Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1904, p. 3

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] ho a I emia hd If Livers Go Wrong set them right--it's simply and easily done. 'Without pain, without trouble, without nause- ating, in fact it's only in the beneficial effects that you notice you have taken Beechams Pills _.. Sold America in . 28 cents. A Useful, Pretty and Very Pleasing CHRISTMAS GIFT ! Sewing Sets, 30c. up. Manicure and Toilet Sets in Ebony, ' Cocobola ffand French Stag. See Our Windows, sin. The H. B. Taylor Drug Co. 194 Princess Street - - "Phone 8. Wood's Fhonosphodine, as only medicine its kind that cures, ives universe] satisfaction. 4 4 promptly and ~rmanently cures ail forms of Nervous «a, Emissions, Spermatorrhea, Impotency "74 niteffects of abuse or excesses ; the excestive » of Tobanco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental 1 Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity. sanity, Consumption and an Ear! rave. Price $1 per package or six for $5. One slease, siz wil »aipt of price. Woed's Phosphodine Kingston Druggists. CHRISTMAS is sold by all | IDEAS In Great Variety 2 At This Store ! | t . os + i Ladies Wool Waists, in the very lat- zr est Parisian desig: semi-ready, con- it | tain sufficient ma¥rial and trimming to make a waist any size from 32 to of 12 inches, bust measure, specially Tow 44 priced, at $2 and $2.50. te Ladies' Imported Kid Gloves, in black and colors, $1.25 quality, selling for 8). Guarantee with each pair. re Men's Mufflers. in silk and wool, s, | Kid Mitts and Gloves, Silk Neckties, ot Handkerchiefs, Fancy Shirts, etc. bo Children's Wool Mitts and Gloves, ho Torues, Clouds, Hoods, ete, 38 5: ve Bl SAL Vs to to 0f Sample ns ae | Parasols and Umbrellas of : : ug Now Going On. F « hief ry; or; or ior Dm he 4 1¢ Scranton ur ie oal 3 elief | 4 | @® There are varieties @ end in coal, and not all ihe | @ dre good, ; : e sell but ONE . |'@® kind. 7h ons It's for you to judge @ ting quality. pay EE JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 135, ® eee Dozens of styles to choose from and no two alike. Every one a bargain. s "| Newman & Shaw, 122 Princess St. 2000000000900 G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, BROKER. " aL : LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE SERRE * THE DAILY WHIG, TGESDAY, DECEMBER 6. -------- x (RAILWAY (ETS RRIL Tee: m= ONTARIO PROVINCIAL WINTE FAIR December 5th "io 9th, 1904. Hound. trip tickets will be issued from Kipgston, Dec. 8rd to 9th inclusive, and for return on or before Dec. 12th, 1904. at $6.90. ian BRANCH LOCAL TIME TABLE In Effect Oct. 20d, 1904. Trains will leave Oity Depot, Foot of Johnston Street. GOING EAST GLUING WEST 148 a.m. | No.5, Mail, 12:33 am Nas No.8. Fart HE ets, 3:26 a.m. Express, No. 16, Loca), S::6am. | No. 11, Local, 9.15 am No. 6 Mall... 140 pm. | No, I, leternational Limised, 12:16 noon Neo, # wail, 318 pm Ne. 15, Local, 7:03 pm run daily. daily, except Mon- os. 6, 7, 11, 12, 16 and 16, daily, - dy has accommodation, tickets, of information apply to wd al OE HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. a KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, TRAINS 11 AVE KINGSTON: 12:89 p.ne--Express, for Ottawa, Mon~ treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B,; 'Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver. Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Pap', Wianipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. Umea | ws Lal id 8 . A p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, counecting with C.F.R, east and west. Noid, bo, HOD pa No. 12, Foca, 708 pw. Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4, No. 5 and 8, run 10 &.x0.--Mizad, for Renfrew and in- termediate points ] ' "Phsséhgera leaving Kingston at 12.30 p.m., arrivé in Ottawa at 500 p.m. Feterboro, 512 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Bosten, 7:30 wm. St. John, N.B., 11:65 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. F.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Supt F. CONWAY Gen. Pasw, Agt BAY OF QUANTE RAILWAY, New short - line for Tweed, Napanee, Deséropto, and al local points Trains Jeave City Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. F. CONWAY, 'Agent B. Q. Ry., Biagston. Q. 8. 8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 48 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship 'Her mud@an", 5,600 tons. Sailings every ten days in January, and every five days during February, March and April WEST INDIA CRUISES f From New York 8.8, * PRETORIA." 8800 tons, sails Jan. 4th, Feb. 9th, and March 22nd, to the British, French and Danish West In- dies, Demerara, Porto Rico, - Cuba and Bermuda. Rates for these sohuises, ce cupying 27 to 34 days, twenty days in the Tropics, $160 and upwards For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate this trip is unsurpassed For jllustrated pamphlets giving rates © passage and all information, apply to A E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO, Agents 19 Broadway. New York: 'A! AHERN Sec'y.. Quebec, Canada, or to 71 icket Agents, J » fANLEY, ant J Pn , Kingston GILDERSLE EE empire ALLAN LINE "V™"[oxpoxoenay. | _ Royal Mall Rteamers. From St. John, From Halifax Corinthian, Sat. Dee. 10, Mon Dec. 12 i , Sat. Dec. 17, Mon. Dec. 19 Rafi Sats Dec. 24, Mon Pec. 206 Standard remedy for Gleet, Jonian, Sat. Dec. 31,. Mon, Jan. 2 ahah and Ruahings RATES OF PASSAGE. First Uabin-- ur et 860 and upward. Second cabin, Liv- ney and Bladde- Teoxbles. erpoo! and Londonderry. $30. $32.50 and $35. London, $2.50 extra, Third class, 815 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, w, London. vs NEW YORK TO GLASOCOW Mongolian, Thursday Dec 22. 11 am; < 1&7 [ u rates by above Glasgow ser C 4 wices on application, ete. Ny « P NLEY, Agent, G.T.R. Citv A ~ 1 a 3. P. GILDER- ' 3 a CHOOL Passenger Depot. SLEEVE, Clarence Street. i ---------------------------- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quintie Steamboat Co., Limited. STR ALE Between Kingston, Picton and Belleville steamer August 20 K daily 3 EW 2 il, 0 ephon Bhs and Intermediate Bay of "Quinte ae Sail or el il nb, . On Tuesday, Thursday and Sea | j 3 McKAY, 1. F. METCALFE, , _ steamer calls al Deserento, President. Principal nd Balla ply 4 BA or = Hout, SECS" | VIOLIN LESSONS SLEEVE. JAS. SWIFT & Co. Agents IX CLASS AND INDIVIDUALLY MONEY AND BUSINESS. Monday and Thursday 'Evening: SA LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE TaTals dn sddiion to Experienced master with Doston Con- ty policy holders Hi jo: mL aLry dwn ne ' Terms wnd urrhngements satisfactory the . Farm and city | 0" opaiar. : C t 1" t If You Would Be Well You Must Keep Your | Kidneys Well, Help them to work freely. Help them to flush off all the body's waste and impurities. Doan's Kidney Pills Are Yor this purpose only. Have you suspected your kidneys as the cause of your trouble? If you have backache, swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent or su urine, nful tion when urinating, specks floating before the eyes, great thirst, brick-dust deposit in the urine, or anything wrong with the urinary organs, them your kidneys are affected. It is really not difficult to cure kidney trouble in its first stages. All you have to do is to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. They are the most effective medi- cine to be had for all kidney and urinary troubles. : Mrs. M: Galley, Auburn, N.S., was cured by their use, She says: --"For over four months I was troubled with a lame back, and was unable to turn in bed without help. I tried plasters and liniments of all Pind, but to no effect. At last I was induced by a friend to try Doan's Kidney Pills. After I had used two-thirds of a box my back was as strong and as well as ever." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents. per bor, or 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or direct by mail on receipt of price. Tag Doan KmNry Pin Co., Toronto, ONT. : BE WISE If you ctganot attend Day School at Kingston Business College, Take a business or shorthand course at vight. Cut this advt. out. Do it now. It is worth money { { No. 440, for MRS. BROWZT1'S STUDIO. at lowest NEWLANDS, on Bagot # RE Tepe re, SORES, OF mer of Queen and Mont ARCHITECT, OF- ver Pree ---------------- EE Sool are Manos Bagor X AR treet TO-LET. BUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POST Olive, heated Ly Hot Water. Apply to John 'A. Gardiner, Real and Insurance, 151 Wellington street er ee ------------ LARGE STONE BUILDING, NO. 42 and 44 Princess street, suitable for light thanufacturing, farmers' hotel, ete. Apply to 349 Brock street 1 et ee ---------------------- FROM OCTOBER FIRST, THAT TWO story brick house, No. 6 Frontenac street, north. Kent lew, Apply on premises, X : FURNISHED DWELLING, 7 ROOM: v Bath and Closet, near Victoria Park. Other houses: MeCann's, 51 Brock o street. -------------------- FIRST CLASS ROOMS, WITH BOARD. Apply 160 Ring street, corner Union; jent to Medical College. FOR SALE. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- Frootepac Sureel, Beat Fr.acen chaxta Bask Building, ggruer Brock | iireet 7 rooms. Loi 66 fest trom pnd Wellington streets. be 154 fest deep, Lots of room A somiibibenmetiohn Stabe LR Catia A aol Barn, HENRY P. SMITH ARCHITECT. Be vo house. Apply threwsh \ .. Anchor Building, ' Market Whiz office. Siraare Phone 24 ee ---------------------------- TWO ROUCHICAST HOUSES, CORN- " er Bagot and Johnston a 6 LET ME WAVE YOUR SME| Golimiss ems od » 15 O'Kill street. A DETACHED, SOLID BRICK HOUSE 000 BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE yi na Montreal and gi 4§; Colborne Apply 6 Pren- CITY COUNCIL. TELEPHONE COMPANY FRAN- night were "Mayor. Bell, and Alderser Abbott, Angrove, Bassam, Behan, Couper, Hoag, Kent, King, Knapp. Mallen, McFarlane,, Meek, Mowat, Rigney, Sands, Sears, Strainge and Toye. These communications were read : { Communications. Relief Society, asking for remission of the taxes for 1904 on the Kingston Publie Library. es, asking that his assistant be paid tions of statute labor taxes as is paid for the colleetion of state labor taxes for 1904.. of taxes for 1903 and 1904 on account of poverty. . sion of his statute labor tax for 1903. Kingston Art School. Felix Shaw, coll and Henry cv porting reemnent porting apted to place the administration fying council of the adjourned sale of low him hali the cost of purchasing a Estate : i FINE LA ®. HALL OOAL Eh for it cash. CHISE EXTENDED. ity Will Get $700 If'Caihi-Only $10,000 Of This Year's Taxes Remain Unpaid--Old Arrears Largely Reduced. the eity council meetin At last Emma Mowat, secretary of the Poor the use of he police court room for the weekly heetings 'of the society. T. McK. Robertson, asking for the W. King, collector of arrears of tax- he same commission on the collee- liza Hennessy, asking for remission Richard Moloney, asking for remis- James Richardson & Sons, claiming emission of taxes for 1994 on the Armstrong McCormick," William Fee, Sarah E. Allen, D. Dris- R. Smith; asking re- nission of taxes on account of vacan- D. M. McIntyre, city solicitor, re- upon the breach of their ag- hy the street ear company. Melntyre, -city solicitor, re- upon the procedure to be ad- of in nD. M. the water works and light plants the hands of commissioners. 1.7 (. Ireland, city treasurer, noti- lands for taxes, R. W. Smith asking' the city to al- new rocker arm for the stone crusher. 0. V. Bartels, tax collector, re porting that $140,595 of this year's taxes had been collected, leaving $10,- 400 uncollected. City Treasurer Treland, reporting R97 817.37 arrears of taxes collected, leaving $6,000 unpaid. H. E. Barney, secretary Kingston Feachers' Institute, asking for grant of $35. Ivo L. A. Cohet appealing against over pssessment, and for rebate of taxes on account of vacancy The communications were to 'the proper commitieds. referred Finance Report. The finance committee presented the 32 RW Smith, $1.7 S. Anglin & A Grimshaw, $318.58; labor av list ending Nog. 3th, $2 Water Works. Bell Telephone Co. 50; J. A. Gardiner, $27.50; Givens, $1.50;. John Laird, $68; 8. Anglin & Co., 88.82; F. 16. Fire and Light 20: Imperial Laundry, $9.54: T. Wilson & Son, 81.530: James Crawford, 23.30; Crumley Bros, $3.75; J. A Hawley, $2.60; 11: M. Dolan'. $13.65; William Drury, 805.10; The Rathbun: Co. S138: liott Bros., $19; McKelvey & Birch, £21.00, Light department--Bell Telephone Co., $46; Francis Tracy, $2.50; Wil- liam Allen, 870.50; K. & P. Railwav Cq., $2.10; Queen City Oil Co., 853.80; The MeCort Oil Co., 8174.79 G'P.R. Co, 871.44; K. P. & C. E. Ry. (¢ $30; K. & P. Railway Co., $10.32; freight and duty, 17.77: Dominion Express Co., %0c.; PP. G. Wilmot, $9; (Canadian Westinghouse Co., 318; K. & P. Railway Co.. 60c.; Canadian General Electric Co., 232.43; The Shed- den Co., 86.23; freight and duty, $5.95; Queen City Oil Co., $58. J.-C. McLaren Co. 2131.09; | Whig, $30; Selby & Youlden, $37.36; S. Anglin & Lo. $5351: W. B. Dal ton & Sons, $54.79; Balance, labor pay list ending November 16th, £200; labor pay list ending November 30th, £616.79. City property--Francis J. 8S. Henderson, 21.85; J. Nugent & Jamieson, 25¢ & Co. 81.75. Contingencies--Selectors 260; RB. Rope, $23; J. bonding ebllactors of taxes, $17.50. of jurors Recommendations. Catarrh. and $1. a package. nlizers--no 'extras cost. The treatment is 0 a suid a it. The vapor--laden with its healing ies-- es every aT throat, cures. apn AS with resolubion passat by finanve eom- mittea on { 1900, taxes for 1904 on property ocpupied ana i ties occupied 'by Ladies' Caiiege, ex- cept k improvement. taves, w idlowifir lang Teport: thal was addpt-] most "approved instruments, to pay ed With but Witle discussion, Poe oe the city $700 a year and allow th counts were recommended to be id : city the free use. of their es for Moar of Works.-- Francis ey fire alarm wires fox het wal of $409. The Rathbun Co.. $13.32: John their exclusive franchise for the use Corbitt. SMT.21 James. Kennodv.: $4. of the streets for telophone purposes A. K. Kirkpatrick, $150; 25; McKelvey & Birch, D. A. Tracy, $5.18; British Whig, 828.30; Douglas and Me- Hguham, $36.60; labor pay list, (246.- E. Cochrane, $32. QC. Bell Telcphone, $20.- El- Tracy, 25¢.; Cos, $168: T. Milo, $159.92; 8. Grim- City Solicitor's 'Heport. shaw, $1.50; William Drury, $197.83 ; Regarding the street railwav's re Ww. Chapman, ' $491.30; Joseph | duction of service, the pity solicitor Printing and stationery--R. Uglow Salaries A. 'E. Smythe, commission on statute lapor and dog taxx, $11.61. 8. R. McCann, The committees further recommended : That personal taxes of W. G. Ashley for 1895 be written off, in accordance Cheapest, Best Cure for Chester's Cure fot Catarrh costs Soc No tonics--no ato- of any kind are d. The first cost is the only that Siaaply te a anfl inhale smoke. portion of the CHESTER'S GURE has been in use for more than 30 years. cured On communication for remission of mission, 'no action. That the sages for 1904 on proper |. rit ten off. Bde Sa That the taxes on the lot on John- son street on whieh a building is be ing erected for 'a Baptist Sunday school and place of warship, be writ: ten off. On communication of W. Dunlop, asking remissiod' of "seven months' taxes on property, no action, On communication of Rev. William Moore, 'secretary of Canadian associa: tion for } ntio of e pti and other forms of tuberculosis, that petitions asked for. be forwarded to dominion ant provincial governments. | factory after a make. Arnold Avery has been confined That thy taxes for 194 on pro: perty occupied by. First. Church © of Christ, Scientist, be refund d. On communication of G. A, Arm- strong, Tor the refund of personal tas. es for 1903, no action, On petition of Wormwith & Co. asking for exemption from taxation, that they be advised to take the né cessary &teps to have the matter re- ferred to the people. That A. E. Smythe's commission for collecting statute labor and - dolg taxes he fifteen percent. of collect ions. On communication of W. Fairbairn, Sr., that the money paid by him for taxes on one property be applied to the taxes on another. no action. On communication of L. C. Lockett, for refund of taxes paid in 1901, no action. That taxes for property adjoining the 1902 and 1994 on Hotel Dieu, now .gsed as public thoroughfare, be remitted, and that the council of 1905 be recommended to take early stops to! acquire the property for the extension of Sydenham street, from Johnston street to Brock street, that Fleanor Macdonn-ll having paid ten dollars for a kennel license, us provided by statute, her dog tax-® es ahove that amount berwritten off. Cn communication of A. Tvo, his personal taxes for 1904 he reduced to 830 That taxes on properties owned or ocenpied hy the city be written of, oie Bell Telephone Franchise. The committee made this report up- on the Bell Telephone fran hiss : Your committee has bern in com munication with ths Bell Telephon» company. the Uanadian Telephone and Telegraph company, and the . Cana dian Machine Telephone company with a view to obtaining a more cfficient and less oxpensive:. telephone servies for the citizens, They find that the Canadian Telephone and = Telegraph company has not yet established a service in Canada, while the Cana dian Machine Telephone company is just about completing its first ser vice in Peterboro. After considerable correspondence, the Béll Telephone company offered to crect a new build ing, to instal metallic lines with the for five vears, the terms to subserib ers within the city limits to be the same as at present. for the Blake equipment, for separate metallic lines and long distance equipment, 30 per annum for business premises, and 3256 for pesidences: for two party lines for residences, £18 each; for over two and not more than four; = 815 each; the company, immediately after the agree ment has been conlitmed, to proceed with the erection of a suitable build ing' and the manufacture. of such equipment as they may deem best in order to give efficient service, Your committee recommended that the offer of the Bell Telephone company, dated August 3rd, 1904, be accepted on con dition that the agreement and ox elusive franchise be for five vears from the 30th of June, 1904, and that the company furnish telephones for the use of the city at £20 per annum. By-Laws Passed. A by-law was passed regarding "the amalgamation of the civic offices. There was a discussion an the treas urer's hours which 'were fixed nt from 9 a.m. till 4 pm, A by-law was passed providing for the partial exemption fon taxation of the Davis tannery"for 1904. Ald. Meek's by-law for the appoint ment of a permanant auditor received its second reading. -I¢ awakes provis jon for continual auditing of a counts' throughout the year, A bylaw was passed for partial exemption of taxes or 1904 on Selby & Youlden's foundry. It was nearly eleven o'clock the council adjourned; -- when reported that the company had the right to discontinue the Williamsville car for three months each year for seven vears. As to the gemwal ger vice, the company was "obliged to give a fifteen minute service, snd in now giving a twenty minute service, it was evading its obligation under the agreement. 'Two "remedies are open to the city 1 An action at coin mon law for damages or an action for specific performance, The solicitor said he could wot advise an action for damages as feared the city would be unable to prove legal in jury warranting the recovery of pe- cuniary damages, He advised that the council defer any legal action, un til the case of the eity of Toronto Street Railway company was decided. This report was irda to the fin ance committee, . As to the procedure de be adoptid to place the administration of the water works and light plants in the hands of commissioners, the city soli- citor reported that a bydaw must be assed by the council. pnd assented to bw the electors, providing for the elec: "| tion of conmissioners jn whom would be vested all the powers, rights, au- thorities and immunities . now vested in the corporation, commission ers wpuld be elected annually at the in Canada, | same "time and in tha manner Reople whe Dr Tos as the head of the council. The num- "ill send 'to Montreal for it, for bet of conutiistigners would be wot world, h gen than three amd Bot wore than i, tends, One, chee, my fipw: (of whom the head of the council soc and $1. 1f your druggist cannot sapfy' | 2 all ex-officio he ond, you, write the Conadian. agents, - : THE LEEMING, MILES CO. LTD, MONTREAL eee emer ee ete |OUR NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND cousin, Miss Kincaid, were Miss Blanche Herhison on 1 last. tented visit lard Purvis spent Sunday with his parents. J, C. Turner has closed his ENTS FELL US. Simin, The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Deo, 5. --Asher Earl and oto of 'Thursday Mrs. Harvey is making an ex- g friends here. Wil successful season's to his home with an attack of asth- ma. Alex. Tennant has erected a new, sugar house, N. Baile is the poultry business. Mrs. Chick calling on friends here, going into was Vennachar Items. Vennachar, Dec. 5.--Master Guy Be- hee had the misfortune to break his arm by jumping off a load of hay. Mrs. McNeal is convalescent. The lit tle twin son of Mr. Hughes was buri- ed on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thompson have another board: er, a wee boy. Simon Ball is able to be around again after his severe ill- ness. R. W. Conner is making an im- provement on the front of his shop by putting up a verandah, S, Lane is doing the work. Miss Malinda Bebee intenda having a Christmas treet for the school children on Christmas eve. Hartington Happenings. calling on old friends here, Miss Ethel Sproule and at Sydenham W. Marcellis cock is much better, Wesley Babeock has moved his family to Portsmouth. a furniture The people will soon hear the toll from the trustees are putting Many teachers' 'applications been received for this none have heen accepted as yet. Mrs home from Westport. Latimer Locals. Latimer, Dee. 5.~The annual dona tion party held at the Inverary par sonage was well attended, Rev, Mr Craig, Cataraqui, preached an excel lent missionary sermon on Sunday with relatives N.Y. returned home Mrs, T. in Watértown, fast week, Mr. haw. furnace placed in his house, Emma and Ella Caverly, the city, have returned new building for P. Wright, Elgin, who recéntly built th new factory here, held his cheese meet ing on Saturday night. The officer appointed are as toll 1. Wright; secretary, M treasurer, J, 'Taylor; Bruce and M. Traves. Wright, Elgin, at G. Sherwood's; Mis Anna Allison, Elginburg, at : Hugheon's; Miss Blanche Taylor, Sy denham, at J. Taylor's; Miss Wilhol mina Traves at M. Traves'. i Shaw Hunting At Myers' Cave. Myers' Cave, Dee. 5. let, were hoth engaged in hunting, the former hav ing shot a fine buck, dressed, was calculated about 300 pounds. Mr. shot a fine doe, Clark borhood this season. Mr. Miller his party shot a fine brain family. He and several olher were engaged in a bear hunt, bruin took to a hollow woll-directed shots soon forced brui to bite the dust. The animal was th largest that has been shot in thi country for some years. Local sport who took a few the hunting liam Benny, slowly recovering. some better. Several people visited the Star of th mine on Monday last, and speak ings that are in NO SUBSTITUTE absurd on its face. You migh as . sion, wanhlids. ix wl Crawlord's, SL | scorr's BOWR Anne, Toran, Ost NMHartington, Dee. 5.~Heney Clow is Ernest Sproule spent Sundav at M. Cloakey's. Miss Carrie and Frank Sigeworth spent Sunday paid the village a visit last week, J, M. Bab J. M. Robertson is about to open up store here, m his old stand, where he kept a general store. bell school house as the it up to-day. have school, but T., Hagerman and children, Sydenham, spent a few dave last week with her Inst week. Mrs. Dewolfé has returned W, Taylor, having spent a few weeks and Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. D, McFarlane recently visited at Par- John Taylor is having a new Misses visiting in howe. W, Duffey and W. Teeples are erecting a Fdwards, T. wx 1 Salesman, auditors, W. Visitors : 7. Messrs. Andrew Miller, Bath, and Walter Clark, Vio very successful while which, when would weigh alvo said to be the lar gest of the kind taken in this neigh and specimen of the when log, from which he was soon dislodged. A few days' vacation in season, have again set who has heen differing { (ratory sale, with inflammation of the right eye, is i Mrs. John Dellyea, who is at present on the sick list, is of the young East in glowing terms tof -the imwense. build: course of construe: has yet been found for cod liver oil. There are so-called extracts, wines and cordials of- cod liver oil that are said to contain the active principles but not the oil itself, This is as well extract the active prin- ciples of wheat and make bread with them. The best form of cod liver oil, that can |The, WHEE he cheese during the be digested and assimilated | mon rire most easily, is Scott's Emule) roi es EE Amosican Headlight Ol ......... 17¢. per Sunlight Sess vse sans raat 19¢C. per Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the u Special Prices for Cashe->"4 2; S. J. HORSEY. Elegance Need not be Overcoat extravagance, for no m at what price you buy a coat ot us it will be made the latest style, as every detail is entrusted to & tent and careful workmen, The way a coat is gether has just as much to-do with: the eleganc appearanc as the fabric of which itis composed. is why our Overcoats, at whatever price, have tinctive air about them. earl We are showing some elegan coats (Men's) at $9.50, $11.50 and The same qualities are shown in some stores at $2 to §3 more. We can Surprise y = $530 "in some others at $9 50, $7.50, $6 and $4.50. : : To the students who are thinking of aFL '|DRESS SUIT for the "Conversat® we woul come in and see what we have. Vou will be surp to learn that 2 FULL DRESS SUIT can be Ii so little money, Ours have the material, finish which you get at the custom father here. The cheese factory closed " . THE BREAD of Quality * .-Toye's Bread. Always Good, Always Reliable. n e | = me-- 8 | tion. notably the boarding house ani ¢ | stamp mill. Several young men have left for Dead Creek to work in w. Pringle's shanty. A. Dellyea made a tled down to work, and are busily en- ines rip to Ard n last week, oe : . ol gaged getting up their wood for Rubin top and Mrs, D. Gray and Yietorin, BC, Not, 2. 3 winter. Jacob Anderson, Jr., Erins- | ponte at J. C. Mitchell's; Miss Ger: xX 0 ts hast a ~ ville, was a rocent visitor at the | oo Perry and ° Miss Bella Salmond | | an ised to nd that t / Cave. The Good "Templars lodge at] care the guests of Miss Edna Mitchell ad ia a big thal of char Harlowo is steadily increasing in num- | 0 Saturday last. a ad of herd Pilchords bets, new membas being initiated at --_ a ¥ Fh pron hefty ; almost every meeting, which are held i 'England, & every two weeks. The wood hee at Philipsville News » got the Cornish, oo of ng v John Vanalstine's on Saturday last | Philipsville, Dee. 5.-A. E. Whitmore, Jor They cannot, however, be was fairly well attended. Mes, Wil | merchant, purchased at the adminis. g MBE. YY ' s lS the property known as the Alvin T. Halladay estate in, this owner of the for ki of the ing or ng, and mos caught had to be town. Roy Halladay, Pagers' Pride cheese factory, has pur there aa chased a lot alongside the cheese fac: Tub tory, and will put up a nice residence -- spring. He has the cellar excavat- vel and will' get the material on the ground this winter. Owing to the Bap: tist church being in the hands of the painters and ¢ tors under the leadership of P. McCann, of Westport, for the past four weeks, the Baptist congregation are holding their ser vices in the Methodist church every Sunday morning at eleven © clock. Mrs. Hl. Brown has covered his ware house with steel shingles. R, Haskin has put a covering of steel shingles on his cheese box factory. The roof has heen. en, fire savaral times. the past wa son from sparks from the engine. ©. Chase Sant his last brick and tile kiln for this season two weeks afe. J. Downey has put some repairs on his t {out buildings. W. RB. Phelps reports *Jarge sales of food remedies for horses, cattle and hogs, a different tonic for each animal.' The next two weeks wil witness many fattened porkers disappear into the barrels for the next year's meat for the multitude. | The Philipsville * cheese factory will strong and able to fi te Ig or srongeR 1 fee ptier, » Y Kidney health i :! Homiton'a ery nser of Dr. a 25¢. box from your fuse substitutes. D. Mefferin feels | als pound boy that sold feel, 2 h of December. ry proud of the ten he are Bde. to i

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