SIN ER Present | MORE Pan, n every BIRCH SALE > stock of HADES, 30 days orices ) No! T never thought I'd come to polishing my own shoes until I tried this, You'd shine yours if you ever tried inl : It only takes a minute in the morn- ing for either Black or Tan Shoes. It's a genuine pleasure to have your boots pe ed as you want them, and you don't wa ste time at a shoe-shining stand eiller, Dlack and Tan--10 and 25 cent boxes and 15 cent collapsible tubes. At all dealers, COAL OIL Canadian Coal Oil ............ 14c. per gallon. American Headlight Oil . ....... 17¢. per gallon. Sunlight .....................} 190. per gallon. Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the world Special Prices for Cash.-Petivered to any part of the city. Gurney's Celebrated Souvenir Ranges. S. J. HORSEY. 189 Princess Street. THE 20(h CENTURY TREATJUENT, The S04IG8 0fAll POW, , discorerea in the Labo. The Fountain of Youth, Jaren xo The result of 50 years of scientific research, Lost manhood brought Pack after years of weakness and despair, Nature's Secret restored by combinis fu of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, ro experiment. 't is proved by its use n the Hospital of Europe. Tens of thousands of weak and cases cured by 20 doys treatment. This is a fact) wr" Trove it yourself by a test. A 5 days treatment with 77 full particulars rent absolutely free: Al packages are carefully sealed in a plain wrapper with no mark. A full 30 days treatment (180 doses) with guaranteed cure or refund of money, for $3.00. Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, om alts RK KOHR MEDICINE CO.. P.O, Dower L 2341. MONTREAL: 700--Pounds--700 Christmas Chocolates Arrived at R ees'. - lbs. Robertson's Fine Elline Chocolates for $1. A J REES, Princess St EDUCATIGNAL, BE WISE It you cannot attend Day School at Kingston Business College Take * business or shorthand course at nigh 4 this advt. out, Do it now. It is worth mone Write, call, or A phone, No. 440, for full_information. J. B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE, President. Principal. A surprise for Christmas in the shape of a beautiful piece of furni- ture will be joyfully received by VIOLIN LESSONS IN CLASS AND INDIVIDUALLY Monday and Thursday Evenings | aT wife or mother. These are a few suggestions :-- Fancy Parlor Rockers in Silk. Fancy Parlor Rockers in Rat- MRS. BROWETT'S STUDIO. tans. Experienced master with Boston Con- Fancy Odd Parlor Chairs in servatory training. fact Silk. re aad SHTABRUENtS. Sutistactory China, Medicine, Parlor Cab- - inets. 93 OOOO POISE OOO Screens, Easels and Jardiner Stands, ete. PURCHASES STORED. STORE OPEN NIGHTS. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Wood =a Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal, CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE British Whiz The 'Phon 133. Toot of West St: {BOOTH & CO. Wood = Coal Sd dd Bid dodededs ddd dh 3 NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS reir pre ---------------- WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK TETTITIPTTTETYTYYYYY WE ALSO DO STZEL DIE EMBOSSING Sede a others. Aluminum Polish for stoves or pipes. Gold Bronze, in powder and liquid. Get prices for above at hands and og at McLeod's drug store. and 65c. New York Dress Reform. X Rays Stove Polish Shines brighter and wears longer than -- STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- A ---- EE -------------- I P. ee Witch Pag Drom. gor See our two specials in corsets, 50e. A THE DAILY ; AT NEWBURGH, ST. JOHN'S 'CHURCH HELD A CONCERT. Napanee Talent Contributed--Pub- lic Library To Be Removed-- High School Literary Society Debate. Newburgh, Dec. 20.--The concert in Finkle's' hall on Wednesday evening was a great sueccst. The ladies of St. John's church have always been noted for their first-class concerts and that of Wednesday evening was fully as good as former efforts, Part of the programme was contributed by Na panee talent. The opening number, an Indian drill. in costume was well done and carned a well deserved encore. D. J. McLennan's solo, "When The Sun Sigh's In The West," 50 pleased the crowd that an encore was demanded. Bruce Williams' negro work was well done, and he captured the crowd when he sang "It's u Habit 1 Never Had." Later in the evening Mr. McLennan in the make-up of an Irishman and Bruee Williams _ as "lky," indulged in a comedy skit in which the former in- troduced some fine dancing. Mrs. Burritt, of Napanee, made her initial how to a Newburgh audience, Her magnificent voice was heard te' great advantage in two solos, her last num ber, "Sing Me to Sleep," being ng with great effect. Miss Hardy, of N panee, played the violin obligatos Mrs. Burriit's solos. One of the im- portant features of the bill was' a farce, "My Turn Next,"" put on by local talent. All did their work well and were enthusiastically applauded. Mr. Millar contributed one of his popular mandolin solos. The conclud- ing number, a drill, "Looking Back- Among those present from a. distance were noticed : Mrs. Burritt, Miss Pruyn, Miss Madden, Miss Williams, Miss Smith," Mrs. McNaughton, 88 Florence Hall, Miss Grange, Miss Lu- ella Hall, Miss Hardy, Rev. F. T, Dibb, J. Madill, Bruce Williams, D. J. McLennan, Frank Henwood, Mr. Pit- cher, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Lapum, Arthur Fraser Napaneey E. . Price, Miss Lucy Hinch, Miss Lena Hinch,. Mise Inez Price, Miss Hazel Price, Binch P.O; Miss Hamilton and Melbourne Lowe, Enterprise; Miss Edna Hinch, Centre ville; Mrs. Dunlop, Finlay, 'Miss Madden, Roy Pybus, Rokért Pybus, Strathcona; Mr. and Miss Emberly, Yarker; Miss Hamilton and Kigia McWilliams, Camden East, Rev. H. Thomson, of the "Seo," a By of Mrs. (Rev.) Mears, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday evening. from Newburgh intend going to Na: Millar 'spent Sunday in Yarker. Methodist Sunday school for their Hing on Friday evening. D. siding at tions. The public library Ryan's new store, W. KE. of Queen's University, home here, J. at his home in Belleville. The literary society of the school, held a very successful on Friday afternoon. was a debate is Mightier than the Sword," and Mrs, James: Benn, Croup Comes subject. Mr. HENCE THE WISDOM OF KEEP- ING IN THE HOUSE THE MOST EFFECTEVE CURE. Dr. Chase's Syup Slight hoarseness in the evening is the only warning of croup. About midnight coughing--that cough called croupy, terror to the mother's heart. Then begins = the struggle for peculiar, tive. Anyone who has tested Dr. pronounce it an unqualified success. ing the cough, sages of the head, excited nerves. People who realize the with which danger which accompanies it, keep some of Linseed and Turpentine for use in case of emergency. For bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial trouble, this medicine is a quick and certain cure. Mrs. J. Prevost, Renfrew, Ont, states : "My fonrteen-year-old had a very severe cold in last winter, was going to die. all the time and sometimes would #pit up blood. We had about given up all hopes: of his recovery when I heard of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine. After using one bottle there was a great change in his condition, and T can positively say that he was completely cured by two bottles and he has not been twoubled since. 1 never saw medicine take such auick effect and can sincerely recommend it." There are imitations of Dr. Chase's Svrup of Linsesd and Turpentine. Be sure you see the portrait and signa-. ture of Dr. A. W. Chase. the famous receipt book author, on the bottle vou buy, 25c. a bottle: family size, three times as vhuch, 60c.; at all dealers, or ward," proved one of the hits of the Wound Would Not Heal And Boy evening, Rev. F. T. Dibb, of Napanee, Volunteered. proved a very efficient chairman. Ottawa, Dec. 20 -Some weeks ago Miss Dunlop, Miss A number panee to-night to hear Hon. G. W. led any case no matter how long Ross, discuss the issues of the day. A | standing. number from the village attended the | If you have piles and Dr. Leon liberal convention at Yarker on Sat- | hardt's Hem-Roid will not cure you, urday. Miss Lena Madden spent Sun- | vou get your money back day and Monday of last week with A thousand dollar guarantee goes Mrs. PP. W. Brown, Sydenham. F. G. | with every hottle of Hem-Roid sold. The Bre prac- annual entertainment A. Nesbitt, B.A., was in Napanee last week pre- the model school examina- is to be re- moved next week to the upper part of Patterson, arrived on Thursday to spend his holidays at his R. Sharpe spent Sunday high event The chief feature "Resolved that the pen in which the negative won out alter a very ex: citing criticism of both sides of the Suddenly of Linseed and Turpenilie the child awakes metallic | 4¢ and which strikes | Jay, breath and if relief is to be obtained treatment must be prompt and effec Chase's Syrup of Linseed nad Turpentine a a cure for eroup will not hesitate to It is wonderfully prompt in loosen- clearing the air pas- and soothing the suddenness croup comes on, and the usually, Dr. Chase's Syrup of in the house asthma, and every form of throat and great family hoy the chest and T really thought he He coughed nearly 4h WR § ns %, Fou Nichmond, anint Sunday at Mrs. oba a Me McKeister is moving into Simpkin's house. A large vom ber of deer skins have been brought to J. W, Courtney, local tanner, to be' tanned. FASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just Out. A dainty empire house gown of pink China silk, trimmed with shirring and bands of white Jacq The round yoke is alio of white lace. The gown closes invisibly in the back. GAVE BROTHER SKIN. Allen Robertson, the seven-year-old son of William Robertson, gardener, of this city, while playing with matches wet fire to his clothing, being severely and "dangerously burned about the 'hest. The little lad has Leen lying ever since in the "Protestant Hospital, and as it was found impossible to heal his wounds, it was deeididd to resort to grafting. Joe, the eleven year-old brother of Allan, volunteered to have the operation performed on him, and on Saturday was placed upon the op- erating table and a piece of skin ten inches wide was removed from his right leg and grafted upon the chest of his little brother. Both boys are now in the hospital, and are doing well, -------------------- Have You Piles ? Dr. Leonbardt's Hem-Roid is an in- ternal Remedy that entirely removes cause of piles, and cures to stay cur If you want a perfect und perman- ont cure, atk for DF. Leonhardt"s Henm-Rgid, the guaranteed remedy. All druggists, 81, or tha Wilson: Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sangster Entertainment. Sangster, Pee. 19.--The concert held in the school house here, on the 16th inst, was a decided success. The pro- gramme consisted of a number of very fine selections in songs given on a gramaphone by Rev. Father Pluymak- er and Rev. Father Cupee, who pre: sided over the entertainment; recita- tions by Mrs. Barrett, Miss Maggie Murphy and children of the school; duet by Miss Liddy and George Hamil- ton; accompaniments played on the organ by Mrs. J. Williams, teacher, which was greatly appreciated. Fhom as Golden, Burridge enlivened the en tertaingnent by his comic songs. Miss Dora McCann sang 'Beautiful Isle of the Sea," "Meeting of the Waters," the accompaniment was played by Mrs. J Williams. "Why Paddy's Always Poor," sung by Mrs. J. Williams, was highly appreciated Dialogues and songs rendered by the children were excellent, The proceeds amount to $21.40. The people here are taking ad- vantage of the snow in getting up their winter's supply of wooed. Sehool closes on the 22nd for the Christmas holidays. John Hamilton is smiling over the coming of a boy. Visitors : H. Corcoran, Glenvale, at George Hamilton's; Peter Bedose, Burridge, at James Murphy's; Mrs. J. Williams and Mrs. Barrett at Mrs. P. McCann's James O'Connor and Thomas Young John Sheehan's; Michael J. Da at Michael McDonald's; Miss As gelatine, lem, with her sister, Mrs John Hémilton. George Murphy at J Noonan's, Canoe Lake. Penitentiary His Reward. Eidenburg, Pa., Dec. 20.--Lewis Mac kintosh, of Portage, Pa., was sentenc ed to serve one year and four months in the Western Penitentiary by the Cambria county court for having been implicated in an attempt to hold up a Pennyslvania railroad fast line ex- press near Portage six weeks ago. The case is a peculiar one, inasmuch as the evidence offered by the Pennsyl vania railroad detectives praved con- clusively that the object of Mackin- tosh's act was not to wreck and rob the train, but to secure a a reward from .the railroad company for his heroic work in preventing a wreck, In a few davs it was found by the railroad detectives that Mackintosh had done the work himself, and then flagged the train, hoping for a big reward. " Toronto's Favorite Hotel." The years as they pass but add to the popularity of the Queen's hoe, Toronto. The hotel has been tically redecorated and reiutnithad. Every room contains hot and cold water, steam heating and long dis- tance telephone. Rates arc from $2.50 per day and up, and -with bath from £3 up. 100 rooms with baths. At the wedding of Miss Phipps at Beaufory Castle, Inverness-shire, Bees: land, flowers cost £],560, dress £4,000, her jewels £20,000, dd there were £500,000 worth of Presents, BA Hotel newstand and Taylor's drug stores and ade ae Kingston Fdmanson, Bates & ' Co, Toronto, * book. Nasmith's fruit cake at Teer', hi, for Rs 2 -- LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices, Offered In United Stats Markets. Buffalo, Dee. 19, 1,300 heady slow, 10c. wo 156, prime steers, $5.50 to $6; $4.50 to $5.25; butchers', 84.85; heifers, $2.75 10 $4.- $2.95 to SARS; halls, 82.2 to $M; stockers and feeders, $2.50 to £1.90; stock heifers, $2 10 $2.50; fresh coms and springers, steady to strong; good to choice, $46 to 850; medium to Fust ceipts, higher; shippers, 2.7 25; cows, Cattle--Re- £6.50 to $6.75; yearlings, 35.50 to $5. 75; wethers, 85 to $5.25; ewes, $4.50 sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $4.75. New York, Dee, 19.-~Beeveg--Receipts 4.587; steers Jower; bulls slow to 16. lower; good cows siiier; others steady; steers, $3.50 to 85.50; oxen, $4.35; bulls, £2.25 to $1.50; cows, $1.20 to 83.05; a few extras at 81.50. Calves Receipts, 868; steady to strong; veals, £5 10 5% little calves; $1 to $4.00; barnyard calves, $2.50 to $1.50; West: orns, $3.25, Sheep and lambs--Reeerpts 15,808; lower; sheep, $3.25 to $5.25 fancy export wethers, 805: culls, $3; lambs, $6 to £7.95; culls, $6 to HN; Canada lambs, 26.30. Hogs Receipts, 15,163; State and Pennsylvania hogs, £4.85 to 85; few choice light state and Pennsylvania pigs, $5 5.25 to $5.85, Chicago, Dee. 19. Cattle Receipts, 24,000; steady to 100, higher; good to prime teers, 86.10 to 87, poor to medium, L170 to 86.90; stockers and 82 to SLT; rk, $1 to : bully, $2 to XI; calves, X11 to 87 Ho; Reveipts, 39.000; 5¢. higher mixed be butchers', $1.40 to 54.65; good to choice heavy, £160 10 $4.65; rough heavy, £010 to 840.50; light, R135 to RLTHL: bulk of sales, $4.55 to R465, Sheep Receipts, 30,000; sheep 10c. lower; lambs steady to weak; good to choice wethers, $4.50 to 85.10; fair to choice mixed, £3.50 to $1.60; native lambs, $5 to 87. Nash Bros. Views Of Kingston. A great souvenir book to send to friends and relatives. Enormous sales! A gem of fine art. Nearly 100 beauti- ful illustrations, including two two- page panoramic views. Specially de- signed cover. Now is the time to se- cure a few copies before the holiday rugh. Edition limited and will be ox- hausted before Christmas. For sale at Wade's Drug Store and British-Ameri- can Hotel newstand, ---------- Holly, mistletoe, Johnson, the florist, Your friend cannot help bat be pleased if you send a package of per wroathing smilax. fume from Chown's. They carry only the best. "25 Japs in a box" cigars, $1.50. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Christmas smoking. King Alfonso has authorized the Spanish minister at Washington to sign the arbitration treaty with the United States, and has consented to the establishment of a Spanish-Ame- rican College 'in Madrid. Thy & ee fl LO Gang Sis good, 330 to $42; common, $20 to 28, Veals--Receipts, 800 head; 20e. higher; $4.50 to ¥5.75. Hogs--Re- cepts, 20,000 head; fairly active; Be. lower; heavy, $4.65 to $4.75, a few at B4W0; mixed, $4.65 to $1.70; york: ers, 34.50 to $4.65; pigs, $40 to} £4.15; roughs, £3.90 to $4.20; stags, 33 to $3.50. Sheep and lambs-- Re ceipts, 28,000 head; dull and lower; native lambs, £5 to $6.25; Canadas, vi it Yrs Rugs" hell say a Acie | | | To all our friends, and we trust that their will be a merry one," - Here's a Christmas suggestion for old Santa SHOE UP THE FAM A pair of warm and easy Shoes for Grandma A pair of warm Overshces for Grandpa. A pair of handsome Slippers fer Mother. A pair of Dress Slippers for Sister Kate. A pair of Hockey Boots for Brother Tom, A pair © of Rubber Boots for Willie. And ¢ a 'pair of Stippers for Old Santa Claus hisel : 3 J. H. Sutherland & E Bro. A Merry Christmas For the Little Folk Santa Clans has filled our Upstair Showroom, with thousands of Raby Dolls some are dressed, others are waiting to be dressed, and some that clap their 'hands and play the fiddle--also beautiful toned Harmonica Horn Month Organs. On Thursday, Friday and Saturd:y Next We Present -- FREE To mothers, fathers, sisters or brothers making cash purchases at our store, as follows :- 50c. cash purchase, 1 doll, 5c. cash purchase, 1 doll, $1 cash purchase, 1 doll, or 1 mouth airgun $1.25 cash purchase, value 0c, vaule 15¢. value 20¢., $1.50 cash purchase, 1 doll, value 80c., " or, mouth organ. Ho §2 cash purchase, 1 doll, valve 3%e., 2 or mouth organ $3 cash purchase, 1 doll, value 4$o. Our Dolls are real beauties and ths Mouth Organs well worth three times the marked price. A few hundred Jack Knives also to be given pa Ari terms. Santy will be good to all boys and girls who ask t to do their Christmas shopping at CRUMLEY BROS. WHAT IT IS L.abatt's! London Ale It is genuine, : : 5 £2 1 doll, vanle 23c. It is nourishing: Iti is absolutely the