A ------------ ESS NOT DESIRED, The Montreal Gazette hastens to say t the Alliance folks did not tura to Mr. Whitney and the conservative conférence because they knew that the | conservative policy was fixed. And fix od against probibition. '| The Montreal Herald inclines to the 'opinion that there was "something do- Jing" in the conservative circle when in the press and in the Blair * | Mr. Blair resigned office, but the whole {thing was terribly mismanaged in the 'dlegram says it is find a leader whom the par- than to get rid of a it does not want. Now jusinuation in this con- which the facts ifton does not favour reci trade with the United States naturals, and only then with rantes of a permanent arrange. ment. Frye wheat is not desired. Can- 'ada has shaped its policy to suit it- self, and it permits of no disturbance No ono who knows J. L. Payne, now secretary to the minister of rail- ways, believes that he had any pri- Yvate information he would give out respecting Hon. Mr. Blair and coming {to Mr. Payne while he acted as secre tary for the ex-mipister. Mr. Payne is a man of honor. The Toronto News takes no stock in the 'sensational arrests and exposures ell | snd miraculous conversions, made onl the eve of an election," as outlined tase. They might have hurt the government for the moment, but in the end they would have hurt the government's op- ponents the more. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Borden Went To Hot Springs. Ottawa Free Press. a Ottawa ony its place as Can. ada's choicest health resort. Will Take The Remainder. : 1 Herald. . Meher ill be along shortly to kill off of the athletes who were lucky ong to rive the foothall situa- tion, Many Thanks. ation Spectator is anxious ly fuquiring who the High Muck-a- Muck is? Wo are Aina ot the Spec's ignorance. Everybody knows that Gamey js the High Muck-a-Muck. A Danger Ahead. * i lorald. orn ily of Russia's enemy, Bric "appears to be wonderfully com- plaisant with Russia. This complais- ance may cost her when the war is over, and the Japa- fiese government is in uw position to make new arrangements, A Tip To Whitney. Mr Whitney noticed how fatal are to conservative loaders of 1900 killed Sir of thix year tie, things of life through the mire cannot but arouse the liveliest indig- nation in right-minded men." "Mrs, Snell, or Layman, or.what ever her lait name is, at present; as turned married bouffe," said Judge wrong, absued, outrageous, of course. But there is. no help, as the laws temerity enough to take the risk." "Judge Dunne said: "It is absurd and ridiculous as a general problem, but 1 hesitate to discuss it at this time, for fear of being construed as assailing a woman." Mre. Layman was married first when she was sixteen to Frank Coffin, a dancing master. She married him a second time at the solicitation of her son, now dead. Having acquired the habit of mwrrying hig, she married him a third time, Walker, who claimed her as his wile, for a time, was form. aly a clerk at the Victoria Hotel, Af ter divorcing Coffin for the third time sho left her beautiful home and = be took herself to Riverside, Cal., where she has wince resided. Layman wasa hotel clerk at Los Angeles. Mrs. Layman is 'under forty, and still pretty. She is said to be con: templating a sixth marriage. MURDERS IN THE STATES. Has Outgrown legal Strength With Appalling Results. London, Dec. 7.--Lord Chief Justice Alverston was the. principal t at the dinner of the Authors' Club, Mon: day night. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who presided, referred to the laxity of the law and its gdministration in the United States, and said that great nation had outgrown its legal strength with appalling results. While Great Britain in the Boer war lost 22,000 lives, the United States lost in the same three years 32,000 lives through murder or homicide. This, the speaker said, would be a piteous end to the high hopes of those who looked to America 'ak the Utopia of the future, but, He added, Amcricy would crush the . fowl growth by stréngthening the machinery of the aw, and putting judges on a higher basis. i Lord Alverston, in replying, said that he agreed with every word Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had spoken, and that his remarks were no stronger than he had heard from many Ameri- cans themselves. But in regard to the treatment and reclamation of con- J victed criminals, Lord Alverston said, - } Great Britain had much to learn from America, the Americans were working hard to make their system not only humane, but truly preventative of crime. DIRECTED TO A HOTEL. Policeman Told Reporter Where to Get Drink. Montreal, Dec. 7.-'The Herald pub- lishes an expose of the laxity in the observance of the laws regarding the sitling of liquor on Sundays in Mon. troal. It obtained conclusive evidence | Sunday night that at least twelve well known hotels sold Jiguor between eight and twelve o'clock, and tells how its informants obtained access to the ho tels and how the drinks were dis. nsed. In the vicinity of several of the otels visited policemen were seen, t so far as could be observed they did not take any steps to ascertain whether the liquor laws wore being broken pr po ad One the Hera reporters asked b policeman on Ne Bonaventure stgtion where ho ight obtain a drink, and the minion of the law directed him to two hotels where he said drinks were sold on Sundays. A College Course. The Kingston Business College has instituted u weekly series of practical business talks to students. Tuesday . Jd. B. Pense and Robert Craw: waiting. at month, in preparation for the O.HA, season. Belleville has lost a good hockey player in Bert Allen, "Dink" goes to New Glasgow, N.8., to take a posi- tion in the lntercolonial railway offic: Union, the Rev, A. F¥, Barr having withdrawn in favor of W. A. Hewitt, manager of the Torontos. The Argonauts should be strong factors in the O.H.A. senior series in Toronto, They will have the pick of the Bank Leaguesplayers, and should be in the running all the time. 'The Toronto St. George's will meet the Montreal Victorias at the Mutual Street Rink' on Saturday night, Dee. 24th. A will also be played on Dec. 26th, against another strong It is altogether likely that Ottawa will favorably consider the proposition of the Marlboros of Toronto to play an exhibition match in Toronto on New Year's ove, if satisfactory ar rangements can be made for the trip. eo Rhodes Balliol rowing men have won another college race. The winning grew was composed of men from all quarters of the ecarth-a South Afri- can, an Australian, an American, and a Canadian, E. R. Patterson, of the University of Toronto, Jack Root, Monday night, got the decision over John Willie on a foul in the fifth-round of a ten-round- fight, at Chicago, Willie was repeatedly warned about his tacties. The fight- ing was about even, but Root was a trifle move clever than Willie, Picton 'hockey club has teorganized with these - officers: Hon.-Pres;, Wi Boulter; president, N. Gilbert; vice- president, H. U. Tobe socond vice- president, W. Nettleton; secretary, IY 8. McLean. Executive, Messrs. George Squirrell, Frank Boulter, and P. 8. McLean. W. T. Gorméh "was elected manager of the team and Leighton Gilbert 'captain. : The Berlin Hockey Club, senior | champions of the W.O.H.A. for some | vears,' have applied for membership in | the O.H.A., and deposited their fees, They will likely be admitted at the first meeting of the new executive! committee, The Preston Club, inter mediate champions of the W.O.H.A_, were admitted to membership in the 0.H.A. on Saturday. An application has been made to the O.H.A. on the part of the S bury Hockey Club for reinstater of Robert Morrison, last vear with Guelph, who played for Burk's Falls under an umeéd name in a game against Bracebridge last vear. Morri- son states that while on his way to Copper Clif and Sudbury from Guelph, he played two games for Burk's Falls, having been on the team that beat Gravenhurst a few days previous to the Bracebridge match. The Toronto Telegram says: There is a" likelihood of some revelations in Ontario hockev cireles within the next week or two that will stir not a little | mud up. The negotiations entered &n to by some Ontario players with the Soo professionals has thrown a glare of light on 'the doings of several teams and their players, and the read- ing will not be pleasant for any con- cerned. The information will be hand- ed into the O.H.A,, and they may he depended upon to wield the axe with their usual vigor, and at least three clubs will suffer as a result--two for | paving players, and one in that it | will Jose a star of some magnitude whom they had secured for this seas- son. --------_-------- Nothing would be more suitable than a nice suit case for a gentleman and Abernethy's -have a big assort- ment at lowest prices. Mes. Murray, wife of Dr. W, ray, of Herkimer, N.Y., died on Sun- day, as the result of an accident while returning to her home at Herki- mer from the hospital at Utica. Mrs. McTavish, of Deseronto, is a sister, G. Mur- # Srvix grq, Satin young ladies with sl |GHOIGE UMBRELLAS Exclusive Designs, in Handles, SMITH BROS. _- 360 000 87. A RIDDLED WITH SHELL: EFFE CT OF THE BOMBARDMENT ON A PORT ARTHUR HOUSE. K&R KK KRARK Ka&n KR BOG 222 TLLRLLTTLL TLR LLL LDR * The H. D. Bibby Co. TT Se Headquarters for TOURIST OVERCOATS--This season's favorite coats. WENTWORTH'S SUITS --Suits as swell, smart aod tony as it is possible to make. BOYS' OVERCUATS AND REEFERS. \ BOYS' SUITS. NEW CAPS, NEW HATS, NEW GLOVES, NEW MITTS, NEW SHIRTS, NEW COLLARS ARRIVED TO-DAY An elegant range of FANCY SWEATERS for Men and Boys. OUR NEW YORK NECKWEAR AND SCARFS in all the newest shapes are simply handsome: : NEW UNDERWEAR AND SUSPENDERS. CARDIGAN COATS AND FANCY VESTS. : | : : : : : : : : | : ji J GARMAN GOATS MD TANGY VENI, { THE H. D. BIBBY. CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. The Skating Rink win be Open on Saturday You Will Want a Pair of HOCKEY BOOTS. Men's Boys'. ; Mule al Hide Invictus, 3. gg, EP $250. Best Hockey Boot Made in Canada. We have others at following prices 1 Men's Box Call Hockey Boot, 82 Boys' and $2.50, wii and Box Cali Hockey Boot, 81.75 : oys' Oil Gram H f Men's. ON Grass Hockiy Boots $1.50. and S136. © om Hockey Bout, 81.38 SKATES PUT ON FREE OF CRARGE. St ke \¢ THE SAWYER. SHOE STORE ¢ To Visit England In July. To welll ndy 3 London, Dee. 7.--The Canadian Press | oa ta. Lon ssociation understands that the ar- | important ith insluded with the n "A pick sallor is a . helpless 'man. I we found that Peruna will do mote to restore one than other medi- cine I"know, and I have carried a couple of bottles on many seasons. Seven years eured me of bronchial troub weeks and gave me such ne nerve force that I certainly telling you of it. "Give me my compass a and I'will steer clear of wr kinds and land in port saf with. yessel and men." --C Carter, 123 10th Avenue, Florids. Capt. B. A. Watson, M.E., street, Ottawa, Ont., writes: "Peruna has my heartie ment, If there is any plac are helpless when {ll it is stégmer, at sea, miles awa) assistance. Sometimes two my med would be sick at on periously cripple the force, have learned of the value of taking a few doses they recu quickly, We use it for heart, nerve: Hasdand--Is ] Doc¢tor--Yes; there is th remedy, Zutoo Tablets. Mog discaeding the drug cures a It is the orly cafe remedy I Husband--Is it used for 2 headaches? Doctor--Yes, many wome it to stop wonthly pains; ot up colds. De asband~T Lia at be | remedy my neig 's wi praises so highly. I'll buy sc Daetor--You can get _ : dealers or by mail postpa Robinson & (g., Coaticook, | A Househo Dye Maypole Soap (in © perfect home dye that st {he same time. Cleanly pare. Brilliant, fast colors, ENNIS & § 34. and 36 New St. 38 Broad St. waukes Chamber of required on stock 10 shares and upwards. Vv. J. McKenna, Kingston Office -- Clare a Clarence Str Better Tha ERS] BRA ath Minge Met. Pork not an. ofits holder {The hall holds 1,600 wite full at any time,