Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1905, p. 3

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'* trouble--it is time b with that cougfh of EACH HACK ronchitis ure 11 stop that hacking 25c¢. 1. B. Taylor Drug Co. Princess St. *Phone 59. od's FPaosphodine, ts ke Is oly iy ares all forms of Nervous Weak taxions, WS rina hy aco, Opti ot Simian, a , all of wi h n Worry, " why i _Phosphodine is sold by all 2 Druggists. CLEARING SALE se OF ~-- es' Coats & Skirts NOW GOING ON. do not intend to carry single garment if prices ell them. THIS IS A EN OPPORTUNITY FOR 0 SECURE A GENUINE IN, as they will go at below the original cost. man & Shaw, re Bebb eed inouncement ! We beg to an- unce that com- ncing January the st, nineteen hun- cd and five, it is 1 r intention to ake all sales for sh. Quotations IL appear regularly our> space in the ily press. IES SWIFT & CO. Re As, A : : A. BATEMAN OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE ROKER. . fice. 61 Clarence stress. 1 wddrale, 85 Sydembaw 80 rr -------- od pteasy dishes, pots or pans wit Dry Soap a powder. It will re- grease witn the greatest ease "a IN ST. LUKE'S, -------- - 2 He Testifies to the Loyalty of His Previous Congregations -- Makes an Eloquent Reference to Bishop Worrell. : In St. Luke's church on Sunday morning, the new rector, Rev. RS, Forneri, preached his inaugural ser- mon before gu large congregation. His text was 1 Thess, v.,, 12:13. Mr. For- neri said that of the evils which have afflicted (he church of God and the schisms which have divided it in the course of its chequered history, from La failure to observe the apostolic pre- Ik "PL. it is not my present purpose to h speak, nor to eénqtiire whether these ills and divisions- have heen due more to a lack of love and appreciation on the part of the laity, than to an ab- uge of confidence, carelessness, priestly assumption and pride on the part of N | their spiritual rulers. 1t is, however, ll [simple justice to the laity of the A church in Canada to say, that the Wi severest testimony: of the clergy is, ¥| that, as a rule; there is no lack: of respect and regard on the people's part towards any minister, who is striving with ordinary fidelity and sincerity to fulfil the dutjes and lah- ors of his sacred office among them, "My own experience," the preacher said, "has not heen dissimilar to this. Se 2 RRR In the parishes T have held during a ; - Ministry of no inconsiderable length, 4 and in which 1 have labored" with many short-comings, 1 have uniform. " RNA 7 ceived that rpspectind and consid- ! He IL Lal hati } crate treatment, which, from the apos- 1A RARE 2 thes langn would seem to be due mw rect r had by his hivmelf fo he wo her degree, that he | we believe hy the great | h. and hy the church tia, to preside over a diocese which possesses : : from a Christin congregation to their NEW EAR HOLIDAY Pastor Ever while 1 live shall 1 cher: d ny ish a teful remembrance of all the : D&M : evidences and. tokens = of their good 1904-1905 will and aficeion bestowed upon me by my parishioners, wherever I have Round trip tickets will be sold at been. : La : "In coming among yon, my breth Sin le First Class Fare. as I'do today. 1 anticipate no 4 ' other treatment thay that which | Dec. Ast, Jan'y, Ist and 20d. have elsewhere regeived: and 1 have : Abia ll the more confidence that my expec Valid returning from destination on or tations will he realized, as | Eoow before Jan'y. 3rd.' 1903, ww well: you: fulfilled your duty to t *eALSO AT my distinguisRed predecessor in the > : Jastorate of 'this church. 1 Know, in- First Class Fire and One-Third eed, that he was worthy. of vaur 3 wart's loyal and affectionate deve Dec. 30th, 31st. Jan. 1st, and 2nd. ion, both for his own . and for his Valid returning on or before Jan. 4th, work's sake, For many years T have 9085. : had the privilege of being intimately : Z tequainted with Bishop Worrell, and For Puliman accommodation, tickets, of Ea his ap, in the church: and*all othér information apply to nd never did - any workingman of 8 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, [iod labour at his post of duty, what- Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. |ver it micht he, more conscientionsly F more successfully ' than your fate onored rector. The surprising up- RINGSTON PEMBROKE & CANADIAN [10055 ov poem orien wi PACIFIC RAILWAYS. vas 'owing under God to his zealous nd. capable leadership, the loss of annie $hich 1 make no Pretence of, heing hie, execpt very imperfectly to sup- v. I But what has bem (he loss of a fngle congregation is the gain of a : i thole diocess, and doubtless, therein . . | bu gredtly rajoiec: " nay, . 1 am sure Single Fare phat it must bo oa wntter bi pride to re thu all that Good going Dee.' 81st, 1904, and Jan. ' fitecedents pre 2nd, 1905; and valid for return until .lorthy of a Jan. 8rd, 1905. 1s chosen, as + ad of the chu n of Nova cir diocese, Fare and One-Third Golng Dec. 30th, and 81st, 1904, and proud distinetion of being the Jan." 2nd, 1905; returning until Jan. st colonial see. And of this we may 5th. 1905. u 4 ho confident, that under his pres; Full particulars at K. & P. and C.p.! cv the best interests of (he church R heed Office "Ontario Street. i if that maritime province will ho keeping. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., Fhese remarks, hrethre n, are Gen, Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. eo,' quite congenial to your fe in I am ings | 3 i: this times, for T can well believe BAY OF QUITE RALWAY | 5 Lid nd in your midst, ar speak to yon REV.R,S.FOR ERI PREACHES 370 Slater street, Ottawa, on Wednes- day night last, when Miss Blanche Putnam, danghter of ¢, W. Putnam, Ottawa, was united in marriage to ston. Rev. G: ¥. Salton officiated and only the immediate relatives and friends of the present. The bride way dressed in handsomb tailor made mauve and carried ga bouquet of roses. Her travelling suit was made of brown and people are popular in Ottawa. The groom came here a little over a vear ago, and has worked for the ( anadian Pacific Telegraph company, hoth at their main oflice and af the House of Commons, Mr, and Mrs. Chapman Jeft the same evening for Kingston, Tor onto: and other points. When they re turn they will reside at 370 Slater Street, Ottawa. Doctors Frequently Mistaken. for over three years, Two doctors told mé nothing but an operation would cure me. 1 tried diffe rent 'remedies, but cent hoxes at the di iz store, and now I ean do my work apd go out, where before 1 spert most of 'my time lying down. I thank God for giving the dis- coverer the knowledge to make such a cure. 1 recommend it to all my friends, and if 1 ever have piles again will certainly use thi< pemarkable re- medy. You can use this in any way vou wish to make known the wonder William Mucky, &1 Marshall street, Elizabeth, N..J. The experience of (his lady is that of thousands of others who have heen assured that nothing Jhort of an op- eration would rid then of this dis tressing complaint. On the face of it, it appears as if too many surgeons operate in order that they may keep their hand in, and lose no portion of their skill; then, again, too many sur. the. scientific man in- Mark Twitin's pa- thetic story of the dog and her little puppy), and do not have proper re- gard for a patient's physical welfare or condition, We. advise every suficrer to think twice hefose submitting to an opera- tion for piles, and sugpest that those interested write to the Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., for their little book on the causes and cure of piles, which i& sent; free fort), asking. i -------- ay Picton Pointers, Picton, Jan. 2.-The Bank of Mon treal was the scene of a pretty tea, Thursday. afternoon, shen = Mes, D.M. Farmer had a large number of her friends in to sec Mp A./Bog and Miss Bog, of Toronto Those from town who attended the Urighton ball were : Mr. and Mrs. B. 1 Hepburn, Miss Gena Hepburn, and her guest, Miss Johnson, of Belleville; Messrs, J Widdifield and K. 1eslie. The stmas tree in the Parish house on Friday evening was well attended The cantata "A Bundle of Sticks" was given by the Younger members of the Sunday school. Miss Walker, Toronto, is visiting in town. Dr. and Mrs. J. WwW. Wright, Mrs. Gearing and _ Mis Mary Wright spent the holiday in Toronto. George Frazor, 'Montreal, is in town for a fow days. Mr. and DNirs. W. A. Car son, Belleville, were in town on Sa turday. Rev. W. Armitage left to day for a week's visit at his home, Kincardine. T. Morton has returned from Tweed. Miss MM. B. Reyner re turned Monday frofn a week spent. in Cobourg, Miss Mazie, Colbourne, who has hoen spending a week in town, returned to-day to Trenton, ---- Married In Ottawa. There was a pleasing ceremony at Edward: Chapinan, formerly of King- contracting parties were n gown he wore a' red velvet hat. Both young eee Eighteen Hundred Farewells, New short line for Tweed, Napanee, {fam the very place from which your Deaseronto, and all local points. Trains | f= beloved rector ne d to address leave City Hall Depot at 2:25 pm. F. iV, must a Lan your breasts af | CONWAY, Agent H. Q. Ry., Kiagston, ting meme of him, and that | ur hearts are even at this moment, --- . the beginning of this New Year, | ging out to him and his, as mine je "Hi BERMUDA fi 11 1 en Ang out, in kind, good wishes, and Frost. -wpknown, maleria impossible. | meg up to Almighty God that he From New York, 48 hours by elegant | w long be spared to accomplish the new twin screw steamship ** Bermudian," | * het} iE) . 1 » i; Suilings every 10 days during January. 1! rk, w let wr jt be of planting or | Every five days during February, March | tering in that portion of the preat and April, 1905. . d of Christ's hushandrv to which, FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO | his appointed interval of lahor, he -=- WEST INDIES --/§. | 2rontd 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropics. | | : Special cruises to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS Pretoria, January 4th, February 9th, March - 290d i lars apoly: tb 'A. B. OUTERBRIDGE & | CO." Agents, for Quebec SS. Co The Pain Must Go. AHERN, Secretary, e 0S, Sof » inflame ts . Quebec, oF defrates, So Jilies the infumed parts, . POCHANLEY, and tos). P. GILDER- AWS awa) € Soreness, an SLERV 5, Ticket Agents, Kingston -- Nel a8 if 'by 'mamic Get it tod he was content with his little parish - 1 have: it hardy. : Costs Lut " [as his working place, where he will oy at Wade's. | * | long be remembered and sorely miss- g 8. } ' AN LINE "'VERPo[ rans : ---- " re LONDONDERRY , . Royal Mail Stearmers. Tr. Martha LL. Parker, Port Dover, 5% © From St. John, From Halifax. | iired in a collision on the Feta any Sat. Jan. 7. Mon. Jan. 9 Thnk, between Cor ian, Sat. Jan. 14, Mon. Jan. 16 Parisian, Sat. Ja : Sicilian, Sat. Jan. 28: Moni Jan. 830. | afion RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin-- | dfuuges, $50 and upward. Second cabin, Tiv- erpoel "and Londonderry, 880: London, a $2.50. extra. Third dass, $15 to Liver- - pool," Derry, Bellas * Ylasgow, [London Grand Toronto and Hamil- | ting near Akron, Ohio | NEW YORK 0 Gf ABGOW. Numidian, Thurs. , (10 am.) For. further par apply t ly to Pe NLEY K G.T.R City Poue, gsc Devo' P. GILDER- SLER , Clarence Hoot ------ ---------------- Bargains ROCYes are | (ninments in x ere well ~UN--11L eut your 'ead off, sir, and poisoned by 'an Inactive "iti aseish liver. Lait me In J rt Ee 4 as ny own. arterwards. Liean't say ty ie Pri hei the bd b ache { Grace and M veil "High oF nt Thurs , *. Live > het - | Grace and o thes wpe . faiver'n that." -- Liverpool Globe, ing, "Oh, 1.8m su \ 7 ay day at S, Sigeworth' : In Cutters! Virion Po roa aly 8° abo 1 gc cher 1s --ae Young couple (who expect the visit faking beadache powders aad i dre Verona Items Paving c% Catters left, in or- of 1 a very miserly relative, from that way roliave, but Jenve You in worse con. Verona, ee, Sin der to cl t the stock, will whom they have expectations) are Six da de - phy 3 In good | (4 po danghter Muriel, of Lanark. sell at 7 you are in need of clearing the room of every sign of | Sha remove properly the bile ats trow | Spent Christmas her al y ] i luxury Wife (carnestly )--We must | gg blood. Use Smith's Pineapple snd Butter- | Parents af. the J a good : aow is the time to do all we can to make uncle feel at | gut Pills and yon won't have Why ? | Smith paid « wis buy an! aoney. ? Good Health home. Husband (caustically)-- Then | Just because these little pills are Nature's truo ter's, Mrs. (Rev.) J, be 3 After aleighi ow-shoeiti or we had better let the fire out. | !8Xative, and & positive cureforg. lver. | going to Florida the 3 leighing. = hoe ing oe They assist digestion unload the and : 4 2 } JAMES LATURNEY tobogganiug, enjoy a cup of hot Punch, cure beadache by first the cane, | "iMter. On the 2fut, ern Zeid » 2 "ure | SO ited in marriage at the letho: oo ' beef tea, made of ---------------- Smith's Pines) aad Bu Pills cure on ung ) . ' There a fins Ve 1o- constipation and billousness [7 dist parsonage, Charlie Hamilton, and 390 PRINCESS STREET. Armour's Te Slain : ill oR asrvous do. night. Frisia coo! nny Miss Alena Scales, both of Hinchin -- ------------------------e Extract of Beef Carter's Iron Pills. Those 'who are All genuine signed W. F. { brook es J A of Mcseow, LET He HAVE YOUR SALE it's braking, invigorating. stimutat- troubled with nervous weakness, night fypcn Sticay at the pars a ing. Re fatigue. Keeps up the Sweats, cite, should ty them. ; mS glow of health, . Just one quarter teaspoonful «f Armcur's Extract of Necf 13 8 cup of hot water. It's economical. | At aii grocers and druggists, hs LIMITED, ToROKTO a & Shippers for Canada, - gudrantes you satis on / iesults. We don't brag, y «.'orm the work. . Nothing sec od, but your best inter ¢! udied. r wort W. J. KURRAY, The Auctioneee. | is retiring from Hawarden, has a farewell letter | dis parish magazine. He. says that he | has visited every one of the 1,800 homes of his parishioners to say good-bye, but after thirty-two years Lhe parting is very hard. He thanks the Nonconformists for much kind- |ness, and all for the sympathy shown him and his family on the break-up of their home. Mr. Glad- stone will for a few weeks take charge of the poor London where, under the present Dean of St, Paul's, he was for four years curate. I'hus the eldest surviving son of the a - ohio aif ickly | great Prime Minister passes from the 1905. For further particu- Jr ea aches aul pins Juickly ken of the Cheshire village which his 29 oT bins been applied It quickly j father 8 zeal made famous through Broadway, New York; ARTHUR | o he English-speaking, church-going d | world Keen and earnest in his work, r t t th } i as a rule always shaved himself once W ' s apo, has hog 21. Mon. Jan. 23. five io wh HT EU AN ind himself compelled to patro- Again. ie mailer lo recov nize a barber, having while from home forgotten hig shaving tackle. our children were drowned while | KR cutting 'me. T am--er--I mean 1 have a very negpvous--er--that is, sensi- tive skin," stammered the curate. I nile looking operator reassuringly, flourishing his gleaming razor round | the shrinking throat of the curate. If 1 so much as nick you once In Col, Lentwein, ex -covernor of Ger. man South Africa, has arrived at Hamburg. He states that a general uprising of the natives of Africa may fu ab W Ted Cross drug stows. The Rev, Stephen Gladstone, who the rectorship of in parish Comferting the Curate. A very nervous Young curate who "I hope you can shave me without "Cut you, sir,"' repeated the juve- feared. UP Sabi Fo 3 8) Bahaving Com SHED. rile hoa by Cilia THE DAILY WHIG, TUES Eh uo dR) ESSARY ---- IREWS OF VOR "D1 osAl "1. suffered untoli agony "with piles nothing did me any good until 1 used Pyramid Pile Cur, | bought six fifty John Emmerton, » | iheer died at Kincardine, aged nin iy jis Earl Grey's | woe at Ottawa | 4 was attended hy 100 persons, Mrs. Chadwick ite ed her inno- cence to her busi in Cleveland Jail ful merit of Pyramid pile Cure." Mrs. has been appdin i | ended his life } acid.' The new Carn rary at St. Catherines was fa y- opened on Monday. Four Russian pedo. 'boat des. troyers and a lapnch reached Chefoo frgm Port Arthur, geons are anxious to experiment (like blown up at soa by the explosion" of her cargo of naphtha. plan to give the west increased repre sentation in the senate, vative nomination for Ottawa as Den nis Murphy's running 'mate Pickering, were burned with a large quantity of stock and grain George H, Gooderham mavoralty contest was killed at Niagara Falls, | head ha- ing crushed between two car free public library, to be paid for | the corporation. Memorial Baptist church, Toronto, hy taking exception. to eottain statements A: of the pastor concerning the municipal elections. continues. The siredt railiva, suspended service, the wlactic wires have been cut, Bd the sew Spa pers are not publishifg, * eight vears, and Col, Guy, died a tre at Chicago aiter tho fife has been turned over to the city; 'the required here attended year of holding for cluitignts having : passed, The boxful of coins and the ow of Brockville, envelopes containing charred bank ne Sone years notes and bits of bills are walued at | Place. On the I R280, and will go to the police. pension | 10st, the Morton fund their annual Christ und, Clarke township and defeated in lis ton and Blenheim. Leadache means that the tod and Ysaaliy HR CIETY DAY, JANUARY 8. NEWSY ITEMS FROM MANY |§ QUARTERS CF EARTH, ---- Matters That Intsves Baron Gauteh rankenthurm, wemier of Aus- tria. Donald MiTasc. London, Ont, Howing carbolic The Norwegian bark Marphia was The government is considering a P. D. Ross has declined the conser. The "barns of Walter Anis, near Mayor Urquhart's plurality over inthe Toronte William Pippard, G/I\K. cleaner, was Joseph Otto' fell from a load of hay in need. it Everybody 4 : --Notes From ill Over--Little | § ; Of Everytiing 3 asily Read , d : - «- And Remer hove d : CC. O Did you get one of those half-price Coats > Do you want one? If you do, you'll bans to hurry. They are going fast, and why not--slylish, made of best materials in the trade, pe Remember, it's a saving of soc. on every dollar and that's a consider ation worthy of your notice, ; lack, well tailored coats, y justice to yourself to secure one of these garments if you are - Steacy & Steacy ee TTDI TRVLVATVLRVT LV RVBLSVBLEB OS ! - wml a re y An cightiyear-old dawghter of John A man named Luval was shot and very little A young man ereated a seen at the support the The strike at Raku, Trans-Caucasia, The Canadian Niagara Power, com- | thy Mrs. Herman Rylan yo age ighlir of the late |.) ( Money found in the rogues thea 3 tertainment ----ei Arc You Run Down ? Stop--do something. Wade's Iron | Present. H : ap hineral of hi Pills are a tonic," a hlood purifier, a A y ih min Young blood maker, and =» general system J Purcell, of Otten builder. They are what you need, In bi awa, boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's Prug Store ay ith Money back if not satisfactory. Nich it the A good resolution for 1905, or i To try and save money, 4 iil 1 . To . That's why vou should always go | MH TA lew days. to Gibson's Red Cross drag: store, Local option. hy law were carried Hulett township, hamesvill, j dereavement. als -- of far more serioy IRAN baby, of Lyndhurst, pent with his mother, Rev. KF. Chisholm has been. soled tad : by the reformers as Jones; London; was strigk. in the ove ater In 2 : 2 warer in the by a button with Which » was play : January 25th ing and the eye was destroyed, ple want-to send t rliament killed at Cordova. Migeh by his bro _Parisment. now ther, whose rifle struck d tree us he Wik parting i Hhoough be. woo) vr of the poll on the night of the fF rhermor Ol » ons ' Cornwall, to make wp for lasses in a poor season, caught 165,000 fish. Then the boats capsized dnd two lives wore lost. put Rev, PF, Sofith Leeds gave 4 | the referendum, party, or much of it, prohibition, or form, it stands the electors in hand to send 'men Lackebery is very low are no hopes of her recovery. Haskin, confined to his bed the of the time, Harrison is leasing in this place. ager of Harrison's oil a general near future pany has notified thé anthorit hat | spending a few gi Mrs two units totalling 20,000 } pow- | H. C. Davison and Master (Glen are or are in operation in aregfda with {spending the holidavs y the terms of their chartey, rents, Mr, arid Mrs, W, B. dd fifty: | and Mre, and Laishley spent Christma shé"Was leaving a | home of Mrs street ear at the corner of St. Paul and Valier streets, Queboe! Master at the Laishley's parents -- Morton Tidings Morton, Dec, Lyndhurst, Calvin Strath Struthers was the funeral of the lat bbath school held very successfully gramoe provided being enjoyed hy all Young attended Mrs. 89S, spent Chfist bD® H guest of ais brother in John Ward -------- A Lamented Death. Pleasant Valley, Dee. having very good parts at present, war startled by sRighing in these neighborhood the news of the death An Ww to of Mrs, Kerr, wife of the late William ay Cure Kerr, The funeral, which tool place at 4 ' the house, wag well Much Splitting Headaches sympathy is felt for the family in their Ny e ! Sigaworth left { to-day for Lockport, N.Y. where k a; oh intends spending thinking: ty ost arc Mo dite band | pric il Pg the Sigal pads ate sirur)y reste. warning | (ther, K. Kllorbeck, who ha. been ill or some time. The Christmas enter Charles is visiting his ------------ Kidney Losses Stopped. The escape of albumen from the gys {ten is most dangerous is vou may rot know it, rool of the lisp tnd" ROL { 2.; 4¢ Vivi ) enti agik ' A while driving inte Stratford and re TETRIS ceived injuries which way, prove fatal i ee ee -- -- I'he 'thousand dol ar ticket" was PHILLIPSVILLE NEWS. completely vietorions in the Cani- mercial Travellees' | /Associxtion; vee Temperance Should Sup- tian g It is aboiit settled: that Senator port Rev Chisholm. David will move the addres in reply Phillipsvill, Farmers are to the speech from the throne in thy not going year senate, with thar hey The two yéar-old daughter of (oo ure taking advantage of the snow. R Newell, Orwell, was burned 10 death, | C. Haskin's mill yard is fast filling being left alone in the house Jor a | Up with cheese he fow minutes Christmas both The London Times" British trade re. | churches here were well patronized by ports indicated better conditions at | the 'holiday loving public, The dia the close of the year thin thos of the | logues, recitations, and drills were revious vear. well rendered people © S year. 3 : The London Times" Berlifi corr spou- | have had their church painted and dOnt sHYy efforts wee' mailed to reassure | Gecorated; the artistic work is a cre Ys E 81 lit to the Fthel p UG ablic about the condi | ¢ } ; the of pan ph a i on Brown, after spending a few weeks in Hn o vat payers defelitid the Car Westport, visiting friends, has yveturn or payor: , 1 v Clenrge POW A negiv library: bylaw and, voted for o | ™ hone ieorge Brown, wife and Christmas «tandard election If the temperance peo a temperance man is their time, their part will head 25th. arge majority on the' conservative in death again, any who will and there Chester most 5 I store Whitmore, man open town in Downey i Pa Mr from this 22nd on off pro the Ben City, ( are he A { 5 ire. Needlework , is a magazine that everu Is not required to find the significant of our offerings, The store fairly bristles with the remarkably low prices which Such conditions favor the buying looking for a mighty turnout from Wednesday MEN'S STYLISH WINTER OVERCOATS REDUCED FOR THE OCCASION. wom ( REAL NOBBY OVERCOATS that formerly sold a $9 on sale for - - - - -t sold at $10 and $12 on sale for - The troulle Ji, J "oii [ Milt fhe " not VERY FINE OVERCOATS that would be reasonably $7 ; 80 Prinne== 8 Botweon Radden's and % -- No matter what any one i may tell you follow my advice and use this famow silk. It is the Best in the § World. ol should take. Issued 4 times a. year, 96. . beautifully" llustrated, $0°cts per. year. sample sending 15 cents, ws CORMICELLL SILK Co. w ST. Jonns, PQ INAUGURATION OF THE El JANUARY SWEEP SALE $4.50 to $6.50 Dress Skirts--$3.50 Will they sell? They'll simply fly away! 'Best $6.50 Skirts I ever saw ! * was the comment of a cust er who had a peep at them Saturday evening. Certainl they are a wonderful moneys worth. in the season's most favored cloths and effects chosen as our regular $4 50, $5 50 and $6.50 lines from the best samples submitted by a score of com manufacturers. Only a handful remain--not over thirty. in all; your choice of any one of these while they last at the uniform price of - . - . Beautifully Other Lines of Skirts : y at Less Than Common. S PE N C E ' S, The Leading Milline ~and Mantle Store. -- m en extraordinary value that are everywhere appar nt, community, and we arg to Saturday | ABRAMSO, The People's loth nw wb Lu = Te Sl

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