Sy Fom" are States, in his annual report recom- mends a taxron wood (or methyl) al cohol y John Brown, president. of the vil lage of White Plaine, N ed against ing and riding New York Central Y., is proceed for a of the on a pas railroad C. Blaine Warner, Syracuse, is con sidering the macaroni factory at Waukegan, Hl. adjacent to the Warner vefinery, as a per sonal enterprise, The Theological School of the Church of the Disciples Knoxville, Tenn, burped to the ground Sunday evening erection of a sugar ot when the 200 students were assembled in the dining hall The miners at the Paymaster's pro perty of t he Northern Development company, Gold Roek, encountered a wonderfully rich hady of 'ore. while sinking a shaft from the 100-foot level Following the examples of Glasgow Russian steamer Manchuria last spring. Ships Burned. Tokio, Dee. 6.--It is reported that the Japanese bombardment of the flect { at Port Arthur is proceeding to the | satisfaction of the attacking forces. On | the @vening of the 4th instant (Sun-| day), two or three Russian ships were | fired and they burned in a half an | hour. It is generally "believed that | the Russian fleet must either make a sortie or suffer irreparable damage. To Retake It. Tokio, «Dec. 6.--The Russians are nightly attacking 203 Metre Hill in a determined endeavor to retake the summit of the ground in contention. The Japanese are increasing their de- fencks on the position and have suc ceeded so far in repelling the assaults. It is estimated that the Russians have sacrificed two thousand men in these efiorts. Obsbrvations indicate that the garrison is feoling the shortage of men, ------ Dispute Lou Dillon's Record. Special to the Whig New York, Dee. 0.-The board of re ation assembled at the Murray' Hotel to-day, with abundant indications. of a lively session ahead, KE. KE. Smath ors, owner of Major Delmar, 'wag on hand armed with "evidence to, support his demand that the mile record of 2.01, recently made at Memphis by Lon Dillon, be set aside. Mr. Smath- ers #2 said to have the certified affida- vits of Dr. Hollembach and Shatinon, who caught the mile at 0.02 1-5, and other testilony, which he claims will completely refute the official timers, The decision of {oard of review will probabl within .a day or two. i pos: ia 1 You'can Biy best wringer made for $2.50, solid rubber rolls nd double gear, wirranted, at Simmons Brow' yellow hardware store, "Pas 13 Ca lish sweet meat," Batge piri al'? the new Christ. 4 view" df the National Trotting Assodi- | the | he made | and other municipalities, the Liver pool city council, has decided to im pose time limit, ten minutes for "pi , and to provide the Lord Mavor with a sand-glass. The Oberlin Bank of President C.T. Beckwith Chadwick notes for £250,000 and $600,000, eespective ly. with the name of Andrew Carne ie signed thereto, Whether these notes are forgeries is yet to be known. Lieut. JJ. , Oland, 'who went to South Africa with the first contingent, died in Boston of heart failure. He was a graduate of Kingélan Royal Military College, dnd a son of J. ( Mand, brewer, Halifax, N.S, POSSEREE] ICE FIVE INCHES THICK. In Lake St. Clair--A Schooner Ice Bound, Special to the Whig: Chatham, Ont, fice. 6.<The schooner Spademan, with a cargo of 15,000 bushes of wheat for the Canada Mill ing company of this place, is icehound in Lake St. Clair, about two miles from the lighthotse marking the en france {o the 1 hames river, The ice iB repo ¥ to be five inches thick. { "There ir litte chande that she will be released, unle™a powerful tug is sent to her. kB Pi Juno, also with a cargo of wheat for Chatham, | was upable to make the river, owing | to the heavy ice, and went to Windsor { where her cargo will be unloaded, and { wont here hy rail Assassins £pnt To Prison. | St. Petersburg, Dee. 6.--Kadisell, | Klusoff and Alexieff, the assassins of Gen. Strandman's wife, who with a | valet was murdeeed. and robbed April let last, in the Strandman residence, adjoining the winter ace, wera ven: tenced. Kadisefi to life impifisomment, and the others to twenly years each. Awful Deed Lproceeded through wards Cloyne, KILLED SON of . Henry Vaness, Arden. PURE ACCIDENT, THREE MEN WERE OUT DEER HUNTING, The Father Fired And The Bullet , Went Through Side of James Parks--It Then Entered The Son's Breast, Killing Him. A shooting tragedy occurred ntar Cloyne on Monday. Through a mis directed shot of a father, a son lies dead at Arden, and another young wran lies wounded in the Kingston General hospital. It seems = that Henry Vaness, a farmer living about miles back of ~ Arden, his eigh: six teen year-old son, Archibald, and James Parks, twenty-five yoa of age, were out deer hunting, and had the woods thi Parks and the young: or Vaness were separated from Henry Vancss, the father. The latter mis: took the two for deer, and fired. Hix aim was unfortunately too true, and the bullet struck Parks in the left side near the heart, passed out of his back and entered the breast of his younger companion. The latter fell over, and was dead inside of a min ute, The elder Vaness was nearly crazed by his awfol mistake and deed, He supmnoned help from a far-away house, and his dead son and the wounded voung man were taken back Arden. Parks wis brought to Kingston on the K. & P. train, Monday after noon, and taken to the general hos pital. The bullet had broken a piece of rib in his side, but otherwise had done little damage. Had it struck him an inch and a half further in, he would have been a dead man, Parks was seen ant the hospital, and told how the tragedy occurred, It wak purely accidental, he said, and there was little to be recounted about to it. The father is gricfstricken over the tragedy. The son was a farm helper. A GOOD STORY, If It Were Only Lucid, Or Long Enough. to the Whig Special S 'etershurg, Dec. 8.--An official statement comes from headquarters, giving Viee-Admiral Rojesty cnsky's account of the Dogger Bank affair, and explaining how the second Pacific fleet fired on its own ships. Accord ing to the statement the Kniaz Zou varoff ceased firing when two search lights of the Dmitri Donskoi and the Aurora suddenly appeared on the left of the ironclad division. The Dmitri Donskoi showed night signals, where: upon, fearing that projectiles from the hindermost ships of the division should hit the other vessals, either direct or by ricochet, a general signal to conse firing was made by the Zou- varoli, The order was at once obey: ed. The whole firing lasted less than ten minutes. Five projectiles strick tht Aurora, some ricocheting, and others hitting direct. The chaplain of the Aurora wae seriously injured, and a petty officer was slightly wounded. The chaplain subsequently succumbed at Tangiers. arin DETROIT HOCKEY CLUB. Contain Many Crack Players, Special to the Whig Detroit, Mich, Dee, 6.<-11 enthusiasm cqunts for anything, the Detroit hoo- key team, recently organized, shoiild be a success. Nearly forty players who in recent years have figured on strong Canadian teams, from Montreal to Winnipeg, attended the meeting Inst night. The team probably will play its first game within two wéeks against London, Ont. The club thinks it can choose the fastest hockey aggregation in the country from the bunch of players available. will Canadian Will Hold Spring Meeting At The 0.J.C. Meet. Special to the Whig # Hamilton, Dee. 6.-The Hamilton Jockey Chil held its annual meeting last might, at which it was decided that the spring menting, next year, should immediately follow the 0. J. C. meeting, Major William Hendrie was elected president of the club, ------ An Open Secret. Only the manufacturers of making "Swiss Food." Few, (Caucasus has Afghan Trontier. ridin Monday, at the age of fifty oi years. sot time and she leaves a family to mourn her loss tery, North Augusta. The very i briishes, from are selling hot water hotties be. to . Wade Nica warm and nice Don't suller from cold feet, when we store. ot Burger's Wes a make 8 the n fibre tooth hrush. 1 drug store, {Phe burden of this decision was heavily intimin HAMILTON JOCKEY crus know the secret Ahh y eh Mullin's. however, don't Know that it is the . oe t breakfast cereal. PP. Melntosh yom Sweet's drug Jor at St & Son, millers, Toronto. atharines was damaged by fire caus , od hy an éxplosion of carbolic acid, To Afghan Frontier, Lily white potato, Crawlord's. London, Dee. 6.Tha Standard a= worte-that an entire Russian army di- vision which has been stationed in the beelt ordered to the Mrs. Jane Mofiat, relict of the late sobert Moffat, of Whitehurst, died on The deceased had been sick own-up The fune- ral took place to the Methodist cote latest Susiationiin, oath ia riente r Hor of ON h THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. Delivered To Congress To-day -- Many Subjects Touched. Special to the Whi. Washington, Dee. 6.~The presidents message was delivered to congress to- day. The following covers the prinei- pal points: "All encouragement should be given to the organization of labor so long as it' is conducted with due 'and de cenit rogard for the rights of others; whero the present laws relative to corporations prove inadequate, others should be enacted to supploment them: improvement in the consular sorviee is 'suggested; the question of retirement of greenbacks, and the pro hlem of sveuring such elasticity in our vency ax is consistent with safety, are recommended for consideration: unwor- thy tvpes of immigrants should be barred; bars to quick criminal prose- eution, so far as the federal courts are concerned, should be removed: pro vision for an adequate army and navy is urged. -------------- JUDICIAL INVESTIGATION. Into Montreal Police Scandal Con- tinued To-day. Special to the Whi Sl antral, Dee. 6.<Tho judicial in- vestigation into the police department was continued, to-day. before Judge Tascherean, and the city's case, so far ax Chief Teganlt was concerned, was closed. The feature of the morn ing proceedings was the presence of a conviet named Juneay, from St. Vine cent De Paul penitontiary; who w formerly a post-othice clerk. He con firmed, in some joulars the evi- dence of Marie jardines against Legault, but not: complotely so. DOMINION COAL COMPANY. Will Appeal From the Admiralty Court's Decision. Special to the Whig. a Montreal, Dee. 6.-The Dominion Coal company announces ite intention of appealing from the decision of "the vice-ndmiralty court at Quebec, when as the outcome of the steamir Canada- Cape Breton case, both companies were ordered to:pay half of the costs of the damage to the other steamships. against the coal company. -------------- ATHENIAN'S NON-ARRIVAL. -------------- At Yokohama Causes No Uneasi- _ ness, Special to the Whie. mired hee. 6. The non-artival of the SS. Athenian, at Yokohama, from Hong Kong, on Saturday, when she was due, is not creati any alarm among the officials of the com: pany in this city. It was stated at the company's steamship department that it was not unusual to have Jays at this time of year on account of storms. ------------ Gromovoi Sunk. Tokio, Dec. 7.~There 'is said to be no doubt that the Russian battleship Gromovoi has been sunk off Vladivos- tok. After the injuries she received in the action with Admiral Kamimura's squadron had been repaired, she went, about November 14th, on a trial trip off Vladivostok harbor and struck a rock. It"was reported at the time that she was so badly injured that she was kept afloat only by attaching her tg a number of lighters, Now it would seom that she sank, ---------- Mr. Delaney Defeated. Queboe, Dec. 6.~Hon. Mr. Parent re- ceived a message that as a result of the election on the Magdalen islands, held om Saturday last for the local legislature, P. P. Delaney, the late member, was defeated by R. J. Les lie by some _ 200 majority. Both the candidates were fiberals, Mr. Leslie being a resident of Halifax, but well known on the islands, being interested in the shipping business and lobster industry. Death Due To Shock. London, Ont:, Dee. 6.--Five months ago Miss Bessie Howie, book-keeper with Beddome and Brown, brushed aside a wire, which waa hanging over her desk. In doing so she was severo- ly shocked, her finger being burned by the electricity. ' Shortly afterwards she wak taken ill, and did not re cover, dying Monday, it is supposed, as a result of the shock, ---------- Taken Action. Montreal, Dee, 6.~David Russell ulated last evening : "Hon, Andrew G. Blair and mysell have instructed our lawyers 10 at once commence erim- inal proceedings against the Monireal Herald, the only responsible journal which has copied the malicious attacks upon us." * i ---------------- 18e. prints or rolls butter. Crawford. Ona pound cooking butter 15e., 11b, lemon peel lle, 1 quart cranberries 10¢, and 4 tins of pumpkin 25c., at EE ------------ COVERED RINK The rink office will be opened on Dee. Ath, for: the sale of season tickets and Jockers. is Skatiig on Saturday, Dec. 10th Weather and ice permitting. a Nights of skating; Tucsday, Thursday abd Friday. A' season = ticket will he. the best Christus present that you cau got for your boy or girl. % SEASON RATES Gentlenien, single, an aah Frabi Family the 'more acceptable is best at in our 5 A KID GL! time to make That quality which makes a WOMEN'S Our Kid Gloves have long prime favorites with gift Their irrepr: "execllence made them known as perlect Lines for the Christmas season pow ready in the latest styles shades, : : Our $1 French Kid Glo is 08 good as most MARC ves ab Better lines such as AXA 1 ry ! 0s askod, $1.5. All are fally DENTS (London Made), for women, now shades, at her, $1, $1.25, and $1.50. : Our stock now is at its best and ite a choice. MeARTHUR--CONLEY-<In Kingston, oi Dec. 6th, 08, Miss 'Annie dutighter of the ge Honey Coley; ! to William G. - MeArthur, both of this eit. i 'THURSDAY, Dec. 8 os Boihebtiol Masical Comedy." "THE LIBERTY BELLES' 40 Singérs, Dancers, Comedians, 40 25 Big Musical Numbers, 95. 2 Special Feature, The Latest New York Sepeation, THE RADIUM BALLET. A 0, Creation, Prices. ¥1, 756. ' WISE PEOPLE Make their Christmas ly. They do not wait t or two, when it is so hard to properly. Our new are and they are extra fine i-- « New Seeded Raisins. New Seodless Raisins. New Valencia Raising. urchases tar | the last day served New Cleaned Ciirrants. New Figs, New Prunes, New Peels, New Dates. New Almonds, - New Walnuts, New Pecans, New Filberts. . | New Table Raisins. COME NOW. "BUY "NOW, James Redden & Co. Tmporters of Fine Groeewies, ro eer ------------------ ~ Christmas Inducements '880 Fddison Phonograph, now §20. @ $16 Dise Phonograph, now $9. Q 8828 Dominion Plano, $175 $200 German Plano, now $125 These Rre hut Tew of "ote many includes Organs Violins, and al Sais Zw kay bat Si Ein Joh Ce Sha thi Family of four or #i ils or An Ligh, on} va: + Indian toffee." Eng. A a » t, in 1b. ting, nd Saf