Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1904, p. 3

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= id before it becomes {mposst ir {lie lauge are in danger. hieu's Syrup 'and Cod Liver Oil stands be- and awful possibilities. It all the wonderful restorative 5 of Cod Liver Of combined t effective remedies to act di. the throat, bronches and lungs. performed wonderful cures. . MATHIED 0, cold is feverish MATH- NERVINE POWDERS, n connection with Math« Syrup, « stops ihe fever Compound. Is the only Davari: Sssulator a Which womga Y"S OWN roughuess of the toflet sad arsery uae. oss £1 SOAP CO., Mfrs, MONTREAL NIGHT ! drown, and Blue Lustre s' Coats at cut prices. 1d look over our stock. of them bought this ade in latest style. want desirable presents gents, or children, this In & Shaw, a a ay wift's ranton vered to any r of the city. ilar in all qu- EN EIT TEIN Ih; ¥ UL Lee ET Ns 1904-1906 AFip tickets will be sold at si vio First Class Fare pecember 24th, 25th and '26th. id returning Jom destination on of before Dec. 1304, and on Dec. 8 Janiy. Sor pte 2nd alia returning from I ination on or before Jan'y. 8rd, 190 --ALSO AT-- First Class Fare and One-Third Dec. 28rd, 24th, bh, 25th, 26th, 30th, 31st, 2n Jah. 1st, and Valid returning on or before Jan. 4th, Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply to Jif P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. Just Fruit. Se po "medicine" in "Fruit. atives,"--no d ~~ no poisons " Fruit-a-tives" are the cumtive principles of fruit juices, compres- sed into tablets. Joie secret eked " Fruit. tives" so much Tuite or Fruft Liver Tablets cure Conti tian, Bilicusness, or. id Liver. ous Headaches, Loss bo A petite Indigestion, Bladder and Kid Kline Trout es, just as nature them to be cured--with 'KINGSTON& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Christmas ! Single Fare Good going Dec. 28th and 26th, re- turning until Dec. 27th, 1904. Good going Dec. 81st, 1904, and Jan 2nd, 1905; valid for jyeturn until Jan, 3rd; 1905. Fare and One-Third Going Dec. 23rd, 24th, 26th, 30th, and 81st. 1904. and Jan. 2nd, 1905; . return- tne until: Jan. 5th, 1905. Full particulars at XK. & P. and CP R. Ticket Office, Outario Street. F. CONWAY, ' F. A. FOLGER, JR; Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt BAY.OF QUATE ARILWAY ~~. New sho¥t line for Tweed, Napanee. Deseronto, and ail local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B. ¢ B. q.R Ry.. Kin Kingston. FOR TLE WIN, .. BERMUDA Peto - malaria impossible. From New 'York, 48 'hours by elegant new twin screw steamship. ® ' Bermudian,' Sailings every 10 days during January Every five days during February, March FOR RW te CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 80 day trip. About 20 days in tropics Special cruiges to Bermuda, Forte Rico; Windwatbd Islandg and Cuba, SS Pretoria, January 4th, February 9th, March 22nd, 1903. For further fartic lars apply to A, E. QUTERBRIDG) 3 a CO., Agents, for Quebec SS. Broadway, Now York : ART HU wn AHER Secretary, Quebe or J. PB NANLEY, and to J. P. G LOE R- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston ALLAN LINE. ER DONDE RY « Royal Mali Steamers. St. John; From Halifax. srafhic" Sat, Dee. 24, Mon. Dec." 26. Ionian, - Sat. Dec. 31, Mon. Jan, 2. Pretorian, Sat. Jan. 7; Mon. Jan. 9 Corinthian, Sat. Jan. 14, Mon. Jan. 16 RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin-- $50 and upward. Second cabin, Liv- erpool and ndondevry, $30, $32.50 and 95; London, $2.50 extra. Third class, $15 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glas- gOW, Londor. NEW YORE TO GLASGOW. Mongolian, Thursday Dec. 22, 11 am For_further pattictlars, apply to Js P. HANLEY, K. City Pp... CG R- BLK m--mey LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Company. Available assets. - $61,187,218. gg addition i which policy holders have for security. uplimited lity of & Strange, Agents MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OE small sums, at low rates ef Interest on city and farm property. Loans granted om city amo county deben- re. Apply to 8. L. McQ man ager of Frontenac Loan and Invest ment Society. Office opposite the Pest Office. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any oth or company effers. pe mine tham at (wins Insurance fam, Mark a= BUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POST Office, heated by Hot Water. Apply to Jobn A. Gardiner, Real Kstate and Insurance, 151 Wellington street MARGE STONE BUILDING, NO. 42 and 44 Princess strect, suitable for light manufacturing, farmers' hotel, etc. Apply to 249 Brock street. 4 FROM OCTOBER. FIRST, THAT TWO- stery brick house, No. @ Frontenac street, north. t lew. Apply on prem! STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ALSO dwellings, stores, offices, ete Mc- i bE Cann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock - ftreet. FIRST CLASS ROOMS, WITH BOARD Apply 160 King street, corner Union enmveniont to Medical College. ARCHITECTS. SSE WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice,'second floor ever Mahood's drug Princels and Bagot tramos on Bagot street 608. ARTHUR ARCBITECT, . OF fice site ew Drill Hall, near cor mer of Queen and Montreal Streets. POWER '& SON ARCHITECT, MER a etitanton 5: corner Brock 'Phone 213 HENRY P. SMITH, Sauare. Phone 348. FOR SALE. ARCHITECT ing, Market » Hot 1 rome. Lot 66 fest front ¥4 Test deep. Lots of room te build. Also good barn, sheds and Rowse. Abnly threwsh SJOR BUILIENG LOT. SOUTH SIDE fruit. Cure yourself with Nature's cure that never fails, At your druggist's. Soc. a box. FRUITATIVES, Limited, OTTAWA. when in power in the dominion 1 From out of the same gepersl election ope liberal and seven conservatives were repgrted for corrupt practices. That was a mal-odorous state from which to manufacture a cry of purity. Why, no doting old lady in the land would fumigate her house on that plan ! Detectives were put upon he Jer. most that: could be = 21 was that and Dot | phi) Lott had heard from Byron Lott that he buf ven bux in Vancrw of als, in 1902, save the mark, a ballot was found in danger. But process of preparing them, that dians ? No, they were toughs from (Continued # age 1.) were these detectives honest Cana- Bufialé, who when sought for by hb- enquiry. The Old, Old Story. Mr. Whitney delights to tell about seventeen irregular ballots' in North Waterloo, an enquiry was granted, with a tory cqumty attorney for pro- secutor, vet the returning officer was vindicated. Much stress was being laid upon the charge of one Pritchard, de- clared bv the judge to be "a self-con- victed liar." Wis tale of switching ballots was discredited by the evidence of the scrutineers of both parties. At £2 NETASHAN, § SOLID BRICK HOUSE Street, near Priacess 'WEAVER'S SYRUP It purifies the Blood and cures Boils, Humors; Salt Rheum Davis & Lawrence Co; Ltd; Montreal. examined and no fraud upon the elec tors disclosed. But then the ballots were burned ! Tt is the law for the ballots to be destroyed at the end of one year, and this was done as usual in 1899. Seventeen witnesses of good standing had declared that in' pure mistake the Elgin ballots of a bye- election two months before had gone with the general conflagration, that the new had not been separated from the old. None had so much reason to regret this as the liberals, since it gave conservatism a crv. But compare it for even one moment with the con- servative election frauds at Winnipeg, and even conservatism must blush. But why doesn't the government pro secute Pritchard ¥ With a warrant safe in the hands of a conservative lawyer nd second. warrant could be issued. Maypole 3 Dye eh ake of soap. Crean quick. a ry nt colors. Dial Su} shad y de You can't a the 's 1a tans anythh The largest sale in ey Afade in England -- s0ld everywhere. roc. for Colovs--1sc. for Black, COVERED RINK A season ticket will be the best Christmas present that you can gel for your boy or girl.* SEASON RATES Gueatlenien, single, Lindy, single, Children, wnder twelve years, Famiiy of two, | : Family of three, Family of four or five, a Family of, six or ten, wy 20 Bund Tuesday evenings. , H.W. RICHARDSON, Manager Sec.-Treas Dec. 6th. Kingston Fuel Hard Coal Grate end Egg for vour furnace. Stove, Chestnut end Pea for your loves Noft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lump for grales and engines. Smithing Slack. CAPILL1 FORMA Te and other tomse: ers. 951 Princess street. Kingstea. FIONN H. MILLS MAYORALTY, TO THE ELECTORS :-- for the mayoralty of 1905. /and influence. - Ww. G. CRAIG. MAYORALTY civic affairs. FRONTENAC WARD. p> iaresn Mota ib citizens and for economy HH my ser- | when they hegin to da their work, ving have bog alicia ct, of AG wb amild and natural ie the operation, | ok tne salve in 2 Staart's Dyspepsia Tablets. are fog -. faithful 5."CO | since bis affidavits were made in De- f troit, just as the affidavit makers in Nights of skatiog; Tuesday, Thursday | and Friday. 3 | Find avother Ottawa or Toronto pre- Fuel Also Cut & Uncut Wood | WHAT DO YOU CARE ? { P. WALSH, BARRACK 2 KING Great Natures do Not Desphir at meme ---------- Disappointment -- They Look rial Manufactured and seld by MME, "5 Ble Bl UKER, at the Canadian Gunagathom Par THE LEADING AUCTIONEER. ¢ | ta cascsacssacassaananl | for getting blue 1905. At the request of a large num- ber of citizens I have pleasure in announcing mysélf as a candidate I respectfully solicit your vote Your vote is respectfully asked for Ald. McFarlane, as mayor for 1905. Support asked from all | vou wonld eat into a electors who favor economy in Aldermanic Cendidale for Frontenac Ward. During the past year 1 have en- Ha sould not be followed for perjury Bufialo in the cases of the Soo. Min- | nie M. and North York were safe, be- | cause they made the oath in n foreipn { land. Theregwas a plan in this which {tells of premeditation and dread of { justice. Ross Alone Acts. It was also falsely declared that he had not prosecuted those guilty of corrupt practices. What was the fact ? Up to his coming to power 150 mien had been reported, but not one pro- secuted. Within eighteen wonths he had arraigned forty-seven liberals as well as conservatives. Since the bye- elections four liberals had been sum- { moned. In the Soo cases the conserva: tives, eager to forestall the govern- { ment to secure ev! idence for a purpose, made a private prosecution, and took the case out of the hands of the at tornev-general, and the county attor- ney for the Soo was publicly justified by the judge for not acting. The op- | of a small: charge of election powder. | mier who had prosecuted political of- { fenders ! to be indicted for guilt of all its acts, begin with his own organizer, Mr. offences and narrowly escaped disguali- fication. He is now the highminded or- ganizer to put down bribery and cor- ruption ! {| Ananias is easilv outstripped by the | manager of the Mail, but it was un- | dor his roof. in his own view, that the great legislative bribery scheme was hatched. | Messrs, Grabam (Montreal Star), | Blair and Russell, framed a plot to YOU'VE GOT YOUR HEALTH. For Something Else to do. A dean, healthy tenis, Drodwces w| The broad-gauged man of today mxuriaat growth of bair at any age, | does not get blue just because things aa DACRE. hair, i. lon. re dor | don't always come his way unless D BOZIMA axdallent for for | there is something the matter with | nature or some physical weakness, Dyspepsia: certainly puts the best of | men out of condition for work of any | kind. You cannot blame the dyspeptic The very nature of j bis disease is most depressing and | calculated to deprive him of ambition, | energy and hope. There is hope for i him, however, certain and sure. | Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are re- {eognized- throughout the length and, | breadth of the land as the one cure that's safe and sure, Their unbounded | popularity--resulting from the thous- | ands and 'thousands of cures they have effected, prove beyond the shadow «fa | doubt sir "Greatness as a cure. | Wherein lies their greatness? In the | very fact that they are nature's own { remedy. They do the exact work in exactly the same way that the diges elements and possess the samme proper- and permit it without let or hind same. with the 'as for -- for and wid. declined to effective than the fresh fruit. | | erals, fld back home fugitives from pot. Vase | in the witness hox, It was ty on basis of . viler to brand men with imaginary or conceived offences. | position had bungled the case for sake But if Ross. as head of a party, is then Whitney must answer in urn, and Miscampbell. He had committed three him. i he "falls down" on one propo- sition he immediately starts to look up another. He always looks forward and keeps hustling. A man with his of | health and faculties has plenty «f op- portunities and the man who gives up | or even fecls like it has either n sinall tive fluids of the stomach do because they are composed of exactly the same ties. They relieve the weak and worn | out stomach of its burden of digestion rance to rest and grow sound and well. The stomach will get well quick enough in its own natural way if it is let alone. That. is what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do. They not only let it alone themselves but make the food taken into the stomach do the You can satisfy vourself of the {ruth of this statement by putting the food jar with sufficient water and one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. The process of di- | gestion will be taken up and cartied | out just as the gastric juice and other { digestive fluids would do it. Their ac 70 THE ELECTORS --I ai again an | tion js natural and they cause no disturbance in the digestive organs. In denvored to stand for the rights of the fact you forget you have a stomach He (Mr. Ross) was now accused "of ballot box Lact. Toe y W ypocrisy ta gai hi An------ Conservative Oonierence. The rally: of conservatives was not one also -of * lijerals Lr preachers, though eagerly invited, it was clearly not, the place for them. But the = re- sults were not sigeally brilliant. The first plank, "We want Whitney in office," will pass a8 a matter -of] course. The second plank approved of his speoch but not of his record in Osgoode Hall, 117 witnesses bad been {jhe legislature. The third called for a mining office in each © mini dis trict, and the government al vy had several in operation. The fourth ank, public ownership, was stolen rom liberals. That for agricultural books in public schools was a year behind, as the government introduced them last ycar\and competitive prison labor was to be stopped, The pro pouncement on the liquor traffic was colorless. It meant so little that pris oners in Central prison or peniten tiary could pass it with a good grace, although drink was their weaknoss. The platform was worm-eaten ond valucless, and an untimely birth, No- thing was said about purity; it was not the place to talk with impressive force. The delegates had a con: science. Election day. January 25th, was the birthday of Robbie Burns, the democratic poet. He urged the people to sing "God Save the King." but not to forget the people. This motto the demperatic government of Outario would cherish, They spoke of him as the most abused man in On: tario. While he would like a few more houquete while be lived, he woulil be willing #¥en to Le inisrepre sented now if justified as he deserved by and bye, vp ------------------ Dinner For Mr. Parker. Special lo the Whig New York, --. '2. "Eminent mom bers of the betich and bar of New York city and state are to gather about the festal board at the Waldori-Astorie to-night to eat drink and extend good wishes to ex-Judge Alton B, Parker, given, It is intended as a sort of for return to the ranks of the legal pro: fession. That it will be without poli tical significance is evidenced hy the fact that the speakers are to includ: prominent men of both parties. Am Frank S. Black. Elihu Root and Wil liam B. Hornblower. de---------------- Enormous Loss. was three millions. Then came arm our, guns, repairs all. these months ammunition, projectiles, - troops, ete. "pace of kings." Hastings County Nominations. Nicholson, acclavration, Denyes, acclamation. Hanley, acclamation. ton, acclamation. No. 7 Division--R. and W, Weaver. Leeds County Nominations. repas Cole, Xitfiain Stafford. No. 3, Leede-1. Berney in Bowser, acclamation Pr pg Halladay, acclamation, County Councillors. In division No. ard Moore, resigned. = and Black, elected by acclamation. Near Seal Jackets. made from choice skins and. trim with fine Alaska sable at 850. turers of fine furs. To Pay Death Penalty. Special to' the Whig. rxecutiof Goode, & negro. Goode's bok at the time for the grurder of another tor in an cffurt to av cap lure. uilder, mas. 20 per cent. off at Chown's. J. Reid. Kinghton comed first. sale by all' druggists at 8. a box. IF NOT, WHY NOT ? EASY TO ORT IT! There Was Quite a Romance About Special to the Whig culminated in a wedding today, when in whose' howor the dinner is to be mal 'welcome to the judge upon hi: ong the nnmber will be ex-Governor It is fair to place the cost of those battleships in Port Arthur harbor at five 'millions cach. The initial cost cost of drills, etc. The investment "way easily five willion dollars - per ship as they lay in the harbor two weeks ago. Since thon the Japs have destroyed six of the doven great khips. That means thirty million dollars in property destroyed. Turn about and figure the cost to the Japs for the and one finds himself figuring at the No. 1 Division--#. M. Mallory, GC No. 2 Division--W. €, Farley, K. No. 3 Division--A. McFarlane, D No. 5 Division--A. Kirk, John New. Lancaster, J. Best, James Harryett, W, Fitzgerald No. 2. Leeds---M. J. Connolly, Cy Alghire, Thomas No. 4, Leeds--E. WN, Pradken. John No. 5, Leeds--William Innis, John No. Leeds--John MeCowmish, Phil. 1, Wolfe, Howe and Garden Islands, the pominecs are: Messrs, R. J. Spoor, Thomas Fawcett, Romane Mosier, Donald Grant, Rich- Division No. 5, Joshua Cox, A. W, Gray and D. W. Flack. Councillor Gray, resigned, leaving Messrs, Cox We particularly mention one line ey ee them at Campbell Pros, the manufac: ichmond, Va., Dec. 21-Arrange mente have been completed for the ore, to-morvaw, of James me was the killing last July of Police Inspec tor Shinburger. Goode. was wanied negro and he killed the pukics inspec LL -- For delicate women 'and children "The D & L" Emulslon fa especially suited. Tt ix sweet and palatable as cream, easily digested' und of the test value as a tonic ond tissue A late arrival. Fancy boxed per fumes, which wut go before Christ- You are missing it if you do not see our stock of Christmas furniture. R. Of alt Cheistons gies the nes® hook DUTCH DIPLOMAT WEDS. 1 JONKHEER R. SWINDEREN Washington, ne Dee. 2L<An in ternational romance, which began un- der the auspices of Mrs. Roosevelt, Migs Elizabeth Glover became the bride of Jonkeer R. de Macves Van W. Swin deren, the minister 'from the Nether lands. Miss Glover was presented to the diplomat for the first time at a tea given last spring at the White House, Today's wadding ceremony took place at noon in 'the Church of the Epiphany, which was thronged with a fashionable asscmblage that included members of the diplomatic corps and many persons prominent in official He in addition to the President and Mrs. Roosevelt. Bishop Satterlee of fiiated, The bride's only attendant was Mis bella Hagner, who is the social secretary of Mrs. Roosevelt. The Belgian minister, Baron Moncheur, was best man. The ushers were six in num ber, three being residents of Washing. ton and the remainder being friends of Minister Van Swinderen, who came from Europe éspecially to attend the ceremony. These gentlemen were Count Adam de Moltke de Huitfield, of Den- mark; Count Van Eimbarg Stirum, and Baron Van Trallvan Serovsker ken, both of Holland. Following the coremony at thé church there was a wedding breakfast and reception at the home of the bride's parents on K street, The gnests here were limited to the wembors of the diplomatic corpx and cloge personal friends of bride and bridegroom. New Bishop Of Cuba. Special to the Whig Atlanta, Ga., Dee. 21.--The conseera tion of Rev. Albion W. Knight, dean of St. Phillips' Episcopal eathedral in this city, as Bishop of Cuba, took place in the cathedral here to-day with imposing ecclesiastical ceremon- ial. The edifice was crowded to the doors. Bishop Tuttle, of Missouri, the presiding bishop of the church, acted as consecrator and was assisted by prominent members of the Episcopal clergy from various paris of the coun try. The services were marked by a solemn dignity 'that was very im- pressive. It included the examination of the candidate, the promise of con. formity to the church canons, the as sumption of the Episcopal vestments, the laying on of the conscerators' hands, and the final announcement of the completed consecration. An elabor ate musical service was a feature of the programuie. Bay Frozen Early. ter Christinas. Special delivery of Huyler's candics on Saturday night from Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The Christmas decorations in Dr. Chown's drug store have been groat- ly admired. did assortment men's overcoats, 81.25; base, Raglan overcoats, $3.75, John W. Ward the C.P.R. agent st Hargrave, Man,. was sent up for trial on a charge of burning his station ve: cently. least expensive and most store and B.A. hotel. "Something to burn" 25 Jap cigars for $1.50, Red Cross drug store. hulk at Chown's. eity, houkats and purses for child at: Nadmith's pluto Pring» at Rew, Holiday trade has Sans, he mon is, w buy. We can give you a timely : more appreciated by man or woman HANDSOME, COMFORTABLE § And we are headquarters for women, Hockey Boots and Jor Stigpts for boys girls, Overshoes, Rubber Boots and Rubbers SKATES PUT ON FREE. The: Sawyer Shoe DISRAEL! CEN: CENTENARY. The Anniversary aty of Great Man's the Wh 3 Special to the Whig Budd Alniversary of he a of Beajumin | Disrachi, earl ofBokeonsfiekd, the great author and stat w trday, in hondon and in RY chief iti , where largely journalists, litternteurs and lie men were held in commemoration of the event. Benjamin Disrac +h Ms born in Lon- carly articled to oy citor, but the He was office being turned to in 1827 he published his novel "Vivian Grav," which was succeeded at intervals by other works ' italy, Tur- | Rockport, Syria, he returned yung people , to find the country in | © : reform bill agitation. Mal orytown. on contests a seat Mills on JH wax not until 1549 began to attract notice, and not og afterward he linally succeeded liberals remained in power, chance! vears later he 3 ly 100 --_ gon Hg wed Derby as premier, but Store. a hostile majority he In 1878 | going to Gibson's the iy ry Mr. Gladstone rapid- f store for Christmas rian » ly subsided and Disraeli returned to In 1877 he and servicoable and. we have Je v took his seat in the Upper House as | best Chon in town, - Earl Besconsiiehl, : ernment wi defeated in the goneral } corsets, over £ifty kinds to hose . Gladstone again re Virom. New York Dress Reform. his gov- | La Stella, Dee, 19.<~The steamer Aletha made her last trip on Saturday. 10th, and on the following Friday the mail crossed by jee. It is a immber of vears vince the bay froze vo carly in December. Mise Stevenson, teacher in No. 1 school, has tendered her resig- nation, antl will leave for Buffalo af Great sale of ready-made clothing before Christmas at Prevost's; Men 50: suits, all wool, £5.50; wool pants, The new book of Kingston is the of all Christmas gifts. Wade's drug Christmas box. Gibsw's Violet water in fancy bottles and oii. Taylor Drug Co. Ns Ripe wmatom sf; Beer', wfc 4 fred Hunt visited Alfred Slate prom- | ester, NY. Young | vd into the - seven years the | called on a few of "and Dig | Saturday. Mr. and displayed talents and Miss Lettie ga Lane and u spirit and per- | downe, spent Sunday at istone) which won for nn -------- hiny the admiration of his opponents, A nice gift to mail a Es or. va Lor why returned to power | friend, he, a in IN66 Disraeli became il Kabat's, + or of "Views "Every day" people sxe ma Red Our shony manicure sets ard ies, have » look at our place of the family do Therefore we say: Con- sult your physician freely about your case and ask

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