ea iad, other two representglives, and Rnapy, to succeed Jo uid States rs a new Roman Ca- Stratford, to cost that Lord Grey the provincial Ay udit a model, glo Yi Jiberals Aiominated Walter Scott for the legislature, paid | East. El- ain Herat chose J. C, named NcTogart com- --- suicide at Medicine Hat, by shooting himself while suffering from melancholia Grace Sullivan, Buffalo, N.Y., aged | t years, was accidentally shot and illed by her brother Daniel, aged 'twelve years, The British war office has placed or- ders for sufficient 184-pounder field guns" to practically re-arm the whole ul, he SG io. = d gene Blackiord, president of the Bedford Brooklyn, and a well known By hos died of apoplexy at his home in Brooklyn. Estranged from' her husband, sick and penniless, Mrs. Jennie Deal, Chi- bride of o vear, kissed her orn on Christmas night, and then drank chloroform, dying in a few acting governor of the Yukon since the tion of Hon. F. T. C nm is Maj, Wood, 6f the Mount- ed Police. It is not expected a new governof will be appointed fi the meeting of parliament. wade station at Moose Jaw, NW.T., the sceme of a fine rumpus on Tosa: when an American desperado held at bay two mounted policemen. There on ha fusitads of shots, the only oe however, was one ich ed the desperado's knee- cap. The latter's aim was bad, as he was tipsy, and this accounts for the several people who were in the station at the time. carrier boys, calender and ee-------- HOPE IT IS SO. Ottawa To Toronto, Via. King- ston. Ottawa, Dee. .20.--At a mayoralty campaign meeting here Mayor Ellis dnnounced that he had reason to be- lieve that the G.T.R, which is to take over the Canada Atlantic railway will construct a line from Ottawa to King- ston. This would connect with the main line, and®* would allow of a train ng run direct from Ottawa to To- ronto, and would do away with the present Shanging of cars, as required when going to Toronto on the C.P.R. The mayor says the gity will not be asked to contribute any share of the cost, -------------- HOT OUTER UTBREAKS In Which Life And | Property Are Sacrificed. 8 1 to the Whe in, Dec. 29.--Reports - received here from the Russian frontier state that widespread revolutiol breaks have occurred. Rail boen destroyed, bridges damaged and the telegraph lines cut. Bomb outrages are also reported from various towns. Sie the revolt at/Kielee, Poland, many persons were killed and wounded, and the same condition of affairs is re ported from Kousk, where factories were demolished by the rioters. The crar was burned in effigy in scores of towns, | ---------- Have Heard Nothing. Si 1 Whig. Dttawn, fie fie hr e department of militia is wi without word from "Thacker, who accompanied Gen. Nicholson to Japan and Man- shuria | ad ilies attache, but his ar- dail Nokat tor fg. athe British na els gov iin will bestow a decoration up- on Capt. Thacker. ------------ n, Now ! id gis rHLLY § D i rie OL Macy 1 | SHOE: MAN FELL AN EASY VICTIM. Exchanges Pocket-Bools With a " Reverend-Lio , French | Priest * -- Latter's 'Contained Newspaper Wads, The Victim's Paris Dec. 3 EB. D. Woodhouse, re- gistered at the Grand hotel as agent of a well-known shoe concern in' . Dining at a restaurant a fw Ig Ol priest asked about the condition of priests in the United States. The two men stole from the restaurant together, the he was taking a ticket and took his seat in the train. On the pretext of going to buy a souvenir for kis American "friend," the AePad out of the railway you hold my pocket- 1 get back ¥"" he asked. Woodhouse ingly acceded to the est's Joking request and agreed that in turn should confide his pocket hook to the other "as a guarantee of good faith." Woodhouse was kept waiting two hours for both the "sou- venir" and his pocketbook, which eon- tained $800. On looking into the pocketbook left by the priest he was sul i to find merely newspaper nurs hen he saw that he had been swindled, and went to the nearest'po- spending a few days in the city with parents. Miss Minnie Boyd is home from Tor- onto, for 4 vacation with her parents on Broek street. Miss Sadie Sands, accountant in the C.P.R., Montreal, spent Christmas at her home inthe city, r. and Mrs. illiam Bannan, sencerville, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Eaves, Bagot street. Master Charles H. Carroll, of the Cote-des-Neiges College, Montreal, a grandson of H. Sande, Johnston street, it spendihg the holidays at me. Miss Willine Miller, of the teaching staff of the Frontenac Business Col lege, Kingston, is spendigg her bok. days with her sister, Mrs, T. J Wallace, Peterboro. Mrs. Nelson, Miss Dutton, John Cousins, and A. W, McMahon, went down to Pittsburg, this afternoon, where to-night they supply the pro- gramme at a concert in commection with Zion church. Miss Irene Peel, University avenue, was knocked down at the skating rink to-day and had her head badly cut. Dr. Wood stitched the wound and was taken to her home on Univer avenue in a cab. It was her first time this season at the rink. Heavy Public Loss. Naples, Dec. 20.---One hundred and fifty of the most valuable pictures in the museum here are ruined through the . attempt of the authorities. in charge to save a few hundred dollars in the annual cleaning of the canvass- ex. Professor Venturi, the curator, was imposed on by a<ertain Merlatti, who claimed to have discovered a me- thod of cleaning old canvasses with "spirits of wine" in an economical fashion. Merlatti was given the run of the place for ihree months. As a re sult the directors of the museum hav found to their horror - that the p has cracked on several score canv les and has almost fallen off from oth- ers. Still others have faded and dried up so that recognition is impossible. { The loss is $200.000. Venturi is to be tried for criminal negligence, Lightning Toboganning. New York, Dec. 20.--Down a glisten- ng, icy chute the Rockefellers, the 1 Goulds, and other members of the | way in seventeen seconds. There are trains which have attained eighty miles, but these are not in the same category with the toboggan cannon- ball express. A German electrical rail: Lath built for Pfisrimtntal purposes, a record of 140 miles an hour, is the only rival of this slide, Petworth Pointers. © Petworth, 2%. <The funeral of Mrs: Co Carr, yesterday, wis rgely attended. The Misses Kuto and loronce and Victor German, of Brick. Jey, are spending a week here with their mele, James Gutman, i A a vival is in progress, at wlebrool but on account of bad roads and weather, not many attend from here, but best wishék go with Rev. Mr Farnsworth in his noble work. © Secured A Position. Frederick Bawden, Kingston, has 4 been Sfipointe os a clorkship in the department of ade nd commerce at corn stareh; 2c. a3! Peter's pence to sh Wood. house, glad t some one who could speak English, offered to ac sampeny him to the railway station, priest bought a first-class lice station, only to be told that if he could be imposed on by that old and moss grown ruse of the Paris thief he deserved to lose his money. -------- ' PERSONAL MENTION. ia-- Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Deing. Rev. W. Cramm, Cobden, was in the city to-day . ¥. Gildersleeve has beer in To- ronto on a business trip. Miss Marjorie Johnson, Belleville, " Yisiting friends in Kingston. R. Shibley, M.A., Ottawa vis- iting his parents on Albert str Fire Engineer James Macgillivray is laid aside through an attack of grippe. Miss Margaret Scott, Montreal, is Ardleigh club are tob ning these i days at the rate of 110 miles an hour. | @ They have built a slide the slipperiest and the Tastest in the world, on the 'golt' links a mile from the Hudson river, aid by the rays of sun or moony | or hy electric light they go whizting" down the half mile of ice covered run: HALF PRICE This offering includes all Cloth Jackets for win- ter and when you remember every Jacket stown is new this fall you will understand the real value of the bargain, ---- ALL LADIEY Winter Suits 25% OFF As we commence to take stock next week it is our intention to offer all Suits and Coats at prices that will surely mean quick gales, * Children's Warm Underwear Children's Natural Wool Drawers and Vests Children's Fleece-Lined Drawers an: Vests, Children's Black Wool Tights. Children's Sleeping Suits Made like Combination Suit with feet attached, and Just the thing for children who kick the clothes off. Girls' Warm Underwear 4 different qualities t) choose from, all sizes in each. Overstockings Children's Black or Red Wool Overstockings, all sizes, Girls' Black Wool Overstcckings, with or with- out heels. Women's Black Wool Overstockings, with or without heels. These Overstockings are made from the Cele- brated Unbreakable Fingering Yarn, and are both elastic and durable. There is no straining to get them over the boot. ~ Children's Clouds, M Mitts, ~ Toques, Gloves, Gaiters. Knitting Wools B:ldwin's Beehive k:ngering Yarns in black, white and}24 colors. Saxony Wools for Mitts and Stockings. Unbreakable Fingering Yarns. The genuine has a ticket attached to each hank and none other is genuine, You will find Unbreakable Yarns with us only as w: are scle owners of this brand. oF CE "CREEPERS! @ Fut On While You Wait Price 25 Cents. and Spread the admivat «~The: most comfort present purchnseable, House Coats, $3.50, Gowns, $4.90, $6 We purchase these land, and in New Yo manufacturers, and which makes our pri cenit. lower than usu JEN The House For V, We Bake ®bis Oppo To wish ¢ patrons a Prosperous SMITH BEGINNING Our business on a strictly hope our frien still continue and we guara ful atteption t the past. W. Allen Military Bootmake COSIGNTOF THE THE HAF Ladies and gentlen atronage, | t on, then ho New Year, as TURK, The Sec CT TEER A GENERAL Mrs. Eider, A GENERAL SER Mrs. McPherson A GENERAL SER Moutreal. App A GOOD COOK, 1 ply at the Coll Square. ---------------- YOUNG MAN, TO vision business ty. The William --------------------e UENERAL SER) of two. Appl Mes. H. Macp street BOY, TO DRIVE ussist in store Edwards, corn streets. i ---------- LONDON 18 THI ufacturing acti you want) skill the London BOARDERS, WI have first-class pleasant, warn tian. Apply a TBEACK 6, in th stating 3 Secretary-Trea! Ont. AN EXPERI hN given on api ter to Box * POSITIONS ARE Bless! oe for Nu ly to Miss 5 a Hosp PHAT swr op and clean; it work. Brock street. Ane You INDE sentatives ny peor week. Qi, 148 Fill PAIR GOLD RR oh Johnston ~.Aathedral. ( paying expen land Bros'. streets A PAIR OF BI Gauntlet Mit 1 otk, To this office. 'No left overs all new Chris that we are ae A few pretty