ee CS AA ZIER IN POLICE COURT. [few weeks in Montreal, has returned, PROIESTING FEVER. ece-- "Miss Rovtaracn, Kingston, is visiting : JR boc . } ii 3 x Mrs. William loch, Gananoque. > ; gL " " i rE y E a Villiffied by Chairman of Police J. 8 \ dor Icelander Horribly Mangled -- $5000 Susranee. ; THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. Ca thee, And mai Rr. Senn te to heat i - ; 3 The yur clothes the etsy BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTIONS. Makes Startling Charges of + W.. Richardson and L.-J, ss Wheels Of a Car, In The Yards | ¢ Having Supported The Man | 8 wo ot on a moose hunting trip bac At Winnipeg. : - J koa | : of Quebec. Wh % dor 1 . Mie " 5 Por Som oe Time. Guards Burns, Aiken and Tobin, of jag inn hg 12.--The conserva: ve it a trial. be x 3 F NE catrenl; Dec. 12. --During the pro- the penitentiary, are quite seriously | tives have filed protests against the cause of complain. [EE 7 gress of the: judicial investigation, | ill; suffering {rots severe colds. | liberal Juttdoées of the commons | : this morning, before Judge Tache- Miss Susie Hunter, Napanee, is in} for. Wi nab. .n- sensation 'was created' by |e General Hospital having under the evidence of Madame Brazier, ono |EORC an operation for spinal trouble. { It is understood that the liberals will oi the wouien who has been concerned | = 9: T. Sutherland is in the city. To-| protest all Manitoba conservative with the charges against {he police, | Morrow he will leave with his family - | «gif ON] == | OTESTS RIFT ; B 7] Movements of The People--What | sy BB 7200) ina 7 1 ) |CAUSED BY MADAME BRA- a Are Bg ed ot. «| ANITOBA POLITICIANS GET Christmas Slippers it won't be 0 our fault. = open, but the cellar was not enter ve police believe that both rob oh were perpetrated by the same To Assassinaté The Chief Of Po- | Person. and hope to secure the guilty seats. y in connection with their relations to for Washington, where 'they will spend Johannas = Haldorsen, an Jcélander, . in Last week, Aldermen St. Denis, | Capt. Symons, recently at the Royal} the C.P.R. yards yesterday, in a hor: chairman of. the pole committee, | Military College, has been uppointed| vible manner, and under circumstances stated that & woman of that kind | adjutant ats V'Seliool of Military | which indicate suicide, A brakesman. i engaged To-day Madame Brazier had her in- AJ, Mann, superintendent | fied to see Haldorsen rush right under mings, when she somewhat dramatical- of the the' Montreal division of the Seran- | one of the cars. The wheels passed ly told the judge that St. Denis was |ton Correspondence School, is spend: i i a man who had been supported by |in a few days in the city. the body. No reason can be assigned her for some time, was fed from her Rev. John, Pickup. is on the ocean | hy Haldorsen's friends for the men's of him the choir of Queen Street Meth- Our store is literally ali with WALKED ON HIS HEAD. odist church sang, as the offertory DARING BURGLARIES, . . - py ee 7, pastor of the Articles, suitable for Christ held. Wetrcme Zion. Congrasusiona) Chueh City. ry img to by Ti den | been, offered. thewemination for dual | (01 SL ALL etme. | wil not offer you at money-saving prices. You will > hours of seven and midnight. T. UnlinedKid Gloves: and Mitts. Handkerchiefs, fancy and plain, from sensation. A young, slenderly built Cintra) Ward. "He will conside the Carnovsky's store at the corner of surprised at the styles and novelties 2%. to $1 each. Cushion Tops. Pin Cushions. Stamped Goods, such as fellow was noticed to take off his hat, > Eo 3 : Aiwrst place visited by th k 1 Dressed and Undressed Dolls. Linen 50c. Tea Lovers, Napkins, Doy ics, and widen ply Se stand on his head in thy Torta, Ore Epin) Sunday in the onl, i sited by while 'the family full size Covers, with hemstitch nd drawn work, at prices so low will} mic of the street, not using his 2 FUREEy Th RO hurch, 1 i th rie Yo White Bear Coats, Cops od Tams for 5 little folk. Wool | hands to balance him. Having poised | S0™ Johnston street. 1¢ iy eighteen | M*'° at church, aml got away with ve : s 3 ' " + found in the till The thieves gained t ation, at began to hop on his head, to the in At one time he was a compositor on A . a tors tus . tense astonishment of the rapidly the Whig. admission to the store by breaking in played he would have been voted 1a | With Capacity Of 500,000 Bushels The next place visited was the groe- Kid, Alligator and Marble Calf Slippers--Nt ) i i ery store kept by R. Edwards at the! wadman. A policeman soon appeared Of Grain At about twelve o'clock a man named reverse his position, for, although no | Courtright, Ont Dec. 12.~The Can- | . 4 law existed forbidding this' method of | adian is Wacondah' and. Arabian | Horace Staley, Who lve, oR, LRrinctns profusion. . i $4 wh progress through the streets, it was | have arrived with the first cargo of a street, bet jo tie store, h card a Saleulated Jot interts re with traffic. 1,000 barrel flour shipment, and the J. I EE hyd Msi hin oe Hore. Sli r aut a d The gentleman reversed, and told | H. Plummer is expected, shortly, with o 8 Je B Elegance. Canadian Coal oil . the #Schutzmann" that his name was | thé remainder: The flour will bo ship: ly frightened the thieves away before tippers 0 @ y n 3 Winter, Garden Variely theatre to ay. This is taken to indicate that fred street door of the store was bat Je @, mo. American Headlight oil <4. 1c. per gallon. walk on his head, and that | several-| Pere Marquette. Br succending in. diz] 1: broken dnd 'had evidently: heen Slippers or Co rh. He: sh csi unlight ......... 4.0000. vee IGG, per gallon, ance a genuine one, thinking rathor | the lakes to the voad. Courtright is | quantity of groceries was missed by S 8 gc, per g that he was assisted by somo wire i the cto, ol ourtiight. is 1. J the proprietor this morning, but the If everybody in this vicinity don't get a pair ¢ thovetore, determined tg walle frond the grain before long. . The cellar window was also brol corns Ol Le aen Ande! 0 a part of the city. his plan had not the guardian of 'the law Inte rvencd. He was invited to parties. Tikarated. the officer in charge warn- | Snecial to the Whig. : HER DEBTS AND ASSETS. ing him not to repeat his singular ex- St. Petersburg, Dec. 12.--An at . houses of ill-fame. the winter, twenty-five years old, was mangled in could not be, believed under outh. Engineer at Shatham. in switching cars, was horri- over him, almost completely severing table, and drank wine with her guests. ---- bownd and in remembrance | apparently rash action. V up, the intercession mr sie ; Pretty, Useful and sible | curious Sight Which Berliners Be- | h: sen. Were Committed 'In Upper Part of | the rush. There's nothing if in men's, ye 0) "| ? mas Gifts :-- Berlin, Dec. 12.--Crowds of people Ottawa. a for Kingstonian hay Two = daring burglaries were pepe; misses' CHRISTMAS SLI PERS' that our the city, Sunday night, between the Swell Ties, Stocks, Collars and Cufis for women and men. Lined and} Linden intersect were treated to a dermanic seat of the Glebe section of . - g o y a o i Viet treet, th Brush and Comb, and Laundry Bag Holders. Slipper Soles. Rag Dolls, | look round in all directions, end then Herbert W, Croak, piano tuner, of | SYIRCeSS aud bie oie 4 Nay a : Be 1. re in cash, which thes Tams and Toqueg for boys and girls, and hundreds of articles too numerous in this position for a few moments he | Years since be was in Kingston lpst. about five dollars in cash, which they "\/ gathering crowd. Th conte hl Ea, i ko od wnt Smet yin fod Patent, Leather, Beaded, Pliny. <4 ping, and but for the extraordinary WILL HAVE ELEVATOR. Jue seen st er on] y ie » ya \ v muscular force and training he dis my wadman_ A policeman son append 1 a corner of Alfred and Princess sweet! Operas, Everettes and Fur Trimmed: Juliets ine i wa wenn wr JAC. OF gallon. Baptist, that he was engaged at th: {ped over - the Pere. Marquette rails they had finished their work. The Al people refused to believe his perform. | verting some of the great traffic of pushed in by main force. A small ; 4 Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the world. mechanism on the stage. Baptist. | ith a capacity of 500,000 bushels of was) drawer had not been broken hy 1 . . Delivered to any Winter. Garden--on his head, of ATTEMPT MADE pecia TICES or z= i course--and would have carried - out Gurney's Celebrated Souvenir Ranges come to tho police station, but was Her, . o periment. tempt to assassinate Col. Kisoja: The Woman Has Very Few Visi. Prof. Hoffa, well-known physivian kowski, chief of police of Odessa, was . S. J. HORSEY. 189 Princess Street. has examined Baptist, He reports wade to-day. The chief was walking ble: Assets. that the man has ghnorurally develop. | through Probreschien' street when he | Cleveland, 0., Dec, 12. Mrs. Cassie ed iatiscles in his shoulders und neck, | Was struck a heavy blow on the back L. Chadwick, whose financial opera -------- - -- ER ---- -- » 2 BBS . | ' and that. this enables. him to endure. | of: the head with an irowknobbed | tions are the sensation of the day, the enormous strain. stick. He was taken to a hospital, {owes $1,190,000. Her vixible assets are and is now there in a dangerous con- 81,800. One creditor will get that. He QUEEN'S HOCKEY TEAMS. dition. 'His assailants escaped. is Iri Reynolds. A forgery indictment | A & against the woman is improbable. nf : " 3 ! 1 Had Good Practice--The Al Basketball At Y.M.C.A. It is not believed by any o the ul i ¥ onable Overcoats The finest assortment of Ganong's Fancy bod ¥ awicet o Alina | ad of the Quoch's inter-year | attorneys in the case that the Car. vy ke matches was played Saturday after negie sceurities will be of any account Queen's hockey teams had another |, jy the gymnasium of the city | whatever. It is the opinion of some tain. Westminat Boxes of G. BR. CHOCOLATES. Nothing Fo a » minster . ey good practice at noon to-day, seveéral | y 3A. hetwor ibe so dof the leadi ttorneys that a charge pe e ster finer in the city. new players being out. Mile, Rich. | X0taC (V0 und resulted in a victors. |of BE ie Sade vu heat WORTH REMEMBERING--The buying ardson and Eric Sutherland, did not , centre; Ramsay, Kidd, Williams, Macdonnell, Bruce | oven th : ' " he oof gt 8 save . etc > wen than the scomg-indioates, and |for one person to write the name « 1 ] . " Sutherland, Sargent, Bennett, Carson, |}. '07 heen able to;shoot more ac | another, but that the offense lies in] YOU the expense of an extra pair this. winter, A A J. REES, Princess St |i mn . ' 8 on od the. tino nowly ested of of the scoring for Jha Siar, with % " i To Al who has worn them will tell you that. i in a Son and the other newly-clec of 1 Sully close second, The game was Aske 'o Testify. 2 nbined ln our new Went- ficers were installed in office, A com- | hot ead abounded in 4 y 4 I B BY for the students' use, and the com- "06--Sully, MeF ayden, forwards; Mr" Cafuegie. : We believe purchasers of Sept. wheat below 80¢c. will show tem mittee were instructed to report in| RD. Smith So far bail has not been secured for " ; . Chadwick from ok v Ju er mantle Ee a Ed Aiken | the release of Mrs ' C oO S oe re. at present prices. We puy w eat in lots of 1 M busi. and wpwards k potliumen'. ut 2 1 ary wo 2 Sands, Swhth, Jorwdrds; Aiken, prison nor has Mrs. Chadwick given erm Vi. J > 8 ys py King, Burns, defence. o « on thes cent margins fer Sept er 5 for July. was appointed to make arrangements. Referee, J) w notice of any inte ntion to waive ex ; ge senate have The city teams are practising hard : ad MADE TRY A PAIR Rat granted the students, permission 10 | for the opening game in January, An Outside Opinion. their candidate for the legislature, A Detroit, Mich., Dec. 12.--~The Cana-|3. p The and, But - : p f the strong men al ILE Hioe New Suet Se ou b 271 ' i ed Bd Bread Yoho pects id Areva a The classes at the university will | dian Pacific railway has filed a libel Mr. Pense is one. o ON : ; i itd : large majority is assured Friday next, but it is expected that i . id turn by a g i want to be real happy and com- o Avoid ) s t against the schooner William N. t " Xt you ant a be Foal 2 ANY apa « om BIRD BREAD an ores many students will leave before that | Rounds, of $1,000, claiming the vessel Kingston never had a better represen el ork ; diferent story | the attempt to negotiate such a signa --anyone AL the Alma Mater. Sogety meeting |r Pore den atid wast] sure Tor & specie value, wwe: | will wear just twice as long as most rubbers i i hard body N York, Ik "The subpoena . oe = mittee was appointed to consider the checking and holding. The line up calling . rode ala to testify We Are Sole Agents. S advisability of building a 'gymnasium . : 2 peints profit before the option expires. With existing vsnditions cash January. It was decided to hold a defence. . Oak Hall, Kingston. ¥ . Warren; umpire, Hl. t this city to go to Cleve . 3 - The final years in arts, nedicine and | Dunlop; scorer, A. Rintoul; timer, J. amination in y uw SON IS: NOW ON | McMillan & Maguire, S-E- Cor. King & Yonge Sts. Ri C00 tnt Sr un A Home" on |S. Lomo A Dearing. A CHRI TMAS SUGGEST PETERBORO--131-126 Honter St. aT Exchange Cham bers. r KR The college senate : i use Grant Hall for the occasion, and Brockville Recorder : : KEY BOOTS ! {| Ta the commitice expect to make the "05 Action. Entered. Kingston liberals have nominated # of any grocer or drugyist. If dealer has Boys ! it our store and purchase a Boise 15 2nd wl Free tin in 1 Ib. Cortam tative than Mr. Pense and the city ' ) for 06 by a score of eightetn to connection with these notes. They de th t R bbe r Overshoe will in all. . % ractice. Among the players were a. The play evel . . > ff a u Tr Ol oba | finish of these coats are Come and have your pick, Walch, Hang I ere three. The play, "however, was more | clare that it ix not an act of forgery pr st ft fe ifi money can buy. on Saturday night, President-elect might be did most 1ture Jor a specie was as follows : in the Chadwick case has been served wheat is not likely to fall belew 90c. during 1904, and Sept. is cheap January 13th. 1. ZACKS | 25¢ BIRD TONIC FR EE]: "At Home" otic long 10 be remember. | Special to. the Whi. their present member, E. J. B. Pens, i dey his sudewss to uy and cash of stamp for plets. waned, close for the Christmas vacation on | jn the United States district court the back of Premier Rows and his re. KEY Boot A L RE ari (Seed pts. the prada BeBe sod everywhere. Ex | time. The science dinner will be hele : did this much damage to its car ferry os Wel ok the in ed tro bles tree for reply stamp. (AGdeems exacty | on Wednesday night, and the medical | om the collision on the Detroit river does well to keep him in the job. co AM BIRD SEED, * St, Loses, 0st. | on, Thursd ight, and it i= not ex- , or T 3 ku TT ay night, a on December 1st. Thé libelant also Hibernate Elect Officers. Se------------------------------] penta] that classes will be largely at petitions for the sale of the Rounds' tended in these faculties on those | pendent elite. Division No. 1. of the Ancient Or Gk, / or a Ne days. wtf dercof ibecsiniy" met esterday al i . 4 Cheick : ae 5 My spare time in The engineering sociely concursus " 1". : : tgrnoon anc Quote officers' for ey you want a go ristmas dinner il is decessal 0 ha OUR Sul IS larze of small quantities anywhere in | iy): 0p oii " rntence East Lynn";- Moving Fictures. Kiva Geir V'The dist is as follows: | Cook Stove, If your old stove is not doing the cooking as you would Tike the United States at the rate of $5 | will meet tonight, to pass sentence Harry . Lindley: and: his bi A g $ : . o 8 nent > 4d \ For men and boys, are the biggest and for every three hours. Send postal | on several cases of more or less im-| ' hele) bis big stock | president, James Lackie; vice presi | it, why not exchange for a "HAPPY THOUGHT "which is always popu best bargains in town from $4, to £11 card, Ford Publishing o., Indian | portance company will present "Bast Lynne," jont, F. Grimshaw; treasurer, 1. | lar with the ladies who know how to appreciate a Perfect Slove. : ; . . L ), . apolis, U.S.A. Dept at the Grand Opera How Thurs: i ' lows; physi made Box Qal and Biggest bargains and better quality a ¢ } ' i wn urs-| Dennis; secretary, P. Lawley; phys ® of Box Ir Oil Graal. than you can get elsewhere. \ ¢ . 3 day "next. Between the acts there will | ciun, Dr. Hanleb; sentinel, GG. Cooper; B XX DO 1T NOW X Boys, $2, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25 ae FORCED TO SHUT DOWN. DEFENCE OF THE EMPIRE. | be the latest illustentod songs, and | committee, T. Barton, J. Gray, P. J. : ON FREE. 3 ------ Sheppard's moving picture show, pro- ¢ J. Driscoll. High Freight Rates Prevent Com. | Emphasized Necessity of Closer hes hi the great tain folie Rnd Howland, Brisco} . . SHOE STORE "¢ JOHN H. MILLS sik on bagi oA ! THE LEADING AUCTIONEER. Heavy in weight, unexcelled in quality with prices to suit your poc ket, book 3 . WANTED. from $4.50 to $9.50 SPARE TIME, IF YOU HAVE ANY "ial petition, Imperial Unity. all the latest moving fietures. iid Marine Intelligence. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and Tl Brock st. Peterboro, Ont, Dee. 12.--The big London, Dec. 12--Replying to ---------------------------- ¢ | : : y 3 an It was the Canadian stemnir Fair: ; mills of the ; Awecican Sores al com influcgtial deputation headed by Sir Will Have Long Rest. mount, and not the Westmount, which pany; employing 500 hands inthe | Sir Michael - Hicks-Beach, -who repre ft will 'be a stranded at the Dyke on Friday manufacture of Quaker Oats, are idle, | sented the necessity for the co- operat- - wi by several motte Dufur ke night. We Guarantees Their Purity I'he reason is that the recent ad ing of all parts of the empire in the y Telephone company, w - vance in Cundilian freight 'rates pre- | maintenance of the navy. Premier Bal- | {ree last ----p ny » ho idl fom. a 18¢c. Finest Rolls or Prints, 18c. vents them from laying their products | four gave the heartiest approval of is : ' again. 'The bhroakin Prints or rolls, extra choice butter, down at the scabourd on the same | the objects of the deputation and em- g! e breaking of a small. bone Crawl ol ' THERE JAY POWDERS basis ho i } 3 Th in the ankle and the injure to his hip | 18¢. Crawford. asis as when manufactured at their | phasized the responsibility of the col- | iy requir a long time to heal. mills in the United States. The com- | onics to aid the motherland in carry "1 z 3 hon F. L. Van Atter, a farm hand, be: = : * pany's products are largely exported |i t na « ties the eo . if t / e Peo foreign countries and Ireight rates Jog ou the common duties of the em Pleased With Him. tween an, lty-Sve Jota J une, 2 Lon on e are a material consideration in con Th 'remi dwelt th -. | Special to the Whig, Was. a #8 Sl ] 3 chia nection with the cost of delivery od iy Sik ys the a Ottawa, Dee. 12. Hon. R. W. Scott, kit cong gue: on Nenel] dts 97 i and Porter competition. The shutting down of | ed colonial conference in the formula- who represented the premier at the ntertown, . N. and wax ¥ the big mills and elevator is seri- Vii . th swearing in. of Earl Grey, returned frostbitten before he recovered oomsei- A ous setback to the town a the ton of emai the Ro. home at noon. He is greatly Jive. ous, Som y They are made fie m the large wimber of hands employ d. " of the empire drawing more closely to- with the new governor, whom he des Crockery, silverware, rocking chairs gether, yin cribes bs u map of fine:common sense | antl tables. given in exchange for our eS "vy \ material grown, and while saying : « I odridy. rash ¢ me. We give a discomt of iF. « Toronto's Favorite Hotel" | "The unhappy change which has oc. [and manly bedridg Ya cu eshte. 8 cost more to be produced, the curred "in the distribution of arma he yous. as they, pass but add 10 | ments throughout the world shows A Veteran Commoner Dead. Mullin'y 4, vorner Jobmston and Division ¥ to you is nothing extra, Vhy n x 3 popu arity - ied Such 8 hotel, Ino wign of being less menacing to the | Sfecial to the Whig Lily white potatoes. Crawford's. i g have! the best 2. a etieotated mal earning. [safety of the British empire in the | London, lee. LLolbehes Uapring f Woodmen'of the World assisted by o 8 - Every room contains hot snd cold future. The tendencies are calling for | ton, the oldest member of the House | jotectives, hunted up Henry | Lennox. ha : ter watchfulness and, I am afraid | of Commons. is dead. He represented x pa carefully. ' "ny or ut! watet, steam heating and long dis- must add, fur greater efforts than | the Lower Hamlets, in the conserva Cleburne, Texas, supposed have tance telephone, Rates are from $2.50 ee y $ 5 been drowned, and whose M ss on iy » enst tive interests, for nearly twenty ¥ be most Tie . BUT THERE IS per dav and up, and with bath from bas ever been the ease in the east. . 3 wnty Years. He wos bors in ISI the Woodmen for life insurance. ONLY ONE 83 np. 190 rooms with baths was hor : of Lily white potatoes Crawford's Potatoes. Crawford. . "No Christmas ch ping het' iy ¥ 3 wei GIS Brie v0 ¢ arc headguertcr: for cutlery Itc eaty' to send Huvlers' cam | 18¢ cle ae 3 complete without Hav candi J or kk 2 knives, plated ¢ des by capres:. We will pack them for Prints or rolls, ektrs choice bulter, Bold only at Gibeon's Bed Clos Drug, 3 '. , knives, hoapest ani] you sat. Gibson's. Red Cross: Drug l8c. Crawiord. , 6 - > Sin } 11 n save. oad wl wgwns weg evlqoy | -------- More: Tae do stIppeto sunt ied A : ow RE SOMpany beet at Sime one Bios T on hard Jaane; stiigire Ahenicare wth amd | French, English and American per-| Abernothy's for the Christmas {rade THE CANADA METAL con ¥s TORONTO.ONT. E The best overshoes for ledies end J toilet sets. Taylor Drug Co. fumes for Christmas. Taylor Drug Co. Taylor's | for' Christpas gifts, Toronto - - ! ; gente at Abernethy 's © L Roll butter, 15¢ Crawiord.s. Roll butter, I3c. Qeawlond's. Potatoes. Crawiord, : A