§ §: i ie 1 Fr g the pita ond tench The i and Avcul EF AI 85 SR h Sea' Commission. tingui between the dead and wound. "Scarcely an officer ticipa ing in tn i lh J t i VO of ficers killed . fropottis of 3 we There is no news from Port Arthur | to-day. Trench Proved Death-Trap. London, Dec. 20.--A épecial despatch io arte that a ra; nav. on Al hank a Russian torpiéilo hv Port ow c According to He Daily Telograph's ! : ron' 'the Japancse if lines nt are fhe Hussigae had prepared Aro ort at Panlu a moat 600 yards long and thirty feet wide, which they filled' with petroleum to a depth of several feet, { cover: ing it with wood and straw. In the course of an attack upon the fort early in December the Japanese storm ich | party sank into this "morass: which Je Russians fired an electric use. y The fierce 'conflagration lasted all night and day and hundreds of Japan- #se were birned to death, but the se- pond night the trench having dried up, the Japanese advanced in small detachments protected by large wood- en shields and o in a savage bayonet fight. The Japanese, the re- port contintiés, captured 'the position and made prisoners of 152 Russians, rrp TO MEET THURSDAY. -- The Commission Is No In y Faris, : 1: to Lhe Whig. Sioa Dec, 20. President Loubet, this morning, received, at the Elysee Palace, the members of the interna- tional commission which is to_inquire into the North Ses incident, hut the non-arrival of Admival Davis fre vented American ' participation, The Foreign office, later in the Jay, un- mounced that the formal opening of the session of the commission had been postponed until Thursday. 3 So ---- Criminal 'For Ninety Long Years. Washinbton, Dec, 90.--A most re markable criminal is in the jail of the for} District of Columbia awaiting trial for This man, who gives his name as Walker, claims to be the brother of Dr. Mary, made notori cades." | Walker i horn in the 8 104 vearsold. He prac t admits that he has been a crim- inal more than ninety years and seems to nd the prospects of a few months inside prison walls. 2 SE ApsiLUL 1 (OL {99 weselE of f J fits in; Frere miss, who weighs one hun- dred pounds, is a seventy-five per cent. sweet thing. The death occurred in St. Louis, Mo., of Brother Arnold, aged seventy- two, founder of the De La Salle In- stitute. He was bor in Tipperary, and for four years was superior in this in Montreal and: oronto. A New York man tried to use a i it away from him and t him severe- ly. This incident, Bowever, is not in i an ment inst marriage; imply oahes a out some Ww is not an athlete, ------ Opposition Humiliated. Alderman. Meek took the breath away from Alderman King in the city council 'meeting last night, when showed that the present permanent auditor by-law was simply the con- tinuation of the one that the conser- vative side in last year's council in. troduced, but did not. complete. read his whole correspondence the city solicitor, showing that latter and the chibf civic Officials i v one permapent auditor, also that Mr. Gordon could not possibly act. Alderman Meck's address made the opposition 'feel very humiliated. The conservative owition to the bydaw was nothing less than an ob- struction of something that would benefit the city. Some of the opposi- tion who have gemerally received cer- tain su, t at elections will be re mem at the polls as obstrie- tionists and not entitled to the sup- poxt of the people. Seize The Babies. When Alderman Bassam asked ¢ity council last night to refund improvement walk rate charged to: the Infants' Home, he stated that. 8 notice to restrain had been served. "Now what could they seize in that }' charitable institution 7" askéd the Victoria ward man, as he nobly cham pioned the institution of his ward. "Seize some of the babies I" was the answer of Alderman Mowat, and even the glum alderman was foreed to do the ba'! ha! act. -------- - The 'Dates Fixed. The dates of the winter and spring assizes have been fixed: Kingston, jury, Judge Teetzel, April 17th; non- py. Judge Britton, June 19th; ville, non-juty, Chief Justice ith, May 1st; jury, Judge Magee, 7th; Picton, jury and non-jury, "McMahon, April 12th; Napanee, jury, Judge McMahon, April 17th; non-jury, Judge Teetzel, June 12th; Perth, jury and non-jury, Judge Idington, 1st. The Walkem Ballot Box. J. B. Walkem has had a sample made of his ideal ballot box, and will submit it to the Ontario government. The box is yuite simple, and renders secretion' of ballots within it impos: sible. The top is im one piece and when raised permits of the whole in- terior being viewed, whereas in. the present box (a conservative inven- tion) only half of the top opens. Mr. Walkem thinks that his box will oxen: tually be. accopted. i p-- Passed Medical Council, These Queen's medical graduates have passed the recent examibation of the Ontario Medical Council, held in Toronto : J. F. Goodchild, primary | intermediate and final; G. H. Bleech- | er, intermediate and final; H. Tandy, | intermediate and final; J, B, Larocque, intermediate. To Have A Rally, The executive of the Methodist Suu- day School Union met yesterday and decided to hold a monster athering of the Methodist Sunday A duit ig on January 1st, in Rydenham street church. Rev. F. Crummy and Rev, B. Tucker will be the speakers. ------------ We Strive To Please You. And can do ev if we get your Christ: Wis order early in the weak for your ly of fancy fruite, carly vegeta-| , oysters, elec. for delivery on ° ai y, Uarnovsky, "om the cor-! = iv given that the ahove SEE Delay only means letting the choicest things go to others more prompt. It means crowding everything into the hurried days when everybody is flurried and nervous, when you must buy in a rush and we must serve you too hastily for our liking or yours. We'll both be the better for beforeliand buying. 2 Special Bargains 2 TO-MORROW MORNING At 9 o'clock. 150 Tapestry Cushion Covers In Green Shades, Reds, Browns and Navy Shades, very effective designs, size' 21 inches square. Regular values have been 4oc. to 50¢. each, YOURS TO-MORROW . 15¢. Each. 500 Ladies' Purses The balance of a manufacturers' stock. The values range from 25¢ and 35c, YOURS TO-MORROW MORNING 15c. Each. Useful Articles for Gifts Warm Underwear for men, women and children. Kauitted Gloves for girls, children, men and women Warm Mitts in kid, mocha or knitted; (ngs. Best makes of Fingering Yarn _ Overstockings for women and children. Special make with or without heels. Children's Knitted Toques. Children's Red Overstockings and Mitts. New York Novelties In Ladies' Fancy Stocks and Collars. ~~ See sim: ples in our show windows. Many novelties shown. Where we haye only one or two of a kind these you will find in show cases inside. These we cannot display in window, * Without us telling you again, that if you: want any kind of + Shoes, Moccasins, vad Sn Trunks or Travell ing Bags THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE has the. most attractive display in the city, and the prices are always right Try . JENKI ~ Hous and | Spread the admiratior ~The most comfortah) present _purchaseable, House Coats, $3.50, $4 Gowns, $4 90, $6.50 We purchase these in land, and in New York mamifacturers, and § which makes our pric cent. lower than usual. The House For Value May We Suggest a Shopping Bag in Seal, a First Quelity Umb Signet Ring, or a Engraved Gold Lc Sleeve Links, ror Stick Pin, or a Suitable Ebony P Bracelet, or Gun Metal Novelti Pearl Brooch or R Ladies' €hatelai Pen, or a Watch Fob, or a Seal, or a Wateh Chain, or e Silver Shaving St China Piece, or Cut Glass, or a Queens College 8 or many Sterling Requisite Match 'Box, a or 8 Manicure For That Christm SMITH | WANTE] A YOUNG GIRL, 1% housework Apply 1 PEOPLE WANTING from Kastern Canad ry the want Rdvt London Free Press. WHERE ANE y Warm roo Apply at 51 AL SERVA tes, the Ia two. Go at Mrs. 116 Gore Street ree etree POSITIONS ARE OPE in the Biageing 1 School for Nurses. apply to Miss M. ( Blessing Hospital, HAT SUIT OF YOU and clean; it can Brock street, mext t u NTS, TO SEL hGEN kitchen utensil ston and sur' ory clusive terr! es ed dodgers. street. ES AND YOUN a2 per 1,000 Sopy r CANVASS) LL "Send addr for particula & Bex 0a, Wor 4 INDEPEN "RE You boss 2 5 free. r and on Ont show you the Ww started thousands Jreedom. TE a etree NTS, PERMAN AGE} sell new map World Map on reve fi inches; two mi address, ete Whig-apd receive PAIR OF BLACK A Gauntlet Mitts, o turday morning, o clock. Reward this office. a LARGE WHI A Yine, marked, 8, from "207 Farl, Parl to Ba rie, Reward if freight office, fool You DY"S GOLD em December 15 saute by paying e proporty Call a 4 Jenkins The Thin is quite app mas time, for .the | along ' without our "just. the righ