the moos 0 pe rt 3 I iL fore i ih sf 232% he | of . ! Waiting pl. ok ss THE ict Sot | |eropme Coupe root 1 THER PURSUERS. i 1 hey. Webe Determined To Marry | ping From Cake *To | : They Got Over The | i a River. Lacrosse, Wis., Dee. 27.--Emulating | fe, with a pursuing constable in | he role of Simon Lage, Inez Pierce, | fled across th determin- | With her was her " Archie Danbar. In Sharon was an irate wother | osed the match, Bebind her | 0 the industrial school, to hich Inez bad been sentenced in the | "of breaking up ber love affair. » elopement, so far as the officers the law was concerned. was a ote success. The floating cakes fof ice on which the lovers made their ous. wav to the Minnesota Bhar wa kind, and the youthful y the infatuation | the young folk, Pierce sought aid of the courts several days ago. 3 'was seniehced to the Indus oo sol, but the judge gave her a days' grace to spend with her pa- Sutmoning hn her sweetheart through mutual friend, Inez fled with' him Geno, and 'reached a ferry. Mone was to be had on account of the rin hi ice in the river. were - standing on the shore ind 'them they saw running toward hem the' villagé constable. "Now or never!" exclaimed Dunbar Miss Pierce around the waist. i 1 started acgoss the ice. Half + i they heard' hails. Looking be- vay over they found the ewift cur- i dotted with swirling cakes, but | ith their arms around each other | {hey Jo sod from cake to eake, reach innesota shore, waved a | rte to the constable and disap- peared. | { ! A SHARPTON WEDDING. Harry Donaldson And Miss Nellie Vrooman United. The residence of Mr. and Mes. " Vigmian Sharpton, was the sce o B who is n Montane oh home for 8 happy event, on t vening of De- ber 21st; when t daughter, Nel- ie Kathleen, was 9nited in marriage to Harry W. Donaldson, of North Bay. ile the wedding march was heing layed by the bride's cousin, Miss illic * Lee, Odessa, the hridal party - took their places beneath an arch of i a , is in pvergreens, trimmed with flowers, and 8 Horse-shoe, made of white roses. The bride entered the parlor leaning on the -Jra of her fathér, by whom she was the. Christ- +g I Mrs. (Dr.) Tole. held her post- | pueda on on Thursday. Mrs, | all-over. lade gow; in a beautiful | gown and receiving with '| her was Mrs. Currie, Se, Mrs, J. ured tea, and those assisting Biths were, Mra, H. Bristol, Miss Clarke and and veuralgia and all ternal i ex | Big bottle 25e,, at Wade's i , ak Phen: oY toiuta a , for the {Are pa Nerves Bdge? - a, kd Motion } You Noah Wi {Foranta), and Misses K. Fralick and \ Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some works age during the severe winter weather-hoth: my wife and my- symptoms, Hanke Re -- Iowa. "dn ;aching, muscles sore, head stop- ped up, eyes and mose running, with alternate spells of chills und fever. We began hing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver '{ Tablets, and by its liberal use soon complete knocked out the grippe blots promote a healthy act- bowels, liver and kidneys ey - lays beneficial when the atom is 8 congeuted by a cold or at- tack of the grippo. For sale by all druggists. Broken Mirror oat Luck. The Hague, Dee. 24.--When an J habitant of Utrecht the other *. day a looking glass he found, to his jis. great au surprise, on the inside of the a painting, Soprosenting a young lady dressed in black, woar- ing a row of pearls, a diamond brooch The owner, anivoort' Dirk [s-- irkszon, the well "known Dutch por- oro.toso Rafter, who lived in Amsterdam, + T. Schumann, , An. the Li Nord. little longer and the toil is bik the AN hacking TH REEL A Rt Ea. oe shifting, drifting it A 4 iE throvigh shade and b iven away, The ceremony was per- lormed by Rev. ( [eColl, Odessa. Fhe woom was assisted by the bride's rother, Sidney Vrooman; while the bride was attended hy the groom's sis- Yer, Miss Lottie Donaldson, Wilbur, nly a few of the near relatives of the ride and groom witnessed the cere- sony, The bride looked charming in dress of cream albatros, trimmed with chiffon, cartying a bolgquet of white flowers. The bridesmaid was dressed in cream lustre, trimmed with kilk oriental lace and ribhon. After " Fhe ceremony the guests repaired to he dining-room, where the 'table was tastefully decorated and laden with a sumptuous repast. The groom's: pres- tnt to the bride was a beautiful gold peatch and chain, set with pearls and 'opals, and to the bridesmaid and oomsman, each a crescent shaped pin set withs pearls. The bride received many beautiful resents. On leaving for the groom's home at Wilbur, the Bride wore a travelling suit of grey fweed effect, trimmed with Persian braid and steel buttons, with a large white hat to match. From ther happy couple will proceed to their he gure home sat North Bay. Kidney Losses Stopped. The escape'of albumen from the sys dem is most dangerous. The trouble 3s you may not know it. "Get to the root of the disease--the kidnevs-- by Msing Peck's Kidney Pills. In boxes bc, at . Wade's. Money back if not Fatisfactory. t received a more suits able than a nice A Short Cut to Health If you want to enjoy vigorous health take They are a veritable short cut to lasting and perfect health, Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAR BEECHAM, St. Helens, Everywhere England, in Canada and U. 8. America. CHRISTMAS CIFTS | ¢ a nice assortment of Carvers from 5c. up to $10 per set, e-plated Tea and Cofice Pots from $1 up to $2.50 assortment of that Celebrated STRAUSKY Every this ware is guaranteed. What would be or Coffee Pot, or a Double Milk or Rice Boiler ? .. ELLIOTT BROS .. n PRINCESS STREET. F IBRE WARE Superior to all others as regards APPEARANCE, DURABILITY and CONVENIENCE For sale by dealers everywhere. LIXEWISE EDDY'S MATCHES. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. OGFROGO GAFFER - STOVES --AT ---- Bargain Prices THIS WEEK Now comes the clearing season. We won't carry over a single 'stove if cut prices will sell them, Come in i We will sell skates at any old price and sce if we have what you, want. you offer us. We will not carry over one pair if we have to give them away. Simmons Bros, Yellow Hard: lware Store. i J. J. Best, foreman at wip ark distillery, Toronto, dropped defid in Ia store while on hi§ way home on Chuistmns ove. ____ as eve. IMPORTANCE OF Dyspeptics Shou Begin Right by Using Smith's Triple Care. epi McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. "TOY LAND THE F FIRST STEP |Home and Headquarters for Santa Claus Toys ! | oan 8 pola in the treatment of & drspepaa Mechanical Toys, 10¢c, to $5- Toys! Toys! Railways, $1 to $10. 1 S OFF QUBINESS aw by to John A. Gardiner, and Insurance. 151 Wellington s mtn ----------. FURN es, oh s state Office i. NE WLANDS, ARCHITT OF- fice, second flour. ever-Mahood' 8 - drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets Entrance on Bagot street Telephone 608. eR RR FRLIS, ARCHITI gh of New Drill Hall, ncar cor per of Queen and Méntrea al A----------e mee eee IR & SON ARC RITE POE Bank Building, cor and Wellington streets "Phone RY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT ote., Anchor Building, Market . Souara "Phone 245 OD | wo T, 8 UTH S $OOD BUILNANG Y 0 P m street, between Montr Annie 49 Oelhorne BOD OC OC CIOOUCURICIOL CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE \NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK : Beep Pood Sob ddebobed fede LSO DO STEEL DIE EMBOSS! NG I i HH Nice Christmas Present... 160 Visiting Cards: : ENGRAVED DIRECT FROM THE PLATE 'The Jackson Press 173 WELLINGTON STREET. "PHONE 485. ISSAC ZACKS L The New Store ar the 01d Stand, 27 : and 273 Princess St. New Years Bargains F enormous Christmas hare overcoats, Suits Mechanical Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, ppovercoats, Suit Horses, Carts, Carriages. pn ich. ®e will ex! Brice than ever = We can't give New Year Automobiles, 25¢: to $5- ll, but we can and will tl to pieces to suit our business with & Fire Engines, Hose Carts, Reels. =. wd ene A wonderful stock of wonderful Toys. mm . Come and see them ! Fue ~ Hard Coal Grate and Egg for your furnace. Stove, Chestnut end Pea for 70 Soft Coal _ Cannel for your grate. " Select Lump for grates and engines. Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut Woo ---- WALSH, BARRACK L NEAR KI iX Rays Stove Poli R Shi aided 0 § A Polish far stoves or Bio . Gon Bronze, in powder and liquid. at